harmony 鸿蒙File Management Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (261)

File Management Subsystem Changelog

cl.filemanagement.1 Change the Filter Type from systemapi to publicapi

Changed the Filter type in @ohos.file.fs from systemapi to publicapi.

Change Impact The compatibility is changed, and there is no impact of the change. Third-party applications can use the Filter type.

cl.filemanagement.2 Change of Watcher APIs from systemapi to publicapi

Changed Watcher-related APIs in @ohos.file.fs from systemapi to publicapi.

Watcher-related APIs are as follows:

API Description
function createWatcher(path: string, events: number, listener: WatchEventListener): Watcher Creates a Watcher object to observe file or directory changes.
interface WatchEventListener Event listening class.
interface WatchEvent Event class.
property WatchEvent.fileName Name of the file for which the event occurs.
property WatchEvent.event Events to observe.
property WatchEvent.cookie Cookie bound with the event.
interface Watcher File or directory object whose changes are observed.
function Watcher.start(): void Starts listening.
function Watcher.stop(): void Stops listening.

Change Impact The compatibility is changed, and there is no impact of the change. Third-party applications can use the capability of file listening.


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