spring-batch DelimitedLineTokenizer 源码
spring-batch DelimitedLineTokenizer 代码
* Copyright 2006-2020 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* A {@link LineTokenizer} implementation that splits the input String on a configurable
* delimiter. This implementation also supports the use of an escape character to escape
* delimiters and line endings.
* @author Rob Harrop
* @author Dave Syer
* @author Michael Minella
* @author Olivier Bourgain
public class DelimitedLineTokenizer extends AbstractLineTokenizer implements InitializingBean {
* Convenient constant for the common case of a tab delimiter.
public static final String DELIMITER_TAB = "\t";
* Convenient constant for the common case of a comma delimiter.
public static final String DELIMITER_COMMA = ",";
* Convenient constant for the common case of a " character used to escape delimiters
* or line endings.
public static final char DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER = '"';
// the delimiter character used when reading input.
private String delimiter;
private char quoteCharacter = DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER;
private String quoteString;
private String escapedQuoteString;
private Collection<Integer> includedFields = null;
* Create a new instance of the {@link DelimitedLineTokenizer} class for the common
* case where the delimiter is a {@link #DELIMITER_COMMA comma}.
* @see #DelimitedLineTokenizer(String)
public DelimitedLineTokenizer() {
* Create a new instance of the {@link DelimitedLineTokenizer} class.
* @param delimiter the desired delimiter. This is required
public DelimitedLineTokenizer(String delimiter) {
Assert.notNull(delimiter, "A delimiter is required");
"[" + DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER + "] is not allowed as delimiter for tokenizers.");
this.delimiter = delimiter;
* Setter for the delimiter character.
* @param delimiter the String used as a delimiter
public void setDelimiter(String delimiter) {
this.delimiter = delimiter;
* The fields to include in the output by position (starting at 0). By default all
* fields are included, but this property can be set to pick out only a few fields
* from a larger set. Note that if field names are provided, their number must match
* the number of included fields.
* @param includedFields the included fields to set
public void setIncludedFields(int... includedFields) {
this.includedFields = new HashSet<>();
for (int i : includedFields) {
* Public setter for the quoteCharacter. The quote character can be used to extend a
* field across line endings or to enclose a String which contains the delimiter.
* Inside a quoted token the quote character can be used to escape itself, thus
* "a""b""c" is tokenized to a"b"c.
* @param quoteCharacter the quoteCharacter to set
public void setQuoteCharacter(char quoteCharacter) {
this.quoteCharacter = quoteCharacter;
this.quoteString = "" + quoteCharacter;
this.escapedQuoteString = "" + quoteCharacter + quoteCharacter;
* Yields the tokens resulting from the splitting of the supplied <code>line</code>.
* @param line the line to be tokenized
* @return the resulting tokens
protected List<String> doTokenize(String line) {
List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<>();
// line is never null in current implementation
// line is checked in parent: AbstractLineTokenizer.tokenize()
boolean inQuoted = false;
int lastCut = 0;
int length = line.length();
int fieldCount = 0;
int endIndexLastDelimiter = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
char currentChar = line.charAt(i);
boolean isEnd = (i == (length - 1));
boolean isDelimiter = endsWithDelimiter(line, i, endIndexLastDelimiter);
if ((isDelimiter && !inQuoted) || isEnd) {
endIndexLastDelimiter = i;
int endPosition = (isEnd ? (length - lastCut) : (i - lastCut));
if (isEnd && isDelimiter) {
endPosition = endPosition - delimiter.length();
else if (!isEnd) {
endPosition = (endPosition - delimiter.length()) + 1;
if (includedFields == null || includedFields.contains(fieldCount)) {
String value = substringWithTrimmedWhitespaceAndQuotesIfQuotesPresent(line, lastCut, endPosition);
if (isEnd && (isDelimiter)) {
if (includedFields == null || includedFields.contains(fieldCount)) {
lastCut = i + 1;
else if (isQuoteCharacter(currentChar)) {
inQuoted = !inQuoted;
return tokens;
* Trim any leading or trailing quotes (and any leading or trailing whitespace before
* or after the quotes) from within the specified character array beginning at the
* specified offset index for the specified count.
* <p/>
* Quotes are escaped with double instances of the quote character.
* @param line the string
* @param offset index from which to begin extracting substring
* @param count length of substring
* @return a substring from the specified offset within the character array with any
* leading or trailing whitespace trimmed.
* @see String#trim()
private String substringWithTrimmedWhitespaceAndQuotesIfQuotesPresent(String line, int offset, int count) {
int start = offset;
int len = count;
while ((start < (start + len - 1)) && (line.charAt(start) <= ' ')) {
while ((start < (start + len))
&& ((start + len - 1 < line.length()) && (line.charAt(start + len - 1) <= ' '))) {
String value;
if ((line.length() >= 2) && isQuoteCharacter(line.charAt(start))
&& isQuoteCharacter(line.charAt(start + len - 1))) {
int beginIndex = start + 1;
int endIndex = len - 2;
value = line.substring(beginIndex, beginIndex + endIndex);
if (value.contains(escapedQuoteString)) {
value = StringUtils.replace(value, escapedQuoteString, quoteString);
else {
value = line.substring(offset, offset + count);
return value;
* Do the character(s) in the specified array end, at the specified end index, with
* the delimiter character(s)?
* <p/>
* Checks that the specified end index is sufficiently greater than the specified
* previous delimiter end index to warrant trying to match another delimiter. Also
* checks that the specified end index is sufficiently large to be able to match the
* length of a delimiter.
* @param line the string
* @param end the index in up to which the delimiter should be matched
* @param previous the index of the end of the last delimiter
* @return <code>true</code> if the character(s) from the specified end match the
* delimiter character(s), otherwise false
* @see DelimitedLineTokenizer#DelimitedLineTokenizer(String)
private boolean endsWithDelimiter(String line, int end, int previous) {
boolean result = false;
if (end - previous >= delimiter.length()) {
if (end >= delimiter.length() - 1) {
result = true;
for (int j = 0; j < delimiter.length() && (((end - delimiter.length() + 1) + j) < line.length()); j++) {
if (delimiter.charAt(j) != line.charAt((end - delimiter.length() + 1) + j)) {
result = false;
return result;
* Is the supplied character a quote character?
* @param c the character to be checked
* @return <code>true</code> if the supplied character is an quote character
* @see #setQuoteCharacter(char)
protected boolean isQuoteCharacter(char c) {
return c == quoteCharacter;
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
Assert.hasLength(this.delimiter, "A delimiter is required");
spring-batch AbstractLineTokenizer 源码
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