greenplumn passwordcheck 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (616)

greenplumn passwordcheck 代码


 * passwordcheck.c
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Author: Laurenz Albe <>
 *	  contrib/passwordcheck/passwordcheck.c
#include "postgres.h"

#include <ctype.h>

#include <crack.h>

#include "commands/user.h"
#include "libpq/crypt.h"
#include "fmgr.h"


/* passwords shorter than this will be rejected */
#define MIN_PWD_LENGTH 8

extern void _PG_init(void);

 * check_password
 * performs checks on an encrypted or unencrypted password
 * ereport's if not acceptable
 * username: name of role being created or changed
 * password: new password (possibly already encrypted)
 * password_type: PASSWORD_TYPE_* code, to indicate if the password is
 *			in plaintext or encrypted form.
 * validuntil_time: password expiration time, as a timestamptz Datum
 * validuntil_null: true if password expiration time is NULL
 * This sample implementation doesn't pay any attention to the password
 * expiration time, but you might wish to insist that it be non-null and
 * not too far in the future.
static void
check_password(const char *username,
			   const char *shadow_pass,
			   PasswordType password_type,
			   Datum validuntil_time,
			   bool validuntil_null)
	if (password_type != PASSWORD_TYPE_PLAINTEXT)
		 * Unfortunately we cannot perform exhaustive checks on encrypted
		 * passwords - we are restricted to guessing. (Alternatively, we could
		 * insist on the password being presented non-encrypted, but that has
		 * its own security disadvantages.)
		 * We only check for username = password.
		char	   *logdetail;

		if (plain_crypt_verify(username, shadow_pass, username, &logdetail) == STATUS_OK)
					 errmsg("password must not equal user name")));
		 * For unencrypted passwords we can perform better checks
		const char *password = shadow_pass;
		int			pwdlen = strlen(password);
		int			i;
		bool		pwd_has_letter,

		/* enforce minimum length */
		if (pwdlen < MIN_PWD_LENGTH)
					 errmsg("password is too short")));

		/* check if the password contains the username */
		if (strstr(password, username))
					 errmsg("password must not contain user name")));

		/* check if the password contains both letters and non-letters */
		pwd_has_letter = false;
		pwd_has_nonletter = false;
		for (i = 0; i < pwdlen; i++)
			 * isalpha() does not work for multibyte encodings but let's
			 * consider non-ASCII characters non-letters
			if (isalpha((unsigned char) password[i]))
				pwd_has_letter = true;
				pwd_has_nonletter = true;
		if (!pwd_has_letter || !pwd_has_nonletter)
					 errmsg("password must contain both letters and nonletters")));

		/* call cracklib to check password */
		if (FascistCheck(password, CRACKLIB_DICTPATH))
					 errmsg("password is easily cracked")));

	/* all checks passed, password is ok */

 * Module initialization function
	/* activate password checks when the module is loaded */
	check_password_hook = check_password;


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