greenplumn CMDAccessor 源码
greenplumn CMDAccessor 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2011 EMC Corp.
// @filename:
// CMDAccessor.h
// @doc:
// Metadata cache accessor.
#ifndef GPOPT_CMDAccessor_H
#define GPOPT_CMDAccessor_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/memory/CCache.h"
#include "gpos/memory/CCacheAccessor.h"
#include "gpopt/engine/CStatisticsConfig.h"
#include "gpopt/mdcache/CMDKey.h"
#include "naucrates/md/CSystemId.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDFunction.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDId.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDProvider.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDType.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/IStatistics.h"
// fwd declarations
namespace gpdxl
class CDXLDatum;
namespace gpmd
class IMDCacheObject;
class IMDRelation;
class IMDRelationExternal;
class IMDScalarOp;
class IMDAggregate;
class IMDTrigger;
class IMDIndex;
class IMDCheckConstraint;
class IMDProvider;
class CMDProviderGeneric;
class IMDColStats;
class IMDRelStats;
class CDXLBucket;
class IMDCast;
class IMDScCmp;
} // namespace gpmd
namespace gpnaucrates
class CHistogram;
class CBucket;
class IStatistics;
} // namespace gpnaucrates
namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
using namespace gpmd;
using MdidPtr = IMDId *;
// @class:
// CMDAccessor
// @doc:
// Gives the optimizer access to metadata information of a particular
// object (e.g., a Table).
// CMDAccessor maintains a cache of metadata objects (IMDCacheObject)
// keyed on CMDKey (wrapper over IMDId). It also provides various accessor
// methods (such as RetrieveAgg(), RetrieveRel() etc.) to request for corresponding
// metadata objects (such as aggregates and relations respectively). These
// methods in turn call the private method GetImdObj().
// GetImdObj() first looks up the object in the MDCache. If no information
// is available in the cache, it goes to a CMDProvider (e.g., GPDB
// relcache or Minidump) to retrieve the required information.
class CMDAccessor
// ccache template for mdcache
using MDCache = CCache<IMDCacheObject *, CMDKey *>;
// element in the hashtable of cache accessors maintained by the MD accessor
struct SMDAccessorElem;
struct SMDProviderElem;
// cache accessor for objects in a MD cache
using CacheAccessorMD = CCacheAccessor<IMDCacheObject *, CMDKey *>;
// hashtable for cache accessors indexed by the md id of the accessed object
using MDHT = CSyncHashtable<SMDAccessorElem, MdidPtr>;
using MDHTAccessor = CSyncHashtableAccessByKey<SMDAccessorElem, MdidPtr>;
// iterator for the cache accessors hashtable
using MDHTIter = CSyncHashtableIter<SMDAccessorElem, MdidPtr>;
using MDHTIterAccessor =
CSyncHashtableAccessByIter<SMDAccessorElem, MdidPtr>;
// hashtable for MD providers indexed by the source system id
using MDPHT = CSyncHashtable<SMDProviderElem, SMDProviderElem>;
using MDPHTAccessor =
CSyncHashtableAccessByKey<SMDProviderElem, SMDProviderElem>;
// iterator for the providers hashtable
using MDPHTIter = CSyncHashtableIter<SMDProviderElem, SMDProviderElem>;
using MDPHTIterAccessor =
CSyncHashtableAccessByIter<SMDProviderElem, SMDProviderElem>;
// element in the cache accessor hashtable maintained by the MD Accessor
struct SMDAccessorElem
// hashed object
IMDCacheObject *m_imd_obj;
// hash key
IMDId *m_mdid;
// generic link
SLink m_link;
// invalid key
static const MdidPtr m_pmdidInvalid;
// ctor
SMDAccessorElem(IMDCacheObject *pimdobj, IMDId *mdid);
// dtor
// hashed object
IMDCacheObject *
return m_imd_obj;
// return the key for this hashtable element
IMDId *MDId() const;
// equality function for hash tables
static BOOL Equals(const MdidPtr &left_mdid, const MdidPtr &right_mdid);
// hash function for cost contexts hash table
static ULONG HashValue(const MdidPtr &mdid);
// element in the MD provider hashtable
struct SMDProviderElem
// source system id
CSystemId m_sysid;
// value of the hashed element
IMDProvider *m_pmdp;
// generic link
SLink m_link;
// invalid key
static const SMDProviderElem m_mdpelemInvalid;
// ctor
SMDProviderElem(CSystemId sysid, IMDProvider *pmdp);
// dtor
// return the MD provider
IMDProvider *Pmdp();
// return the system id
CSystemId Sysid() const;
// equality function for hash tables
static BOOL Equals(const SMDProviderElem &mdpelemLeft,
const SMDProviderElem &mdpelemRight);
// hash function for MD providers hash table
static ULONG HashValue(const SMDProviderElem &mdpelem);
// memory pool
CMemoryPool *m_mp;
// metadata cache
MDCache *m_pcache;
// generic metadata provider
CMDProviderGeneric *m_pmdpGeneric;
// hashtable of cache accessors
MDHT m_shtCacheAccessors;
// hashtable of MD providers
MDPHT m_shtProviders;
// total time consumed in looking up MD objects (including time used to fetch objects from MD provider)
CDouble m_dLookupTime;
// total time consumed in fetching MD objects from MD provider,
// this time is currently dominated by serialization time
CDouble m_dFetchTime;
// interface to a MD cache object
const IMDCacheObject *GetImdObj(IMDId *mdid);
// return the type corresponding to the given type info and source system id
const IMDType *RetrieveType(CSystemId sysid, IMDType::ETypeInfo type_info);
// return the generic type corresponding to the given type info
const IMDType *RetrieveType(IMDType::ETypeInfo type_info);
// destroy accessor element when MDAccessor is destroyed
static void DestroyAccessorElement(SMDAccessorElem *pmdaccelem);
// destroy accessor element when MDAccessor is destroyed
static void DestroyProviderElement(SMDProviderElem *pmdpelem);
// lookup an MD provider by system id
IMDProvider *Pmdp(CSystemId sysid);
// initialize hash tables
void InitHashtables(CMemoryPool *mp);
// return the column statistics meta data object for a given column of a table
const IMDColStats *Pmdcolstats(CMemoryPool *mp, IMDId *rel_mdid,
ULONG ulPos);
// record histogram and width information for a given column of a table
void RecordColumnStats(CMemoryPool *mp, IMDId *rel_mdid, ULONG colid,
ULONG ulPos, BOOL isSystemCol, BOOL isEmptyTable,
UlongToHistogramMap *col_histogram_mapping,
UlongToDoubleMap *colid_width_mapping,
CStatisticsConfig *stats_config);
// construct a stats histogram from an MD column stats object
CHistogram *GetHistogram(CMemoryPool *mp, IMDId *mdid_type,
const IMDColStats *pmdcolstats);
// construct a typed bucket from a DXL bucket
CBucket *Pbucket(CMemoryPool *mp, IMDId *mdid_type,
const CDXLBucket *dxl_bucket);
// construct a typed datum from a DXL bucket
IDatum *GetDatum(CMemoryPool *mp, IMDId *mdid_type,
const CDXLDatum *dxl_datum);
CMDAccessor(const CMDAccessor &) = delete;
// ctors
CMDAccessor(CMemoryPool *mp, MDCache *pcache);
CMDAccessor(CMemoryPool *mp, MDCache *pcache, CSystemId sysid,
IMDProvider *pmdp);
CMDAccessor(CMemoryPool *mp, MDCache *pcache,
const CSystemIdArray *pdrgpsysid,
const CMDProviderArray *pdrgpmdp);
// return MD cache
MDCache *
Pcache() const
return m_pcache;
// register a new MD provider
void RegisterProvider(CSystemId sysid, IMDProvider *pmdp);
// register given MD providers
void RegisterProviders(const CSystemIdArray *pdrgpsysid,
const CMDProviderArray *pdrgpmdp);
// interface to a relation object from the MD cache
const IMDRelation *RetrieveRel(IMDId *mdid);
// interface to type's from the MD cache given the type's mdid
const IMDType *RetrieveType(IMDId *mdid);
// obtain the specified base type given by the template parameter
template <class T>
const T *
IMDType::ETypeInfo type_info = T::GetTypeInfo();
GPOS_ASSERT(IMDType::EtiGeneric != type_info);
return dynamic_cast<const T *>(RetrieveType(type_info));
// obtain the specified base type given by the template parameter
template <class T>
const T *
PtMDType(CSystemId sysid)
IMDType::ETypeInfo type_info = T::GetTypeInfo();
GPOS_ASSERT(IMDType::EtiGeneric != type_info);
return dynamic_cast<const T *>(RetrieveType(sysid, type_info));
// interface to a scalar operator from the MD cache
const IMDScalarOp *RetrieveScOp(IMDId *mdid);
// interface to a function from the MD cache
const IMDFunction *RetrieveFunc(IMDId *mdid);
// interface to check if the window function from the MD cache is an aggregate window function
BOOL FAggWindowFunc(IMDId *mdid);
// interface to an aggregate from the MD cache
const IMDAggregate *RetrieveAgg(IMDId *mdid);
// interface to a trigger from the MD cache
const IMDTrigger *RetrieveTrigger(IMDId *mdid);
// interface to an index from the MD cache
const IMDIndex *RetrieveIndex(IMDId *mdid);
// interface to a check constraint from the MD cache
const IMDCheckConstraint *RetrieveCheckConstraints(IMDId *mdid);
// retrieve a column stats object from the cache
const IMDColStats *Pmdcolstats(IMDId *mdid);
// retrieve a relation stats object from the cache
const IMDRelStats *Pmdrelstats(IMDId *mdid);
// retrieve a cast object from the cache
const IMDCast *Pmdcast(IMDId *mdid_src, IMDId *mdid_dest);
// retrieve a scalar comparison object from the cache
const IMDScCmp *Pmdsccmp(IMDId *left_mdid, IMDId *right_mdid,
IMDType::ECmpType cmp_type);
// construct a statistics object for the columns of the given relation
IStatistics *Pstats(
CMemoryPool *mp, IMDId *rel_mdid,
*pcrsHist, // set of column references for which stats are needed
CColRefSet *
pcrsWidth, // set of column references for which the widths are needed
CStatisticsConfig *stats_config = nullptr);
// serialize object to passed stream
void Serialize(COstream &oos);
// serialize system ids to passed stream
void SerializeSysid(COstream &oos);
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOPT_CMDAccessor_H
// EOF
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