greenplumn tsm_system_time 源码

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greenplumn tsm_system_time 代码


 * tsm_system_time.c
 *	  support routines for SYSTEM_TIME tablesample method
 * The desire here is to produce a random sample with as many rows as possible
 * in no more than the specified amount of time.  We use a block-sampling
 * approach.  To ensure that the whole relation will be visited if necessary,
 * we start at a randomly chosen block and then advance with a stride that
 * is randomly chosen but is relatively prime to the relation's nblocks.
 * Because of the time dependence, this method is necessarily unrepeatable.
 * However, we do what we can to reduce surprising behavior by selecting
 * the sampling pattern just once per query, much as in tsm_system_rows.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  contrib/tsm_system_time/tsm_system_time.c

#include "postgres.h"

#include <math.h>

#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/tsmapi.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "optimizer/cost.h"
#include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
#include "utils/sampling.h"
#include "utils/spccache.h"



/* Private state */
typedef struct
	uint32		seed;			/* random seed */
	double		millis;			/* time limit for sampling */
	instr_time	start_time;		/* scan start time */
	OffsetNumber lt;			/* last tuple returned from current block */
	BlockNumber doneblocks;		/* number of already-scanned blocks */
	BlockNumber lb;				/* last block visited */
	/* these three values are not changed during a rescan: */
	BlockNumber nblocks;		/* number of blocks in relation */
	BlockNumber firstblock;		/* first block to sample from */
	BlockNumber step;			/* step size, or 0 if not set yet */
} SystemTimeSamplerData;

static void system_time_samplescangetsamplesize(PlannerInfo *root,
												RelOptInfo *baserel,
												List *paramexprs,
												BlockNumber *pages,
												double *tuples);
static void system_time_initsamplescan(SampleScanState *node,
									   int eflags);
static void system_time_beginsamplescan(SampleScanState *node,
										Datum *params,
										int nparams,
										uint32 seed);
static BlockNumber system_time_nextsampleblock(SampleScanState *node, BlockNumber nblocks);
static OffsetNumber system_time_nextsampletuple(SampleScanState *node,
												BlockNumber blockno,
												OffsetNumber maxoffset);
static uint32 random_relative_prime(uint32 n, SamplerRandomState randstate);

 * Create a TsmRoutine descriptor for the SYSTEM_TIME method.
	TsmRoutine *tsm = makeNode(TsmRoutine);

	tsm->parameterTypes = list_make1_oid(FLOAT8OID);

	/* See notes at head of file */
	tsm->repeatable_across_queries = false;
	tsm->repeatable_across_scans = false;

	tsm->SampleScanGetSampleSize = system_time_samplescangetsamplesize;
	tsm->InitSampleScan = system_time_initsamplescan;
	tsm->BeginSampleScan = system_time_beginsamplescan;
	tsm->NextSampleBlock = system_time_nextsampleblock;
	tsm->NextSampleTuple = system_time_nextsampletuple;
	tsm->EndSampleScan = NULL;


 * Sample size estimation.
static void
system_time_samplescangetsamplesize(PlannerInfo *root,
									RelOptInfo *baserel,
									List *paramexprs,
									BlockNumber *pages,
									double *tuples)
	Node	   *limitnode;
	double		millis;
	double		spc_random_page_cost;
	double		npages;
	double		ntuples;

	/* Try to extract an estimate for the limit time spec */
	limitnode = (Node *) linitial(paramexprs);
	limitnode = estimate_expression_value(root, limitnode);

	if (IsA(limitnode, Const) &&
		!((Const *) limitnode)->constisnull)
		millis = DatumGetFloat8(((Const *) limitnode)->constvalue);
		if (millis < 0 || isnan(millis))
			/* Default millis if the value is bogus */
			millis = 1000;
		/* Default millis if we didn't obtain a non-null Const */
		millis = 1000;

	/* Get the planner's idea of cost per page read */

	 * Estimate the number of pages we can read by assuming that the cost
	 * figure is expressed in milliseconds.  This is completely, unmistakably
	 * bogus, but we have to do something to produce an estimate and there's
	 * no better answer.
	if (spc_random_page_cost > 0)
		npages = millis / spc_random_page_cost;
		npages = millis;		/* even more bogus, but whatcha gonna do? */

	/* Clamp to sane value */
	npages = clamp_row_est(Min((double) baserel->pages, npages));

	if (baserel->tuples > 0 && baserel->pages > 0)
		/* Estimate number of tuples returned based on tuple density */
		double		density = baserel->tuples / (double) baserel->pages;

		ntuples = npages * density;
		/* For lack of data, assume one tuple per page */
		ntuples = npages;

	/* Clamp to the estimated relation size */
	ntuples = clamp_row_est(Min(baserel->tuples, ntuples));

	*pages = npages;
	*tuples = ntuples;

 * Initialize during executor setup.
static void
system_time_initsamplescan(SampleScanState *node, int eflags)
	node->tsm_state = palloc0(sizeof(SystemTimeSamplerData));
	/* Note the above leaves tsm_state->step equal to zero */

 * Examine parameters and prepare for a sample scan.
static void
system_time_beginsamplescan(SampleScanState *node,
							Datum *params,
							int nparams,
							uint32 seed)
	SystemTimeSamplerData *sampler = (SystemTimeSamplerData *) node->tsm_state;
	double		millis = DatumGetFloat8(params[0]);

	if (millis < 0 || isnan(millis))
				 errmsg("sample collection time must not be negative")));

	sampler->seed = seed;
	sampler->millis = millis;
	sampler->lt = InvalidOffsetNumber;
	sampler->doneblocks = 0;
	/* start_time, lb will be initialized during first NextSampleBlock call */
	/* we intentionally do not change nblocks/firstblock/step here */

 * Select next block to sample.
 * Uses linear probing algorithm for picking next block.
static BlockNumber
system_time_nextsampleblock(SampleScanState *node, BlockNumber nblocks)
	SystemTimeSamplerData *sampler = (SystemTimeSamplerData *) node->tsm_state;
	instr_time	cur_time;

	/* First call within scan? */
	if (sampler->doneblocks == 0)
		/* First scan within query? */
		if (sampler->step == 0)
			/* Initialize now that we have scan descriptor */
			SamplerRandomState randstate;

			/* If relation is empty, there's nothing to scan */
			if (nblocks == 0)
				return InvalidBlockNumber;

			/* We only need an RNG during this setup step */
			sampler_random_init_state(sampler->seed, randstate);

			/* Compute nblocks/firstblock/step only once per query */
			sampler->nblocks = nblocks;

			/* Choose random starting block within the relation */
			/* (Actually this is the predecessor of the first block visited) */
			sampler->firstblock = sampler_random_fract(randstate) *

			/* Find relative prime as step size for linear probing */
			sampler->step = random_relative_prime(sampler->nblocks, randstate);

		/* Reinitialize lb and start_time */
		sampler->lb = sampler->firstblock;

	/* If we've read all blocks in relation, we're done */
	if (++sampler->doneblocks > sampler->nblocks)
		return InvalidBlockNumber;

	/* If we've used up all the allotted time, we're done */
	INSTR_TIME_SUBTRACT(cur_time, sampler->start_time);
	if (INSTR_TIME_GET_MILLISEC(cur_time) >= sampler->millis)
		return InvalidBlockNumber;

	 * It's probably impossible for scan->rs_nblocks to decrease between scans
	 * within a query; but just in case, loop until we select a block number
	 * less than scan->rs_nblocks.  We don't care if scan->rs_nblocks has
	 * increased since the first scan.
		/* Advance lb, using uint64 arithmetic to forestall overflow */
		sampler->lb = ((uint64) sampler->lb + sampler->step) % sampler->nblocks;
	} while (sampler->lb >= nblocks);

	return sampler->lb;

 * Select next sampled tuple in current block.
 * In block sampling, we just want to sample all the tuples in each selected
 * block.
 * When we reach end of the block, return InvalidOffsetNumber which tells
 * SampleScan to go to next block.
static OffsetNumber
system_time_nextsampletuple(SampleScanState *node,
							BlockNumber blockno,
							OffsetNumber maxoffset)
	SystemTimeSamplerData *sampler = (SystemTimeSamplerData *) node->tsm_state;
	OffsetNumber tupoffset = sampler->lt;

	/* Advance to next possible offset on page */
	if (tupoffset == InvalidOffsetNumber)
		tupoffset = FirstOffsetNumber;

	/* Done? */
	if (tupoffset > maxoffset)
		tupoffset = InvalidOffsetNumber;

	sampler->lt = tupoffset;

	return tupoffset;

 * Compute greatest common divisor of two uint32's.
static uint32
gcd(uint32 a, uint32 b)
	uint32		c;

	while (a != 0)
		c = a;
		a = b % a;
		b = c;

	return b;

 * Pick a random value less than and relatively prime to n, if possible
 * (else return 1).
static uint32
random_relative_prime(uint32 n, SamplerRandomState randstate)
	uint32		r;

	/* Safety check to avoid infinite loop or zero result for small n. */
	if (n <= 1)
		return 1;

	 * This should only take 2 or 3 iterations as the probability of 2 numbers
	 * being relatively prime is ~61%; but just in case, we'll include a
	 * CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS in the loop.
		r = (uint32) (sampler_random_fract(randstate) * n);
	} while (r == 0 || gcd(r, n) > 1);

	return r;


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