greenplumn s3conf 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (604)

greenplumn s3conf 代码


#include "s3conf.h"
#include "s3macros.h"
#include "s3params.h"

#include <arpa/inet.h>

extern "C" {
void write_log(const char* fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));

// For GpIdentity
extern "C" {
#include "c.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
extern int getgpsegmentCount(void);
extern char *DataDir;

// configurable parameters
int32_t s3ext_segid = -1;
int32_t s3ext_segnum = -1;

string s3ext_logserverhost;
int32_t s3ext_loglevel = EXT_WARNING;
int32_t s3ext_logtype = INTERNAL_LOG;
int32_t s3ext_logserverport = -1;
int32_t s3ext_logsock_udp = -1;
struct sockaddr_in s3ext_logserveraddr;

S3Params InitConfig(const string& urlWithOptions) {
    s3ext_segid = 0;
    s3ext_segnum = 1;
    s3ext_segid = GpIdentity.segindex;
    s3ext_segnum = getgpsegmentCount();

    if (s3ext_segid == -1 && s3ext_segnum > 0) {
        s3ext_segid = 0;
        s3ext_segnum = 1;

    string urlWithOptionsProcessed = ReplaceNewlineWithSpace(urlWithOptions);

    string sourceUrl = TruncateOptions(urlWithOptionsProcessed);
    S3_CHECK_OR_DIE(!sourceUrl.empty(), S3RuntimeError, "URL not found from location string");

    string httpUrl = GetOptS3(urlWithOptionsProcessed, "config_server");
    string configPath = GetOptS3(urlWithOptionsProcessed, "config");
    if (configPath.empty()) {
        S3WARN("The 'config' parameter is not provided, use default value 's3/s3.conf'.");
        configPath = "s3/s3.conf";

    string configSection = GetOptS3(urlWithOptionsProcessed, "section");
    if (configSection.empty()) {
        configSection = "default";

    // region could be empty
    string urlRegion = GetOptS3(urlWithOptionsProcessed, "region");

    // read configurations from file

#if !defined(S3_STANDALONE)
    Config s3Cfg(configPath, httpUrl, DataDir);
    Config s3Cfg(configPath);

    S3_CHECK_OR_DIE(s3Cfg.Handle() != NULL, S3RuntimeError,
                    "Failed to parse config file '" + configPath + "', or it doesn't exist(or http failed)");

    S3_CHECK_OR_DIE(s3Cfg.SectionExist(configSection), S3ConfigError,
                    "Selected section '" + configSection +
                        "' does not exist, please check your configuration file",

    bool useHttps = s3Cfg.GetBool(configSection, "encryption", "true");

    string version = s3Cfg.Get(configSection, "version", "");

    S3Params params(sourceUrl, useHttps, version, urlRegion);

    string content = s3Cfg.Get(configSection, "loglevel", "WARNING");
    s3ext_loglevel = getLogLevel(content.c_str());

    content = s3Cfg.Get(configSection, "logtype", "INTERNAL");
    s3ext_logtype = getLogType(content.c_str());

    params.setDebugCurl(s3Cfg.GetBool(configSection, "debug_curl", "false"));

    string accessId = s3Cfg.Get(configSection, "accessid", "");
    string secret = s3Cfg.Get(configSection, "secret", "");
    if(accessId.empty() && secret.empty())
        S3WARN("Both accessid and secret are empty in s3 config file, try to read default aws credentials.");
        GetAwsProfileInfo(configSection, accessId, secret);
    params.setCred(accessId, secret, s3Cfg.Get(configSection, "token", ""));

    s3ext_logserverhost = s3Cfg.Get(configSection, "logserverhost", "");

    s3ext_logserverport = s3Cfg.SafeScan("logserverport", configSection, 1111, 1, 65535);

    int64_t numOfChunks = s3Cfg.SafeScan("threadnum", configSection, 4, 1, 8);

    int64_t chunkSize = s3Cfg.SafeScan("chunksize", configSection, 64 * 1024 * 1024,
                                       8 * 1024 * 1024, 128 * 1024 * 1024);

    int64_t lowSpeedLimit = s3Cfg.SafeScan("low_speed_limit", configSection, 10240, 0, INT_MAX);

    int64_t lowSpeedTime = s3Cfg.SafeScan("low_speed_time", configSection, 60, 0, INT_MAX);

    params.setProxy(s3Cfg.Get(configSection, "proxy", ""));

    params.setAutoCompress(s3Cfg.GetBool(configSection, "autocompress", "true"));

    params.setVerifyCert(s3Cfg.GetBool(configSection, "verifycert", "true"));

    string sse_type = s3Cfg.Get(configSection, "server_side_encryption", "");
    if (sse_type == "sse-s3") {
    } else {

    params.setGpcheckcloud_newline(s3Cfg.Get(configSection, "gpcheckcloud_newline", "\n"));


    return params;

void GetAwsProfileInfo(const string configSection, string& accessId, string& secret)
    string home(getenv("HOME"));
    string configPath = home + "/.aws/credentials";
    Config awsCfg(configPath);
    S3_CHECK_OR_DIE(awsCfg.Handle() != NULL, S3RuntimeError,
                    "Failed to parse aws credentials file '" + configPath + "', or it doesn't exist(or http failed)");
    S3_CHECK_OR_DIE(awsCfg.SectionExist(configSection), S3ConfigError,
                    "Selected section '" + configSection +
                    "' does not exist, please check your aws credentials file",
    accessId = awsCfg.Get(configSection, "aws_access_key_id", "");
    secret = awsCfg.Get(configSection, "aws_secret_access_key", "");   

void CheckEssentialConfig(const S3Params& params) {
    if (params.getCred().accessID.empty()) {
        S3_CHECK_OR_DIE(false, S3ConfigError, "\"FATAL: access id not set\"", "accessid");

    if (params.getCred().secret.empty()) {
        S3_CHECK_OR_DIE(false, S3ConfigError, "\"FATAL: secret id not set\"", "secret");

    if (s3ext_segnum <= 0) {
        S3_CHECK_OR_DIE(false, S3ConfigError, "\"FATAL: segment info is invalid\"", "segment");

    string newline = params.getGpcheckcloud_newline();
    if ("\n") &&"\r\n") &&"\r")) {
        S3_CHECK_OR_DIE(false, S3ConfigError, "\"FATAL: gpcheckcloud_newline is invalid\"\"",


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