spring-loaded CurrentLiveVersion 源码

  • 2022-08-16
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spring-loaded CurrentLiveVersion 代码


 * Copyright 2010-2012 VMware and contributors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springsource.loaded;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode;

 * Captures the information about the reloaded parts of a type that vary each time a new version is loaded.
 * @author Andy Clement
 * @since 0.5.0
public class CurrentLiveVersion {

	private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CurrentLiveVersion.class.getName());

	// Which reloadable type this represents the live version of
	final ReloadableType reloadableType;

	// Type descriptor for this live version
	final TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor;

	// 'stamp' (i.e. suffix) for this version
	final String versionstamp;

	public final IncrementalTypeDescriptor incrementalTypeDescriptor;

	String dispatcherName;

	byte[] dispatcher;

	Class<?> dispatcherClass;

	Object dispatcherInstance;

	String executorName;

	byte[] executor;

	Class<?> executorClass;

	TypeDelta typeDelta;

	private Method staticInitializer;

	private boolean haveLookedForStaticInitializer;

	public boolean staticInitializedNeedsRerunningOnDefine = false;

	public CurrentLiveVersion(ReloadableType reloadableType, String versionstamp, byte[] newbytedata) {
		if (GlobalConfiguration.logging && log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
			log.entering("CurrentLiveVersion", "<init>", " new version of " + reloadableType.getName()
					+ " loaded, version stamp '"
					+ versionstamp + "'");
		this.reloadableType = reloadableType;
		this.typeDescriptor = reloadableType.getTypeRegistry().getExtractor().extract(newbytedata, true);
		this.versionstamp = versionstamp;

		if (GlobalConfiguration.assertsMode) {
			if (!this.typeDescriptor.getName().equals(reloadableType.typedescriptor.getName())) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("New version has wrong name.  Expected "
						+ reloadableType.typedescriptor.getName()
						+ " but was " + typeDescriptor.getName());

		newbytedata = GlobalConfiguration.callsideRewritingOn ? MethodInvokerRewriter.rewrite(
				newbytedata) : newbytedata;

		this.incrementalTypeDescriptor = new IncrementalTypeDescriptor(reloadableType.typedescriptor);

		// Executors for interfaces simply hold annotations
		this.executor = reloadableType.getTypeRegistry().executorBuilder.createFor(reloadableType, versionstamp,

		if (GlobalConfiguration.classesToDump != null
				&& GlobalConfiguration.classesToDump.contains(reloadableType.getSlashedName())) {
			Utils.dump(Utils.getExecutorName(reloadableType.getName(), versionstamp).replace('.', '/'), this.executor);
		if (!typeDescriptor.isInterface()) {
			this.dispatcherName = Utils.getDispatcherName(reloadableType.getName(), versionstamp);
			this.executorName = Utils.getExecutorName(reloadableType.getName(), versionstamp);
			this.dispatcher = DispatcherBuilder.createFor(reloadableType, incrementalTypeDescriptor, versionstamp);

	 * Defines this version. Called up front but can also be called later if the ChildClassLoader in a type registry is
	 * discarded and recreated.
	public void define() {
		staticInitializer = null;
		haveLookedForStaticInitializer = false;
		// DEFAULT METHODS - remove the if
		if (!typeDescriptor.isInterface()) {
			try {
				dispatcherClass = reloadableType.typeRegistry.defineClass(dispatcherName, dispatcher, false);
			catch (RuntimeException t) {
				// TODO check for something strange.  something to do with the file detection misbehaving, see the same file attempted to be reloaded twice...
				if (t.getMessage().indexOf("duplicate class definition") == -1) {
					throw t;
				else {
		try {
			executorClass = reloadableType.typeRegistry.defineClass(executorName, executor, false);
		catch (RuntimeException t) {
			// TODO check for something strange.  something to do with the file detection misbehaving, see the same file attempted to be reloaded twice...
			if (t.getMessage().indexOf("duplicate class definition") == -1) {
				throw t;
			else {
		// DEFAULT METHODS - remove the if
		if (!typeDescriptor.isInterface()) {
			try {
				dispatcherInstance = dispatcherClass.newInstance();
			catch (InstantiationException e) {
				throw new RuntimeException("Unable to build dispatcher class instance", e);
			catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
				throw new RuntimeException("Unable to build dispatcher class instance", e);

	public MethodMember getReloadableMethod(String name, String descriptor) {
		// Look through the methods on the latest loaded version and find the method we want
		MethodMember[] methods = incrementalTypeDescriptor.getLatestTypeDescriptor().getMethods();
		for (MethodMember rmethod : methods) {
			if (rmethod.getName().equals(name)) {
				if (descriptor.equals(rmethod.getDescriptor())) {
					return rmethod;
		return null;

	// TODO should be caching the result in the MethodMember objects for speed
	public Method getExecutorMethod(MethodMember methodMember) {
		String executorDescriptor;
		String name;

		//What to search for:
		if (methodMember.isConstructor()) {
			name = Constants.mInitializerName;
		else {
			name = methodMember.getName();
		executorDescriptor = getExecutorDescriptor(methodMember);

		//Search for it:
		if (executorClass != null) {
			Method[] executorMethods = executorClass.getDeclaredMethods();
			for (Method executor : executorMethods) {
				if (executor.getName().equals(name) && Type.getMethodDescriptor(executor).equals(executorDescriptor)) {
					return executor;
		return null;

	private String getExecutorDescriptor(MethodMember methodMember) {
		Type[] params = Type.getArgumentTypes(methodMember.getDescriptor());
		Type[] newParametersArray = params;
		if (!methodMember.isStatic()) {
			newParametersArray = new Type[params.length + 1];
			System.arraycopy(params, 0, newParametersArray, 1, params.length);
			newParametersArray[0] = Type.getType(reloadableType.getClazz());
		String executorDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.getReturnType(methodMember.getDescriptor()),
		return executorDescriptor;

	public String toString() {
		return "CurrentLiveVersion [reloadableType=" + reloadableType + ", typeDescriptor=" + typeDescriptor
				+ ", versionstamp="
				+ versionstamp + ", dispatcherName=" + dispatcherName + ", executorName=" + executorName + "]";

	public Class<?> getExecutorClass() {
		return executorClass;

	public String getVersionStamp() {
		return versionstamp;

	public Field getExecutorField(String name) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException {
		return executorClass.getDeclaredField(name);

	public TypeDelta getTypeDelta() {
		return typeDelta;

	public void setTypeDelta(TypeDelta td) {
		typeDelta = td;

	public boolean hasClinit() {
		return typeDescriptor.hasClinit();

	public boolean hasConstructorChanged(String descriptor) {
		MethodMember mm = typeDescriptor.getConstructor(descriptor);
		return hasConstructorChanged(mm);

	public boolean hasConstructorChanged(MethodMember mm) {
		if (mm == null) {
			return true;
		// need to look at the delta
		if (typeDelta.haveMethodsChangedOrBeenAddedOrRemoved()) {
			if (typeDelta.haveMethodsChanged()) {
				MethodDelta md = typeDelta.changedMethods.get(mm.name + mm.descriptor);
				if (md != null) {
					return true;
			if (typeDelta.haveMethodsBeenAdded()) {
				MethodNode mn = typeDelta.brandNewMethods.get(mm.name + mm.descriptor);
				if (mn != null) {
					return true;
			if (typeDelta.haveMethodsBeenDeleted()) {
				MethodNode mn = typeDelta.lostMethods.get(mm.name + mm.descriptor);
				if (mn != null) {
					return true;
		return false;

	// TODO can we speed this up?
	public boolean hasConstructorChanged(int ctorId) {
		// need to find the constructor that id is for
		MethodMember mm = typeDescriptor.getConstructor(ctorId);
		return hasConstructorChanged(mm);

	public void clearClassloaderLinks() {
		this.executorClass = null;
		this.dispatcherClass = null;

	public void reloadMostRecentDispatcherAndExecutor() {

	public Object getDispatcherInstance() {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return null;

	public void runStaticInitializer() {
		if (!haveLookedForStaticInitializer) {
			try {
				staticInitializer = this.getExecutorClass().getDeclaredMethod(Constants.mStaticInitializerName);
			catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
				// some types don't have a static initializer, that is OK
			haveLookedForStaticInitializer = true;
		if (staticInitializer != null) {
			try {
			catch (Exception e) {
				log.severe("Unexpected exception whilst trying to call the static initializer on "
						+ this.reloadableType.getName());
				e.printStackTrace(); // TODO remove when happy


spring-loaded 源码目录


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