greenplumn cdbsubselect 源码
greenplumn cdbsubselect 代码
* cdbsubselect.c
* Flattens subqueries, transforms them to joins.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
* src/backend/cdb/cdbsubselect.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
#include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
#include "optimizer/subselect.h" /* convert_testexpr() */
#include "optimizer/tlist.h"
#include "optimizer/prep.h" /* canonicalize_qual() */
#include "parser/parse_oper.h" /* make_op() */
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "parser/parse_relation.h" /* addRangeTableEntryForSubquery() */
#include "parser/parsetree.h" /* rt_fetch() */
#include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h" /* get_op_btree_interpretation() */
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "cdb/cdbsubselect.h" /* me */
#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
#include "cdb/cdbpullup.h"
static int add_expr_subquery_rte(Query *parse, Query *subselect);
static JoinExpr *make_join_expr(Node *larg, int r_rtindex, int join_type);
static Node *make_lasj_quals(PlannerInfo *root, SubLink *sublink, int subquery_indx);
static Node *add_null_match_clause(Node *clause);
typedef struct NonNullableVarsContext
Query *query; /* Query in question. */
List *varsToCheck; /* Vars to check when walking to RTE */
List *nonNullableVars; /* Known non-nullable vars */
} NonNullableVarsContext;
typedef struct FindAllVarsContext
List *rtable;
List *vars;
} FindAllVarsContext;
* Walker that performs the following tasks:
* - It checks if a given expr is "safe" to be pulled up to be a join
* - Extracts out the vars from the outer query in the qual in order
* - Extracts out the vars from the inner query in the qual in order
typedef struct ConvertSubqueryToJoinContext
bool safeToConvert; /* Can correlated expression subquery be
* pulled up? */
Node *joinQual; /* Qual to employ to join subquery */
Node *innerQual; /* Qual to leave behind in subquery */
List *targetList; /* targetlist for subquery */
List *groupClause; /* grouping clause for subquery */
} ConvertSubqueryToJoinContext;
static void ProcessSubqueryToJoin(Query *subselect, ConvertSubqueryToJoinContext *context);
static void ProcessSubqueryToJoin_walker(Node *jtree, ConvertSubqueryToJoinContext *context);
static void SubqueryToJoinWalker(Node *node, ConvertSubqueryToJoinContext *context);
static void RemoveInnerJoinQuals(Query *subselect);
static void RemoveInnerJoinQuals_walker(Node *jtree);
static bool cdb_find_nonnullable_vars_walker(Node *node, NonNullableVarsContext *context);
static bool is_attribute_nonnullable(Oid relationOid, AttrNumber attrNumber);
static List *fetch_targetlist_exprs(List *targetlist);
static List *fetch_outer_exprs(Node *testexpr);
static bool is_exprs_nullable(Node *exprs, Query *query);
static bool is_exprs_nullable_internal(Node *exprs, List *nonnullable_vars, List *rtable);
static List *cdb_find_all_vars(Node *exprs, List *rtable);
static bool cdb_find_all_vars_walker(Node *node, FindAllVarsContext *context);
static Var *cdb_map_to_base_var(Var *var, List *rtable);
#define DUMMY_COLUMN_NAME "zero"
* Initialize context.
static void
InitConvertSubqueryToJoinContext(ConvertSubqueryToJoinContext *ctx)
ctx->safeToConvert = true;
ctx->joinQual = NULL;
ctx->innerQual = NULL;
ctx->groupClause = NIL;
ctx->targetList = NIL;
* Process correlated opexpr of the form foo(outer.var) OP bar(inner.var). Extracts
* bar(inner.var) as innerExpr.
* Returns true, if this is not a compatible correlated opexpr.
static bool
IsCorrelatedOpExpr(OpExpr *opexp, Expr **innerExpr)
Expr *e1;
Expr *e2;
if (list_length(opexp->args) != 2)
return false;
e1 = (Expr *) list_nth(opexp->args, 0);
e2 = (Expr *) list_nth(opexp->args, 1);
* One of the vars must be outer, and other must be inner.
if (contain_vars_of_level((Node *) e1, 1) &&
!contain_vars_of_level((Node *) e1, 0) &&
contain_vars_of_level((Node *) e2, 0) &&
!contain_vars_of_level((Node *) e2, 1))
*innerExpr = (Expr *) copyObject(e2);
return true;
if (contain_vars_of_level((Node *) e1, 0) &&
!contain_vars_of_level((Node *) e1, 1) &&
contain_vars_of_level((Node *) e2, 1) &&
!contain_vars_of_level((Node *) e2, 0))
*innerExpr = (Expr *) copyObject(e1);
return true;
return false;
* Checks if an opexpression is of the form (foo(outervar) = bar(innervar))
* Input:
* opexp - op expression
* Output:
* returns true if correlated equality condition
* *innerExpr - points to the inner expr i.e. bar(innervar) in the condition
* *eqOp and *sortOp - equality and < operators, to implement the condition as a mergejoin.
static bool
IsCorrelatedEqualityOpExpr(OpExpr *opexp, Expr **innerExpr, Oid *eqOp, Oid *sortOp, bool *hashable)
Oid opfamily;
Oid ltype;
Oid rtype;
List *l;
Assert(list_length(opexp->args) > 1);
* If this is an expression of the form a = b, then we want to know about
* the vars involved.
if (!op_mergejoinable(opexp->opno, exprType(linitial(opexp->args))))
return false;
* Arbitrarily use the first operator family containing the operator that
* we can find.
l = get_mergejoin_opfamilies(opexp->opno);
if (l == NIL)
return false;
opfamily = linitial_oid(l);
* Look up the correct sort operator from the chosen opfamily.
ltype = exprType(linitial(opexp->args));
rtype = exprType(lsecond(opexp->args));
*eqOp = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, ltype, rtype, BTEqualStrategyNumber);
if (!OidIsValid(*eqOp)) /* should not happen */
elog(ERROR, "could not find member %d(%u,%u) of opfamily %u",
BTEqualStrategyNumber, ltype, rtype, opfamily);
*sortOp = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, ltype, rtype, BTLessStrategyNumber);
if (!OidIsValid(*sortOp)) /* should not happen */
elog(ERROR, "could not find member %d(%u,%u) of opfamily %u",
BTLessStrategyNumber, ltype, rtype, opfamily);
*hashable = op_hashjoinable(*eqOp, ltype);
if (!IsCorrelatedOpExpr(opexp, innerExpr))
return false;
return true;
* Process subquery to extract useful information to be able to convert it to
* a join.
* This scans the join tree, and verifies that it consists entirely of inner
* joins. The inner joins can be represented as explicit JOIN_INNER JoinExprs*
* or as FromExprs. All the join quals are collected in context->innerQual.
* context->safeToConvert must be 'true' on entry. This sets it to false if
* there are any non-inner joins in the tree.
static void
ProcessSubqueryToJoin(Query *subselect, ConvertSubqueryToJoinContext *context)
ProcessSubqueryToJoin_walker((Node *) subselect->jointree, context);
static void
ProcessSubqueryToJoin_walker(Node *jtree, ConvertSubqueryToJoinContext *context)
if (IsA(jtree, JoinExpr))
JoinExpr *je = (JoinExpr *) jtree;
* If subselect's join tree is not a plain relation or an inner join,
* we refuse to convert.
if (je->jointype != JOIN_INNER)
context->safeToConvert = false;
ProcessSubqueryToJoin_walker(je->larg, context);
if (!context->safeToConvert)
ProcessSubqueryToJoin_walker(je->rarg, context);
if (!context->safeToConvert)
SubqueryToJoinWalker(je->quals, context);
else if (IsA(jtree, FromExpr))
FromExpr *fe = (FromExpr *) jtree;
ListCell *lc;
foreach(lc, fe->fromlist)
ProcessSubqueryToJoin_walker(lfirst(lc), context);
if (!context->safeToConvert)
SubqueryToJoinWalker(fe->quals, context);
else if (IsA(jtree, RangeTblRef))
/* nothing to do */
elog(ERROR, "unexpected node of type %d in join tree", jtree->type);
* Wipe out join quals i.e. top-level where clause and any quals in the top-level inner join.
static void
RemoveInnerJoinQuals(Query *subselect)
RemoveInnerJoinQuals_walker((Node *) subselect->jointree);
static void
RemoveInnerJoinQuals_walker(Node *jtree)
if (IsA(jtree, JoinExpr))
JoinExpr *je = (JoinExpr *) jtree;
* We already checked in ProcessSubqueryToJoin() that there
* are no outer joins, but doesn't hurt to check again.
if (je->jointype != JOIN_INNER)
elog(ERROR, "unexpected join type encountered while converting subquery to join");
je->quals = NULL;
else if (IsA(jtree, FromExpr))
FromExpr *fe = (FromExpr *) jtree;
ListCell *lc;
foreach(lc, fe->fromlist)
fe->quals = NULL;
else if (IsA(jtree, RangeTblRef))
/* nothing to do */
elog(ERROR, "unexpected node of type %d in join tree", jtree->type);
* This method recursively walks down the quals of an expression subquery to see if it can be pulled up to a join
* and constructs the pieces necessary to perform the pullup.
* E.g. SELECT * FROM outer o WHERE o.a < (SELECT avg(i.x) FROM inner i WHERE o.b = i.y)
* This extracts interesting pieces of the subquery so as to create SELECT i.y, avg(i.x) from inner i GROUP by i.y
static void
SubqueryToJoinWalker(Node *node, ConvertSubqueryToJoinContext *context)
if (node == NULL)
if (IsA(node, BoolExpr))
* Be extremely conservative. If there are any outer vars under an or or a not expression, then give up.
if (is_notclause(node)
|| is_orclause(node))
if (contain_vars_of_level_or_above(node, 1))
context->safeToConvert = false;
context->innerQual = make_and_qual(context->innerQual, node);
BoolExpr *bexp = (BoolExpr *) node;
ListCell *lc = NULL;
foreach(lc, bexp->args)
Node *arg = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
* If there is an outer var anywhere in the boolean expression, walk recursively.
if (contain_vars_of_level_or_above(arg, 1))
SubqueryToJoinWalker(arg, context);
if (!context->safeToConvert)
* This qual should be part of the subquery's inner qual.
context->innerQual = make_and_qual(context->innerQual, arg);
* If this is a correlated opexpression, we'd need to look inside.
else if (contain_vars_of_level_or_above(node, 1) && IsA(node, OpExpr))
OpExpr *opexp = (OpExpr *) node;
* If this is an expression of the form foo(outervar) = bar(innervar), then we want to know about the inner expression.
Oid eqOp = InvalidOid;
Oid sortOp = InvalidOid;
bool hashable = false;
Expr *innerExpr = NULL;
bool considerOpExpr = false;
considerOpExpr = IsCorrelatedEqualityOpExpr(opexp, &innerExpr, &eqOp, &sortOp, &hashable);
if (considerOpExpr)
TargetEntry *tle;
SortGroupClause *gc;
tle = makeTargetEntry(innerExpr,
list_length(context->targetList) + 1,
tle->ressortgroupref = list_length(context->targetList) + 1;
context->targetList = lappend(context->targetList, tle);
gc = makeNode(SortGroupClause);
gc->tleSortGroupRef = list_length(context->groupClause) + 1;
gc->eqop = eqOp;
gc->sortop = sortOp;
gc->hashable = hashable;
context->groupClause = lappend(context->groupClause, gc);
Assert(list_length(context->groupClause) == list_length(context->targetList));
context->joinQual = make_and_qual(context->joinQual, (Node *) opexp);
* Correlated join expression contains incompatible operators. Not safe to convert.
context->safeToConvert = false;
else if (contain_vars_of_level_or_above(node, 1))
* This is a correlated expression, but we don't know how to deal with
* it. Give up.
context->safeToConvert = false;
* Safe to convert expr sublink to a join
static bool
safe_to_convert_EXPR(SubLink *sublink, ConvertSubqueryToJoinContext *ctx1)
Query *subselect = (Query *) sublink->subselect;
if (subselect->jointree->fromlist == NULL)
return false;
if (expression_returns_set((Node *) subselect->targetList))
return false;
/* No set operations in the subquery */
if (subselect->setOperations)
return false;
* If there are no correlations in the WHERE clause, then don't bother.
if (!IsSubqueryCorrelated(subselect))
return false;
* If deeply correlated, don't bother.
if (IsSubqueryMultiLevelCorrelated(subselect))
return false;
* If there are correlations in a func expr in the from clause, then don't bother.
if (has_correlation_in_funcexpr_rte(subselect->rtable))
return false;
* If there is a having qual, then don't bother.
if (subselect->havingQual != NULL)
return false;
* If it does not have aggs, then don't bother. This could result in a run-time error.
if (!subselect->hasAggs)
return false;
* A LIMIT or OFFSET could interfere with the transformation of the
* correlated qual to GROUP BY. (LIMIT >0 in a subquery that contains a
* plain aggregate is actually a no-op, so we could try to remove it,
* but it doesn't seem worth the trouble to optimize queries with
* pointless limits like that.)
if (subselect->limitOffset || subselect->limitCount)
return false;
* Cannot support grouping clause in subselect.
if (subselect->groupClause)
return false;
* If targetlist of the subquery does not contain exactly one element, don't bother.
if (list_length(subselect->targetList) != 1)
return false;
* Walk the quals of the subquery to do a more fine grained check as to whether this subquery
* may be pulled up. Identify useful fragments to construct join condition if possible to pullup.
ProcessSubqueryToJoin(subselect, ctx1);
* There should be no outer vars in innerQual
Assert(!contain_vars_of_level_or_above(ctx1->innerQual, 1));
return ctx1->safeToConvert;
* convert_EXPR_to_join
* Method attempts to convert an EXPR_SUBLINK of the form select * from T where a > (select 10*avg(x) from R where T.b=R.y)
JoinExpr *
convert_EXPR_to_join(PlannerInfo *root, OpExpr *opexp)
Assert(list_length(opexp->args) == 2);
Node *rarg = list_nth(opexp->args, 1);
Assert(IsA(rarg, SubLink));
SubLink *sublink = (SubLink *) rarg;
ConvertSubqueryToJoinContext ctx1;
if (safe_to_convert_EXPR(sublink, &ctx1))
Query *subselect = (Query *) copyObject(sublink->subselect);
Assert(IsA(subselect, Query));
* Original subselect must have a single output column (e.g. 10*avg(x) )
Assert(list_length(subselect->targetList) == 1);
* To pull up the subquery, we need to construct a new "Query" object that has grouping
* columns extracted from the correlated join predicate and the extra column from the subquery's
* targetlist.
TargetEntry *origSubqueryTLE = (TargetEntry *) list_nth(subselect->targetList, 0);
List *subselectTargetList = (List *) copyObject(ctx1.targetList);
subselectTargetList = add_to_flat_tlist(subselectTargetList, list_make1(origSubqueryTLE->expr));
subselect->targetList = subselectTargetList;
subselect->groupClause = ctx1.groupClause;
subselect->jointree->quals = ctx1.innerQual;
* Construct a new range table entry for the new pulled up subquery.
int rteIndex = add_expr_subquery_rte(root->parse, subselect);
Assert(rteIndex > 0);
* Construct the join expression involving the new pulled up subselect.
JoinExpr *join_expr = make_join_expr(NULL, rteIndex, JOIN_INNER);
Node *joinQual = ctx1.joinQual;
* Make outer ones regular and regular ones correspond to rteIndex
joinQual = (Node *) cdbpullup_expr((Expr *) joinQual, subselect->targetList, NULL, rteIndex);
IncrementVarSublevelsUp(joinQual, -1, 1);
join_expr->quals = joinQual;
TargetEntry *subselectAggTLE = (TargetEntry *) list_nth(subselect->targetList, list_length(subselect->targetList) - 1);
* modify the op expr to involve the column that has the computed aggregate that needs to compared.
Var *aggVar = (Var *) makeVar(rteIndex,
exprType((Node *) subselectAggTLE->expr),
exprTypmod((Node *) subselectAggTLE->expr),
exprCollation((Node *) subselectAggTLE->expr),
list_nth_replace(opexp->args, 1, aggVar);
return join_expr;
return NULL;
/* NOTIN subquery transformation -start */
/* check if NOT IN conversion to antijoin is possible */
static bool
safe_to_convert_NOTIN(SubLink *sublink, Relids available_rels)
Query *subselect = (Query *) sublink->subselect;
Relids left_varnos;
/* cases we don't currently handle are listed below. */
/* ARRAY sublinks have empty test expressions */
if (sublink->testexpr == NULL)
return false;
/* No volatile functions in the subquery */
if (contain_volatile_functions(sublink->testexpr))
return false;
* If there are correlations in a func expr in the from clause, then don't bother.
if (has_correlation_in_funcexpr_rte(subselect->rtable))
return false;
/* Left-hand expressions must contain some Vars of the current */
left_varnos = pull_varnos(sublink->testexpr);
if (bms_is_empty(left_varnos))
return false;
* However, it can't refer to anything outside available_rels.
if (!bms_is_subset(left_varnos, available_rels))
return false;
/* Correlation - subquery referencing Vars of parent not handled */
if (contain_vars_of_level((Node *) subselect, 1))
return false;
/* No set operations in the subquery */
if (subselect->setOperations)
return false;
return true;
* Find if the supplied targetlist has any resjunk
* entries. We only have to check the tail since
* resjunks (if any) can only appear in the end.
inline static bool
has_resjunk(List *tlist)
bool resjunk = false;
Node *tlnode = (Node *) (lfirst(tlist->tail));
if (IsA(tlnode, TargetEntry))
TargetEntry *te = (TargetEntry *) tlnode;
if (te->resjunk)
resjunk = true;
return resjunk;
/* add a dummy constant var to the end of the supplied list */
static List *
add_dummy_const(List *tlist)
TargetEntry *dummy;
Const *zconst;
int resno;
zconst = makeConst(INT4OID, -1, InvalidOid, sizeof(int32), (Datum) 0,
false, true); /* isnull, byval */
resno = list_length(tlist) + 1;
dummy = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) zconst,
false /* resjunk */ );
if (tlist == NIL)
tlist = list_make1(dummy);
tlist = lappend(tlist, dummy);
return tlist;
/* Add a dummy variable to the supplied target list. The
* variable is added to end of targetlist but before all
* resjunk vars (if any). The caller should make use of
* the returned targetlist since this code might modify
* the list in-place.
static List *
mutate_targetlist(List *tlist)
List *new_list = NIL;
if (has_resjunk(tlist))
ListCell *curr = NULL;
bool junk = false;
foreach(curr, tlist)
TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(curr);
if (tle->resjunk)
tle->resno = tle->resno + 1;
if (!junk)
junk = true;
new_list = add_dummy_const(new_list);
new_list = lappend(new_list, tle);
new_list = tlist;
new_list = add_dummy_const(new_list);
return new_list;
/* Pulls up the subquery into the top-level range table.
* Before that add a dummy column zero to the target list
* of the subquery.
static int
add_notin_subquery_rte(Query *parse, Query *subselect)
RangeTblEntry *subq_rte;
int subq_indx;
* Create a RTE entry in the parent query for the subquery.
* It is marked as lateral, because any correlation quals will
* refer to other RTEs in the parent query.
subselect->targetList = mutate_targetlist(subselect->targetList);
subq_rte = addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(NULL, /* pstate */
makeAlias("NotIn_SUBQUERY", NIL),
false, /* not lateral */
false /* inFromClause */ );
parse->rtable = lappend(parse->rtable, subq_rte);
/* assume new rte is at end */
subq_indx = list_length(parse->rtable);
Assert(subq_rte == rt_fetch(subq_indx, parse->rtable));
return subq_indx;
* Pulls up the expr sublink subquery into the top-level range table.
static int
add_expr_subquery_rte(Query *parse, Query *subselect)
RangeTblEntry *subq_rte;
int subq_indx;
* Generate column names.
* TODO: improve this to keep old names around
ListCell *lc = NULL;
int teNum = 0;
foreach(lc, subselect->targetList)
TargetEntry *te = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);
te->resname = psprintf("csq_c%d", teNum);
* Create a RTE entry in the parent query for the subquery.
* It is marked as lateral, because any correlation quals will
* refer to other RTEs in the parent query.
subq_rte = addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(NULL, /* pstate */
makeAlias("Expr_SUBQUERY", NIL),
true, /* lateral */
false /* inFromClause */ );
parse->rtable = lappend(parse->rtable, subq_rte);
/* assume new rte is at end */
subq_indx = list_length(parse->rtable);
Assert(subq_rte == rt_fetch(subq_indx, parse->rtable));
return subq_indx;
/* Create a join expression linking the supplied larg node
* with the pulled up NOT IN subquery located at r_rtindex
* in the range table. The appropriate JOIN_RTE has already
* been created by the caller and can be located at j_rtindex
static JoinExpr *
make_join_expr(Node *larg, int r_rtindex, int join_type)
JoinExpr *jexpr;
RangeTblRef *rhs;
rhs = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
rhs->rtindex = r_rtindex;
jexpr = makeNode(JoinExpr);
jexpr->jointype = join_type;
jexpr->isNatural = false;
jexpr->larg = larg;
jexpr->rarg = (Node *) rhs;
jexpr->rtindex = 0;
return jexpr;
* Convert subquery's test expr to a suitable predicate.
* If we wanted to add correlated subquery support, this would be the place to do it.
static Node *
make_lasj_quals(PlannerInfo *root, SubLink *sublink, int subquery_indx)
Query *subselect = (Query *) sublink->subselect;
Expr *join_pred;
List *subquery_vars;
Assert(sublink->subLinkType == ALL_SUBLINK);
* Build a list of Vars representing the subselect outputs.
subquery_vars = generate_subquery_vars(root,
* Build the result qual expression, replacing Params with these Vars.
join_pred = (Expr *) convert_testexpr(root,
join_pred = canonicalize_qual(make_notclause(join_pred), false);
Assert(join_pred != NULL);
return (Node *) join_pred;
/* add IS NOT FALSE clause on top of the clause */
static Node *
add_null_match_clause(Node *clause)
BooleanTest *btest;
Assert(clause != NULL);
btest = makeNode(BooleanTest);
btest->arg = (Expr *) clause;
btest->booltesttype = IS_NOT_FALSE;
return (Node *) btest;
* Is the attribute of a base relation non-nullable?
* Input:
* relationOid
* attributeNumber
* Output:
* true if the attribute is non-nullable
static bool
is_attribute_nonnullable(Oid relationOid, AttrNumber attrNumber)
HeapTuple attributeTuple;
Form_pg_attribute attribute;
bool result = true;
attributeTuple = SearchSysCache2(ATTNUM,
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(attributeTuple))
return false;
attribute = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attributeTuple);
if (attribute->attisdropped)
result = false;
if (!attribute->attnotnull)
result = false;
return result;
* This walker goes through a query's join-tree to determine the set of non-nullable
* vars. E.g.
* select x from t1, t2 where x=y .. the walker determines that x and y are involved in an inner join
* and therefore are non-nullable.
* select x from t1 where x > 20 .. the walker determines that the quals ensures that x is non-nullable
static bool
cdb_find_nonnullable_vars_walker(Node *node, NonNullableVarsContext *context)
if (node == NULL)
return false;
switch (nodeTag(node))
case T_Var:
Var *var = (Var *) node;
if (var->varlevelsup == 0)
context->nonNullableVars = list_append_unique(context->nonNullableVars, var);
return false;
case T_FuncExpr:
FuncExpr *expr = (FuncExpr *) node;
if (!func_strict(expr->funcid))
* If a function is not strict, it can return non-null
* values for null inputs. Thus, input vars can be null
* and sneak through. Therefore, ignore all vars
* underneath.
return false;
case T_OpExpr:
OpExpr *expr = (OpExpr *) node;
if (!op_strict(expr->opno))
* If an op is not strict, it can return non-null values
* for null inputs. Ignore all vars underneath.
return false;
case T_BoolExpr:
BoolExpr *expr = (BoolExpr *) node;
if (expr->boolop == NOT_EXPR)
* Not negates all conditions underneath. We choose to not handle
* this situation.
return false;
else if (expr->boolop == OR_EXPR)
* We add the intersection of variables determined to be
* non-nullable by each arg to the OR expression.
NonNullableVarsContext c1;
c1.query = context->query;
c1.varsToCheck = context->varsToCheck;
c1.nonNullableVars = NIL;
ListCell *lc = NULL;
int orArgNum = 0;
foreach(lc, expr->args)
Node *orArg = lfirst(lc);
NonNullableVarsContext c2;
c2.query = context->query;
c2.varsToCheck = context->varsToCheck;
c2.nonNullableVars = NIL;
expression_tree_walker(orArg, cdb_find_nonnullable_vars_walker, &c2);
if (orArgNum == 0)
Assert(c1.nonNullableVars == NIL);
c1.nonNullableVars = c2.nonNullableVars;
c1.nonNullableVars = list_intersection(c1.nonNullableVars, c2.nonNullableVars);
context->nonNullableVars = list_concat_unique(context->nonNullableVars, c1.nonNullableVars);
return false;
Assert(expr->boolop == AND_EXPR);
* AND_EXPR is automatically handled by the walking algorithm.
case T_NullTest:
NullTest *expr = (NullTest *) node;
if (expr->nulltesttype != IS_NOT_NULL)
return false;
case T_BooleanTest:
BooleanTest *expr = (BooleanTest *) node;
if (!(expr->booltesttype == IS_NOT_UNKNOWN
|| expr->booltesttype == IS_TRUE
|| expr->booltesttype == IS_FALSE))
/* Other tests may allow a null value to pass through. */
return false;
case T_JoinExpr:
JoinExpr *expr = (JoinExpr *) node;
if (expr->jointype != JOIN_INNER)
/* Do not descend below any other join type */
return false;
case T_FromExpr:
case T_List:
* Top-level where clause is fine -- equivalent to an inner
* join
case T_RangeTblRef:
* If we've gotten this far, then we can look for non-null
* constraints on the vars in the query's targetlist.
RangeTblRef *rtf = (RangeTblRef *) node;
RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(rtf->rtindex, context->query->rtable);
if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
* Find all vars in the query's targetlist that are from
* this relation and check if the attribute is
* non-nullable by base table constraint.
ListCell *lc = NULL;
foreach(lc, context->varsToCheck)
Var *var = (Var *) lfirst(lc);
if (var->varno == rtf->rtindex)
int attNum = var->varattno;
int relOid = rte->relid;
Assert(relOid != InvalidOid);
if (is_attribute_nonnullable(relOid, attNum))
* Base table constraint on the var. Add
* it to the list!
context->nonNullableVars = list_append_unique(context->nonNullableVars, var);
else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY)
* When the RTE is a subquery, the algorithm to extend non-nullable Vars is:
* 1. based on the interested VarsToCheck, find those pointing to this RTE,
* and build a list of exprs containing the corresponding target entry's
* expr.
* 2. recusrively invoke is_exprs_nullable for The new list of exprs and the
* subquery:
* a. if they are non-nullable, let's expand the knowledage databse
* using the corresponding Vars in original VarsToCheck
* b. otherwise, we know the result is nullable, terminate the walk.
ListCell *lc = NULL;
List *exprs = NIL;
foreach(lc, context->varsToCheck)
Var *var = (Var *) lfirst(lc);
if (var->varno == rtf->rtindex)
TargetEntry *tle;
tle = list_nth(rte->subquery->targetList, var->varattno-1);
exprs = lappend(exprs, tle->expr);
* The vars fetched from special RTEs (RTE_JOIN ) are mapped to those in base RTEs,
* so when the walker reach these special RTEs, the exprs can be NIL.
* Empty exprs means no check is needed in this step and the walker should continue
* scanning other parts of the jointree.
* NOTE: break is also needed to avoid call the function 'is_exprs_nullable' on NIL exprs,
* which reports NIL as nullable and terminates the walker
if (exprs == NIL)
if (is_exprs_nullable((Node *) exprs, rte->subquery))
* The VarsTocheck must be nullable, terminate here.
* Since we are sure the nullable check will fail, so
* set the knowledage database to NIL here.
* */
context->nonNullableVars = NIL;
return true;
foreach(lc, context->varsToCheck)
Var *var = (Var *) lfirst(lc);
if (var->varno == rtf->rtindex)
context->nonNullableVars = list_append_unique(
context->nonNullableVars, var);
else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_VALUES)
* TODO: make this work for values scan someday.
return false;
case T_PlaceHolderVar:
* GPDB_84_MERGE_FIXME: Confirm if we need to do special
* handling for PlaceHolderVar. Currently we are just fall
* through the mutator.
/* Do not descend beyond any other node */
return false;
return expression_tree_walker(node, cdb_find_nonnullable_vars_walker, context);
static List *
fetch_targetlist_exprs(List *targetlist)
List *exprs = NIL;
ListCell *lc = NULL;
foreach(lc, targetlist)
TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);
if (tle->resjunk)
* Previously, we take it nullable when we
* see any resjunk target entry. I think it
* is safe to just ignore them.
exprs = lappend(exprs, tle->expr);
return exprs;
* fetch_outer_exprs
* @param testexpr: the NOT-IN sublink's test exprs
* For a two-col NOT_IN query: select * from t1 where (a,b) not in (select a,b from t2)
* this testexpr should be:
* BoolExpr [boolop=NOT_EXPR]
* BoolExpr [boolop=AND_EXPR]
* OpExpr [opno=96 opfuncid=65 opresulttype=16 opretset=false]
* Var [varno=1 varattno=1 vartype=23 varnoold=1 varoattno=1]
* Param [paramkind=PARAM_SUBLINK paramid=1 paramtype=23]
* OpExpr [opno=96 opfuncid=65 opresulttype=16 opretset=false]
* Var [varno=1 varattno=2 vartype=23 varnoold=1 varoattno=2]
* Param [paramkind=PARAM_SUBLINK paramid=2 paramtype=23]
* For a two-col <> ALL query: select * from t1 where (a,b) <> (select a,b from t2)
* this testexpr should be:
* BoolExpr [boolop=OR_EXPR]
* OpExpr [opno=518 opfuncid=144 opresulttype=16 opretset=false]
* Var [varno=1 varattno=1 vartype=23 varnoold=1 varoattno=1]
* Param [paramkind=PARAM_SUBLINK paramid=1 paramtype=23]
* OpExpr [opno=518 opfuncid=144 opresulttype=16 opretset=false]
* Var [varno=1 varattno=2 vartype=23 varnoold=1 varoattno=2]
* Param [paramkind=PARAM_SUBLINK paramid=2 paramtype=23]
* This function fetches all the outer parts and put them in a list as the
* result.
* NOTE: we want to be conservative for cases we are not interested or
* we are not sure. Returning a NIL is conservative policy here since
* is_exprs_nullable will return true for NULL input.
static List *
fetch_outer_exprs(Node *testexpr)
if (testexpr == NULL)
return NIL;
if (IsA(testexpr, BoolExpr))
BoolExpr *be = (BoolExpr *) testexpr;
bool seen_not_atop;
Node *expr;
seen_not_atop = be->boolop == NOT_EXPR;
/* strip off the top NOT */
if (seen_not_atop)
expr = linitial(be->args);
expr = (Node *) be;
* The above expr should be a single OpExpr when single-column not-in,
* or a BoolExpr of AND when multi-column not-in. We are not interested
* in other cases.
if (IsA(expr, BoolExpr))
BoolExpr *be = (BoolExpr *) expr;
List *exprs = NIL;
ListCell *lc;
* The following cases should not happen, instead of
* erroring out, let's be conservative by returning NIL.
if (be->boolop == AND_EXPR && !seen_not_atop)
return NIL;
if (be->boolop == OR_EXPR && seen_not_atop)
return NIL;
if (be->boolop != OR_EXPR && be->boolop != AND_EXPR)
return NIL;
foreach(lc, be->args)
OpExpr *op_expr = (OpExpr *) lfirst(lc);
if (!IsA(op_expr, OpExpr))
return NIL;
exprs = lappend(exprs, linitial(op_expr->args));
return exprs;
else if (IsA(expr, OpExpr))
return list_make1(linitial(((OpExpr *)expr)->args));
return NIL;
else if (IsA(testexpr, OpExpr))
return list_make1(linitial(((OpExpr *)testexpr)->args));
return NIL;
* is_exprs_nullable
* Return true if any of the exprs might be null, otherwise false.
* We want to be conservative for those cases either we are not
* interested or not sure.
static bool
is_exprs_nullable(Node *exprs, Query *query)
NonNullableVarsContext context;
context.query = query;
context.varsToCheck = cdb_find_all_vars(exprs, query->rtable);
context.nonNullableVars = NIL;
/* Find nullable vars in the jointree */
(void) expression_tree_walker((Node *) query->jointree,
cdb_find_nonnullable_vars_walker, &context);
return is_exprs_nullable_internal(exprs, context.nonNullableVars, query->rtable);
static bool
is_exprs_nullable_internal(Node *exprs, List *nonnullable_vars, List *rtable)
if (exprs == NULL)
* Be conservative when input is Empty. Keep consistent
* with fetch_outer_exprs and fetch_targetlist_exprs.
return true;
if (IsA(exprs, Var))
Var *var = cdb_map_to_base_var((Var *) exprs, rtable);
return !list_member(nonnullable_vars, var);
else if (IsA(exprs, List))
ListCell *lc;
foreach(lc, (List *) exprs)
if (is_exprs_nullable_internal((Node *) lfirst(lc),
nonnullable_vars, rtable))
return true;
return false;
else if (IsA(exprs, Const))
Const *constant = (Const *) exprs;
return constant->constisnull;
else if (IsA(exprs, RelabelType))
RelabelType *rt = (RelabelType *) exprs;
return is_exprs_nullable_internal((Node *) rt->arg, nonnullable_vars, rtable);
else if (IsA(exprs, OpExpr))
OpExpr *op_expr = (OpExpr *) exprs;
ListCell *lc;
foreach(lc, op_expr->args)
if (is_exprs_nullable_internal((Node *) lfirst(lc),
nonnullable_vars, rtable))
return true;
return false;
/* Be conservative here */
return true;
* convert_IN_to_antijoin: can we convert an ALL SubLink to join style?
* If not appropriate to process this SubLink, return it as it is.
* Side effects of a successful conversion include adding the SubLink's
* subselect to the top-level rangetable, adding a JOIN RTE linking the outer
* query with the subselect and setting up the qualifiers correctly.
* The transformation is to rewrite a query of the form:
* select c1 from t1 where c1 NOT IN (select c2 from t2);
* (to)
* select c1 from t1 left anti semi join (select 0 as zero, c2 from t2) foo
* ON (c1 = c2) IS NOT FALSE where zero is NULL;
* The pseudoconstant column zero is needed to correctly pipe in the NULLs
* from the subselect upstream.
* The current implementation assumes that the sublink expression occurs
* in a top-level where clause (or through a series of inner joins).
JoinExpr *
convert_IN_to_antijoin(PlannerInfo *root, SubLink *sublink,
Relids available_rels)
Query *parse = root->parse;
Query *subselect = (Query *) sublink->subselect;
if (safe_to_convert_NOTIN(sublink, available_rels))
int subq_indx = add_notin_subquery_rte(parse, subselect);
List *inner_exprs = NIL;
List *outer_exprs = NIL;
bool inner_nullable = true;
bool outer_nullable = true;
inner_exprs = fetch_targetlist_exprs(subselect->targetList);
outer_exprs = fetch_outer_exprs(sublink->testexpr);
inner_nullable = is_exprs_nullable((Node *) inner_exprs, subselect);
outer_nullable = is_exprs_nullable((Node *) outer_exprs, parse);
JoinExpr *join_expr = make_join_expr(NULL, subq_indx, JOIN_LASJ_NOTIN);
join_expr->quals = make_lasj_quals(root, sublink, subq_indx);
if (inner_nullable || outer_nullable)
join_expr->quals = add_null_match_clause(join_expr->quals);
return join_expr;
/* Not safe to perform transformation. */
return NULL;
* Check if there is a range table entry of type func expr whose arguments
* are correlated
has_correlation_in_funcexpr_rte(List *rtable)
* check if correlation occurs in a func expr in the from clause of the
* subselect
ListCell *lc_rte;
foreach(lc_rte, rtable)
RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(lc_rte);
if (rte->functions && contain_vars_of_level_or_above((Node *) rte->functions, 1))
return true;
return false;
static List *
cdb_find_all_vars(Node *exprs, List *rtable)
FindAllVarsContext context;
context.rtable = rtable;
context.vars = NIL;
expression_tree_walker(exprs, cdb_find_all_vars_walker, (void *) &context);
return context.vars;
static bool
cdb_find_all_vars_walker(Node *node, FindAllVarsContext *context)
if (node == NULL)
return false;
if (IsA(node, Var))
Var *var;
* The vars fetched from targetList/testexpr.. can be from virtual range table (RTE_JOIN),
* which do not directly match base vars fetched by cdb_find_nonnullable_vars_walker, aligning
* them to base vars is needed before check nullable.
var = cdb_map_to_base_var((Var *) node, context->rtable);
context->vars = list_append_unique(context->vars, var);
return false;
return expression_tree_walker(node, cdb_find_all_vars_walker, context);
static Var *
cdb_map_to_base_var(Var *var, List *rtable)
RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(var->varno, rtable);
while(rte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN && rte->joinaliasvars)
var = (Var *) list_nth(rte->joinaliasvars, var->varattno-1);
rte = rt_fetch(var->varno, rtable);
return var;
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