greenplumn appendonly_visimap 源码
greenplumn appendonly_visimap 代码
* appendonly_visimap
* maintain a visibility bitmap for append-only tuples.
* This file provides the user facade for the visibility map handling
* for append-only tables.
* The visibiliy map entry is responsible for handling the operations
* on an individual row in the visimap auxilary relation.
* The visibility map store is responsible for storing and finding
* visibility map entries.
* Copyright (c) 2013-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
* src/include/access/appendonly_visimap.h
#include "access/appendonlytid.h"
#include "access/appendonly_visimap_entry.h"
#include "access/appendonly_visimap_store.h"
#include "access/tableam.h"
#include "storage/buffile.h"
#include "utils/snapshot.h"
* The uncompressed visibility entry bitmap should not be larger than 4 KB.
* Therefore it can cover at most 32768 entries.
* Data structure for the ao visibility map processing.
typedef struct AppendOnlyVisimap
* Memory context to use for all visibility map related allocations.
MemoryContext memoryContext;
* Information about the current visibility map entry. Each visibility map
* entry corresponds to a tuple in the visibility map table.
AppendOnlyVisimapEntry visimapEntry;
* Support operations to search, load, and store visibility map entries.
AppendOnlyVisimapStore visimapStore;
} AppendOnlyVisimap;
* Data structure to scan an ao visibility map.
typedef struct AppendOnlyVisimapScan
AppendOnlyVisimap visimap;
SysScanDesc indexScan;
bool isFinished;
} AppendOnlyVisimapScan;
* Data structure to support deletion using the visibility map.
typedef struct AppendOnlyVisimapDelete
* The visimap we delete a possible large number of tuples from
AppendOnlyVisimap *visiMap;
* A hash table that stores meta information all dirty visimap entries
* currently stored in the spill file. This means that we store in-memory
* around 20 byte per visimap entry. The resulting overhead is in the area
* of 1MB per 1 billion rows.
HTAB *dirtyEntryCache;
* A workfile storing the updated visimap entries. It is a consequtive
* list of dirty (compressed) visimap bitmaps that needs to be updated in
* the visimap later.
BufFile *workfile;
} AppendOnlyVisimapDelete;
void AppendOnlyVisimap_Init(
AppendOnlyVisimap *visiMap,
Oid visimapRelid,
Oid visimalIdxid,
LOCKMODE lockmode,
Snapshot appendonlyMetaDataSnapshot);
bool AppendOnlyVisimap_IsVisible(
AppendOnlyVisimap *visiMap,
AOTupleId *tupleId);
void AppendOnlyVisimap_Finish(
AppendOnlyVisimap *visiMap,
LOCKMODE lockmode);
void AppendOnlyVisimap_DeleteSegmentFile(
AppendOnlyVisimap *visiMap,
int segno);
int64 AppendOnlyVisimap_GetSegmentFileHiddenTupleCount(
AppendOnlyVisimap *visiMap,
int segno);
int64 AppendOnlyVisimap_GetRelationHiddenTupleCount(
AppendOnlyVisimap *visiMap);
void AppendOnlyVisimapScan_Init(
AppendOnlyVisimapScan *visiMapScan,
Oid visimapRelid,
Oid visimapIdxid,
LOCKMODE lockmode,
Snapshot appendonlyMetadataSnapshot);
bool AppendOnlyVisimapScan_GetNextInvisible(
AppendOnlyVisimapScan *visiMapScan,
AOTupleId *tupleId);
void AppendOnlyVisimapScan_Finish(
AppendOnlyVisimapScan *visiMapScan,
LOCKMODE lockmode);
void AppendOnlyVisimapDelete_Init(
AppendOnlyVisimapDelete *visiMapDelete,
AppendOnlyVisimap *visiMap);
TM_Result AppendOnlyVisimapDelete_Hide(
AppendOnlyVisimapDelete *visiMapDelete, AOTupleId *aoTupleId);
void AppendOnlyVisimapDelete_Finish(
AppendOnlyVisimapDelete *visiMapDelete);
greenplumn appendonly_compaction 源码
greenplumn appendonly_visimap_entry 源码
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