spring-batch FlowBuilder 源码
spring-batch FlowBuilder 代码
* Copyright 2012-2020 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.batch.core.job.builder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.springframework.batch.core.ExitStatus;
import org.springframework.batch.core.Step;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.Flow;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.FlowExecutionStatus;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.JobExecutionDecider;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.State;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.support.DefaultStateTransitionComparator;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.support.SimpleFlow;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.support.StateTransition;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.support.state.DecisionState;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.support.state.EndState;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.support.state.FlowState;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.support.state.SplitState;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.support.state.StepState;
import org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor;
* A builder for a flow of steps that can be executed as a job or as part of a job. Steps
* can be linked together with conditional transitions that depend on the exit status of
* the previous step.
* @author Dave Syer
* @author Michael Minella
* @since 2.2
* @param <Q> the type of object returned by the builder (by default a Flow)
public class FlowBuilder<Q> {
private String name;
private String prefix;
private List<StateTransition> transitions = new ArrayList<>();
private Map<String, State> tos = new HashMap<>();
private State currentState;
private EndState failedState;
private EndState completedState;
private EndState stoppedState;
private int stepCounter = 0;
private int flowCounter = 0;
private int decisionCounter = 0;
private int splitCounter = 0;
private int endCounter = 0;
private Map<Object, State> states = new HashMap<>();
private SimpleFlow flow;
private boolean dirty = true;
public FlowBuilder(String name) {
this.name = name;
this.prefix = name + ".";
this.failedState = new EndState(FlowExecutionStatus.FAILED, prefix + "FAILED");
this.completedState = new EndState(FlowExecutionStatus.COMPLETED, prefix + "COMPLETED");
this.stoppedState = new EndState(FlowExecutionStatus.STOPPED, prefix + "STOPPED");
* Validate the current state of the builder and build a flow. Subclasses may override
* this to build an object of a different type that itself depends on the flow.
* @return a flow
public Q build() {
Q result = (Q) flow();
return result;
* Transition to the next step on successful completion of the current step. All other
* outcomes are treated as failures.
* @param step the next step
* @return this to enable chaining
public FlowBuilder<Q> next(Step step) {
return this;
* Start a flow. If some steps are already registered, just a synonym for
* {@link #from(Step)}.
* @param step the step to start with
* @return this to enable chaining
public FlowBuilder<Q> start(Step step) {
return this;
* Go back to a previously registered step and start a new path. If no steps are
* registered yet just a synonym for {@link #start(Step)}.
* @param step the step to start from (already registered)
* @return this to enable chaining
public FlowBuilder<Q> from(Step step) {
return this;
* Transition to the decider on successful completion of the current step. All other
* outcomes are treated as failures.
* @param decider the JobExecutionDecider to determine the next step to execute
* @return this to enable chaining
public UnterminatedFlowBuilder<Q> next(JobExecutionDecider decider) {
return new UnterminatedFlowBuilder<>(this);
* If a flow should start with a decision use this as the first state.
* @param decider the to start from
* @return a builder to enable chaining
public UnterminatedFlowBuilder<Q> start(JobExecutionDecider decider) {
return new UnterminatedFlowBuilder<>(this);
* Start again from a decision that was already registered.
* @param decider the decider to start from (already registered)
* @return a builder to enable chaining
public UnterminatedFlowBuilder<Q> from(JobExecutionDecider decider) {
return new UnterminatedFlowBuilder<>(this);
* Go next on successful completion to a subflow.
* @param flow the flow to go to
* @return a builder to enable chaining
public FlowBuilder<Q> next(Flow flow) {
return this;
* Start again from a subflow that was already registered.
* @param flow the flow to start from (already registered)
* @return a builder to enable chaining
public FlowBuilder<Q> from(Flow flow) {
return this;
* If a flow should start with a subflow use this as the first state.
* @param flow the flow to start from
* @return a builder to enable chaining
public FlowBuilder<Q> start(Flow flow) {
return this;
* @param executor a task executor to execute the split flows
* @return a builder to enable fluent chaining
public SplitBuilder<Q> split(TaskExecutor executor) {
return new SplitBuilder<>(this, executor);
* Start a transition to a new state if the exit status from the previous state
* matches the pattern given. Successful completion normally results in an exit status
* equal to (or starting with by convention) "COMPLETED". See {@link ExitStatus} for
* commonly used values.
* @param pattern the pattern of exit status on which to take this transition
* @return a builder to enable fluent chaining
public TransitionBuilder<Q> on(String pattern) {
return new TransitionBuilder<>(this, pattern);
* A synonym for {@link #build()} which callers might find useful. Subclasses can
* override build to create an object of the desired type (e.g. a parent builder or an
* actual flow).
* @return the result of the builder
public final Q end() {
return build();
protected Flow flow() {
if (!dirty) {
// optimization in case this method is called consecutively
return flow;
flow = new SimpleFlow(name);
// optimization for flows that only have one state that itself is a flow:
if (currentState instanceof FlowState && states.size() == 1) {
return ((FlowState) currentState).getFlows().iterator().next();
flow.setStateTransitionComparator(new DefaultStateTransitionComparator());
dirty = false;
return flow;
private void doNext(Object input) {
if (this.currentState == null) {
State next = createState(input);
addTransition("COMPLETED", next);
addTransition("*", failedState);
this.currentState = next;
private void doStart(Object input) {
if (this.currentState != null) {
this.currentState = createState(input);
private void doFrom(Object input) {
if (currentState == null) {
State state = createState(input);
tos.put(currentState.getName(), currentState);
this.currentState = state;
private State createState(Object input) {
State result;
if (input instanceof Step) {
if (!states.containsKey(input)) {
Step step = (Step) input;
states.put(input, new StepState(prefix + "step" + (stepCounter++), step));
result = states.get(input);
else if (input instanceof JobExecutionDecider) {
if (!states.containsKey(input)) {
new DecisionState((JobExecutionDecider) input, prefix + "decision" + (decisionCounter++)));
result = states.get(input);
else if (input instanceof Flow) {
if (!states.containsKey(input)) {
states.put(input, new FlowState((Flow) input, prefix + "flow" + (flowCounter++)));
result = states.get(input);
else {
throw new FlowBuilderException("No state can be created for: " + input);
dirty = true;
return result;
private SplitState createState(Collection<Flow> flows, TaskExecutor executor) {
if (!states.containsKey(flows)) {
states.put(flows, new SplitState(flows, prefix + "split" + (splitCounter++)));
SplitState result = (SplitState) states.get(flows);
if (executor != null) {
dirty = true;
return result;
private void addDanglingEndStates() {
Set<String> froms = new HashSet<>();
for (StateTransition transition : transitions) {
if (tos.isEmpty() && currentState != null) {
tos.put(currentState.getName(), currentState);
Map<String, State> copy = new HashMap<>(tos);
// Find all the states that are really end states but not explicitly declared as
// such
for (String to : copy.keySet()) {
if (!froms.contains(to)) {
currentState = copy.get(to);
if (!currentState.isEndState()) {
addTransition("COMPLETED", completedState);
addTransition("*", failedState);
copy = new HashMap<>(tos);
// Then find the states that do not have a default transition
for (String from : copy.keySet()) {
currentState = copy.get(from);
if (!currentState.isEndState()) {
if (!hasFail(from)) {
addTransition("*", failedState);
if (!hasCompleted(from)) {
addTransition("*", completedState);
private boolean hasFail(String from) {
return matches(from, "FAILED");
private boolean hasCompleted(String from) {
return matches(from, "COMPLETED");
private boolean matches(String from, String status) {
for (StateTransition transition : transitions) {
if (from.equals(transition.getState().getName()) && transition.matches(status)) {
return true;
return false;
private void addTransition(String pattern, State next) {
tos.put(next.getName(), next);
transitions.add(StateTransition.createStateTransition(currentState, pattern, next.getName()));
if (transitions.size() == 1) {
if (next.isEndState()) {
dirty = true;
protected void stop(String pattern) {
addTransition(pattern, stoppedState);
protected void stop(String pattern, State restart) {
EndState next = new EndState(FlowExecutionStatus.STOPPED, "STOPPED", prefix + "stop" + (endCounter++), true);
addTransition(pattern, next);
currentState = next;
addTransition("*", restart);
private void end(String pattern) {
addTransition(pattern, completedState);
private void end(String pattern, String code) {
addTransition(pattern, new EndState(FlowExecutionStatus.COMPLETED, code, prefix + "end" + (endCounter++)));
private void fail(String pattern) {
addTransition(pattern, failedState);
* A builder for continuing a flow from a decision state.
* @author Dave Syer
* @param <Q> the result of the builder's build()
public static class UnterminatedFlowBuilder<Q> {
private final FlowBuilder<Q> parent;
public UnterminatedFlowBuilder(FlowBuilder<Q> parent) {
this.parent = parent;
* Start a transition to a new state if the exit status from the previous state
* matches the pattern given. Successful completion normally results in an exit
* status equal to (or starting with by convention) "COMPLETED". See
* {@link ExitStatus} for commonly used values.
* @param pattern the pattern of exit status on which to take this transition
* @return a TransitionBuilder
public TransitionBuilder<Q> on(String pattern) {
return new TransitionBuilder<>(parent, pattern);
* A builder for transitions within a flow.
* @author Dave Syer
* @param <Q> the result of the parent builder's build()
public static class TransitionBuilder<Q> {
private final FlowBuilder<Q> parent;
private final String pattern;
public TransitionBuilder(FlowBuilder<Q> parent, String pattern) {
this.parent = parent;
this.pattern = pattern;
* Specify the next step.
* @param step the next step after this transition
* @return a FlowBuilder
public FlowBuilder<Q> to(Step step) {
State next = parent.createState(step);
parent.addTransition(pattern, next);
parent.currentState = next;
return parent;
* Specify the next state as a complete flow.
* @param flow the next flow after this transition
* @return a FlowBuilder
public FlowBuilder<Q> to(Flow flow) {
State next = parent.createState(flow);
parent.addTransition(pattern, next);
parent.currentState = next;
return parent;
* Specify the next state as a decision.
* @param decider the decider to determine the next step
* @return a FlowBuilder
public FlowBuilder<Q> to(JobExecutionDecider decider) {
State next = parent.createState(decider);
parent.addTransition(pattern, next);
parent.currentState = next;
return parent;
* Signal the successful end of the flow.
* @return a FlowBuilder
public FlowBuilder<Q> stop() {
return parent;
* Stop the flow and provide a flow to start with if the flow is restarted.
* @param flow the flow to restart with
* @return a FlowBuilder
public FlowBuilder<Q> stopAndRestart(Flow flow) {
State next = parent.createState(flow);
parent.stop(pattern, next);
return parent;
* Stop the flow and provide a decider to start with if the flow is restarted.
* @param decider a decider to restart with
* @return a FlowBuilder
public FlowBuilder<Q> stopAndRestart(JobExecutionDecider decider) {
State next = parent.createState(decider);
parent.stop(pattern, next);
return parent;
* Stop the flow and provide a step to start with if the flow is restarted.
* @param restart the step to restart with
* @return a FlowBuilder
public FlowBuilder<Q> stopAndRestart(Step restart) {
State next = parent.createState(restart);
parent.stop(pattern, next);
return parent;
* Signal the successful end of the flow.
* @return a FlowBuilder
public FlowBuilder<Q> end() {
return parent;
* Signal the end of the flow with the status provided.
* @param status {@link String} containing the status.
* @return a FlowBuilder
public FlowBuilder<Q> end(String status) {
parent.end(pattern, status);
return parent;
* Signal the end of the flow with an error condition.
* @return a FlowBuilder
public FlowBuilder<Q> fail() {
return parent;
* A builder for building a split state. Example (<code>builder</code> is a
* {@link FlowBuilder}):
* <pre>
* Flow splitFlow = builder.start(flow1).split(new SyncTaskExecutor()).add(flow2).build();
* </pre>
* where <code>flow1</code> and <code>flow2</code> will be executed (one after the
* other because of the task executor that was added). Another example
* <pre>
* Flow splitFlow = builder.start(step1).split(new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor()).add(flow).build();
* </pre>
* In this example, a flow consisting of <code>step1</code> will be executed in
* parallel with <code>flow</code>.
* <em>Note:</em> Adding a split to a chain of states is not supported. For example,
* the following configuration is not supported. Instead, the configuration would need
* to create a flow3 that was the split flow and assemble them separately.
* <pre>
* // instead of this
* Flow complexFlow = new FlowBuilder<SimpleFlow>("ComplexParallelFlow")
* .start(flow1)
* .next(flow2)
* .split(new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor())
* .add(flow3, flow4)
* .build();
* // do this
* Flow splitFlow = new FlowBuilder<SimpleFlow>("parallelFlow")
* .start(flow3)
* .split(new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor())
* .add(flow4).build();
* Flow complexFlow = new FlowBuilder<SimpleFlow>("ComplexParallelFlow")
* .start(flow1)
* .next(flow2)
* .next(splitFlow)
* .build();
* </pre>
* @author Dave Syer
* @author Michael Minella
* @param <Q> the result of the parent builder's build()
public static class SplitBuilder<Q> {
private final FlowBuilder<Q> parent;
private TaskExecutor executor;
* @param parent the parent builder
* @param executor the task executor to use in the split
public SplitBuilder(FlowBuilder<Q> parent, TaskExecutor executor) {
this.parent = parent;
this.executor = executor;
* Add flows to the split, in addition to the current state already present in the
* parent builder.
* @param flows more flows to add to the split
* @return the parent builder
public FlowBuilder<Q> add(Flow... flows) {
Collection<Flow> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(flows));
String name = "split" + (parent.splitCounter++);
int counter = 0;
State one = parent.currentState;
Flow flow = null;
if (!(one == null || one instanceof FlowState)) {
FlowBuilder<Flow> stateBuilder = new FlowBuilder<>(name + "_" + (counter++));
stateBuilder.currentState = one;
flow = stateBuilder.build();
else if (one instanceof FlowState && parent.states.size() == 1) {
list.add(((FlowState) one).getFlows().iterator().next());
if (flow != null) {
State next = parent.createState(list, executor);
parent.currentState = next;
return parent;
spring-batch FlowBuilderException 源码
spring-batch FlowJobBuilder 源码
spring-batch JobBuilderException 源码
spring-batch JobBuilderHelper 源码
spring-batch JobFlowBuilder 源码
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