greenplumn execProcnode 源码

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greenplumn execProcnode 代码


 * execProcnode.c
 *	 contains dispatch functions which call the appropriate "initialize",
 *	 "get a tuple", and "cleanup" routines for the given node type.
 *	 If the node has children, then it will presumably call ExecInitNode,
 *	 ExecProcNode, or ExecEndNode on its subnodes and do the appropriate
 *	 processing.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/executor/execProcnode.c
 *		This used to be three files.  It is now all combined into
 *		one file so that it is easier to keep the dispatch routines
 *		in sync when new nodes are added.
 *		Suppose we want the age of the manager of the shoe department and
 *		the number of employees in that department.  So we have the query:
 *				select DEPT.no_emps, EMP.age
 *				from DEPT, EMP
 *				where = DEPT.mgr and
 * = "shoe"
 *		Suppose the planner gives us the following plan:
 *						Nest Loop (DEPT.mgr =
 *						/		\
 *					   /		 \
 *				   Seq Scan		Seq Scan
 *					DEPT		  EMP
 *				(name = "shoe")
 *		ExecutorStart() is called first.
 *		It calls InitPlan() which calls ExecInitNode() on
 *		the root of the plan -- the nest loop node.
 *	  * ExecInitNode() notices that it is looking at a nest loop and
 *		as the code below demonstrates, it calls ExecInitNestLoop().
 *		Eventually this calls ExecInitNode() on the right and left subplans
 *		and so forth until the entire plan is initialized.  The result
 *		of ExecInitNode() is a plan state tree built with the same structure
 *		as the underlying plan tree.
 *	  * Then when ExecutorRun() is called, it calls ExecutePlan() which calls
 *		ExecProcNode() repeatedly on the top node of the plan state tree.
 *		Each time this happens, ExecProcNode() will end up calling
 *		ExecNestLoop(), which calls ExecProcNode() on its subplans.
 *		Each of these subplans is a sequential scan so ExecSeqScan() is
 *		called.  The slots returned by ExecSeqScan() may contain
 *		tuples which contain the attributes ExecNestLoop() uses to
 *		form the tuples it returns.
 *	  * Eventually ExecSeqScan() stops returning tuples and the nest
 *		loop join ends.  Lastly, ExecutorEnd() calls ExecEndNode() which
 *		calls ExecEndNestLoop() which in turn calls ExecEndNode() on
 *		its subplans which result in ExecEndSeqScan().
 *		This should show how the executor works by having
 *		ExecInitNode(), ExecProcNode() and ExecEndNode() dispatch
 *		their work to the appropriate node support routines which may
 *		in turn call these routines themselves on their subplans.
#include "postgres.h"

#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "executor/nodeAgg.h"
#include "executor/nodeAppend.h"
#include "executor/nodeBitmapAnd.h"
#include "executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeBitmapIndexscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeDynamicBitmapHeapscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeDynamicBitmapIndexscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeBitmapOr.h"
#include "executor/nodeCtescan.h"
#include "executor/nodeCustom.h"
#include "executor/nodeForeignscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeFunctionscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeGather.h"
#include "executor/nodeGatherMerge.h"
#include "executor/nodeHash.h"
#include "executor/nodeHashjoin.h"
#include "executor/nodeIndexonlyscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeIndexscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeLimit.h"
#include "executor/nodeLockRows.h"
#include "executor/nodeMaterial.h"
#include "executor/nodeMergeAppend.h"
#include "executor/nodeMergejoin.h"
#include "executor/nodeModifyTable.h"
#include "executor/nodeNamedtuplestorescan.h"
#include "executor/nodeNestloop.h"
#include "executor/nodeProjectSet.h"
#include "executor/nodeRecursiveunion.h"
#include "executor/nodeResult.h"
#include "executor/nodeSamplescan.h"
#include "executor/nodeSeqscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeSetOp.h"
#include "executor/nodeSort.h"
#include "executor/nodeSubplan.h"
#include "executor/nodeSubqueryscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeTableFuncscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeTidscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeTupleSplit.h"
#include "executor/nodeUnique.h"
#include "executor/nodeValuesscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeWindowAgg.h"
#include "executor/nodeWorktablescan.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"

#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "cdb/ml_ipc.h"			/* interconnect context */
#include "executor/nodeAssertOp.h"
#include "executor/nodeDynamicIndexscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeDynamicSeqscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeMotion.h"
#include "executor/nodePartitionSelector.h"
#include "executor/nodeSequence.h"
#include "executor/nodeShareInputScan.h"
#include "executor/nodeSplitUpdate.h"
#include "executor/nodeTableFunction.h"
#include "pg_trace.h"
#include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/metrics_utils.h"

 /* flags bits for planstate walker */
#define PSW_IGNORE_INITPLAN    0x01

  * Forward declarations of static functions
static CdbVisitOpt planstate_walk_node_extended(PlanState *planstate,
				 CdbVisitOpt (*walker) (PlanState *planstate, void *context),
							 void *context,
							 int flags);

static CdbVisitOpt planstate_walk_array(PlanState **planstates,
					 int nplanstate,
				 CdbVisitOpt (*walker) (PlanState *planstate, void *context),
					 void *context,
					 int flags);

static CdbVisitOpt planstate_walk_kids(PlanState *planstate,
				 CdbVisitOpt (*walker) (PlanState *planstate, void *context),
					void *context,
					int flags);

static TupleTableSlot *ExecProcNodeFirst(PlanState *node);
#if 0
static TupleTableSlot *ExecProcNodeInstr(PlanState *node);
static TupleTableSlot *ExecProcNodeGPDB(PlanState *node);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitNode
 *		Recursively initializes all the nodes in the plan tree rooted
 *		at 'node'.
 *		Inputs:
 *		  'node' is the current node of the plan produced by the query planner
 *		  'estate' is the shared execution state for the plan tree
 *		  'eflags' is a bitwise OR of flag bits described in executor.h
 *		Returns a PlanState node corresponding to the given Plan node.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
PlanState *
ExecInitNode(Plan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	PlanState  *result;
	List	   *subps;
	ListCell   *l;
	MemoryContext nodecxt = NULL;
	MemoryContext oldcxt = NULL;

	 * do nothing when we get to the end of a leaf on tree.
	if (node == NULL)
		return NULL;

	 * Make sure there's enough stack available. Need to check here, in
	 * addition to ExecProcNode() (via ExecProcNodeFirst()), to ensure the
	 * stack isn't overrun while initializing the node tree.

	 * If per-node memory usage was requested
	 * (explain_memory_verbosity=detail), create a separate memory context
	 * for every node, so that we can attribute memory usage to each node.
	 * Otherwise, everything is allocated in the per-query ExecutorState
	 * context. The extra memory contexts consume some memory on their
	 * own, and prevent reusing memory allocated in one node in another
	 * node, so we only want to do this if the level of detail is needed.
	if ((estate->es_instrument & INSTRUMENT_MEMORY_DETAIL) != 0)
		nodecxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
										"executor node",
		oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(nodecxt);

	switch (nodeTag(node))
			 * control nodes
		case T_Result:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitResult((Result *) node,
												  estate, eflags);

		case T_ProjectSet:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitProjectSet((ProjectSet *) node,
													  estate, eflags);

		case T_ModifyTable:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitModifyTable((ModifyTable *) node,
													   estate, eflags);

		case T_Append:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitAppend((Append *) node,
												  estate, eflags);

		case T_Sequence:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSequence((Sequence *) node,
													estate, eflags);

		case T_MergeAppend:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitMergeAppend((MergeAppend *) node,
													   estate, eflags);

		case T_RecursiveUnion:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitRecursiveUnion((RecursiveUnion *) node,
														  estate, eflags);

		case T_BitmapAnd:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitBitmapAnd((BitmapAnd *) node,
													 estate, eflags);

		case T_BitmapOr:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitBitmapOr((BitmapOr *) node,
													estate, eflags);

			 * scan nodes
		case T_SeqScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSeqScan((SeqScan *) node,
													 estate, eflags);

		case T_DynamicSeqScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitDynamicSeqScan((DynamicSeqScan *) node,
												   estate, eflags);

		case T_SampleScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSampleScan((SampleScan *) node,
													  estate, eflags);

		case T_IndexScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitIndexScan((IndexScan *) node,
													 estate, eflags);

		case T_DynamicIndexScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitDynamicIndexScan((DynamicIndexScan *) node,
													estate, eflags);

		case T_IndexOnlyScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitIndexOnlyScan((IndexOnlyScan *) node,
														 estate, eflags);

		case T_BitmapIndexScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitBitmapIndexScan((BitmapIndexScan *) node,
														   estate, eflags);

		case T_DynamicBitmapIndexScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitDynamicBitmapIndexScan((DynamicBitmapIndexScan *) node,
																  estate, eflags);

		case T_BitmapHeapScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitBitmapHeapScan((BitmapHeapScan *) node,
														  estate, eflags);

		case T_DynamicBitmapHeapScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitDynamicBitmapHeapScan((DynamicBitmapHeapScan *) node,
																 estate, eflags);

		case T_TidScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitTidScan((TidScan *) node,
												   estate, eflags);

		case T_SubqueryScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSubqueryScan((SubqueryScan *) node,
														estate, eflags);

		case T_FunctionScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitFunctionScan((FunctionScan *) node,
														estate, eflags);

		case T_TableFunctionScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitTableFunction((TableFunctionScan *) node,
														 estate, eflags);

		case T_TableFuncScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitTableFuncScan((TableFuncScan *) node,
														 estate, eflags);

		case T_ValuesScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitValuesScan((ValuesScan *) node,
													  estate, eflags);

		case T_CteScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitCteScan((CteScan *) node,
												   estate, eflags);

		case T_NamedTuplestoreScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitNamedTuplestoreScan((NamedTuplestoreScan *) node,
															   estate, eflags);

		case T_WorkTableScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitWorkTableScan((WorkTableScan *) node,
														 estate, eflags);

		case T_ForeignScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitForeignScan((ForeignScan *) node,
														estate, eflags);

		case T_CustomScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitCustomScan((CustomScan *) node,
													  estate, eflags);

			 * join nodes
		case T_NestLoop:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitNestLoop((NestLoop *) node,
													estate, eflags);

		case T_MergeJoin:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitMergeJoin((MergeJoin *) node,
													 estate, eflags);

		case T_HashJoin:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitHashJoin((HashJoin *) node,
													estate, eflags);

			 * share input nodes
		case T_ShareInputScan:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitShareInputScan((ShareInputScan *) node, estate, eflags);

			 * materialization nodes
		case T_Material:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitMaterial((Material *) node,
													estate, eflags);

		case T_Sort:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSort((Sort *) node,
												estate, eflags);

		case T_Agg:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitAgg((Agg *) node,
												 estate, eflags);

		case T_TupleSplit:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitTupleSplit((TupleSplit *) node,
													  estate, eflags);

		case T_WindowAgg:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitWindowAgg((WindowAgg *) node,
													 estate, eflags);

		case T_Unique:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitUnique((Unique *) node,
												  estate, eflags);

		case T_Gather:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitGather((Gather *) node,
												  estate, eflags);

		case T_GatherMerge:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitGatherMerge((GatherMerge *) node,
													   estate, eflags);

		case T_Hash:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitHash((Hash *) node,
												estate, eflags);

		case T_SetOp:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSetOp((SetOp *) node,
												 estate, eflags);

		case T_LockRows:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitLockRows((LockRows *) node,
													estate, eflags);

		case T_Limit:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitLimit((Limit *) node,
												 estate, eflags);

		case T_Motion:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitMotion((Motion *) node,
												  estate, eflags);

		case T_SplitUpdate:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSplitUpdate((SplitUpdate *) node,
												  estate, eflags);
		case T_AssertOp:
 			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitAssertOp((AssertOp *) node,
 												  estate, eflags);
		case T_PartitionSelector:
			result = (PlanState *) ExecInitPartitionSelector((PartitionSelector *) node,
															estate, eflags);
			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(node));
			result = NULL;		/* keep compiler quiet */

	ExecSetExecProcNode(result, result->ExecProcNode);

	if ((estate->es_instrument & INSTRUMENT_MEMORY_DETAIL) != 0)
		Assert(CurrentMemoryContext == nodecxt);
		result->node_context = nodecxt;

	 * Initialize any initPlans present in this node.  The planner put them in
	 * a separate list for us.
	subps = NIL;
	foreach(l, node->initPlan)
		SubPlan    *subplan = (SubPlan *) lfirst(l);
		SubPlanState *sstate;
		int			origSliceId = estate->currentSliceId;

		Assert(IsA(subplan, SubPlan));

		estate->currentSliceId = estate->es_plannedstmt->subplan_sliceIds[subplan->plan_id - 1];

		sstate = ExecInitSubPlan(subplan, result);
		subps = lappend(subps, sstate);

		estate->currentSliceId = origSliceId;
	if (result != NULL)
		result->initPlan = subps;

	/* Set up instrumentation for this node if requested */
	if (estate->es_instrument && result != NULL)
		result->instrument = GpInstrAlloc(node, estate->es_instrument);

	return result;

 * If a node wants to change its ExecProcNode function after ExecInitNode()
 * has finished, it should do so with this function.  That way any wrapper
 * functions can be reinstalled, without the node having to know how that
 * works.
ExecSetExecProcNode(PlanState *node, ExecProcNodeMtd function)
	 * Add a wrapper around the ExecProcNode callback that checks stack depth
	 * during the first execution and maybe adds an instrumentation wrapper.
	 * When the callback is changed after execution has already begun that
	 * means we'll superfluously execute ExecProcNodeFirst, but that seems ok.
	node->ExecProcNodeReal = function;
	node->ExecProcNode = ExecProcNodeFirst;

 * ExecProcNode wrapper that performs some one-time checks, before calling
 * the relevant node method (possibly via an instrumentation wrapper).
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecProcNodeFirst(PlanState *node)
	 * Perform stack depth check during the first execution of the node.  We
	 * only do so the first time round because it turns out to not be cheap on
	 * some common architectures (eg. x86).  This relies on the assumption
	 * that ExecProcNode calls for a given plan node will always be made at
	 * roughly the same stack depth.

	 * If instrumentation is required, change the wrapper to one that just
	 * does instrumentation.  Otherwise we can dispense with all wrappers and
	 * have ExecProcNode() directly call the relevant function from now on.
	 * GPDB: Unfortunately, GPDB has a bunch of extra stuff that we need
	 * to do on every node, so we cannot make use of this upstream optimization.
	 * ExecProcNodeGPDB() is a wrapper that does all the Greenplum-specific
	 * extra stuff.
#if 0
	if (node->instrument)
		node->ExecProcNode = ExecProcNodeInstr;
		node->ExecProcNode = node->ExecProcNodeReal;
	node->ExecProcNode = ExecProcNodeGPDB;

	return node->ExecProcNode(node);

static TupleTableSlot *
ExecProcNodeGPDB(PlanState *node)
	TupleTableSlot *result;
	MemoryContext oldcxt = NULL;

	 * Even if we are requested to finish query, Motion has to do its work
	 * to tell End of Stream message to upper slice.  He will probably get
	 * NULL tuple from underlying operator by calling another ExecProcNode,
	 * so one additional operator execution should not be a big hit.
	if (QueryFinishPending && !IsA(node, MotionState))
		return NULL;

	if (node->plan)
		TRACE_POSTGRESQL_EXECPROCNODE_ENTER(GpIdentity.segindex, currentSliceId, nodeTag(node), node->plan->plan_node_id);

	if (node->squelched)
		elog(ERROR, "cannot execute squelched plan node of type: %d",
			 (int) nodeTag(node));

	if (!node->fHadSentNodeStart)
		/* GPDB hook for collecting query info */
		if (query_info_collect_hook)
			(*query_info_collect_hook)(METRICS_PLAN_NODE_EXECUTING, node);
		node->fHadSentNodeStart = true;

	if (node->instrument)

	if ((node->state->es_instrument & INSTRUMENT_MEMORY_DETAIL) != 0)
		oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(node->node_context);

	result = node->ExecProcNodeReal(node);

	if ((node->state->es_instrument & INSTRUMENT_MEMORY_DETAIL) != 0)
		Assert(CurrentMemoryContext == node->node_context);

	if (node->instrument)
		InstrStopNode(node->instrument, TupIsNull(result) ? 0.0 : 1.0);

	if (node->plan)
		TRACE_POSTGRESQL_EXECPROCNODE_EXIT(GpIdentity.segindex, currentSliceId, nodeTag(node), node->plan->plan_node_id);

	return result;

 * ExecProcNode wrapper that performs instrumentation calls.  By keeping
 * this a separate function, we avoid overhead in the normal case where
 * no instrumentation is wanted.
#if 0
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecProcNodeInstr(PlanState *node)
	TupleTableSlot *result;


	result = node->ExecProcNodeReal(node);

	InstrStopNode(node->instrument, TupIsNull(result) ? 0.0 : 1.0);

	return result;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		MultiExecProcNode
 *		Execute a node that doesn't return individual tuples
 *		(it might return a hashtable, bitmap, etc).  Caller should
 *		check it got back the expected kind of Node.
 * This has essentially the same responsibilities as ExecProcNode,
 * but it does not do InstrStartNode/InstrStopNode (mainly because
 * it can't tell how many returned tuples to count).  Each per-node
 * function must provide its own instrumentation support.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
Node *
MultiExecProcNode(PlanState *node)
	Node	   *result;



	Assert(NULL != node->plan);

	TRACE_POSTGRESQL_EXECPROCNODE_ENTER(GpIdentity.segindex, currentSliceId, nodeTag(node), node->plan->plan_node_id);
	if (!node->fHadSentNodeStart)
		/* GPDB hook for collecting query info */
		if (query_info_collect_hook)
			(*query_info_collect_hook)(METRICS_PLAN_NODE_EXECUTING, node);
		node->fHadSentNodeStart = true;

	if (node->chgParam != NULL) /* something changed */
		ExecReScan(node);		/* let ReScan handle this */

	switch (nodeTag(node))
			 * Only node types that actually support multiexec will be listed

		case T_HashState:
			result = MultiExecHash((HashState *) node);

		case T_BitmapIndexScanState:
			result = MultiExecBitmapIndexScan((BitmapIndexScanState *) node);

		case T_DynamicBitmapIndexScanState:
			result = MultiExecDynamicBitmapIndexScan((DynamicBitmapIndexScanState *) node);

		case T_BitmapAndState:
			result = MultiExecBitmapAnd((BitmapAndState *) node);

		case T_BitmapOrState:
			result = MultiExecBitmapOr((BitmapOrState *) node);

			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(node));
			result = NULL;

	TRACE_POSTGRESQL_EXECPROCNODE_EXIT(GpIdentity.segindex, currentSliceId, nodeTag(node), node->plan->plan_node_id);

	return result;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecEndNode
 *		Recursively cleans up all the nodes in the plan rooted
 *		at 'node'.
 *		After this operation, the query plan will not be able to be
 *		processed any further.  This should be called only after
 *		the query plan has been fully executed.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecEndNode(PlanState *node)
	 * do nothing when we get to the end of a leaf on tree.
	if (node == NULL)

	 * Make sure there's enough stack available. Need to check here, in
	 * addition to ExecProcNode() (via ExecProcNodeFirst()), because it's not
	 * guaranteed that ExecProcNode() is reached for all nodes.

	if (node->chgParam != NULL)
		node->chgParam = NULL;

	/* Free EXPLAIN ANALYZE buffer */
	if (node->cdbexplainbuf)
		if (node->cdbexplainbuf->data)
		node->cdbexplainbuf = NULL;

	switch (nodeTag(node))
			 * control nodes
		case T_ResultState:
			ExecEndResult((ResultState *) node);

		case T_ProjectSetState:
			ExecEndProjectSet((ProjectSetState *) node);

		case T_ModifyTableState:
			ExecEndModifyTable((ModifyTableState *) node);

		case T_AppendState:
			ExecEndAppend((AppendState *) node);

		case T_MergeAppendState:
			ExecEndMergeAppend((MergeAppendState *) node);

		case T_RecursiveUnionState:
			ExecEndRecursiveUnion((RecursiveUnionState *) node);

		case T_SequenceState:
			ExecEndSequence((SequenceState *) node);

		case T_BitmapAndState:
			ExecEndBitmapAnd((BitmapAndState *) node);

		case T_BitmapOrState:
			ExecEndBitmapOr((BitmapOrState *) node);

			 * scan nodes
		case T_SeqScanState:
			ExecEndSeqScan((SeqScanState *) node);

		case T_DynamicSeqScanState:
			ExecEndDynamicSeqScan((DynamicSeqScanState *) node);

		case T_SampleScanState:
			ExecEndSampleScan((SampleScanState *) node);

		case T_GatherState:
			ExecEndGather((GatherState *) node);

		case T_GatherMergeState:
			ExecEndGatherMerge((GatherMergeState *) node);

		case T_IndexScanState:
			ExecEndIndexScan((IndexScanState *) node);

		case T_DynamicIndexScanState:
			ExecEndDynamicIndexScan((DynamicIndexScanState *) node);

		case T_IndexOnlyScanState:
			ExecEndIndexOnlyScan((IndexOnlyScanState *) node);

		case T_BitmapIndexScanState:
			ExecEndBitmapIndexScan((BitmapIndexScanState *) node);

		case T_DynamicBitmapIndexScanState:
			ExecEndDynamicBitmapIndexScan((DynamicBitmapIndexScanState *) node);

		case T_BitmapHeapScanState:
			ExecEndBitmapHeapScan((BitmapHeapScanState *) node);

		case T_DynamicBitmapHeapScanState:
			ExecEndDynamicBitmapHeapScan((DynamicBitmapHeapScanState *) node);

		case T_TidScanState:
			ExecEndTidScan((TidScanState *) node);

		case T_SubqueryScanState:
			ExecEndSubqueryScan((SubqueryScanState *) node);

		case T_FunctionScanState:
			ExecEndFunctionScan((FunctionScanState *) node);

		case T_TableFunctionState:
			ExecEndTableFunction((TableFunctionState *) node);

		case T_TableFuncScanState:
			ExecEndTableFuncScan((TableFuncScanState *) node);

		case T_ValuesScanState:
			ExecEndValuesScan((ValuesScanState *) node);

		case T_CteScanState:
			ExecEndCteScan((CteScanState *) node);

		case T_NamedTuplestoreScanState:
			ExecEndNamedTuplestoreScan((NamedTuplestoreScanState *) node);

		case T_WorkTableScanState:
			ExecEndWorkTableScan((WorkTableScanState *) node);

		case T_ForeignScanState:
			ExecEndForeignScan((ForeignScanState *) node);

		case T_CustomScanState:
			ExecEndCustomScan((CustomScanState *) node);

			 * join nodes
		case T_NestLoopState:
			ExecEndNestLoop((NestLoopState *) node);

		case T_MergeJoinState:
			ExecEndMergeJoin((MergeJoinState *) node);

		case T_HashJoinState:
			ExecEndHashJoin((HashJoinState *) node);

			 * ShareInput nodes
		case T_ShareInputScanState:
			ExecEndShareInputScan((ShareInputScanState *) node);

			 * materialization nodes
		case T_MaterialState:
			ExecEndMaterial((MaterialState *) node);

		case T_SortState:
			ExecEndSort((SortState *) node);

		case T_AggState:
			ExecEndAgg((AggState *) node);

		case T_TupleSplitState:
			ExecEndTupleSplit((TupleSplitState *) node);

		case T_WindowAggState:
			ExecEndWindowAgg((WindowAggState *) node);

		case T_UniqueState:
			ExecEndUnique((UniqueState *) node);

		case T_HashState:
			ExecEndHash((HashState *) node);

		case T_SetOpState:
			ExecEndSetOp((SetOpState *) node);

		case T_LockRowsState:
			ExecEndLockRows((LockRowsState *) node);

		case T_LimitState:
			ExecEndLimit((LimitState *) node);

		case T_MotionState:
			ExecEndMotion((MotionState *) node);

			 * DML nodes
		case T_SplitUpdateState:
			ExecEndSplitUpdate((SplitUpdateState *) node);
		case T_AssertOpState:
			ExecEndAssertOp((AssertOpState *) node);
		case T_PartitionSelectorState:
			ExecEndPartitionSelector((PartitionSelectorState *) node);

			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(node));
	/* GPDB hook for collecting query info */
	if (query_info_collect_hook)
		(*query_info_collect_hook)(METRICS_PLAN_NODE_FINISHED, node);

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *						PlanState Tree Walking Functions
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * planstate_walk_node
 *	  Calls a 'walker' function for the given PlanState node; or returns
 *	  CdbVisit_Walk if 'planstate' is NULL.
 *	  If 'walker' returns CdbVisit_Walk, then this function calls
 *	  planstate_walk_kids() to visit the node's children, and returns
 *	  the result.
 *	  If 'walker' returns CdbVisit_Skip, then this function immediately
 *	  returns CdbVisit_Walk and does not visit the node's children.
 *	  If 'walker' returns CdbVisit_Stop or another value, then this function
 *	  immediately returns that value and does not visit the node's children.
 * planstate_walk_array
 *	  Calls planstate_walk_node() for each non-NULL PlanState ptr in
 *	  the given array of pointers to PlanState objects.
 *	  Quits if the result of planstate_walk_node() is CdbVisit_Stop or another
 *	  value other than CdbVisit_Walk, and returns that result without visiting
 *	  any more nodes.
 *	  Returns CdbVisit_Walk if 'planstates' is NULL, or if all of the
 *	  subtrees return CdbVisit_Walk.
 *	  Note that this function never returns CdbVisit_Skip to its caller.
 *	  Only the caller's 'walker' function can return CdbVisit_Skip.
 * planstate_walk_list
 *	  Calls planstate_walk_node() for each PlanState node in the given List.
 *	  Quits if the result of planstate_walk_node() is CdbVisit_Stop or another
 *	  value other than CdbVisit_Walk, and returns that result without visiting
 *	  any more nodes.
 *	  Returns CdbVisit_Walk if all of the subtrees return CdbVisit_Walk, or
 *	  if the list is empty.
 *	  Note that this function never returns CdbVisit_Skip to its caller.
 *	  Only the caller's 'walker' function can return CdbVisit_Skip.
 * planstate_walk_kids
 *	  Calls planstate_walk_node() for each child of the given PlanState node.
 *	  Quits if the result of planstate_walk_node() is CdbVisit_Stop or another
 *	  value other than CdbVisit_Walk, and returns that result without visiting
 *	  any more nodes.
 *	  Returns CdbVisit_Walk if the given planstate node ptr is NULL, or if
 *	  all of the children return CdbVisit_Walk, or if there are no children.
 *	  Note that this function never returns CdbVisit_Skip to its caller.
 *	  Only the 'walker' can return CdbVisit_Skip.
 * NB: All CdbVisitOpt values other than CdbVisit_Walk or CdbVisit_Skip are
 * treated as equivalent to CdbVisit_Stop.  Thus the walker can break out
 * of a traversal and at the same time return a smidgen of information to the
 * caller, perhaps to indicate the reason for termination.  For convenience,
 * a couple of alternative stopping codes are predefined for walkers to use at
 * their discretion: CdbVisit_Failure and CdbVisit_Success.
 * NB: We do not visit the left subtree of a NestLoopState node (NJ) whose
 * 'shared_outer' flag is set.  This occurs when the NJ is the left child of
 * an AdaptiveNestLoopState (AJ); the AJ's right child is a HashJoinState (HJ);
 * and both the NJ and HJ point to the same left subtree.  This way we avoid
 * visiting the common subtree twice when descending through the AJ node.
 * The caller's walker function can handle the NJ as a special case to
 * override this behavior if there is a need to always visit both subtrees.
 * NB: Use PSW_* flags to skip walking certain parts of the planstate tree.
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Version of walker that uses no flags.
planstate_walk_node(PlanState *planstate,
				 CdbVisitOpt (*walker) (PlanState *planstate, void *context),
					void *context)
	return planstate_walk_node_extended(planstate, walker, context, 0);

 * Workhorse walker that uses flags.
planstate_walk_node_extended(PlanState *planstate,
				 CdbVisitOpt (*walker) (PlanState *planstate, void *context),
							 void *context,
							 int flags)
	CdbVisitOpt whatnext;

	if (planstate == NULL)
		whatnext = CdbVisit_Walk;
		whatnext = walker(planstate, context);
		if (whatnext == CdbVisit_Walk)
			whatnext = planstate_walk_kids(planstate, walker, context, flags);
		else if (whatnext == CdbVisit_Skip)
			whatnext = CdbVisit_Walk;
	Assert(whatnext != CdbVisit_Skip);
	return whatnext;
}	/* planstate_walk_node */

planstate_walk_array(PlanState **planstates,
					 int nplanstate,
				 CdbVisitOpt (*walker) (PlanState *planstate, void *context),
					 void *context,
					 int flags)
	CdbVisitOpt whatnext = CdbVisit_Walk;
	int			i;

	if (planstates == NULL)
		return CdbVisit_Walk;

	for (i = 0; i < nplanstate && whatnext == CdbVisit_Walk; i++)
		whatnext = planstate_walk_node_extended(planstates[i], walker, context, flags);

	return whatnext;
}	/* planstate_walk_array */

planstate_walk_kids(PlanState *planstate,
				 CdbVisitOpt (*walker) (PlanState *planstate, void *context),
					void *context,
					int flags)
	CdbVisitOpt v;

	if (planstate == NULL)
		return CdbVisit_Walk;

	switch (nodeTag(planstate))
		case T_NestLoopState:
				NestLoopState *nls = (NestLoopState *) planstate;

				 * Don't visit left subtree of NJ if it is shared with brother
				 * HJ
				if (nls->shared_outer)
					v = CdbVisit_Walk;
					v = planstate_walk_node_extended(planstate->lefttree, walker, context, flags);

				/* Right subtree */
				if (v == CdbVisit_Walk)
					v = planstate_walk_node_extended(planstate->righttree, walker, context, flags);

		case T_AppendState:
				AppendState *as = (AppendState *) planstate;

				v = planstate_walk_array(as->appendplans, as->as_nplans, walker, context, flags);
				Assert(!planstate->lefttree && !planstate->righttree);

		case T_MergeAppendState:
				MergeAppendState *ms = (MergeAppendState *) planstate;

				v = planstate_walk_array(ms->mergeplans, ms->ms_nplans, walker, context, flags);
				Assert(!planstate->lefttree && !planstate->righttree);

		case T_ModifyTableState:
				ModifyTableState *mts = (ModifyTableState *) planstate;

				v = planstate_walk_array(mts->mt_plans, mts->mt_nplans, walker, context, flags);
				Assert(!planstate->lefttree && !planstate->righttree);

		case T_SequenceState:
				SequenceState *ss = (SequenceState *) planstate;

				v = planstate_walk_array(ss->subplans, ss->numSubplans, walker, context, flags);
				Assert(!planstate->lefttree && !planstate->righttree);

		case T_BitmapAndState:
				BitmapAndState *bas = (BitmapAndState *) planstate;

				v = planstate_walk_array(bas->bitmapplans, bas->nplans, walker, context, flags);
				Assert(!planstate->lefttree && !planstate->righttree);
		case T_BitmapOrState:
				BitmapOrState *bos = (BitmapOrState *) planstate;

				v = planstate_walk_array(bos->bitmapplans, bos->nplans, walker, context, flags);
				Assert(!planstate->lefttree && !planstate->righttree);

		case T_SubqueryScanState:
			v = planstate_walk_node_extended(((SubqueryScanState *) planstate)->subplan, walker, context, flags);
			Assert(!planstate->lefttree && !planstate->righttree);

			/* Left subtree */
			v = planstate_walk_node_extended(planstate->lefttree, walker, context, flags);

			/* Right subtree */
			if (v == CdbVisit_Walk)
				v = planstate_walk_node_extended(planstate->righttree, walker, context, flags);

	/* Init plan subtree */
	if (!(flags & PSW_IGNORE_INITPLAN)
		&& (v == CdbVisit_Walk))
		ListCell   *lc = NULL;
		CdbVisitOpt v1 = v;

		foreach(lc, planstate->initPlan)
			SubPlanState *sps = (SubPlanState *) lfirst(lc);
			PlanState  *ips = sps->planstate;

			if (v1 == CdbVisit_Walk)
				v1 = planstate_walk_node_extended(ips, walker, context, flags);

	/* Sub plan subtree */
	if (v == CdbVisit_Walk)
		ListCell   *lc = NULL;
		CdbVisitOpt v1 = v;

		foreach(lc, planstate->subPlan)
			SubPlanState *sps = (SubPlanState *) lfirst(lc);
			PlanState  *ips = sps->planstate;

			if (!ips)
				elog(ERROR, "subplan has no planstate");
			if (v1 == CdbVisit_Walk)
				v1 = planstate_walk_node_extended(ips, walker, context, flags);


	return v;
}	/* planstate_walk_kids */

 * ExecShutdownNode
 * Give execution nodes a chance to stop asynchronous resource consumption
 * and release any resources still held.
ExecShutdownNode(PlanState *node)
	if (node == NULL)
		return false;


	planstate_tree_walker(node, ExecShutdownNode, NULL);

	 * Treat the node as running while we shut it down, but only if it's run
	 * at least once already.  We don't expect much CPU consumption during
	 * node shutdown, but in the case of Gather or Gather Merge, we may shut
	 * down workers at this stage.  If so, their buffer usage will get
	 * propagated into pgBufferUsage at this point, and we want to make sure
	 * that it gets associated with the Gather node.  We skip this if the node
	 * has never been executed, so as to avoid incorrectly making it appear
	 * that it has.
	if (node->instrument && node->instrument->running)

	switch (nodeTag(node))
		case T_GatherState:
			ExecShutdownGather((GatherState *) node);
		case T_ForeignScanState:
			ExecShutdownForeignScan((ForeignScanState *) node);
		case T_CustomScanState:
			ExecShutdownCustomScan((CustomScanState *) node);
		case T_GatherMergeState:
			ExecShutdownGatherMerge((GatherMergeState *) node);
		case T_HashState:
			ExecShutdownHash((HashState *) node);
		case T_HashJoinState:
			ExecShutdownHashJoin((HashJoinState *) node);

	/* Stop the node if we started it above, reporting 0 tuples. */
	if (node->instrument && node->instrument->running)
		InstrStopNode(node->instrument, 0);

	return false;

 * ExecSetTupleBound
 * Set a tuple bound for a planstate node.  This lets child plan nodes
 * optimize based on the knowledge that the maximum number of tuples that
 * their parent will demand is limited.  The tuple bound for a node may
 * only be changed between scans (i.e., after node initialization or just
 * before an ExecReScan call).
 * Any negative tuples_needed value means "no limit", which should be the
 * default assumption when this is not called at all for a particular node.
 * Note: if this is called repeatedly on a plan tree, the exact same set
 * of nodes must be updated with the new limit each time; be careful that
 * only unchanging conditions are tested here.
ExecSetTupleBound(int64 tuples_needed, PlanState *child_node)
	 * Since this function recurses, in principle we should check stack depth
	 * here.  In practice, it's probably pointless since the earlier node
	 * initialization tree traversal would surely have consumed more stack.

	if (IsA(child_node, SortState))
		 * If it is a Sort node, notify it that it can use bounded sort.
		 * Note: it is the responsibility of nodeSort.c to react properly to
		 * changes of these parameters.  If we ever redesign this, it'd be a
		 * good idea to integrate this signaling with the parameter-change
		 * mechanism.
		SortState  *sortState = (SortState *) child_node;

		if (tuples_needed < 0)
			/* make sure flag gets reset if needed upon rescan */
			sortState->bounded = false;
			sortState->bounded = true;
			sortState->bound = tuples_needed;
	else if (IsA(child_node, AppendState))
		 * If it is an Append, we can apply the bound to any nodes that are
		 * children of the Append, since the Append surely need read no more
		 * than that many tuples from any one input.
		AppendState *aState = (AppendState *) child_node;
		int			i;

		for (i = 0; i < aState->as_nplans; i++)
			ExecSetTupleBound(tuples_needed, aState->appendplans[i]);
	else if (IsA(child_node, MergeAppendState))
		 * If it is a MergeAppend, we can apply the bound to any nodes that
		 * are children of the MergeAppend, since the MergeAppend surely need
		 * read no more than that many tuples from any one input.
		MergeAppendState *maState = (MergeAppendState *) child_node;
		int			i;

		for (i = 0; i < maState->ms_nplans; i++)
			ExecSetTupleBound(tuples_needed, maState->mergeplans[i]);
	else if (IsA(child_node, ResultState))
		 * Similarly, for a projecting Result, we can apply the bound to its
		 * child node.
		 * If Result supported qual checking, we'd have to punt on seeing a
		 * qual.  Note that having a resconstantqual is not a showstopper: if
		 * that condition succeeds it affects nothing, while if it fails, no
		 * rows will be demanded from the Result child anyway.
		if (outerPlanState(child_node))
			ExecSetTupleBound(tuples_needed, outerPlanState(child_node));
	else if (IsA(child_node, SubqueryScanState))
		 * We can also descend through SubqueryScan, but only if it has no
		 * qual (otherwise it might discard rows).
		SubqueryScanState *subqueryState = (SubqueryScanState *) child_node;

		if (subqueryState-> == NULL)
			ExecSetTupleBound(tuples_needed, subqueryState->subplan);
	else if (IsA(child_node, GatherState))
		 * A Gather node can propagate the bound to its workers.  As with
		 * MergeAppend, no one worker could possibly need to return more
		 * tuples than the Gather itself needs to.
		 * Note: As with Sort, the Gather node is responsible for reacting
		 * properly to changes to this parameter.
		GatherState *gstate = (GatherState *) child_node;

		gstate->tuples_needed = tuples_needed;

		/* Also pass down the bound to our own copy of the child plan */
		ExecSetTupleBound(tuples_needed, outerPlanState(child_node));
	else if (IsA(child_node, GatherMergeState))
		/* Same comments as for Gather */
		GatherMergeState *gstate = (GatherMergeState *) child_node;

		gstate->tuples_needed = tuples_needed;

		ExecSetTupleBound(tuples_needed, outerPlanState(child_node));

	 * In principle we could descend through any plan node type that is
	 * certain not to discard or combine input rows; but on seeing a node that
	 * can do that, we can't propagate the bound any further.  For the moment
	 * it's unclear that any other cases are worth checking here.


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn execAmi 源码

greenplumn execCurrent 源码

greenplumn execExpr 源码

greenplumn execExprInterp 源码

greenplumn execGrouping 源码

greenplumn execIndexing 源码

greenplumn execJunk 源码

greenplumn execMain 源码

greenplumn execParallel 源码

greenplumn execPartition 源码

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