spring-authorization-server OidcClientRegistration 源码

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spring-authorization-server OidcClientRegistration 代码


 * Copyright 2020-2022 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.security.oauth2.server.authorization.oidc;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import org.springframework.security.oauth2.core.ClientAuthenticationMethod;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.core.oidc.OidcIdToken;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.jose.jws.JwsAlgorithm;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.jose.jws.SignatureAlgorithm;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.jwt.Jwt;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.server.authorization.util.SpringAuthorizationServerVersion;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

 * A representation of an OpenID Client Registration Request and Response,
 * which is sent to and returned from the Client Registration Endpoint,
 * and contains a set of claims about the Client's Registration information.
 * The claims are defined by the OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 specification.
 * @author Ovidiu Popa
 * @author Joe Grandja
 * @since 0.1.1
 * @see OidcClientMetadataClaimAccessor
 * @see <a href="https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-registration-1_0.html#RegistrationRequest">3.1. Client Registration Request</a>
 * @see <a href="https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-registration-1_0.html#RegistrationResponse">3.2. Client Registration Response</a>
public final class OidcClientRegistration implements OidcClientMetadataClaimAccessor, Serializable {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = SpringAuthorizationServerVersion.SERIAL_VERSION_UID;
	private final Map<String, Object> claims;

	private OidcClientRegistration(Map<String, Object> claims) {
		Assert.notEmpty(claims, "claims cannot be empty");
		this.claims = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new LinkedHashMap<>(claims));

	 * Returns the metadata as claims.
	 * @return a {@code Map} of the metadata as claims
	public Map<String, Object> getClaims() {
		return this.claims;

	 * Constructs a new {@link Builder} with empty claims.
	 * @return the {@link Builder}
	public static Builder builder() {
		return new Builder();

	 * Constructs a new {@link Builder} with the provided claims.
	 * @param claims the claims to initialize the builder
	public static Builder withClaims(Map<String, Object> claims) {
		Assert.notEmpty(claims, "claims cannot be empty");
		return new Builder()
				.claims(c -> c.putAll(claims));

	 * Helps configure an {@link OidcClientRegistration}.
	public static class Builder {
		private final Map<String, Object> claims = new LinkedHashMap<>();

		private Builder() {

		 * Sets the Client Identifier, REQUIRED.
		 * @param clientId the Client Identifier
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder clientId(String clientId) {
			return claim(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_ID, clientId);

		 * Sets the time at which the Client Identifier was issued, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param clientIdIssuedAt the time at which the Client Identifier was issued
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder clientIdIssuedAt(Instant clientIdIssuedAt) {
			return claim(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_ID_ISSUED_AT, clientIdIssuedAt);

		 * Sets the Client Secret, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param clientSecret the Client Secret
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder clientSecret(String clientSecret) {
			return claim(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_SECRET, clientSecret);

		 * Sets the time at which the {@code client_secret} will expire or {@code null} if it will not expire, REQUIRED if {@code client_secret} was issued.
		 * @param clientSecretExpiresAt the time at which the {@code client_secret} will expire or {@code null} if it will not expire
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder clientSecretExpiresAt(Instant clientSecretExpiresAt) {
			return claim(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_SECRET_EXPIRES_AT, clientSecretExpiresAt);

		 * Sets the name of the Client to be presented to the End-User, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param clientName the name of the Client to be presented to the End-User
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder clientName(String clientName) {
			return claim(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_NAME, clientName);

		 * Add the redirection {@code URI} used by the Client, REQUIRED.
		 * @param redirectUri the redirection {@code URI} used by the Client
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder redirectUri(String redirectUri) {
			addClaimToClaimList(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.REDIRECT_URIS, redirectUri);
			return this;

		 * A {@code Consumer} of the redirection {@code URI} values used by the Client,
		 * allowing the ability to add, replace, or remove, REQUIRED.
		 * @param redirectUrisConsumer a {@code Consumer} of the redirection {@code URI} values used by the Client
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder redirectUris(Consumer<List<String>> redirectUrisConsumer) {
			acceptClaimValues(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.REDIRECT_URIS, redirectUrisConsumer);
			return this;

		 * Sets the authentication method used by the Client for the Token Endpoint, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param tokenEndpointAuthenticationMethod the authentication method used by the Client for the Token Endpoint
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder tokenEndpointAuthenticationMethod(String tokenEndpointAuthenticationMethod) {
			return claim(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.TOKEN_ENDPOINT_AUTH_METHOD, tokenEndpointAuthenticationMethod);

		 * Sets the {@link JwsAlgorithm JWS} algorithm that must be used for signing the {@link Jwt JWT} used to authenticate
		 * the Client at the Token Endpoint for the {@link ClientAuthenticationMethod#PRIVATE_KEY_JWT private_key_jwt} and
		 * {@link ClientAuthenticationMethod#CLIENT_SECRET_JWT client_secret_jwt} authentication methods, OPTIONAL.

		 * @param authenticationSigningAlgorithm the {@link JwsAlgorithm JWS} algorithm that must be used for signing the {@link Jwt JWT}
		 *                                       used to authenticate the Client at the Token Endpoint
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		 * @since 0.2.2
		public Builder tokenEndpointAuthenticationSigningAlgorithm(String authenticationSigningAlgorithm) {
			return claim(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.TOKEN_ENDPOINT_AUTH_SIGNING_ALG, authenticationSigningAlgorithm);

		 * Add the OAuth 2.0 {@code grant_type} that the Client will restrict itself to using, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param grantType the OAuth 2.0 {@code grant_type} that the Client will restrict itself to using
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder grantType(String grantType) {
			addClaimToClaimList(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.GRANT_TYPES, grantType);
			return this;

		 * A {@code Consumer} of the OAuth 2.0 {@code grant_type} values that the Client will restrict itself to using,
		 * allowing the ability to add, replace, or remove, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param grantTypesConsumer a {@code Consumer} of the OAuth 2.0 {@code grant_type} values that the Client will restrict itself to using
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder grantTypes(Consumer<List<String>> grantTypesConsumer) {
			acceptClaimValues(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.GRANT_TYPES, grantTypesConsumer);
			return this;

		 * Add the OAuth 2.0 {@code response_type} that the Client will restrict itself to using, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param responseType the OAuth 2.0 {@code response_type} that the Client will restrict itself to using
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder responseType(String responseType) {
			addClaimToClaimList(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.RESPONSE_TYPES, responseType);
			return this;

		 * A {@code Consumer} of the OAuth 2.0 {@code response_type} values that the Client will restrict itself to using,
		 * allowing the ability to add, replace, or remove, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param responseTypesConsumer a {@code Consumer} of the OAuth 2.0 {@code response_type} values that the Client will restrict itself to using
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder responseTypes(Consumer<List<String>>  responseTypesConsumer) {
			acceptClaimValues(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.RESPONSE_TYPES, responseTypesConsumer);
			return this;

		 * Add the OAuth 2.0 {@code scope} that the Client will restrict itself to using, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param scope the OAuth 2.0 {@code scope} that the Client will restrict itself to using
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder scope(String scope) {
			addClaimToClaimList(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.SCOPE, scope);
			return this;

		 * A {@code Consumer} of the OAuth 2.0 {@code scope} values that the Client will restrict itself to using,
		 * allowing the ability to add, replace, or remove, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param scopesConsumer a {@code Consumer} of the OAuth 2.0 {@code scope} values that the Client will restrict itself to using
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder scopes(Consumer<List<String>>  scopesConsumer) {
			acceptClaimValues(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.SCOPE, scopesConsumer);
			return this;

		 * Sets the {@code URL} for the Client's JSON Web Key Set, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param jwkSetUrl the {@code URL} for the Client's JSON Web Key Set
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		 * @since 0.2.2
		public Builder jwkSetUrl(String jwkSetUrl) {
			return claim(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.JWKS_URI, jwkSetUrl);

		 * Sets the {@link SignatureAlgorithm JWS} algorithm required for signing the {@link OidcIdToken ID Token} issued to the Client, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param idTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm the {@link SignatureAlgorithm JWS} algorithm required for signing the {@link OidcIdToken ID Token} issued to the Client
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder idTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm(String idTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm) {
			return claim(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.ID_TOKEN_SIGNED_RESPONSE_ALG, idTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm);

		 * Sets the Registration Access Token that can be used at the Client Configuration Endpoint, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param registrationAccessToken the Registration Access Token that can be used at the Client Configuration Endpoint
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		 * @since 0.2.1
		public Builder registrationAccessToken(String registrationAccessToken) {
			return claim(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.REGISTRATION_ACCESS_TOKEN, registrationAccessToken);

		 * Sets the {@code URL} of the Client Configuration Endpoint where the Registration Access Token can be used, OPTIONAL.
		 * @param registrationClientUrl the {@code URL} of the Client Configuration Endpoint where the Registration Access Token can be used
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		 * @since 0.2.1
		public Builder registrationClientUrl(String registrationClientUrl) {
			return claim(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.REGISTRATION_CLIENT_URI, registrationClientUrl);

		 * Sets the claim.
		 * @param name  the claim name
		 * @param value the claim value
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configuration
		public Builder claim(String name, Object value) {
			Assert.hasText(name, "name cannot be empty");
			Assert.notNull(value, "value cannot be null");
			this.claims.put(name, value);
			return this;

		 * Provides access to every {@link #claim(String, Object)} declared so far
		 * allowing the ability to add, replace, or remove.
		 * @param claimsConsumer a {@code Consumer} of the claims
		 * @return the {@link Builder} for further configurations
		public Builder claims(Consumer<Map<String, Object>> claimsConsumer) {
			return this;

		 * Validate the claims and build the {@link OidcClientRegistration}.
		 * <p>
		 * The following claims are REQUIRED:
		 * {@code client_id}, {@code redirect_uris}.
		 * @return the {@link OidcClientRegistration}
		public OidcClientRegistration build() {
			return new OidcClientRegistration(this.claims);

		private void validate() {
			if (this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_ID_ISSUED_AT) != null ||
					this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_SECRET) != null) {
				Assert.notNull(this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_ID), "client_id cannot be null");
			if (this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_ID_ISSUED_AT) != null) {
				Assert.isInstanceOf(Instant.class, this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_ID_ISSUED_AT), "client_id_issued_at must be of type Instant");
			if (this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_SECRET_EXPIRES_AT) != null) {
				Assert.notNull(this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_SECRET), "client_secret cannot be null");
				Assert.isInstanceOf(Instant.class, this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.CLIENT_SECRET_EXPIRES_AT), "client_secret_expires_at must be of type Instant");
			Assert.notNull(this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.REDIRECT_URIS), "redirect_uris cannot be null");
			Assert.isInstanceOf(List.class, this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.REDIRECT_URIS), "redirect_uris must be of type List");
			Assert.notEmpty((List<?>) this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.REDIRECT_URIS), "redirect_uris cannot be empty");
			if (this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.GRANT_TYPES) != null) {
				Assert.isInstanceOf(List.class, this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.GRANT_TYPES), "grant_types must be of type List");
				Assert.notEmpty((List<?>) this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.GRANT_TYPES), "grant_types cannot be empty");
			if (this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.RESPONSE_TYPES) != null) {
				Assert.isInstanceOf(List.class, this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.RESPONSE_TYPES), "response_types must be of type List");
				Assert.notEmpty((List<?>) this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.RESPONSE_TYPES), "response_types cannot be empty");
			if (this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.SCOPE) != null) {
				Assert.isInstanceOf(List.class, this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.SCOPE), "scope must be of type List");
				Assert.notEmpty((List<?>) this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.SCOPE), "scope cannot be empty");
			if (this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.JWKS_URI) != null) {
				validateURL(this.claims.get(OidcClientMetadataClaimNames.JWKS_URI), "jwksUri must be a valid URL");

		private void addClaimToClaimList(String name, String value) {
			Assert.hasText(name, "name cannot be empty");
			Assert.notNull(value, "value cannot be null");
			this.claims.computeIfAbsent(name, k -> new LinkedList<String>());
			((List<String>) this.claims.get(name)).add(value);

		private void acceptClaimValues(String name, Consumer<List<String>> valuesConsumer) {
			Assert.hasText(name, "name cannot be empty");
			Assert.notNull(valuesConsumer, "valuesConsumer cannot be null");
			this.claims.computeIfAbsent(name, k -> new LinkedList<String>());
			List<String> values = (List<String>) this.claims.get(name);

		private static void validateURL(Object url, String errorMessage) {
			if (URL.class.isAssignableFrom(url.getClass())) {

			try {
				new URI(url.toString()).toURL();
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage, ex);




spring-authorization-server 源码目录


spring-authorization-server OidcClientMetadataClaimAccessor 源码

spring-authorization-server OidcClientMetadataClaimNames 源码

spring-authorization-server OidcProviderConfiguration 源码

spring-authorization-server OidcProviderMetadataClaimAccessor 源码

spring-authorization-server OidcProviderMetadataClaimNames 源码

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