spring-batch JobRepository 源码
spring-batch JobRepository 代码
* Copyright 2006-2021 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.batch.core.repository;
import org.springframework.batch.core.Job;
import org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution;
import org.springframework.batch.core.JobInstance;
import org.springframework.batch.core.JobParameters;
import org.springframework.batch.core.Step;
import org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecution;
import org.springframework.batch.core.repository.dao.JobExecutionDao;
import org.springframework.batch.core.repository.dao.JobInstanceDao;
import org.springframework.batch.item.ExecutionContext;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Isolation;
import java.util.Collection;
* <p>
* Repository responsible for persistence of batch meta-data entities.
* </p>
* @see JobInstance
* @see JobExecution
* @see StepExecution
* @author Lucas Ward
* @author Dave Syer
* @author Robert Kasanicky
* @author David Turanski
* @author Michael Minella
* @author Mahmoud Ben Hassine
public interface JobRepository {
* Check if an instance of this job already exists with the parameters provided.
* @param jobName the name of the job
* @param jobParameters the parameters to match
* @return true if a {@link JobInstance} already exists for this job name and job
* parameters
boolean isJobInstanceExists(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters);
* Create a new {@link JobInstance} with the name and job parameters provided.
* @param jobName logical name of the job
* @param jobParameters parameters used to execute the job
* @return the new {@link JobInstance}
JobInstance createJobInstance(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters);
* <p>
* Create a {@link JobExecution} for a given {@link Job} and {@link JobParameters}. If
* matching {@link JobInstance} already exists, the job must be restartable and it's
* last JobExecution must *not* be completed. If matching {@link JobInstance} does not
* exist yet it will be created.
* </p>
* <p>
* If this method is run in a transaction (as it normally would be) with isolation
* level at {@link Isolation#REPEATABLE_READ} or better, then this method should block
* if another transaction is already executing it (for the same {@link JobParameters}
* and job name). The first transaction to complete in this scenario obtains a valid
* {@link JobExecution}, and others throw {@link JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException}
* (or timeout). There are no such guarantees if the {@link JobInstanceDao} and
* {@link JobExecutionDao} do not respect the transaction isolation levels (e.g. if
* using a non-relational data-store, or if the platform does not support the higher
* isolation levels).
* </p>
* @param jobName the name of the job that is to be executed
* @param jobParameters the runtime parameters for the job
* @return a valid {@link JobExecution} for the arguments provided
* @throws JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException if there is a {@link JobExecution}
* already running for the job instance with the provided job and parameters.
* @throws JobRestartException if one or more existing {@link JobInstance}s is found
* with the same parameters and {@link Job#isRestartable()} is false.
* @throws JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException if a {@link JobInstance} is found and
* was already completed successfully.
JobExecution createJobExecution(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
throws JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException, JobRestartException, JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException;
* Update the {@link JobExecution} (but not its {@link ExecutionContext}).
* Preconditions: {@link JobExecution} must contain a valid {@link JobInstance} and be
* saved (have an id assigned).
* @param jobExecution {@link JobExecution} instance to be updated in the repo.
void update(JobExecution jobExecution);
* Save the {@link StepExecution} and its {@link ExecutionContext}. ID will be
* assigned - it is not permitted that an ID be assigned before calling this method.
* Instead, it should be left blank, to be assigned by a {@link JobRepository}.
* Preconditions: {@link StepExecution} must have a valid {@link Step}.
* @param stepExecution {@link StepExecution} instance to be added to the repo.
void add(StepExecution stepExecution);
* Save a collection of {@link StepExecution}s and each {@link ExecutionContext}. The
* StepExecution ID will be assigned - it is not permitted that an ID be assigned
* before calling this method. Instead, it should be left blank, to be assigned by
* {@link JobRepository}.
* Preconditions: {@link StepExecution} must have a valid {@link Step}.
* @param stepExecutions collection of {@link StepExecution} instances to be added to
* the repo.
void addAll(Collection<StepExecution> stepExecutions);
* Update the {@link StepExecution} (but not its {@link ExecutionContext}).
* Preconditions: {@link StepExecution} must be saved (have an id assigned).
* @param stepExecution {@link StepExecution} instance to be updated in the repo.
void update(StepExecution stepExecution);
* Persist the updated {@link ExecutionContext}s of the given {@link StepExecution}.
* @param stepExecution {@link StepExecution} instance to be used to update the
* context.
void updateExecutionContext(StepExecution stepExecution);
* Persist the updated {@link ExecutionContext} of the given {@link JobExecution}.
* @param jobExecution {@link JobExecution} instance to be used to update the context.
void updateExecutionContext(JobExecution jobExecution);
* @param jobInstance {@link JobInstance} instance containing the step executions.
* @param stepName the name of the step execution that might have run.
* @return the last execution of step for the given job instance.
StepExecution getLastStepExecution(JobInstance jobInstance, String stepName);
* @param jobInstance {@link JobInstance} instance containing the step executions.
* @param stepName the name of the step execution that might have run.
* @return the execution count of the step within the given job instance.
int getStepExecutionCount(JobInstance jobInstance, String stepName);
* @param jobName the name of the job that might have run
* @param jobParameters parameters identifying the {@link JobInstance}
* @return the last execution of job if exists, null otherwise
JobExecution getLastJobExecution(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters);
spring-batch ExecutionContextSerializer 源码
spring-batch JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException 源码
spring-batch JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException 源码
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