greenplumn pxf_option 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn pxf_option 代码


 * pxf_option.c
 *		  Foreign-data wrapper option handling for PXF (Platform Extension Framework)
 *		  contrib/pxf_fdw/pxf_option.c

#include "postgres.h"

#include "pxf_fdw.h"

#include "access/reloptions.h"
#include "catalog/pg_foreign_data_wrapper.h"
#include "catalog/pg_foreign_server.h"
#include "catalog/pg_foreign_table.h"
#include "catalog/pg_user_mapping.h"
#include "commands/copy.h"
#include "commands/defrem.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "foreign/foreign.h"



#define FDW_OPTION_CONFIG "config"
#define FDW_OPTION_FORMAT "format"
#define FDW_OPTION_LOG_ERRORS "log_errors"
#define FDW_OPTION_MPP_EXECUTE "mpp_execute"
#define FDW_OPTION_PROTOCOL "protocol"
#define FDW_OPTION_PXF_HOST "pxf_host"
#define FDW_OPTION_PXF_PORT "pxf_port"
#define FDW_OPTION_PXF_PROTOCOL "pxf_protocol"
#define FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT "reject_limit"
#define FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT_TYPE "reject_limit_type"
#define FDW_OPTION_RESOURCE "resource"

#define FDW_COPY_OPTION_FORMAT "format"
#define FDW_COPY_OPTION_HEADER "header"
#define FDW_COPY_OPTION_DELIMITER "delimiter"
#define FDW_COPY_OPTION_QUOTE "quote"
#define FDW_COPY_OPTION_ESCAPE "escape"
#define FDW_COPY_OPTION_NULL "null"
#define FDW_COPY_OPTION_ENCODING "encoding"
#define FDW_COPY_OPTION_NEWLINE "newline"
#define FDW_COPY_OPTION_FILL_MISSING_FIELDS "fill_missing_fields"
#define FDW_COPY_OPTION_FORCE_NOT_NULL "force_not_null"
#define FDW_COPY_OPTION_FORCE_NULL "force_null"

 * Describes the valid copy options for objects that use this wrapper.
struct PxfFdwOption
	const char *optname;
	Oid			optcontext;		/* Oid of catalog in which option may appear */

static const struct PxfFdwOption valid_options[] = {
	{FDW_OPTION_PROTOCOL, ForeignDataWrapperRelationId},
	{FDW_OPTION_RESOURCE, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_OPTION_FORMAT, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_OPTION_CONFIG, ForeignServerRelationId},

	/* Error handling */
	{FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT_TYPE, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_OPTION_LOG_ERRORS, ForeignTableRelationId},

	/* Sentinel */
	{NULL, InvalidOid}

 * Valid COPY options for *_pxf_fdw.
 * These options are based on the options for the COPY FROM command.
 * But note that force_not_null and force_null are handled as boolean options
 * attached to a column, not as table options.
 * Note: If you are adding new option for user mapping, you need to modify
 * fileGetOptions(), which currently doesn't bother to look at user mappings.
static const struct PxfFdwOption valid_copy_options[] = {
	/* Format options */
	/* oids option is not supported */
	/* freeze option is not supported */
	{FDW_OPTION_FORMAT, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_COPY_OPTION_HEADER, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_COPY_OPTION_DELIMITER, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_COPY_OPTION_QUOTE, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_COPY_OPTION_ESCAPE, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_COPY_OPTION_NULL, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_COPY_OPTION_ENCODING, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_COPY_OPTION_NEWLINE, ForeignTableRelationId},
	{FDW_COPY_OPTION_FORCE_NULL, AttributeRelationId},

	/* Sentinel */
	{NULL, InvalidOid}

extern Datum pxf_fdw_validator(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);

 * SQL functions

 * Helper functions
static Datum ValidateCopyOptions(List *options_list, Oid catalog);

static bool IsCopyOption(const char *option);

static bool IsValidCopyOption(const char *option, Oid context);

static void ValidateOption(char *, Oid);

 * Validate the generic options given to a FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER, SERVER,
 * USER MAPPING or FOREIGN TABLE that uses file_fdw.
 * Raise an ERROR if the option or its value is considered invalid.
	char	   *protocol = NULL;
	char	   *resource = NULL;
	char	   *reject_limit_type = FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT_ROWS;
	bool		log_errors_set = false;
	List	   *options_list = untransformRelOptions(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0));
	Oid			catalog = PG_GETARG_OID(1);
	List	   *copy_options = NIL;
	ListCell   *cell;
	int			reject_limit = -1,

	foreach(cell, options_list)
		DefElem    *def = (DefElem *) lfirst(cell);

		 * check whether option is valid at it's catalog level, if not valid,
		 * error out
		ValidateOption(def->defname, catalog);

		if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_PROTOCOL) == 0)
			protocol = defGetString(def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_RESOURCE) == 0)
			resource = defGetString(def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_MPP_EXECUTE) == 0)
			if (catalog == UserMappingRelationId)
						 errmsg("the %s option cannot be defined at the user mapping level",
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_FORMAT) == 0)
			 * Format option in PXF is different from the COPY format option.
			 * In PXF, format refers to the file format on the external
			 * system, for example Parquet, Avro, Text, CSV.
			 * For COPY, the format can only be text, csv, or binary. pxf_fdw
			 * leverages the csv and text formats in COPY.
			char	   *value = defGetString(def);

			if (pg_strcasecmp(value, FDW_OPTION_WIRE_FORMAT_TEXT) == 0 ||
				pg_strcasecmp(value, FDW_OPTION_WIRE_FORMAT_CSV) == 0)
				copy_options = lappend(copy_options, def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_PXF_PORT) == 0)
			pxf_port = atoi(defGetString(def));

			 * TODO: a PXF service can be running on port 80 behind a load-
			 * balancer we need to remove this restriction (i.e. kubernetes)
			if (pxf_port < 1024 || pxf_port > 65535)
						 errmsg("invalid port number: %d. valid port numbers are 1024 to 65535", pxf_port)));
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT) == 0)
			char	   *endptr = NULL;
			char	   *pStr = defGetString(def);

			reject_limit = (int) strtol(pStr, &endptr, 10);

			if (pStr == endptr || reject_limit < 1)
						 errmsg("invalid %s value '%s', should be a positive integer", FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT, pStr)));
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT_TYPE) == 0)
			reject_limit_type = defGetString(def);
			if (pg_strcasecmp(reject_limit_type,
						 errmsg("invalid %s value, only '%s' and '%s' are supported",
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_LOG_ERRORS) == 0)
			(void) defGetBoolean(def); /* call is required for validation */
			log_errors_set = true;
		else if (IsCopyOption(def->defname))
			copy_options = lappend(copy_options, def);

	if (catalog == ForeignDataWrapperRelationId &&
		(protocol == NULL || strcmp(protocol, "") == 0))
				 errmsg("the %s option must be defined for PXF foreign-data wrappers", FDW_OPTION_PROTOCOL)));

	if (catalog == ForeignTableRelationId &&
		(resource == NULL || strcmp(resource, "") == 0))
				 errmsg("the %s option must be defined at the foreign table level", FDW_OPTION_RESOURCE)));

	/* Validate reject limit */
	if (reject_limit != -1)
		if (pg_strcasecmp(reject_limit_type, FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT_ROWS) == 0)
			if (reject_limit < 2)
						 errmsg("invalid (ROWS) %s value '%d', valid values are 2 or larger",
			if (reject_limit < 1 || reject_limit > 100)
						 errmsg("invalid (PERCENT) %s value '%d', valid values are 1 to 100",
		if (log_errors_set)
					 errmsg("the %s option cannot be set without reject_limit", FDW_OPTION_LOG_ERRORS)));

	 * Additional validations for Copy options
	ValidateCopyOptions(copy_options, catalog);


 * Validate options for the Copy command. Postgresql has its own validation
 * for the copy options. We only do special validation for force_not_null
 * and force_null, because they are set at the attribute level.
ValidateCopyOptions(List *options_list, Oid catalog)
	DefElem    *force_not_null = NULL;
	DefElem    *force_null = NULL;
	List	   *copy_options = NIL;
	ListCell   *cell;

	 * Check that only options supported by copy, and allowed for the current
	 * object type, are given.
	foreach(cell, options_list)
		DefElem    *def = (DefElem *) lfirst(cell);

		if (!IsValidCopyOption(def->defname, catalog))
			const struct PxfFdwOption *opt;
			StringInfoData buf;

			 * Unknown option specified, complain about it. Provide a hint
			 * with list of valid options for the object.
			for (opt = valid_copy_options; opt->optname; opt++)
				if (catalog == opt->optcontext)
					appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s%s", (buf.len > 0) ? ", " : "",

					 errmsg("invalid option \"%s\"", def->defname),
					 buf.len > 0
					 ? errhint("Valid options in this context are: %s",
					 : errhint("There are no valid options in this context.")));

		 * force_not_null is a boolean option; after validation we can discard
		 * it - it will be retrieved later in PxfGetOptions()
		if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_COPY_OPTION_FORCE_NOT_NULL) == 0)
			if (force_not_null)
						 errmsg("conflicting or redundant options"),
						 errhint("option \"%s\" supplied more than once for a column", FDW_COPY_OPTION_FORCE_NOT_NULL)));
			force_not_null = def;
			/* Don't care what the value is, as long as it's a legal boolean */
			(void) defGetBoolean(def);
		/* See comments for force_not_null above */
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_COPY_OPTION_FORCE_NULL) == 0)
			if (force_null)
						 errmsg("conflicting or redundant options"),
						 errhint("option \"%s\" supplied more than once for a column", FDW_COPY_OPTION_FORCE_NULL)));
			force_null = def;
			(void) defGetBoolean(def);
			copy_options = lappend(copy_options, def);

	 * Apply the core COPY code's validation logic for more checks.
	ProcessCopyOptions(NULL, NULL, true, copy_options);


 * Fetch the options for a pxf_fdw foreign table.
PxfOptions *
PxfGetOptions(Oid foreigntableid)
	Node *wireFormat;
	UserMapping *user;
	ForeignTable *table;
	ForeignServer *server;
	ForeignDataWrapper *wrapper;
	List	   *options;
	PxfOptions *opt;
	ListCell   *lc;
	List	   *copy_options,
			   *other_option_name_strings = NULL;

	opt = (PxfOptions *) palloc(sizeof(PxfOptions));
	memset(opt, 0, sizeof(PxfOptions));

	copy_options = NIL;
	other_options = NIL;

	opt->reject_limit = -1;
	opt->is_reject_limit_rows = true;
	opt->log_errors = false;

	 * Extract options from FDW objects.
	table = GetForeignTable(foreigntableid);
	server = GetForeignServer(table->serverid);
	user = GetUserMapping(GetUserId(), server->serverid);
	wrapper = GetForeignDataWrapper(server->fdwid);

	options = NIL;
	/* order matters here for precedence enforcement */
	options = list_concat(options, table->options);
	options = list_concat(options, user->options);
	options = list_concat(options, server->options);
	options = list_concat(options, wrapper->options);

	/* Loop through the options, and get the server/port */
	foreach(lc, options)
		DefElem    *def = (DefElem *) lfirst(lc);

		if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_PXF_HOST) == 0)
			opt->pxf_host = defGetString(def);

		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_PXF_PORT) == 0)
			opt->pxf_port = atoi(defGetString(def));
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_PXF_PROTOCOL) == 0)
			opt->pxf_protocol = defGetString(def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_PROTOCOL) == 0)
			opt->protocol = defGetString(def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_RESOURCE) == 0)
			opt->resource = defGetString(def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT) == 0)
			opt->reject_limit = atoi(defGetString(def));
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT_TYPE) == 0)
			opt->is_reject_limit_rows = pg_strcasecmp(FDW_OPTION_REJECT_LIMIT_ROWS, defGetString(def)) == 0;
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_LOG_ERRORS) == 0)
			opt->log_errors = defGetBoolean(def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, FDW_OPTION_FORMAT) == 0)
			opt->format = defGetString(def);
		else if (IsCopyOption(def->defname))
			copy_options = lappend(copy_options, def);
			Value	   *val = makeString(def->defname);

			 * if we have already seen this option before disregard the new
			 * value. We only take the first value that we see. And the
			 * precedence is table -> user mapping -> server -> wrapper
			if (list_member(other_option_name_strings, val))
			other_options = lappend(other_options, def);
			other_option_name_strings = lappend(other_option_name_strings, val);
	}							/* foreach */

	/* The profile corresponds to protocol[:format] */
	opt->profile = opt->protocol;

	if (opt->format)
		opt->profile = psprintf("%s:%s", opt->protocol, opt->format);

	if (opt->format && pg_strcasecmp(opt->format, FDW_OPTION_WIRE_FORMAT_TEXT) == 0)
		wireFormat = (Node *)makeString(FDW_OPTION_WIRE_FORMAT_TEXT);
		/* default wire_format is CSV */
		wireFormat = (Node *)makeString(FDW_OPTION_WIRE_FORMAT_CSV);

	copy_options = lappend(copy_options, makeDefElem(FDW_COPY_OPTION_FORMAT, wireFormat, -1));

	opt->copy_options = copy_options;
	opt->options = other_options;

	opt->server = server->servername;

	/* Follows precedence rules table > server > wrapper */
	opt->exec_location = table->exec_location;

	/* Set defaults when not provided */
	if (!opt->pxf_host)
		opt->pxf_host = PXF_FDW_DEFAULT_HOST;

	if (!opt->pxf_port)
		opt->pxf_port = PXF_FDW_DEFAULT_PORT;

	if (!opt->pxf_protocol)
		opt->pxf_protocol = PXF_FDW_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL;

	return opt;

 * Check if the provided option is one of the valid options.
 * context is the Oid of the catalog holding the object the option is for.
static bool
IsValidCopyOption(const char *option, Oid context)
	const struct PxfFdwOption *entry;

	for (entry = valid_copy_options; entry->optname; entry++)
		if (context == entry->optcontext && strcmp(entry->optname, option) == 0)
			return true;
	return false;

 * Check if the option is a COPY option
static bool
IsCopyOption(const char *option)
	const struct PxfFdwOption *entry;

	for (entry = valid_copy_options; entry->optname; entry++)
		if (strcmp(entry->optname, option) == 0)
			return true;
	return false;

 * Goes through standard list of options to make sure option is defined at the correct catalog level
static void
ValidateOption(char *option, Oid catalog)
	const struct PxfFdwOption *entry;

	for (entry = valid_options; entry->optname; entry++)
		/* option can only be defined at its catalog level */
		if (strcmp(entry->optname, option) == 0 && catalog != entry->optcontext)
			Relation	rel = RelationIdGetRelation(entry->optcontext);

							"the %s option can only be defined at the %s level",


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