greenplumn aocsam_test 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (483)

greenplumn aocsam_test 代码


#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "cmockery.h"

#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"

#include "../aocsam.c"

 * aocs_begin_headerscan()
 * Verify that we are setting correct storage attributes (no compression) for
 * scanning an existing column in ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN case.
static void
test__aocs_begin_headerscan(void **state)
	AOCSHeaderScanDesc desc;
	RelationData reldata;
	FormData_pg_class pgclass;

	reldata.rd_rel = &pgclass;
	reldata.rd_id = 12345;
	StdRdOptions opt;

	opt.blocksize = 8192 * 5;
	StdRdOptions *opts[1];

	opts[0] = &opt;

	strncpy(&[0], "mock_relation", 13);
	expect_value(RelationGetAttributeOptions, rel, &reldata);
	will_return(RelationGetAttributeOptions, &opts);

	expect_value(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, relid, 12345);
	expect_any(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, blocksize);
	expect_any(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, safefswritesize);
	expect_any(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, compresslevel);
	expect_any(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, checksum);
	expect_any(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, compresstype);

	 * We used to mock AppendOnlyStorageRead_Init() here, however as the mocked
	 * one does not initialize desc->ao_read.storageAttributes at all, it makes
	 * the following assertion flaky.
	 * On the other hand aocs_begin_headerscan() itself does not do many useful
	 * things, the actual job is done inside AppendOnlyStorageRead_Init(), so
	 * to make the test more useful we removed the mocking and test against the
	 * real AppendOnlyStorageRead_Init() now.
	desc = aocs_begin_headerscan(&reldata, 0);
	assert_int_equal(desc->colno, 0);

static void
test__aocs_addcol_init(void **state)
	AOCSAddColumnDesc desc;
	RelationData reldata;
	int			nattr = 5;
	StdRdOptions **opts =
	(StdRdOptions **) malloc(sizeof(StdRdOptions *) * nattr);
	wal_level = WAL_LEVEL_REPLICA;

	/* 3 existing columns */
	opts[0] = opts[1] = opts[2] = (StdRdOptions *) NULL;

	/* 2 newly added columns */
	opts[3] = (StdRdOptions *) malloc(sizeof(StdRdOptions));
	strcpy(opts[3]->compresstype, "rle_type");
	opts[3]->compresslevel = 2;
	opts[3]->blocksize = 8192;
	opts[4] = (StdRdOptions *) malloc(sizeof(StdRdOptions));
	strcpy(opts[4]->compresstype, "none");
	opts[4]->compresslevel = 0;
	opts[4]->blocksize = 8192 * 2;

	/* One call to RelationGetAttributeOptions() */
	expect_any(RelationGetAttributeOptions, rel);
	will_return(RelationGetAttributeOptions, opts);

	/* Two calls to create_datumstreamwrite() */
	expect_string(create_datumstreamwrite, compName, "rle_type");
	expect_string(create_datumstreamwrite, compName, "none");
	expect_value(create_datumstreamwrite, compLevel, 2);
	expect_value(create_datumstreamwrite, compLevel, 0);
	expect_any_count(create_datumstreamwrite, checksum, 2);
	expect_value_count(create_datumstreamwrite, safeFSWriteSize, 0, 2);
	expect_value(create_datumstreamwrite, maxsz, 8192);
	expect_value(create_datumstreamwrite, maxsz, 8192 * 2);
	expect_value(create_datumstreamwrite, needsWAL, true);
	expect_value(create_datumstreamwrite, needsWAL, true);
	expect_any_count(create_datumstreamwrite, attr, 2);
	expect_any_count(create_datumstreamwrite, relname, 2);
	expect_any_count(create_datumstreamwrite, title, 2);
	will_return_count(create_datumstreamwrite, NULL, 2);

	FormData_pg_class rel;
	rel.relpersistence = RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT;
	reldata.rd_id = 12345;
	reldata.rd_rel = &rel;
	reldata.rd_att = (TupleDesc) malloc(sizeof(TupleDescData) +
										(sizeof(Form_pg_attribute *) * nattr));
	memset(reldata.rd_att->attrs, 0, sizeof(Form_pg_attribute *) * nattr);
	reldata.rd_att->natts = nattr;

	expect_value(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, relid, 12345);
	expect_any(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, blocksize);
	expect_any(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, safefswritesize);
	expect_any(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, compresslevel);
	expect_any(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, checksum);
	expect_any(GetAppendOnlyEntryAttributes, compresstype);

	/* 3 existing columns, 2 new columns */
	desc = aocs_addcol_init(&reldata, 2);
	assert_int_equal(desc->num_newcols, 2);
	assert_int_equal(desc->cur_segno, -1);

main(int argc, char *argv[])
	cmockery_parse_arguments(argc, argv);

	const		UnitTest tests[] = {


	return run_tests(tests);


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