greenplumn nodeShareInputScan 源码

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greenplumn nodeShareInputScan 代码


 * nodeShareInputScan.c
 * A Share Input Scan node is used to share the result of an operation in
 * two different branches in the plan tree.
 * These come in two variants: local, and cross-slice.
 * Local shares
 * ------------
 * In local mode, all the consumers are in the same slice as the producer.
 * In that case, there's no need to communicate across processes, so we
 * rely entirely on data structures in backend-private memory to track the
 * state.
 * In local mode, there is no difference between producer and consumer
 * nodes. In ExecInitShareInputScan(), the producer node stores the
 * PlanState of the shared child node where all the nodes can find it.
 * The first ExecShareInputScan() call initializes the store.
 * A local-mode ShareInputScan is quite similar to PostgreSQL's CteScan,
 * but there are some implementation differences. CteScan uses a special
 * PARAM_EXEC entry to hold the shared state, while ShareInputScan uses
 * an entry in es_sharenode instead.
 * Cross-slice shares
 * ------------------
 * A cross-slice share works basically the same as a local one, except
 * that the producing slice makes the underlying tuplestore available to
 * other processes, by forcing it to be written to a file on disk. The
 * first ExecShareInputScan() call in the producing slice materializes
 * the whole tuplestore, and advertises that it's ready in shared memory.
 * Consumer slices wait for that before trying to read the store.
 * The producer and the consumers communicate the status of the scan using
 * shared memory. There's a hash table in shared memory, containing a
 * 'shareinput_Xslice_state' struct for each shared scan. The producer uses
 * a condition variable to wake up consumers, when the tuplestore is fully
 * materialized, and the consumers use the same condition variable to inform
 * the producer when they're done reading it. The producer slice keeps the
 * underlying tuplestore open, until all the consumers have finished.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	    src/backend/executor/nodeShareInputScan.c

#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/xact.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "executor/nodeShareInputScan.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "storage/condition_variable.h"
#include "storage/lwlock.h"
#include "storage/shmem.h"
#include "utils/faultinjector.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/resowner.h"
#include "utils/tuplestore.h"
#include "port/atomics.h"

 * In a cross-slice ShareinputScan, the producer and consumer processes
 * communicate using shared memory. There's a hash table containing one
 * 'shareinput_share_state' for each in-progress shared input scan.
 * The hash table itself,, and the fields within every entry, are protected
 * by ShareInputScanLock. (Although some operations get away without the
 * lock, when the field is atomic and/or there's only one possible writer.)
 * All producers and consumers that participate in a shared scan hold
 * a reference to the 'shareinput_Xslice_state' entry of the scan, for
 * the whole lifecycle of the node from ExecInitShareInputScan() to
 * ExecEndShareInputScan() (although it can be released early by
 * ExecSquelchShareInputScan(). The entry in the hash table is created by
 * the first participant that initializes, which is not necessarily the
 * producer! When the last participant releases the entry, it is removed
 * from the hash table.
typedef struct shareinput_tag
	int32		session_id;
	int32		command_count;
	int32		share_id;
} shareinput_tag;

typedef struct shareinput_Xslice_state
	shareinput_tag tag;			/* hash key */

	int			refcount;		/* reference count of this entry */
	pg_atomic_uint32	ready;	/* is the input fully materialized and ready to be read? */
	pg_atomic_uint32	ndone;	/* # of consumers that have finished the scan */

	 * ready_done_cv is used for signaling when the scan becomes "ready", and
	 * when it becomes "done". The producer wakes up everyone waiting on this
	 * condition variable when it sets ready = true. Also, when the last
	 * consumer finishes the scan (ndone reaches nconsumers), it wakes up the
	 * producer using this same condition variable.
	ConditionVariable ready_done_cv;

} shareinput_Xslice_state;

/* shared memory hash table holding 'shareinput_Xslice_state' entries */
static HTAB *shareinput_Xslice_hash = NULL;

 * The tuplestore files for all share input scans are held in one SharedFileSet.
 * The SharedFileSet is attached to a single DSM segment that persists until
 * postmaster shutdown. When the reference count of the SharedFileSet reaches
 * zero, the SharedFileSet is automatically destroyed, but it is re-initialized
 * the next time it's needed.
 * The SharedFileSet deletes any remaining files when the reference count
 * reaches zero, but we don't rely on that mechanism. All the files are
 * held in the same SharedFileSet, so it cannot be recycled until all
 * ShareInputScans in the system have finished, which might never happen if
 * new queries are started continuously. The shareinput_Xslice_state entries
 * are reference counted separately, and we clean up the files backing each
 * individual ShareInputScan whenever its reference count reaches zero.
static dsm_handle *shareinput_Xslice_dsm_handle_ptr;
static SharedFileSet *shareinput_Xslice_fileset;

 * 'shareinput_reference' represents a reference or "lease" to an entry
 * in the shared memory hash table. It is used for garbage collection of
 * the entries, on transaction abort.
 * These are allocated in TopMemoryContext, and held in the
 * 'shareinput_Xslice_refs' list.
typedef struct shareinput_Xslice_reference
	int			share_id;
	shareinput_Xslice_state *xslice_state;

	ResourceOwner owner;

	dlist_node	node;
} shareinput_Xslice_reference;

static dlist_head shareinput_Xslice_refs = DLIST_STATIC_INIT(shareinput_Xslice_refs);
static bool shareinput_resowner_callback_registered = false;

 * For local (i.e. intra-slice) variants, we use a 'shareinput_local_state'
 * to track the status. It is analogous to 'shareinput_share_state' used for
 * cross-slice scans, but we don't need to keep it in shared memory. These
 * are held in estate->es_sharenode, indexed by share_id.
typedef struct shareinput_local_state
	bool		ready;
	bool		closed;
	int			ndone;
	int			nsharers;

	 * This points to the child node that's being shared. Set by
	 * ExecInitShareInputScan() of the instance that has the child.
	PlanState  *childState;

	/* Tuplestore that holds the result */
	Tuplestorestate *ts_state;
} shareinput_local_state;

static shareinput_Xslice_reference *get_shareinput_reference(int share_id);
static void release_shareinput_reference(shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref);
static void shareinput_release_callback(ResourceReleasePhase phase,
										bool isCommit,
										bool isTopLevel,
										void *arg);

static void shareinput_writer_notifyready(shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref);
static void shareinput_reader_waitready(shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref);
static void shareinput_reader_notifydone(shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref, int nconsumers);
static void shareinput_writer_waitdone(shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref, int nconsumers);

static void ExecShareInputScanExplainEnd(PlanState *planstate, struct StringInfoData *buf);

 * init_tuplestore_state
 *    Initialize the tuplestore state for the Shared node if the state
 *    is not initialized.
static void
init_tuplestore_state(ShareInputScanState *node)
	EState	   *estate = node->;
	ShareInputScan *sisc = (ShareInputScan *) node->;
	shareinput_local_state *local_state = node->local_state;
	Tuplestorestate *ts;
	int			tsptrno;
	TupleTableSlot *outerslot;

	Assert(node->ts_state == NULL);
	Assert(node->ts_pos == -1);

	if (sisc->cross_slice)
		if (!node->ref)
			elog(ERROR, "cannot execute ShareInputScan that was not initialized");

	if (!local_state->ready)
		if (currentSliceId == sisc->producer_slice_id || estate->es_plannedstmt->numSlices == 1)
			/* We are the producer */
			if (sisc->cross_slice)
				char		rwfile_prefix[100];

				elog(DEBUG1, "SISC writer (shareid=%d, slice=%d): No tuplestore yet, creating tuplestore",
					 sisc->share_id, currentSliceId);

				ts = tuplestore_begin_heap(true, /* randomAccess */
										   false, /* interXact */
										   10); /* maxKBytes FIXME */

				shareinput_create_bufname_prefix(rwfile_prefix, sizeof(rwfile_prefix), sisc->share_id);
				if (SIMPLE_FAULT_INJECTOR("sisc_xslice_temp_files") == FaultInjectorTypeSkip)
					const char *filename = tuplestore_get_buffilename(ts);
					if (!filename)
						ereport(NOTICE, (errmsg("sisc_xslice: buffilename is null")));
					else if (strstr(filename, "base/" PG_TEMP_FILES_DIR) == filename)
						ereport(NOTICE, (errmsg("sisc_xslice: Use default tablespace")));
					else if (strstr(filename, "pg_tblspc/") == filename)
						ereport(NOTICE, (errmsg("sisc_xslice: Use temp tablespace")));
						ereport(NOTICE, (errmsg("sisc_xslice: Unexpected prefix of the tablespace path")));
				/* intra-slice */
				ts = tuplestore_begin_heap(true, /* randomAccess */
										   false, /* interXact */
										   PlanStateOperatorMemKB((PlanState *) node));

				 * Offer extra memory usage info for EXPLAIN ANALYZE.
				 * If this is a cross-slice share, the tuplestore uses very
				 * little memory, because it has to materialize the result on
				 * a file anyway, so that it can be shared across processes.
				 * In that case, reporting memory usage doesn't make much
				 * sense. The "work_mem wanted" value would particularly
				 * non-sensical, as we we would write to a file regardless of
				 * work_mem. So only track memory usage in the non-cross-slice
				 * case.
				if (node-> && node->>need_cdb)
					/* Let the tuplestore share our Instrumentation object. */
					tuplestore_set_instrument(ts, node->;

					/* Request a callback at end of query. */
					node-> = ExecShareInputScanExplainEnd;

			for (;;)
				outerslot = ExecProcNode(local_state->childState);
				if (TupIsNull(outerslot))
				tuplestore_puttupleslot(ts, outerslot);

			if (sisc->cross_slice)

			 * We are a consumer slice. Wait for the producer to create the
			 * tuplestore.
			char		rwfile_prefix[100];



			shareinput_create_bufname_prefix(rwfile_prefix, sizeof(rwfile_prefix), sisc->share_id);
			ts = tuplestore_open_shared(get_shareinput_fileset(), rwfile_prefix);
		local_state->ts_state = ts;
		local_state->ready = true;
		tsptrno = 0;
		/* Another local reader */
		ts = local_state->ts_state;
		tsptrno = tuplestore_alloc_read_pointer(ts, (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_REWIND));

		tuplestore_select_read_pointer(ts, tsptrno);

	node->ts_state = ts;
	node->ts_pos = tsptrno;

	node->isready = true;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 	ExecShareInputScan
 * 	Retrieve a tuple from the ShareInputScan
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecShareInputScan(PlanState *pstate)
	ShareInputScanState *node = castNode(ShareInputScanState, pstate);
	ShareInputScan *sisc = (ShareInputScan *) pstate->plan;
	EState	   *estate;
	ScanDirection dir;
	bool		forward;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;

	 * get state info from node
	estate = pstate->state;
	dir = estate->es_direction;
	forward = ScanDirectionIsForward(dir);

	if (sisc->this_slice_id != currentSliceId && estate->es_plannedstmt->numSlices != 1)
		elog(ERROR, "cannot execute alien Share Input Scan");

	/* if first time call, need to initialize the tuplestore state.  */
	if (!node->isready)
	 * Return NULL when necessary.
	 * This could help improve performance, especially when tuplestore is huge, because ShareInputScan 
	 * do not need to read tuple from tuplestore when discard_output is true, which means current 
	 * ShareInputScan is one but not the last one of Sequence's subplans.
	if (sisc->discard_output)
		return NULL;

	slot = node->;


	tuplestore_select_read_pointer(node->ts_state, node->ts_pos);
		bool		gotOK;

		gotOK = tuplestore_gettupleslot(node->ts_state, forward, false, slot);

		if (!gotOK)
			return NULL;


		return slot;

	Assert(!"should not be here");
	return NULL;

/*  ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 	ExecInitShareInputScan
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
ShareInputScanState *
ExecInitShareInputScan(ShareInputScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	ShareInputScanState *sisstate;
	Plan	   *outerPlan;
	PlanState  *childState;

	Assert(innerPlan(node) == NULL);

	/* create state data structure */
	sisstate = makeNode(ShareInputScanState);
	sisstate-> = (Plan *) node;
	sisstate-> = estate;
	sisstate-> = ExecShareInputScan;

	sisstate->ts_state = NULL;
	sisstate->ts_pos = -1;

	 * init child node.
	 * if outerPlan is NULL, this is no-op (so that the ShareInput node will be
	 * only init-ed once).

	 * initialize child nodes
	 * Like a Material node, we shield the child node from the need to support

	outerPlan = outerPlan(node);
	childState = ExecInitNode(outerPlan, estate, eflags);
	outerPlanState(sisstate) = childState;

	Assert(node->scan.plan.qual == NULL);
	sisstate-> = NULL;

	/* Misc initialization 
	 * Create expression context 
	ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &sisstate->;

	 * Initialize result slot and type.
	ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL(&sisstate->, &TTSOpsMinimalTuple);

	sisstate-> = NULL;

	 * When doing EXPLAIN only, we won't actually execute anything, so don't
	 * bother initializing the state. This isn't merely an optimization:
	 * closing a cross-slice ShareInputScan waits for the consumers to finish,
	 * but if we don't execute anything, it will hang forever.
	 * We could also exit here immediately if this is an "alien" node, i.e.
	 * a node that doesn't execute in this slice, but we can't easily
	 * detect that here.
	if ((eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY) != 0)
		return sisstate;

	shareinput_local_state *local_state;

	/* expand the list if necessary */
	while (list_length(estate->es_sharenode) <= node->share_id)
		local_state = palloc0(sizeof(shareinput_local_state));
		local_state->ready = false;

		estate->es_sharenode = lappend(estate->es_sharenode, local_state);

	local_state = list_nth(estate->es_sharenode, node->share_id);

	 * To accumulate the number of CTE consumers executed in this slice.
	 * This variable will be used by the last finishing CTE consumer
	 * in current slice, to wake the corresponding CTE producer up for
	 * cleaning the materialized tuplestore, during squelching.
	if (currentSliceId == node->this_slice_id &&
		currentSliceId != node->producer_slice_id)

	if (childState)
		local_state->childState = childState;
	sisstate->local_state = local_state;

	/* Get a lease on the shared state */
	if (node->cross_slice)
		sisstate->ref = get_shareinput_reference(node->share_id);
		sisstate->ref = NULL;

	return sisstate;

 * ExecShareInputScanExplainEnd
 *      Called before ExecutorEnd to finish EXPLAIN ANALYZE reporting.
 * Some of the cleanup that ordinarily would occur during ExecEndShareInputScan()
 * needs to be done earlier in order to report statistics to EXPLAIN ANALYZE.
 * Note that ExecEndShareInputScan() will still be during ExecutorEnd().
static void
ExecShareInputScanExplainEnd(PlanState *planstate, struct StringInfoData *buf)
	ShareInputScan *sisc = (ShareInputScan *) planstate->plan;
	shareinput_local_state *local_state = ((ShareInputScanState *) planstate)->local_state;

	 * Release tuplestore resources
	if (!sisc->cross_slice && local_state && local_state->ts_state)
		local_state->ts_state = NULL;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 	ExecEndShareInputScan
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
ExecEndShareInputScan(ShareInputScanState *node)
	EState	   *estate = node->;
	ShareInputScan *sisc = (ShareInputScan *) node->;
	shareinput_local_state *local_state = node->local_state;

	/* clean up tuple table */

	if (node->ref)
		if (sisc->this_slice_id == currentSliceId || estate->es_plannedstmt->numSlices == 1)
			 * The producer needs to wait for all the consumers to finish.
			 * Consumers signal the producer that they're done reading,
			 * but are free to exit immediately after that.
			if (currentSliceId == sisc->producer_slice_id)
				if (!local_state->ready)
				shareinput_writer_waitdone(node->ref, sisc->nconsumers);
				if (!local_state->closed)
					shareinput_reader_notifydone(node->ref, sisc->nconsumers);
					local_state->closed = true;
		node->ref = NULL;

	if (local_state && local_state->ts_state)
		local_state->ts_state = NULL;

	 * shutdown subplan.  First scanner of underlying share input will
	 * do the shutdown, all other scanners are no-op because outerPlanState
	 * is NULL

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 	ExecReScanShareInputScan
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
ExecReScanShareInputScan(ShareInputScanState *node)
	/* On first call, initialize the tuplestore state */
	if (!node->isready)

	Assert(node->ts_pos != -1);

	tuplestore_select_read_pointer(node->ts_state, node->ts_pos);

 * This is called when the node above us has finished and will not need any more
 * rows from us.
ExecSquelchShareInputScan(ShareInputScanState *node)
	EState	   *estate = node->;
	ShareInputScan *sisc = (ShareInputScan *) node->;
	shareinput_local_state *local_state = node->local_state;

	/* clean up tuple table */

	 * If this SharedInputScan is shared within the same slice then its
	 * subtree may still need to be executed and the motions in the subtree
	 * cannot yet be stopped. Thus, don't recurse in this case.
	 * In squelching a cross-slice SharedInputScan writer, we need to ensure
	 * we don't block any reader on other slices as a result of not
	 * materializing the shared plan.
	 * Note that we emphatically can't "fake" an empty tuple store and just
	 * go ahead waking up the readers because that can lead to wrong results.
	if (sisc->cross_slice && node->ref)
		if (currentSliceId == sisc->producer_slice_id || estate->es_plannedstmt->numSlices == 1)
			 * We are the producer. If we haven't materialized the tuplestore
			 * yet, we need to do it now, even though we won't need the data
			 * for anything. There might be other consumers that need it, and
			 * they will hang waiting for us forever otherwise.
			if (!local_state->ready)
				elog(DEBUG1, "SISC WRITER (shareid=%d, slice=%d): initializing because squelched",
					 sisc->share_id, currentSliceId);
			/* We are a consumer. Let the producer know that we're done. */


			if (local_state->ndone == local_state->nsharers)
				shareinput_reader_notifydone(node->ref, sisc->nconsumers);
				local_state->closed = true;
			node->ref = NULL;

 * IPC, for cross-slice variants.

 * When creating a tuplestore file that will be accessed by
 * multiple processes, shareinput_create_bufname_prefix() is used to
 * construct the name for it.
shareinput_create_bufname_prefix(char* p, int size, int share_id)
	snprintf(p, size, "SIRW_%d_%d_%d",
			 gp_session_id, gp_command_count, share_id);

 * Initialization of the shared hash table for cross-slice communication.
 * XXX: Use MaxBackends to size it, on the assumption that max_connections
 * will scale accordingly to query complexity. This is quite fuzzy, you could
 * create a query with tons of cross-slice ShareInputScans but only a few
 * slice, but that ought to be rare enough in practice. This isn't a hard
 * limit anyway, the hash table will use up any "slop" in shared memory if
 * needed.
#define N_SHAREINPUT_SLOTS() (MaxBackends * 5)

	Size		size;

	size = hash_estimate_size(N_SHAREINPUT_SLOTS(), sizeof(shareinput_Xslice_state));

	return size;

	bool		found;

	shareinput_Xslice_dsm_handle_ptr =
		ShmemInitStruct("ShareInputScan DSM handle", sizeof(dsm_handle), &found);
	if (!found)
		HASHCTL		info;

		/* GPDB_12_MERGE_FIXME: would be nicer to store this hash in the DSM segment or DSA */
		info.keysize = sizeof(shareinput_tag);
		info.entrysize = sizeof(shareinput_Xslice_state);

		shareinput_Xslice_hash = ShmemInitHash("ShareInputScan notifications",
											   HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS);

 * Get reference to the SharedFileSet used to hold all the tuplestore files.
 * This is exported so that it can also be used by the INITPLAN function
 * tuplestores.
SharedFileSet *
	dsm_handle		handle;

	if (shareinput_Xslice_fileset == NULL)
		dsm_segment *seg;

		LWLockAcquire(ShareInputScanLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

		handle = *shareinput_Xslice_dsm_handle_ptr;

		if (handle)
			seg = dsm_attach(handle);
			if (seg == NULL)
				elog(ERROR, "could not attach to ShareInputScan DSM segment");

			shareinput_Xslice_fileset = dsm_segment_address(seg);
			seg = dsm_create(sizeof(SharedFileSet), 0);
			*shareinput_Xslice_dsm_handle_ptr = dsm_segment_handle(seg);

			shareinput_Xslice_fileset = dsm_segment_address(seg);

		if (shareinput_Xslice_fileset->refcnt == 0)
			SharedFileSetInit(shareinput_Xslice_fileset, seg);
			SharedFileSetAttach(shareinput_Xslice_fileset, seg);


	return shareinput_Xslice_fileset;

 * Get a reference to slot in shared memory for this shared scan.
 * If the slot doesn't exist yet, it is created and initialized into
 * "not ready" state.
 * The reference is tracked by the current ResourceOwner, and will be
 * automatically released on abort.
static shareinput_Xslice_reference *
get_shareinput_reference(int share_id)
	shareinput_tag tag;
	shareinput_Xslice_state *xslice_state;
	bool		found;
	shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref;

	/* Register our resource owner callback to clean up on first call. */
	if (!shareinput_resowner_callback_registered)
		RegisterResourceReleaseCallback(shareinput_release_callback, NULL);
		shareinput_resowner_callback_registered = true;

	ref = MemoryContextAllocZero(TopMemoryContext,

	LWLockAcquire(ShareInputScanLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

	tag.session_id = gp_session_id;
	tag.command_count = gp_command_count;
	tag.share_id = share_id;
	xslice_state = hash_search(shareinput_Xslice_hash,
	if (!found)
		if (xslice_state == NULL)
					 errmsg("out of cross-slice ShareInputScan slots")));

		xslice_state->refcount = 0;
		pg_atomic_init_u32(&xslice_state->ready, 0);
		pg_atomic_init_u32(&xslice_state->ndone, 0);



	ref->share_id = share_id;
	ref->xslice_state = xslice_state;
	ref->owner = CurrentResourceOwner;
	dlist_push_head(&shareinput_Xslice_refs, &ref->node);


	return ref;

 * Release reference to a shared scan.
 * The reference count in the shared memory slot is decreased, and if
 * it reaches zero, it is destroyed.
static void
release_shareinput_reference(shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref)
	shareinput_Xslice_state *state = ref->xslice_state;

	LWLockAcquire(ShareInputScanLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

	if (state->refcount == 1)
		bool		found;

		(void) hash_search(shareinput_Xslice_hash,




 * Callback to release references on transaction abort.
static void
shareinput_release_callback(ResourceReleasePhase phase,
							bool isCommit,
							bool isTopLevel,
							void *arg)
	dlist_mutable_iter miter;


	dlist_foreach_modify(miter, &shareinput_Xslice_refs)
		shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref =

		if (ref->owner == CurrentResourceOwner)
			if (isCommit)
				elog(WARNING, "shareinput lease reference leak: lease %p still referenced", ref);

 * shareinput_reader_waitready
 *  Called by the reader (consumer) to wait for the writer (producer) to produce
 *  all the tuples and write them to disk.
 *  This is a blocking operation.
static void
shareinput_reader_waitready(shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref)
	shareinput_Xslice_state *state = ref->xslice_state;

	elog(DEBUG1, "SISC READER (shareid=%d, slice=%d): Waiting for producer",
		 ref->share_id, currentSliceId);

	 * Wait until the the producer sets 'ready' to true. The producer will
	 * use the condition variable to wake us up.
	for (;;)
		 * set state->ready via pg_atomic_exchange_u32() in shareinput_writer_notifyready()
		 * it acts as a memory barrier, so always get the latest value here
		int ready = pg_atomic_read_u32(&state->ready);
		if (ready)

		ConditionVariableSleep(&state->ready_done_cv, WAIT_EVENT_SHAREINPUT_SCAN);

	/* it's ready now */
	elog(DEBUG1, "SISC READER (shareid=%d, slice=%d): Wait ready got writer's handshake",
		 ref->share_id, currentSliceId);

 * shareinput_writer_notifyready
 *  Called by the writer (producer) once it is done producing all tuples and
 *  writing them to disk. It notifies all the readers (consumers) that tuples
 *  are ready to be read from disk.
static void
shareinput_writer_notifyready(shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref)
	shareinput_Xslice_state *state = ref->xslice_state;

	uint32 old_ready PG_USED_FOR_ASSERTS_ONLY = pg_atomic_exchange_u32(&state->ready, 1);
	Assert(old_ready == 0);



	elog(DEBUG1, "SISC WRITER (shareid=%d, slice=%d): wrote notify_ready",
		 ref->share_id, currentSliceId);

 * shareinput_reader_notifydone
 *  Called by the reader (consumer) to notify the writer (producer) that
 *  it is done reading tuples from disk.
 *  This is a non-blocking operation.
static void
shareinput_reader_notifydone(shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref, int nconsumers)
	shareinput_Xslice_state *state = ref->xslice_state;
	int ndone = pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32(&state->ndone, 1);

	/* If we were the last consumer, wake up the producer. */
	if (ndone >= nconsumers)

	elog(DEBUG1, "SISC READER (shareid=%d, slice=%d): wrote notify_done",
		 ref->share_id, currentSliceId);

 * shareinput_writer_waitdone
 *  Called by the writer (producer) to wait for the "done" notification from
 *  all readers (consumers).
 *  This is a blocking operation.
static void
shareinput_writer_waitdone(shareinput_Xslice_reference *ref, int nconsumers)
	shareinput_Xslice_state *state = ref->xslice_state;

	int ready = pg_atomic_read_u32(&state->ready);
	if (!ready)
		elog(ERROR, "shareinput_writer_waitdone() called without creating the tuplestore");

	for (;;)
		 * set state->ndone via pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32() in shareinput_reader_notifydone()
		 * it acts as a memory barrier, so always get the latest value here
		int	ndone = pg_atomic_read_u32(&state->ndone);
		if (ndone < nconsumers)
			elog(DEBUG1, "SISC WRITER (shareid=%d, slice=%d): waiting for DONE message from %d / %d readers",
				 ref->share_id, currentSliceId, nconsumers - ndone, nconsumers);

			ConditionVariableSleep(&state->ready_done_cv, WAIT_EVENT_SHAREINPUT_SCAN);

		if (ndone > nconsumers)
			elog(WARNING, "%d sharers of ShareInputScan reported to be done, but only %d were expected",
				 ndone, nconsumers);

	elog(DEBUG1, "SISC WRITER (shareid=%d, slice=%d): got DONE message from %d readers",
		 ref->share_id, currentSliceId, nconsumers);

	/* it's all done now */


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn execAmi 源码

greenplumn execCurrent 源码

greenplumn execExpr 源码

greenplumn execExprInterp 源码

greenplumn execGrouping 源码

greenplumn execIndexing 源码

greenplumn execJunk 源码

greenplumn execMain 源码

greenplumn execParallel 源码

greenplumn execPartition 源码

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