greenplumn cdbllize 源码

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greenplumn cdbllize 代码


 * cdbllize.c
 *	  Parallelize a PostgreSQL sequential plan tree.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 * This file contains functions to process plan tree, at various stages in
 * planning, to produce a parallelize MPP plan. Outline of the stages,
 * as they happen in standard_planner():
 * 1. Call subquery_planner(), to build the best Path.
 * 2. Call cdbllize_adjust_top_path().
 *    cdbllize_adjust_top_path() adds Motion paths on top of the best Path, so
 *    that the query's final result is made available at the correct nodes.
 *    That's usually the QD node, so that the QD can send the query result
 *    back to the client, but in a DML statement or CREATE TABLE AS, the final
 *    result might be needed in the segments instead.
 *    (There's a similar function for Init Plans,
 *    cdbllize_adjust_init_plan_path(). The planner calls it when it builds
 *    Paths for SubPlans that are run as Init Plans before the main query.)
 * 3. Call create_plan() to turn the best Path into a Plan tree.
 * 4. Call cdbllize_decorate_subplans_with_motions()
 *    cdbllize_decorate_subplans_with_motions() adds Motions to subplans as
 *    needed, to make subplan results available in the parent nodes.
 * 5. Call set_plan_references()
 * 6. Call cdbllize_build_slice_table().
 *    cdbllize_build_slice_table() assigns slice IDs to Motion nodes, and
 *    builds the slice table needed by the executor to set up the gang of
 *    processes and the interconnects between them. It also eliminates unused
 *    subplans, and zaps some fields from the Query tree that are not needed
 *    after planning, to reduce the amount of data that needs to be dispatched.
 * In addition to the above-mentioned functions, there's a
 * motion_sanity_check() function, which is used to check that the query
 * plan doesn't contain deadlock hazards involving Motions across nodes.
 *	    src/backend/cdb/cdbllize.c

#include "postgres.h"

#include "catalog/pg_am.h"
#include "commands/defrem.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/pathnode.h"
#include "nodes/primnodes.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
#include "nodes/print.h"

#include "optimizer/paths.h"
#include "optimizer/planmain.h" /* for make_result() */
#include "parser/parsetree.h"	/* for rt_fetch() */
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"	/* for makeTargetEntry() */
#include "utils/guc.h"			/* for Debug_pretty_print */
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"

#include "cdb/cdbhash.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "cdb/cdbpath.h"
#include "cdb/cdbplan.h"
#include "cdb/cdbpullup.h"
#include "cdb/cdbllize.h"
#include "cdb/cdbmutate.h"
#include "cdb/cdbutil.h"
#include "optimizer/tlist.h"
#include "optimizer/optimizer.h" /* for contain_volatile_functions() */

 * decorate_subplans_with_motions_context holds state for the recursive
 * cdbllize_decorate_subplans_with_motions() function.
typedef struct decorate_subplan_info
	int			sliceDepth;
	Flow	   *parentFlow;
	bool		is_initplan;
	bool		useHashTable;
	bool		processed;

} decorate_subplan_info;

typedef struct decorate_subplans_with_motions_context
	plan_tree_base_prefix base; /* Required prefix for
								 * plan_tree_walker/mutator */

	/* Queue of subplan IDs that we seen, but processed yet. */
	List	   *subplan_workingQueue;

	 * array, one element for each subplan. Use subplans[plan_id - 1] to
	 * access the struct for a particular subplan.
	decorate_subplan_info *subplans;

	/* Current position in the tree. */
	int			sliceDepth;
	Flow	   *currentPlanFlow;
} decorate_subplans_with_motions_context;

/* State for the recursive build_slice_table() function. */
typedef struct
	plan_tree_base_prefix base; /* Required prefix for
								 * plan_tree_walker/mutator */

	 * PlanSlice structs. Indexed by slice Id. This List is converted
	 * into an array, for PlannedStmt->slices, at the end of
	 * build_slice_table().
	List	   *slices;

	/* Current slice in the traversal. */
	int			currentSliceIndex;

	 * Subplan IDs that we have seen. Used to prevent scanning the
	 * same subplan more than once, even if there are multiple SubPlan
	 * nodes referring it, and to eliminate unused subplans.
	Bitmapset  *seen_subplans;
} build_slice_table_context;

 * Forward Declarations
static Node *fix_outer_query_motions_mutator(Node *node, decorate_subplans_with_motions_context *context);
static Plan *fix_subplan_motion(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *subplan, Flow *outer_query_flow);
static bool build_slice_table_walker(Node *node, build_slice_table_context *context);
static void adjust_top_path_for_parallel_retrieve_cursor(Path *path, PlanSlice *slice);

 * Create a GpPolicy that matches the natural distribution of the given plan.
 * This is used with CREATE TABLE AS, to derive the distribution
 * key for the table from the query plan.
static GpPolicy *
get_partitioned_policy_from_path(PlannerInfo *root, Path *path)
	/* Find out what the flow is partitioned on */
	List	   *policykeys;
	List	   *policyopclasses;
	ListCell   *dk_cell;
	ListCell   *ec_cell;
	ListCell   *em_cell;

	 * Is it a Hashed distribution?
	 * NOTE: HashedOJ is not OK, because we cannot let the NULLs be stored
	 * multiple segments.
	if (path->locus.locustype != CdbLocusType_Hashed)
		return NULL;

	policykeys = NIL;
	policyopclasses = NIL;

	foreach(dk_cell, path->locus.distkey)
		DistributionKey *dk = lfirst(dk_cell);
		bool		found_expr = false;

		foreach(ec_cell, dk->dk_eclasses)
			EquivalenceClass *ec = lfirst(ec_cell);

			while (ec->ec_merged)
				ec = ec->ec_merged;

			foreach(em_cell, ec->ec_members)
				EquivalenceMember *em = lfirst(em_cell);
				Expr	   *var1 = (Expr *) em->em_expr;
				AttrNumber	attno;
				ListCell   *tle_cell;

				 * Right side variable may be encapsulated by a relabel node.
				 * Motion, however, does not care about relabel nodes.
				if (IsA(var1, RelabelType))
					var1 = ((RelabelType *) var1)->arg;

				/* See if this Expr is a column of the result table */
				attno = 0;
				foreach(tle_cell, root->processed_tlist)
					TargetEntry *target = lfirst(tle_cell);


					if (target->resjunk)

					if (equal(var1, target->expr))
						 * If it is, use it to partition the result table, to avoid
						 * unnecessary redistribution of data
						Oid			opclass;
						Oid			eqop;
						Oid			typeid;
						ListCell   *opfam_cell;

						Assert(list_length(policykeys) < MaxPolicyAttributeNumber);

						if (list_member_int(policykeys, attno))
									 errmsg("duplicate DISTRIBUTED BY column '%s'",
											target->resname ? target->resname : "???")));

						 * We know the btree operator family corresponding to
						 * the distribution, but we don't know the exact
						 * hash operator class that corresponds to that. In
						 * the common case, the datatype has exactly one
						 * default operator class, and you usually use only
						 * that. So look up the default operator class for the
						 * datatype, and if it's compatible with the btree
						 * operator family, use that.
						 * If that fails, we could do some further checks. We
						 * could check if there is some other operator class
						 * for the datatype, and if so, use that. But it
						 * doesn't seem worth adding much extra code to deal
						 * with more obscure cases. Deriving the distribution
						 * key from the query plan is a heuristic, anyway.
						typeid = exprType((Node *) target->expr);

						opclass = GetDefaultOpClass(typeid, HASH_AM_OID);
						eqop = cdb_eqop_in_hash_opfamily(get_opclass_family(opclass), typeid);
						foreach(opfam_cell, ec->ec_opfamilies)
							Oid			btopfamily = lfirst_oid(opfam_cell);

							if (get_op_opfamily_strategy(eqop, btopfamily))
								policykeys = lappend_int(policykeys, attno);
								policyopclasses = lappend_oid(policyopclasses, opclass);
								found_expr = true;
					if (found_expr)
				if (found_expr)
			if (found_expr)

		if (!found_expr)
			 * This distribution key is not present in the target list. Give
			 * up.
			return NULL;

	 * We use the default number of segments, even if the flow was partially
	 * distributed. That defeats the performance benefit of using the same
	 * distribution key columns, because we'll need a Restribute Motion
	 * anyway. But presumably if the user had expanded the cluster, they want
	 * to use all the segments for new tables.
	return createHashPartitionedPolicy(policykeys,

 * Get a locus that represents the desired distribution of the query result.
 * This is a stripped down version of the logic in cdbllize_adjut_top_path(),
 * used to hint the planner on where the result is needed. Sometimes, the
 * final distribution is not representable as a locus, a Null locus
 * returned in that case.
 * TODO: This only handles a few cases. For example, INSERT INTO SELECT ...
 * is not handled, because the parser injects a subquery for ti which makes
 * it tricky.
cdbllize_get_final_locus(PlannerInfo *root, PathTarget *target)
	CdbPathLocus nullLocus;
	Query	   *query = root->parse;

	if (query->commandType == CMD_SELECT &&
		(query->parentStmtType == PARENTSTMTTYPE_CTAS ||
		 query->parentStmtType == PARENTSTMTTYPE_REFRESH_MATVIEW))
		GpPolicy   *intoPolicy = query->intoPolicy;

		if (intoPolicy != NULL)
			Assert(intoPolicy->ptype != POLICYTYPE_ENTRY);
			Assert(intoPolicy->nattrs >= 0);
			Assert(intoPolicy->nattrs <= MaxPolicyAttributeNumber);

			if (intoPolicy->ptype == POLICYTYPE_PARTITIONED &&
				intoPolicy->nattrs > 0)
				return cdbpathlocus_for_insert(root, intoPolicy, target);
			else if (intoPolicy->ptype == POLICYTYPE_REPLICATED)
				CdbPathLocus locus;

				CdbPathLocus_MakeReplicated(&locus, intoPolicy->numsegments);
				return locus;
	else if (query->commandType == CMD_SELECT && query->parentStmtType == PARENTSTMTTYPE_NONE)
		 * Query result needs to be brought back to the QD.
		 * NOTE: we don't do this for RETURNING list, like cdbllize_adjust_top_path()
		 * does below. The locus we construct here is for the plan result before
		 * evaluating possible RETURNING clauses.
		CdbPathLocus entryLocus;


		return entryLocus;


	return nullLocus;

 * cdbllize_adjust_top_path -- Adjust top Path for MPP
 * Add a Motion to the top of the query path, so that the final result
 * is distributed correctly for the kind of query. For example, an INSERT
 * statement's result must be sent to the correct segments where the data
 * needs to be inserted, and a SELECT query's result must be brought to the
 * dispatcher, so that it can be sent to the client.
 * For a CREATE TABLE AS command, this also determines the distribution
 * policy for the table, if it was not given explicitly with DISTRIBUTED BY.
 * The input is a Path, produced by subquery_planner(). The result is a
 * Path, with a Motion added on top, if needed. Also, *topslice is adjusted
 * to reflect how/where the top slice needs to be executed.
 * NB: keep cdbllize_get_final_locus() up to date with any changes here!
Path *
cdbllize_adjust_top_path(PlannerInfo *root, Path *best_path,
		PlanSlice *topslice)
	Query	   *query = root->parse;
	GpPolicy   *targetPolicy = NULL;

	 * NOTE: This code makes the assumption that if we are working on a
	 * hierarchy of tables, all the tables are distributed, or all are on the
	 * entry DB.  Any mixture will fail.
	if (query->resultRelation > 0)
		RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(query->resultRelation, query->rtable);

		Assert(rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION);

		targetPolicy = GpPolicyFetch(rte->relid);

	if (query->commandType == CMD_SELECT && query->parentStmtType == PARENTSTMTTYPE_CTAS)
		if (query->intoPolicy != NULL)
			targetPolicy = query->intoPolicy;

			Assert(query->intoPolicy->ptype != POLICYTYPE_ENTRY);
			Assert(query->intoPolicy->nattrs >= 0);
			Assert(query->intoPolicy->nattrs <= MaxPolicyAttributeNumber);
		else if (gp_create_table_random_default_distribution)
			targetPolicy = createRandomPartitionedPolicy(GP_POLICY_DEFAULT_NUMSEGMENTS());
					 errmsg("using default RANDOM distribution since no distribution was specified"),
					 errhint("Consider including the 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause to determine the distribution of rows.")));
			/* First try to deduce the distribution from the query */
			targetPolicy = get_partitioned_policy_from_path(root, best_path);

			 * If that fails, hash on the first hashable column we can
			 * find.
			if (!targetPolicy)
				int			i;
				List	   *policykeys = NIL;
				List	   *policyopclasses = NIL;
				ListCell   *lc;

				i = 0;
				foreach(lc, best_path->pathtarget->exprs)
					Oid			typeOid = exprType((Node *) lfirst(lc));
					Oid			opclass = InvalidOid;

					 * Check for a legacy hash operator class if
					 * gp_use_legacy_hashops GUC is set. If
					 * InvalidOid is returned or the GUC is not
					 * set, we'll get the default operator class.
					if (gp_use_legacy_hashops)
						opclass = get_legacy_cdbhash_opclass_for_base_type(typeOid);

					if (!OidIsValid(opclass))
						opclass = cdb_default_distribution_opclass_for_type(typeOid);

					if (OidIsValid(opclass))
						policykeys = lappend_int(policykeys, i + 1);
						policyopclasses = lappend_oid(policyopclasses, opclass);
				targetPolicy = createHashPartitionedPolicy(policykeys,

			/* If we deduced the policy from the query, give a NOTICE */
			if (query->parentStmtType == PARENTSTMTTYPE_CTAS)
				StringInfoData columnsbuf;
				int			i;

				for (i = 0; i < targetPolicy->nattrs; i++)
					TargetEntry *target = get_tle_by_resno(root->processed_tlist, targetPolicy->attrs[i]);

					if (i > 0)
						appendStringInfoString(&columnsbuf, ", ");
					if (target->resname)
						appendStringInfoString(&columnsbuf, target->resname);
						appendStringInfoString(&columnsbuf, "???");

						 errmsg("Table doesn't have 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause -- Using column(s) "
								"named '%s' as the Greenplum Database data distribution key for this "
								"table. ",,
						 errhint("The 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause determines the distribution of data."
								 " Make sure column(s) chosen are the optimal data distribution key to minimize skew.")));
		Assert(targetPolicy->ptype != POLICYTYPE_ENTRY);

		query->intoPolicy = targetPolicy;

		if (GpPolicyIsReplicated(targetPolicy) &&
			!contain_volatile_functions((Node*) query->targetList) &&
			!contain_volatile_functions((Node*) query->havingQual))
			CdbPathLocus replicatedLocus;


			best_path = cdbpath_create_motion_path(root,
			 * Make sure the top level flow is partitioned on the
			 * partitioning key of the target relation.	Since this is
			 * a SELECT INTO (basically same as an INSERT) command,
			 * the target list will correspond to the attributes of
			 * the target relation in order.
			best_path = create_motion_path_for_ctas(root, targetPolicy,

		topslice->numsegments = targetPolicy->numsegments;
		topslice->segindex = 0;
		topslice->gangType = (targetPolicy->ptype == POLICYTYPE_ENTRY) ? GANGTYPE_UNALLOCATED : GANGTYPE_PRIMARY_WRITER;
	else if (query->commandType == CMD_SELECT && query->parentStmtType == PARENTSTMTTYPE_REFRESH_MATVIEW)
		 * This is the same as the logic for CREATE TABLE AS with an explicit
		 * DISTRIBUTED BY above.
		targetPolicy = query->intoPolicy;
		if (!targetPolicy)
			elog(ERROR, "materialized view has no distribution policy");
		if (targetPolicy->ptype == POLICYTYPE_ENTRY)
			elog(ERROR, "materialized view with entry distribution policy not supported");

		if (GpPolicyIsReplicated(targetPolicy))
			CdbPathLocus broadcastLocus;


			best_path = cdbpath_create_motion_path(root,
			 * Make sure the top level flow is partitioned on the
			 * partitioning key of the target relation.	Since this is
			 * a SELECT INTO (basically same as an INSERT) command,
			 * the target list will correspond to the attributes of
			 * the target relation in order.
			best_path = create_motion_path_for_insert(root, targetPolicy,

		topslice->numsegments = targetPolicy->numsegments;
		topslice->segindex = 0;
		topslice->gangType = (targetPolicy->ptype == POLICYTYPE_ENTRY) ? GANGTYPE_UNALLOCATED : GANGTYPE_PRIMARY_WRITER;
	else if (query->commandType == CMD_SELECT && query->parentStmtType == PARENTSTMTTYPE_COPY)
		/* COPY (SELECT ...) TO */
		topslice->directDispatch.isDirectDispatch = false;
		topslice->directDispatch.haveProcessedAnyCalculations = true;
		topslice->numsegments = getgpsegmentCount();
		topslice->segindex = 0;
		topslice->gangType = GANGTYPE_PRIMARY_READER;
	else if (query->commandType == CMD_SELECT ||
			 query->commandType == CMD_INSERT ||
			 query->commandType == CMD_UPDATE ||
			 query->commandType == CMD_DELETE)
		Assert(query->parentStmtType == PARENTSTMTTYPE_NONE);

		if (query->commandType == CMD_SELECT || query->returningList)
			if (!root->glob->is_parallel_cursor)
				 * Query result needs to be brought back to the QD. Ask for
				 * a motion to bring it in. If the result already has the
				 * right locus, cdbpath_create_motion_path() will return it
				 * unmodified.
				 * If the query has an ORDER BY clause, use Merge Receive to
				 * preserve the ordering. The plan has already been set up to
				 * ensure each qExec's result is properly ordered according to
				 * the ORDER BY specification.
				CdbPathLocus entryLocus;


				 * In a Motion to Entry locus, the numsegments indicates the
				 * number of segments in the *sender*.
				entryLocus.numsegments = best_path->locus.numsegments;

				best_path = cdbpath_create_motion_path(root,
				topslice->numsegments = 1;
				topslice->segindex = 0;
				topslice->gangType = GANGTYPE_UNALLOCATED;
				adjust_top_path_for_parallel_retrieve_cursor(best_path, topslice);
			topslice->numsegments = targetPolicy->numsegments;
			topslice->segindex = 0;
			topslice->gangType = (targetPolicy->ptype == POLICYTYPE_ENTRY) ? GANGTYPE_UNALLOCATED : GANGTYPE_PRIMARY_WRITER;
	else if (query->commandType == CMD_UTILITY)
		/* nothing to do */
		elog(ERROR, "unknown command type %d", query->commandType);

	return best_path;

 * cdbllize_adjust_init_plan_path -- Adjust Init Plan's Path for MPP
 * Init Plans are dispatched and executed before the main query. Adjust the
 * Path to bring the result back to the QD.
Path *
cdbllize_adjust_init_plan_path(PlannerInfo *root, Path *best_path)
	CdbPathLocus entryLocus;


	 * In a Motion to Entry locus, the numsegments indicates the
	 * number of segments in the *sender*.
	entryLocus.numsegments = best_path->locus.numsegments;

	return cdbpath_create_motion_path(root,

 * cdbllize_decorate_subplans_with_motions - Adjust subplans for MPP.
 * This function adds Motion nodes on top of plan trees for SubPlans, so that
 * the subplan results are available at the correct segment for the outer
 * query. It also fixes up any MOTIONTYPE_OUTER_QUERY Motions, changing them
 * into Gather or Broadcast Motions, depending on the parent slice. The plan
 * tree can contain outer-query Motions, even if there are no SubPlans, if it
 * contains subquery RTEs.
 * The input is a Plan tree, from create_plan().
 * Outline of processing:
 * - Walk through the main Plan tree. Make note of all SubPlan expressions,
 *   and the context they appear in.
 * - Recurse to process each subplan that was encountered. At the top of the
 *   subplan, add a Motion if needed, so that the result of the subplan is
 *   available in the outer slice. For example, if the SubPlan appears in
 *   a slice that's executed only on a single QE node, then the subplan's
 *   result must also be present at that node. A Gather Motion is put on
 *   top of the subplan, if needed. Or if the parent slice is executes on all
 *   nodes (Replicated or Partitioned), then a Broadcast Motion is put on
 *   top of the subplan, unless the subplan's result is already available on
 *   all QEs.
 * - If any of the subplans contained more SubPlan expressions, process those
 *   too.
 * The result is a deep copy of the argument Plan tree with added/modified
 * Motion nodes, or the original Plan tree unmodified if no changes are
 * needed.
 * Note: Subqueries in from-list can contain MOTIONTYPE_OUTER_QUERY Motions,
 * too, so we need to scan the tree even if there are no SubPlans.
Plan *
cdbllize_decorate_subplans_with_motions(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *plan)
	Plan	   *result;
	decorate_subplans_with_motions_context context;
	int			nsubplans;

	/* Initialize mutator context. */
	planner_init_plan_tree_base(&context.base, root);
	context.sliceDepth = 0;
	context.subplan_workingQueue = NIL;

	nsubplans = list_length(root->glob->subplans);
	context.subplans = (decorate_subplan_info *)
		palloc((nsubplans + 1) * sizeof(decorate_subplan_info));
	for (int i = 1; i <= nsubplans; i++)
		decorate_subplan_info *sstate = &context.subplans[i];

		sstate->sliceDepth = -1;
		sstate->parentFlow = NULL;
		sstate->is_initplan = false;
		sstate->processed = false;

	 * Process the main plan tree.
	context.currentPlanFlow = plan->flow;
	result = (Plan *) fix_outer_query_motions_mutator((Node *) plan, &context);

	 * Process any SubPlans that were reachable from the main plan tree.
	 * While we process the SubPlans, we might encounter more SubPlans.
	 * They will be added to the working queue, so keep going until the
	 * working queue is empty.
	while (context.subplan_workingQueue)
		int			plan_id = linitial_int(context.subplan_workingQueue);
		decorate_subplan_info *sstate = &context.subplans[plan_id];
		ListCell   *planlist_cell = list_nth_cell(root->glob->subplans, plan_id - 1);
		Plan	   *subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(planlist_cell);

		context.subplan_workingQueue = list_delete_first(context.subplan_workingQueue);

		if (sstate->processed)
			if (!sstate->is_initplan)
				elog(ERROR, "SubPlan %d already processed", plan_id);
		sstate->processed = true;

		if (sstate->is_initplan)
			 * InitPlans are dispatched separately, before the main plan,
			 * and the result is brought to the QD.
			Flow	   *topFlow = makeFlow(FLOW_SINGLETON, getgpsegmentCount());

			topFlow->segindex = -1;
			context.sliceDepth = 0;
			context.currentPlanFlow = topFlow;
			context.sliceDepth = sstate->sliceDepth;
			context.currentPlanFlow = sstate->parentFlow;

		if (!subplan->flow)
			elog(ERROR, "subplan is missing Flow information");

		 * If the subquery result is not available where the outer query needs it,
		 * we have to add a Motion node to redistribute it.
		if (subplan->flow->locustype != CdbLocusType_OuterQuery &&
			subplan->flow->locustype != CdbLocusType_SegmentGeneral &&
			subplan->flow->locustype != CdbLocusType_General)
			subplan = fix_subplan_motion(root, subplan, context.currentPlanFlow);

			 * If we created a Motion, protect it from rescanning. Init Plans
			 * and hashed SubPlans are never rescanned.
			if (IsA(subplan, Motion) && !sstate->is_initplan &&
				subplan = (Plan *) make_material(subplan);

		subplan = (Plan *) fix_outer_query_motions_mutator((Node *) subplan, &context);

		lfirst(planlist_cell) = subplan;

	return result;

 * Workhorse for cdbllize_fix_outer_query_motions().
static Node *
fix_outer_query_motions_mutator(Node *node, decorate_subplans_with_motions_context *context)
	Node	   *newnode;
	Plan	   *plan;
	Flow	   *saveCurrentPlanFlow;

	PlannerInfo *root = (PlannerInfo *) context->base.node;
	Assert(root && IsA(root, PlannerInfo));

	if (node == NULL)
		return NULL;

	/* An expression node might have subtrees containing plans to be mutated. */
	if (!is_plan_node(node))
		node = plan_tree_mutator(node, fix_outer_query_motions_mutator, context, false);

		 * If we see a SubPlan, remember the context where we saw it. We memorize
		 * the parent's node's Flow, so that we know where the SubPlan needs to
		 * bring the result. There might be multiple references to the same SubPlan,
		 * if e.g. the result of the SubPlan is passed up the plan for use in later
		 * joins or for the final target list. Remember the *deepest* slice level
		 * where we saw it. We cannot pass SubPlan's result down the tree, but we
		 * can propagate it upwards if we put it to the target list. So it needs
		 * to be calculated at the bottom level, and propagated up from there.
		if (IsA(node, SubPlan))
			SubPlan	   *spexpr = (SubPlan *) node;
			decorate_subplan_info *sstate = &context->subplans[spexpr->plan_id];

			sstate->is_initplan = spexpr->is_initplan;
			sstate->useHashTable = spexpr->useHashTable;

			if (sstate->processed)
				elog(ERROR, "found reference to already-processed SubPlan");
			if (sstate->sliceDepth == -1)
				context->subplan_workingQueue = lappend_int(context->subplan_workingQueue,

			if (!spexpr->is_initplan && context->sliceDepth > sstate->sliceDepth)
				sstate->sliceDepth = context->sliceDepth;
				sstate->parentFlow = context->currentPlanFlow;
		return node;

	plan = (Plan *) node;

	if (IsA(plan, Motion))
		Motion	   *motion = (Motion *) plan;

		/* sanity check: Sub plan must have flow */

		/* sanity check: we haven't assigned slice/motion IDs yet */
		Assert(motion->motionID == 0);

		 * Recurse into the Motion's initPlans and other fields, and the
		 * subtree.
		 * All the fields on the Motion node are considered part of the sending
		 * slice.
		saveCurrentPlanFlow = context->currentPlanFlow;
		if (plan->lefttree->flow->locustype != CdbLocusType_OuterQuery)
			context->currentPlanFlow = plan->lefttree->flow;

		plan = (Plan *) plan_tree_mutator((Node *) plan,
		motion = (Motion *) plan;
		context->currentPlanFlow = saveCurrentPlanFlow;

		 * If this is a Motion node in a correlated SubPlan, where we bring
		 * the result to the parent, the Motion was marked as type
		 * MOTIONTYPE_OUTER_QUERY. Because we didn't know whether the parent
		 * is distributed, replicated, or a single QD/QE process, when the
		 * subquery was planned, we fix that up here. Modify the Motion node
		 * so that it brings the result to the parent.
		if (motion->motionType == MOTIONTYPE_OUTER_QUERY)

			if (context->currentPlanFlow->flotype == FLOW_SINGLETON)
				motion->motionType = MOTIONTYPE_GATHER;
			else if (context->currentPlanFlow->flotype == FLOW_REPLICATED ||
					 context->currentPlanFlow->flotype == FLOW_PARTITIONED)
				motion->motionType = MOTIONTYPE_BROADCAST;
				elog(ERROR, "unexpected Flow type in parent of a SubPlan");

		 * For non-top slice, if this motion is QE singleton and subplan's locus
		 * is CdbLocusType_SegmentGeneral, omit this motion.
		if (context->sliceDepth > 0 &&
			context->currentPlanFlow->flotype == FLOW_SINGLETON &&
			context->currentPlanFlow->segindex == 0 &&
			motion->plan.lefttree->flow->locustype == CdbLocusType_SegmentGeneral)
			 * Omit this motion. If there were any InitPlans attached to it,
			 * make sure we keep them.
			Plan	   *child;

			child = motion->plan.lefttree;
			child->initPlan = list_concat(child->initPlan, motion->plan.initPlan);

			newnode = (Node *) child;
			newnode = (Node *) motion;
		 * Copy this node and mutate its children. Afterwards, this node should be
		 * an exact image of the input node, except that contained nodes requiring
		 * parallelization will have had it applied.
		saveCurrentPlanFlow = context->currentPlanFlow;
		if (plan->flow != NULL && plan->flow->locustype != CdbLocusType_OuterQuery)
			context->currentPlanFlow = plan->flow;
		newnode = plan_tree_mutator(node, fix_outer_query_motions_mutator, context, false);
		context->currentPlanFlow = saveCurrentPlanFlow;

	return newnode;

 * Add a Motion node on top of a Plan if needed, to make the result available
 * in 'outer_query_flow'. Subroutine of cdbllize_fix_outer_query_motions().
static Plan *
fix_subplan_motion(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *subplan, Flow *outer_query_flow)
	bool		need_motion;

	if (outer_query_flow->flotype == FLOW_SINGLETON)
		if (subplan->flow->flotype != FLOW_SINGLETON)
			need_motion = true;
			need_motion = false;
	else if (outer_query_flow->flotype == FLOW_REPLICATED ||
			 outer_query_flow->flotype == FLOW_PARTITIONED)
		// FIXME: Isn't it pointless to broadcast if it's already replicated?
		need_motion = true;
		elog(ERROR, "unexpected flow type %d in parent of SubPlan expression",

	if (need_motion)
		 * We need to add a Motion to the top.
		PlanSlice  *sendSlice;
		Motion	   *motion;
		Flow	   *subFlow = subplan->flow;
		List	   *initPlans = NIL;


		 * Strip off any Material nodes at the top. There's no point in
		 * materializing just below a Motion, because a Motion is never
		 * rescanned.
		 * If we strip off any nodes, make sure we preserve any initPlans
		 * that were attached to them.
		while (IsA(subplan, Material))
			initPlans = list_concat(initPlans, subplan->initPlan);
			subplan = subplan->lefttree;

		 * If there's an existing Motion on top, we can remove it, and
		 * replace it with a new Motion. But make sure we reuse the sender
		 * slice information. We could build a new one here, but then we'd
		 * lose any direct dispatch information.
		 * Otherwise, build a new sender slice.
		if (IsA(subplan, Motion))
			Motion *strippedMotion = (Motion *) subplan;

			sendSlice = strippedMotion->senderSliceInfo;
			subplan = subplan->lefttree;
			initPlans = list_concat(initPlans, strippedMotion->plan.initPlan);
			sendSlice = palloc0(sizeof(PlanSlice));
			sendSlice->gangType = GANGTYPE_PRIMARY_READER;
			sendSlice->sliceIndex = -1;

			if (subFlow->flotype != FLOW_SINGLETON)
				sendSlice->numsegments = subFlow->numsegments;
				sendSlice->segindex = 0;
				if (subFlow->segindex == -1)
					sendSlice->gangType = GANGTYPE_ENTRYDB_READER;
					sendSlice->gangType = GANGTYPE_SINGLETON_READER;
				sendSlice->numsegments = 1;
				sendSlice->segindex = subFlow->segindex;

		motion = make_motion(NULL, subplan,
							 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL /* no ordering */);
		motion->motionType = (outer_query_flow->flotype == FLOW_SINGLETON) ?
		motion->hashExprs = NIL;
		motion->hashFuncs = NULL;
		motion->plan.lefttree->flow = subFlow;
		motion->plan.initPlan = initPlans;
		motion->senderSliceInfo = sendSlice;

		subplan = (Plan *) motion;
	return subplan;

 * cdbllize_build_slice_table -- Build the (planner) slice table for a query.
cdbllize_build_slice_table(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *top_plan,
						   PlanSlice *top_slice)
	PlannerGlobal *glob = root->glob;
	Query	   *query = root->parse;
	build_slice_table_context cxt;
	ListCell   *lc;
	int			sliceIndex;
	bool		all_root_slices;

	 * This can modify nodes, so the nodes we memorized earlier are no longer
	 * valid. Clear this array just to be sure we don't accidentally use the
	 * obsolete copies of the nodes later on.
	if (glob->share.shared_plans)
		glob->share.shared_plans = NULL;

	/* subplan_sliceIds array needs to exist, even in non-dispatcher mode */
	root->glob->subplan_sliceIds = palloc(list_length(root->glob->subplans) * sizeof(int));
	for(int i = 0; i < list_length(root->glob->subplans); i++)
		root->glob->subplan_sliceIds[i] = -1;

	 * In non-dispatcher mode, there are no motions and no dispatching.
	 * In utility mode, we still need a slice, at least some of the
	 * EXPLAIN code expects it.
	if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_UTILITY)
		PlanSlice *dummySlice;

		dummySlice = palloc0(sizeof(PlanSlice));
		dummySlice->sliceIndex = 0;
		dummySlice->parentIndex = 0;
		dummySlice->gangType = GANGTYPE_UNALLOCATED;
		dummySlice->numsegments = 0;
		dummySlice->segindex = -1;

		root->glob->numSlices = 1;
		root->glob->slices = dummySlice;

	if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE)
	Assert(Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH);

	planner_init_plan_tree_base(&cxt.base, root);
	cxt.seen_subplans = NULL;

	Assert(root->glob->slices == NULL);

	top_slice->sliceIndex = 0;
	top_slice->parentIndex = -1;
	cxt.slices = list_make1(top_slice);

	cxt.currentSliceIndex = 0;

	 * Walk through the main plan tree, and recursively all SubPlans.
	 * Create a new PlanSlice, and assign a slice ID at every Motion
	 * and Init Plan. Also makes note of all the Subplans that are
	 * reachable from the top plan, so that unused SubPlans can be
	 * eliminated later.
	(void) build_slice_table_walker((Node *) top_plan, &cxt);

	 * Remove unused subplans, and Init Plans.
	remove_unused_initplans(top_plan, root);

	 * Remove unused subplans.
	 * Executor initializes state for subplans even they are unused.
	 * When the generated subplan is not used and has motion inside,
	 * causing motionID not being assigned, which will break sanity
	 * check when executor tries to initialize subplan state.
	int			plan_id = 1;
	foreach(lc, root->glob->subplans)
		if (!bms_is_member(plan_id, cxt.seen_subplans))
			Plan	   *dummy_plan;

			 * This subplan is unused. Replace it in the global list of
			 * subplans with a dummy. (We can't just remove it from the global
			 * list, because that would screw up the plan_id numbering of the
			 * subplans).
			dummy_plan = (Plan *) make_result(NIL,
											  (Node *) list_make1(makeBoolConst(false, false)),
			lfirst(lc) = dummy_plan;

	 * If none of the slices require dispatching, we can run everything in one slice.
	all_root_slices = true;
	foreach (lc, cxt.slices)
		PlanSlice *slice = (PlanSlice *) lfirst(lc);

		if (slice->gangType != GANGTYPE_UNALLOCATED)
			all_root_slices = false;
	if (all_root_slices)
		for(int i = 0; i < list_length(root->glob->subplans); i++)
			root->glob->subplan_sliceIds[i] = -1;
		cxt.slices = list_truncate(cxt.slices, 1);

	 * Turn the list of PlanSlices into an array, for dispatching.
	root->glob->numSlices = list_length(cxt.slices);
	root->glob->slices = palloc(root->glob->numSlices * sizeof(PlanSlice));
	sliceIndex = 0;
	foreach (lc, cxt.slices)
		PlanSlice *src = (PlanSlice *) lfirst(lc);

		memcpy(&root->glob->slices[sliceIndex], src, sizeof(PlanSlice));

	 * Discard subtrees of Query node that aren't needed for execution. Note
	 * the targetlist (query->targetList) is used in execution of prepared
	 * statements, so we leave that alone.
	query->jointree = NULL;
	query->groupClause = NIL;
	query->havingQual = NULL;
	query->distinctClause = NIL;
	query->sortClause = NIL;
	query->limitCount = NULL;
	query->limitOffset = NULL;
	query->setOperations = NULL;

static bool
build_slice_table_walker(Node *node, build_slice_table_context *context)
	PlannerInfo *root = (PlannerInfo *) context->base.node;

	if (node == NULL)
		return false;

	if (IsA(node, SubPlan))
		SubPlan	   *spexpr = (SubPlan *) node;
		int			plan_id = spexpr->plan_id;

		 * Recurse into each subplan only once, even if there are multiple
		 * SubPlans referring to it.
		if (!bms_is_member(plan_id, context->seen_subplans))
			bool		result;
			int			save_currentSliceIndex;

			context->seen_subplans = bms_add_member(context->seen_subplans, plan_id);

			save_currentSliceIndex = context->currentSliceIndex;
			if (spexpr->is_initplan)
				PlanSlice *initTopSlice;

				initTopSlice = palloc0(sizeof(PlanSlice));
				initTopSlice->gangType = GANGTYPE_UNALLOCATED;
				initTopSlice->numsegments = 0;
				initTopSlice->segindex = -1;
				initTopSlice->parentIndex = -1;
				initTopSlice->sliceIndex = list_length(context->slices);
				context->slices = lappend(context->slices, initTopSlice);

				context->currentSliceIndex = initTopSlice->sliceIndex;
			root->glob->subplan_sliceIds[plan_id - 1] = context->currentSliceIndex;

			result = plan_tree_walker(node,

			context->currentSliceIndex = save_currentSliceIndex;

			return result;

	if (IsA(node, Motion))
		Motion	   *motion = (Motion *) node;
		PlanSlice  *sendSlice;
		int			save_currentSliceIndex;
		bool		result;

		Assert(motion->motionID == 0);

		/* set up a new slice */
		sendSlice = motion->senderSliceInfo;
		Assert(sendSlice->sliceIndex == -1);
		sendSlice->sliceIndex = list_length(context->slices);
		sendSlice->parentIndex = context->currentSliceIndex;
		motion->motionID = sendSlice->sliceIndex;
		motion->senderSliceInfo = NULL;
		context->slices = lappend(context->slices, sendSlice);

		save_currentSliceIndex = context->currentSliceIndex;
		context->currentSliceIndex = sendSlice->sliceIndex;

		if (sendSlice->directDispatch.isDirectDispatch &&
			sendSlice->directDispatch.contentIds == NIL)
			 * Direct dispatch, but we've already determined that there will
			 * be no match on any segment. Doesn't matter which segmnent produces
			 * the non-result.
			 * XXX: Would've been better to replace this with a dummy Result
			 * node or something in the planner.
			sendSlice->directDispatch.contentIds = list_make1_int(0);

		result = plan_tree_walker((Node *) motion,

		context->currentSliceIndex = save_currentSliceIndex;

		return result;

	return plan_tree_walker(node,

 * Construct a new Flow in the current memory context.
Flow *
makeFlow(FlowType flotype, int numsegments)
	Flow	   *flow = makeNode(Flow);

	Assert(numsegments > 0);

	flow->flotype = flotype;
	flow->locustype = CdbLocusType_Null;
	flow->numsegments = numsegments;

	return flow;

 * Is the node a "subclass" of Plan?
is_plan_node(Node *node)
	if (node == NULL)
		return false;

	if (nodeTag(node) >= T_Plan_Start && nodeTag(node) < T_Plan_End)
		return true;
	return false;

#define SANITY_MOTION 0x1

typedef struct sanity_result_t
	plan_tree_base_prefix base; /* Required prefix for
								 * plan_tree_walker/mutator */
	int			flags;
} sanity_result_t;

static bool
motion_sanity_walker(Node *node, sanity_result_t *result)
	sanity_result_t left_result;
	sanity_result_t right_result;
	bool		deadlock_safe = false;
	char	   *branch_label;

	left_result.base = result->base;
	left_result.flags = 0;
	right_result.base = result->base;
	right_result.flags = 0;

	if (node == NULL)
		return false;

	if (!is_plan_node(node))
		return false;

	 * Special handling for branch points because there is a possibility of a
	 * deadlock if there are Motions in both branches and one side is not
	 * first pre-fetched.
	 * The deadlock occurs because, when the buffers on the Send side of a
	 * Motion are completely filled with tuples, it blocks waiting for an ACK.
	 * Without prefetch_inner, the Join node reads one tuple from the outer
	 * side first and then starts retrieving tuples from the inner side -
	 * either to build a hash table (in case of HashJoin) or for joining (in
	 * case of MergeJoin and NestedLoopJoin).
	 * Thus we can end up with 4 processes infinitely waiting for each other :
	 * A : Join slice that already retrieved an outer tuple, and is waiting
	 * for inner tuples from D. B : Join slice that is still waiting for the
	 * first outer tuple from C. C : Outer slice whose buffer is full sending
	 * tuples to A and is blocked waiting for an ACK from A. D : Inner slice
	 * that is full sending tuples to B and is blocked waiting for an ACK from
	 * B.
	 * A cannot ACK C because it is waiting to finish retrieving inner tuples
	 * from D. B cannot ACK D because it is waiting for it's first outer tuple
	 * from C before accepting any inner tuples. This forms a circular
	 * dependency resulting in a deadlock : C -> A -> D -> B -> C.
	 * We avoid this by pre-fetching all the inner tuples in such cases and
	 * materializing them in some fashion, before moving on to outer_tuples.
	 * This effectively breaks the cycle and prevents deadlock.
	 * Details:
	switch (nodeTag(node))
		case T_HashJoin:		/* Hash join can't deadlock -- it fully
								 * materializes its inner before switching to
								 * its outer. */
			branch_label = "HJ";
			if (((HashJoin *) node)->join.prefetch_inner)
				deadlock_safe = true;
		case T_NestLoop:		/* Nested loop joins are safe only if the
								 * prefetch flag is set */
			branch_label = "NL";
			if (((NestLoop *) node)->join.prefetch_inner)
				deadlock_safe = true;
		case T_MergeJoin:
			branch_label = "MJ";
			if (((MergeJoin *) node)->join.prefetch_inner)
				deadlock_safe = true;
			branch_label = NULL;

	/* now scan the subplans */
	switch (nodeTag(node))
		case T_Result:
		case T_WindowAgg:
		case T_TableFunctionScan:
		case T_ShareInputScan:
		case T_Append:
		case T_MergeAppend:
		case T_SeqScan:
		case T_SampleScan:
		case T_IndexScan:
		case T_BitmapIndexScan:
		case T_BitmapHeapScan:
		case T_TidScan:
		case T_SubqueryScan:
		case T_FunctionScan:
		case T_ValuesScan:
		case T_Agg:
		case T_TupleSplit:
		case T_Unique:
		case T_Hash:
		case T_SetOp:
		case T_Limit:
		case T_Sort:
		case T_Material:
		case T_ForeignScan:
			if (plan_tree_walker(node, motion_sanity_walker, result, true))
				return true;

		case T_Motion:
			if (plan_tree_walker(node, motion_sanity_walker, result, true))
				return true;
			result->flags |= SANITY_MOTION;
			elog(DEBUG5, "   found motion");

		case T_HashJoin:
		case T_NestLoop:
		case T_MergeJoin:
				Plan	   *plan = (Plan *) node;

				elog(DEBUG5, "    %s going left", branch_label);
				if (motion_sanity_walker((Node *) plan->lefttree, &left_result))
					return true;
				elog(DEBUG5, "    %s going right", branch_label);
				if (motion_sanity_walker((Node *) plan->righttree, &right_result))
					return true;

				elog(DEBUG5, "    %s branch point left 0x%x right 0x%x",
					 branch_label, left_result.flags, right_result.flags);

				/* deadlocks get sent up immediately */
				if ((left_result.flags & SANITY_DEADLOCK) ||
					(right_result.flags & SANITY_DEADLOCK))
					result->flags |= SANITY_DEADLOCK;

				 * if this node is "deadlock safe" then even if we have motion
				 * on both sides we will not deadlock (because the access
				 * pattern is deadlock safe: all rows are retrieved from one
				 * side before the first row from the other).
				if (!deadlock_safe && ((left_result.flags & SANITY_MOTION) &&
									   (right_result.flags & SANITY_MOTION)))
					elog(LOG, "FOUND MOTION DEADLOCK in %s", branch_label);
					result->flags |= SANITY_DEADLOCK;

				result->flags |= left_result.flags | right_result.flags;

				elog(DEBUG5, "    %s branch point left 0x%x right 0x%x res 0x%x%s",
					 branch_label, left_result.flags, right_result.flags, result->flags, deadlock_safe ? " deadlock safe: prefetching" : "");
	return false;

motion_sanity_check(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *plan)
	sanity_result_t sanity_result;

	planner_init_plan_tree_base(&sanity_result.base, root);
	sanity_result.flags = 0;

	elog(DEBUG5, "Motion Deadlock Sanity Check");

	if (motion_sanity_walker((Node *) plan, &sanity_result))
		elog(ERROR, "motion sanity walker returned true");

	if (sanity_result.flags & SANITY_DEADLOCK)
		elog(ERROR, "Post-planning sanity check detected motion deadlock.");

static void
adjust_top_path_for_parallel_retrieve_cursor(Path *path, PlanSlice *slice)
	if (CdbPathLocus_IsSingleQE(path->locus)
		|| CdbPathLocus_IsGeneral(path->locus)
		|| CdbPathLocus_IsEntry(path->locus))
		 * For these scenarios, parallel retrieve cursor needs to run on entrydb
		 * since endpoint QE needs to interact with the retrieve connections.
		slice->numsegments = 1;
		slice->gangType = GANGTYPE_ENTRYDB_READER;
	else if (CdbPathLocus_IsSegmentGeneral(path->locus))
		 * queries to replicated table run on a single segment.
		slice->segindex = gp_session_id % path->locus.numsegments;
		slice->numsegments = path->locus.numsegments;
		 * queries to non-replicated table run on segments.
		slice->numsegments = path->locus.numsegments;
		slice->gangType = GANGTYPE_PRIMARY_READER;


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn cdbappendonlystorageformat 源码

greenplumn cdbappendonlystorageread 源码

greenplumn cdbappendonlystoragewrite 源码

greenplumn cdbappendonlyxlog 源码

greenplumn cdbbufferedappend 源码

greenplumn cdbbufferedread 源码

greenplumn cdbcat 源码

greenplumn cdbcopy 源码

greenplumn cdbdistributedsnapshot 源码

greenplumn cdbdistributedxacts 源码

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