greenplumn execMain 源码

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greenplumn execMain 代码


 * execMain.c
 *	  top level executor interface routines
 *	ExecutorStart()
 *	ExecutorRun()
 *	ExecutorFinish()
 *	ExecutorEnd()
 *	These four procedures are the external interface to the executor.
 *	In each case, the query descriptor is required as an argument.
 *	ExecutorStart must be called at the beginning of execution of any
 *	query plan and ExecutorEnd must always be called at the end of
 *	execution of a plan (unless it is aborted due to error).
 *	ExecutorRun accepts direction and count arguments that specify whether
 *	the plan is to be executed forwards, backwards, and for how many tuples.
 *	In some cases ExecutorRun may be called multiple times to process all
 *	the tuples for a plan.  It is also acceptable to stop short of executing
 *	the whole plan (but only if it is a SELECT).
 *	ExecutorFinish must be called after the final ExecutorRun call and
 *	before ExecutorEnd.  This can be omitted only in case of EXPLAIN,
 *	which should also omit ExecutorRun.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/executor/execMain.c
#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "access/sysattr.h"
#include "access/tableam.h"
#include "access/transam.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "catalog/namespace.h"
#include "catalog/pg_publication.h"
#include "commands/matview.h"
#include "commands/tablespace.h"
#include "commands/trigger.h"
#include "executor/execdebug.h"
#include "executor/nodeSubplan.h"
#include "foreign/fdwapi.h"
#include "jit/jit.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "tcop/utility.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/partcache.h"
#include "utils/rls.h"
#include "utils/ruleutils.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
#include "utils/metrics_utils.h"

#include "utils/ps_status.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
#include "utils/typcache.h"
#include "utils/workfile_mgr.h"
#include "utils/faultinjector.h"
#include "utils/resource_manager.h"
#include "utils/resgroup-ops.h"

#include "catalog/pg_statistic.h"
#include "catalog/pg_class.h"

#include "tcop/tcopprot.h"

#include "catalog/pg_tablespace.h"
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "catalog/oid_dispatch.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "commands/copy.h"
#include "commands/createas.h"
#include "executor/execUtils.h"
#include "executor/instrument.h"
#include "executor/nodeSubplan.h"
#include "foreign/fdwapi.h"
#include "libpq/pqformat.h"
#include "cdb/cdbdisp_query.h"
#include "cdb/cdbdispatchresult.h"
#include "cdb/cdbexplain.h"             /* cdbexplain_sendExecStats() */
#include "cdb/cdbplan.h"
#include "cdb/cdbsubplan.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "cdb/ml_ipc.h"
#include "cdb/cdbmotion.h"
#include "cdb/cdbtm.h"
#include "cdb/cdboidsync.h"
#include "cdb/cdbllize.h"
#include "cdb/memquota.h"
#include "cdb/cdbtargeteddispatch.h"
#include "cdb/cdbutil.h"
#include "cdb/cdbendpoint.h"

#define IS_PARALLEL_RETRIEVE_CURSOR(queryDesc)	(queryDesc->ddesc &&	\
										queryDesc->ddesc->parallelCursorName &&	\
										strlen(queryDesc->ddesc->parallelCursorName) > 0)

/* Hooks for plugins to get control in ExecutorStart/Run/Finish/End */
ExecutorStart_hook_type ExecutorStart_hook = NULL;
ExecutorRun_hook_type ExecutorRun_hook = NULL;
ExecutorFinish_hook_type ExecutorFinish_hook = NULL;
ExecutorEnd_hook_type ExecutorEnd_hook = NULL;

/* Hook for plugin to get control in ExecCheckRTPerms() */
ExecutorCheckPerms_hook_type ExecutorCheckPerms_hook = NULL;

/* decls for local routines only used within this module */
static void InitPlan(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags);
static void CheckValidRowMarkRel(Relation rel, RowMarkType markType);
static void ExecPostprocessPlan(EState *estate);
static void ExecEndPlan(PlanState *planstate, EState *estate);
static void ExecutePlan(EState *estate, PlanState *planstate,
						bool use_parallel_mode,
						CmdType operation,
						bool sendTuples,
						uint64 numberTuples,
						ScanDirection direction,
						DestReceiver *dest,
						bool execute_once);
static bool ExecCheckRTEPerms(RangeTblEntry *rte);
static bool ExecCheckRTEPermsModified(Oid relOid, Oid userid,
									  Bitmapset *modifiedCols,
									  AclMode requiredPerms);
static void ExecCheckXactReadOnly(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt);
static char *ExecBuildSlotValueDescription(Oid reloid,
										   TupleTableSlot *slot,
										   TupleDesc tupdesc,
										   Bitmapset *modifiedCols,
										   int maxfieldlen);
static void EvalPlanQualStart(EPQState *epqstate, EState *parentestate,
							  Plan *planTree);

static void AdjustReplicatedTableCounts(EState *estate);

 * Note that GetAllUpdatedColumns() also exists in commands/trigger.c.  There does
 * not appear to be any good header to put it into, given the structures that
 * it uses, so we let them be duplicated.  Be sure to update both if one needs
 * to be changed, however.
#define GetInsertedColumns(relinfo, estate) \
	(exec_rt_fetch((relinfo)->ri_RangeTableIndex, estate)->insertedCols)
#define GetUpdatedColumns(relinfo, estate) \
	(exec_rt_fetch((relinfo)->ri_RangeTableIndex, estate)->updatedCols)
#define GetAllUpdatedColumns(relinfo, estate) \
	(bms_union(exec_rt_fetch((relinfo)->ri_RangeTableIndex, estate)->updatedCols, \
			   exec_rt_fetch((relinfo)->ri_RangeTableIndex, estate)->extraUpdatedCols))

/* end of local decls */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecutorStart
 *		This routine must be called at the beginning of any execution of any
 *		query plan
 * Takes a QueryDesc previously created by CreateQueryDesc (which is separate
 * only because some places use QueryDescs for utility commands).  The tupDesc
 * field of the QueryDesc is filled in to describe the tuples that will be
 * returned, and the internal fields (estate and planstate) are set up.
 * eflags contains flag bits as described in executor.h.
 * NB: the CurrentMemoryContext when this is called will become the parent
 * of the per-query context used for this Executor invocation.
 * We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins
 * get control when ExecutorStart is called.  Such a plugin would
 * normally call standard_ExecutorStart().
 * MPP: In here we take care of setting up all the necessary items that
 * will be needed to service the query, such as setting up interconnect,
 * and dispatching the query. Any other items in the future
 * must be added here.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
	if (ExecutorStart_hook)
		(*ExecutorStart_hook) (queryDesc, eflags);
		standard_ExecutorStart(queryDesc, eflags);

standard_ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
	EState	   *estate;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;
	GpExecIdentity exec_identity;
	bool		shouldDispatch;
	bool		needDtx;
	List 		*toplevelOidCache = NIL;

	/* sanity checks: queryDesc must not be started already */
	Assert(queryDesc != NULL);
	Assert(queryDesc->estate == NULL);
	Assert(queryDesc->plannedstmt != NULL);

	Assert(queryDesc->plannedstmt->intoPolicy == NULL ||
		GpPolicyIsPartitioned(queryDesc->plannedstmt->intoPolicy) ||

	/* GPDB hook for collecting query info */
	if (query_info_collect_hook)
		(*query_info_collect_hook)(METRICS_QUERY_START, queryDesc);

	if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)
		if (!IsResManagerMemoryPolicyNone() &&
			elog(GP_RESMANAGER_MEMORY_LOG_LEVEL, "query requested %.0fKB of memory",
				 (double) queryDesc->plannedstmt->query_mem / 1024.0);

	 * Distribute memory to operators.
	 * There are some statements that do not go through the resource queue, so we cannot
	 * put in a strong assert here. Someday, we should fix resource queues.
	if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->query_mem > 0)
		 * Whether we should skip operator memory assignment
		 * - We should never skip operator memory assignment on QD.
		 * - On QE, not skip in case of resource group enabled, and customer allow QE re-calculate query_mem,
		 * as the GUC `gp_resource_group_enable_recalculate_query_mem` set to on.
		bool	should_skip_operator_memory_assign = true;

		if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE)
			 * If resource group is enabled, we should re-calculate query_mem on QE, because the memory
			 * of the coordinator and segment nodes or the number of instance could be different.
			 * On QE, we only try to recalculate query_mem if resource group enabled. Otherwise, we will skip this
			 * and the next operator memory assignment if resource queue enabled
			if (IsResGroupEnabled())
				int 	total_memory_coordinator = queryDesc->plannedstmt->total_memory_coordinator;
				int    	nsegments_coordinator = queryDesc->plannedstmt->nsegments_coordinator;

				 * memSpill is not in fallback mode, and we enable resource group re-calculate the query_mem on QE,
				 * then re-calculate the query_mem and re-compute operatorMemKB using this new value
				if (total_memory_coordinator != 0 && nsegments_coordinator != 0)
					should_skip_operator_memory_assign = false;

					/* Get total system memory on the QE in MB */
					int 	total_memory_segment = ResGroupOps_GetTotalMemory();
					int 	nsegments_segment = ResGroupGetHostPrimaryCount();
					uint64	coordinator_query_mem = queryDesc->plannedstmt->query_mem;

					 * In the resource group environment, when we calculate query_mem, we can roughly use the following
					 * formula:
					 * 	query_mem = (total_memory * gp_resource_group_memory_limit * memory_limit / nsegments) * memory_spill_ratio / concurrency
					 * Only total_memory and nsegments could differ between QD and QE, so query_mem is proportional to
					 * the system's available virtual memory and inversely proportional to the number of instances.
					queryDesc->plannedstmt->query_mem *= (total_memory_segment * 1.0 / nsegments_segment) /
														 (total_memory_coordinator * 1.0 / nsegments_coordinator);

					elog(DEBUG1, "re-calculate query_mem, original QD's query_mem: %.0fKB, after recalculation QE's query_mem: %.0fKB",
						 (double) coordinator_query_mem / 1024.0  , (double) queryDesc->plannedstmt->query_mem / 1024.0);
			/* On QD, we always traverse the plan tree and compute operatorMemKB */
			should_skip_operator_memory_assign = false;

		if (!should_skip_operator_memory_assign)

	 * If the transaction is read-only, we need to check if any writes are
	 * planned to non-temporary tables.  EXPLAIN is considered read-only.
	 * Don't allow writes in parallel mode.  Supporting UPDATE and DELETE
	 * would require (a) storing the combocid hash in shared memory, rather
	 * than synchronizing it just once at the start of parallelism, and (b) an
	 * alternative to heap_update()'s reliance on xmax for mutual exclusion.
	 * INSERT may have no such troubles, but we forbid it to simplify the
	 * checks.
	 * We have lower-level defenses in CommandCounterIncrement and elsewhere
	 * against performing unsafe operations in parallel mode, but this gives a
	 * more user-friendly error message.
	 * In GPDB, we must call ExecCheckXactReadOnly() in the QD even if the
	 * transaction is not read-only, because ExecCheckXactReadOnly() also
	 * determines if two-phase commit is needed.
	if ((XactReadOnly || IsInParallelMode() || Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH) &&

	 * Build EState, switch into per-query memory context for startup.
	estate = CreateExecutorState();
	queryDesc->estate = estate;

	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);

	 * Attached the plannedstmt from queryDesc
	estate->es_plannedstmt = queryDesc->plannedstmt;

	 * Fill in external parameters, if any, from queryDesc; and allocate
	 * workspace for internal parameters
	estate->es_param_list_info = queryDesc->params;

	if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->paramExecTypes != NIL)
		int			nParamExec;

		nParamExec = list_length(queryDesc->plannedstmt->paramExecTypes);
		estate->es_param_exec_vals = (ParamExecData *)
			palloc0(nParamExec * sizeof(ParamExecData));

	estate->es_sourceText = queryDesc->sourceText;

	 * Fill in the query environment, if any, from queryDesc.
	estate->es_queryEnv = queryDesc->queryEnv;

	 * If non-read-only query, set the command ID to mark output tuples with
	switch (queryDesc->operation)
		case CMD_SELECT:

			 * SELECT FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE and modifying CTEs need to mark
			 * tuples
			if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->rowMarks != NIL ||
				estate->es_output_cid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);

			 * A SELECT without modifying CTEs can't possibly queue triggers,
			 * so force skip-triggers mode. This is just a marginal efficiency
			 * hack, since AfterTriggerBeginQuery/AfterTriggerEndQuery aren't
			 * all that expensive, but we might as well do it.
			if (!queryDesc->plannedstmt->hasModifyingCTE)

		case CMD_INSERT:
		case CMD_DELETE:
		case CMD_UPDATE:
			estate->es_output_cid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);

			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized operation code: %d",
				 (int) queryDesc->operation);

	 * Copy other important information into the EState
	estate->es_snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(queryDesc->snapshot);
	estate->es_crosscheck_snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(queryDesc->crosscheck_snapshot);
	estate->es_top_eflags = eflags;
	estate->es_instrument = queryDesc->instrument_options;
	estate->es_jit_flags = queryDesc->plannedstmt->jitFlags;
	estate->showstatctx = queryDesc->showstatctx;

	 * Shared input info is needed when ROLE_EXECUTE or sequential plan
	estate->es_sharenode = NIL;

	 * Handling of the Slice table depends on context.
	if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)
		/* Set up the slice table. */
		SliceTable *sliceTable;

		sliceTable = InitSliceTable(estate, queryDesc->plannedstmt);
		estate->es_sliceTable = sliceTable;

		if (sliceTable->slices[0].gangType != GANGTYPE_UNALLOCATED ||
			if (queryDesc->ddesc == NULL)
				queryDesc->ddesc = makeNode(QueryDispatchDesc);;
				queryDesc->ddesc->useChangedAOOpts = true;

			/* Pass EXPLAIN ANALYZE flag to qExecs. */
			estate->es_sliceTable->instrument_options = queryDesc->instrument_options;

			/* set our global sliceid variable for elog. */
			currentSliceId = LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(estate);

			/* InitPlan() will acquire locks by walking the entire plan
			 * tree -- we'd like to avoid acquiring the locks until
			 * *after* we've set up the interconnect */
			if (estate->es_sliceTable->hasMotions)
				estate->motionlayer_context = createMotionLayerState(queryDesc->plannedstmt->numSlices - 1);

			shouldDispatch = !(eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY);
			/* QD-only query, no dispatching required */
			shouldDispatch = false;

		 * If this is CREATE TABLE AS ... WITH NO DATA, there's no need
		 * need to actually execute the plan.
		if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->intoClause &&
			shouldDispatch = false;
	else if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE)
		QueryDispatchDesc *ddesc = queryDesc->ddesc;

		shouldDispatch = false;

		/* qDisp should have sent us a slice table via MPPEXEC */
		if (ddesc && ddesc->sliceTable != NULL)
			SliceTable *sliceTable;
			ExecSlice  *slice;

			sliceTable = ddesc->sliceTable;
			Assert(IsA(sliceTable, SliceTable));
			slice = &sliceTable->slices[sliceTable->localSlice];

			estate->es_sliceTable = sliceTable;
			estate->es_cursorPositions = ddesc->cursorPositions;

			estate->currentSliceId = slice->rootIndex;

			/* set our global sliceid variable for elog. */
			currentSliceId = LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(estate);

			/* Should we collect statistics for EXPLAIN ANALYZE? */
			estate->es_instrument = sliceTable->instrument_options;
			queryDesc->instrument_options = sliceTable->instrument_options;

			/* InitPlan() will acquire locks by walking the entire plan
			 * tree -- we'd like to avoid acquiring the locks until
			 * *after* we've set up the interconnect */
			if (estate->es_sliceTable->hasMotions)
				estate->motionlayer_context = createMotionLayerState(queryDesc->plannedstmt->numSlices - 1);

					 * Initialize the motion layer for this query.
					UpdateMotionExpectedReceivers(estate->motionlayer_context, estate->es_sliceTable);

			/* local query in QE. */
		shouldDispatch = false;

	 * We don't eliminate aliens if we don't have an MPP plan
	 * or we are executing on master.
	 * TODO: eliminate aliens even on master, if not EXPLAIN ANALYZE
	estate->eliminateAliens = execute_pruned_plan && estate->es_sliceTable && estate->es_sliceTable->hasMotions && !IS_QUERY_DISPATCHER();

	 * Set up an AFTER-trigger statement context, unless told not to, or
	 * unless it's EXPLAIN-only mode (when ExecutorFinish won't be called).

	 * Initialize the plan state tree
	 * If the interconnect has been set up; we need to catch any
	 * errors to shut it down -- so we have to wrap InitPlan in a PG_TRY() block.
		 * Initialize the plan state tree
		Assert(CurrentMemoryContext == estate->es_query_cxt);
		InitPlan(queryDesc, eflags);



		if (Debug_print_slice_table && Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)
			elog_node_display(DEBUG3, "slice table", estate->es_sliceTable, true);

		 * If we're running as a QE and there's a slice table in our queryDesc,
		 * then we need to finish the EState setup we prepared for back in
		 * CdbExecQuery.
		if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE && estate->es_sliceTable != NULL)
			MotionState *motionstate = NULL;

			 * Note that, at this point on a QE, the estate is setup (based on the
			 * slice table transmitted from the QD via MPPEXEC) so that fields
			 * es_sliceTable, cur_root_idx and es_cur_slice_idx are correct for
			 * the QE.
			 * If responsible for a non-root slice, arrange to enter the plan at the
			 * slice's sending Motion node rather than at the top.
			if (LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(estate) != RootSliceIndex(estate))
				motionstate = getMotionState(queryDesc->planstate, LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(estate));
				Assert(motionstate != NULL && IsA(motionstate, MotionState));

			if (Debug_print_slice_table)
				elog_node_display(DEBUG3, "slice table", estate->es_sliceTable, true);

			if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG)
				elog(DEBUG1, "seg%d executing slice%d under root slice%d",

		 * if in dispatch mode, time to serialize plan and query
		 * trees, and fire off cdb_exec command to each of the qexecs
		if (shouldDispatch)
			 * MPP-2869: preprocess_initplans() may
			 * dispatch. (interacted with MPP-2859, which caused an
			 * initPlan to do a write which should have happened in
			 * main body of query) We need to call
			 * ExecutorSaysTransactionDoesWrites() before any dispatch
			 * work for this query.
			needDtx = ExecutorSaysTransactionDoesWrites();
			if (needDtx)

			 * Aviod dispatching OIDs for InitPlan.
			 * CTAS will first define relation in QD, and generate the OIDs,
			 * and then dispatch with these OIDs to QEs.
			 * QEs store these OIDs in a static variable and delete the one
			 * used to create table.
			 * If CTAS's query contains initplan, when we invoke
			 * preprocess_initplan to dispatch initplans, if with
			 * queryDesc->ddesc->oidAssignments be set, these OIDs are
			 * also dispatched to QEs.
			 * For details please see github issue
			if (queryDesc->ddesc != NULL)
				queryDesc->ddesc->sliceTable = estate->es_sliceTable;
				 * For CTAS querys that contain initplan, we need to copy a new oid dispatch list,
				 * since the preprocess_initplan will start a subtransaction, and if it's rollbacked,
				 * the memory context of 'Oid dispatch context' will be reset, which will cause invalid
				 * list reference during the serialization of dispatch_oids when dispatching plan.
				toplevelOidCache = copyObject(GetAssignedOidsForDispatch());

			 * First, pre-execute any initPlan subplans.
			if (list_length(queryDesc->plannedstmt->paramExecTypes) > 0)

			if (toplevelOidCache != NIL)
				queryDesc->ddesc->oidAssignments = toplevelOidCache;

			 * This call returns after launching the threads that send the
			 * plan to the appropriate segdbs.  It does not wait for them to
			 * finish unless an error is detected before all slices have been
			 * dispatched.
			 * Main plan is parallel, send plan to it.
			if (estate->es_sliceTable->slices[0].gangType != GANGTYPE_UNALLOCATED ||
								needDtx, true);

			if (toplevelOidCache != NIL)
				toplevelOidCache = NIL;

		 * Get executor identity (who does the executor serve). we can assume
		 * Forward scan direction for now just for retrieving the identity.
		if (!(eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY))
			exec_identity = getGpExecIdentity(queryDesc, ForwardScanDirection, estate);
			exec_identity = GP_IGNORE;

		 * If we have no slice to execute in this process, mark currentSliceId as
		 * invalid.
		if (exec_identity == GP_IGNORE)
			estate->currentSliceId = -1;
			currentSliceId = -1;

		/* non-root on QE */
		if (exec_identity == GP_NON_ROOT_ON_QE)
			MotionState *motionState = getMotionState(queryDesc->planstate, LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(estate));


			Assert(IsA(motionState->ps.plan, Motion));
		if (exec_identity == GP_ROOT_SLICE)
			/* Run a root slice. */
			if (queryDesc->planstate != NULL &&
				estate->es_sliceTable &&
				estate->es_sliceTable->slices[0].gangType == GANGTYPE_UNALLOCATED &&
				estate->es_sliceTable->slices[0].children &&
				UpdateMotionExpectedReceivers(estate->motionlayer_context, estate->es_sliceTable);
		else if (exec_identity != GP_IGNORE)
			/* should never happen */
			Assert(!"unsupported parallel execution strategy");

			Assert(estate->interconnect_context != NULL);

		if (toplevelOidCache != NIL)
			toplevelOidCache = NIL;

	if (DEBUG1 >= log_min_messages)
		char		msec_str[32];
		switch (check_log_duration(msec_str, false))
			case 1:
			case 2:
				ereport(LOG, (errmsg("duration to ExecutorStart end: %s ms", msec_str)));


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecutorRun
 *		This is the main routine of the executor module. It accepts
 *		the query descriptor from the traffic cop and executes the
 *		query plan.
 *		ExecutorStart must have been called already.
 *		If direction is NoMovementScanDirection then nothing is done
 *		except to start up/shut down the destination.  Otherwise,
 *		we retrieve up to 'count' tuples in the specified direction.
 *		Note: count = 0 is interpreted as no portal limit, i.e., run to
 *		completion.  Also note that the count limit is only applied to
 *		retrieved tuples, not for instance to those inserted/updated/deleted
 *		by a ModifyTable plan node.
 *		There is no return value, but output tuples (if any) are sent to
 *		the destination receiver specified in the QueryDesc; and the number
 *		of tuples processed at the top level can be found in
 *		estate->es_processed.
 *		We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins
 *		get control when ExecutorRun is called.  Such a plugin would
 *		normally call standard_ExecutorRun().
 *		MPP: In here we must ensure to only run the plan and not call
 *		any setup/teardown items (unless in a CATCH block).
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc,
			ScanDirection direction, uint64 count,
			bool execute_once)
	if (ExecutorRun_hook)
		(*ExecutorRun_hook) (queryDesc, direction, count, execute_once);
		standard_ExecutorRun(queryDesc, direction, count, execute_once);

standard_ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc,
					 ScanDirection direction, uint64 count, bool execute_once)
	EState	   *estate;
	CmdType		operation;
	DestReceiver *dest;
	bool		sendTuples;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;
	bool		endpointCreated = false;

	 * NOTE: Any local vars that are set in the PG_TRY block and examined in the
	 * PG_CATCH block should be declared 'volatile'. (setjmp shenanigans)
	ExecSlice  *currentSlice;
	GpExecIdentity		exec_identity;

	/* sanity checks */
	Assert(queryDesc != NULL);

	estate = queryDesc->estate;

	Assert(estate != NULL);
	Assert(!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY));

	 * Switch into per-query memory context
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);

	/* Allow instrumentation of Executor overall runtime */
	if (queryDesc->totaltime)

     * CDB: Update global slice id for log messages.
    currentSlice = getCurrentSlice(estate, LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(estate));
    if (currentSlice)
        if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE ||
            currentSliceId = currentSlice->sliceIndex;

	 * extract information from the query descriptor and the query feature.
	operation = queryDesc->operation;
	dest = queryDesc->dest;

	 * startup tuple receiver, if we will be emitting tuples
	estate->es_processed = 0;

	sendTuples = (queryDesc->tupDesc != NULL &&
				  (operation == CMD_SELECT ||

	if (sendTuples)
		dest->rStartup(dest, operation, queryDesc->tupDesc);

	if (!ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction))
		if (execute_once && queryDesc->already_executed)
			elog(ERROR, "can't re-execute query flagged for single execution");
		queryDesc->already_executed = true;

	 * Need a try/catch block here so that if an ereport is called from
	 * within ExecutePlan, we can clean up by calling CdbCheckDispatchResult.
	 * This cleans up the asynchronous commands running through the threads launched from
	 * CdbDispatchCommand.
		 * Run the plan locally.  There are three ways;
		 * 1. Do nothing
		 * 2. Run a root slice
		 * 3. Run a non-root slice on a QE.
		 * Here we decide what is our identity -- root slice, non-root
		 * on QE or other (in which case we do nothing), and then run
		 * the plan if required. For more information see
		 * getGpExecIdentity() in execUtils.
		exec_identity = getGpExecIdentity(queryDesc, direction, estate);

		if (exec_identity == GP_IGNORE)
			/* do nothing */
			estate->es_got_eos = true;
		else if (exec_identity == GP_NON_ROOT_ON_QE)
			 * Run a non-root slice on a QE.
			 * Since the top Plan node is a (Sending) Motion, run the plan
			 * forward to completion. The plan won't return tuples locally
			 * (tuples go out over the interconnect), so the destination is
			 * uninteresting.  The command type should be SELECT, however, to
			 * avoid other sorts of DML processing..
			 * This is the center of slice plan activity -- here we arrange to
			 * blunder into the middle of the plan rather than entering at the
			 * root.

			MotionState *motionState = getMotionState(queryDesc->planstate, LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(estate));


						(PlanState *) motionState,
		else if (exec_identity == GP_ROOT_SLICE)
			DestReceiver *endpointDest;

			 * When run a root slice, and it is a PARALLEL RETRIEVE CURSOR, it means
			 * QD become the end point for connection. It is true, for
			 * instance, SELECT * FROM foo LIMIT 10, and the result should
			 * go out from QD.
			 * For the scenario: endpoint on QE, the query plan is changed,
			 * the root slice also exists on QE.
				endpointCreated = true;

				 * Once the endpoint has been created in shared memory, send acknowledge
				 * message to QD so DECLARE PARALLEL RETRIEVE CURSOR statement can finish.

				 * Run a root slice
				 * It corresponds to the "normal" path through the executor
				 * in that we enter the plan at the top and count on the
				 * motion nodes at the fringe of the top slice to return
				 * without ever calling nodes below them.
			/* should never happen */
			Assert(!"undefined parallel execution strategy");
        /* Close down interconnect etc. */

	 * Allow testing of very high number of processed rows, without spending
	 * hours actually processing that many rows.
	 * Somewhat arbitrarily, only trigger this if more than 10000 rows were truly
	 * processed. This screens out some internal queries that the system might
	 * issue during planning.
	if (estate->es_processed >= 10000 && estate->es_processed <= 1000000)
	//if (estate->es_processed >= 10000)
		if (FaultInjector_InjectFaultIfSet("executor_run_high_processed",
										   "" /* databaseName */,
										   "" /* tableName */) == FaultInjectorTypeSkip)
			 * For testing purposes, pretend that we have already processed
			 * almost 2^32 rows.
			estate->es_processed = UINT_MAX - 10;
#endif /* FAULT_INJECTOR */

	 * shutdown tuple receiver, if we started it
	if (endpointCreated)

	if (sendTuples)

	if (queryDesc->totaltime)
		InstrStopNode(queryDesc->totaltime, estate->es_processed);


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecutorFinish
 *		This routine must be called after the last ExecutorRun call.
 *		It performs cleanup such as firing AFTER triggers.  It is
 *		separate from ExecutorEnd because EXPLAIN ANALYZE needs to
 *		include these actions in the total runtime.
 *		We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins
 *		get control when ExecutorFinish is called.  Such a plugin would
 *		normally call standard_ExecutorFinish().
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecutorFinish(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
	if (ExecutorFinish_hook)
		(*ExecutorFinish_hook) (queryDesc);

standard_ExecutorFinish(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
	EState	   *estate;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;

	/* sanity checks */
	Assert(queryDesc != NULL);

	estate = queryDesc->estate;

	Assert(estate != NULL);
	Assert(!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY));

	/* This should be run once and only once per Executor instance */

	/* Switch into per-query memory context */
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);

	/* Allow instrumentation of Executor overall runtime */
	if (queryDesc->totaltime)

	/* Run ModifyTable nodes to completion */

	/* Execute queued AFTER triggers, unless told not to */
	if (!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_SKIP_TRIGGERS))

	if (queryDesc->totaltime)
		InstrStopNode(queryDesc->totaltime, 0);


	estate->es_finished = true;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecutorEnd
 *		This routine must be called at the end of execution of any
 *		query plan
 *		We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins
 *		get control when ExecutorEnd is called.  Such a plugin would
 *		normally call standard_ExecutorEnd().
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
	if (ExecutorEnd_hook)
		(*ExecutorEnd_hook) (queryDesc);

standard_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
	EState	   *estate;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;
	/* GPDB: whether this is a inner query for extension usage */
	bool		isInnerQuery;

	/* sanity checks */
	Assert(queryDesc != NULL);

	estate = queryDesc->estate;

	Assert(estate != NULL);

	/* GPDB: Save SPI flag first in case the memory context of plannedstmt is cleaned up*/
	isInnerQuery = estate->es_plannedstmt->metricsQueryType > TOP_LEVEL_QUERY;

	if (DEBUG1 >= log_min_messages)
		char		msec_str[32];
		switch (check_log_duration(msec_str, false))
			case 1:
			case 2:
				ereport(LOG, (errmsg("duration to ExecutorEnd starting: %s ms", msec_str)));

	 * Check that ExecutorFinish was called, unless in EXPLAIN-only mode. This
	 * Assert is needed because ExecutorFinish is new as of 9.1, and callers
	 * might forget to call it.
	Assert(estate->es_finished ||
		   (estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY));

	 * Switch into per-query memory context to run ExecEndPlan
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);

     * If EXPLAIN ANALYZE, qExec returns stats to qDisp now.
    if (estate->es_sliceTable &&
		estate->es_sliceTable->instrument_options &&
		(estate->es_sliceTable->instrument_options & INSTRUMENT_CDB) &&
			Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE)

	 * if needed, collect mpp dispatch results and tear down
	 * all mpp specific resources (e.g. interconnect).
		 * we got an error. do all the necessary cleanup.

		 * Remove our own query's motion layer.

		 * GPDB specific
		 * Clean the special resources created by INITPLAN.
		 * The resources have long life cycle and are used by the main plan.
		 * It's too early to clean them in preprocess_initplans.
		if (list_length(queryDesc->plannedstmt->paramExecTypes) > 0)

		 * Release EState and per-query memory context.


	 * GPDB specific
	 * Clean the special resources created by INITPLAN.
	 * The resources have long life cycle and are used by the main plan.
	 * It's too early to clean them in preprocess_initplans.
	if (list_length(queryDesc->plannedstmt->paramExecTypes) > 0)

     * If normal termination, let each operator clean itself up.
     * Otherwise don't risk it... an error might have left some
     * structures in an inconsistent state.
	ExecEndPlan(queryDesc->planstate, estate);

	 * Remove our own query's motion layer.

	/* do away with our snapshots */

	 * Must switch out of context before destroying it

	queryDesc->es_processed = estate->es_processed;

	 * Release EState and per-query memory context
	/* GPDB hook for collecting query info */
	if (query_info_collect_hook)
		(*query_info_collect_hook)(isInnerQuery ? METRICS_INNER_QUERY_DONE : METRICS_QUERY_DONE, queryDesc);

	/* Reset queryDesc fields that no longer point to anything */
	queryDesc->tupDesc = NULL;
	queryDesc->estate = NULL;
	queryDesc->planstate = NULL;
	queryDesc->totaltime = NULL;

	if (DEBUG1 >= log_min_messages)
		char		msec_str[32];
		switch (check_log_duration(msec_str, false))
			case 1:
			case 2:
				ereport(LOG, (errmsg("duration to ExecutorEnd end: %s ms", msec_str)));


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecutorRewind
 *		This routine may be called on an open queryDesc to rewind it
 *		to the start.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecutorRewind(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
	EState	   *estate;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;

	/* sanity checks */
	Assert(queryDesc != NULL);

	estate = queryDesc->estate;

	Assert(estate != NULL);

	/* It's probably not sensible to rescan updating queries */
	Assert(queryDesc->operation == CMD_SELECT);

	 * Switch into per-query memory context
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);

	 * rescan plan


 * ExecCheckRTPerms
 *		Check access permissions for all relations listed in a range table.
 * Returns true if permissions are adequate.  Otherwise, throws an appropriate
 * error if ereport_on_violation is true, or simply returns false otherwise.
 * Note that this does NOT address row level security policies (aka: RLS).  If
 * rows will be returned to the user as a result of this permission check
 * passing, then RLS also needs to be consulted (and check_enable_rls()).
 * See rewrite/rowsecurity.c.
ExecCheckRTPerms(List *rangeTable, bool ereport_on_violation)
	ListCell   *l;
	bool		result = true;

	foreach(l, rangeTable)
		RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(l);

		result = ExecCheckRTEPerms(rte);
		if (!result)
			Assert(rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION);
			if (ereport_on_violation)
				aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NO_PRIV, get_relkind_objtype(get_rel_relkind(rte->relid)),
			return false;

	if (ExecutorCheckPerms_hook)
		result = (*ExecutorCheckPerms_hook) (rangeTable,
	return result;

 * ExecCheckRTEPerms
 *		Check access permissions for a single RTE.
ExecCheckRTEPerms(RangeTblEntry *rte)
	AclMode		requiredPerms;
	AclMode		relPerms;
	AclMode		remainingPerms;
	Oid			relOid;
	Oid			userid;

	 * Only plain-relation RTEs need to be checked here.  Function RTEs are
	 * checked when the function is prepared for execution.  Join, subquery,
	 * and special RTEs need no checks.
	if (rte->rtekind != RTE_RELATION)
		return true;

	 * No work if requiredPerms is empty.
	requiredPerms = rte->requiredPerms;
	if (requiredPerms == 0)
		return true;

	relOid = rte->relid;

	 * userid to check as: current user unless we have a setuid indication.
	 * Note: GetUserId() is presently fast enough that there's no harm in
	 * calling it separately for each RTE.  If that stops being true, we could
	 * call it once in ExecCheckRTPerms and pass the userid down from there.
	 * But for now, no need for the extra clutter.
	userid = rte->checkAsUser ? rte->checkAsUser : GetUserId();

	 * We must have *all* the requiredPerms bits, but some of the bits can be
	 * satisfied from column-level rather than relation-level permissions.
	 * First, remove any bits that are satisfied by relation permissions.
	relPerms = pg_class_aclmask(relOid, userid, requiredPerms, ACLMASK_ALL);
	remainingPerms = requiredPerms & ~relPerms;
	if (remainingPerms != 0)
		int			col = -1;

		 * If we lack any permissions that exist only as relation permissions,
		 * we can fail straight away.
		if (remainingPerms & ~(ACL_SELECT | ACL_INSERT | ACL_UPDATE))
			return false;

		 * Check to see if we have the needed privileges at column level.
		 * Note: failures just report a table-level error; it would be nicer
		 * to report a column-level error if we have some but not all of the
		 * column privileges.
		if (remainingPerms & ACL_SELECT)
			 * When the query doesn't explicitly reference any columns (for
			 * example, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table), allow the query if we
			 * have SELECT on any column of the rel, as per SQL spec.
			if (bms_is_empty(rte->selectedCols))
				if (pg_attribute_aclcheck_all(relOid, userid, ACL_SELECT,
											  ACLMASK_ANY) != ACLCHECK_OK)
					return false;

			while ((col = bms_next_member(rte->selectedCols, col)) >= 0)
				/* bit #s are offset by FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber */
				AttrNumber	attno = col + FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber;

				if (attno == InvalidAttrNumber)
					/* Whole-row reference, must have priv on all cols */
					if (pg_attribute_aclcheck_all(relOid, userid, ACL_SELECT,
												  ACLMASK_ALL) != ACLCHECK_OK)
						return false;
					if (pg_attribute_aclcheck(relOid, attno, userid,
											  ACL_SELECT) != ACLCHECK_OK)
						return false;

		 * Basically the same for the mod columns, for both INSERT and UPDATE
		 * privilege as specified by remainingPerms.
		if (remainingPerms & ACL_INSERT && !ExecCheckRTEPermsModified(relOid,
			return false;

		if (remainingPerms & ACL_UPDATE && !ExecCheckRTEPermsModified(relOid,
			return false;
	return true;

 * ExecCheckRTEPermsModified
 *		Check INSERT or UPDATE access permissions for a single RTE (these
 *		are processed uniformly).
static bool
ExecCheckRTEPermsModified(Oid relOid, Oid userid, Bitmapset *modifiedCols,
						  AclMode requiredPerms)
	int			col = -1;

	 * When the query doesn't explicitly update any columns, allow the query
	 * if we have permission on any column of the rel.  This is to handle
	 * SELECT FOR UPDATE as well as possible corner cases in UPDATE.
	if (bms_is_empty(modifiedCols))
		if (pg_attribute_aclcheck_all(relOid, userid, requiredPerms,
			return false;

	while ((col = bms_next_member(modifiedCols, col)) >= 0)
		/* bit #s are offset by FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber */
		AttrNumber	attno = col + FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber;

		if (attno == InvalidAttrNumber)
			/* whole-row reference can't happen here */
			elog(ERROR, "whole-row update is not implemented");
			if (pg_attribute_aclcheck(relOid, attno, userid,
									  requiredPerms) != ACLCHECK_OK)
				return false;
	return true;

 * Check that the query does not imply any writes to non-temp tables;
 * unless we're in parallel mode, in which case don't even allow writes
 * to temp tables.
 * This function is used to check if the current statement will perform any writes.
 * It is used to enforce:
 *  (1) read-only mode (both fts and transaction isolation level read only)
 *      as well as
 *  (2) to keep track of when a distributed transaction becomes
 *      "dirty" and will require 2pc.
 * Note: in a Hot Standby this would need to reject writes to temp
 * tables just as we do in parallel mode; but an HS standby can't have created
 * any temp tables in the first place, so no need to check that.
 * In GPDB, an important side-effect of this is to call
 * ExecutorMarkTransactionDoesWrites(), if the query is not read-only. That
 * ensures that we use two-phase commit for this transaction.
static void
ExecCheckXactReadOnly(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt)
	ListCell   *l;
	int         rti;

	 * XXX should we allow this if the destination is temp?  Considering that
	 * it would still require catalog changes, probably not.
	if (plannedstmt->intoClause != NULL)
		if (plannedstmt->intoClause->rel->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP)
			PreventCommandIfReadOnly(CreateCommandTag((Node *) plannedstmt));

	 * Refresh matview will write xlog.
	if (plannedstmt->refreshClause != NULL)
		PreventCommandIfReadOnly(CreateCommandTag((Node *) plannedstmt));

    rti = 0;
	 * Fail if write permissions are requested in parallel mode for table
	 * (temp or non-temp), otherwise fail for any non-temp table.
	foreach(l, plannedstmt->rtable)
		RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(l);


		if (rte->rtekind != RTE_RELATION)

		if ((rte->requiredPerms & (~ACL_SELECT)) == 0)

		 * External and foreign tables don't need two phase commit which is for
		 * local mpp tables
		if (get_rel_relkind(rte->relid) == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)

		if (isTempNamespace(get_rel_namespace(rte->relid)))

        if ((rte->requiredPerms & ~(ACL_SELECT | ACL_SELECT_FOR_UPDATE)) == 0)
        	ListCell   *cell;
        	bool foundRTI = false;

        	foreach(cell, plannedstmt->rowMarks)
				RowMarkClause *rmc = lfirst(cell);
				if( rmc->rti == rti )
					foundRTI = true;

			if (foundRTI)

		PreventCommandIfReadOnly(CreateCommandTag((Node *) plannedstmt));

	if (plannedstmt->commandType != CMD_SELECT || plannedstmt->hasModifyingCTE)
		PreventCommandIfParallelMode(CreateCommandTag((Node *) plannedstmt));

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		InitPlan
 *		Initializes the query plan: open files, allocate storage
 *		and start up the rule manager
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static void
InitPlan(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
	CmdType		operation = queryDesc->operation;
	PlannedStmt *plannedstmt = queryDesc->plannedstmt;
	Plan	   *plan = plannedstmt->planTree;
	List	   *rangeTable = plannedstmt->rtable;
	EState	   *estate = queryDesc->estate;
	PlanState  *planstate;
	TupleDesc	tupType;
	ListCell   *l;

	Assert(plannedstmt->intoPolicy == NULL ||
		GpPolicyIsPartitioned(plannedstmt->intoPolicy) ||

	if (DEBUG1 >= log_min_messages)
		char msec_str[32];
		switch (check_log_duration(msec_str, false))
			case 1:
			case 2:
				ereport(LOG, (errmsg("duration to InitPlan start: %s ms", msec_str)));
				/* do nothing */

	 * Do permissions checks
	if (operation != CMD_SELECT || Gp_role != GP_ROLE_EXECUTE)
		ExecCheckRTPerms(rangeTable, true);

	 * initialize the node's execution state
	ExecInitRangeTable(estate, rangeTable);

	estate->es_plannedstmt = plannedstmt;

	 * Initialize ResultRelInfo data structures, and open the result rels.
	 * CDB: Note that we need this info even if we aren't the slice that will be doing
	 * the actual updating, since it's where we learn things, such as if the row needs to
	 * contain OIDs or not.
	if (plannedstmt->resultRelations)
		List	   *resultRelations = plannedstmt->resultRelations;
		int			numResultRelations = list_length(resultRelations);
		ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfos;
		ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;

		resultRelInfos = (ResultRelInfo *)
			palloc(numResultRelations * sizeof(ResultRelInfo));
		resultRelInfo = resultRelInfos;
		foreach(l, plannedstmt->resultRelations)
			Index		resultRelationIndex = lfirst_int(l);
			Relation	resultRelation;

			resultRelation = ExecGetRangeTableRelation(estate,
		estate->es_result_relations = resultRelInfos;
		estate->es_num_result_relations = numResultRelations;

		/* es_result_relation_info is NULL except when within ModifyTable */
		estate->es_result_relation_info = NULL;

		 * In the partitioned result relation case, also build ResultRelInfos
		 * for all the partitioned table roots, because we will need them to
		 * fire statement-level triggers, if any.
		if (plannedstmt->rootResultRelations)
			int			num_roots = list_length(plannedstmt->rootResultRelations);

			resultRelInfos = (ResultRelInfo *)
				palloc(num_roots * sizeof(ResultRelInfo));
			resultRelInfo = resultRelInfos;
			foreach(l, plannedstmt->rootResultRelations)
				Index		resultRelIndex = lfirst_int(l);
				Relation	resultRelDesc;

				resultRelDesc = ExecGetRangeTableRelation(estate,

			estate->es_root_result_relations = resultRelInfos;
			estate->es_num_root_result_relations = num_roots;
			estate->es_root_result_relations = NULL;
			estate->es_num_root_result_relations = 0;
		 * if no result relation, then set state appropriately
		estate->es_result_relations = NULL;
		estate->es_num_result_relations = 0;
		estate->es_result_relation_info = NULL;
		estate->es_root_result_relations = NULL;
		estate->es_num_root_result_relations = 0;

	 * Next, build the ExecRowMark array from the PlanRowMark(s), if any.
	if (plannedstmt->rowMarks)
		estate->es_rowmarks = (ExecRowMark **)
			palloc0(estate->es_range_table_size * sizeof(ExecRowMark *));
		foreach(l, plannedstmt->rowMarks)
			PlanRowMark *rc = (PlanRowMark *) lfirst(l);
			Oid			relid;
			Relation	relation;
			ExecRowMark *erm;

			/* ignore "parent" rowmarks; they are irrelevant at runtime */
			if (rc->isParent)

			/* get relation's OID (will produce InvalidOid if subquery) */
			relid = exec_rt_fetch(rc->rti, estate)->relid;

			/* open relation, if we need to access it for this mark type */
			switch (rc->markType)
				 * Greenplum specific behavior:
				 * The implementation of select statement with locking clause
				 * (for update | no key update | share | key share) in postgres
				 * is to hold RowShareLock on tables during parsing stage, and
				 * generate a LockRows plan node for executor to lock the tuples.
				 * It is not easy to lock tuples in Greenplum database, since
				 * tuples may be fetched through motion nodes.
				 * But when Global Deadlock Detector is enabled, and the select
				 * statement with locking clause contains only one table, we are
				 * sure that there are no motions. For such simple cases, we could
				 * make the behavior just the same as Postgres.
				case ROW_MARK_SHARE:
					relation = ExecGetRangeTableRelation(estate, rc->rti);
				case ROW_MARK_COPY:
					/* no physical table access is required */
					relation = NULL;
					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized markType: %d", rc->markType);
					relation = NULL;	/* keep compiler quiet */

			/* Check that relation is a legal target for marking */
			if (relation)
				CheckValidRowMarkRel(relation, rc->markType);

			erm = (ExecRowMark *) palloc(sizeof(ExecRowMark));
			erm->relation = relation;
			erm->relid = relid;
			erm->rti = rc->rti;
			erm->prti = rc->prti;
			erm->rowmarkId = rc->rowmarkId;
			erm->markType = rc->markType;
			erm->strength = rc->strength;
			erm->waitPolicy = rc->waitPolicy;
			erm->ermActive = false;
			erm->ermExtra = NULL;

			Assert(erm->rti > 0 && erm->rti <= estate->es_range_table_size &&
				   estate->es_rowmarks[erm->rti - 1] == NULL);

			estate->es_rowmarks[erm->rti - 1] = erm;

	 * Initialize the executor's tuple table to empty.
	estate->es_tupleTable = NIL;

	/* mark EvalPlanQual not active */
	estate->es_epqTupleSlot = NULL;
	estate->es_epqScanDone = NULL;

	 * Initialize private state information for each SubPlan.  We must do this
	 * before running ExecInitNode on the main query tree, since
	 * ExecInitSubPlan expects to be able to find these entries.
	Assert(estate->es_subplanstates == NIL);
	Bitmapset *locallyExecutableSubplans;
	Plan *start_plan_node = plannedstmt->planTree;

	estate->currentSliceId = 0;

	 * If eliminateAliens is true then we extract the local Motion node
	 * and subplans for our current slice. This enables us to call ExecInitNode
	 * for only a subset of the plan tree.
	if (estate->eliminateAliens)
		Motion *m = findSenderMotion(plannedstmt, LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(estate));

		 * We may not have any motion in the current slice, e.g., in insert query
		 * the root may not have any motion.
		if (NULL != m)
			start_plan_node = (Plan *) m;
			ExecSlice *sendSlice = &estate->es_sliceTable->slices[m->motionID];
			estate->currentSliceId = sendSlice->parentIndex;
		/* Compute SubPlans' root plan nodes for SubPlans reachable from this plan root */
		locallyExecutableSubplans = getLocallyExecutableSubplans(plannedstmt, start_plan_node);
		locallyExecutableSubplans = NULL;

	int			subplan_id = 1;
	foreach(l, plannedstmt->subplans)
		PlanState  *subplanstate = NULL;
		int			sp_eflags = 0;

		 * Initialize only the subplans that are reachable from our local slice.
		 * If alien elimination is not turned on, then all subplans are considered
		 * reachable.
		if (!estate->eliminateAliens ||
			bms_is_member(subplan_id, locallyExecutableSubplans))
			 * A subplan will never need to do BACKWARD scan nor MARK/RESTORE.
			 * GPDB: We always set the REWIND flag, to delay eagerfree.
			sp_eflags = eflags
			sp_eflags |= EXEC_FLAG_REWIND;

			/* set our global sliceid variable for elog. */
			int			save_currentSliceId = estate->currentSliceId;

			estate->currentSliceId = estate->es_plannedstmt->subplan_sliceIds[subplan_id - 1];

			Plan	   *subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(l);
			subplanstate = ExecInitNode(subplan, estate, sp_eflags);

			estate->currentSliceId = save_currentSliceId;

		estate->es_subplanstates = lappend(estate->es_subplanstates, subplanstate);


	 * If this is a query that was dispatched from the QE, install precomputed
	 * parameter values from all init plans into our EState.
	if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE && queryDesc->ddesc)
		InstallDispatchedExecParams(queryDesc->ddesc, estate);

	 * Initialize the private state information for all the nodes in the query
	 * tree.  This opens files, allocates storage and leaves us ready to start
	 * processing tuples.
	planstate = ExecInitNode(start_plan_node, estate, eflags);

	queryDesc->planstate = planstate;


	/* GPDB hook for collecting query info */
	if (query_info_collect_hook)
		(*query_info_collect_hook)(METRICS_PLAN_NODE_INITIALIZE, queryDesc);

	if (RootSliceIndex(estate) != LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(estate))

	 * Get the tuple descriptor describing the type of tuples to return.
	tupType = ExecGetResultType(planstate);

	 * Initialize the junk filter if needed.  SELECT queries need a filter if
	 * there are any junk attrs in the top-level tlist.
	if (operation == CMD_SELECT)
		bool		junk_filter_needed = false;
		ListCell   *tlist;

		foreach(tlist, plan->targetlist)
			TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tlist);

			if (tle->resjunk)
				junk_filter_needed = true;

		if (junk_filter_needed)
			JunkFilter *j;
			TupleTableSlot *slot;

			slot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate, NULL, &TTSOpsVirtual);
			j = ExecInitJunkFilter(planstate->plan->targetlist,
			estate->es_junkFilter = j;

			/* Want to return the cleaned tuple type */
			tupType = j->jf_cleanTupType;

	queryDesc->tupDesc = tupType;

	 * GPDB: Hack for CTAS/MatView:
	 *   Need to switch to IntoRelDest for CTAS.
	 *   Also need to create tables in advance.
	if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->intoClause != NULL)
		intorel_initplan(queryDesc, eflags);
	else if(queryDesc->plannedstmt->copyIntoClause != NULL)
		queryDesc->dest = CreateCopyDestReceiver();
		((DR_copy*)queryDesc->dest)->queryDesc = queryDesc;
	else if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->refreshClause != NULL && Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE)
	if (DEBUG1 >= log_min_messages)
				char		msec_str[32];
				switch (check_log_duration(msec_str, false))
					case 1:
					case 2:
						ereport(LOG, (errmsg("duration to InitPlan end: %s ms", msec_str)));


 * Check that a proposed result relation is a legal target for the operation
 * Generally the parser and/or planner should have noticed any such mistake
 * already, but let's make sure.
 * Note: when changing this function, you probably also need to look at
 * CheckValidRowMarkRel.
CheckValidResultRel(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, CmdType operation)
	Relation	resultRel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
	TriggerDesc *trigDesc = resultRel->trigdesc;
	FdwRoutine *fdwroutine;

	switch (resultRel->rd_rel->relkind)
			CheckCmdReplicaIdentity(resultRel, operation);
					 errmsg("cannot change sequence \"%s\"",
					 errmsg("cannot change TOAST relation \"%s\"",

			 * Okay only if there's a suitable INSTEAD OF trigger.  Messages
			 * here should match rewriteHandler.c's rewriteTargetView, except
			 * that we omit errdetail because we haven't got the information
			 * handy (and given that we really shouldn't get here anyway, it's
			 * not worth great exertion to get).
			 * GPDB_91_MERGE_FIXME: In Greenplum, views are treated as non
			 * partitioned relations, gp_distribution_policy contains no entry
			 * for views.  Consequently, flow of a ModifyTable node for a view
			 * is determined such that it is not dispatched to segments.
			 * Things get confused if the DML statement has a where clause that
			 * results in a direct dispatch to one segment.  Underlying scan
			 * nodes have direct dispatch set but when it's time to commit, the
			 * direct dispatch information is not passed on to the DTM and it
			 * sends PREPARE to all segments, causing "Distributed transaction
			 * ... not found" error.  Until this is fixed, INSTEAD OF triggers
			 * and DML on views need to be disabled.
					 errmsg("cannot change view \"%s\"",
					 errhint("changing views is not supported in Greenplum")));

			switch (operation)
				case CMD_INSERT:
					if (!trigDesc || !trigDesc->trig_insert_instead_row)
								 errmsg("cannot insert into view \"%s\"",
								 errhint("To enable inserting into the view, provide an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger or an unconditional ON INSERT DO INSTEAD rule.")));
				case CMD_UPDATE:
					if (!trigDesc || !trigDesc->trig_update_instead_row)
								 errmsg("cannot update view \"%s\"",
								 errhint("To enable updating the view, provide an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger or an unconditional ON UPDATE DO INSTEAD rule.")));
				case CMD_DELETE:
					if (!trigDesc || !trigDesc->trig_delete_instead_row)
								 errmsg("cannot delete from view \"%s\"",
								 errhint("To enable deleting from the view, provide an INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger or an unconditional ON DELETE DO INSTEAD rule.")));
					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized CmdType: %d", (int) operation);
			if (!MatViewIncrementalMaintenanceIsEnabled())
						 errmsg("cannot change materialized view \"%s\"",
			/* Okay only if the FDW supports it */
			fdwroutine = resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine;
			switch (operation)
				case CMD_INSERT:
					if (fdwroutine->ExecForeignInsert == NULL)
								 errmsg("cannot insert into foreign table \"%s\"",
					if (fdwroutine->IsForeignRelUpdatable != NULL &&
						(fdwroutine->IsForeignRelUpdatable(resultRel) & (1 << CMD_INSERT)) == 0)
								 errmsg("foreign table \"%s\" does not allow inserts",
				case CMD_UPDATE:
					if (fdwroutine->ExecForeignUpdate == NULL)
								 errmsg("cannot update foreign table \"%s\"",
					if (fdwroutine->IsForeignRelUpdatable != NULL &&
						(fdwroutine->IsForeignRelUpdatable(resultRel) & (1 << CMD_UPDATE)) == 0)
								 errmsg("foreign table \"%s\" does not allow updates",
				case CMD_DELETE:
					if (fdwroutine->ExecForeignDelete == NULL)
								 errmsg("cannot delete from foreign table \"%s\"",
					if (fdwroutine->IsForeignRelUpdatable != NULL &&
						(fdwroutine->IsForeignRelUpdatable(resultRel) & (1 << CMD_DELETE)) == 0)
								 errmsg("foreign table \"%s\" does not allow deletes",
					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized CmdType: %d", (int) operation);

		/* GPDB additions */
			if (!allowSystemTableMods)
						 errmsg("cannot change AO segment listing relation \"%s\"",
			if (!allowSystemTableMods)
						 errmsg("cannot change AO block directory relation \"%s\"",
			if (!allowSystemTableMods)
						 errmsg("cannot change AO visibility map relation \"%s\"",

					 errmsg("cannot change relation \"%s\"",

 * Check that a proposed rowmark target relation is a legal target
 * In most cases parser and/or planner should have noticed this already, but
 * they don't cover all cases.
static void
CheckValidRowMarkRel(Relation rel, RowMarkType markType)
	FdwRoutine *fdwroutine;

	switch (rel->rd_rel->relkind)
			/* OK */
			/* Must disallow this because we don't vacuum sequences */
					 errmsg("cannot lock rows in sequence \"%s\"",
			/* We could allow this, but there seems no good reason to */
					 errmsg("cannot lock rows in TOAST relation \"%s\"",
			/* Should not get here; planner should have expanded the view */
					 errmsg("cannot lock rows in view \"%s\"",
			/* Allow referencing a matview, but not actual locking clauses */
			if (markType != ROW_MARK_REFERENCE)
						 errmsg("cannot lock rows in materialized view \"%s\"",
			/* Okay only if the FDW supports it */
			fdwroutine = GetFdwRoutineForRelation(rel, false);
			if (fdwroutine->RefetchForeignRow == NULL)
						 errmsg("cannot lock rows in foreign table \"%s\"",
					 errmsg("cannot lock rows in relation \"%s\"",

 * Initialize ResultRelInfo data for one result relation
 * Caution: before Postgres 9.1, this function included the relkind checking
 * that's now in CheckValidResultRel, and it also did ExecOpenIndices if
 * appropriate.  Be sure callers cover those needs.
InitResultRelInfo(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
				  Relation resultRelationDesc,
				  Index resultRelationIndex,
				  Relation partition_root,
				  int instrument_options)
	List	   *partition_check = NIL;

	MemSet(resultRelInfo, 0, sizeof(ResultRelInfo));
	resultRelInfo->type = T_ResultRelInfo;
	resultRelInfo->ri_RangeTableIndex = resultRelationIndex;
	resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc = resultRelationDesc;
	resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices = 0;
	resultRelInfo->ri_IndexRelationDescs = NULL;
	resultRelInfo->ri_IndexRelationInfo = NULL;
	/* make a copy so as not to depend on relcache info not changing... */
	resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc = CopyTriggerDesc(resultRelationDesc->trigdesc);
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc)
		int			n = resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->numtriggers;

		resultRelInfo->ri_TrigFunctions = (FmgrInfo *)
			palloc0(n * sizeof(FmgrInfo));
		resultRelInfo->ri_TrigWhenExprs = (ExprState **)
			palloc0(n * sizeof(ExprState *));
		if (instrument_options)
			resultRelInfo->ri_TrigInstrument = InstrAlloc(n, instrument_options);
		resultRelInfo->ri_TrigFunctions = NULL;
		resultRelInfo->ri_TrigWhenExprs = NULL;
		resultRelInfo->ri_TrigInstrument = NULL;
	if (resultRelationDesc->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
		resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine = GetFdwRoutineForRelation(resultRelationDesc, true);
		resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine = NULL;

	/* The following fields are set later if needed */
	resultRelInfo->ri_FdwState = NULL;
	resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify = false;
	resultRelInfo->ri_ConstraintExprs = NULL;
	resultRelInfo->ri_GeneratedExprs = NULL;
	resultRelInfo->ri_junkFilter = NULL;
	resultRelInfo->ri_segid_attno = InvalidAttrNumber;
	resultRelInfo->ri_action_attno = InvalidAttrNumber;
	resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning = NULL;
	resultRelInfo->ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes = NIL;
	resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict = NULL;
	resultRelInfo->ri_ReturningSlot = NULL;
	resultRelInfo->ri_TrigOldSlot = NULL;
	resultRelInfo->ri_TrigNewSlot = NULL;

	 * Partition constraint, which also includes the partition constraint of
	 * all the ancestors that are partitions.  Note that it will be checked
	 * even in the case of tuple-routing where this table is the target leaf
	 * partition, if there any BR triggers defined on the table.  Although
	 * tuple-routing implicitly preserves the partition constraint of the
	 * target partition for a given row, the BR triggers may change the row
	 * such that the constraint is no longer satisfied, which we must fail for
	 * by checking it explicitly.
	 * If this is a partitioned table, the partition constraint (if any) of a
	 * given row will be checked just before performing tuple-routing.
	partition_check = RelationGetPartitionQual(resultRelationDesc);

	resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheck = partition_check;
	resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot = partition_root;
	resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionInfo = NULL; /* may be set later */
	resultRelInfo->ri_CopyMultiInsertBuffer = NULL;

 *		ExecGetTriggerResultRel
 *		Get a ResultRelInfo for a trigger target relation.
 * Most of the time, triggers are fired on one of the result relations of the
 * query, and so we can just return a member of the es_result_relations array,
 * or the es_root_result_relations array (if any), or the
 * es_tuple_routing_result_relations list (if any).  (Note: in self-join
 * situations there might be multiple members with the same OID; if so it
 * doesn't matter which one we pick.)
 * However, it is sometimes necessary to fire triggers on other relations;
 * this happens mainly when an RI update trigger queues additional triggers
 * on other relations, which will be processed in the context of the outer
 * query.  For efficiency's sake, we want to have a ResultRelInfo for those
 * triggers too; that can avoid repeated re-opening of the relation.  (It
 * also provides a way for EXPLAIN ANALYZE to report the runtimes of such
 * triggers.)  So we make additional ResultRelInfo's as needed, and save them
 * in es_trig_target_relations.
ResultRelInfo *
ExecGetTriggerResultRel(EState *estate, Oid relid)
	ResultRelInfo *rInfo;
	int			nr;
	ListCell   *l;
	Relation	rel;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;

	/* First, search through the query result relations */
	rInfo = estate->es_result_relations;
	nr = estate->es_num_result_relations;
	while (nr > 0)
		if (RelationGetRelid(rInfo->ri_RelationDesc) == relid)
			return rInfo;
	/* Second, search through the root result relations, if any */
	rInfo = estate->es_root_result_relations;
	nr = estate->es_num_root_result_relations;
	while (nr > 0)
		if (RelationGetRelid(rInfo->ri_RelationDesc) == relid)
			return rInfo;

	 * Third, search through the result relations that were created during
	 * tuple routing, if any.
	foreach(l, estate->es_tuple_routing_result_relations)
		rInfo = (ResultRelInfo *) lfirst(l);
		if (RelationGetRelid(rInfo->ri_RelationDesc) == relid)
			return rInfo;

	/* Nope, but maybe we already made an extra ResultRelInfo for it */
	foreach(l, estate->es_trig_target_relations)
		rInfo = (ResultRelInfo *) lfirst(l);
		if (RelationGetRelid(rInfo->ri_RelationDesc) == relid)
			return rInfo;
	/* Nope, so we need a new one */

	 * Open the target relation's relcache entry.  We assume that an
	 * appropriate lock is still held by the backend from whenever the trigger
	 * event got queued, so we need take no new lock here.  Also, we need not
	 * recheck the relkind, so no need for CheckValidResultRel.
	rel = table_open(relid, NoLock);

	 * Make the new entry in the right context.
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);
	rInfo = makeNode(ResultRelInfo);
					  0,		/* dummy rangetable index */
	estate->es_trig_target_relations =
		lappend(estate->es_trig_target_relations, rInfo);

	 * Currently, we don't need any index information in ResultRelInfos used
	 * only for triggers, so no need to call ExecOpenIndices.

	return rInfo;

 * Close any relations that have been opened by ExecGetTriggerResultRel().
ExecCleanUpTriggerState(EState *estate)
	ListCell   *l;

	foreach(l, estate->es_trig_target_relations)
		ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = (ResultRelInfo *) lfirst(l);

		 * Assert this is a "dummy" ResultRelInfo, see above.  Otherwise we
		 * might be issuing a duplicate close against a Relation opened by
		 * ExecGetRangeTableRelation.
		Assert(resultRelInfo->ri_RangeTableIndex == 0);

		 * Since ExecGetTriggerResultRel doesn't call ExecOpenIndices for
		 * these rels, we needn't call ExecCloseIndices either.
		Assert(resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices == 0);

		table_close(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, NoLock);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecPostprocessPlan
 *		Give plan nodes a final chance to execute before shutdown
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static void
ExecPostprocessPlan(EState *estate)
	ListCell   *lc;

	 * Make sure nodes run forward.
	estate->es_direction = ForwardScanDirection;

	 * Run any secondary ModifyTable nodes to completion, in case the main
	 * query did not fetch all rows from them.  (We do this to ensure that
	 * such nodes have predictable results.)
	foreach(lc, estate->es_auxmodifytables)
		PlanState  *ps = (PlanState *) lfirst(lc);

		for (;;)
			TupleTableSlot *slot;

			/* Reset the per-output-tuple exprcontext each time */

			slot = ExecProcNode(ps);

			if (TupIsNull(slot))

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecEndPlan
 *		Cleans up the query plan -- closes files and frees up storage
 * NOTE: we are no longer very worried about freeing storage per se
 * in this code; FreeExecutorState should be guaranteed to release all
 * memory that needs to be released.  What we are worried about doing
 * is closing relations and dropping buffer pins.  Thus, for example,
 * tuple tables must be cleared or dropped to ensure pins are released.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecEndPlan(PlanState *planstate, EState *estate)
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
	Index		num_relations;
	Index		i;
	ListCell   *l;

	 * shut down the node-type-specific query processing
	if (planstate != NULL)

	 * for subplans too
	foreach(l, estate->es_subplanstates)
		PlanState  *subplanstate = (PlanState *) lfirst(l);
		if (subplanstate != NULL)

	 * destroy the executor's tuple table.  Actually we only care about
	 * releasing buffer pins and tupdesc refcounts; there's no need to pfree
	 * the TupleTableSlots, since the containing memory context is about to go
	 * away anyway.
	ExecResetTupleTable(estate->es_tupleTable, false);

	/* Adjust INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE count for replicated table ON QD */

	 * close indexes of result relation(s) if any.  (Rels themselves get
	 * closed next.)
	resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relations;
	for (i = 0; i < estate->es_num_result_relations; i++)

	 * close whatever rangetable Relations have been opened.  We do not
	 * release any locks we might hold on those rels.
	num_relations = estate->es_range_table_size;
	for (i = 0; i < num_relations; i++)
		if (estate->es_relations[i])
			table_close(estate->es_relations[i], NoLock);

	/* likewise close any trigger target relations */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecutePlan
 *		Processes the query plan until we have retrieved 'numberTuples' tuples,
 *		moving in the specified direction.
 *		Runs to completion if numberTuples is 0
 * Note: the ctid attribute is a 'junk' attribute that is removed before the
 * user can see it
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static void
ExecutePlan(EState *estate,
			PlanState *planstate,
			bool use_parallel_mode,
			CmdType operation,
			bool sendTuples,
			uint64 numberTuples,
			ScanDirection direction,
			DestReceiver *dest,
			bool execute_once)
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	uint64		current_tuple_count;

	 * For holdable cursor, the plan is executed without rewinding on gpdb. We
	 * need to quit if the executor has already emitted all tuples.
	if (estate->es_got_eos)

	 * initialize local variables
	current_tuple_count = 0;

	 * Set the direction.
	estate->es_direction = direction;

	 * If the plan might potentially be executed multiple times, we must force
	 * it to run without parallelism, because we might exit early.
	if (!execute_once)
		use_parallel_mode = false;

	estate->es_use_parallel_mode = use_parallel_mode;
	if (use_parallel_mode)

	/* Inject a fault before tuple processing started */
#endif /* FAULT_INJECTOR */

	 * Loop until we've processed the proper number of tuples from the plan.
	for (;;)
		/* Reset the per-output-tuple exprcontext */

		 * Execute the plan and obtain a tuple
		slot = ExecProcNode(planstate);

		 * if the tuple is null, then we assume there is nothing more to
		 * process so we just end the loop...
		if (TupIsNull(slot))
			 * We got end-of-stream. We need to mark it since with a cursor
			 * end-of-stream will only be received with the fetch that
			 * returns the last tuple. ExecutorEnd needs to know if EOS was
			 * received in order to do the right cleanup.
			estate->es_got_eos = true;
			/* Allow nodes to release or shut down resources. */
			(void) ExecShutdownNode(planstate);

		 * If we have a junk filter, then project a new tuple with the junk
		 * removed.
		 * Store this new "clean" tuple in the junkfilter's resultSlot.
		 * (Formerly, we stored it back over the "dirty" tuple, which is WRONG
		 * because that tuple slot has the wrong descriptor.)
		if (estate->es_junkFilter != NULL)
			slot = ExecFilterJunk(estate->es_junkFilter, slot);

		if (operation != CMD_SELECT && Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE && !Gp_is_writer)
			elog(ERROR, "INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE must be executed by a writer segworker group");

		 * If we are supposed to send the tuple somewhere, do so. (In
		 * practice, this is probably always the case at this point.)
		if (sendTuples)
			 * If we are not able to send the tuple, we assume the destination
			 * has closed and no more tuples can be sent. If that's the case,
			 * end the loop.
			if (!dest->receiveSlot(slot, dest))

		 * Count tuples processed, if this is a SELECT.  (For other operation
		 * types, the ModifyTable plan node must count the appropriate
		 * events.)
		if (operation == CMD_SELECT)

			 * bump es_processed using the fault injector, but only if the number rows is in a certain range
			 * this avoids bumping the counter every time after we bumped it once
			if (estate->es_processed >= 10000 && estate->es_processed <= 1000000)
				if (FaultInjector_InjectFaultIfSet("executor_run_high_processed",
												   "" /* databaseName */,
												   "" /* tableName */) == FaultInjectorTypeSkip)
					 * For testing purposes, pretend that we have already processed
					 * almost 2^32 rows.
					estate->es_processed = UINT_MAX - 10;
#endif /* FAULT_INJECTOR */

		 * check our tuple count.. if we've processed the proper number then
		 * quit, else loop again and process more tuples.  Zero numberTuples
		 * means no limit.
		if (numberTuples && numberTuples == current_tuple_count)
			 * If we know we won't need to back up, we can release resources
			 * at this point.
			if (!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD))
				(void) ExecShutdownNode(planstate);

	 * If we know we won't need to back up, we can release resources at this
	 * point.
	if (!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD))
		(void) ExecShutdownNode(planstate);

	if (use_parallel_mode)

 * ExecRelCheck --- check that tuple meets constraints for result relation
 * Returns NULL if OK, else name of failed check constraint
static const char *
ExecRelCheck(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
			 TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate)
	Relation	rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
	int			ncheck = rel->rd_att->constr->num_check;
	ConstrCheck *check = rel->rd_att->constr->check;
	ExprContext *econtext;
	MemoryContext oldContext;
	int			i;

	 * If first time through for this result relation, build expression
	 * nodetrees for rel's constraint expressions.  Keep them in the per-query
	 * memory context so they'll survive throughout the query.
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_ConstraintExprs == NULL)
		oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);
		resultRelInfo->ri_ConstraintExprs =
			(ExprState **) palloc(ncheck * sizeof(ExprState *));
		for (i = 0; i < ncheck; i++)
			Expr	   *checkconstr;

			checkconstr = stringToNode(check[i].ccbin);
			resultRelInfo->ri_ConstraintExprs[i] =
				ExecPrepareExpr(checkconstr, estate);

	 * We will use the EState's per-tuple context for evaluating constraint
	 * expressions (creating it if it's not already there).
	econtext = GetPerTupleExprContext(estate);

	/* Arrange for econtext's scan tuple to be the tuple under test */
	econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;

	/* And evaluate the constraints */
	for (i = 0; i < ncheck; i++)
		ExprState  *checkconstr = resultRelInfo->ri_ConstraintExprs[i];

		 * NOTE: SQL specifies that a NULL result from a constraint expression
		 * is not to be treated as a failure.  Therefore, use ExecCheck not
		 * ExecQual.
		if (!ExecCheck(checkconstr, econtext))
			return check[i].ccname;

	/* NULL result means no error */
	return NULL;

 * ExecPartitionCheck --- check that tuple meets the partition constraint.
 * Returns true if it meets the partition constraint.  If the constraint
 * fails and we're asked to emit to error, do so and don't return; otherwise
 * return false.
ExecPartitionCheck(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, TupleTableSlot *slot,
				   EState *estate, bool emitError)
	ExprContext *econtext;
	bool		success;

	 * If first time through, build expression state tree for the partition
	 * check expression.  Keep it in the per-query memory context so they'll
	 * survive throughout the query.
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheckExpr == NULL)
		List	   *qual = resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheck;

		resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheckExpr = ExecPrepareCheck(qual, estate);

	 * We will use the EState's per-tuple context for evaluating constraint
	 * expressions (creating it if it's not already there).
	econtext = GetPerTupleExprContext(estate);

	/* Arrange for econtext's scan tuple to be the tuple under test */
	econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;

	 * As in case of the catalogued constraints, we treat a NULL result as
	 * success here, not a failure.
	success = ExecCheck(resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheckExpr, econtext);

	/* if asked to emit error, don't actually return on failure */
	if (!success && emitError)
		ExecPartitionCheckEmitError(resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

	return success;

 * ExecPartitionCheckEmitError - Form and emit an error message after a failed
 * partition constraint check.
ExecPartitionCheckEmitError(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
							TupleTableSlot *slot,
							EState *estate)
	Oid			root_relid;
	TupleDesc	tupdesc;
	char	   *val_desc;
	Bitmapset  *modifiedCols;

	 * If the tuple has been routed, it's been converted to the partition's
	 * rowtype, which might differ from the root table's.  We must convert it
	 * back to the root table's rowtype so that val_desc in the error message
	 * matches the input tuple.
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot)
		TupleDesc	old_tupdesc;
		AttrNumber *map;

		root_relid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot);
		tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot);

		old_tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);
		/* a reverse map */
		map = convert_tuples_by_name_map_if_req(old_tupdesc, tupdesc,
												gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));

		 * Partition-specific slot's tupdesc can't be changed, so allocate a
		 * new one.
		if (map != NULL)
			slot = execute_attr_map_slot(map, slot,
										 MakeTupleTableSlot(tupdesc, &TTSOpsVirtual));
		root_relid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);
		tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);

	modifiedCols = bms_union(GetInsertedColumns(resultRelInfo, estate),
							 GetUpdatedColumns(resultRelInfo, estate));

	val_desc = ExecBuildSlotValueDescription(root_relid,
			 errmsg("new row for relation \"%s\" violates partition constraint",
			 val_desc ? errdetail("Failing row contains %s.", val_desc) : 0));

 * ExecConstraints - check constraints of the tuple in 'slot'
 * This checks the traditional NOT NULL and check constraints.
 * The partition constraint is *NOT* checked.
 * Note: 'slot' contains the tuple to check the constraints of, which may
 * have been converted from the original input tuple after tuple routing.
 * 'resultRelInfo' is the final result relation, after tuple routing.
ExecConstraints(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
				TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate)
	Relation	rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
	TupleDesc	tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
	TupleConstr *constr = tupdesc->constr;
	Bitmapset  *modifiedCols;
	Bitmapset  *insertedCols;
	Bitmapset  *updatedCols;

	Assert(constr || resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheck);

	if (constr && constr->has_not_null)
		int			natts = tupdesc->natts;
		int			attrChk;

		for (attrChk = 1; attrChk <= natts; attrChk++)
			Form_pg_attribute att = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, attrChk - 1);

			if (att->attnotnull && slot_attisnull(slot, attrChk))
				char	   *val_desc;
				Relation	orig_rel = rel;
				TupleDesc	orig_tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);

				 * If the tuple has been routed, it's been converted to the
				 * partition's rowtype, which might differ from the root
				 * table's.  We must convert it back to the root table's
				 * rowtype so that val_desc shown error message matches the
				 * input tuple.
				if (resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot)
					AttrNumber *map;

					rel = resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot;
					tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
					/* a reverse map */
					map = convert_tuples_by_name_map_if_req(orig_tupdesc,
															gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));

					 * Partition-specific slot's tupdesc can't be changed, so
					 * allocate a new one.
					if (map != NULL)
						slot = execute_attr_map_slot(map, slot,
													 MakeTupleTableSlot(tupdesc, &TTSOpsVirtual));

				insertedCols = GetInsertedColumns(resultRelInfo, estate);
				updatedCols = GetUpdatedColumns(resultRelInfo, estate);
				modifiedCols = bms_union(insertedCols, updatedCols);
				val_desc = ExecBuildSlotValueDescription(RelationGetRelid(rel),

						 errmsg("null value in column \"%s\" violates not-null constraint",
						 val_desc ? errdetail("Failing row contains %s.", val_desc) : 0,
						 errtablecol(orig_rel, attrChk)));

	if (constr && constr->num_check > 0)
		const char *failed;

		if ((failed = ExecRelCheck(resultRelInfo, slot, estate)) != NULL)
			char	   *val_desc;
			Relation	orig_rel = rel;

			/* See the comment above. */
			if (resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot)
				TupleDesc	old_tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
				AttrNumber *map;

				rel = resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot;
				tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
				/* a reverse map */
				map = convert_tuples_by_name_map_if_req(old_tupdesc,
														gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));

				 * Partition-specific slot's tupdesc can't be changed, so
				 * allocate a new one.
				if (map != NULL)
					slot = execute_attr_map_slot(map, slot,
												 MakeTupleTableSlot(tupdesc, &TTSOpsVirtual));

			insertedCols = GetInsertedColumns(resultRelInfo, estate);
			updatedCols = GetUpdatedColumns(resultRelInfo, estate);
			modifiedCols = bms_union(insertedCols, updatedCols);
			val_desc = ExecBuildSlotValueDescription(RelationGetRelid(rel),
					 errmsg("new row for relation \"%s\" violates check constraint \"%s\"",
							RelationGetRelationName(orig_rel), failed),
					 val_desc ? errdetail("Failing row contains %s.", val_desc) : 0,
					 errtableconstraint(orig_rel, failed)));

 * ExecWithCheckOptions -- check that tuple satisfies any WITH CHECK OPTIONs
 * of the specified kind.
 * Note that this needs to be called multiple times to ensure that all kinds of
 * WITH CHECK OPTIONs are handled (both those from views which have the WITH
 * CHECK OPTION set and from row level security policies).  See ExecInsert()
 * and ExecUpdate().
ExecWithCheckOptions(WCOKind kind, ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
					 TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate)
	Relation	rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
	TupleDesc	tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
	ExprContext *econtext;
	ListCell   *l1,

	 * We will use the EState's per-tuple context for evaluating constraint
	 * expressions (creating it if it's not already there).
	econtext = GetPerTupleExprContext(estate);

	/* Arrange for econtext's scan tuple to be the tuple under test */
	econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;

	/* Check each of the constraints */
	forboth(l1, resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptions,
			l2, resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptionExprs)
		WithCheckOption *wco = (WithCheckOption *) lfirst(l1);
		ExprState  *wcoExpr = (ExprState *) lfirst(l2);

		 * Skip any WCOs which are not the kind we are looking for at this
		 * time.
		if (wco->kind != kind)

		 * WITH CHECK OPTION checks are intended to ensure that the new tuple
		 * is visible (in the case of a view) or that it passes the
		 * 'with-check' policy (in the case of row security). If the qual
		 * evaluates to NULL or FALSE, then the new tuple won't be included in
		 * the view or doesn't pass the 'with-check' policy for the table.
		if (!ExecQual(wcoExpr, econtext))
			char	   *val_desc;
			Bitmapset  *modifiedCols;
			Bitmapset  *insertedCols;
			Bitmapset  *updatedCols;

			switch (wco->kind)
					 * For WITH CHECK OPTIONs coming from views, we might be
					 * able to provide the details on the row, depending on
					 * the permissions on the relation (that is, if the user
					 * could view it directly anyway).  For RLS violations, we
					 * don't include the data since we don't know if the user
					 * should be able to view the tuple as that depends on the
					 * USING policy.
				case WCO_VIEW_CHECK:
					/* See the comment in ExecConstraints(). */
					if (resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot)
						TupleDesc	old_tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
						AttrNumber *map;

						rel = resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot;
						tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
						/* a reverse map */
						map = convert_tuples_by_name_map_if_req(old_tupdesc,
																gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));

						 * Partition-specific slot's tupdesc can't be changed,
						 * so allocate a new one.
						if (map != NULL)
							slot = execute_attr_map_slot(map, slot,
														 MakeTupleTableSlot(tupdesc, &TTSOpsVirtual));

					insertedCols = GetInsertedColumns(resultRelInfo, estate);
					updatedCols = GetUpdatedColumns(resultRelInfo, estate);
					modifiedCols = bms_union(insertedCols, updatedCols);
					val_desc = ExecBuildSlotValueDescription(RelationGetRelid(rel),

							 errmsg("new row violates check option for view \"%s\"",
							 val_desc ? errdetail("Failing row contains %s.",
												  val_desc) : 0));
					if (wco->polname != NULL)
								 errmsg("new row violates row-level security policy \"%s\" for table \"%s\"",
										wco->polname, wco->relname)));
								 errmsg("new row violates row-level security policy for table \"%s\"",
					if (wco->polname != NULL)
								 errmsg("new row violates row-level security policy \"%s\" (USING expression) for table \"%s\"",
										wco->polname, wco->relname)));
								 errmsg("new row violates row-level security policy (USING expression) for table \"%s\"",
					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized WCO kind: %u", wco->kind);

 * ExecBuildSlotValueDescription -- construct a string representing a tuple
 * This is intentionally very similar to BuildIndexValueDescription, but
 * unlike that function, we truncate long field values (to at most maxfieldlen
 * bytes).  That seems necessary here since heap field values could be very
 * long, whereas index entries typically aren't so wide.
 * Also, unlike the case with index entries, we need to be prepared to ignore
 * dropped columns.  We used to use the slot's tuple descriptor to decode the
 * data, but the slot's descriptor doesn't identify dropped columns, so we
 * now need to be passed the relation's descriptor.
 * Note that, like BuildIndexValueDescription, if the user does not have
 * permission to view any of the columns involved, a NULL is returned.  Unlike
 * BuildIndexValueDescription, if the user has access to view a subset of the
 * column involved, that subset will be returned with a key identifying which
 * columns they are.
static char *
ExecBuildSlotValueDescription(Oid reloid,
							  TupleTableSlot *slot,
							  TupleDesc tupdesc,
							  Bitmapset *modifiedCols,
							  int maxfieldlen)
	StringInfoData buf;
	StringInfoData collist;
	bool		write_comma = false;
	bool		write_comma_collist = false;
	int			i;
	AclResult	aclresult;
	bool		table_perm = false;
	bool		any_perm = false;

	 * Check if RLS is enabled and should be active for the relation; if so,
	 * then don't return anything.  Otherwise, go through normal permission
	 * checks.
	if (check_enable_rls(reloid, InvalidOid, true) == RLS_ENABLED)
		return NULL;


	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '(');

	 * Check if the user has permissions to see the row.  Table-level SELECT
	 * allows access to all columns.  If the user does not have table-level
	 * SELECT then we check each column and include those the user has SELECT
	 * rights on.  Additionally, we always include columns the user provided
	 * data for.
	aclresult = pg_class_aclcheck(reloid, GetUserId(), ACL_SELECT);
	if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
		/* Set up the buffer for the column list */
		appendStringInfoChar(&collist, '(');
		table_perm = any_perm = true;

	/* Make sure the tuple is fully deconstructed */

	for (i = 0; i < tupdesc->natts; i++)
		bool		column_perm = false;
		char	   *val;
		int			vallen;
		Form_pg_attribute att = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i);

		/* ignore dropped columns */
		if (att->attisdropped)

		if (!table_perm)
			 * No table-level SELECT, so need to make sure they either have
			 * SELECT rights on the column or that they have provided the data
			 * for the column.  If not, omit this column from the error
			 * message.
			aclresult = pg_attribute_aclcheck(reloid, att->attnum,
											  GetUserId(), ACL_SELECT);
			if (bms_is_member(att->attnum - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber,
							  modifiedCols) || aclresult == ACLCHECK_OK)
				column_perm = any_perm = true;

				if (write_comma_collist)
					appendStringInfoString(&collist, ", ");
					write_comma_collist = true;

				appendStringInfoString(&collist, NameStr(att->attname));

		if (table_perm || column_perm)
			if (slot->tts_isnull[i])
				val = "null";
				Oid			foutoid;
				bool		typisvarlena;

								  &foutoid, &typisvarlena);
				val = OidOutputFunctionCall(foutoid, slot->tts_values[i]);

			if (write_comma)
				appendStringInfoString(&buf, ", ");
				write_comma = true;

			/* truncate if needed */
			vallen = strlen(val);
			if (vallen <= maxfieldlen)
				appendStringInfoString(&buf, val);
				vallen = pg_mbcliplen(val, vallen, maxfieldlen);
				appendBinaryStringInfo(&buf, val, vallen);
				appendStringInfoString(&buf, "...");

	/* If we end up with zero columns being returned, then return NULL. */
	if (!any_perm)
		return NULL;

	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ')');

	if (!table_perm)
		appendStringInfoString(&collist, ") = ");



 * ExecUpdateLockMode -- find the appropriate UPDATE tuple lock mode for a
 * given ResultRelInfo
ExecUpdateLockMode(EState *estate, ResultRelInfo *relinfo)
	Bitmapset  *keyCols;
	Bitmapset  *updatedCols;

	 * Compute lock mode to use.  If columns that are part of the key have not
	 * been modified, then we can use a weaker lock, allowing for better
	 * concurrency.
	updatedCols = GetAllUpdatedColumns(relinfo, estate);
	keyCols = RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(relinfo->ri_RelationDesc,

	if (bms_overlap(keyCols, updatedCols))
		return LockTupleExclusive;

	return LockTupleNoKeyExclusive;

 * ExecFindRowMark -- find the ExecRowMark struct for given rangetable index
 * If no such struct, either return NULL or throw error depending on missing_ok
ExecRowMark *
ExecFindRowMark(EState *estate, Index rti, bool missing_ok)
	if (rti > 0 && rti <= estate->es_range_table_size &&
		estate->es_rowmarks != NULL)
		ExecRowMark *erm = estate->es_rowmarks[rti - 1];

		if (erm)
			return erm;
	if (!missing_ok)
		elog(ERROR, "failed to find ExecRowMark for rangetable index %u", rti);
	return NULL;

 * ExecBuildAuxRowMark -- create an ExecAuxRowMark struct
 * Inputs are the underlying ExecRowMark struct and the targetlist of the
 * input plan node (not planstate node!).  We need the latter to find out
 * the column numbers of the resjunk columns.
ExecAuxRowMark *
ExecBuildAuxRowMark(ExecRowMark *erm, List *targetlist)
	ExecAuxRowMark *aerm = (ExecAuxRowMark *) palloc0(sizeof(ExecAuxRowMark));
	char		resname[32];

	aerm->rowmark = erm;

	/* Look up the resjunk columns associated with this rowmark */
	if (erm->markType != ROW_MARK_COPY)
		/* need ctid for all methods other than COPY */
		snprintf(resname, sizeof(resname), "ctid%u", erm->rowmarkId);
		aerm->ctidAttNo = ExecFindJunkAttributeInTlist(targetlist,
		if (!AttributeNumberIsValid(aerm->ctidAttNo))
			elog(ERROR, "could not find junk %s column", resname);
		/* need wholerow if COPY */
		snprintf(resname, sizeof(resname), "wholerow%u", erm->rowmarkId);
		aerm->wholeAttNo = ExecFindJunkAttributeInTlist(targetlist,
		if (!AttributeNumberIsValid(aerm->wholeAttNo))
			elog(ERROR, "could not find junk %s column", resname);

	/* if child rel, need tableoid */
	if (erm->rti != erm->prti)
		snprintf(resname, sizeof(resname), "tableoid%u", erm->rowmarkId);
		aerm->toidAttNo = ExecFindJunkAttributeInTlist(targetlist,
		if (!AttributeNumberIsValid(aerm->toidAttNo))
			elog(ERROR, "could not find junk %s column", resname);

	return aerm;

 * EvalPlanQual logic --- recheck modified tuple(s) to see if we want to
 * process the updated version under READ COMMITTED rules.
 * See backend/executor/README for some info about how this works.

 * Check the updated version of a tuple to see if we want to process it under
 *	estate - outer executor state data
 *	epqstate - state for EvalPlanQual rechecking
 *	relation - table containing tuple
 *	rti - rangetable index of table containing tuple
 *	inputslot - tuple for processing - this can be the slot from
 *		EvalPlanQualSlot(), for the increased efficiency.
 * This tests whether the tuple in inputslot still matches the relevant
 * quals. For that result to be useful, typically the input tuple has to be
 * last row version (otherwise the result isn't particularly useful) and
 * locked (otherwise the result might be out of date). That's typically
 * achieved by using table_tuple_lock() with the
 * Returns a slot containing the new candidate update/delete tuple, or
 * NULL if we determine we shouldn't process the row.
TupleTableSlot *
EvalPlanQual(EState *estate, EPQState *epqstate,
			 Relation relation, Index rti, TupleTableSlot *inputslot)
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	TupleTableSlot *testslot;

	Assert(rti > 0);

	 * Need to run a recheck subquery.  Initialize or reinitialize EPQ state.
	EvalPlanQualBegin(epqstate, estate);

	 * Callers will often use the EvalPlanQualSlot to store the tuple to avoid
	 * an unnecessary copy.
	testslot = EvalPlanQualSlot(epqstate, relation, rti);
	if (testslot != inputslot)
		ExecCopySlot(testslot, inputslot);

	 * Fetch any non-locked source rows

	 * Run the EPQ query.  We assume it will return at most one tuple.
	slot = EvalPlanQualNext(epqstate);

	 * If we got a tuple, force the slot to materialize the tuple so that it
	 * is not dependent on any local state in the EPQ query (in particular,
	 * it's highly likely that the slot contains references to any pass-by-ref
	 * datums that may be present in copyTuple).  As with the next step, this
	 * is to guard against early re-use of the EPQ query.
	if (!TupIsNull(slot))

	 * Clear out the test tuple.  This is needed in case the EPQ query is
	 * re-used to test a tuple for a different relation.  (Not clear that can
	 * really happen, but let's be safe.)

	return slot;

 * EvalPlanQualInit -- initialize during creation of a plan state node
 * that might need to invoke EPQ processing.
 * Note: subplan/auxrowmarks can be NULL/NIL if they will be set later
 * with EvalPlanQualSetPlan.
EvalPlanQualInit(EPQState *epqstate, EState *estate,
				 Plan *subplan, List *auxrowmarks, int epqParam)
	/* Mark the EPQ state inactive */
	epqstate->estate = NULL;
	epqstate->planstate = NULL;
	epqstate->origslot = NULL;
	/* ... and remember data that EvalPlanQualBegin will need */
	epqstate->plan = subplan;
	epqstate->arowMarks = auxrowmarks;
	epqstate->epqParam = epqParam;

 * EvalPlanQualSetPlan -- set or change subplan of an EPQState.
 * We need this so that ModifyTable can deal with multiple subplans.
EvalPlanQualSetPlan(EPQState *epqstate, Plan *subplan, List *auxrowmarks)
	/* If we have a live EPQ query, shut it down */
	/* And set/change the plan pointer */
	epqstate->plan = subplan;
	/* The rowmarks depend on the plan, too */
	epqstate->arowMarks = auxrowmarks;

 * Return, and create if necessary, a slot for an EPQ test tuple.
TupleTableSlot *
EvalPlanQualSlot(EPQState *epqstate,
				 Relation relation, Index rti)
	TupleTableSlot **slot;

	Assert(rti > 0 && rti <= epqstate->estate->es_range_table_size);
	slot = &epqstate->estate->es_epqTupleSlot[rti - 1];

	if (*slot == NULL)
		MemoryContext oldcontext;

		oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(epqstate->estate->es_query_cxt);

		if (relation)
			*slot = table_slot_create(relation,
			*slot = ExecAllocTableSlot(&epqstate->estate->es_tupleTable,


	return *slot;

 * Fetch the current row values for any non-locked relations that need
 * to be scanned by an EvalPlanQual operation.  origslot must have been set
 * to contain the current result row (top-level row) that we need to recheck.
EvalPlanQualFetchRowMarks(EPQState *epqstate)
	ListCell   *l;

	Assert(epqstate->origslot != NULL);

	foreach(l, epqstate->arowMarks)
		ExecAuxRowMark *aerm = (ExecAuxRowMark *) lfirst(l);
		ExecRowMark *erm = aerm->rowmark;
		Datum		datum;
		bool		isNull;
		TupleTableSlot *slot;

		if (RowMarkRequiresRowShareLock(erm->markType))
			elog(ERROR, "EvalPlanQual doesn't support locking rowmarks");

		/* clear any leftover test tuple for this rel */
		slot = EvalPlanQualSlot(epqstate, erm->relation, erm->rti);

		/* if child rel, must check whether it produced this row */
		if (erm->rti != erm->prti)
			Oid			tableoid;

			datum = ExecGetJunkAttribute(epqstate->origslot,
			/* non-locked rels could be on the inside of outer joins */
			if (isNull)
			tableoid = DatumGetObjectId(datum);

			if (tableoid != erm->relid)
				/* this child is inactive right now */

		if (erm->markType == ROW_MARK_REFERENCE)
			Assert(erm->relation != NULL);

			/* fetch the tuple's ctid */
			datum = ExecGetJunkAttribute(epqstate->origslot,
			/* non-locked rels could be on the inside of outer joins */
			if (isNull)

			/* fetch requests on foreign tables must be passed to their FDW */
			if (erm->relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
				FdwRoutine *fdwroutine;
				bool		updated = false;

				fdwroutine = GetFdwRoutineForRelation(erm->relation, false);
				/* this should have been checked already, but let's be safe */
				if (fdwroutine->RefetchForeignRow == NULL)
							 errmsg("cannot lock rows in foreign table \"%s\"",

				if (TupIsNull(slot))
					elog(ERROR, "failed to fetch tuple for EvalPlanQual recheck");

				 * Ideally we'd insist on updated == false here, but that
				 * assumes that FDWs can track that exactly, which they might
				 * not be able to.  So just ignore the flag.
				/* ordinary table, fetch the tuple */
				if (!table_tuple_fetch_row_version(erm->relation,
												   (ItemPointer) DatumGetPointer(datum),
												   SnapshotAny, slot))
					elog(ERROR, "failed to fetch tuple for EvalPlanQual recheck");
			Assert(erm->markType == ROW_MARK_COPY);

			/* fetch the whole-row Var for the relation */
			datum = ExecGetJunkAttribute(epqstate->origslot,
			/* non-locked rels could be on the inside of outer joins */
			if (isNull)

			ExecStoreHeapTupleDatum(datum, slot);

 * Fetch the next row (if any) from EvalPlanQual testing
 * (In practice, there should never be more than one row...)
TupleTableSlot *
EvalPlanQualNext(EPQState *epqstate)
	MemoryContext oldcontext;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;

	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(epqstate->estate->es_query_cxt);
	slot = ExecProcNode(epqstate->planstate);

	return slot;

 * Initialize or reset an EvalPlanQual state tree
EvalPlanQualBegin(EPQState *epqstate, EState *parentestate)
	EState	   *estate = epqstate->estate;

	if (estate == NULL)
		/* First time through, so create a child EState */
		EvalPlanQualStart(epqstate, parentestate, epqstate->plan);
		 * We already have a suitable child EPQ tree, so just reset it.
		Index		rtsize = parentestate->es_range_table_size;
		PlanState  *planstate = epqstate->planstate;

		MemSet(estate->es_epqScanDone, 0, rtsize * sizeof(bool));

		/* Recopy current values of parent parameters */
		if (parentestate->es_plannedstmt->paramExecTypes != NIL)
			int			i;

			 * Force evaluation of any InitPlan outputs that could be needed
			 * by the subplan, just in case they got reset since
			 * EvalPlanQualStart (see comments therein).
								  GetPerTupleExprContext(parentestate), NULL);

			i = list_length(parentestate->es_plannedstmt->paramExecTypes);

			while (--i >= 0)
				/* copy value if any, but not execPlan link */
				estate->es_param_exec_vals[i].value =
				estate->es_param_exec_vals[i].isnull =

		 * Mark child plan tree as needing rescan at all scan nodes.  The
		 * first ExecProcNode will take care of actually doing the rescan.
		planstate->chgParam = bms_add_member(planstate->chgParam,

 * Start execution of an EvalPlanQual plan tree.
 * This is a cut-down version of ExecutorStart(): we copy some state from
 * the top-level estate rather than initializing it fresh.
static void
EvalPlanQualStart(EPQState *epqstate, EState *parentestate, Plan *planTree)
	EState	   *estate;
	Index		rtsize;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;
	ListCell   *l;

	rtsize = parentestate->es_range_table_size;

	epqstate->estate = estate = CreateExecutorState();

	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);

	 * Child EPQ EStates share the parent's copy of unchanging state such as
	 * the snapshot, rangetable, result-rel info, and external Param info.
	 * They need their own copies of local state, including a tuple table,
	 * es_param_exec_vals, etc.
	 * The ResultRelInfo array management is trickier than it looks.  We
	 * create fresh arrays for the child but copy all the content from the
	 * parent.  This is because it's okay for the child to share any
	 * per-relation state the parent has already created --- but if the child
	 * sets up any ResultRelInfo fields, such as its own junkfilter, that
	 * state must *not* propagate back to the parent.  (For one thing, the
	 * pointed-to data is in a memory context that won't last long enough.)
	estate->es_direction = ForwardScanDirection;
	estate->es_snapshot = parentestate->es_snapshot;
	estate->es_crosscheck_snapshot = parentestate->es_crosscheck_snapshot;
	estate->es_range_table = parentestate->es_range_table;
	estate->es_range_table_array = parentestate->es_range_table_array;
	estate->es_range_table_size = parentestate->es_range_table_size;
	estate->es_relations = parentestate->es_relations;
	estate->es_rowmarks = parentestate->es_rowmarks;
	estate->es_plannedstmt = parentestate->es_plannedstmt;
	estate->es_junkFilter = parentestate->es_junkFilter;
	estate->es_output_cid = parentestate->es_output_cid;
	if (parentestate->es_num_result_relations > 0)
		int			numResultRelations = parentestate->es_num_result_relations;
		int			numRootResultRels = parentestate->es_num_root_result_relations;
		ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfos;

		resultRelInfos = (ResultRelInfo *)
			palloc(numResultRelations * sizeof(ResultRelInfo));
		memcpy(resultRelInfos, parentestate->es_result_relations,
			   numResultRelations * sizeof(ResultRelInfo));
		estate->es_result_relations = resultRelInfos;
		estate->es_num_result_relations = numResultRelations;

		/* Also transfer partitioned root result relations. */
		if (numRootResultRels > 0)
			resultRelInfos = (ResultRelInfo *)
				palloc(numRootResultRels * sizeof(ResultRelInfo));
			memcpy(resultRelInfos, parentestate->es_root_result_relations,
				   numRootResultRels * sizeof(ResultRelInfo));
			estate->es_root_result_relations = resultRelInfos;
			estate->es_num_root_result_relations = numRootResultRels;
	/* es_result_relation_info must NOT be copied */
	/* es_trig_target_relations must NOT be copied */
	estate->es_top_eflags = parentestate->es_top_eflags;
	estate->es_instrument = parentestate->es_instrument;
	/* es_auxmodifytables must NOT be copied */

	 * The external param list is simply shared from parent.  The internal
	 * param workspace has to be local state, but we copy the initial values
	 * from the parent, so as to have access to any param values that were
	 * already set from other parts of the parent's plan tree.
	estate->es_param_list_info = parentestate->es_param_list_info;
	if (parentestate->es_plannedstmt->paramExecTypes != NIL)
		int			i;

		 * Force evaluation of any InitPlan outputs that could be needed by
		 * the subplan.  (With more complexity, maybe we could postpone this
		 * till the subplan actually demands them, but it doesn't seem worth
		 * the trouble; this is a corner case already, since usually the
		 * InitPlans would have been evaluated before reaching EvalPlanQual.)
		 * This will not touch output params of InitPlans that occur somewhere
		 * within the subplan tree, only those that are attached to the
		 * ModifyTable node or above it and are referenced within the subplan.
		 * That's OK though, because the planner would only attach such
		 * InitPlans to a lower-level SubqueryScan node, and EPQ execution
		 * will not descend into a SubqueryScan.
		 * The EState's per-output-tuple econtext is sufficiently short-lived
		 * for this, since it should get reset before there is any chance of
		 * doing EvalPlanQual again.
							  GetPerTupleExprContext(parentestate), NULL);

		/* now make the internal param workspace ... */
		i = list_length(parentestate->es_plannedstmt->paramExecTypes);
		estate->es_param_exec_vals = (ParamExecData *)
			palloc0(i * sizeof(ParamExecData));
		/* ... and copy down all values, whether really needed or not */
		while (--i >= 0)
			/* copy value if any, but not execPlan link */
			estate->es_param_exec_vals[i].value =
			estate->es_param_exec_vals[i].isnull =

	 * Each EState must have its own es_epqScanDone state, but if we have
	 * nested EPQ checks they should share es_epqTupleSlot arrays.  This
	 * allows sub-rechecks to inherit the values being examined by an outer
	 * recheck.
	estate->es_epqScanDone = (bool *) palloc0(rtsize * sizeof(bool));
	if (parentestate->es_epqTupleSlot != NULL)
		estate->es_epqTupleSlot = parentestate->es_epqTupleSlot;
		estate->es_epqTupleSlot = (TupleTableSlot **)
			palloc0(rtsize * sizeof(TupleTableSlot *));

	 * Each estate also has its own tuple table.
	estate->es_tupleTable = NIL;

	 * Initialize private state information for each SubPlan.  We must do this
	 * before running ExecInitNode on the main query tree, since
	 * ExecInitSubPlan expects to be able to find these entries. Some of the
	 * SubPlans might not be used in the part of the plan tree we intend to
	 * run, but since it's not easy to tell which, we just initialize them
	 * all.
	Assert(estate->es_subplanstates == NIL);
	foreach(l, parentestate->es_plannedstmt->subplans)
		Plan	   *subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(l);
		PlanState  *subplanstate;

		subplanstate = ExecInitNode(subplan, estate, 0);
		estate->es_subplanstates = lappend(estate->es_subplanstates,

	 * Initialize the private state information for all the nodes in the part
	 * of the plan tree we need to run.  This opens files, allocates storage
	 * and leaves us ready to start processing tuples.
	epqstate->planstate = ExecInitNode(planTree, estate, 0);


 * EvalPlanQualEnd -- shut down at termination of parent plan state node,
 * or if we are done with the current EPQ child.
 * This is a cut-down version of ExecutorEnd(); basically we want to do most
 * of the normal cleanup, but *not* close result relations (which we are
 * just sharing from the outer query).  We do, however, have to close any
 * trigger target relations that got opened, since those are not shared.
 * (There probably shouldn't be any of the latter, but just in case...)
EvalPlanQualEnd(EPQState *epqstate)
	EState	   *estate = epqstate->estate;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;
	ListCell   *l;

	if (estate == NULL)
		return;					/* idle, so nothing to do */

	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);


	foreach(l, estate->es_subplanstates)
		PlanState  *subplanstate = (PlanState *) lfirst(l);


	/* throw away the per-estate tuple table */
	ExecResetTupleTable(estate->es_tupleTable, false);

	/* close any trigger target relations attached to this EState */



	/* Mark EPQState idle */
	epqstate->estate = NULL;
	epqstate->planstate = NULL;
	epqstate->origslot = NULL;

/* Use the given attribute map to convert an attribute number in the
 * base relation to an attribute number in the other relation.  Forgive
 * out-of-range attributes by mapping them to zero.  Treat null as
 * the identity map.
attrMap(TupleConversionMap *map, AttrNumber anum)
	if (map == NULL)
		return anum;

	if (0 < anum && anum <= map->indesc->natts)
		for (int i = 0; i < map->outdesc->natts; i++)
			if (map->attrMap[i] == anum)
				return i + 1;
	return 0;

/* For attrMapExpr below.
 * Mutate Var nodes in an expression using the given attribute map.
 * Insist the Var nodes have varno == 1 and the that the mapping
 * yields a live attribute number (non-zero).
static Node *apply_attrmap_mutator(Node *node, TupleConversionMap *map)
	if ( node == NULL )
		return NULL;
	if (IsA(node, Var) )
		Var		   *var = (Var *) node;
		AttrNumber anum;

		Assert(var->varno == 1); /* in CHECK constraints */
		anum = attrMap(map, var->varattno);

		if (anum == 0)
			/* Should never happen, but best caught early. */
			elog(ERROR, "attribute map discrepancy");
		else if (anum != var->varattno)
			var = copyObject(var);
			var->varattno = anum;
		return (Node *) var;
	return expression_tree_mutator(node, apply_attrmap_mutator, (void *) map);

/* Apply attrMap over the Var nodes in an expression. */
Node *
attrMapExpr(TupleConversionMap *map, Node *expr)
	return apply_attrmap_mutator(expr, map);

 * Adjust INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE count for replicated table ON QD
static void
AdjustReplicatedTableCounts(EState *estate)
	int i;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
	bool containReplicatedTable = false;
	int			numsegments =  1;

	if (Gp_role != GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)

	/* check if result_relations contain replicated table*/
	for (i = 0; i < estate->es_num_result_relations; i++)
		resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relations + i;

		if (!resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_cdbpolicy)

		if (GpPolicyIsReplicated(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_cdbpolicy))
			containReplicatedTable = true;
			numsegments = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_cdbpolicy->numsegments;
		else if (containReplicatedTable)
			 * If one is replicated table, error if other tables are not
			 * replicated table.
			elog(ERROR, "mix of replicated and non-replicated tables in result_relation is not supported");

	if (containReplicatedTable)
		estate->es_processed = estate->es_processed / numsegments;


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn execAmi 源码

greenplumn execCurrent 源码

greenplumn execExpr 源码

greenplumn execExprInterp 源码

greenplumn execGrouping 源码

greenplumn execIndexing 源码

greenplumn execJunk 源码

greenplumn execParallel 源码

greenplumn execPartition 源码

greenplumn execProcnode 源码

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