spring-kafka DefaultKafkaProducerFactory 源码

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spring-kafka DefaultKafkaProducerFactory 代码


 * Copyright 2016-2022 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.kafka.core;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerGroupMetadata;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Callback;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Producer;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.RecordMetadata;
import org.apache.kafka.common.Metric;
import org.apache.kafka.common.MetricName;
import org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.OutOfOrderSequenceException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.ProducerFencedException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer;

import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.context.event.ContextStoppedEvent;
import org.springframework.core.log.LogAccessor;
import org.springframework.kafka.KafkaException;
import org.springframework.kafka.listener.ContainerProperties.EOSMode;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

 * The {@link ProducerFactory} implementation for a {@code singleton} shared {@link Producer} instance.
 * <p>
 * This implementation will return the same {@link Producer} instance (if transactions are
 * not enabled) for the provided {@link Map} {@code configs} and optional {@link Serializer}
 * implementations on each {@link #createProducer()} invocation.
 * <p>
 * If you are using {@link Serializer}s that have no-arg constructors and require no setup, then simplest to
 * specify {@link Serializer} classes against {@link ProducerConfig#KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG} and
 * {@link ProducerConfig#VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG} keys in the {@code configs} passed to the
 * {@link DefaultKafkaProducerFactory} constructor.
 * <p>
 * If that is not possible, but you are sure that at least one of the following is true:
 * <ul>
 *     <li>only one {@link Producer} will use the {@link Serializer}s</li>
 *     <li>you are using {@link Serializer}s that may be shared between {@link Producer} instances (and specifically
 *     that their close() method is a no-op)</li>
 *     <li>you are certain that there is no risk of any single {@link Producer} being closed while other
 *     {@link Producer} instances with the same {@link Serializer}s are in use</li>
 * </ul>
 * then you can pass in {@link Serializer} instances for one or both of the key and value serializers.
 * <p>
 * If none of the above is true then you may provide a {@link Supplier} function for one or both {@link Serializer}s
 * which will be used to obtain {@link Serializer}(s) each time a {@link Producer} is created by the factory.
 * <p>
 * The {@link Producer} is wrapped and the underlying {@link KafkaProducer} instance is
 * not actually closed when {@link Producer#close()} is invoked. The {@link KafkaProducer}
 * is physically closed when {@link DisposableBean#destroy()} is invoked or when the
 * application context publishes a {@link ContextStoppedEvent}. You can also invoke
 * {@link #reset()}.
 * <p>
 * Setting {@link #setTransactionIdPrefix(String)} enables transactions; in which case, a
 * cache of producers is maintained; closing a producer returns it to the cache. The
 * producers are closed and the cache is cleared when the factory is destroyed, the
 * application context stopped, or the {@link #reset()} method is called.
 * @param <K> the key type.
 * @param <V> the value type.
 * @author Gary Russell
 * @author Murali Reddy
 * @author Nakul Mishra
 * @author Artem Bilan
 * @author Chris Gilbert
 * @author Thomas Strauß
public class DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<K, V> extends KafkaResourceFactory
		implements ProducerFactory<K, V>, ApplicationContextAware,
		BeanNameAware, ApplicationListener<ContextStoppedEvent>, DisposableBean {

	private static final LogAccessor LOGGER = new LogAccessor(LogFactory.getLog(DefaultKafkaProducerFactory.class));

	private final Map<String, Object> configs;

	private final AtomicInteger transactionIdSuffix = new AtomicInteger();

	private final Map<String, BlockingQueue<CloseSafeProducer<K, V>>> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

	private final ThreadLocal<CloseSafeProducer<K, V>> threadBoundProducers = new ThreadLocal<>();

	private final AtomicInteger epoch = new AtomicInteger();

	private final AtomicInteger clientIdCounter = new AtomicInteger();

	private final List<Listener<K, V>> listeners = new ArrayList<>();

	private final List<ProducerPostProcessor<K, V>> postProcessors = new ArrayList<>();

	private Supplier<Serializer<K>> keySerializerSupplier;

	private Supplier<Serializer<V>> valueSerializerSupplier;

	private Supplier<Serializer<K>> rawKeySerializerSupplier;

	private Supplier<Serializer<V>> rawValueSerializerSupplier;

	private Duration physicalCloseTimeout = DEFAULT_PHYSICAL_CLOSE_TIMEOUT;

	private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

	private String beanName = "not.managed.by.Spring";

	private boolean producerPerThread;

	private long maxAge;

	private boolean configureSerializers = true;

	private volatile String transactionIdPrefix;

	private volatile String clientIdPrefix;

	private volatile CloseSafeProducer<K, V> producer;

	 * Construct a factory with the provided configuration.
	 * @param configs the configuration.
	public DefaultKafkaProducerFactory(Map<String, Object> configs) {
		this(configs, () -> null, () -> null);

	 * Construct a factory with the provided configuration and {@link Serializer}s.
	 * Also configures a {@link #transactionIdPrefix} as a value from the
	 * {@link ProducerConfig#TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG} if provided.
	 * This config is going to be overridden with a suffix for target {@link Producer} instance.
	 * The serializers' {@code configure()} methods will be called with the
	 * configuration map.
	 * @param configs the configuration.
	 * @param keySerializer the key {@link Serializer}.
	 * @param valueSerializer the value {@link Serializer}.
	public DefaultKafkaProducerFactory(Map<String, Object> configs,
			@Nullable Serializer<K> keySerializer,
			@Nullable Serializer<V> valueSerializer) {

		this(configs, () -> keySerializer, () -> valueSerializer, true);

	 * Construct a factory with the provided configuration and {@link Serializer}s. Also
	 * configures a {@link #transactionIdPrefix} as a value from the
	 * {@link ProducerConfig#TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG} if provided. This config is going to
	 * be overridden with a suffix for target {@link Producer} instance. The serializers'
	 * {@code configure()} methods will be called with the configuration map unless
	 * {@code configureSerializers} is false..
	 * @param configs the configuration.
	 * @param keySerializer the key {@link Serializer}.
	 * @param valueSerializer the value {@link Serializer}.
	 * @param configureSerializers set to false if serializers are already fully
	 * configured.
	 * @since 2.8.7
	public DefaultKafkaProducerFactory(Map<String, Object> configs,
			@Nullable Serializer<K> keySerializer,
			@Nullable Serializer<V> valueSerializer, boolean configureSerializers) {

		this(configs, () -> keySerializer, () -> valueSerializer, configureSerializers);

	 * Construct a factory with the provided configuration and {@link Serializer}
	 * Suppliers. Also configures a {@link #transactionIdPrefix} as a value from the
	 * {@link ProducerConfig#TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG} if provided. This config is going to
	 * be overridden with a suffix for target {@link Producer} instance. When the
	 * suppliers are invoked to get an instance, the serializers' {@code configure()}
	 * methods will be called with the configuration map.
	 * @param configs the configuration.
	 * @param keySerializerSupplier the key {@link Serializer} supplier function.
	 * @param valueSerializerSupplier the value {@link Serializer} supplier function.
	 * @since 2.3
	public DefaultKafkaProducerFactory(Map<String, Object> configs,
			@Nullable Supplier<Serializer<K>> keySerializerSupplier,
			@Nullable Supplier<Serializer<V>> valueSerializerSupplier) {

		this(configs, keySerializerSupplier, valueSerializerSupplier, true);

	 * Construct a factory with the provided configuration and {@link Serializer}
	 * Suppliers. Also configures a {@link #transactionIdPrefix} as a value from the
	 * {@link ProducerConfig#TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG} if provided. This config is going to
	 * be overridden with a suffix for target {@link Producer} instance. When the
	 * suppliers are invoked to get an instance, the serializers' {@code configure()}
	 * methods will be called with the configuration map unless
	 * {@code configureSerializers} is false.
	 * @param configs the configuration.
	 * @param keySerializerSupplier the key {@link Serializer} supplier function.
	 * @param valueSerializerSupplier the value {@link Serializer} supplier function.
	 * @param configureSerializers set to false if serializers are already fully
	 * configured.
	 * @since 2.8.7
	public DefaultKafkaProducerFactory(Map<String, Object> configs,
			@Nullable Supplier<Serializer<K>> keySerializerSupplier,
			@Nullable Supplier<Serializer<V>> valueSerializerSupplier, boolean configureSerializers) {

		this.configs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(configs);
		this.configureSerializers = configureSerializers;
		this.keySerializerSupplier = keySerializerSupplier(keySerializerSupplier);
		this.valueSerializerSupplier = valueSerializerSupplier(valueSerializerSupplier);
		if (this.clientIdPrefix == null && configs.get(ProducerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG) instanceof String) {
			this.clientIdPrefix = (String) configs.get(ProducerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG);
		String txId = (String) this.configs.get(ProducerConfig.TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG);
		if (StringUtils.hasText(txId)) {

	private Supplier<Serializer<K>> keySerializerSupplier(@Nullable Supplier<Serializer<K>> keySerializerSupplier) {
		this.rawKeySerializerSupplier = keySerializerSupplier;
		if (!this.configureSerializers) {
			return keySerializerSupplier;
		return keySerializerSupplier == null
				? () -> null
				: () -> {
			Serializer<K> serializer = keySerializerSupplier.get();
			if (serializer != null) {
				serializer.configure(this.configs, true);
			return serializer;

	private Supplier<Serializer<V>> valueSerializerSupplier(@Nullable Supplier<Serializer<V>> valueSerializerSupplier) {
		this.rawValueSerializerSupplier = valueSerializerSupplier;
		if (!this.configureSerializers) {
			return valueSerializerSupplier;
		return valueSerializerSupplier == null
				? () -> null
				: () -> {
			Serializer<V> serializer = valueSerializerSupplier.get();
			if (serializer != null) {
				serializer.configure(this.configs, false);
			return serializer;

	public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
		this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

	public void setBeanName(String name) {
		this.beanName = name;

	 * Set a key serializer. The serializer will be configured using the producer
	 * configuration, unless {@link #setConfigureSerializers(boolean)
	 * configureSerializers} is false.
	 * @param keySerializer the key serializer.
	 * @see #setConfigureSerializers(boolean)
	public void setKeySerializer(@Nullable Serializer<K> keySerializer) {
		this.keySerializerSupplier = keySerializerSupplier(() -> keySerializer);

	 * Set a value serializer. The serializer will be configured using the producer
	 * configuration, unless {@link #setConfigureSerializers(boolean)
	 * configureSerializers} is false.
	 * @param valueSerializer the value serializer.
	 * @see #setConfigureSerializers(boolean)
	public void setValueSerializer(@Nullable Serializer<V> valueSerializer) {
		this.valueSerializerSupplier = valueSerializerSupplier(() -> valueSerializer);

	 * Set a supplier to supply instances of the key serializer. The serializer will be
	 * configured using the producer configuration, unless
	 * {@link #setConfigureSerializers(boolean) configureSerializers} is false.
	 * @param keySerializerSupplier the supplier.
	 * @since 2.8
	 * @see #setConfigureSerializers(boolean)
	public void setKeySerializerSupplier(Supplier<Serializer<K>> keySerializerSupplier) {
		this.keySerializerSupplier = keySerializerSupplier(keySerializerSupplier);

	 * Set a supplier to supply instances of the value serializer.
	 * @param valueSerializerSupplier the supplier. The serializer will be configured
	 * using the producer configuration, unless {@link #setConfigureSerializers(boolean)
	 * configureSerializers} is false.
	 * @since 2.8
	 * @see #setConfigureSerializers(boolean)
	public void setValueSerializerSupplier(Supplier<Serializer<V>> valueSerializerSupplier) {
		this.valueSerializerSupplier = valueSerializerSupplier(valueSerializerSupplier);

	 * If true (default), programmatically provided serializers (via constructor or
	 * setters) will be configured using the producer configuration. Set to false if the
	 * serializers are already fully configured.
	 * @return true to configure.
	 * @since 2.8.7
	 * @see #setKeySerializer(Serializer)
	 * @see #setKeySerializerSupplier(Supplier)
	 * @see #setValueSerializer(Serializer)
	 * @see #setValueSerializerSupplier(Supplier)
	public boolean isConfigureSerializers() {
		return this.configureSerializers;

	 * Set to false (default true) to prevent programmatically provided serializers (via
	 * constructor or setters) from being configured using the producer configuration,
	 * e.g. if the serializers are already fully configured.
	 * @param configureSerializers false to not configure.
	 * @since 2.8.7
	 * @see #setKeySerializer(Serializer)
	 * @see #setKeySerializerSupplier(Supplier)
	 * @see #setValueSerializer(Serializer)
	 * @see #setValueSerializerSupplier(Supplier)
	public void setConfigureSerializers(boolean configureSerializers) {
		this.configureSerializers = configureSerializers;

	 * The time to wait when physically closing the producer via the factory rather than
	 * closing the producer itself (when {@link #reset()}, {@link #destroy()
	 * #closeProducerFor(String)}, or {@link #closeThreadBoundProducer()} are invoked).
	 * Specified in seconds; default {@link #DEFAULT_PHYSICAL_CLOSE_TIMEOUT}.
	 * @param physicalCloseTimeout the timeout in seconds.
	 * @since 1.0.7
	public void setPhysicalCloseTimeout(int physicalCloseTimeout) {
		this.physicalCloseTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(physicalCloseTimeout);

	 * Get the physical close timeout.
	 * @return the timeout.
	 * @since 2.5
	public Duration getPhysicalCloseTimeout() {
		return this.physicalCloseTimeout;

	 * Set a prefix for the {@link ProducerConfig#TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG} config. By
	 * default a {@link ProducerConfig#TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG} value from configs is used
	 * as a prefix in the target producer configs.
	 * @param transactionIdPrefix the prefix.
	 * @since 1.3
	public final void setTransactionIdPrefix(String transactionIdPrefix) {
		Assert.notNull(transactionIdPrefix, "'transactionIdPrefix' cannot be null");
		this.transactionIdPrefix = transactionIdPrefix;

	public @Nullable String getTransactionIdPrefix() {
		return this.transactionIdPrefix;

	 * Set to true to create a producer per thread instead of singleton that is shared by
	 * all clients. Clients <b>must</b> call {@link #closeThreadBoundProducer()} to
	 * physically close the producer when it is no longer needed. These producers will not
	 * be closed by {@link #destroy()} or {@link #reset()}.
	 * @param producerPerThread true for a producer per thread.
	 * @since 2.3
	 * @see #closeThreadBoundProducer()
	public void setProducerPerThread(boolean producerPerThread) {
		this.producerPerThread = producerPerThread;

	public boolean isProducerPerThread() {
		return this.producerPerThread;

	 * This is no longer needed now that only {@link EOSMode#V2} is supported. Ignored.
	 * @param producerPerConsumerPartition false to revert.
	 * @since 1.3.7
	 * @deprecated no longer necessary because
	 * {@code org.springframework.kafka.listener.ContainerProperties.EOSMode#V1} is no
	 * longer supported.
	public void setProducerPerConsumerPartition(boolean producerPerConsumerPartition) {

	 * This is no longer needed now that only {@link EOSMode#V2} is supported. Ignored.
	 * @return the producerPerConsumerPartition.
	 * @since 1.3.8
	 * @deprecated no longer necessary because
	 * {@code org.springframework.kafka.listener.ContainerProperties.EOSMode#V1} is no
	 * longer supported.
	public boolean isProducerPerConsumerPartition() {
		return false;

	public Serializer<K> getKeySerializer() {
		return this.keySerializerSupplier.get();

	public Serializer<V> getValueSerializer() {
		return this.valueSerializerSupplier.get();

	public Supplier<Serializer<K>> getKeySerializerSupplier() {
		return this.rawKeySerializerSupplier;

	public Supplier<Serializer<V>> getValueSerializerSupplier() {
		return this.rawValueSerializerSupplier;

	 * Return an unmodifiable reference to the configuration map for this factory.
	 * Useful for cloning to make a similar factory.
	 * @return the configs.
	 * @since 1.3
	public Map<String, Object> getConfigurationProperties() {
		Map<String, Object> configs2 = new HashMap<>(this.configs);
		return Collections.unmodifiableMap(configs2);

	 * Get the current list of listeners.
	 * @return the listeners.
	 * @since 2.5
	public List<Listener<K, V>> getListeners() {
		return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.listeners);

	public List<ProducerPostProcessor<K, V>> getPostProcessors() {
		return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.postProcessors);

	 * Set the maximum age for a producer; useful when using transactions and the broker
	 * might expire a {@code transactional.id} due to inactivity.
	 * @param maxAge the maxAge to set
	 * @since 2.5.8
	public void setMaxAge(Duration maxAge) {
		this.maxAge = maxAge.toMillis();

	 * Copy properties of the instance and the given properties to create a new producer factory.
	 * <p>If the {@link org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaProducerFactory} makes a
	 * copy of itself, the transaction id prefix is recovered from the properties. If
	 * you want to change the ID config, add a new
	 * {@link org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig#TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG}
	 * key to the override config.</p>
	 * @param overrideProperties the properties to be applied to the new factory
	 * @return {@link org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaProducerFactory} with
	 *  properties applied
	public ProducerFactory<K, V> copyWithConfigurationOverride(Map<String, Object> overrideProperties) {
		Map<String, Object> producerProperties = new HashMap<>(getConfigurationProperties());
		producerProperties = ensureExistingTransactionIdPrefixInProperties(producerProperties);
		DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<K, V> newFactory = new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(producerProperties,
		newFactory.setPhysicalCloseTimeout((int) getPhysicalCloseTimeout().getSeconds());
		for (ProducerPostProcessor<K, V> templatePostProcessor : getPostProcessors()) {
		for (ProducerFactory.Listener<K, V> templateListener : getListeners()) {
		return newFactory;

	 * Ensures that the returned properties map contains a transaction id prefix.
	 * The {@link org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaProducerFactory}
	 * modifies the local properties copy, the txn key is removed and
	 * stored locally in a property. To make a proper copy of the properties in a
	 * new factory, the transactionId has to be reinserted prior use.
	 * The incoming properties are checked for a transactionId key. If none is
	 * there, the one existing in the factory is added.
	 * @param producerProperties the properties to be used for the new factory
	 * @return the producerProperties or a copy with the transaction ID set
	private Map<String, Object> ensureExistingTransactionIdPrefixInProperties(Map<String, Object> producerProperties) {
		String txIdPrefix = getTransactionIdPrefix();
		if (StringUtils.hasText(txIdPrefix)
				&& !producerProperties.containsKey(ProducerConfig.TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG)) {
			Map<String, Object> producerPropertiesWithTxnId = new HashMap<>(producerProperties);
			producerPropertiesWithTxnId.put(ProducerConfig.TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG, txIdPrefix);
			return producerPropertiesWithTxnId;

		return producerProperties;

	 * Add a listener.
	 * @param listener the listener.
	 * @since 2.5
	public void addListener(Listener<K, V> listener) {
		Assert.notNull(listener, "'listener' cannot be null");

	 * Add a listener at a specific index.
	 * @param index the index (list position).
	 * @param listener the listener.
	 * @since 2.5
	public void addListener(int index, Listener<K, V> listener) {
		Assert.notNull(listener, "'listener' cannot be null");
		if (index >= this.listeners.size()) {
		else {
			this.listeners.add(index, listener);

	 * Remove a listener.
	 * @param listener the listener.
	 * @return true if removed.
	 * @since 2.5
	public boolean removeListener(Listener<K, V> listener) {
		return this.listeners.remove(listener);

	public void addPostProcessor(ProducerPostProcessor<K, V> postProcessor) {
		Assert.notNull(postProcessor, "'postProcessor' cannot be null");

	public boolean removePostProcessor(ProducerPostProcessor<K, V> postProcessor) {
		return this.postProcessors.remove(postProcessor);

	public void updateConfigs(Map<String, Object> updates) {
		updates.entrySet().forEach(entry -> {
			if (entry.getKey().equals(ProducerConfig.TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG)) {
				Assert.isTrue(entry.getValue() instanceof String, () -> "'" + ProducerConfig.TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG
						+ "' must be a String, not a " + entry.getClass().getName());
				Assert.isTrue(this.transactionIdPrefix != null
								? entry.getValue() != null
								: entry.getValue() == null,
						"Cannot change transactional capability");
				this.transactionIdPrefix = (String) entry.getValue();
			else if (entry.getKey().equals(ProducerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG)) {
				Assert.isTrue(entry.getValue() instanceof String, () -> "'" + ProducerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG
						+ "' must be a String, not a " + entry.getClass().getName());
				this.clientIdPrefix = (String) entry.getValue();
			else {
				this.configs.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

	public void removeConfig(String configKey) {

	 * When set to 'true', the producer will ensure that exactly one copy of each message is written in the stream.
	private void enableIdempotentBehaviour() {
		Object previousValue = this.configs.putIfAbsent(ProducerConfig.ENABLE_IDEMPOTENCE_CONFIG, true);
		if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(previousValue)) {
			LOGGER.debug(() -> "The '" + ProducerConfig.ENABLE_IDEMPOTENCE_CONFIG
					+ "' is set to false, may result in duplicate messages");

	public boolean transactionCapable() {
		return this.transactionIdPrefix != null;

	public void destroy() {
		CloseSafeProducer<K, V> producerToClose;
		synchronized (this) {
			producerToClose = this.producer;
			this.producer = null;
		if (producerToClose != null) {
			producerToClose.closeDelegate(this.physicalCloseTimeout, this.listeners);
		this.cache.values().forEach(queue -> {
			CloseSafeProducer<K, V> next = queue.poll();
			while (next != null) {
				try {
					next.closeDelegate(this.physicalCloseTimeout, this.listeners);
				catch (Exception e) {
					LOGGER.error(e, "Exception while closing producer");
				next = queue.poll();

	public void onApplicationEvent(ContextStoppedEvent event) {
		if (event.getApplicationContext().equals(this.applicationContext)) {

	 * Close the {@link Producer}(s) and clear the cache of transactional
	 * {@link Producer}(s).
	 * @since 2.2
	public void reset() {
		try {
		catch (Exception e) {
			LOGGER.error(e, "Exception while closing producer");

	public Producer<K, V> createProducer() {
		return createProducer(this.transactionIdPrefix);

	public Producer<K, V> createProducer(@Nullable String txIdPrefixArg) {
		String txIdPrefix = txIdPrefixArg == null ? this.transactionIdPrefix : txIdPrefixArg;
		return doCreateProducer(txIdPrefix);

	public Producer<K, V> createNonTransactionalProducer() {
		return doCreateProducer(null);

	private Producer<K, V> doCreateProducer(@Nullable String txIdPrefix) {
		if (txIdPrefix != null) {
			return createTransactionalProducer(txIdPrefix);
		if (this.producerPerThread) {
			return getOrCreateThreadBoundProducer();
		synchronized (this) {
			if (this.producer != null && expire(this.producer)) {
				this.producer = null;
			if (this.producer == null) {
				this.producer = new CloseSafeProducer<>(createKafkaProducer(), this::removeProducer,
						this.physicalCloseTimeout, this.beanName, this.epoch.get());
				this.listeners.forEach(listener -> listener.producerAdded(this.producer.clientId, this.producer));
			return this.producer;

	private Producer<K, V> getOrCreateThreadBoundProducer() {
		CloseSafeProducer<K, V> tlProducer = this.threadBoundProducers.get();
		if (tlProducer != null && (this.epoch.get() != tlProducer.epoch || expire(tlProducer))) {
			tlProducer = null;
		if (tlProducer == null) {
			tlProducer = new CloseSafeProducer<>(createKafkaProducer(), this::removeProducer,
					this.physicalCloseTimeout, this.beanName, this.epoch.get());
			for (Listener<K, V> listener : this.listeners) {
				listener.producerAdded(tlProducer.clientId, tlProducer);
		return tlProducer;

	 * Subclasses must return a raw producer which will be wrapped in a {@link CloseSafeProducer}.
	 * @return the producer.
	protected Producer<K, V> createKafkaProducer() {
		return createRawProducer(getProducerConfigs());

	 * Remove the single shared producer and a thread-bound instance if present.
	 * @param producerToRemove the producer.
	 * @param timeout the close timeout.
	 * @return always true.
	 * @since 2.2.13
	protected final synchronized boolean removeProducer(CloseSafeProducer<K, V> producerToRemove, Duration timeout) {
		if (producerToRemove.closed) {
			if (producerToRemove.equals(this.producer)) {
				this.producer = null;
				producerToRemove.closeDelegate(timeout, this.listeners);
			return true;
		else {
			return false;

	 * Subclasses must return a producer from the {@link #getCache()} or a
	 * new raw producer wrapped in a {@link CloseSafeProducer}.
	 * @return the producer - cannot be null.
	 * @since 1.3
	protected Producer<K, V> createTransactionalProducer() {
		return createTransactionalProducer(this.transactionIdPrefix);

	protected Producer<K, V> createTransactionalProducer(String txIdPrefix) {
		BlockingQueue<CloseSafeProducer<K, V>> queue = getCache(txIdPrefix);
		Assert.notNull(queue, () -> "No cache found for " + txIdPrefix);
		CloseSafeProducer<K, V> cachedProducer = queue.poll();
		while (cachedProducer != null) {
			if (expire(cachedProducer)) {
				cachedProducer = queue.poll();
			else {
		if (cachedProducer == null) {
			return doCreateTxProducer(txIdPrefix, "" + this.transactionIdSuffix.getAndIncrement(), this::cacheReturner);
		else {
			return cachedProducer;

	private boolean expire(CloseSafeProducer<K, V> producer) {
		boolean expired = this.maxAge > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - producer.created > this.maxAge;
		if (expired) {
			producer.closeDelegate(this.physicalCloseTimeout, this.listeners);
		return expired;

	boolean cacheReturner(CloseSafeProducer<K, V> producerToRemove, Duration timeout) {
		if (producerToRemove.closed) {
			producerToRemove.closeDelegate(timeout, this.listeners);
			return true;
		else {
			synchronized (this.cache) {
				BlockingQueue<CloseSafeProducer<K, V>> txIdCache = getCache(producerToRemove.txIdPrefix);
				if (producerToRemove.epoch != this.epoch.get()
						|| (txIdCache != null && !txIdCache.contains(producerToRemove)
						&& !txIdCache.offer(producerToRemove))) {
					producerToRemove.closeDelegate(timeout, this.listeners);
					return true;
			return false;

	private CloseSafeProducer<K, V> doCreateTxProducer(String prefix, String suffix,
			BiPredicate<CloseSafeProducer<K, V>, Duration> remover) {
		Producer<K, V> newProducer = createRawProducer(getTxProducerConfigs(prefix + suffix));
		try {
		catch (RuntimeException ex) {
			try {
			catch (RuntimeException ex2) {
				KafkaException newEx = new KafkaException("initTransactions() failed and then close() failed", ex);
				throw newEx; // NOSONAR - lost stack trace
			throw new KafkaException("initTransactions() failed", ex);
		CloseSafeProducer<K, V> closeSafeProducer =
				new CloseSafeProducer<>(newProducer, remover, prefix, this.physicalCloseTimeout, this.beanName,
		this.listeners.forEach(listener -> listener.producerAdded(closeSafeProducer.clientId, closeSafeProducer));
		return closeSafeProducer;

	protected Producer<K, V> createRawProducer(Map<String, Object> rawConfigs) {
		Producer<K, V> kafkaProducer =
				new KafkaProducer<>(rawConfigs, this.keySerializerSupplier.get(), this.valueSerializerSupplier.get());
		for (ProducerPostProcessor<K, V> pp : this.postProcessors) {
			kafkaProducer = pp.apply(kafkaProducer);
		return kafkaProducer;

	protected BlockingQueue<CloseSafeProducer<K, V>> getCache() {
		return getCache(this.transactionIdPrefix);

	protected BlockingQueue<CloseSafeProducer<K, V>> getCache(String txIdPrefix) {
		if (txIdPrefix == null) {
			return null;
		return this.cache.computeIfAbsent(txIdPrefix, txId -> new LinkedBlockingQueue<>());

	 * When using {@link #setProducerPerThread(boolean)} (true), call this method to close
	 * and release this thread's producer. Thread bound producers are <b>not</b> closed by
	 * {@link #destroy()} or {@link #reset()} methods.
	 * @since 2.3
	 * @see #setProducerPerThread(boolean)
	public void closeThreadBoundProducer() {
		CloseSafeProducer<K, V> tlProducer = this.threadBoundProducers.get();
		if (tlProducer != null) {
			tlProducer.closeDelegate(this.physicalCloseTimeout, this.listeners);

	 * Return the configuration of a producer.
	 * @return the configuration of a producer.
	 * @since 2.8.3
	 * @see #createKafkaProducer()
	protected Map<String, Object> getProducerConfigs() {
		final Map<String, Object> newProducerConfigs = new HashMap<>(this.configs);
		if (this.clientIdPrefix != null) {
					this.clientIdPrefix + "-" + this.clientIdCounter.incrementAndGet());
		return newProducerConfigs;

	 * Return the configuration of a transactional producer.
	 * @param transactionId the transactionId.
	 * @return the configuration of a transactional producer.
	 * @since 2.8.3
	 * @see #doCreateTxProducer(String, String, BiPredicate)
	protected Map<String, Object> getTxProducerConfigs(String transactionId) {
		final Map<String, Object> newProducerConfigs = getProducerConfigs();
		newProducerConfigs.put(ProducerConfig.TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG, transactionId);
		return newProducerConfigs;

	 * A wrapper class for the delegate.
	 * @param <K> the key type.
	 * @param <V> the value type.
	protected static class CloseSafeProducer<K, V> implements Producer<K, V> {

		private static final Duration CLOSE_TIMEOUT_AFTER_TX_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofMillis(0);

		private final Producer<K, V> delegate;

		private final BiPredicate<CloseSafeProducer<K, V>, Duration> removeProducer;

		final String txIdPrefix; // NOSONAR

		final long created; // NOSONAR

		private final Duration closeTimeout;

		final String clientId; // NOSONAR

		final int epoch; // NOSONAR

		private volatile Exception producerFailed;

		volatile boolean closed; // NOSONAR

		CloseSafeProducer(Producer<K, V> delegate,
				BiPredicate<CloseSafeProducer<K, V>, Duration> removeConsumerProducer, Duration closeTimeout,
				String factoryName, int epoch) {

			this(delegate, removeConsumerProducer, null, closeTimeout, factoryName, epoch);

		CloseSafeProducer(Producer<K, V> delegate,
				BiPredicate<CloseSafeProducer<K, V>, Duration> removeProducer, @Nullable String txIdPrefix,
				Duration closeTimeout, String factoryName, int epoch) {

			Assert.isTrue(!(delegate instanceof CloseSafeProducer), "Cannot double-wrap a producer");
			this.delegate = delegate;
			this.removeProducer = removeProducer;
			this.txIdPrefix = txIdPrefix;
			this.closeTimeout = closeTimeout;
			Map<MetricName, ? extends Metric> metrics = delegate.metrics();
			Iterator<MetricName> metricIterator = metrics.keySet().iterator();
			String id;
			if (metricIterator.hasNext()) {
				id = metricIterator.next().tags().get("client-id");
			else {
				id = "unknown";
			this.clientId = factoryName + "." + id;
			this.created = System.currentTimeMillis();
			this.epoch = epoch;
			LOGGER.debug(() -> "Created new Producer: " + this);

		Producer<K, V> getDelegate() {
			return this.delegate;

		public Future<RecordMetadata> send(ProducerRecord<K, V> record) {
			LOGGER.trace(() -> toString() + " send(" + record + ")");
			return this.delegate.send(record);

		public Future<RecordMetadata> send(ProducerRecord<K, V> record, Callback callback) {
			LOGGER.trace(() -> toString() + " send(" + record + ")");
			return this.delegate.send(record, new Callback() {

				public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata metadata, Exception exception) {
					if (exception instanceof OutOfOrderSequenceException) {
						CloseSafeProducer.this.producerFailed = exception;
					callback.onCompletion(metadata, exception);


		public void flush() {
			LOGGER.trace(() -> toString() + " flush()");

		public List<PartitionInfo> partitionsFor(String topic) {
			return this.delegate.partitionsFor(topic);

		public Map<MetricName, ? extends Metric> metrics() {
			return this.delegate.metrics();

		public void initTransactions() {

		public void beginTransaction() throws ProducerFencedException {
			LOGGER.debug(() -> toString() + " beginTransaction()");
			try {
			catch (RuntimeException e) {
				LOGGER.error(e, () -> "beginTransaction failed: " + this);
				this.producerFailed = e;
				throw e;

		public void sendOffsetsToTransaction(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets, String consumerGroupId)
				throws ProducerFencedException {

			LOGGER.trace(() -> toString() + " sendOffsetsToTransaction(" + offsets + ", " + consumerGroupId + ")");
			this.delegate.sendOffsetsToTransaction(offsets, consumerGroupId);

		public void sendOffsetsToTransaction(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets,
				ConsumerGroupMetadata groupMetadata) throws ProducerFencedException {

			LOGGER.trace(() -> toString() + " sendOffsetsToTransaction(" + offsets + ", " + groupMetadata + ")");
			this.delegate.sendOffsetsToTransaction(offsets, groupMetadata);

		public void commitTransaction() throws ProducerFencedException {
			LOGGER.debug(() -> toString() + " commitTransaction()");
			try {
			catch (RuntimeException e) {
				LOGGER.error(e, () -> "commitTransaction failed: " + this);
				this.producerFailed = e;
				throw e;

		public void abortTransaction() throws ProducerFencedException {
			LOGGER.debug(() -> toString() + " abortTransaction()");
			if (this.producerFailed != null) {
				LOGGER.debug(() -> "abortTransaction ignored - previous txFailed: " + this.producerFailed.getMessage()
						+ ": " + this);
			else {
				try {
				catch (RuntimeException e) {
					LOGGER.error(e, () -> "Abort failed: " + this);
					this.producerFailed = e;
					throw e;

		public void close() {

		public void close(@Nullable Duration timeout) {
			LOGGER.trace(() -> toString() + " close(" + (timeout == null ? "null" : timeout) + ")");
			if (!this.closed) {
				if (this.producerFailed != null) {
					LOGGER.warn(() -> "Error during some operation; producer removed from cache: " + this);
					this.closed = true;
					this.removeProducer.test(this, this.producerFailed instanceof TimeoutException
							: timeout);
				else {
					this.closed = this.removeProducer.test(this, timeout);

		void closeDelegate(Duration timeout, List<Listener<K, V>> listeners) {
			this.delegate.close(timeout == null ? this.closeTimeout : timeout);
			listeners.forEach(listener -> listener.producerRemoved(this.clientId, this));
			this.closed = true;

		public String toString() {
			return "CloseSafeProducer [delegate=" + this.delegate + "]";




spring-kafka 源码目录


spring-kafka ABSwitchCluster 源码

spring-kafka CleanupConfig 源码

spring-kafka ConsumerFactory 源码

spring-kafka ConsumerPostProcessor 源码

spring-kafka DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory 源码

spring-kafka KafkaAdmin 源码

spring-kafka KafkaAdminOperations 源码

spring-kafka KafkaFailureCallback 源码

spring-kafka KafkaOperations 源码

spring-kafka KafkaOperations2 源码

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