greenplumn decompress_reader 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (579)

greenplumn decompress_reader 代码


#include "decompress_reader.h"


DecompressReader::DecompressReader() : isClosed(true) {
    this->reader = NULL;
    this->in = new char[S3_ZIP_DECOMPRESS_CHUNKSIZE];
    this->out = new char[S3_ZIP_DECOMPRESS_CHUNKSIZE];
    this->outOffset = 0;

DecompressReader::~DecompressReader() {

    delete this->in;
    delete this->out;

// Used for unit test to adjust buffer size
void DecompressReader::resizeDecompressReaderBuffer(uint64_t size) {
    delete this->in;
    delete this->out;
    this->in = new char[size];
    this->out = new char[size];
    this->outOffset = 0;
    this->zstream.avail_out = size;

void DecompressReader::setReader(Reader *reader) {
    this->reader = reader;

void DecompressReader::open(const S3Params &params) {
    // allocate inflate state for zlib
    zstream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
    zstream.zfree = Z_NULL;
    zstream.opaque = Z_NULL;
    zstream.next_in = Z_NULL;
    zstream.next_out = (Byte *)this->out;

    zstream.avail_in = 0;
    zstream.avail_out = S3_ZIP_DECOMPRESS_CHUNKSIZE;

    this->outOffset = 0;

    // with S3_INFLATE_WINDOWSBITS, it could recognize and decode both zlib and gzip stream.
    int ret = inflateInit2(&zstream, S3_INFLATE_WINDOWSBITS);
    S3_CHECK_OR_DIE(ret == Z_OK, S3RuntimeError, "failed to initialize zlib library");

    this->isClosed = false;


uint64_t DecompressReader::read(char *buf, uint64_t bufSize) {
    uint64_t remainingOutLen = this->getDecompressedBytesNum() - this->outOffset;

    if (remainingOutLen == 0) {
        this->outOffset = 0;  // reset cursor for out buffer to read from beginning.
        remainingOutLen = this->getDecompressedBytesNum();

    uint64_t count = std::min(remainingOutLen, bufSize);
    memcpy(buf, this->out + outOffset, count);

    this->outOffset += count;

    return count;

// Read compressed data from underlying reader and decompress to this->out buffer.
// If no more data to consume, this->zstream.avail_out == S3_ZIP_DECOMPRESS_CHUNKSIZE;
void DecompressReader::decompress() {
    if (this->zstream.avail_in == 0) {
        this->zstream.avail_out = S3_ZIP_DECOMPRESS_CHUNKSIZE;
        this->zstream.next_out = (Byte *)this->out;

        // read S3_ZIP_DECOMPRESS_CHUNKSIZE data from underlying reader and put into this->in
        // buffer. read() might happen more than once when reaching EOF, make sure every time read()
        // will return 0.
        uint64_t hasRead = this->reader->read(this->in, S3_ZIP_DECOMPRESS_CHUNKSIZE);

        // EOF, no more data to decompress.
        if (hasRead == 0) {
                "No more data to decompress: avail_in = %u, avail_out = %u, total_in = %u, "
                "total_out = %u",
                zstream.avail_in, zstream.avail_out,
		(unsigned int) zstream.total_in, (unsigned int) zstream.total_out);

        // Fill this->in as possible as it could, otherwise data in this->in might not be able to be
        // inflated.
        while (hasRead < S3_ZIP_DECOMPRESS_CHUNKSIZE) {
            uint64_t count =
                this->reader->read(this->in + hasRead, S3_ZIP_DECOMPRESS_CHUNKSIZE - hasRead);

            if (count == 0) {

            hasRead += count;

        this->zstream.next_in = (Byte *)this->in;
        this->zstream.avail_in = hasRead;
    } else {
        // Still have more data in 'in' buffer to decode.
        this->zstream.avail_out = S3_ZIP_DECOMPRESS_CHUNKSIZE;
        this->zstream.next_out = (Byte *)this->out;

    int status = inflate(&this->zstream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
    if (status == Z_STREAM_END) {
        S3DEBUG("Decompression finished: Z_STREAM_END.");
    } else if (status < 0 || status == Z_NEED_DICT) {
            false, S3RuntimeError,
            string("Failed to decompress data: ") + std::to_string((unsigned long long)status));

void DecompressReader::close() {
    if (!this->isClosed) {
        this->isClosed = true;


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