greenplumn CPartInfo 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn CPartInfo 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2014 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
//	@filename:
//		CPartInfo.h
//	@doc:
//		Derived partition information at the logical level
#ifndef GPOPT_CPartInfo_H
#define GPOPT_CPartInfo_H

#include "gpos/base.h"

#include "gpopt/base/CColRef.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CPartKeys.h"

// fwd decl
namespace gpmd
class IMDId;

namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
using namespace gpmd;

// fwd decl
class CPartConstraint;

//	@class:
//		CPartInfo
//	@doc:
//		Derived partition information at the logical level
class CPartInfo : public CRefCount, public DbgPrintMixin<CPartInfo>
	//	@class:
	//		CPartInfoEntry
	//	@doc:
	//		A single entry of the CPartInfo
	class CPartInfoEntry : public CRefCount,
						   public DbgPrintMixin<CPartInfoEntry>
		// scan id
		ULONG m_scan_id;

		// partition table mdid
		IMDId *m_mdid;

		// partition keys
		CPartKeysArray *m_pdrgppartkeys;

		CPartInfoEntry(const CPartInfoEntry &) = delete;

		// ctor
		CPartInfoEntry(ULONG scan_id, IMDId *mdid,
					   CPartKeysArray *pdrgppartkeys);

		// dtor
		~CPartInfoEntry() override;

		// scan id
		virtual ULONG
		ScanId() const
			return m_scan_id;

		// create a copy of the current object, and add a set of remapped
		// part keys to this entry, using the existing keys and the given hashmap
		CPartInfoEntry *PpartinfoentryAddRemappedKeys(
			CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefSet *pcrs,
			UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping);

		// mdid of partition table
		virtual IMDId *
		MDId() const
			return m_mdid;

		// partition keys of partition table
		virtual CPartKeysArray *
		Pdrgppartkeys() const
			return m_pdrgppartkeys;

		// print function
		IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &os) const;

		// copy part info entry into given memory pool
		CPartInfoEntry *PpartinfoentryCopy(CMemoryPool *mp) const;

	};	// CPartInfoEntry

	using CPartInfoEntryArray =
		CDynamicPtrArray<CPartInfoEntry, CleanupRelease>;

	// partition table consumers
	CPartInfoEntryArray *m_pdrgppartentries;

	// private ctor
	explicit CPartInfo(CPartInfoEntryArray *pdrgppartentries);

	CPartInfo(const CPartInfo &) = delete;

	// ctor
	explicit CPartInfo(CMemoryPool *mp);

	// dtor
	~CPartInfo() override;

	// number of part table consumers
	UlConsumers() const
		return m_pdrgppartentries->Size();

	// add part table consumer
	void AddPartConsumer(CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG scan_id, IMDId *mdid,
						 CColRef2dArray *pdrgpdrgpcrPart);

	// scan id of the entry at the given position
	ULONG ScanId(ULONG ulPos) const;

	// relation mdid of the entry at the given position
	IMDId *GetRelMdId(ULONG ulPos) const;

	// part keys of the entry at the given position
	CPartKeysArray *Pdrgppartkeys(ULONG ulPos) const;

	// check if part info contains given scan id
	BOOL FContainsScanId(ULONG scan_id) const;

	// part keys of the entry with the given scan id
	CPartKeysArray *PdrgppartkeysByScanId(ULONG scan_id) const;

	// return a new part info object with an additional set of remapped keys
	CPartInfo *PpartinfoWithRemappedKeys(CMemoryPool *mp,
										 CColRefArray *pdrgpcrSrc,
										 CColRefArray *pdrgpcrDest) const;

	// print
	IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &) const;

	// combine two part info objects
	static CPartInfo *PpartinfoCombine(CMemoryPool *mp, CPartInfo *ppartinfoFst,
									   CPartInfo *ppartinfoSnd);

};	// CPartInfo

// shorthand for printing
inline IOstream &
operator<<(IOstream &os, CPartInfo &partinfo)
	return partinfo.OsPrint(os);
}  // namespace gpopt

#endif	// !GPOPT_CPartInfo_H

// EOF


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