greenplumn CDXLUtils 源码

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greenplumn CDXLUtils 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2010 Greenplum, Inc.
//	@filename:
//		CDXLUtils.h
//	@doc:
//		Entry point for parsing and serializing DXL documents.

#ifndef GPDXL_CDXLUtils_H
#define GPDXL_CDXLUtils_H

#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>

#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CAutoP.h"
#include "gpos/io/IOstream.h"
#include "gpos/string/CWStringDynamic.h"

#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLNode.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/xml/dxltokens.h"
#include "naucrates/md/CMDIdGPDB.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDCacheObject.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CStatistics.h"

namespace gpmd
class CMDRequest;

namespace gpopt
class CEnumeratorConfig;
class CStatisticsConfig;
class COptimizerConfig;
class ICostModel;
}  // namespace gpopt

namespace gpdxl
using namespace gpos;
using namespace gpmd;
using namespace gpnaucrates;


// fwd decl
class CParseHandlerDXL;
class CDXLMemoryManager;
class CQueryToDXLResult;

using CStatisticsArray = CDynamicPtrArray<CStatistics, CleanupRelease>;

//	@class:
//		CDXLUtils
//	@doc:
//		Entry point for parsing and serializing DXL documents.
class CDXLUtils
	// same as above but with a wide string parameter for the DXL document
	static CParseHandlerDXL *GetParseHandlerForDXLString(
		CMemoryPool *, const CWStringBase *dxl_string,
		const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	// helper functions for serializing DXL document header and footer, respectively
	static void SerializeHeader(CMemoryPool *, CXMLSerializer *);
	static void SerializeFooter(CXMLSerializer *);
	// helper routine which initializes and starts the xerces parser,
	// and returns the top-level parse handler which can be used to
	// retrieve the parsed elements
	static CParseHandlerDXL *GetParseHandlerForDXLString(
		CMemoryPool *, const CHAR *dxl_string, const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	// same as above but with DXL file name specified instead of the file contents
	static CParseHandlerDXL *GetParseHandlerForDXLFile(
		CMemoryPool *, const CHAR *dxl_filename, const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	// parse a DXL document containing a DXL plan
	static CDXLNode *GetPlanDXLNode(CMemoryPool *, const CHAR *dxl_string,
									const CHAR *xsd_file_path, ULLONG *plan_id,
									ULLONG *plan_space_size);

	// parse a DXL document representing a query
	// to return the DXL tree representing the query and
	// a DXL tree representing the query output
	static CQueryToDXLResult *ParseQueryToQueryDXLTree(
		CMemoryPool *, const CHAR *dxl_string, const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	// parse a DXL document containing a scalar expression
	static CDXLNode *ParseDXLToScalarExprDXLNode(CMemoryPool *,
												 const CHAR *dxl_string,
												 const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	// parse an MD request
	static CMDRequest *ParseDXLToMDRequest(CMemoryPool *mp,
										   const CHAR *dxl_string,
										   const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	// parse a list of mdids from a MD request message
	static CMDRequest *ParseDXLToMDRequest(CMemoryPool *mp,
										   const WCHAR *dxl_string,
										   const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	// parse optimizer config DXL
	static COptimizerConfig *ParseDXLToOptimizerConfig(
		CMemoryPool *mp, const CHAR *dxl_string, const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	static IMDCacheObjectArray *ParseDXLToIMDObjectArray(
		CMemoryPool *, const CHAR *dxl_string, const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	static IMDCacheObjectArray *ParseDXLToIMDObjectArray(
		CMemoryPool *, const CWStringBase *dxl_string,
		const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	// parse mdid from a metadata document
	static IMDId *ParseDXLToMDId(CMemoryPool *, const CWStringBase *dxl_string,
								 const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	static IMDCacheObject *ParseDXLToIMDIdCacheObj(
		CMemoryPool *, const CWStringBase *dxl_string,
		const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	// parse statistics object from the statistics document
	static CDXLStatsDerivedRelationArray *ParseDXLToStatsDerivedRelArray(
		CMemoryPool *, const CHAR *dxl_string, const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	// parse statistics object from the statistics document
	static CDXLStatsDerivedRelationArray *ParseDXLToStatsDerivedRelArray(
		CMemoryPool *, const CWStringBase *dxl_string,
		const CHAR *xsd_file_path);

	// translate the dxl statistics object to optimizer statistics object
	static CStatisticsArray *ParseDXLToOptimizerStatisticObjArray(
		CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
		CDXLStatsDerivedRelationArray *dxl_derived_rel_stats_array);

	// extract the array of optimizer buckets from the dxl representation of
	// dxl buckets in the dxl derived column statistics object
	static CBucketArray *ParseDXLToBucketsArray(
		CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
		CDXLStatsDerivedColumn *dxl_derived_col_stats);

	// serialize a DXL query tree into DXL Document
	static void SerializeQuery(CMemoryPool *mp, IOstream &os,
							   const CDXLNode *dxl_query_node,
							   const CDXLNodeArray *query_output_dxlnode_array,
							   const CDXLNodeArray *cte_producers,
							   BOOL serialize_document_header_footer,
							   BOOL indentation);

	// serialize a ULLONG value
	static CWStringDynamic *SerializeULLONG(CMemoryPool *mp, ULLONG value);

	// serialize a plan into DXL
	static void SerializePlan(CMemoryPool *mp, IOstream &os,
							  const CDXLNode *node, ULLONG plan_id,
							  ULLONG plan_space_size,
							  BOOL serialize_document_header_footer,
							  BOOL indentation);

	static CWStringDynamic *SerializeStatistics(
		CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
		const CStatisticsArray *statistics_array, BOOL serialize_header_footer,
		BOOL indentation);

	// serialize statistics objects into DXL and write to stream
	static void SerializeStatistics(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
									const CStatisticsArray *statistics_array,
									IOstream &os,
									BOOL serialize_document_header_footer,
									BOOL indentation);

	// serialize metadata objects into DXL and write to stream
	static void SerializeMetadata(CMemoryPool *mp,
								  const IMDCacheObjectArray *imd_obj_array,
								  IOstream &os,
								  BOOL serialize_document_header_footer,
								  BOOL indentation);

	// serialize metadata ids into a MD request message
	static void SerializeMDRequest(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDRequest *md_request,
								   IOstream &os,
								   BOOL serialize_document_header_footer,
								   BOOL indentation);

	// serialize a list of metadata objects into DXL
	static CWStringDynamic *SerializeMetadata(
		CMemoryPool *, const IMDCacheObjectArray *,
		BOOL serialize_document_header_footer, BOOL indentation);

	// serialize a metadata id into DXL
	static CWStringDynamic *SerializeMetadata(
		CMemoryPool *mp, const IMDId *mdid,
		BOOL serialize_document_header_footer, BOOL indentation);

	// serialize sample plans
	static CWStringDynamic *SerializeSamplePlans(
		CMemoryPool *mp, CEnumeratorConfig *enumerator_cfg, BOOL indentation);

	// serialize cost distribution plans
	static CWStringDynamic *SerializeCostDistr(
		CMemoryPool *mp, CEnumeratorConfig *enumerator_cfg, BOOL indentation);

	// serialize a metadata object into DXL
	static CWStringDynamic *SerializeMDObj(
		CMemoryPool *, const IMDCacheObject *,
		BOOL serialize_document_header_footer, BOOL indentation);

	// serialize a scalar expression into DXL
	static CWStringDynamic *SerializeScalarExpr(
		CMemoryPool *mp, const CDXLNode *node,
		BOOL serialize_document_header_footer, BOOL indentation);

	// create a GPOS dynamic string from a Xerces XMLCh array
	static CWStringDynamic *CreateDynamicStringFromXMLChArray(
		CDXLMemoryManager *memory_manager, const XMLCh *);

	// create a GPOS string object from a base 64 encoded XML string
	static BYTE *CreateStringFrom64XMLStr(CDXLMemoryManager *memory_manager,
										  const XMLCh *xml_string,
										  ULONG *length);

	// create a GPOS dynamic string from a regular character array
	static CWStringDynamic *CreateDynamicStringFromCharArray(CMemoryPool *mp,
															 const CHAR *c);

	// create an MD name from a character array
	static CMDName *CreateMDNameFromCharArray(CMemoryPool *mp, const CHAR *c);

	// create an MD name from a Xerces character array
	static CMDName *CreateMDNameFromXMLChar(CDXLMemoryManager *memory_manager,
											const XMLCh *xml_string);

	// encode a byte array to a string
	static CWStringDynamic *EncodeByteArrayToString(CMemoryPool *mp,
													const BYTE *byte,
													ULONG length);

	// serialize a list of integers into a comma-separate string
	template <typename T, void (*CleanupFn)(T *)>
	static CWStringDynamic *Serialize(
		CMemoryPool *mp, const CDynamicPtrArray<T, CleanupFn> *arr);

	// serialize a list of lists of integers into a comma-separate string
	static CWStringDynamic *Serialize(CMemoryPool *mp,
									  const ULongPtr2dArray *pdrgpul);

	// serialize a list of chars into a comma-separate string
	static CWStringDynamic *SerializeToCommaSeparatedString(
		CMemoryPool *mp, const CharPtrArray *pdrgpsz);

	// decode a byte array from a string
	static BYTE *DecodeByteArrayFromString(CMemoryPool *mp,
										   const CWStringDynamic *dxl_string,
										   ULONG *length);

	static CHAR *Read(CMemoryPool *mp, const CHAR *filename);

	// create a multi-byte character string from a wide character string
	static CHAR *CreateMultiByteCharStringFromWCString(CMemoryPool *mp,
													   const WCHAR *wc_string);

	// serialize a double value in a string
	static CWStringDynamic *SerializeDouble(CDXLMemoryManager *memory_manager,
											CDouble value);

	// translate the optimizer datum from dxl datum object
	static IDatum *GetDatum(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
							const CDXLDatum *dxl_datum);

	// debug print of the metadata relation
	static void DebugPrintMDIdArray(IOstream &os, IMdIdArray *mdid_array);

// serialize a list of integers into a comma-separate string
template <typename T, void (*CleanupFn)(T *)>
CWStringDynamic *
CDXLUtils::Serialize(CMemoryPool *mp,
					 const CDynamicPtrArray<T, CleanupFn> *dynamic_ptr_array)
	CAutoP<CWStringDynamic> string_var(GPOS_NEW(mp) CWStringDynamic(mp));

	if (nullptr == dynamic_ptr_array)
		return string_var.Reset();

	ULONG length = dynamic_ptr_array->Size();
	for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < length; ul++)
		T value = *((*dynamic_ptr_array)[ul]);
		if (ul == length - 1)
			// last element: do not print a comma
			string_var->AppendFormat(GPOS_WSZ_LIT("%d"), value);
				GPOS_WSZ_LIT("%d%ls"), value,

	return string_var.Reset();

}  // namespace gpdxl

#endif	// GPDXL_CDXLUtils_H

// EOF


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn CCostModelConfigSerializer 源码

greenplumn CIdGenerator 源码

greenplumn errorcodes 源码

greenplumn gpdb_types 源码

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