greenplumn cdbappendonlyblockdirectory 源码

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greenplumn cdbappendonlyblockdirectory 代码


 * cdbappendonlyblockdirectory.h
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2009, Greenplum Inc.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 *	    src/include/cdb/cdbappendonlyblockdirectory.h

#include "access/aosegfiles.h"
#include "access/aocssegfiles.h"
#include "access/appendonlytid.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
#include "catalog/indexing.h"

extern int gp_blockdirectory_entry_min_range;
extern int gp_blockdirectory_minipage_size;

typedef struct AppendOnlyBlockDirectoryEntry
	 * The range of blocks covered by the Block Directory entry.
	struct range
		int64		fileOffset;
		int64		firstRowNum;

		int64		afterFileOffset;
		int64		lastRowNum;
	} range;

} AppendOnlyBlockDirectoryEntry;

 * The entry in the minipage.
typedef struct MinipageEntry
	int64 firstRowNum;
	int64 fileOffset;
	int64 rowCount;
} MinipageEntry;

 * Define a varlena type for a minipage.
typedef struct Minipage
	/* Total length. Must be the first. */
	int32 _len;
	int32 version;
	uint32 nEntry;
	/* Varlena array */
	MinipageEntry entry[1];
} Minipage;

 * Define the relevant info for a minipage for each
 * column group.
typedef struct MinipagePerColumnGroup
	Minipage *minipage;
	uint32 numMinipageEntries;
	ItemPointerData tupleTid;
} MinipagePerColumnGroup;

 * I don't know the ideal value here. But let us put approximate
 * 8 minipages per heap page.
#define NUM_MINIPAGE_ENTRIES (((MaxHeapTupleSize)/8 - sizeof(HeapTupleHeaderData) - 64 * 3)\
							  / sizeof(MinipageEntry))

 * Define a structure for the append-only relation block directory.
typedef struct AppendOnlyBlockDirectory
	Relation aoRel;
	Snapshot appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot;
	Relation blkdirRel;
	Relation blkdirIdx;
	CatalogIndexState indinfo;
	int numColumnGroups;
	bool isAOCol;
	bool *proj; /* projected columns, used only if isAOCol = TRUE */

	MemoryContext memoryContext;
	int				totalSegfiles;
	FileSegInfo 	**segmentFileInfo;

	 * Current segment file number.
	int currentSegmentFileNum;
	FileSegInfo *currentSegmentFileInfo;

	 * Last minipage that contains an array of MinipageEntries.
	MinipagePerColumnGroup *minipages;

	 * Some temporary space to help form tuples to be inserted into
	 * the block directory, and to help the index scan.
	Datum *values;
	bool *nulls;
	int numScanKeys;
	ScanKey scanKeys;
	StrategyNumber *strategyNumbers;

}	AppendOnlyBlockDirectory;

typedef struct AOFetchBlockMetadata
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectoryEntry blockDirectoryEntry;

	 * Since we have opted to embed this struct inside AppendOnlyFetchDescData
	 * (as opposed to allocating/deallocating it separately), keep a valid flag
	 * to indicate whether the metadata stored here is junk or not.
	bool valid;

	int64 fileOffset;
	int32 overallBlockLen;
	int64 firstRowNum;
	int64 lastRowNum;
	bool isCompressed;
	bool isLargeContent;
	bool		gotContents;
} AOFetchBlockMetadata;

typedef struct AOFetchSegmentFile
	bool isOpen;
	int num;
	int64 logicalEof;
} AOFetchSegmentFile;

typedef struct AppendOnlyBlockDirectorySeqScan {
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectory blkdir;
	SysScanDesc sysScan;
} AppendOnlyBlockDirectorySeqScan;

extern void AppendOnlyBlockDirectoryEntry_GetBeginRange(
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectoryEntry	*directoryEntry,
	int64							*fileOffset,
	int64							*firstRowNum);
extern void AppendOnlyBlockDirectoryEntry_GetEndRange(
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectoryEntry	*directoryEntry,
	int64							*afterFileOffset,
	int64							*lastRowNum);
extern bool AppendOnlyBlockDirectoryEntry_RangeHasRow(
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectoryEntry	*directoryEntry,
	int64							checkRowNum);
extern bool AppendOnlyBlockDirectory_GetEntry(
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectory		*blockDirectory,
	AOTupleId 						*aoTupleId,
	int                             columnGroupNo,
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectoryEntry	*directoryEntry);
extern void AppendOnlyBlockDirectory_Init_forInsert(
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectory *blockDirectory,
	Snapshot appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot,
	FileSegInfo *segmentFileInfo,
	int64 lastSequence,
	Relation aoRel,
	int segno,
	int numColumnGroups,
	bool isAOCol);
extern void AppendOnlyBlockDirectory_Init_forSearch(
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectory *blockDirectory,
	Snapshot appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot,
	FileSegInfo **segmentFileInfo,
	int totalSegfiles,
	Relation aoRel,
	int numColumnGroups,
	bool isAOCol,
	bool *proj);
extern void AppendOnlyBlockDirectory_Init_addCol(
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectory *blockDirectory,
	Snapshot appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot,
	FileSegInfo *segmentFileInfo,
	Relation aoRel,
	int segno,
	int numColumnGroups,
	bool isAOCol);
extern bool AppendOnlyBlockDirectory_InsertEntry(
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectory *blockDirectory,
	int columnGroupNo,
	int64 firstRowNum,
	int64 fileOffset,
	int64 rowCount,
	bool addColAction);
extern void AppendOnlyBlockDirectory_End_forInsert(
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectory *blockDirectory);
extern void AppendOnlyBlockDirectory_End_forSearch(
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectory *blockDirectory);
extern void AppendOnlyBlockDirectory_End_addCol(
	AppendOnlyBlockDirectory *blockDirectory);
extern void AppendOnlyBlockDirectory_DeleteSegmentFile(
	Relation aoRel,
		Snapshot snapshot,
		int segno,
		int columnGroupNo);

static inline uint32
minipage_size(uint32 nEntry)
	return offsetof(Minipage, entry) + sizeof(MinipageEntry) * nEntry;

 * copy_out_minipage
 * Copy out the minipage content from a deformed tuple.
static inline void
copy_out_minipage(MinipagePerColumnGroup *minipageInfo,
				  Datum minipage_value,
				  bool minipage_isnull)
	struct varlena *value;
	struct varlena *detoast_value;


	value = (struct varlena *)
	detoast_value = pg_detoast_datum(value);
	Assert(VARSIZE(detoast_value) <= minipage_size(NUM_MINIPAGE_ENTRIES));

	memcpy(minipageInfo->minipage, detoast_value, VARSIZE(detoast_value));
	if (detoast_value != value)

	Assert(minipageInfo->minipage->nEntry <= NUM_MINIPAGE_ENTRIES);

	minipageInfo->numMinipageEntries = minipageInfo->minipage->nEntry;



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