spring ReflectionHelper 源码
spring ReflectionHelper 代码
* Copyright 2002-2021 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.expression.spel.support;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.springframework.core.MethodParameter;
import org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor;
import org.springframework.expression.EvaluationException;
import org.springframework.expression.TypeConverter;
import org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.springframework.util.MethodInvoker;
* Utility methods used by the reflection resolver code to discover the appropriate
* methods/constructors and fields that should be used in expressions.
* @author Andy Clement
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @author Sam Brannen
* @since 3.0
public abstract class ReflectionHelper {
* Compare argument arrays and return information about whether they match.
* A supplied type converter and conversionAllowed flag allow for matches to take
* into account that a type may be transformed into a different type by the converter.
* @param expectedArgTypes the types the method/constructor is expecting
* @param suppliedArgTypes the types that are being supplied at the point of invocation
* @param typeConverter a registered type converter
* @return a MatchInfo object indicating what kind of match it was,
* or {@code null} if it was not a match
static ArgumentsMatchInfo compareArguments(
List<TypeDescriptor> expectedArgTypes, List<TypeDescriptor> suppliedArgTypes, TypeConverter typeConverter) {
Assert.isTrue(expectedArgTypes.size() == suppliedArgTypes.size(),
"Expected argument types and supplied argument types should be arrays of same length");
ArgumentsMatchKind match = ArgumentsMatchKind.EXACT;
for (int i = 0; i < expectedArgTypes.size() && match != null; i++) {
TypeDescriptor suppliedArg = suppliedArgTypes.get(i);
TypeDescriptor expectedArg = expectedArgTypes.get(i);
// The user may supply null - and that will be ok unless a primitive is expected
if (suppliedArg == null) {
if (expectedArg.isPrimitive()) {
match = null;
else if (!expectedArg.equals(suppliedArg)) {
if (suppliedArg.isAssignableTo(expectedArg)) {
if (match != ArgumentsMatchKind.REQUIRES_CONVERSION) {
match = ArgumentsMatchKind.CLOSE;
else if (typeConverter.canConvert(suppliedArg, expectedArg)) {
match = ArgumentsMatchKind.REQUIRES_CONVERSION;
else {
match = null;
return (match != null ? new ArgumentsMatchInfo(match) : null);
* Based on {@link MethodInvoker#getTypeDifferenceWeight(Class[], Object[])} but operates on TypeDescriptors.
public static int getTypeDifferenceWeight(List<TypeDescriptor> paramTypes, List<TypeDescriptor> argTypes) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.size(); i++) {
TypeDescriptor paramType = paramTypes.get(i);
TypeDescriptor argType = (i < argTypes.size() ? argTypes.get(i) : null);
if (argType == null) {
if (paramType.isPrimitive()) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else {
Class<?> paramTypeClazz = paramType.getType();
if (!ClassUtils.isAssignable(paramTypeClazz, argType.getType())) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (paramTypeClazz.isPrimitive()) {
paramTypeClazz = Object.class;
Class<?> superClass = argType.getType().getSuperclass();
while (superClass != null) {
if (paramTypeClazz.equals(superClass)) {
result = result + 2;
superClass = null;
else if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(paramTypeClazz, superClass)) {
result = result + 2;
superClass = superClass.getSuperclass();
else {
superClass = null;
if (paramTypeClazz.isInterface()) {
result = result + 1;
return result;
* Compare argument arrays and return information about whether they match.
* A supplied type converter and conversionAllowed flag allow for matches to
* take into account that a type may be transformed into a different type by the
* converter. This variant of compareArguments also allows for a varargs match.
* @param expectedArgTypes the types the method/constructor is expecting
* @param suppliedArgTypes the types that are being supplied at the point of invocation
* @param typeConverter a registered type converter
* @return a MatchInfo object indicating what kind of match it was,
* or {@code null} if it was not a match
static ArgumentsMatchInfo compareArgumentsVarargs(
List<TypeDescriptor> expectedArgTypes, List<TypeDescriptor> suppliedArgTypes, TypeConverter typeConverter) {
"Expected arguments must at least include one array (the varargs parameter)");
Assert.isTrue(expectedArgTypes.get(expectedArgTypes.size() - 1).isArray(),
"Final expected argument should be array type (the varargs parameter)");
ArgumentsMatchKind match = ArgumentsMatchKind.EXACT;
// Check up until the varargs argument:
// Deal with the arguments up to 'expected number' - 1 (that is everything but the varargs argument)
int argCountUpToVarargs = expectedArgTypes.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < argCountUpToVarargs && match != null; i++) {
TypeDescriptor suppliedArg = suppliedArgTypes.get(i);
TypeDescriptor expectedArg = expectedArgTypes.get(i);
if (suppliedArg == null) {
if (expectedArg.isPrimitive()) {
match = null;
else {
if (!expectedArg.equals(suppliedArg)) {
if (suppliedArg.isAssignableTo(expectedArg)) {
if (match != ArgumentsMatchKind.REQUIRES_CONVERSION) {
match = ArgumentsMatchKind.CLOSE;
else if (typeConverter.canConvert(suppliedArg, expectedArg)) {
match = ArgumentsMatchKind.REQUIRES_CONVERSION;
else {
match = null;
// If already confirmed it cannot be a match, then return
if (match == null) {
return null;
if (suppliedArgTypes.size() == expectedArgTypes.size() &&
expectedArgTypes.get(expectedArgTypes.size() - 1).equals(
suppliedArgTypes.get(suppliedArgTypes.size() - 1))) {
// Special case: there is one parameter left and it is an array and it matches the varargs
// expected argument - that is a match, the caller has already built the array. Proceed with it.
else {
// Now... we have the final argument in the method we are checking as a match and we have 0
// or more other arguments left to pass to it.
TypeDescriptor varargsDesc = expectedArgTypes.get(expectedArgTypes.size() - 1);
TypeDescriptor elementDesc = varargsDesc.getElementTypeDescriptor();
Assert.state(elementDesc != null, "No element type");
Class<?> varargsParamType = elementDesc.getType();
// All remaining parameters must be of this type or convertible to this type
for (int i = expectedArgTypes.size() - 1; i < suppliedArgTypes.size(); i++) {
TypeDescriptor suppliedArg = suppliedArgTypes.get(i);
if (suppliedArg == null) {
if (varargsParamType.isPrimitive()) {
match = null;
else {
if (varargsParamType != suppliedArg.getType()) {
if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(varargsParamType, suppliedArg.getType())) {
if (match != ArgumentsMatchKind.REQUIRES_CONVERSION) {
match = ArgumentsMatchKind.CLOSE;
else if (typeConverter.canConvert(suppliedArg, TypeDescriptor.valueOf(varargsParamType))) {
match = ArgumentsMatchKind.REQUIRES_CONVERSION;
else {
match = null;
return (match != null ? new ArgumentsMatchInfo(match) : null);
// TODO could do with more refactoring around argument handling and varargs
* Convert a supplied set of arguments into the requested types. If the parameterTypes are related to
* a varargs method then the final entry in the parameterTypes array is going to be an array itself whose
* component type should be used as the conversion target for extraneous arguments. (For example, if the
* parameterTypes are {Integer, String[]} and the input arguments are {Integer, boolean, float} then both
* the boolean and float must be converted to strings). This method does *not* repackage the arguments
* into a form suitable for the varargs invocation - a subsequent call to setupArgumentsForVarargsInvocation handles that.
* @param converter the converter to use for type conversions
* @param arguments the arguments to convert to the requested parameter types
* @param method the target Method
* @return true if some kind of conversion occurred on the argument
* @throws SpelEvaluationException if there is a problem with conversion
public static boolean convertAllArguments(TypeConverter converter, Object[] arguments, Method method)
throws SpelEvaluationException {
Integer varargsPosition = (method.isVarArgs() ? method.getParameterCount() - 1 : null);
return convertArguments(converter, arguments, method, varargsPosition);
* Takes an input set of argument values and converts them to the types specified as the
* required parameter types. The arguments are converted 'in-place' in the input array.
* @param converter the type converter to use for attempting conversions
* @param arguments the actual arguments that need conversion
* @param executable the target Method or Constructor
* @param varargsPosition the known position of the varargs argument, if any
* ({@code null} if not varargs)
* @return {@code true} if some kind of conversion occurred on an argument
* @throws EvaluationException if a problem occurs during conversion
static boolean convertArguments(TypeConverter converter, Object[] arguments, Executable executable,
@Nullable Integer varargsPosition) throws EvaluationException {
boolean conversionOccurred = false;
if (varargsPosition == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
TypeDescriptor targetType = new TypeDescriptor(MethodParameter.forExecutable(executable, i));
Object argument = arguments[i];
arguments[i] = converter.convertValue(argument, TypeDescriptor.forObject(argument), targetType);
conversionOccurred |= (argument != arguments[i]);
else {
// Convert everything up to the varargs position
for (int i = 0; i < varargsPosition; i++) {
TypeDescriptor targetType = new TypeDescriptor(MethodParameter.forExecutable(executable, i));
Object argument = arguments[i];
arguments[i] = converter.convertValue(argument, TypeDescriptor.forObject(argument), targetType);
conversionOccurred |= (argument != arguments[i]);
MethodParameter methodParam = MethodParameter.forExecutable(executable, varargsPosition);
// If the target is varargs and there is just one more argument, then convert it here.
if (varargsPosition == arguments.length - 1) {
Object argument = arguments[varargsPosition];
TypeDescriptor targetType = new TypeDescriptor(methodParam);
TypeDescriptor sourceType = TypeDescriptor.forObject(argument);
if (argument == null) {
// Perform the equivalent of GenericConversionService.convertNullSource() for a single argument.
if (targetType.getElementTypeDescriptor().getObjectType() == Optional.class) {
arguments[varargsPosition] = Optional.empty();
conversionOccurred = true;
// If the argument type is equal to the varargs element type, there is no need to
// convert it or wrap it in an array. For example, using StringToArrayConverter to
// convert a String containing a comma would result in the String being split and
// repackaged in an array when it should be used as-is.
else if (!sourceType.equals(targetType.getElementTypeDescriptor())) {
arguments[varargsPosition] = converter.convertValue(argument, sourceType, targetType);
// Possible outcomes of the above if-else block:
// 1) the input argument was null, and nothing was done.
// 2) the input argument was null; the varargs element type is Optional; and the argument was converted to Optional.empty().
// 3) the input argument was correct type but not wrapped in an array, and nothing was done.
// 4) the input argument was already compatible (i.e., array of valid type), and nothing was done.
// 5) the input argument was the wrong type and got converted and wrapped in an array.
if (argument != arguments[varargsPosition] &&
!isFirstEntryInArray(argument, arguments[varargsPosition])) {
conversionOccurred = true; // case 5
// Otherwise, convert remaining arguments to the varargs element type.
else {
TypeDescriptor targetType = new TypeDescriptor(methodParam).getElementTypeDescriptor();
Assert.state(targetType != null, "No element type");
for (int i = varargsPosition; i < arguments.length; i++) {
Object argument = arguments[i];
arguments[i] = converter.convertValue(argument, TypeDescriptor.forObject(argument), targetType);
conversionOccurred |= (argument != arguments[i]);
return conversionOccurred;
* Check if the supplied value is the first entry in the array represented by the possibleArray value.
* @param value the value to check for in the array
* @param possibleArray an array object that may have the supplied value as the first element
* @return true if the supplied value is the first entry in the array
private static boolean isFirstEntryInArray(Object value, @Nullable Object possibleArray) {
if (possibleArray == null) {
return false;
Class<?> type = possibleArray.getClass();
if (!type.isArray() || Array.getLength(possibleArray) == 0 ||
!ClassUtils.isAssignableValue(type.getComponentType(), value)) {
return false;
Object arrayValue = Array.get(possibleArray, 0);
return (type.getComponentType().isPrimitive() ? arrayValue.equals(value) : arrayValue == value);
* Package up the arguments so that they correctly match what is expected in requiredParameterTypes.
* <p>For example, if requiredParameterTypes is {@code (int, String[])} because the second parameter
* was declared {@code String...}, then if arguments is {@code [1,"a","b"]} then it must be
* repackaged as {@code [1,new String[]{"a","b"}]} in order to match the expected types.
* @param requiredParameterTypes the types of the parameters for the invocation
* @param args the arguments to be setup ready for the invocation
* @return a repackaged array of arguments where any varargs setup has been done
public static Object[] setupArgumentsForVarargsInvocation(Class<?>[] requiredParameterTypes, Object... args) {
// Check if array already built for final argument
int parameterCount = requiredParameterTypes.length;
int argumentCount = args.length;
// Check if repackaging is needed...
if (parameterCount != args.length ||
requiredParameterTypes[parameterCount - 1] !=
(args[argumentCount - 1] != null ? args[argumentCount - 1].getClass() : null)) {
// Create an array for the leading arguments plus the varargs array argument.
Object[] newArgs = new Object[parameterCount];
// Copy all leading arguments to the new array, omitting the varargs array argument.
System.arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, newArgs.length - 1);
// Now sort out the final argument, which is the varargs one. Before entering this method,
// the arguments should have been converted to the box form of the required type.
int varargsArraySize = 0; // zero size array if nothing to pass as the varargs parameter
if (argumentCount >= parameterCount) {
varargsArraySize = argumentCount - (parameterCount - 1);
Class<?> componentType = requiredParameterTypes[parameterCount - 1].getComponentType();
Object varargsArray = Array.newInstance(componentType, varargsArraySize);
for (int i = 0; i < varargsArraySize; i++) {
Array.set(varargsArray, i, args[parameterCount - 1 + i]);
// Finally, add the varargs array to the new arguments array.
newArgs[newArgs.length - 1] = varargsArray;
return newArgs;
return args;
* Arguments match kinds.
enum ArgumentsMatchKind {
/** An exact match is where the parameter types exactly match what the method/constructor is expecting. */
/** A close match is where the parameter types either exactly match or are assignment-compatible. */
/** A conversion match is where the type converter must be used to transform some of the parameter types. */
* An instance of ArgumentsMatchInfo describes what kind of match was achieved
* between two sets of arguments - the set that a method/constructor is expecting
* and the set that are being supplied at the point of invocation. If the kind
* indicates that conversion is required for some of the arguments then the arguments
* that require conversion are listed in the argsRequiringConversion array.
static class ArgumentsMatchInfo {
private final ArgumentsMatchKind kind;
ArgumentsMatchInfo(ArgumentsMatchKind kind) {
this.kind = kind;
public boolean isExactMatch() {
return (this.kind == ArgumentsMatchKind.EXACT);
public boolean isCloseMatch() {
return (this.kind == ArgumentsMatchKind.CLOSE);
public boolean isMatchRequiringConversion() {
return (this.kind == ArgumentsMatchKind.REQUIRES_CONVERSION);
public String toString() {
return "ArgumentMatchInfo: " + this.kind;
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