greenplumn async 源码

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greenplumn async 代码


 * async.c
 *	  Asynchronous notification: NOTIFY, LISTEN, UNLISTEN
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/commands/async.c

 * Async Notification Model as of 9.0:
 * 1. Multiple backends on same machine. Multiple backends listening on
 *	  several channels. (Channels are also called "conditions" in other
 *	  parts of the code.)
 * 2. There is one central queue in disk-based storage (directory pg_notify/),
 *	  with actively-used pages mapped into shared memory by the slru.c module.
 *	  All notification messages are placed in the queue and later read out
 *	  by listening backends.
 *	  There is no central knowledge of which backend listens on which channel;
 *	  every backend has its own list of interesting channels.
 *	  Although there is only one queue, notifications are treated as being
 *	  database-local; this is done by including the sender's database OID
 *	  in each notification message.  Listening backends ignore messages
 *	  that don't match their database OID.  This is important because it
 *	  ensures senders and receivers have the same database encoding and won't
 *	  misinterpret non-ASCII text in the channel name or payload string.
 *	  Since notifications are not expected to survive database crashes,
 *	  we can simply clean out the pg_notify data at any reboot, and there
 *	  is no need for WAL support or fsync'ing.
 * 3. Every backend that is listening on at least one channel registers by
 *	  entering its PID into the array in AsyncQueueControl. It then scans all
 *	  incoming notifications in the central queue and first compares the
 *	  database OID of the notification with its own database OID and then
 *	  compares the notified channel with the list of channels that it listens
 *	  to. In case there is a match it delivers the notification event to its
 *	  frontend.  Non-matching events are simply skipped.
 * 4. The NOTIFY statement (routine Async_Notify) stores the notification in
 *	  a backend-local list which will not be processed until transaction end.
 *	  Duplicate notifications from the same transaction are sent out as one
 *	  notification only. This is done to save work when for example a trigger
 *	  on a 2 million row table fires a notification for each row that has been
 *	  changed. If the application needs to receive every single notification
 *	  that has been sent, it can easily add some unique string into the extra
 *	  payload parameter.
 *	  When the transaction is ready to commit, PreCommit_Notify() adds the
 *	  pending notifications to the head of the queue. The head pointer of the
 *	  queue always points to the next free position and a position is just a
 *	  page number and the offset in that page. This is done before marking the
 *	  transaction as committed in clog. If we run into problems writing the
 *	  notifications, we can still call elog(ERROR, ...) and the transaction
 *	  will roll back.
 *	  Once we have put all of the notifications into the queue, we return to
 *	  CommitTransaction() which will then do the actual transaction commit.
 *	  After commit we are called another time (AtCommit_Notify()). Here we
 *	  make the actual updates to the effective listen state (listenChannels).
 *	  Finally, after we are out of the transaction altogether, we check if
 *	  we need to signal listening backends.  In SignalBackends() we scan the
 *	  list of listening backends and send a PROCSIG_NOTIFY_INTERRUPT signal
 *	  to every listening backend (we don't know which backend is listening on
 *	  which channel so we must signal them all). We can exclude backends that
 *	  are already up to date, though.  We don't bother with a self-signal
 *	  either, but just process the queue directly.
 * 5. Upon receipt of a PROCSIG_NOTIFY_INTERRUPT signal, the signal handler
 *	  sets the process's latch, which triggers the event to be processed
 *	  immediately if this backend is idle (i.e., it is waiting for a frontend
 *	  command and is not within a transaction block. C.f.
 *	  ProcessClientReadInterrupt()).  Otherwise the handler may only set a
 *	  flag, which will cause the processing to occur just before we next go
 *	  idle.
 *	  Inbound-notify processing consists of reading all of the notifications
 *	  that have arrived since scanning last time. We read every notification
 *	  until we reach either a notification from an uncommitted transaction or
 *	  the head pointer's position. Then we check if we were the laziest
 *	  backend: if our pointer is set to the same position as the global tail
 *	  pointer is set, then we move the global tail pointer ahead to where the
 *	  second-laziest backend is (in general, we take the MIN of the current
 *	  head position and all active backends' new tail pointers). Whenever we
 *	  move the global tail pointer we also truncate now-unused pages (i.e.,
 *	  delete files in pg_notify/ that are no longer used).
 * An application that listens on the same channel it notifies will get
 * NOTIFY messages for its own NOTIFYs.  These can be ignored, if not useful,
 * by comparing be_pid in the NOTIFY message to the application's own backend's
 * PID.  (As of FE/BE protocol 2.0, the backend's PID is provided to the
 * frontend during startup.)  The above design guarantees that notifies from
 * other backends will never be missed by ignoring self-notifies.
 * The amount of shared memory used for notify management (NUM_ASYNC_BUFFERS)
 * can be varied without affecting anything but performance.  The maximum
 * amount of notification data that can be queued at one time is determined
 * by slru.c's wraparound limit; see QUEUE_MAX_PAGE below.

#include "postgres.h"

#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>

#include "access/parallel.h"
#include "access/slru.h"
#include "access/transam.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "catalog/pg_database.h"
#include "commands/async.h"
#include "common/hashfn.h"
#include "funcapi.h"
#include "libpq/libpq.h"
#include "libpq/pqformat.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "storage/ipc.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "storage/proc.h"
#include "storage/procarray.h"
#include "storage/procsignal.h"
#include "storage/sinval.h"
#include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/ps_status.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
#include "utils/timestamp.h"

 * Maximum size of a NOTIFY payload, including terminating NULL.  This
 * must be kept small enough so that a notification message fits on one
 * SLRU page.  The magic fudge factor here is noncritical as long as it's
 * more than AsyncQueueEntryEmptySize --- we make it significantly bigger
 * than that, so changes in that data structure won't affect user-visible
 * restrictions.

 * Struct representing an entry in the global notify queue
 * This struct declaration has the maximal length, but in a real queue entry
 * the data area is only big enough for the actual channel and payload strings
 * (each null-terminated).  AsyncQueueEntryEmptySize is the minimum possible
 * entry size, if both channel and payload strings are empty (but note it
 * doesn't include alignment padding).
 * The "length" field should always be rounded up to the next QUEUEALIGN
 * multiple so that all fields are properly aligned.
typedef struct AsyncQueueEntry
	int			length;			/* total allocated length of entry */
	Oid			dboid;			/* sender's database OID */
	TransactionId xid;			/* sender's XID */
	int32		srcPid;			/* sender's PID */
} AsyncQueueEntry;

/* Currently, no field of AsyncQueueEntry requires more than int alignment */
#define QUEUEALIGN(len)		INTALIGN(len)

#define AsyncQueueEntryEmptySize	(offsetof(AsyncQueueEntry, data) + 2)

 * Struct describing a queue position, and assorted macros for working with it
typedef struct QueuePosition
	int			page;			/* SLRU page number */
	int			offset;			/* byte offset within page */
} QueuePosition;

#define QUEUE_POS_PAGE(x)		((x).page)
#define QUEUE_POS_OFFSET(x)		((x).offset)

#define SET_QUEUE_POS(x,y,z) \
	do { \
		(x).page = (y); \
		(x).offset = (z); \
	} while (0)

#define QUEUE_POS_EQUAL(x,y) \
	 ((x).page == (y).page && (x).offset == (y).offset)

/* choose logically smaller QueuePosition */
#define QUEUE_POS_MIN(x,y) \
	(asyncQueuePagePrecedes((x).page, (y).page) ? (x) : \
	 (x).page != (y).page ? (y) : \
	 (x).offset < (y).offset ? (x) : (y))

/* choose logically larger QueuePosition */
#define QUEUE_POS_MAX(x,y) \
	(asyncQueuePagePrecedes((x).page, (y).page) ? (y) : \
	 (x).page != (y).page ? (x) : \
	 (x).offset > (y).offset ? (x) : (y))

 * Struct describing a listening backend's status
typedef struct QueueBackendStatus
	int32		pid;			/* either a PID or InvalidPid */
	Oid			dboid;			/* backend's database OID, or InvalidOid */
	QueuePosition pos;			/* backend has read queue up to here */
} QueueBackendStatus;

 * Shared memory state for LISTEN/NOTIFY (excluding its SLRU stuff)
 * The AsyncQueueControl structure is protected by the AsyncQueueLock.
 * When holding the lock in SHARED mode, backends may only inspect their own
 * entries as well as the head and tail pointers. Consequently we can allow a
 * backend to update its own record while holding only SHARED lock (since no
 * other backend will inspect it).
 * When holding the lock in EXCLUSIVE mode, backends can inspect the entries
 * of other backends and also change the head and tail pointers.
 * AsyncCtlLock is used as the control lock for the pg_notify SLRU buffers.
 * In order to avoid deadlocks, whenever we need both locks, we always first
 * get AsyncQueueLock and then AsyncCtlLock.
 * Each backend uses the backend[] array entry with index equal to its
 * BackendId (which can range from 1 to MaxBackends).  We rely on this to make
 * SendProcSignal fast.
typedef struct AsyncQueueControl
	QueuePosition head;			/* head points to the next free location */
	QueuePosition tail;			/* the global tail is equivalent to the pos of
								 * the "slowest" backend */
	TimestampTz lastQueueFillWarn;	/* time of last queue-full msg */
	QueueBackendStatus backend[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
	/* backend[0] is not used; used entries are from [1] to [MaxBackends] */
} AsyncQueueControl;

static AsyncQueueControl *asyncQueueControl;

#define QUEUE_HEAD					(asyncQueueControl->head)
#define QUEUE_TAIL					(asyncQueueControl->tail)
#define QUEUE_BACKEND_PID(i)		(asyncQueueControl->backend[i].pid)
#define QUEUE_BACKEND_DBOID(i)		(asyncQueueControl->backend[i].dboid)
#define QUEUE_BACKEND_POS(i)		(asyncQueueControl->backend[i].pos)

 * The SLRU buffer area through which we access the notification queue
static SlruCtlData AsyncCtlData;

#define AsyncCtl					(&AsyncCtlData)
#define QUEUE_FULL_WARN_INTERVAL	5000	/* warn at most once every 5s */

 * slru.c currently assumes that all filenames are four characters of hex
 * digits. That means that we can use segments 0000 through FFFF.
 * Each segment contains SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT pages which gives us
 * the pages from 0 to SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT * 0x10000 - 1.
 * It's of course possible to enhance slru.c, but this gives us so much
 * space already that it doesn't seem worth the trouble.
 * The most data we can have in the queue at a time is QUEUE_MAX_PAGE/2
 * pages, because more than that would confuse slru.c into thinking there
 * was a wraparound condition.  With the default BLCKSZ this means there
 * can be up to 8GB of queued-and-not-read data.
 * Note: it's possible to redefine QUEUE_MAX_PAGE with a smaller multiple of
 * SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT, for easier testing of queue-full behaviour.
#define QUEUE_MAX_PAGE			(SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT * 0x10000 - 1)

 * listenChannels identifies the channels we are actually listening to
 * (ie, have committed a LISTEN on).  It is a simple list of channel names,
 * allocated in TopMemoryContext.
static List *listenChannels = NIL;	/* list of C strings */

 * State for pending LISTEN/UNLISTEN actions consists of an ordered list of
 * all actions requested in the current transaction.  As explained above,
 * we don't actually change listenChannels until we reach transaction commit.
 * The list is kept in CurTransactionContext.  In subtransactions, each
 * subtransaction has its own list in its own CurTransactionContext, but
 * successful subtransactions attach their lists to their parent's list.
 * Failed subtransactions simply discard their lists.
typedef enum
} ListenActionKind;

typedef struct
	ListenActionKind action;
	char		channel[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER]; /* nul-terminated string */
} ListenAction;

static List *pendingActions = NIL;	/* list of ListenAction */

static List *upperPendingActions = NIL; /* list of upper-xact lists */

 * State for outbound notifies consists of a list of all channels+payloads
 * NOTIFYed in the current transaction. We do not actually perform a NOTIFY
 * until and unless the transaction commits.  pendingNotifies is NIL if no
 * NOTIFYs have been done in the current transaction.
 * The list is kept in CurTransactionContext.  In subtransactions, each
 * subtransaction has its own list in its own CurTransactionContext, but
 * successful subtransactions attach their lists to their parent's list.
 * Failed subtransactions simply discard their lists.
 * Note: the action and notify lists do not interact within a transaction.
 * In particular, if a transaction does NOTIFY and then LISTEN on the same
 * condition name, it will get a self-notify at commit.  This is a bit odd
 * but is consistent with our historical behavior.
typedef struct Notification
	char	   *channel;		/* channel name */
	char	   *payload;		/* payload string (can be empty) */
} Notification;

static List *pendingNotifies = NIL; /* list of Notifications */

static List *upperPendingNotifies = NIL;	/* list of upper-xact lists */

 * Inbound notifications are initially processed by HandleNotifyInterrupt(),
 * called from inside a signal handler. That just sets the
 * notifyInterruptPending flag and sets the process
 * latch. ProcessNotifyInterrupt() will then be called whenever it's safe to
 * actually deal with the interrupt.
volatile sig_atomic_t notifyInterruptPending = false;

/* True if we've registered an on_shmem_exit cleanup */
static bool unlistenExitRegistered = false;

/* True if we're currently registered as a listener in asyncQueueControl */
static bool amRegisteredListener = false;

/* has this backend sent notifications in the current transaction? */
static bool backendHasSentNotifications = false;

/* GUC parameter */
bool		Trace_notify = false;

/* local function prototypes */
static bool asyncQueuePagePrecedes(int p, int q);
static void queue_listen(ListenActionKind action, const char *channel);
static void Async_UnlistenOnExit(int code, Datum arg);
static void Exec_ListenPreCommit(void);
static void Exec_ListenCommit(const char *channel);
static void Exec_UnlistenCommit(const char *channel);
static void Exec_UnlistenAllCommit(void);
static bool IsListeningOn(const char *channel);
static void asyncQueueUnregister(void);
static bool asyncQueueIsFull(void);
static bool asyncQueueAdvance(volatile QueuePosition *position, int entryLength);
static void asyncQueueNotificationToEntry(Notification *n, AsyncQueueEntry *qe);
static ListCell *asyncQueueAddEntries(ListCell *nextNotify);
static double asyncQueueUsage(void);
static void asyncQueueFillWarning(void);
static bool SignalBackends(void);
static void asyncQueueReadAllNotifications(void);
static bool asyncQueueProcessPageEntries(volatile QueuePosition *current,
										 QueuePosition stop,
										 char *page_buffer,
										 Snapshot snapshot);
static void asyncQueueAdvanceTail(void);
static void ProcessIncomingNotify(void);
static bool AsyncExistsPendingNotify(const char *channel, const char *payload);
static void ClearPendingActionsAndNotifies(void);

 * We will work on the page range of 0..QUEUE_MAX_PAGE.
static bool
asyncQueuePagePrecedes(int p, int q)
	int			diff;

	 * We have to compare modulo (QUEUE_MAX_PAGE+1)/2.  Both inputs should be
	 * in the range 0..QUEUE_MAX_PAGE.
	Assert(p >= 0 && p <= QUEUE_MAX_PAGE);
	Assert(q >= 0 && q <= QUEUE_MAX_PAGE);

	diff = p - q;
	if (diff >= ((QUEUE_MAX_PAGE + 1) / 2))
		diff -= QUEUE_MAX_PAGE + 1;
	else if (diff < -((QUEUE_MAX_PAGE + 1) / 2))
		diff += QUEUE_MAX_PAGE + 1;
	return diff < 0;

 * Report space needed for our shared memory area
	Size		size;

	/* This had better match AsyncShmemInit */
	size = mul_size(MaxBackends + 1, sizeof(QueueBackendStatus));
	size = add_size(size, offsetof(AsyncQueueControl, backend));

	size = add_size(size, SimpleLruShmemSize(NUM_ASYNC_BUFFERS, 0));

	return size;

 * Initialize our shared memory area
	bool		found;
	int			slotno;
	Size		size;

	 * Create or attach to the AsyncQueueControl structure.
	 * The used entries in the backend[] array run from 1 to MaxBackends; the
	 * zero'th entry is unused but must be allocated.
	size = mul_size(MaxBackends + 1, sizeof(QueueBackendStatus));
	size = add_size(size, offsetof(AsyncQueueControl, backend));

	asyncQueueControl = (AsyncQueueControl *)
		ShmemInitStruct("Async Queue Control", size, &found);

	if (!found)
		/* First time through, so initialize it */
		int			i;

		asyncQueueControl->lastQueueFillWarn = 0;
		/* zero'th entry won't be used, but let's initialize it anyway */
		for (i = 0; i <= MaxBackends; i++)
			QUEUE_BACKEND_PID(i) = InvalidPid;
			QUEUE_BACKEND_DBOID(i) = InvalidOid;

	 * Set up SLRU management of the pg_notify data.
	AsyncCtl->PagePrecedes = asyncQueuePagePrecedes;
	SimpleLruInit(AsyncCtl, "async", NUM_ASYNC_BUFFERS, 0,
				  AsyncCtlLock, "pg_notify", LWTRANCHE_ASYNC_BUFFERS);
	/* Override default assumption that writes should be fsync'd */
	AsyncCtl->do_fsync = false;

	if (!found)
		 * During start or reboot, clean out the pg_notify directory.
		(void) SlruScanDirectory(AsyncCtl, SlruScanDirCbDeleteAll, NULL);

		/* Now initialize page zero to empty */
		LWLockAcquire(AsyncCtlLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
		slotno = SimpleLruZeroPage(AsyncCtl, QUEUE_POS_PAGE(QUEUE_HEAD));
		/* This write is just to verify that pg_notify/ is writable */
		SimpleLruWritePage(AsyncCtl, slotno);

 * pg_notify -
 *	  SQL function to send a notification event
	const char *channel;
	const char *payload;

		channel = "";
		channel = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0));

		payload = "";
		payload = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1));

	/* For NOTIFY as a statement, this is checked in ProcessUtility */

	Async_Notify(channel, payload);


 * Async_Notify
 *		This is executed by the SQL notify command.
 *		Adds the message to the list of pending notifies.
 *		Actual notification happens during transaction commit.
 *		^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Async_Notify(const char *channel, const char *payload)
	Notification *n;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;

	if (IsParallelWorker())
		elog(ERROR, "cannot send notifications from a parallel worker");

	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "Async_Notify(%s)", channel);

	/* a channel name must be specified */
	if (!channel || !strlen(channel))
				 errmsg("channel name cannot be empty")));

	if (strlen(channel) >= NAMEDATALEN)
				 errmsg("channel name too long")));

	if (payload)
		if (strlen(payload) >= NOTIFY_PAYLOAD_MAX_LENGTH)
					 errmsg("payload string too long")));

	/* no point in making duplicate entries in the list ... */
	if (AsyncExistsPendingNotify(channel, payload))

	 * The notification list needs to live until end of transaction, so store
	 * it in the transaction context.
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CurTransactionContext);

	n = (Notification *) palloc(sizeof(Notification));
	n->channel = pstrdup(channel);
	if (payload)
		n->payload = pstrdup(payload);
		n->payload = "";

	 * We want to preserve the order so we need to append every notification.
	 * See comments at AsyncExistsPendingNotify().
	pendingNotifies = lappend(pendingNotifies, n);


 * queue_listen
 *		Common code for listen, unlisten, unlisten all commands.
 *		Adds the request to the list of pending actions.
 *		Actual update of the listenChannels list happens during transaction
 *		commit.
static void
queue_listen(ListenActionKind action, const char *channel)
	MemoryContext oldcontext;
	ListenAction *actrec;

	 * Unlike Async_Notify, we don't try to collapse out duplicates. It would
	 * be too complicated to ensure we get the right interactions of
	 * conflicting LISTEN/UNLISTEN/UNLISTEN_ALL, and it's unlikely that there
	 * would be any performance benefit anyway in sane applications.
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CurTransactionContext);

	/* space for terminating null is included in sizeof(ListenAction) */
	actrec = (ListenAction *) palloc(offsetof(ListenAction, channel) +
									 strlen(channel) + 1);
	actrec->action = action;
	strcpy(actrec->channel, channel);

	pendingActions = lappend(pendingActions, actrec);


 * Async_Listen
 *		This is executed by the SQL listen command.
Async_Listen(const char *channel)
	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "Async_Listen(%s,%d)", channel, MyProcPid);

	queue_listen(LISTEN_LISTEN, channel);

 * Async_Unlisten
 *		This is executed by the SQL unlisten command.
Async_Unlisten(const char *channel)
	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "Async_Unlisten(%s,%d)", channel, MyProcPid);

	/* If we couldn't possibly be listening, no need to queue anything */
	if (pendingActions == NIL && !unlistenExitRegistered)

	queue_listen(LISTEN_UNLISTEN, channel);

 * Async_UnlistenAll
 *		This is invoked by UNLISTEN * command, and also at backend exit.
	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "Async_UnlistenAll(%d)", MyProcPid);

	/* If we couldn't possibly be listening, no need to queue anything */
	if (pendingActions == NIL && !unlistenExitRegistered)

	queue_listen(LISTEN_UNLISTEN_ALL, "");

 * SQL function: return a set of the channel names this backend is actively
 * listening to.
 * Note: this coding relies on the fact that the listenChannels list cannot
 * change within a transaction.
	FuncCallContext *funcctx;
	ListCell  **lcp;

	/* stuff done only on the first call of the function */
		MemoryContext oldcontext;

		/* create a function context for cross-call persistence */
		funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();

		/* switch to memory context appropriate for multiple function calls */
		oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx);

		/* allocate memory for user context */
		lcp = (ListCell **) palloc(sizeof(ListCell *));
		*lcp = list_head(listenChannels);
		funcctx->user_fctx = (void *) lcp;


	/* stuff done on every call of the function */
	funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();
	lcp = (ListCell **) funcctx->user_fctx;

	while (*lcp != NULL)
		char	   *channel = (char *) lfirst(*lcp);

		*lcp = lnext(*lcp);
		SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, CStringGetTextDatum(channel));


 * Async_UnlistenOnExit
 * This is executed at backend exit if we have done any LISTENs in this
 * backend.  It might not be necessary anymore, if the user UNLISTENed
 * everything, but we don't try to detect that case.
static void
Async_UnlistenOnExit(int code, Datum arg)

 * AtPrepare_Notify
 *		This is called at the prepare phase of a two-phase
 *		transaction.  Save the state for possible commit later.
	/* It's not allowed to have any pending LISTEN/UNLISTEN/NOTIFY actions */
	if (pendingActions || pendingNotifies)
				 errmsg("cannot PREPARE a transaction that has executed LISTEN, UNLISTEN, or NOTIFY")));

 * PreCommit_Notify
 *		This is called at transaction commit, before actually committing to
 *		clog.
 *		If there are pending LISTEN actions, make sure we are listed in the
 *		shared-memory listener array.  This must happen before commit to
 *		ensure we don't miss any notifies from transactions that commit
 *		just after ours.
 *		If there are outbound notify requests in the pendingNotifies list,
 *		add them to the global queue.  We do that before commit so that
 *		we can still throw error if we run out of queue space.
	ListCell   *p;

	if (pendingActions == NIL && pendingNotifies == NIL)
		return;					/* no relevant statements in this xact */

	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "PreCommit_Notify");

	/* Preflight for any pending listen/unlisten actions */
	foreach(p, pendingActions)
		ListenAction *actrec = (ListenAction *) lfirst(p);

		switch (actrec->action)
				/* there is no Exec_UnlistenPreCommit() */
				/* there is no Exec_UnlistenAllPreCommit() */

	/* Queue any pending notifies (must happen after the above) */
	if (pendingNotifies)
		ListCell   *nextNotify;

		 * Make sure that we have an XID assigned to the current transaction.
		 * GetCurrentTransactionId is cheap if we already have an XID, but not
		 * so cheap if we don't, and we'd prefer not to do that work while
		 * holding AsyncQueueLock.
		(void) GetCurrentTransactionId();

		 * Serialize writers by acquiring a special lock that we hold till
		 * after commit.  This ensures that queue entries appear in commit
		 * order, and in particular that there are never uncommitted queue
		 * entries ahead of committed ones, so an uncommitted transaction
		 * can't block delivery of deliverable notifications.
		 * We use a heavyweight lock so that it'll automatically be released
		 * after either commit or abort.  This also allows deadlocks to be
		 * detected, though really a deadlock shouldn't be possible here.
		 * The lock is on "database 0", which is pretty ugly but it doesn't
		 * seem worth inventing a special locktag category just for this.
		 * (Historical note: before PG 9.0, a similar lock on "database 0" was
		 * used by the flatfiles mechanism.)
		LockSharedObject(DatabaseRelationId, InvalidOid, 0,

		/* Now push the notifications into the queue */
		backendHasSentNotifications = true;

		nextNotify = list_head(pendingNotifies);
		while (nextNotify != NULL)
			 * Add the pending notifications to the queue.  We acquire and
			 * release AsyncQueueLock once per page, which might be overkill
			 * but it does allow readers to get in while we're doing this.
			 * A full queue is very uncommon and should really not happen,
			 * given that we have so much space available in the SLRU pages.
			 * Nevertheless we need to deal with this possibility. Note that
			 * when we get here we are in the process of committing our
			 * transaction, but we have not yet committed to clog, so at this
			 * point in time we can still roll the transaction back.
			LWLockAcquire(AsyncQueueLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
			if (asyncQueueIsFull())
						 errmsg("too many notifications in the NOTIFY queue")));
			nextNotify = asyncQueueAddEntries(nextNotify);

 * AtCommit_Notify
 *		This is called at transaction commit, after committing to clog.
 *		Update listenChannels and clear transaction-local state.
	ListCell   *p;

	 * Allow transactions that have not executed LISTEN/UNLISTEN/NOTIFY to
	 * return as soon as possible
	if (!pendingActions && !pendingNotifies)

	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "AtCommit_Notify");

	/* Perform any pending listen/unlisten actions */
	foreach(p, pendingActions)
		ListenAction *actrec = (ListenAction *) lfirst(p);

		switch (actrec->action)

	/* If no longer listening to anything, get out of listener array */
	if (amRegisteredListener && listenChannels == NIL)

	/* And clean up */

 * Exec_ListenPreCommit --- subroutine for PreCommit_Notify
 * This function must make sure we are ready to catch any incoming messages.
static void
	QueuePosition head;
	QueuePosition max;
	int			i;

	 * Nothing to do if we are already listening to something, nor if we
	 * already ran this routine in this transaction.
	if (amRegisteredListener)

	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "Exec_ListenPreCommit(%d)", MyProcPid);

	 * Before registering, make sure we will unlisten before dying. (Note:
	 * this action does not get undone if we abort later.)
	if (!unlistenExitRegistered)
		before_shmem_exit(Async_UnlistenOnExit, 0);
		unlistenExitRegistered = true;

	 * This is our first LISTEN, so establish our pointer.
	 * We set our pointer to the global tail pointer and then move it forward
	 * over already-committed notifications.  This ensures we cannot miss any
	 * not-yet-committed notifications.  We might get a few more but that
	 * doesn't hurt.
	 * In some scenarios there might be a lot of committed notifications that
	 * have not yet been pruned away (because some backend is being lazy about
	 * reading them).  To reduce our startup time, we can look at other
	 * backends and adopt the maximum "pos" pointer of any backend that's in
	 * our database; any notifications it's already advanced over are surely
	 * committed and need not be re-examined by us.  (We must consider only
	 * backends connected to our DB, because others will not have bothered to
	 * check committed-ness of notifications in our DB.)  But we only bother
	 * with that if there's more than a page worth of notifications
	 * outstanding, otherwise scanning all the other backends isn't worth it.
	 * We need exclusive lock here so we can look at other backends' entries.
	LWLockAcquire(AsyncQueueLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
	head = QUEUE_HEAD;
	max = QUEUE_TAIL;
	if (QUEUE_POS_PAGE(max) != QUEUE_POS_PAGE(head))
		for (i = 1; i <= MaxBackends; i++)
			if (QUEUE_BACKEND_DBOID(i) == MyDatabaseId)
	QUEUE_BACKEND_POS(MyBackendId) = max;
	QUEUE_BACKEND_PID(MyBackendId) = MyProcPid;
	QUEUE_BACKEND_DBOID(MyBackendId) = MyDatabaseId;

	/* Now we are listed in the global array, so remember we're listening */
	amRegisteredListener = true;

	 * Try to move our pointer forward as far as possible. This will skip over
	 * already-committed notifications. Still, we could get notifications that
	 * have already committed before we started to LISTEN.
	 * Note that we are not yet listening on anything, so we won't deliver any
	 * notification to the frontend.  Also, although our transaction might
	 * have executed NOTIFY, those message(s) aren't queued yet so we can't
	 * see them in the queue.
	 * This will also advance the global tail pointer if possible.
	if (!QUEUE_POS_EQUAL(max, head))

 * Exec_ListenCommit --- subroutine for AtCommit_Notify
 * Add the channel to the list of channels we are listening on.
static void
Exec_ListenCommit(const char *channel)
	MemoryContext oldcontext;

	/* Do nothing if we are already listening on this channel */
	if (IsListeningOn(channel))

	 * Add the new channel name to listenChannels.
	 * XXX It is theoretically possible to get an out-of-memory failure here,
	 * which would be bad because we already committed.  For the moment it
	 * doesn't seem worth trying to guard against that, but maybe improve this
	 * later.
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext);
	listenChannels = lappend(listenChannels, pstrdup(channel));

 * Exec_UnlistenCommit --- subroutine for AtCommit_Notify
 * Remove the specified channel name from listenChannels.
static void
Exec_UnlistenCommit(const char *channel)
	ListCell   *q;
	ListCell   *prev;

	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "Exec_UnlistenCommit(%s,%d)", channel, MyProcPid);

	prev = NULL;
	foreach(q, listenChannels)
		char	   *lchan = (char *) lfirst(q);

		if (strcmp(lchan, channel) == 0)
			listenChannels = list_delete_cell(listenChannels, q, prev);
		prev = q;

	 * We do not complain about unlistening something not being listened;
	 * should we?

 * Exec_UnlistenAllCommit --- subroutine for AtCommit_Notify
 *		Unlisten on all channels for this backend.
static void
	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "Exec_UnlistenAllCommit(%d)", MyProcPid);

	listenChannels = NIL;

 * ProcessCompletedNotifies --- send out signals and self-notifies
 * This is called from postgres.c just before going idle at the completion
 * of a transaction.  If we issued any notifications in the just-completed
 * transaction, send signals to other backends to process them, and also
 * process the queue ourselves to send messages to our own frontend.
 * The reason that this is not done in AtCommit_Notify is that there is
 * a nonzero chance of errors here (for example, encoding conversion errors
 * while trying to format messages to our frontend).  An error during
 * AtCommit_Notify would be a PANIC condition.  The timing is also arranged
 * to ensure that a transaction's self-notifies are delivered to the frontend
 * before it gets the terminating ReadyForQuery message.
 * Note that we send signals and process the queue even if the transaction
 * eventually aborted.  This is because we need to clean out whatever got
 * added to the queue.
 * NOTE: we are outside of any transaction here.
	MemoryContext caller_context;
	bool		signalled;

	/* Nothing to do if we didn't send any notifications */
	if (!backendHasSentNotifications)

	 * We reset the flag immediately; otherwise, if any sort of error occurs
	 * below, we'd be locked up in an infinite loop, because control will come
	 * right back here after error cleanup.
	backendHasSentNotifications = false;

	 * We must preserve the caller's memory context (probably MessageContext)
	 * across the transaction we do here.
	caller_context = CurrentMemoryContext;

	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "ProcessCompletedNotifies");

	 * We must run asyncQueueReadAllNotifications inside a transaction, else
	 * bad things happen if it gets an error.

	/* Send signals to other backends */
	signalled = SignalBackends();

	if (listenChannels != NIL)
		/* Read the queue ourselves, and send relevant stuff to the frontend */
	else if (!signalled)
		 * If we found no other listening backends, and we aren't listening
		 * ourselves, then we must execute asyncQueueAdvanceTail to flush the
		 * queue, because ain't nobody else gonna do it.  This prevents queue
		 * overflow when we're sending useless notifies to nobody. (A new
		 * listener could have joined since we looked, but if so this is
		 * harmless.)



	/* We don't need pq_flush() here since postgres.c will do one shortly */

 * Test whether we are actively listening on the given channel name.
 * Note: this function is executed for every notification found in the queue.
 * Perhaps it is worth further optimization, eg convert the list to a sorted
 * array so we can binary-search it.  In practice the list is likely to be
 * fairly short, though.
static bool
IsListeningOn(const char *channel)
	ListCell   *p;

	foreach(p, listenChannels)
		char	   *lchan = (char *) lfirst(p);

		if (strcmp(lchan, channel) == 0)
			return true;
	return false;

 * Remove our entry from the listeners array when we are no longer listening
 * on any channel.  NB: must not fail if we're already not listening.
static void
	bool		advanceTail;

	Assert(listenChannels == NIL);	/* else caller error */

	if (!amRegisteredListener)	/* nothing to do */

	LWLockAcquire(AsyncQueueLock, LW_SHARED);
	/* check if entry is valid and oldest ... */
	advanceTail = (MyProcPid == QUEUE_BACKEND_PID(MyBackendId)) &&
	/* ... then mark it invalid */
	QUEUE_BACKEND_PID(MyBackendId) = InvalidPid;
	QUEUE_BACKEND_DBOID(MyBackendId) = InvalidOid;

	/* mark ourselves as no longer listed in the global array */
	amRegisteredListener = false;

	/* If we were the laziest backend, try to advance the tail pointer */
	if (advanceTail)

 * Test whether there is room to insert more notification messages.
 * Caller must hold at least shared AsyncQueueLock.
static bool
	int			nexthead;
	int			boundary;

	 * The queue is full if creating a new head page would create a page that
	 * logically precedes the current global tail pointer, ie, the head
	 * pointer would wrap around compared to the tail.  We cannot create such
	 * a head page for fear of confusing slru.c.  For safety we round the tail
	 * pointer back to a segment boundary (compare the truncation logic in
	 * asyncQueueAdvanceTail).
	 * Note that this test is *not* dependent on how much space there is on
	 * the current head page.  This is necessary because asyncQueueAddEntries
	 * might try to create the next head page in any case.
	nexthead = QUEUE_POS_PAGE(QUEUE_HEAD) + 1;
	if (nexthead > QUEUE_MAX_PAGE)
		nexthead = 0;			/* wrap around */
	boundary -= boundary % SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
	return asyncQueuePagePrecedes(nexthead, boundary);

 * Advance the QueuePosition to the next entry, assuming that the current
 * entry is of length entryLength.  If we jump to a new page the function
 * returns true, else false.
static bool
asyncQueueAdvance(volatile QueuePosition *position, int entryLength)
	int			pageno = QUEUE_POS_PAGE(*position);
	int			offset = QUEUE_POS_OFFSET(*position);
	bool		pageJump = false;

	 * Move to the next writing position: First jump over what we have just
	 * written or read.
	offset += entryLength;
	Assert(offset <= QUEUE_PAGESIZE);

	 * In a second step check if another entry can possibly be written to the
	 * page. If so, stay here, we have reached the next position. If not, then
	 * we need to move on to the next page.
	if (offset + QUEUEALIGN(AsyncQueueEntryEmptySize) > QUEUE_PAGESIZE)
		if (pageno > QUEUE_MAX_PAGE)
			pageno = 0;			/* wrap around */
		offset = 0;
		pageJump = true;

	SET_QUEUE_POS(*position, pageno, offset);
	return pageJump;

 * Fill the AsyncQueueEntry at *qe with an outbound notification message.
static void
asyncQueueNotificationToEntry(Notification *n, AsyncQueueEntry *qe)
	size_t		channellen = strlen(n->channel);
	size_t		payloadlen = strlen(n->payload);
	int			entryLength;

	Assert(channellen < NAMEDATALEN);
	Assert(payloadlen < NOTIFY_PAYLOAD_MAX_LENGTH);

	/* The terminators are already included in AsyncQueueEntryEmptySize */
	entryLength = AsyncQueueEntryEmptySize + payloadlen + channellen;
	entryLength = QUEUEALIGN(entryLength);
	qe->length = entryLength;
	qe->dboid = MyDatabaseId;
	qe->xid = GetCurrentTransactionId();
	qe->srcPid = MyProcPid;
	memcpy(qe->data, n->channel, channellen + 1);
	memcpy(qe->data + channellen + 1, n->payload, payloadlen + 1);

 * Add pending notifications to the queue.
 * We go page by page here, i.e. we stop once we have to go to a new page but
 * we will be called again and then fill that next page. If an entry does not
 * fit into the current page, we write a dummy entry with an InvalidOid as the
 * database OID in order to fill the page. So every page is always used up to
 * the last byte which simplifies reading the page later.
 * We are passed the list cell containing the next notification to write
 * and return the first still-unwritten cell back.  Eventually we will return
 * NULL indicating all is done.
 * We are holding AsyncQueueLock already from the caller and grab AsyncCtlLock
 * locally in this function.
static ListCell *
asyncQueueAddEntries(ListCell *nextNotify)
	AsyncQueueEntry qe;
	QueuePosition queue_head;
	int			pageno;
	int			offset;
	int			slotno;

	/* We hold both AsyncQueueLock and AsyncCtlLock during this operation */
	LWLockAcquire(AsyncCtlLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

	 * We work with a local copy of QUEUE_HEAD, which we write back to shared
	 * memory upon exiting.  The reason for this is that if we have to advance
	 * to a new page, SimpleLruZeroPage might fail (out of disk space, for
	 * instance), and we must not advance QUEUE_HEAD if it does.  (Otherwise,
	 * subsequent insertions would try to put entries into a page that slru.c
	 * thinks doesn't exist yet.)  So, use a local position variable.  Note
	 * that if we do fail, any already-inserted queue entries are forgotten;
	 * this is okay, since they'd be useless anyway after our transaction
	 * rolls back.
	queue_head = QUEUE_HEAD;

	/* Fetch the current page */
	pageno = QUEUE_POS_PAGE(queue_head);
	slotno = SimpleLruReadPage(AsyncCtl, pageno, true, InvalidTransactionId);
	/* Note we mark the page dirty before writing in it */
	AsyncCtl->shared->page_dirty[slotno] = true;

	while (nextNotify != NULL)
		Notification *n = (Notification *) lfirst(nextNotify);

		/* Construct a valid queue entry in local variable qe */
		asyncQueueNotificationToEntry(n, &qe);

		offset = QUEUE_POS_OFFSET(queue_head);

		/* Check whether the entry really fits on the current page */
		if (offset + qe.length <= QUEUE_PAGESIZE)
			/* OK, so advance nextNotify past this item */
			nextNotify = lnext(nextNotify);
			 * Write a dummy entry to fill up the page. Actually readers will
			 * only check dboid and since it won't match any reader's database
			 * OID, they will ignore this entry and move on.
			qe.length = QUEUE_PAGESIZE - offset;
			qe.dboid = InvalidOid;[0] = '\0';	/* empty channel */[1] = '\0';	/* empty payload */

		/* Now copy qe into the shared buffer page */
		memcpy(AsyncCtl->shared->page_buffer[slotno] + offset,

		/* Advance queue_head appropriately, and detect if page is full */
		if (asyncQueueAdvance(&(queue_head), qe.length))
			 * Page is full, so we're done here, but first fill the next page
			 * with zeroes.  The reason to do this is to ensure that slru.c's
			 * idea of the head page is always the same as ours, which avoids
			 * boundary problems in SimpleLruTruncate.  The test in
			 * asyncQueueIsFull() ensured that there is room to create this
			 * page without overrunning the queue.
			slotno = SimpleLruZeroPage(AsyncCtl, QUEUE_POS_PAGE(queue_head));
			/* And exit the loop */

	/* Success, so update the global QUEUE_HEAD */
	QUEUE_HEAD = queue_head;


	return nextNotify;

 * SQL function to return the fraction of the notification queue currently
 * occupied.
	double		usage;

	LWLockAcquire(AsyncQueueLock, LW_SHARED);
	usage = asyncQueueUsage();


 * Return the fraction of the queue that is currently occupied.
 * The caller must hold AsyncQueueLock in (at least) shared mode.
static double
	int			headPage = QUEUE_POS_PAGE(QUEUE_HEAD);
	int			tailPage = QUEUE_POS_PAGE(QUEUE_TAIL);
	int			occupied;

	occupied = headPage - tailPage;

	if (occupied == 0)
		return (double) 0;		/* fast exit for common case */

	if (occupied < 0)
		/* head has wrapped around, tail not yet */
		occupied += QUEUE_MAX_PAGE + 1;

	return (double) occupied / (double) ((QUEUE_MAX_PAGE + 1) / 2);

 * Check whether the queue is at least half full, and emit a warning if so.
 * This is unlikely given the size of the queue, but possible.
 * The warnings show up at most once every QUEUE_FULL_WARN_INTERVAL.
 * Caller must hold exclusive AsyncQueueLock.
static void
	double		fillDegree;
	TimestampTz t;

	fillDegree = asyncQueueUsage();
	if (fillDegree < 0.5)

	t = GetCurrentTimestamp();

	if (TimestampDifferenceExceeds(asyncQueueControl->lastQueueFillWarn,
		QueuePosition min = QUEUE_HEAD;
		int32		minPid = InvalidPid;
		int			i;

		for (i = 1; i <= MaxBackends; i++)
			if (QUEUE_BACKEND_PID(i) != InvalidPid)
					minPid = QUEUE_BACKEND_PID(i);

				(errmsg("NOTIFY queue is %.0f%% full", fillDegree * 100),
				 (minPid != InvalidPid ?
				  errdetail("The server process with PID %d is among those with the oldest transactions.", minPid)
				  : 0),
				 (minPid != InvalidPid ?
				  errhint("The NOTIFY queue cannot be emptied until that process ends its current transaction.")
				  : 0)));

		asyncQueueControl->lastQueueFillWarn = t;

 * Send signals to all listening backends (except our own).
 * Returns true if we sent at least one signal.
 * Since we need EXCLUSIVE lock anyway we also check the position of the other
 * backends and in case one is already up-to-date we don't signal it.
 * This can happen if concurrent notifying transactions have sent a signal and
 * the signaled backend has read the other notifications and ours in the same
 * step.
 * Since we know the BackendId and the Pid the signalling is quite cheap.
static bool
	bool		signalled = false;
	int32	   *pids;
	BackendId  *ids;
	int			count;
	int			i;
	int32		pid;

	 * Identify all backends that are listening and not already up-to-date. We
	 * don't want to send signals while holding the AsyncQueueLock, so we just
	 * build a list of target PIDs.
	 * XXX in principle these pallocs could fail, which would be bad. Maybe
	 * preallocate the arrays?	But in practice this is only run in trivial
	 * transactions, so there should surely be space available.
	pids = (int32 *) palloc(MaxBackends * sizeof(int32));
	ids = (BackendId *) palloc(MaxBackends * sizeof(BackendId));
	count = 0;

	LWLockAcquire(AsyncQueueLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
	for (i = 1; i <= MaxBackends; i++)
		if (pid != InvalidPid && pid != MyProcPid)
			QueuePosition pos = QUEUE_BACKEND_POS(i);

				pids[count] = pid;
				ids[count] = i;

	/* Now send signals */
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		pid = pids[i];

		 * Note: assuming things aren't broken, a signal failure here could
		 * only occur if the target backend exited since we released
		 * AsyncQueueLock; which is unlikely but certainly possible. So we
		 * just log a low-level debug message if it happens.
		if (SendProcSignal(pid, PROCSIG_NOTIFY_INTERRUPT, ids[i]) < 0)
			elog(DEBUG3, "could not signal backend with PID %d: %m", pid);
			signalled = true;


	return signalled;

 * AtAbort_Notify
 *	This is called at transaction abort.
 *	Gets rid of pending actions and outbound notifies that we would have
 *	executed if the transaction got committed.
	 * If we LISTEN but then roll back the transaction after PreCommit_Notify,
	 * we have registered as a listener but have not made any entry in
	 * listenChannels.  In that case, deregister again.
	if (amRegisteredListener && listenChannels == NIL)

	/* And clean up */

 * AtSubStart_Notify() --- Take care of subtransaction start.
 * Push empty state for the new subtransaction.
	MemoryContext old_cxt;

	/* Keep the list-of-lists in TopTransactionContext for simplicity */
	old_cxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopTransactionContext);

	upperPendingActions = lcons(pendingActions, upperPendingActions);

	Assert(list_length(upperPendingActions) ==
		   GetCurrentTransactionNestLevel() - 1);

	pendingActions = NIL;

	upperPendingNotifies = lcons(pendingNotifies, upperPendingNotifies);

	Assert(list_length(upperPendingNotifies) ==
		   GetCurrentTransactionNestLevel() - 1);

	pendingNotifies = NIL;


 * AtSubCommit_Notify() --- Take care of subtransaction commit.
 * Reassign all items in the pending lists to the parent transaction.
	List	   *parentPendingActions;
	List	   *parentPendingNotifies;

	parentPendingActions = linitial_node(List, upperPendingActions);
	upperPendingActions = list_delete_first(upperPendingActions);

	Assert(list_length(upperPendingActions) ==
		   GetCurrentTransactionNestLevel() - 2);

	 * Mustn't try to eliminate duplicates here --- see queue_listen()
	pendingActions = list_concat(parentPendingActions, pendingActions);

	parentPendingNotifies = linitial_node(List, upperPendingNotifies);
	upperPendingNotifies = list_delete_first(upperPendingNotifies);

	Assert(list_length(upperPendingNotifies) ==
		   GetCurrentTransactionNestLevel() - 2);

	 * We could try to eliminate duplicates here, but it seems not worthwhile.
	pendingNotifies = list_concat(parentPendingNotifies, pendingNotifies);

 * AtSubAbort_Notify() --- Take care of subtransaction abort.
	int			my_level = GetCurrentTransactionNestLevel();

	 * All we have to do is pop the stack --- the actions/notifies made in
	 * this subxact are no longer interesting, and the space will be freed
	 * when CurTransactionContext is recycled.
	 * This routine could be called more than once at a given nesting level if
	 * there is trouble during subxact abort.  Avoid dumping core by using
	 * GetCurrentTransactionNestLevel as the indicator of how far we need to
	 * prune the list.
	while (list_length(upperPendingActions) > my_level - 2)
		pendingActions = linitial_node(List, upperPendingActions);
		upperPendingActions = list_delete_first(upperPendingActions);

	while (list_length(upperPendingNotifies) > my_level - 2)
		pendingNotifies = linitial_node(List, upperPendingNotifies);
		upperPendingNotifies = list_delete_first(upperPendingNotifies);

 * HandleNotifyInterrupt
 *		Signal handler portion of interrupt handling. Let the backend know
 *		that there's a pending notify interrupt. If we're currently reading
 *		from the client, this will interrupt the read and
 *		ProcessClientReadInterrupt() will call ProcessNotifyInterrupt().
	 * Note: this is called by a SIGNAL HANDLER. You must be very wary what
	 * you do here.

	/* signal that work needs to be done */
	notifyInterruptPending = true;

	/* make sure the event is processed in due course */

 * ProcessNotifyInterrupt
 *		This is called just after waiting for a frontend command.  If a
 *		interrupt arrives (via HandleNotifyInterrupt()) while reading, the
 *		read will be interrupted via the process's latch, and this routine
 *		will get called.  If we are truly idle (ie, *not* inside a transaction
 *		block), process the incoming notifies.
	if (IsTransactionOrTransactionBlock())
		return;					/* not really idle */

	while (notifyInterruptPending)

 * Read all pending notifications from the queue, and deliver appropriate
 * ones to my frontend.  Stop when we reach queue head or an uncommitted
 * notification.
static void
	volatile QueuePosition pos;
	QueuePosition oldpos;
	QueuePosition head;
	Snapshot	snapshot;
	bool		advanceTail;

	/* page_buffer must be adequately aligned, so use a union */
		char		buf[QUEUE_PAGESIZE];
		AsyncQueueEntry align;
	}			page_buffer;

	/* Fetch current state */
	LWLockAcquire(AsyncQueueLock, LW_SHARED);
	/* Assert checks that we have a valid state entry */
	Assert(MyProcPid == QUEUE_BACKEND_PID(MyBackendId));
	pos = oldpos = QUEUE_BACKEND_POS(MyBackendId);
	head = QUEUE_HEAD;

	if (QUEUE_POS_EQUAL(pos, head))
		/* Nothing to do, we have read all notifications already. */

	/* Get snapshot we'll use to decide which xacts are still in progress */
	snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(GetLatestSnapshot());

	 * Note that we deliver everything that we see in the queue and that
	 * matches our _current_ listening state.
	 * Especially we do not take into account different commit times.
	 * Consider the following example:
	 * Backend 1:					 Backend 2:
	 * transaction starts
	 * NOTIFY foo;
	 * commit starts
	 *								 transaction starts
	 *								 LISTEN foo;
	 *								 commit starts
	 * commit to clog
	 *								 commit to clog
	 * It could happen that backend 2 sees the notification from backend 1 in
	 * the queue.  Even though the notifying transaction committed before
	 * the listening transaction, we still deliver the notification.
	 * The idea is that an additional notification does not do any harm, we
	 * just need to make sure that we do not miss a notification.
	 * It is possible that we fail while trying to send a message to our
	 * frontend (for example, because of encoding conversion failure).
	 * If that happens it is critical that we not try to send the same
	 * message over and over again.  Therefore, we place a PG_TRY block
	 * here that will forcibly advance our backend position before we lose
	 * control to an error.  (We could alternatively retake AsyncQueueLock
	 * and move the position before handling each individual message, but
	 * that seems like too much lock traffic.)
		bool		reachedStop;

			int			curpage = QUEUE_POS_PAGE(pos);
			int			curoffset = QUEUE_POS_OFFSET(pos);
			int			slotno;
			int			copysize;

			 * We copy the data from SLRU into a local buffer, so as to avoid
			 * holding the AsyncCtlLock while we are examining the entries and
			 * possibly transmitting them to our frontend.  Copy only the part
			 * of the page we will actually inspect.
			slotno = SimpleLruReadPage_ReadOnly(AsyncCtl, curpage, InvalidTransactionId);
			if (curpage == QUEUE_POS_PAGE(head))
				/* we only want to read as far as head */
				copysize = QUEUE_POS_OFFSET(head) - curoffset;
				if (copysize < 0)
					copysize = 0;	/* just for safety */
				/* fetch all the rest of the page */
				copysize = QUEUE_PAGESIZE - curoffset;
			memcpy(page_buffer.buf + curoffset,
				   AsyncCtl->shared->page_buffer[slotno] + curoffset,
			/* Release lock that we got from SimpleLruReadPage_ReadOnly() */

			 * Process messages up to the stop position, end of page, or an
			 * uncommitted message.
			 * Our stop position is what we found to be the head's position
			 * when we entered this function. It might have changed already.
			 * But if it has, we will receive (or have already received and
			 * queued) another signal and come here again.
			 * We are not holding AsyncQueueLock here! The queue can only
			 * extend beyond the head pointer (see above) and we leave our
			 * backend's pointer where it is so nobody will truncate or
			 * rewrite pages under us. Especially we don't want to hold a lock
			 * while sending the notifications to the frontend.
			reachedStop = asyncQueueProcessPageEntries(&pos, head,
		} while (!reachedStop);
		/* Update shared state */
		LWLockAcquire(AsyncQueueLock, LW_SHARED);
		QUEUE_BACKEND_POS(MyBackendId) = pos;
		advanceTail = QUEUE_POS_EQUAL(oldpos, QUEUE_TAIL);

		/* If we were the laziest backend, try to advance the tail pointer */
		if (advanceTail)


	/* Update shared state */
	LWLockAcquire(AsyncQueueLock, LW_SHARED);
	QUEUE_BACKEND_POS(MyBackendId) = pos;
	advanceTail = QUEUE_POS_EQUAL(oldpos, QUEUE_TAIL);

	/* If we were the laziest backend, try to advance the tail pointer */
	if (advanceTail)

	/* Done with snapshot */

 * Fetch notifications from the shared queue, beginning at position current,
 * and deliver relevant ones to my frontend.
 * The current page must have been fetched into page_buffer from shared
 * memory.  (We could access the page right in shared memory, but that
 * would imply holding the AsyncCtlLock throughout this routine.)
 * We stop if we reach the "stop" position, or reach a notification from an
 * uncommitted transaction, or reach the end of the page.
 * The function returns true once we have reached the stop position or an
 * uncommitted notification, and false if we have finished with the page.
 * In other words: once it returns true there is no need to look further.
 * The QueuePosition *current is advanced past all processed messages.
static bool
asyncQueueProcessPageEntries(volatile QueuePosition *current,
							 QueuePosition stop,
							 char *page_buffer,
							 Snapshot snapshot)
	bool		reachedStop = false;
	bool		reachedEndOfPage;
	AsyncQueueEntry *qe;

		QueuePosition thisentry = *current;

		if (QUEUE_POS_EQUAL(thisentry, stop))

		qe = (AsyncQueueEntry *) (page_buffer + QUEUE_POS_OFFSET(thisentry));

		 * Advance *current over this message, possibly to the next page. As
		 * noted in the comments for asyncQueueReadAllNotifications, we must
		 * do this before possibly failing while processing the message.
		reachedEndOfPage = asyncQueueAdvance(current, qe->length);

		/* Ignore messages destined for other databases */
		if (qe->dboid == MyDatabaseId)
			if (XidInMVCCSnapshot_Local(qe->xid, snapshot))
				 * The source transaction is still in progress, so we can't
				 * process this message yet.  Break out of the loop, but first
				 * back up *current so we will reprocess the message next
				 * time.  (Note: it is unlikely but not impossible for
				 * TransactionIdDidCommit to fail, so we can't really avoid
				 * this advance-then-back-up behavior when dealing with an
				 * uncommitted message.)
				 * Note that we must test XidInMVCCSnapshot before we test
				 * TransactionIdDidCommit, else we might return a message from
				 * a transaction that is not yet visible to snapshots; compare
				 * the comments at the head of heapam_visibility.c.
				 * Also, while our own xact won't be listed in the snapshot,
				 * we need not check for TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId
				 * because our transaction cannot (yet) have queued any
				 * messages.
				*current = thisentry;
				reachedStop = true;
			else if (TransactionIdDidCommit(qe->xid))
				/* qe->data is the null-terminated channel name */
				char	   *channel = qe->data;

				if (IsListeningOn(channel))
					/* payload follows channel name */
					char	   *payload = qe->data + strlen(channel) + 1;

					NotifyMyFrontEnd(channel, payload, qe->srcPid);
				 * The source transaction aborted or crashed, so we just
				 * ignore its notifications.

		/* Loop back if we're not at end of page */
	} while (!reachedEndOfPage);

	if (QUEUE_POS_EQUAL(*current, stop))
		reachedStop = true;

	return reachedStop;

 * Advance the shared queue tail variable to the minimum of all the
 * per-backend tail pointers.  Truncate pg_notify space if possible.
static void
	QueuePosition min;
	int			i;
	int			oldtailpage;
	int			newtailpage;
	int			boundary;

	LWLockAcquire(AsyncQueueLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
	min = QUEUE_HEAD;
	for (i = 1; i <= MaxBackends; i++)
		if (QUEUE_BACKEND_PID(i) != InvalidPid)
	oldtailpage = QUEUE_POS_PAGE(QUEUE_TAIL);
	QUEUE_TAIL = min;

	 * We can truncate something if the global tail advanced across an SLRU
	 * segment boundary.
	 * XXX it might be better to truncate only once every several segments, to
	 * reduce the number of directory scans.
	newtailpage = QUEUE_POS_PAGE(min);
	boundary = newtailpage - (newtailpage % SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT);
	if (asyncQueuePagePrecedes(oldtailpage, boundary))
		 * SimpleLruTruncate() will ask for AsyncCtlLock but will also release
		 * the lock again.
		SimpleLruTruncate(AsyncCtl, newtailpage);

 * ProcessIncomingNotify
 *		Deal with arriving NOTIFYs from other backends as soon as it's safe to
 *		do so. This used to be called from the PROCSIG_NOTIFY_INTERRUPT
 *		signal handler, but isn't anymore.
 *		Scan the queue for arriving notifications and report them to my front
 *		end.
 *		NOTE: since we are outside any transaction, we must create our own.
static void

	/* We *must* reset the flag */
	notifyInterruptPending = false;

	/* Do nothing else if we aren't actively listening */
	if (listenChannels == NIL)

	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "ProcessIncomingNotify");

	set_ps_display("notify interrupt", false);

	 * We must run asyncQueueReadAllNotifications inside a transaction, else
	 * bad things happen if it gets an error.



	 * Must flush the notify messages to ensure frontend gets them promptly.

	set_ps_display("idle", false);

	if (Trace_notify)
		elog(DEBUG1, "ProcessIncomingNotify: done");


 * Send NOTIFY message to my front end.
 * GPDB: We have exposed this function globally for our dispatch-notify
 * mechanism. We overload the srcPid field to pass in the gp_session_id
 * from GPDB specific callsites.
NotifyMyFrontEnd(const char *channel, const char *payload, int32 srcPid)
	if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
		StringInfoData buf;

		pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'A');
		pq_sendint32(&buf, srcPid);
		pq_sendstring(&buf, channel);
		if (PG_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(FrontendProtocol) >= 3)
			pq_sendstring(&buf, payload);

		 * NOTE: we do not do pq_flush() here.  For a self-notify, it will
		 * happen at the end of the transaction, and for incoming notifies
		 * ProcessIncomingNotify will do it after finding all the notifies.
		elog(INFO, "NOTIFY for \"%s\" payload \"%s\"", channel, payload);

/* Does pendingNotifies include the given channel/payload? */
static bool
AsyncExistsPendingNotify(const char *channel, const char *payload)
	ListCell   *p;
	Notification *n;

	if (pendingNotifies == NIL)
		return false;

	if (payload == NULL)
		payload = "";

	 * We need to append new elements to the end of the list in order to keep
	 * the order. However, on the other hand we'd like to check the list
	 * backwards in order to make duplicate-elimination a tad faster when the
	 * same condition is signaled many times in a row. So as a compromise we
	 * check the tail element first which we can access directly. If this
	 * doesn't match, we check the whole list.
	 * As we are not checking our parents' lists, we can still get duplicates
	 * in combination with subtransactions, like in:
	 * begin;
	 * notify foo '1';
	 * savepoint foo;
	 * notify foo '1';
	 * commit;
	n = (Notification *) llast(pendingNotifies);
	if (strcmp(n->channel, channel) == 0 &&
		strcmp(n->payload, payload) == 0)
		return true;

	foreach(p, pendingNotifies)
		n = (Notification *) lfirst(p);

		if (strcmp(n->channel, channel) == 0 &&
			strcmp(n->payload, payload) == 0)
			return true;

	return false;

/* Clear the pendingActions and pendingNotifies lists. */
static void
	 * We used to have to explicitly deallocate the list members and nodes,
	 * because they were malloc'd.  Now, since we know they are palloc'd in
	 * CurTransactionContext, we need not do that --- they'll go away
	 * automatically at transaction exit.  We need only reset the list head
	 * pointers.
	pendingActions = NIL;
	pendingNotifies = NIL;


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn aggregatecmds 源码

greenplumn alter 源码

greenplumn amcmds 源码

greenplumn analyze 源码

greenplumn analyzefuncs 源码

greenplumn analyzeutils 源码

greenplumn cluster 源码

greenplumn collationcmds 源码

greenplumn comment 源码

greenplumn constraint 源码

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