greenplumn nodeSubplan 源码

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greenplumn nodeSubplan 代码


 * nodeSubplan.c
 *	  routines to support sub-selects appearing in expressions
 * This module is concerned with executing SubPlan expression nodes, which
 * should not be confused with sub-SELECTs appearing in FROM.  SubPlans are
 * divided into "initplans", which are those that need only one evaluation per
 * query (among other restrictions, this requires that they don't use any
 * direct correlation variables from the parent plan level), and "regular"
 * subplans, which are re-evaluated every time their result is required.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/executor/nodeSubplan.c
 *		ExecSubPlan  - process a subselect
 *		ExecInitSubPlan - initialize a subselect
#include "postgres.h"

#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "executor/nodeSubplan.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "utils/array.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "cdb/cdbdispatchresult.h"
#include "cdb/cdbexplain.h"             /* cdbexplain_recvExecStats */
#include "cdb/cdbsubplan.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "cdb/cdbdisp.h"
#include "cdb/cdbdisp_query.h"
#include "cdb/ml_ipc.h"
#include "executor/nodeShareInputScan.h"
#include "pgstat.h"

static Datum ExecHashSubPlan(SubPlanState *node,
							 ExprContext *econtext,
							 bool *isNull);
static Datum ExecScanSubPlan(SubPlanState *node,
							 ExprContext *econtext,
							 bool *isNull);
static void buildSubPlanHash(SubPlanState *node, ExprContext *econtext);
static bool findPartialMatch(TupleHashTable hashtable, TupleTableSlot *slot,
							 FmgrInfo *eqfunctions);
static bool slotAllNulls(TupleTableSlot *slot);
static bool slotNoNulls(TupleTableSlot *slot);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecSubPlan
 * This is the main entry point for execution of a regular SubPlan.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecSubPlan(SubPlanState *node,
			ExprContext *econtext,
			bool *isNull)
	SubPlan    *subplan = node->subplan;
	EState	   *estate = node->planstate->state;
	ScanDirection dir = estate->es_direction;
	Datum		retval;


	/* Set non-null as default */
	*isNull = false;

	/* Sanity checks */
	if (subplan->subLinkType == CTE_SUBLINK)
		elog(ERROR, "CTE subplans should not be executed via ExecSubPlan");
	if (subplan->setParam != NIL && subplan->subLinkType != MULTIEXPR_SUBLINK)
		elog(ERROR, "cannot set parent params from subquery");

	/* Force forward-scan mode for evaluation */
	estate->es_direction = ForwardScanDirection;

	/* Select appropriate evaluation strategy */
	if (subplan->useHashTable)
		retval = ExecHashSubPlan(node, econtext, isNull);
		retval = ExecScanSubPlan(node, econtext, isNull);

	/* restore scan direction */
	estate->es_direction = dir;

	return retval;

 * ExecHashSubPlan: store subselect result in an in-memory hash table
static Datum
ExecHashSubPlan(SubPlanState *node,
				ExprContext *econtext,
				bool *isNull)
	SubPlan    *subplan = node->subplan;
	PlanState  *planstate = node->planstate;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;

	/* Shouldn't have any direct correlation Vars */
	if (subplan->parParam != NIL || node->args != NIL)
		elog(ERROR, "hashed subplan with direct correlation not supported");

	 * If first time through or we need to rescan the subplan, build the hash
	 * table.
	if (node->hashtable == NULL || planstate->chgParam != NULL)
		buildSubPlanHash(node, econtext);

	 * The result for an empty subplan is always FALSE; no need to evaluate
	 * lefthand side.
	*isNull = false;
	if (!node->havehashrows && !node->havenullrows)
		return BoolGetDatum(false);

	 * Evaluate lefthand expressions and form a projection tuple. First we
	 * have to set the econtext to use (hack alert!).
	node->projLeft->pi_exprContext = econtext;
	slot = ExecProject(node->projLeft);

	 * Note: because we are typically called in a per-tuple context, we have
	 * to explicitly clear the projected tuple before returning. Otherwise,
	 * we'll have a double-free situation: the per-tuple context will probably
	 * be reset before we're called again, and then the tuple slot will think
	 * it still needs to free the tuple.

	 * If the LHS is all non-null, probe for an exact match in the main hash
	 * table.  If we find one, the result is TRUE. Otherwise, scan the
	 * partly-null table to see if there are any rows that aren't provably
	 * unequal to the LHS; if so, the result is UNKNOWN.  (We skip that part
	 * if we don't care about UNKNOWN.) Otherwise, the result is FALSE.
	 * Note: the reason we can avoid a full scan of the main hash table is
	 * that the combining operators are assumed never to yield NULL when both
	 * inputs are non-null.  If they were to do so, we might need to produce
	 * UNKNOWN instead of FALSE because of an UNKNOWN result in comparing the
	 * LHS to some main-table entry --- which is a comparison we will not even
	 * make, unless there's a chance match of hash keys.
	if (slotNoNulls(slot))
		if (node->havehashrows &&
							   node->lhs_hash_funcs) != NULL)
			return BoolGetDatum(true);
		if (node->havenullrows &&
			findPartialMatch(node->hashnulls, slot, node->cur_eq_funcs))
			*isNull = true;
			return BoolGetDatum(false);
		return BoolGetDatum(false);

	 * When the LHS is partly or wholly NULL, we can never return TRUE. If we
	 * don't care about UNKNOWN, just return FALSE.  Otherwise, if the LHS is
	 * wholly NULL, immediately return UNKNOWN.  (Since the combining
	 * operators are strict, the result could only be FALSE if the sub-select
	 * were empty, but we already handled that case.) Otherwise, we must scan
	 * both the main and partly-null tables to see if there are any rows that
	 * aren't provably unequal to the LHS; if so, the result is UNKNOWN.
	 * Otherwise, the result is FALSE.
	if (node->hashnulls == NULL)
		return BoolGetDatum(false);
	if (slotAllNulls(slot))
		*isNull = true;
		return BoolGetDatum(false);
	/* Scan partly-null table first, since more likely to get a match */
	if (node->havenullrows &&
		findPartialMatch(node->hashnulls, slot, node->cur_eq_funcs))
		*isNull = true;
		return BoolGetDatum(false);
	if (node->havehashrows &&
		findPartialMatch(node->hashtable, slot, node->cur_eq_funcs))
		*isNull = true;
		return BoolGetDatum(false);
	return BoolGetDatum(false);

 * ExecScanSubPlan: default case where we have to rescan subplan each time
static Datum
ExecScanSubPlan(SubPlanState *node,
				ExprContext *econtext,
				bool *isNull)
	SubPlan    *subplan = node->subplan;
	PlanState  *planstate = node->planstate;
	SubLinkType subLinkType = subplan->subLinkType;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	Datum		result;
	bool		found = false;	/* true if got at least one subplan tuple */
	ListCell   *pvar;
	ListCell   *l;
	ArrayBuildStateAny *astate = NULL;

	 * MULTIEXPR subplans, when "executed", just return NULL; but first we
	 * mark the subplan's output parameters as needing recalculation.  (This
	 * is a bit of a hack: it relies on the subplan appearing later in its
	 * targetlist than any of the referencing Params, so that all the Params
	 * have been evaluated before we re-mark them for the next evaluation
	 * cycle.  But in general resjunk tlist items appear after non-resjunk
	 * ones, so this should be safe.)  Unlike ExecReScanSetParamPlan, we do
	 * *not* set bits in the parent plan node's chgParam, because we don't
	 * want to cause a rescan of the parent.
	if (subLinkType == MULTIEXPR_SUBLINK)
		EState	   *estate = node->parent->state;

		foreach(l, subplan->setParam)
			int			paramid = lfirst_int(l);
			ParamExecData *prm = &(estate->es_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

			prm->execPlan = node;
		*isNull = true;
		return (Datum) 0;

	/* Initialize ArrayBuildStateAny in caller's context, if needed */
	if (subLinkType == ARRAY_SUBLINK)
		astate = initArrayResultAny(subplan->firstColType,
									CurrentMemoryContext, true);

	 * We are probably in a short-lived expression-evaluation context. Switch
	 * to the per-query context for manipulating the child plan's chgParam,
	 * calling ExecProcNode on it, etc.
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory);

	 * Set Params of this plan from parent plan correlation values. (Any
	 * calculation we have to do is done in the parent econtext, since the
	 * Param values don't need to have per-query lifetime.)
	Assert(list_length(subplan->parParam) == list_length(node->args));

	forboth(l, subplan->parParam, pvar, node->args)
		int			paramid = lfirst_int(l);
		ParamExecData *prm = &(econtext->ecxt_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

		prm->value = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext((ExprState *) lfirst(pvar),
		planstate->chgParam = bms_add_member(planstate->chgParam, paramid);

	 * Now that we've set up its parameters, we can reset the subplan.

	 * For all sublink types except EXPR_SUBLINK and ARRAY_SUBLINK, the result
	 * is boolean as are the results of the combining operators. We combine
	 * results across tuples (if the subplan produces more than one) using OR
	 * semantics for ANY_SUBLINK or AND semantics for ALL_SUBLINK.
	 * (ROWCOMPARE_SUBLINK doesn't allow multiple tuples from the subplan.)
	 * NULL results from the combining operators are handled according to the
	 * usual SQL semantics for OR and AND.  The result for no input tuples is
	 * For EXPR_SUBLINK we require the subplan to produce no more than one
	 * tuple, else an error is raised.  If zero tuples are produced, we return
	 * NULL.  Assuming we get a tuple, we just use its first column (there can
	 * be only one non-junk column in this case).
	 * For ARRAY_SUBLINK we allow the subplan to produce any number of tuples,
	 * and form an array of the first column's values.  Note in particular
	 * that we produce a zero-element array if no tuples are produced (this is
	 * a change from pre-8.3 behavior of returning NULL).
	result = BoolGetDatum(subLinkType == ALL_SUBLINK || subLinkType == NOT_EXISTS_SUBLINK);
	*isNull = false;

	for (slot = ExecProcNode(planstate);
		 slot = ExecProcNode(planstate))
        TupleDesc   tdesc = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
		Datum		rowresult;
		bool		rownull;
		int			col;
		ListCell   *plst;

		if (subLinkType == EXISTS_SUBLINK || subLinkType == NOT_EXISTS_SUBLINK)
			found = true;
			bool val = true;
			if (subLinkType == NOT_EXISTS_SUBLINK)
				val = false;
			result = BoolGetDatum(val);

		if (subLinkType == EXPR_SUBLINK)
			/* cannot allow multiple input tuples for EXPR sublink */
			if (found)
						 errmsg("more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression")));
			found = true;

			 * We need to copy the subplan's tuple in case the result is of
			 * pass-by-ref type --- our return value will point into this
			 * copied tuple!  Can't use the subplan's instance of the tuple
			 * since it won't still be valid after next ExecProcNode() call.
			 * node->curTuple keeps track of the copied tuple for eventual
			 * freeing.
			if (node->curTuple)
			node->curTuple = ExecCopySlotHeapTuple(slot);


			result = heap_getattr(node->curTuple, 1, tdesc, isNull);
			/* keep scanning subplan to make sure there's only one tuple */

		if (subLinkType == ARRAY_SUBLINK)
			Datum		dvalue;
			bool		disnull;

			found = true;
			/* stash away current value */
			Assert(subplan->firstColType == TupleDescAttr(tdesc, 0)->atttypid);
			dvalue = slot_getattr(slot, 1, &disnull);
			astate = accumArrayResultAny(astate, dvalue, disnull,
										 subplan->firstColType, oldcontext);
			/* keep scanning subplan to collect all values */

		/* cannot allow multiple input tuples for ROWCOMPARE sublink either */
		if (subLinkType == ROWCOMPARE_SUBLINK && found)
					 errmsg("more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression")));

		found = true;

		 * For ALL, ANY, and ROWCOMPARE sublinks, load up the Params
		 * representing the columns of the sub-select, and then evaluate the
		 * combining expression.
		col = 1;
		foreach(plst, subplan->paramIds)
			int			paramid = lfirst_int(plst);
			ParamExecData *prmdata;

			prmdata = &(econtext->ecxt_param_exec_vals[paramid]);
			Assert(prmdata->execPlan == NULL);
			prmdata->value = slot_getattr(slot, col, &(prmdata->isnull));

		rowresult = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(node->testexpr, econtext,

		if (subLinkType == ANY_SUBLINK)
			/* combine across rows per OR semantics */
			if (rownull)
				*isNull = true;
			else if (DatumGetBool(rowresult))
				result = BoolGetDatum(true);
				*isNull = false;
				break;			/* needn't look at any more rows */
		else if (subLinkType == ALL_SUBLINK)
			/* combine across rows per AND semantics */
			if (rownull)
				*isNull = true;
			else if (!DatumGetBool(rowresult))
				result = BoolGetDatum(false);
				*isNull = false;
				break;			/* needn't look at any more rows */
			/* must be ROWCOMPARE_SUBLINK */
			result = rowresult;
			*isNull = rownull;


	if (subLinkType == ARRAY_SUBLINK)
		/* We return the result in the caller's context */
		result = makeArrayResultAny(astate, oldcontext, true);
	else if (!found)
		 * deal with empty subplan result.  result/isNull were previously
		 * initialized correctly for all sublink types except EXPR and
		 * ROWCOMPARE; for those, return NULL.
		if (subLinkType == EXPR_SUBLINK ||
			result = (Datum) 0;
			*isNull = true;

	return result;

 * buildSubPlanHash: load hash table by scanning subplan output.
static void
buildSubPlanHash(SubPlanState *node, ExprContext *econtext)
	SubPlan    *subplan = node->subplan;
	PlanState  *planstate = node->planstate;
	int			ncols = list_length(subplan->paramIds);
	ExprContext *innerecontext = node->innerecontext;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;
	long		nbuckets;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;

	Assert(subplan->subLinkType == ANY_SUBLINK);

	 * If we already had any hash tables, reset 'em; otherwise create empty
	 * hash table(s).
	 * If we need to distinguish accurately between FALSE and UNKNOWN (i.e.,
	 * NULL) results of the IN operation, then we have to store subplan output
	 * rows that are partly or wholly NULL.  We store such rows in a separate
	 * hash table that we expect will be much smaller than the main table. (We
	 * can use hashing to eliminate partly-null rows that are not distinct. We
	 * keep them separate to minimize the cost of the inevitable full-table
	 * searches; see findPartialMatch.)
	 * If it's not necessary to distinguish FALSE and UNKNOWN, then we don't
	 * need to store subplan output rows that contain NULL.
	node->hashtable = NULL;
	node->hashnulls = NULL;
	node->havehashrows = false;
	node->havenullrows = false;

	nbuckets = (long) Min(planstate->plan->plan_rows, (double) LONG_MAX);
	if (nbuckets < 1)
		nbuckets = 1;

	if (node->hashtable)
		node->hashtable = BuildTupleHashTableExt(node->parent,

	if (!subplan->unknownEqFalse)
		if (ncols == 1)
			nbuckets = 1;		/* there can only be one entry */
			nbuckets /= 16;
			if (nbuckets < 1)
				nbuckets = 1;

		if (node->hashnulls)
			node->hashnulls = BuildTupleHashTableExt(node->parent,

	 * We are probably in a short-lived expression-evaluation context. Switch
	 * to the per-query context for manipulating the child plan.
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory);

	 * Reset subplan to start.

	 * Scan the subplan and load the hash table(s).  Note that when there are
	 * duplicate rows coming out of the sub-select, only one copy is stored.
	for (slot = ExecProcNode(planstate);
		 slot = ExecProcNode(planstate))
		int			col = 1;
		ListCell   *plst;
		bool		isnew;

		 * Load up the Params representing the raw sub-select outputs, then
		 * form the projection tuple to store in the hashtable.
		foreach(plst, subplan->paramIds)
			int			paramid = lfirst_int(plst);
			ParamExecData *prmdata;

			prmdata = &(innerecontext->ecxt_param_exec_vals[paramid]);
			Assert(prmdata->execPlan == NULL);
			prmdata->value = slot_getattr(slot, col,
		slot = ExecProject(node->projRight);

		 * If result contains any nulls, store separately or not at all.
		if (slotNoNulls(slot))
			(void) LookupTupleHashEntry(node->hashtable, slot, &isnew);
			node->havehashrows = true;
		else if (node->hashnulls)
			(void) LookupTupleHashEntry(node->hashnulls, slot, &isnew);
			node->havenullrows = true;

		 * Reset innerecontext after each inner tuple to free any memory used
		 * during ExecProject.

	 * Since the projected tuples are in the sub-query's context and not the
	 * main context, we'd better clear the tuple slot before there's any
	 * chance of a reset of the sub-query's context.  Else we will have the
	 * potential for a double free attempt.  (XXX possibly no longer needed,
	 * but can't hurt.)


 * execTuplesUnequal
 *		Return true if two tuples are definitely unequal in the indicated
 *		fields.
 * Nulls are neither equal nor unequal to anything else.  A true result
 * is obtained only if there are non-null fields that compare not-equal.
 * slot1, slot2: the tuples to compare (must have same columns!)
 * numCols: the number of attributes to be examined
 * matchColIdx: array of attribute column numbers
 * eqFunctions: array of fmgr lookup info for the equality functions to use
 * evalContext: short-term memory context for executing the functions
static bool
execTuplesUnequal(TupleTableSlot *slot1,
				  TupleTableSlot *slot2,
				  int numCols,
				  AttrNumber *matchColIdx,
				  FmgrInfo *eqfunctions,
				  const Oid *collations,
				  MemoryContext evalContext)
	MemoryContext oldContext;
	bool		result;
	int			i;

	/* Reset and switch into the temp context. */
	oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(evalContext);

	 * We cannot report a match without checking all the fields, but we can
	 * report a non-match as soon as we find unequal fields.  So, start
	 * comparing at the last field (least significant sort key). That's the
	 * most likely to be different if we are dealing with sorted input.
	result = false;

	for (i = numCols; --i >= 0;)
		AttrNumber	att = matchColIdx[i];
		Datum		attr1,
		bool		isNull1,

		attr1 = slot_getattr(slot1, att, &isNull1);

		if (isNull1)
			continue;			/* can't prove anything here */

		attr2 = slot_getattr(slot2, att, &isNull2);

		if (isNull2)
			continue;			/* can't prove anything here */

		/* Apply the type-specific equality function */
		if (!DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2Coll(&eqfunctions[i],
											attr1, attr2)))
			result = true;		/* they are unequal */


	return result;

 * findPartialMatch: does the hashtable contain an entry that is not
 * provably distinct from the tuple?
 * We have to scan the whole hashtable; we can't usefully use hashkeys
 * to guide probing, since we might get partial matches on tuples with
 * hashkeys quite unrelated to what we'd get from the given tuple.
 * Caller must provide the equality functions to use, since in cross-type
 * cases these are different from the hashtable's internal functions.
static bool
findPartialMatch(TupleHashTable hashtable, TupleTableSlot *slot,
				 FmgrInfo *eqfunctions)
	int			numCols = hashtable->numCols;
	AttrNumber *keyColIdx = hashtable->keyColIdx;
	TupleHashIterator hashiter;
	TupleHashEntry entry;

	InitTupleHashIterator(hashtable, &hashiter);
	while ((entry = ScanTupleHashTable(hashtable, &hashiter)) != NULL)

		ExecStoreMinimalTuple(entry->firstTuple, hashtable->tableslot, false);
		if (!execTuplesUnequal(slot, hashtable->tableslot,
							   numCols, keyColIdx,
			return true;
	/* No TermTupleHashIterator call needed here */
	return false;

 * slotAllNulls: is the slot completely NULL?
 * This does not test for dropped columns, which is OK because we only
 * use it on projected tuples.
static bool
slotAllNulls(TupleTableSlot *slot)
	int			ncols = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts;
	int			i;

	for (i = 1; i <= ncols; i++)
		if (!slot_attisnull(slot, i))
			return false;
	return true;

 * slotNoNulls: is the slot entirely not NULL?
 * This does not test for dropped columns, which is OK because we only
 * use it on projected tuples.
static bool
slotNoNulls(TupleTableSlot *slot)
	int			ncols = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts;
	int			i;

	for (i = 1; i <= ncols; i++)
		if (slot_attisnull(slot, i))
			return false;
	return true;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitSubPlan
 * Create a SubPlanState for a SubPlan; this is the SubPlan-specific part
 * of ExecInitExpr().  We split it out so that it can be used for InitPlans
 * as well as regular SubPlans.  Note that we don't link the SubPlan into
 * the parent's subPlan list, because that shouldn't happen for InitPlans.
 * Instead, ExecInitExpr() does that one part.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
SubPlanState *
ExecInitSubPlan(SubPlan *subplan, PlanState *parent)
	SubPlanState *sstate = makeNode(SubPlanState);
	EState	   *estate = parent->state;

	sstate->subplan = subplan;

	/* Link the SubPlanState to already-initialized subplan */
	sstate->planstate = (PlanState *) list_nth(estate->es_subplanstates,
											   subplan->plan_id - 1);

	/* ... and to its parent's state */
	sstate->parent = parent;

	/* Initialize subexpressions */
	sstate->testexpr = ExecInitExpr((Expr *) subplan->testexpr, parent);
	sstate->args = ExecInitExprList(subplan->args, parent);

	 * initialize my state
	sstate->curTuple = NULL;
	sstate->curArray = PointerGetDatum(NULL);
	sstate->projLeft = NULL;
	sstate->projRight = NULL;
	sstate->hashtable = NULL;
	sstate->hashnulls = NULL;
	sstate->hashtablecxt = NULL;
	sstate->hashtempcxt = NULL;
	sstate->innerecontext = NULL;
	sstate->keyColIdx = NULL;
	sstate->tab_eq_funcoids = NULL;
	sstate->tab_hash_funcs = NULL;
	sstate->tab_eq_funcs = NULL;
	sstate->tab_collations = NULL;
	sstate->lhs_hash_funcs = NULL;
	sstate->cur_eq_funcs = NULL;
	sstate->ts_state = NULL;

	 * If this is an initplan or MULTIEXPR subplan, it has output parameters
	 * that the parent plan will use, so mark those parameters as needing
	 * evaluation.  We don't actually run the subplan until we first need one
	 * of its outputs.
	 * A CTE subplan's output parameter is never to be evaluated in the normal
	 * way, so skip this in that case.
	 * Note that we don't set parent->chgParam here: the parent plan hasn't
	 * been run yet, so no need to force it to re-run.
	if (subplan->setParam != NIL && subplan->subLinkType != CTE_SUBLINK)
		ListCell   *lst;

		foreach(lst, subplan->setParam)
			int			paramid = lfirst_int(lst);
			ParamExecData *prmExec = &(estate->es_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

			 * If we need to evaluate a parameter, save the planstate to do so.
			if ((Gp_role != GP_ROLE_EXECUTE || !subplan->is_initplan ||
				 estate->es_sliceTable == NULL))
				prmExec->execPlan = sstate;

	 * If we are going to hash the subquery output, initialize relevant stuff.
	 * (We don't create the hashtable until needed, though.)
	if (subplan->useHashTable)
		int			ncols,
		TupleDesc	tupDescLeft;
		TupleDesc	tupDescRight;
		TupleTableSlot *slot;
		List	   *oplist,
		ListCell   *l;

		/* We need a memory context to hold the hash table(s) */
		sstate->hashtablecxt =
								  "Subplan HashTable Context",
		/* and a small one for the hash tables to use as temp storage */
		sstate->hashtempcxt =
								  "Subplan HashTable Temp Context",
		/* and a short-lived exprcontext for function evaluation */
		sstate->innerecontext = CreateExprContext(estate);
		/* Silly little array of column numbers 1..n */
		ncols = list_length(subplan->paramIds);
		sstate->keyColIdx = (AttrNumber *) palloc(ncols * sizeof(AttrNumber));
		for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
			sstate->keyColIdx[i] = i + 1;

		 * We use ExecProject to evaluate the lefthand and righthand
		 * expression lists and form tuples.  (You might think that we could
		 * use the sub-select's output tuples directly, but that is not the
		 * case if we had to insert any run-time coercions of the sub-select's
		 * output datatypes; anyway this avoids storing any resjunk columns
		 * that might be in the sub-select's output.)  Run through the
		 * combining expressions to build tlists for the lefthand and
		 * righthand sides.
		 * We also extract the combining operators themselves to initialize
		 * the equality and hashing functions for the hash tables.
		if (IsA(subplan->testexpr, OpExpr))
			/* single combining operator */
			oplist = list_make1(subplan->testexpr);
		else if (is_andclause(subplan->testexpr))
			/* multiple combining operators */
			oplist = castNode(BoolExpr, subplan->testexpr)->args;
			/* shouldn't see anything else in a hashable subplan */
			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized testexpr type: %d",
				 (int) nodeTag(subplan->testexpr));
			oplist = NIL;		/* keep compiler quiet */
		Assert(list_length(oplist) == ncols);

		lefttlist = righttlist = NIL;
		sstate->tab_eq_funcoids = (Oid *) palloc(ncols * sizeof(Oid));
		sstate->tab_hash_funcs = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(ncols * sizeof(FmgrInfo));
		sstate->tab_eq_funcs = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(ncols * sizeof(FmgrInfo));
		sstate->tab_collations = (Oid *) palloc(ncols * sizeof(Oid));
		sstate->lhs_hash_funcs = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(ncols * sizeof(FmgrInfo));
		sstate->cur_eq_funcs = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(ncols * sizeof(FmgrInfo));
		i = 1;
		foreach(l, oplist)
			OpExpr	   *opexpr = lfirst_node(OpExpr, l);
			Expr	   *expr;
			TargetEntry *tle;
			Oid			rhs_eq_oper;
			Oid			left_hashfn;
			Oid			right_hashfn;

			Assert(list_length(opexpr->args) == 2);

			/* Process lefthand argument */
			expr = (Expr *) linitial(opexpr->args);
			tle = makeTargetEntry(expr,
			lefttlist = lappend(lefttlist, tle);

			/* Process righthand argument */
			expr = (Expr *) lsecond(opexpr->args);
			tle = makeTargetEntry(expr,
			righttlist = lappend(righttlist, tle);

			/* Lookup the equality function (potentially cross-type) */
			sstate->tab_eq_funcoids[i - 1] = opexpr->opfuncid;
			fmgr_info(opexpr->opfuncid, &sstate->cur_eq_funcs[i - 1]);
			fmgr_info_set_expr((Node *) opexpr, &sstate->cur_eq_funcs[i - 1]);

			/* Look up the equality function for the RHS type */
			if (!get_compatible_hash_operators(opexpr->opno,
											   NULL, &rhs_eq_oper))
				elog(ERROR, "could not find compatible hash operator for operator %u",
			fmgr_info(get_opcode(rhs_eq_oper), &sstate->tab_eq_funcs[i - 1]);

			/* Lookup the associated hash functions */
			if (!get_op_hash_functions(opexpr->opno,
									   &left_hashfn, &right_hashfn))
				elog(ERROR, "could not find hash function for hash operator %u",
			fmgr_info(left_hashfn, &sstate->lhs_hash_funcs[i - 1]);
			fmgr_info(right_hashfn, &sstate->tab_hash_funcs[i - 1]);

			/* Set collation */
			sstate->tab_collations[i - 1] = opexpr->inputcollid;


		 * Construct tupdescs, slots and projection nodes for left and right
		 * sides.  The lefthand expressions will be evaluated in the parent
		 * plan node's exprcontext, which we don't have access to here.
		 * Fortunately we can just pass NULL for now and fill it in later
		 * (hack alert!).  The righthand expressions will be evaluated in our
		 * own innerecontext.
		tupDescLeft = ExecTypeFromTL(lefttlist);
		slot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate, tupDescLeft, &TTSOpsVirtual);
		sstate->projLeft = ExecBuildProjectionInfo(lefttlist,

		sstate->descRight = tupDescRight = ExecTypeFromTL(righttlist);
		slot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate, tupDescRight, &TTSOpsVirtual);
		sstate->projRight = ExecBuildProjectionInfo(righttlist,

		 * Create comparator for lookups of rows in the table (potentially
		 * across-type comparison).
		sstate->cur_eq_comp = ExecBuildGroupingEqual(tupDescLeft, tupDescRight,
													 &TTSOpsVirtual, &TTSOpsMinimalTuple,


	return sstate;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecSetParamPlan
 *		Executes a subplan and sets its output parameters.
 * This is called from ExecEvalParamExec() when the value of a PARAM_EXEC
 * parameter is requested and the param's execPlan field is set (indicating
 * that the param has not yet been evaluated).  This allows lazy evaluation
 * of initplans: we don't run the subplan until/unless we need its output.
 * Note that this routine MUST clear the execPlan fields of the plan's
 * output parameters after evaluating them!
 * The results of this function are stored in the EState associated with the
 * ExprContext (particularly, its ecxt_param_exec_vals); any pass-by-ref
 * result Datums are allocated in the EState's per-query memory.  The passed
 * econtext can be any ExprContext belonging to that EState; which one is
 * important only to the extent that the ExprContext's per-tuple memory
 * context is used to evaluate any parameters passed down to the subplan.
 * (Thus in principle, the shorter-lived the ExprContext the better, since
 * that data isn't needed after we return.  In practice, because initplan
 * parameters are never more complex than Vars, Aggrefs, etc, evaluating them
 * currently never leaks any memory anyway.)
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------

 * Greenplum Database Changes:
 * In the case where this is running on the dispatcher, and it's a parallel
 * dispatch subplan, we need to dispatch the query to the qExecs as well, like
 * in ExecutorRun. Except in this case we don't have to worry about insert
 * statements.
ExecSetParamPlan(SubPlanState *node, ExprContext *econtext, QueryDesc *queryDesc)
	SubPlan    *subplan = node->subplan;
	PlanState  *planstate = node->planstate;
	SubLinkType subLinkType = subplan->subLinkType;
	EState	   *estate = planstate->state;
	ScanDirection dir = estate->es_direction;
	MemoryContext oldcontext = NULL;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	ListCell   *pvar;
	ListCell   *l;
	bool		found = false;
	ArrayBuildState *astate pg_attribute_unused() = NULL;
	Size		savepeakspace = MemoryContextGetPeakSpace(planstate->state->es_query_cxt);

	bool		needDtx;
	bool		shouldDispatch = false;
	volatile bool explainRecvStats = false;

	if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH &&
		planstate != NULL &&
		planstate->plan != NULL &&
		int			subsliceIndex = queryDesc->plannedstmt->subplan_sliceIds[subplan->plan_id - 1];
		ExecSlice  *subslice;

		subslice = &estate->es_sliceTable->slices[subsliceIndex];

		if (subslice->gangType != GANGTYPE_UNALLOCATED || subslice->children)
			shouldDispatch = true;

	 * Reset memory high-water mark so EXPLAIN ANALYZE can report each
	 * root slice's usage separately.
	MemoryContextSetPeakSpace(planstate->state->es_query_cxt, 0);

	 * Need a try/catch block here so that if an ereport is called from
	 * within ExecutePlan, we can clean up by calling cdbdisp_checkDispatchResult.
	 * This cleans up the asynchronous commands running through the threads launched from
	 * CdbDispatchCommand.
	if (shouldDispatch)
		needDtx = isCurrentDtxActivated();

		 * This call returns after launching the threads that send the
		 * command to the appropriate segdbs.  It does not wait for them
		 * to finish unless an error is detected before all are dispatched.
						needDtx, true);

		 * Set up the interconnect for execution of the initplan root slice.

		UpdateMotionExpectedReceivers(queryDesc->estate->motionlayer_context, queryDesc->estate->es_sliceTable);
	ArrayBuildStateAny *astate = NULL;

	if (subLinkType == ANY_SUBLINK ||
		subLinkType == ALL_SUBLINK)
		elog(ERROR, "ANY/ALL subselect unsupported as initplan");
	if (subLinkType == CTE_SUBLINK)
		elog(ERROR, "CTE subplans should not be executed via ExecSetParamPlan");

	 * Enforce forward scan direction regardless of caller. It's hard but not
	 * impossible to get here in backward scan, so make it work anyway.
	estate->es_direction = ForwardScanDirection;

	/* Initialize ArrayBuildStateAny in caller's context, if needed */
	if (subLinkType == ARRAY_SUBLINK)
		astate = initArrayResultAny(subplan->firstColType,
									CurrentMemoryContext, true);

	 * Must switch to per-query memory context.
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory);

	 * Set Params of this plan from parent plan correlation values. (Any
	 * calculation we have to do is done in the parent econtext, since the
	 * Param values don't need to have per-query lifetime.)  Currently, we
	 * expect only MULTIEXPR_SUBLINK plans to have any correlation values.
	Assert(subplan->parParam == NIL || subLinkType == MULTIEXPR_SUBLINK);
	Assert(list_length(subplan->parParam) == list_length(node->args));

	forboth(l, subplan->parParam, pvar, node->args)
		int			paramid = lfirst_int(l);
		ParamExecData *prm = &(econtext->ecxt_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

		prm->value = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext((ExprState *) lfirst(pvar),
		planstate->chgParam = bms_add_member(planstate->chgParam, paramid);

	 * Setup the tuplestore writer for functionscan initplan
	 * Note that the file of tuplestore should not be deleted when
	 * closing file. This is due to the tuplestore reader is outside
	 * initplan, and reader will delete the file when it finished.
	if (subLinkType == INITPLAN_FUNC_SUBLINK && node->ts_state == NULL)
		char rwfile_prefix[100];

		function_scan_create_bufname_prefix(rwfile_prefix, sizeof(rwfile_prefix), subplan->plan_id);

		node->ts_state = tuplestore_begin_heap(true, /* randomAccess */
											  false, /* interXact */
											  PlanStateOperatorMemKB((PlanState *)(node->planstate)));

	 * Run the plan.  (If it needs to be rescanned, the first ExecProcNode
	 * call will take care of that.)
	for (slot = ExecProcNode(planstate);
		 slot = ExecProcNode(planstate))
        TupleDesc   tdesc = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
		int			i = 1;

		if (subLinkType == INITPLAN_FUNC_SUBLINK)
			tuplestore_puttupleslot(node->ts_state, slot);
			found = true;

		if (subLinkType == EXISTS_SUBLINK || subLinkType == NOT_EXISTS_SUBLINK)
			/* There can be only one setParam... */
			int			paramid = linitial_int(subplan->setParam);
			ParamExecData *prm = &(econtext->ecxt_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

			prm->execPlan = NULL;
			if (subLinkType == NOT_EXISTS_SUBLINK)
				prm->value = BoolGetDatum(false);
			prm->value = BoolGetDatum(true);
			prm->isnull = false;
			found = true;


		if (subLinkType == ARRAY_SUBLINK)
			Datum		dvalue;
			bool		disnull;

			found = true;
			/* stash away current value */
			Assert(subplan->firstColType == TupleDescAttr(tdesc, 0)->atttypid);
			dvalue = slot_getattr(slot, 1, &disnull);
			astate = accumArrayResultAny(astate, dvalue, disnull,
										 subplan->firstColType, oldcontext);
			/* keep scanning subplan to collect all values */

		if (found &&
			(subLinkType == EXPR_SUBLINK ||
			 subLinkType == MULTIEXPR_SUBLINK ||
			 subLinkType == ROWCOMPARE_SUBLINK))
					 errmsg("more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression")));

		found = true;

		 * We need to copy the subplan's tuple into our own context, in case
		 * any of the params are pass-by-ref type --- the pointers stored in
		 * the param structs will point at this copied tuple! node->curTuple
		 * keeps track of the copied tuple for eventual freeing.
		if (node->curTuple)
		node->curTuple = ExecCopySlotHeapTuple(slot);

		 * Now set all the setParam params from the columns of the tuple
		foreach(l, subplan->setParam)
			int			paramid = lfirst_int(l);
			ParamExecData *prm = &(econtext->ecxt_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

			prm->execPlan = NULL;
			prm->value = heap_getattr(node->curTuple, i, tdesc,

	 * Flush the tuplestore writer
	if (subLinkType == INITPLAN_FUNC_SUBLINK && node->ts_state)

	if (!found)
		if (subLinkType == EXISTS_SUBLINK || subLinkType == NOT_EXISTS_SUBLINK)
			/* There can be only one setParam... */
			int			paramid = linitial_int(subplan->setParam);
			ParamExecData *prm = &(econtext->ecxt_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

			prm->execPlan = NULL;
			if (subLinkType == NOT_EXISTS_SUBLINK)
				prm->value = BoolGetDatum(true);
				prm->value = BoolGetDatum(false);
			prm->isnull = false;
			foreach(l, subplan->setParam)
				int			paramid = lfirst_int(l);
				ParamExecData *prm = &(econtext->ecxt_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

				prm->execPlan = NULL;
				prm->value = (Datum) 0;
				prm->isnull = true;
	else if (subLinkType == ARRAY_SUBLINK)
		/* There can be only one setParam... */
		int			paramid = linitial_int(subplan->setParam);
		ParamExecData *prm = &(econtext->ecxt_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

		 * We build the result array in query context so it won't disappear;
		 * to avoid leaking memory across repeated calls, we have to remember
		 * the latest value, much as for curTuple above.
		if (node->curArray != PointerGetDatum(NULL))
		node->curArray = makeArrayResultAny(astate,
		prm->execPlan = NULL;
		prm->value = node->curArray;
		prm->isnull = false;

	/* Clean up the interconnect. */
	if (queryDesc && queryDesc->estate && queryDesc->estate->es_interconnect_is_setup)
		TeardownInterconnect(queryDesc->estate->interconnect_context, false); /* following success on QD */
		queryDesc->estate->interconnect_context = NULL;
		queryDesc->estate->es_interconnect_is_setup = false;

	 * If we dispatched to QEs, wait for completion.
	if (shouldDispatch && 
		queryDesc && queryDesc->estate &&
		queryDesc->estate->dispatcherState &&
		ErrorData *qeError = NULL;
		CdbDispatchResults *pr = NULL;
		CdbDispatcherState *ds = queryDesc->estate->dispatcherState;
		int	primaryWriterSliceIndex = PrimaryWriterSliceIndex(queryDesc->estate);

		cdbdisp_checkDispatchResult(ds, DISPATCH_WAIT_NONE);
		pr = cdbdisp_getDispatchResults(ds, &qeError);

		if (qeError)
			queryDesc->estate->dispatcherState = NULL;

		/* collect pgstat from QEs for current transaction level */
		pgstat_combine_from_qe(pr, primaryWriterSliceIndex);

		/* If EXPLAIN ANALYZE, collect execution stats from qExecs. */
		if (planstate->instrument && planstate->instrument->need_cdb)
			/* Jam stats into subplan's Instrumentation nodes. */
			explainRecvStats = true;
			cdbexplain_recvExecStats(planstate, ds->primaryResults,

		/* Main plan use same estate, must reset dispatcherState  */
		queryDesc->estate->dispatcherState = NULL;
	/* Restore memory high-water mark for root slice of main query. */
	MemoryContextSetPeakSpace(planstate->state->es_query_cxt, savepeakspace);

	if (oldcontext)

	/* restore scan direction */
	estate->es_direction = dir;

	 * Clean up the interconnect.
	 * CDB TODO: Is this needed following failure on QD?
	if (queryDesc && queryDesc->estate && queryDesc->estate->es_interconnect_is_setup)
		TeardownInterconnect(queryDesc->estate->interconnect_context, true);
		queryDesc->estate->interconnect_context = NULL;
		queryDesc->estate->es_interconnect_is_setup = false;

	 * Request any commands still executing on qExecs to stop.
	 * Wait for them to finish and clean up the dispatching structures.
	 * Replace current error info with QE error info if more interesting.
	if (shouldDispatch && queryDesc && queryDesc->estate &&
		CdbDispatcherState *ds = queryDesc->estate->dispatcherState;
		queryDesc->estate->dispatcherState = NULL;


	/* If EXPLAIN ANALYZE, collect local execution stats. */
	if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH && planstate->instrument && planstate->instrument->need_cdb)
		cdbexplain_localExecStats(planstate, econtext->ecxt_estate->showstatctx);

	/* Restore memory high-water mark for root slice of main query. */
	MemoryContextSetPeakSpace(planstate->state->es_query_cxt, savepeakspace);


	/* restore scan direction */
	estate->es_direction = dir;

 * ExecSetParamPlanMulti
 * Apply ExecSetParamPlan to evaluate any not-yet-evaluated initplan output
 * parameters whose ParamIDs are listed in "params".  Any listed params that
 * are not initplan outputs are ignored.
 * As with ExecSetParamPlan, any ExprContext belonging to the current EState
 * can be used, but in principle a shorter-lived ExprContext is better than a
 * longer-lived one.
ExecSetParamPlanMulti(const Bitmapset *params, ExprContext *econtext, QueryDesc *queryDesc)
	int			paramid;

	paramid = -1;
	while ((paramid = bms_next_member(params, paramid)) >= 0)
		ParamExecData *prm = &(econtext->ecxt_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

		if (prm->execPlan != NULL)
			/* Parameter not evaluated yet, so go do it */
			ExecSetParamPlan(prm->execPlan, econtext, queryDesc);
			/* ExecSetParamPlan should have processed this param... */
			Assert(prm->execPlan == NULL);

 * Mark an initplan as needing recalculation
ExecReScanSetParamPlan(SubPlanState *node, PlanState *parent)
	PlanState  *planstate = node->planstate;
	SubPlan    *subplan = node->subplan;
	EState	   *estate = parent->state;
	ListCell   *l;

	/* sanity checks */
	if (subplan->parParam != NIL)
		elog(ERROR, "direct correlated subquery unsupported as initplan");
	if (subplan->setParam == NIL)
		elog(ERROR, "setParam list of initplan is empty");
	if (bms_is_empty(planstate->plan->extParam))
		elog(ERROR, "extParam set of initplan is empty");

	 * Don't actually re-scan: it'll happen inside ExecSetParamPlan if needed.

	 * Mark this subplan's output parameters as needing recalculation.
	 * CTE subplans are never executed via parameter recalculation; instead
	 * they get run when called by nodeCtescan.c.  So don't mark the output
	 * parameter of a CTE subplan as dirty, but do set the chgParam bit for it
	 * so that dependent plan nodes will get told to rescan.
	foreach(l, subplan->setParam)
		int			paramid = lfirst_int(l);
		ParamExecData *prm = &(estate->es_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

		if (subplan->subLinkType != CTE_SUBLINK)
			prm->execPlan = node;

		parent->chgParam = bms_add_member(parent->chgParam, paramid);

 * ExecInitAlternativeSubPlan
 * Initialize for execution of one of a set of alternative subplans.
AlternativeSubPlanState *
ExecInitAlternativeSubPlan(AlternativeSubPlan *asplan, PlanState *parent)
	AlternativeSubPlanState *asstate = makeNode(AlternativeSubPlanState);
	double		num_calls;
	SubPlan    *subplan1;
	SubPlan    *subplan2;
	Cost		cost1;
	Cost		cost2;
	ListCell   *lc;

	asstate->subplan = asplan;

	 * Initialize subplans.  (Can we get away with only initializing the one
	 * we're going to use?)
	foreach(lc, asplan->subplans)
		SubPlan    *sp = lfirst_node(SubPlan, lc);
		SubPlanState *sps = ExecInitSubPlan(sp, parent);

		asstate->subplans = lappend(asstate->subplans, sps);
		parent->subPlan = lappend(parent->subPlan, sps);

	 * Select the one to be used.  For this, we need an estimate of the number
	 * of executions of the subplan.  We use the number of output rows
	 * expected from the parent plan node.  This is a good estimate if we are
	 * in the parent's targetlist, and an underestimate (but probably not by
	 * more than a factor of 2) if we are in the qual.
	num_calls = parent->plan->plan_rows;

	 * The planner saved enough info so that we don't have to work very hard
	 * to estimate the total cost, given the number-of-calls estimate.
	Assert(list_length(asplan->subplans) == 2);
	subplan1 = (SubPlan *) linitial(asplan->subplans);
	subplan2 = (SubPlan *) lsecond(asplan->subplans);

	cost1 = subplan1->startup_cost + num_calls * subplan1->per_call_cost;
	cost2 = subplan2->startup_cost + num_calls * subplan2->per_call_cost;

	if (cost1 < cost2)
		asstate->active = 0;
		asstate->active = 1;

	return asstate;

 * ExecAlternativeSubPlan
 * Execute one of a set of alternative subplans.
 * Note: in future we might consider changing to different subplans on the
 * fly, in case the original rowcount estimate turns out to be way off.
ExecAlternativeSubPlan(AlternativeSubPlanState *node,
					   ExprContext *econtext,
					   bool *isNull)
	/* Just pass control to the active subplan */
	SubPlanState *activesp = list_nth_node(SubPlanState,
										   node->subplans, node->active);

	return ExecSubPlan(activesp, econtext, isNull);


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn execAmi 源码

greenplumn execCurrent 源码

greenplumn execExpr 源码

greenplumn execExprInterp 源码

greenplumn execGrouping 源码

greenplumn execIndexing 源码

greenplumn execJunk 源码

greenplumn execMain 源码

greenplumn execParallel 源码

greenplumn execPartition 源码

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