greenplumn CLogicalFullOuterJoin 源码

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greenplumn CLogicalFullOuterJoin 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2013 EMC Corp.
//	@filename:
//		CLogicalFullOuterJoin.h
//	@doc:
//		Full outer join operator
#ifndef GPOS_CLogicalFullOuterJoin_H
#define GPOS_CLogicalFullOuterJoin_H

#include "gpos/base.h"

#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalJoin.h"

namespace gpopt
//	@class:
//		CLogicalFullOuterJoin
//	@doc:
//		Full outer join operator
class CLogicalFullOuterJoin : public CLogicalJoin
	CLogicalFullOuterJoin(const CLogicalFullOuterJoin &) = delete;

	// ctor
	explicit CLogicalFullOuterJoin(
		CMemoryPool *mp, CXform::EXformId origin_xform = CXform::ExfSentinel);

	// dtor
	~CLogicalFullOuterJoin() override = default;

	// ident accessors
	Eopid() const override
		return EopLogicalFullOuterJoin;

	// return a string for operator name
	const CHAR *
	SzId() const override
		return "CLogicalFullOuterJoin";

	// return true if we can pull projections up past this operator from its given child
	BOOL FCanPullProjectionsUp(ULONG  //child_index
	) const override
		return false;

	// Derived Relational Properties

	// derive not nullable output columns
	CColRefSet *
	DeriveNotNullColumns(CMemoryPool *mp,
						 CExpressionHandle &  //exprhdl
	) const override
		// all output columns are nullable
		return GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSet(mp);

	// derive max card
	CMaxCard DeriveMaxCard(CMemoryPool *mp,
						   CExpressionHandle &exprhdl) const override;

	// derive constraint property
	CPropConstraint *
	DerivePropertyConstraint(CMemoryPool *mp,
							 CExpressionHandle &  //exprhdl
	) const override
		return GPOS_NEW(mp) CPropConstraint(
			mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSetArray(mp), nullptr /*pcnstr*/);

	// promise level for stat derivation
	Esp(CExpressionHandle &	 //exprhdl
	) const override
		// Disable stats derivation for CLogicalFullOuterJoin because it is
		// currently not implemented. Instead rely on stats coming from the
		// equivalent UNION expression (formed using ExfExpandFullOuterJoin).
		// Also see CXformCTEAnchor2Sequence::Transform() and
		// CXformCTEAnchor2TrivialSelect::Transform().
		return EspLow;

	// Transformations

	// candidate set of xforms
	CXformSet *PxfsCandidates(CMemoryPool *mp) const override;


	// conversion function
	static CLogicalFullOuterJoin *
	PopConvert(COperator *pop)
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pop);
		GPOS_ASSERT(EopLogicalFullOuterJoin == pop->Eopid());

		return dynamic_cast<CLogicalFullOuterJoin *>(pop);

};	// class CLogicalFullOuterJoin

}  // namespace gpopt

#endif	// !GPOS_CLogicalFullOuterJoin_H

// EOF


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