spring-session ReactiveRedisSessionRepository 源码
spring-session ReactiveRedisSessionRepository 代码
* Copyright 2014-2021 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.session.data.redis;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.ReactiveRedisOperations;
import org.springframework.session.MapSession;
import org.springframework.session.ReactiveSessionRepository;
import org.springframework.session.SaveMode;
import org.springframework.session.Session;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
* A {@link ReactiveSessionRepository} that is implemented using Spring Data's
* {@link ReactiveRedisOperations}.
* @author Vedran Pavic
* @author Kai Zhao
* @since 2.2.0
public class ReactiveRedisSessionRepository
implements ReactiveSessionRepository<ReactiveRedisSessionRepository.RedisSession> {
* The default namespace for each key and channel in Redis used by Spring Session.
public static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "spring:session";
private final ReactiveRedisOperations<String, Object> sessionRedisOperations;
* The namespace for every key used by Spring Session in Redis.
private String namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE + ":";
* If non-null, this value is used to override the default value for
* {@link RedisSession#setMaxInactiveInterval(Duration)}.
private Integer defaultMaxInactiveInterval;
private SaveMode saveMode = SaveMode.ON_SET_ATTRIBUTE;
* Create a new {@link ReactiveRedisSessionRepository} instance.
* @param sessionRedisOperations the {@link ReactiveRedisOperations} to use for
* managing sessions
public ReactiveRedisSessionRepository(ReactiveRedisOperations<String, Object> sessionRedisOperations) {
Assert.notNull(sessionRedisOperations, "sessionRedisOperations cannot be null");
this.sessionRedisOperations = sessionRedisOperations;
public void setRedisKeyNamespace(String namespace) {
Assert.hasText(namespace, "namespace cannot be null or empty");
this.namespace = namespace.trim() + ":";
* Sets the maximum inactive interval in seconds between requests before newly created
* sessions will be invalidated. A negative time indicates that the session will never
* timeout. The default is 1800 (30 minutes).
* @param defaultMaxInactiveInterval the number of seconds that the {@link Session}
* should be kept alive between client requests.
public void setDefaultMaxInactiveInterval(int defaultMaxInactiveInterval) {
this.defaultMaxInactiveInterval = defaultMaxInactiveInterval;
* Set the save mode.
* @param saveMode the save mode
public void setSaveMode(SaveMode saveMode) {
Assert.notNull(saveMode, "saveMode must not be null");
this.saveMode = saveMode;
* Returns the {@link ReactiveRedisOperations} used for sessions.
* @return the {@link ReactiveRedisOperations} used for sessions
public ReactiveRedisOperations<String, Object> getSessionRedisOperations() {
return this.sessionRedisOperations;
public Mono<RedisSession> createSession() {
return Mono.defer(() -> {
MapSession cached = new MapSession();
if (this.defaultMaxInactiveInterval != null) {
RedisSession session = new RedisSession(cached, true);
return Mono.just(session);
public Mono<Void> save(RedisSession session) {
if (session.isNew) {
return session.save();
String sessionKey = getSessionKey(session.hasChangedSessionId() ? session.originalSessionId : session.getId());
return this.sessionRedisOperations.hasKey(sessionKey).flatMap(
(exists) -> exists ? session.save() : Mono.error(new IllegalStateException("Session was invalidated")));
public Mono<RedisSession> findById(String id) {
String sessionKey = getSessionKey(id);
// @formatter:off
return this.sessionRedisOperations.opsForHash().entries(sessionKey)
.collectMap((e) -> e.getKey().toString(), Map.Entry::getValue)
.filter((map) -> !map.isEmpty())
.map(new RedisSessionMapper(id))
.filter((session) -> !session.isExpired())
.map((session) -> new RedisSession(session, false))
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> deleteById(id).then(Mono.empty())));
// @formatter:on
public Mono<Void> deleteById(String id) {
String sessionKey = getSessionKey(id);
return this.sessionRedisOperations.delete(sessionKey).then();
private static String getAttributeKey(String attributeName) {
return RedisSessionMapper.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + attributeName;
private String getSessionKey(String sessionId) {
return this.namespace + "sessions:" + sessionId;
* A custom implementation of {@link Session} that uses a {@link MapSession} as the
* basis for its mapping. It keeps track of any attributes that have changed. When
* {@link RedisSession#saveDelta()} is invoked all the attributes that have been
* changed will be persisted.
final class RedisSession implements Session {
private final MapSession cached;
private final Map<String, Object> delta = new HashMap<>();
private boolean isNew;
private String originalSessionId;
RedisSession(MapSession cached, boolean isNew) {
this.cached = cached;
this.isNew = isNew;
this.originalSessionId = cached.getId();
if (this.isNew) {
this.delta.put(RedisSessionMapper.CREATION_TIME_KEY, cached.getCreationTime().toEpochMilli());
(int) cached.getMaxInactiveInterval().getSeconds());
this.delta.put(RedisSessionMapper.LAST_ACCESSED_TIME_KEY, cached.getLastAccessedTime().toEpochMilli());
if (this.isNew || (ReactiveRedisSessionRepository.this.saveMode == SaveMode.ALWAYS)) {
getAttributeNames().forEach((attributeName) -> this.delta.put(getAttributeKey(attributeName),
public String getId() {
return this.cached.getId();
public String changeSessionId() {
return this.cached.changeSessionId();
public <T> T getAttribute(String attributeName) {
T attributeValue = this.cached.getAttribute(attributeName);
if (attributeValue != null
&& ReactiveRedisSessionRepository.this.saveMode.equals(SaveMode.ON_GET_ATTRIBUTE)) {
this.delta.put(getAttributeKey(attributeName), attributeValue);
return attributeValue;
public Set<String> getAttributeNames() {
return this.cached.getAttributeNames();
public void setAttribute(String attributeName, Object attributeValue) {
this.cached.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
this.delta.put(getAttributeKey(attributeName), attributeValue);
public void removeAttribute(String attributeName) {
this.delta.put(getAttributeKey(attributeName), null);
public Instant getCreationTime() {
return this.cached.getCreationTime();
public void setLastAccessedTime(Instant lastAccessedTime) {
this.delta.put(RedisSessionMapper.LAST_ACCESSED_TIME_KEY, getLastAccessedTime().toEpochMilli());
public Instant getLastAccessedTime() {
return this.cached.getLastAccessedTime();
public void setMaxInactiveInterval(Duration interval) {
this.delta.put(RedisSessionMapper.MAX_INACTIVE_INTERVAL_KEY, (int) getMaxInactiveInterval().getSeconds());
public Duration getMaxInactiveInterval() {
return this.cached.getMaxInactiveInterval();
public boolean isExpired() {
return this.cached.isExpired();
private boolean hasChangedSessionId() {
return !getId().equals(this.originalSessionId);
private Mono<Void> save() {
return Mono.defer(() -> saveChangeSessionId().then(saveDelta()).doOnSuccess((aVoid) -> this.isNew = false));
private Mono<Void> saveDelta() {
if (this.delta.isEmpty()) {
return Mono.empty();
String sessionKey = getSessionKey(getId());
Mono<Boolean> update = ReactiveRedisSessionRepository.this.sessionRedisOperations.opsForHash()
.putAll(sessionKey, new HashMap<>(this.delta));
Mono<Boolean> setTtl;
if (getMaxInactiveInterval().getSeconds() >= 0) {
setTtl = ReactiveRedisSessionRepository.this.sessionRedisOperations.expire(sessionKey,
else {
setTtl = ReactiveRedisSessionRepository.this.sessionRedisOperations.persist(sessionKey);
return update.and(setTtl).and((s) -> {
private Mono<Void> saveChangeSessionId() {
if (!hasChangedSessionId()) {
return Mono.empty();
String sessionId = getId();
Publisher<Void> replaceSessionId = (s) -> {
this.originalSessionId = sessionId;
if (this.isNew) {
return Mono.from(replaceSessionId);
else {
String originalSessionKey = getSessionKey(this.originalSessionId);
String sessionKey = getSessionKey(sessionId);
return ReactiveRedisSessionRepository.this.sessionRedisOperations.rename(originalSessionKey, sessionKey)
spring-session ReactiveRedisOperationsSessionRepository 源码
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