greenplumn gppc 源码
greenplumn gppc 代码
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//**
* @file gppc.h
* @brief Greenplum Partner Connector main header
* This header contains prototypes for libgppc -- the Greenplum Database Partner
* Connector.
* The most common use of the GPPC is to write user defined functions which do
* not need to be recompiled from one Greenplum Database release to the next.
* Those user defined functions usually have the following form:
* \code
* GppcDatum
* {
* GppcXXX arg1 = GPPC_GETARG_XXXX(0);
* ....
* GPPC_RETURN_XXX(result);
* }
* \endcode
* GPPC 1.0 is compatible with Greenplum Database and above.
* GPPC 1.1 is compatible with Greenplum Database and above.
* GPPC 1.2 is compatible with Greenplum Database and above.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012, Greenplum Inc.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
* src/include/gppc/gppc.h
*//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef GPPC_H
#define GPPC_H
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifndef GPPC_C_BUILD
#error "PG_VERSION_NUM detected. Please not include GPDB internal headers."
#ifndef __cplusplus /* C++ has built-in bool */
* \brief Generic boolean type if it's not defined.
typedef char bool;
#ifndef true
* \brief Generic boolean true if it's not defined.
#define true ((bool) 1)
#ifndef false
* \brief Generic boolean false if it's not defined.
#define false ((bool) 0)
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* GPPC_C_BUILD */
* \brief Creates the necessary glue to make the named function SQL invokable.
* \param funcname the name of exposed function.
* Every SQL invokable function must be declared via this macro.
#define GPPC_FUNCTION_INFO(funcname) \
extern const void * pg_finfo_##funcname (void); \
const void * \
pg_finfo_##funcname (void) \
{ \
return GppcFinfoV1(); \
} \
extern int no_such_variable
* \ingroup TimestampOps
* \brief Temporal data type information extended from C standard tm structure.
* The fields of this structure are equivalent to the ones of tm, though there are
* a few modifications. \a tm_year is an exact number of year, not 1900-based.
* \a tm_mon starts from 1, not 0. \a tm_isdst is 0 when \a tm_gmtoff is valid
* as offset seconds from UTC. \a tm_zone may contain time zone string.
* \a tm_fsec is the fraction second.
*\sa GppcDateGetTm(), GppcTimeGetTm(), GppcTimeTzGetTm(), GppcTimestampGetTm(),
* GppcTimestampTzGetTm(), GppcTmGetDate(), GppcTmGetTime(), GppcTmGetTimeTz(),
* GppcTmGetTimestamp(), GppcTmGetTimestampTz()
typedef struct GppcTm
int tm_sec; /**< second */
int tm_min; /**< minute */
int tm_hour; /**< hour */
int tm_mday; /**< day of month */
int tm_mon; /**< month */
int tm_year; /**< year */
int tm_wday; /**< day of week */
int tm_yday; /**< day of year */
int tm_isdst; /**< 0 if gmtoff is valid */
int tm_gmtoff; /**< GMT offset in seconds */
const char *tm_zone; /**< time zone string */
int tm_fsec; /**< fraction second */
} GppcTm;
* \ingroup SPI
* \brief Represents an SPI result data. \a processed has the number of
* processed rows by SPI mechanism and \a current holds the counter which
* is used as the tuple pointer in GppcSPIGetDatumByNum() etc. You can set
* it from user code as long as you keep 0 <= \a current < \a processed.
* \a rescode is the SPI result code which indicates the result of last
* operation issued by SPI.
typedef struct GppcSPIResultData
struct GppcSPITupleTableData *tuptable; /**< opaque pointer to the internal data */
uint32_t processed; /**< number of affected rows by the operation */
uint32_t current; /**< position of tuples now looking at */
int rescode; /**< result code of last operation */
} GppcSPIResultData;
* \ingroup SPI
* \brief pointer type of ::GppcSPIResultData
* \sa ::GppcSPIResultData.
typedef GppcSPIResultData *GppcSPIResult;
* \ingroup Reports
* \brief Wraps error report information that can be accessed in a report
* callback function.
typedef struct GppcReportInfoData *GppcReportInfo;
* \brief SQL callable function's argument.
* Every function must have the same signature with this macro
* as its only argument.
#define GPPC_FUNCTION_ARGS GppcFcinfo fcinfo
* GPPC types
* \brief A type which contains function call information.
* The contents of this data type are opaque to users of GPPC.
typedef struct GppcFcinfoData *GppcFcinfo;
* \brief Generic type which can represent any data type.
typedef int64_t GppcDatum;
* \brief One byte boolean type which maps to SQL bool.
typedef char GppcBool;
* \brief One byte character type which maps to SQL "char".
typedef char GppcChar;
* \brief Two byte signed integer type which maps to SQL int2/smallint.
typedef int16_t GppcInt2;
* \brief Four byte signed integer type which maps to SQL int4/integer.
typedef int32_t GppcInt4;
* \brief Eight byte signed integer type which maps to SQL int8/bigint.
typedef int64_t GppcInt8;
* \brief Four byte floating point type which maps to SQL float4/real.
typedef float GppcFloat4;
* \brief Eight byte floating point type which maps to SQL
* float8/double precision.
typedef double GppcFloat8;
* \brief Generic string type which maps to SQL text.
typedef struct GppcTextData *GppcText;
* \brief Variable length string which maps to SQL varchar.
typedef struct GppcVarCharData *GppcVarChar;
* \brief Blank padded string which maps to SQL char.
typedef struct GppcBpCharData *GppcBpChar;
* \brief Byte array type which maps to SQL bytea.
typedef struct GppcByteaData *GppcBytea;
* \brief Decimal type which maps to SQL numeric.
typedef struct GppcNumericData *GppcNumeric;
* \brief Date type which maps to SQL date.
typedef int32_t GppcDate;
* \brief Time without time zone which maps to SQL time.
typedef int64_t GppcTime;
* \brief Time with time zone which maps to SQL timetz.
typedef struct TimeTzData *GppcTimeTz;
* \brief Timestamp without time zone which maps to SQL timestamp.
typedef int64_t GppcTimestamp;
* \brief Timestamp with time zone which maps to SQL timestamptz.
typedef int64_t GppcTimestampTz;
* \brief Subquery representation which maps to SQL anytable.
typedef struct GppcAnyTableData *GppcAnyTable;
* \brief Unsigned integer which maps to an object identifier (OID) type.
typedef uint32_t GppcOid;
* \brief Abstract type for a row descriptor.
typedef struct GppcTupleDescData *GppcTupleDesc;
* \brief set returning function context.
typedef struct GppcFuncCallContextData *GppcFuncCallContext;
* \brief Abstract type for a row.
typedef struct GppcHeapTupleData *GppcHeapTuple;
* \brief Report callback state.
* \sa GppcInstallReportCallback(), GppcUninstallReportCallback()
typedef struct GppcReportCallbackStateData *GppcReportCallbackState;
* GPPC type oid
* \brief This points none of valid SQL type.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidInvalid;
* \brief Oid for SQL bool.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidBool;
* \brief Oid for SQL "char".
extern const GppcOid GppcOidChar;
* \brief Oid for SQL int2/smallint.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidInt2;
* \brief Oid for SQL int4/integer.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidInt4;
* \brief Oid for SQL int8/bigint.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidInt8;
* \brief Oid for SQL float4/real.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidFloat4;
* \brief Oid for SQL float8/double precision.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidFloat8;
* \brief Oid for SQL text.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidText;
* \brief Oid for SQL varchar.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidVarChar;
* \brief Oid for SQL char.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidBpChar;
* \brief Oid for SQL bytea.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidBytea;
* \brief Oid for SQL numeric.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidNumeric;
* \brief Oid for SQL date.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidDate;
* \brief Oid for SQL time (time without time zone).
extern const GppcOid GppcOidTime;
* \brief Oid for SQL timetz (time with time zone).
extern const GppcOid GppcOidTimeTz;
* \brief Oid for SQL timestamp (timestamp without time zone).
extern const GppcOid GppcOidTimestamp;
* \brief Oid for SQL timestamptz (timestamp with time zone).
extern const GppcOid GppcOidTimestampTz;
* \brief Oid for SQL anytable.
extern const GppcOid GppcOidAnyTable;
* \defgroup FunctionControls Basic function control operations
* @{
* \brief Returns number of argument supplied to an SQL invoked function.
#define GPPC_NARGS() (GppcNargs(fcinfo))
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning NULL value.
#define GPPC_RETURN_NULL() return GppcReturnNull(fcinfo)
* \brief Returns true if a given argument to an SQL invoked function was NULL.
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_ARGISNULL(n) (GppcArgIsNull(fcinfo, n))
* GETARG macros
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcDatum
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_DATUM(n) (GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcBool
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_BOOL(n) (GppcDatumGetBool(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcChar
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_CHAR(n) (GppcDatumGetChar(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcInt2
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_INT2(n) (GppcDatumGetInt2(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcInt4
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_INT4(n) (GppcDatumGetInt4(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcInt8
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_INT8(n) (GppcDatumGetInt8(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcFloat4
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_FLOAT4(n) (GppcDatumGetFloat4(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcFloat8
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_FLOAT8(n) (GppcDatumGetFloat8(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcText
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
* The returned ::GppcText may have a direct pointer to database content,
* so do not modify the content.
#define GPPC_GETARG_TEXT(n) (GppcDatumGetText(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcText
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
* In contrast to GPPC_GETARG_TEXT(), this returns a copy of the argument,
* so the function can modify its content.
#define GPPC_GETARG_TEXT_COPY(n) (GppcDatumGetTextCopy(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcVarChar
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
* The returned ::GppcVarChar may have a direct pointer to database content,
* so do not modify the content.
#define GPPC_GETARG_VARCHAR(n) (GppcDatumGetVarChar(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcVarChar
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
* In contrast to GPPC_GETARG_VARCHAR(), this returns a copy of the argument,
* so the function can modify its content.
#define GPPC_GETARG_VARCHAR_COPY(n) (GppcDatumGetVarCharCopy(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcBpChar
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
* The returned ::GppcBpChar may have a direct pointer to database content,
* so do not modify the content.
#define GPPC_GETARG_BPCHAR(n) (GppcDatumGetBpChar(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcBpChar
* \param n the argument position starting from 0.
* In contrast to GPPC_GETARG_BPCHAR(), this returns a copy of the argument,
* so the function can modify its content.
#define GPPC_GETARG_BPCHAR_COPY(n) (GppcDatumGetBpCharCopy(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcBytea
* \param n argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_BYTEA(n) (GppcDatumGetBytea(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcBytea
* \param n argument position starting from 0.
* In contrast to GPPC_GETARG_BYTEA(), this returns a copy of the argument,
* so the function can modify its content.
#define GPPC_GETARG_BYTEA_COPY(n) (GppcDatumGetByteaCopy(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcNumeric
* \param n argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_NUMERIC(n) (GppcDatumGetNumeric(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcDate
* \param n argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_DATE(n) (GppcDatumGetDate(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcTime
* \param n argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_TIME(n) (GppcDatumGetTime(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcTimeTz
* \param n argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_TIMETZ(n) (GppcDatumGetTimeTz(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcTimestamp
* \param n argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_TIMESTAMP(n) (GppcDatumGetTimestamp(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcTimestampTz
* \param n argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_TIMESTAMPTZ(n) (GppcDatumGetTimestampTz(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an SQL invoked function as ::GppcAnyTable
* \param n argument position starting from 0.
#define GPPC_GETARG_ANYTABLE(n) (GppcDatumGetAnyTable(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an internal pointer of tuple descriptor.
#define GPPC_GETARG_TUPLEDESC(n) (GppcDatumGetTupleDesc(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* \brief Retrieves an argument to an internal pointer of row content.
#define GPPC_GETARG_HEAPTUPLE(n) (GppcDatumGetHeapTuple(GppcGetArgDatum(fcinfo, n)))
* RETURN macros
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as any SQL type.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_DATUM(x) return (x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL bool.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_BOOL(x) return GppcBoolGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL "char".
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_CHAR(x) return GppcCharGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL int2.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_INT2(x) return GppcInt2GetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL int4.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_INT4(x) return GppcInt4GetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL int8.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_INT8(x) return GppcInt8GetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL float4.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_FLOAT4(x) return GppcFloat4GetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL float8.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_FLOAT8(x) return GppcFloat8GetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL text.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_TEXT(x) return GppcTextGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL varchar.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_VARCHAR(x) return GppcVarCharGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL char.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_BPCHAR(x) return GppcBpCharGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL bytea.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_BYTEA(x) return GppcByteaGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL numeric.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_NUMERIC(x) return GppcNumericGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL date.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_DATE(x) return GppcDateGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL time.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_TIME(x) return GppcTimeGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL timetz.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_TIMETZ(x) return GppcTimeTzGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL timestamp.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_TIMESTAMP(x) return GppcTimestampGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL timestamptz.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_TIMESTAMPTZ(x) return GppcTimestampTzGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as SQL anytable.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_ANYTABLE(x) return GppcAnyTableGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as internal tuple descriptor.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_TUPLEDESC(x) return GppcTupleDescGetDatum(x)
* \brief Terminates an SQL invoked function returning value as internal row content.
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be returned.
#define GPPC_RETURN_HEAPTUPLE(x) return GppcHeapTupleGetDatum(x)
const void *GppcFinfoV1(void);
* \sa GPPC_NARGS()
int GppcNargs(GppcFcinfo info);
GppcDatum GppcReturnNull(GppcFcinfo info);
bool GppcArgIsNull(GppcFcinfo info, int n);
* \sa GPPC_GETARG_INT4(), etc.
GppcDatum GppcGetArgDatum(GppcFcinfo info, int n);
* @}
* \defgroup DatumConv Conversion from/to GppcDatum
* @{
* Conversion to GppcDatum
* \brief Converts ::GppcBool to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcBool to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcBoolGetDatum(GppcBool x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcChar to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcChar to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcCharGetDatum(GppcChar x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcInt2 to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcInt2 to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcInt2GetDatum(GppcInt2 x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcInt4 to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcInt4 to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcInt4GetDatum(GppcInt4 x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcInt8 to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcInt8 to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcInt8GetDatum(GppcInt8 x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcFloat4 to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcFloat4 to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcFloat4GetDatum(GppcFloat4 x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcFloat8 to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcFloat8 to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcFloat8GetDatum(GppcFloat8 x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcText to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcText to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcTextGetDatum(GppcText x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcVarChar to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcVarChar to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcVarCharGetDatum(GppcVarChar x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcBpChar to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcBpChar to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcBpCharGetDatum(GppcBpChar x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcBytea to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcBytea to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcByteaGetDatum(GppcBytea x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcNumeric to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcNumeric to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcNumericGetDatum(GppcNumeric x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDate to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcDate to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcDateGetDatum(GppcDate x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcTime to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcTime to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcTimeGetDatum(GppcTime x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcTimeTz to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcTimeTz to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcTimeTzGetDatum(GppcTimeTz x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcTimestamp to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcTimestamp to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcTimestampGetDatum(GppcTimestamp x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcTimestampTz to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcTimestampTz to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcTimestampTzGetDatum(GppcTimestampTz x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcAnyTable to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcAnyTable to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcAnyTableGetDatum(GppcAnyTable x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcTupleDesc to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcTupleDesc to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcTupleDescGetDatum(GppcTupleDesc x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcHeapTuple to ::GppcDatum
* \param x ::GppcHeapTuple to be converted to ::GppcDatum
GppcDatum GppcHeapTupleGetDatum(GppcHeapTuple x);
* Conversion from GppcDatum
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcBool
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcBool
GppcBool GppcDatumGetBool(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcChar
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcChar
GppcChar GppcDatumGetChar(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcInt2
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcInt2
GppcInt2 GppcDatumGetInt2(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcInt4
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcInt4
GppcInt4 GppcDatumGetInt4(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcInt8
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcInt8
GppcInt8 GppcDatumGetInt8(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcFloat4
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcFloat4
GppcFloat4 GppcDatumGetFloat4(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcFloat8
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcFloat8
GppcFloat8 GppcDatumGetFloat8(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcText
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcText
GppcText GppcDatumGetText(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcText
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted and copied to ::GppcText
GppcText GppcDatumGetTextCopy(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcVarChar
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcVarChar
GppcVarChar GppcDatumGetVarChar(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcVarChar
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted and copied to ::GppcVarChar
GppcVarChar GppcDatumGetVarCharCopy(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcBpChar
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcBpChar
GppcBpChar GppcDatumGetBpChar(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcBpChar
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted and copied to ::GppcBpChar
GppcBpChar GppcDatumGetBpCharCopy(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcBytea
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcBytea
GppcBytea GppcDatumGetBytea(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcBytea
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted and copied to ::GppcBytea
GppcBytea GppcDatumGetByteaCopy(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcNumeric
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcNumeric
GppcNumeric GppcDatumGetNumeric(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcDate
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcDate
GppcDate GppcDatumGetDate(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcTime
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcTime
GppcTime GppcDatumGetTime(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcTimeTz
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcTimeTz
GppcTimeTz GppcDatumGetTimeTz(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcTimestamp
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcTimestamp
GppcTimestamp GppcDatumGetTimestamp(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcTimestampTz
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcTimestampTz
GppcTimestampTz GppcDatumGetTimestampTz(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcAnyTable
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcAnyTable
GppcAnyTable GppcDatumGetAnyTable(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcTupleDesc
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcTupleDesc
GppcTupleDesc GppcDatumGetTupleDesc(GppcDatum x);
* \brief Converts ::GppcDatum to ::GppcHeapTuple
* \param x ::GppcDatum to be converted to ::GppcHeapTuple
GppcHeapTuple GppcDatumGetHeapTuple(GppcDatum x);
* @}
* \defgroup TextOps Text operations
* @{
* \brief Returns byte size of this character string.
* \param t ::GppcText holding character string.
size_t GppcGetTextLength(GppcText t);
* \brief Returns the pointer to the head of character string.
* \param t ::GppcText holding character string.
* Note the string is not null-terminated. If you want a
* null-terminated string, use GppcTextGetCString(). Also,
* the memory pointed by this pointer may be the actual database
* content. Do not modify the memory content.
char *GppcGetTextPointer(GppcText t);
* \brief Builds a null-terminated character string from ::GppcText.
* \param t the original GppcText to build string from.
* The returned string is always copied locally and is therefore
* mutable.
char *GppcTextGetCString(GppcText t);
* \brief Builds ::GppcText from a null-terminated character string.
* \param s character string to build ::GppcText from.
* This copies content from s and builds ::GppcText which can be returned
* to the database.
GppcText GppcCStringGetText(const char *s);
* \brief Returns byte size of this character string.
* \param t ::GppcVarChar holding character string.
size_t GppcGetVarCharLength(GppcVarChar t);
* \brief Returns the pointer to the head of character string.
* \param t ::GppcVarChar holding character string.
* Note the string is not null-terminated. If you want a
* null-terminated string, use GppcVarCharGetCString(). Also,
* the memory pointed by this pointer may be the actual database
* content. Do not modify the memory content.
char *GppcGetVarCharPointer(GppcVarChar t);
* \brief Builds a null-terminated character string from ::GppcVarChar.
* \param t the original GppcVarChar to build string from.
* The returned string is always copied locally hence it's mutable.
char *GppcVarCharGetCString(GppcVarChar t);
* \brief Builds ::GppcVarChar from a null-terminated character string.
* \param s character string to build ::GppcVarChar from.
* This copies content from s and builds ::GppcVarChar which can be returned
* to the database.
GppcVarChar GppcCStringGetVarChar(const char *s);
* \brief Returns byte size of this character string.
* \param t ::GppcBpChar holding character string.
size_t GppcGetBpCharLength(GppcBpChar t);
* \brief Returns the pointer to the head of character string.
* \param t ::GppcBpChar holding character string.
* Note the string is not null-terminated. If you want a
* null-terminated string, use GppcBpCharGetCString(). Also,
* the memory pointed by this pointer may be the actual database
* content. Do not modify the memory content.
char *GppcGetBpCharPointer(GppcBpChar t);
* \brief Builds a null-terminated character string from ::GppcBpChar.
* \param t the original GppcBpChar to build string from.
* The returned string is always copied locally hence it's mutable.
char *GppcBpCharGetCString(GppcBpChar t);
* \brief Builds ::GppcBpChar from a null-terminated character string.
* \param s character string to build ::GppcBpChar from.
* This copies content from s and builds ::GppcBpChar which can be returned
* to the database.
GppcBpChar GppcCStringGetBpChar(const char *s);
* \brief Returns byte size of this byte array.
* \param x ::GppcBytea holding byte array.
size_t GppcGetByteaLength(GppcBytea x);
* \brief Returns the pointer to the head of byte array.
* \param x ::GppcBytea holding byte array.
* The memory pointed by this pointer may be the actual database
* content. Do not modify the memory content.
char *GppcGetByteaPointer(GppcBytea x);
* @}
* \defgroup NumericOps Numeric operations
* @{
* \brief Returns a null-terminated string that represents this deciaml value.
* \param n ::GppcNumeric to be printed.
char *GppcNumericGetCString(GppcNumeric n);
* \brief Returns ::GppcNumeric that the input represents.
* \param s null-terminated string to be converted to ::GppcNumeric.
* This is the counter-operation of GppcNumericGetCString().
GppcNumeric GppcCStringGetNumeric(const char *s);
* \brief Given 32 bit integer, interprets it into 16 bit integer precision and
* scale.
* \param typmod the type modifier of the numeric column.
* \param precision the pointer to the 16 bit integer to set the precision value.
* \param scale the pointer to the 16 bit integer to set the scale value.
* The precision is the total count of significant digits in the whole
* number, and the scale is the count of decimal digits in the fraction part.
* Returns true if the type modifier contains the precision and scale values,
* and false if the type modifier doesn't.
bool GppcGetNumericDef(int32_t typmod, int16_t *precision, int16_t *scale);
* \brief Returns a ::GppcFloat8 value down-cast from a ::GppcNumeric.
* \param n a ::GppcNumeric value to down-cast to a ::GppcFloat8 value.
GppcFloat8 GppcNumericGetFloat8(GppcNumeric n);
* \brief Returns a ::GppcNumeric value cast from a ::GppcFloat8.
* \param f a ::GppcFloat8 value to cast to a ::GppcNumeric value.
GppcNumeric GppcFloat8GetNumeric(GppcFloat8 f);
* @}
* \defgroup TimestampOps Timestamp operations
* @{
* \brief Extracts information from ::GppcDate to ::GppcTm
* \param x input ::GppcDate.
* \param tm output ::GppcTm.
* This function sets only date related fields of ::GppcTm.
void GppcDateGetTm(GppcDate x, GppcTm *tm);
* \brief Generates ::GppcDate from ::GppcTm.
* \param tm source to generate ::GppcDate.
GppcDate GppcTmGetDate(GppcTm *tm);
* \brief Extracts information from ::GppcTime to ::GppcTm
* \param x input ::GppcTime.
* \param tm output ::GppcTm.
* This function sets only time related fields of ::GppcTm.
void GppcTimeGetTm(GppcTime x, GppcTm *tm);
* \brief Generates ::GppcTime from ::GppcTm.
* \param tm source to generate ::GppcTime.
GppcTime GppcTmGetTime(GppcTm *tm);
* \brief Extracts information from ::GppcTimeTz to ::GppcTm
* \param x input ::GppcTimeTz.
* \param tm output ::GppcTm.
* This function sets only time related fields of ::GppcTm.
void GppcTimeTzGetTm(GppcTimeTz x, GppcTm *tm);
* \brief Generates ::GppcTimeTz from ::GppcTm.
* \param tm source to generate ::GppcTimeTz.
GppcTimeTz GppcTmGetTimeTz(GppcTm *tm);
* \brief Extracts information from ::GppcTimestamp to ::GppcTm
* \param x input ::GppcTimestamp.
* \param tm output ::GppcTm.
void GppcTimestampGetTm(GppcTimestamp x, GppcTm *tm);
* \brief Generates ::GppcTimestamp from ::GppcTm.
* \param tm source to generate ::GppcTimestamp.
GppcTimestamp GppcTmGetTimestamp(GppcTm *tm);
* \brief Extracts information from ::GppcTimestampTz to ::GppcTm
* \param x input ::GppcTimestampTz.
* \param tm output ::GppcTm.
void GppcTimestampTzGetTm(GppcTimestampTz x, GppcTm *tm);
* \brief Generates ::GppcTimestampTz from ::GppcTm.
* \param tm source to generate ::GppcTimestampTz.
GppcTimestampTz GppcTmGetTimestampTz(GppcTm *tm);
* @}
* \defgroup Memory Memory operations
* Allocating, freeing memory chunk with the database memory pool, which
* is called <em> memory context </em>. A memory context is pooled in the
* database backend and survive in certain life time. After its life time
* is finished, the backend will delete all contents in the context.
* Typically a SQL-invoked function is in <em> per tuple context </em>,
* which is created and deleted everytime the backend processes a row.
* This means a SQL-invoked function should not assume the memory content
* allocated in the current memory context is alive across multiple function
* calls.
* @{
* \brief Memory context handle
typedef void *GppcMemoryContext;
* \brief Allocates memory chunk in the current memory context.
* \param bytes byte size to be allocated.
* The allocated pointer can be freed by GppcFree() if it's not needed anymore,
* but the database will free it after this context finishes. The memory
* content is uninitialized. If the database cannot allocate memory,
* the function will raise an error. Thus, the caller doesn't need to check
void *GppcAlloc(size_t bytes);
* \brief Allocates a memory chunk in the current memory context and
* initializes it.
* \param bytes byte size to be allocated.
* The only difference from GppcAlloc() is the returned memory is initialized
* to zero.
void *GppcAlloc0(size_t bytes);
* \brief Resizes the pre-allocated memory.
* \param ptr pointer to the pre-allocated memory.
* \param bytes byte size to be allocated.
* The returned pointer may be the same as input parameter, if the database
* finds enough space after the pre-allocated memory. Otherwise it allocates
* another area and copy from the input. If the database cannot allocate memory
* this raises error. Thus, the caller doesn't need to check NULL.
void *GppcRealloc(void *ptr, size_t bytes);
* \brief Frees memory allocated by GppcAlloc(), GppcAlloc0() or GppcRealloc().
* \param ptr pointer to pre-allocated memory.
* The memory allocated in the current memory context may or may not be freed by
* this function. The database will free it later anyway.
void GppcFree(void *ptr);
* \brief Creates a new ::GppcText instance.
* \param clen character string length in bytes the instance will have.
* The returned ::GppcText is allocated in the current memory context.
GppcText GppcAllocText(size_t clen);
* \brief Creates a new ::GppcVarChar instance.
* \param clen character string length in bytes the instance will have.
* The returned ::GppcVarChar is allocated in the current memory context.
GppcVarChar GppcAllocVarChar(size_t clen);
* \brief Creates a new ::GppcBpChar instance.
* \param clen character string length in bytes the instance will have.
* The returned ::GppcBpChar is allocated in the current memory context.
GppcBpChar GppcAllocBpChar(size_t clen);
* \brief Creates a new ::GppcBytea instance.
* \param blen character string length in bytes the instance will have.
* The returned ::GppcBytea is allocated in the current memory context.
GppcBytea GppcAllocBytea(size_t blen);
* \brief Returns the current memory context.
* \since 1.2
GppcMemoryContext GppcGetCurrentMemoryContext(void);
* \brief Creats a new ::GppcMemoryContext.
* \param parent the parent context to create a new context in.
* This returns a newly-created memory context that the caller can
* switch to by ::GppcMemoryContextSwitchTo. The context will be created
* within the \a parent context.
* \since 1.2
GppcMemoryContext GppcMemoryContextCreate(GppcMemoryContext parent);
* \brief Switches the current memory context to \a context.
* \param context memory context to be a new current context
* After switching the context, this returns the old memory context.
* Make sure the old context is restored after the caller finishes
* the work within this context.
* \since 1.2
GppcMemoryContext GppcMemoryContextSwitchTo(GppcMemoryContext context);
* \brief Resets memory allocated within the \a context.
* \param context the context to be reset
* The pointers allocated by ::GppcAlloc family are freed by this call.
* \since 1.2
void GppcMemoryContextReset(GppcMemoryContext context);
* @}
* \defgroup SRF Set Returning Function
* These provide capability to return set of rows from a SQL invoked
* function, including table functions.
* @{
* \brief Returns true if this SRF call is the first.
* The function should initialize the context by GPPC_SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT()
* if this is the first call.
#define GPPC_SRF_IS_FIRSTCALL() GppcSRFIsFirstCall(fcinfo)
* \brief Initializes SRF context.
#define GPPC_SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT() GppcSRFFirstCallInit(fcinfo)
* \brief Returns stored SRF context.
* The SRF needs to restore the context every time it gets called.
#define GPPC_SRF_PERCALL_SETUP() GppcSRFPerCallSetup(fcinfo)
* \brief Returns the value from this SRF, continuing to be called.
* \param funcctx SRF context that is returned by GPPC_SRF_PERCALL_SETUP().
* \param result ::GppcDatum to be returned from this function.
#define GPPC_SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, result) \
return GppcSRFReturnNext(fcinfo, funcctx, result)
* \brief Returns nothing from this SRF, terminating to be called.
* \param funcctx SRF context that is returned by GPPC_SRF_PERCALL_SETUP().
#define GPPC_SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx) return GppcSRFReturnDone(fcinfo, funcctx)
* \brief Returns ::GppcTupleDesc that describes the expected row of this SRF.
* Note that in case you set up the describe function in table functions, the
* tuple descriptor should equal to the descriptor returned by the describe function.
#define GPPC_SRF_RESULT_DESC() (GppcSRFResultDesc(fcinfo))
bool GppcSRFIsFirstCall(GppcFcinfo info);
GppcFuncCallContext GppcSRFFirstCallInit(GppcFcinfo info);
GppcFuncCallContext GppcSRFPerCallSetup(GppcFcinfo info);
GppcDatum GppcSRFReturnNext(GppcFcinfo info, GppcFuncCallContext funcctx, GppcDatum result);
GppcDatum GppcSRFReturnDone(GppcFcinfo info, GppcFuncCallContext funcctx);
GppcTupleDesc GppcSRFResultDesc(GppcFcinfo info);
* \brief Allocates memory in SRF context.
* \param fctx SRF function context.
* \param bytes byte size to be allocated.
* Memory allocated in the SRF context survive across multiple function calls
* of SRF. Use this instead of GppcAlloc() if an SRF function needs data
* to live longer than a single function call.
void *GppcSRFAlloc(GppcFuncCallContext fctx, size_t bytes);
* \brief Allocates memory in SRF context and initializes it.
* \param fctx SRF function context.
* \param bytes byte size to be allocated.
* The only difference from GppcSRFAlloc() is the returned memory is initialized
* to zero.
void *GppcSRFAlloc0(GppcFuncCallContext fctx, size_t bytes);
* \brief Saves user state in SRF context.
* \param fctx SRF function context.
* \param ptr arbitrary pointer to be saved.
void GppcSRFSave(GppcFuncCallContext fctx, void *ptr);
* \brief Restores user state in SRF context.
* \param fctx SRF function context.
void *GppcSRFRestore(GppcFuncCallContext fctx);
* @}
* \defgroup SPI Server Programming Interface
* This interface is used to issue a SQL query to the database
* from a SQL invoked function.
* @{
* \brief Connects to SPI.
* If successful, this returns non-negative value. Note that the database
* memory context is changed by this call, and everything allocated after
* it will be deallocated by GppcSPIFinish(), unless explicitly copied to
* the upper context. To do explicit copy, pass true \a makecopy parameters
* where possible, such like GppcSPIGetValue() and GppcSPIGetDatum().
* \sa GppcSPIFinish()
int GppcSPIConnect(void);
* \brief Disconnects from SPI.
* If successful, this returns non-negative value. Disconnection from SPI clears
* all the memory allocated in between GppcSPIConnect() and GppcSPIFinish().
* \sa GppcSPIConnect()
int GppcSPIFinish(void);
* \brief Executes SQL statement.
* \param src SQL statement to be issued.
* \param tcount maximum number of rows to be returned, or 0 to return all the rows.
GppcSPIResult GppcSPIExec(const char *src, long tcount);
* \brief Retrieves an SQL result attribute as a character string.
* \param result ::GppcSPIResult holding the SQL result.
* \param fnumber attribute number to extract, starting from 1.
* \param makecopy true if the caller wants to keep the result out of SPI memory context.
char *GppcSPIGetValue(GppcSPIResult result, int fnumber, bool makecopy);
* \brief Retrieves an SQL result attribute as a ::GppcDatum.
* \param result ::GppcSPIResult holding the SQL result.
* \param fnumber attribute number to extract, starting from 1.
* \param isnull to be set true if the returned value is SQL NULL.
* \param makecopy true if the caller wants to keep the result out of SPI memory context.
GppcDatum GppcSPIGetDatum(GppcSPIResult result, int fnumber, bool *isnull, bool makecopy);
* \brief Retrieves an SQL result attribute as a character string.
* \param result ::GppcSPIResult holding the SQL result.
* \param fname attribute name to extract.
* \param makecopy true if the caller wants to keep the result out of SPI memory context.
* Note that GppcSPIGetValue() is faster than this function.
char *GppcSPIGetValueByName(GppcSPIResult result, const char *fname, bool makecopy);
* \brief Retrieves an SQL result attribute as a ::GppcDatum.
* \param result ::GppcSPIResult holding the SQL result.
* \param fname attribute name to extract.
* \param isnull to be set true if the returned value is SQL NULL.
* \param makecopy true if the caller wants to keep the result out of SPI memory context.
* Note that GppcSPIGetDatum() is faster than this function.
GppcDatum GppcSPIGetDatumByName(GppcSPIResult result, const char *fname, bool *isnull, bool makecopy);
* @}
* \defgroup TableFunctions Table Functions
* These are used to interact with table functions (including describe
* functions.)
* @{
* \brief Returns the tuple descriptor of the input subquery in the describe function.
* \param n position of TABLE argument to the table function, starting from 0.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
#define GPPC_TF_INPUT_DESC(n, iserror) GppcTFInputDesc(fcinfo, n, iserror);
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcBool in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_BOOL(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetBool(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidBool, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcChar in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_CHAR(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetChar(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidChar, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcInt2 in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_INT2(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetInt2(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidInt2, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcInt4 in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_INT4(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetInt4(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidInt4, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcInt8 in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_INT8(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetInt8(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidInt8, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcFloat4 in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_FLOAT4(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetFloat4(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidFloat4, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcFloat4 in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_FLOAT8(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetFloat8(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidFloat8, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcText in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_TEXT(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetText(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidText, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcVarChar in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_VARCHAR(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetVarChar(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidVarChar, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcBpChar in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_BPCHAR(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetBpChar(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidBpChar, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcBytea in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_BYTEA(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetBytea(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidBytea, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcNumeric in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
1 \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_NUMERIC(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetNumeric(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidNumeric, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcDate in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_DATE(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetDate(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidDate, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcTime in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_TIME(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetTime(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidTime, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcTimeTz in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_TIMETZ(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetTimeTz(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidTimeTz, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcTimestamp in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_TIMESTAMP(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetTimestamp(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidTimestamp, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcTimestampTz in the describe function.
* \param n position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* \sa GppcTFGetArgDatum()
#define GPPC_TF_GETARG_TIMESTAMPTZ(n, isnull, iserror) \
GppcDatumGetTimestampTz(GppcTFGetArgDatum(fcinfo, GppcOidTimestampTz, n, isnull, iserror))
* \brief Passes arbitrary user data to be dispatched, in the describe function.
* \param d arbitrary user data as ::GppcBytea
#define GPPC_TF_SET_USERDATA(d) (GppcTFSetUserData(fcinfo, d))
* \brief Gets the user data passed by the describe function.
#define GPPC_TF_GET_USERDATA() (GppcTFGetUserData(fcinfo))
void GppcTFSetUserData(void *GppcFcinfo, GppcBytea userdata);
GppcBytea GppcTFGetUserData(void *GppcFcinfo);
* \brief Returns the tuple descriptor from AnyTable argument.
* \param t the TABLE query argument passed into the table function.
* This returns the same tuple descriptor as GPPC_TF_INPUT_DESC() does in the
* describe function, but this should be called in the project function.
GppcTupleDesc GppcAnyTableGetTupleDesc(GppcAnyTable t);
* \brief Fetches the next row content from TABLE query.
* \param t the TABLE query argument passed into the table function.
* Returns NULL if there is no more row.
GppcHeapTuple GppcAnyTableGetNextTuple(GppcAnyTable t);
* \brief Returns argument as ::GppcDatum in the describe function.
* \param info function call info.
* \param typid the expected type id.
* \param argno position of argument, starting from 0.
* \param isnull to be set true if the argument is null.
* \param iserror bool pointer to be set true if called in wrong context.
* The argument \a typid can be GppcOidInvalid, in case the caller doesn't care
* about type check. iserror will be set true if the expected type does
* not match the actual incoming expression (which means the function
* declaration may be wrong, or the argument position may be wrong,) or if
* the argument position is out of range, or just this gets called by other
* functions than the describe function. If this kind of mismatch happens,
* this function emits the reason message as DEBUG1 log. Consult the
* database log file by setting message level to DEBUG1 if you need to
* investigate the reason.
GppcDatum GppcTFGetArgDatum(GppcFcinfo info, GppcOid typid, int argno,
bool *isnull, bool *iserror);
GppcTupleDesc GppcTFInputDesc(GppcFcinfo info, int argno, bool *iserror);
* @}
* \defgroup Reports Reports
* This provides error reporting to the client and logging.
* @{
* \brief Report level used in GppcReport().
* \sa Greenplum Administrator Guide
typedef enum GppcReportLevel
GPPC_LOG = 15,
} GppcReportLevel;
#ifdef WIN32
#define PG_PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE gnu_printf
#define PG_PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE printf
* \brief Emits a formatted message and may raise error.
* \param elevel reporting level.
* \param fmt format text.
* This function takes variadic arguments just as printf to format a string
* and emit it to the frontend and/or log file, depending on the reporting
* level and session configuration parameters such as client_min_messages.
void GppcReport(GppcReportLevel elevel, const char *fmt, ...)
__attribute__((format(PG_PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE, 2, 3)));
* \brief Installs report callback function which is called on any report.
* \param func callback function
* \param arg arbitrary data pointer which will be passed to the callback
* The callback signature is
* \code
* void callback_function(GppcReportInfo info, void *arg);
* \endcode
* The first argument is the report information and the second argument is
* arbitrary pointer that you pass to GppcInstallReportCallback(). This
* callback will be called in any report event including INFO, NOTICE, etc.
* In case ERROR occurs, the callback will be flushed automatically,
* but otherwise it is the caller's responsibility to uninstall the
* callback by calling GppcUninstallReportCallback().
* \sa GppcUninstallReportCallback(), GppcGetReportLevel(), GppcGetReportMessage()
GppcReportCallbackState GppcInstallReportCallback(
void (*func)(GppcReportInfo, void *), void *arg);
* \brief Uninstalls report callback installed by GppcInstallReportCallback().
* \sa GppcInstallReportCallback()
void GppcUninstallReportCallback(GppcReportCallbackState cbstate);
* \brief Retrieves report level from the report information.
* \param info report information given to report callbacks
GppcGetReportLevel(GppcReportInfo info);
* \brief Retrieves report message from the report information.
* \param info report information given to report callbacks
const char *
GppcGetReportMessage(GppcReportInfo info);
* \brief Errors out if an interrupt is pending.
* \since 1.2
void GppcCheckForInterrupts(void);
* @}
* \defgroup Misc Miscellaneous features
* @{
* \brief Creates an empty tuple descriptor.
* \param natts number of attributes that is contained in this descriptor.
* \sa GppcTupleDescInitEntry()
* The caller will need to fill each attribute by calling GppcTupleDescInitEntry().
GppcTupleDesc GppcCreateTemplateTupleDesc(int natts);
* \brief Fills an attribute in the tuple descriptor.
* \param desc tuple descriptor to be filled in.
* \param attno position to be filled, starting from 1.
* \param attname attribute name.
* \param typid attribute type oid.
* \param typmod attribute type modifier. Set -1 if unknown.
void GppcTupleDescInitEntry(GppcTupleDesc desc, uint16_t attno,
const char *attname, GppcOid typid, int32_t typmod);
* \brief Forms a tuple with an array of datums.
* \param tupdesc descriptor of tuple to be formed.
* \param values an array of datums.
* \param nulls an array of bool that indicates SQL NULLs.
* The number of elements should match the one in tupdesc. Use
* GppcBuildHeapTupleDatum() to make it ::GppcDatum, which is convenient
* to be returned from functions.
GppcHeapTuple GppcHeapFormTuple(GppcTupleDesc tupdesc, GppcDatum *values, bool *nulls);
* \brief Forms a tuple with an array of datums and makes it ::GppcDatum
* \param tupdesc descriptor of tuple to be formed.
* \param values an array of datums.
* \param nulls an array of bool that indicates SQL NULLs.
* \sa GppcHeapFormTuple()
GppcDatum GppcBuildHeapTupleDatum(GppcTupleDesc tupdesc, GppcDatum *values, bool *nulls);
* \brief Fetches an attribute from tuple.
* \param tuple the tuple containing the requested attribute.
* \param attname attribute name.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the attribute is SQL NULL.
* \sa GppcGetAttributeByNum.
GppcDatum GppcGetAttributeByName(GppcHeapTuple tuple, const char *attname, bool *isnull);
* \brief Fetches an attribute from tuple.
* \param tuple the tuple containing the requested attribute.
* \param attno attribute position, starting from 1.
* \param isnull bool pointer to be set true if the attribute is SQL NULL.
* \sa GppcGetAttributeByName.
GppcDatum GppcGetAttributeByNum(GppcHeapTuple tuple, int16_t attno, bool *isnull);
* \brief Returns the number of attributes of this tuple descriptor.
* \param tupdesc the tuple descriptor.
int GppcTupleDescNattrs(GppcTupleDesc tupdesc);
* \brief Returns the attribute name in the descriptor.
* \param tupdesc the tuple descriptor.
* \param attno attribute position, starting from 0.
const char *GppcTupleDescAttrName(GppcTupleDesc tupdesc, int16_t attno);
* \brief Returns the attribute type oid in the descriptor.
* \param tupdesc the tuple descriptor.
* \param attno attribute position, starting from 0.
GppcOid GppcTupleDescAttrType(GppcTupleDesc tupdesc, int16_t attno);
* \brief Returns the attribute type length in the descriptor.
* \param tupdesc the tuple descriptor.
* \param attno attribute position, starting from 0.
* \sa GppcTupleDescAttrTypmod()
* Returns the byte length of the data type from the tuple descriptor, -1 if
* the type is variable length, or -2 if the type is a null-terminated C string.
int16_t GppcTupleDescAttrLen(GppcTupleDesc tupdesc, int16_t attno);
* \brief Returns the attribute type modifier oid in the descriptor.
* \param tupdesc the tuple descriptor.
* \param attno attribute position, starting from 0.
int32_t GppcTupleDescAttrTypmod(GppcTupleDesc tupdesc, int16_t attno);
* \brief Represents character encoding.
typedef enum GppcEncoding
GPPC_EUC_JP = 1, /* EUC for Japanese */
GPPC_EUC_CN = 2, /* EUC for Chinese */
GPPC_EUC_KR = 3, /* EUC for Korean */
GPPC_EUC_TW = 4, /* EUC for Taiwan */
GPPC_EUC_JIS_2004 = 5, /* EUC-JIS-2004 */
GPPC_UTF8 = 6, /* Unicode UTF8 */
GPPC_MULE_INTERNAL = 7, /* Mule internal code */
GPPC_LATIN1 = 8, /* ISO-8859-1 Latin 1 */
GPPC_LATIN2 = 9, /* ISO-8859-2 Latin 2 */
GPPC_LATIN3 = 10, /* ISO-8859-3 Latin 3 */
GPPC_LATIN4 = 11, /* ISO-8859-4 Latin 4 */
GPPC_LATIN5 = 12, /* ISO-8859-9 Latin 5 */
GPPC_LATIN6 = 13, /* ISO-8859-10 Latin6 */
GPPC_LATIN7 = 14, /* ISO-8859-13 Latin7 */
GPPC_LATIN8 = 15, /* ISO-8859-14 Latin8 */
GPPC_LATIN9 = 16, /* ISO-8859-15 Latin9 */
GPPC_LATIN10 = 17, /* ISO-8859-16 Latin10 */
GPPC_WIN1256 = 18, /* windows-1256 */
GPPC_WIN1258 = 19, /* Windows-1258 */
GPPC_WIN866 = 20, /* (MS-DOS CP866) */
GPPC_WIN874 = 21, /* windows-874 */
GPPC_KOI8R = 22, /* KOI8-R */
GPPC_WIN1251 = 23, /* windows-1251 */
GPPC_WIN1252 = 24, /* windows-1252 */
GPPC_ISO_8859_5 = 25, /* ISO-8859-5 */
GPPC_ISO_8859_6 = 26, /* ISO-8859-6 */
GPPC_ISO_8859_7 = 27, /* ISO-8859-7 */
GPPC_ISO_8859_8 = 28, /* ISO-8859-8 */
GPPC_WIN1250 = 29, /* windows-1250 */
GPPC_WIN1253 = 30, /* windows-1253 */
GPPC_WIN1254 = 31, /* windows-1254 */
GPPC_WIN1255 = 32, /* windows-1255 */
GPPC_WIN1257 = 33, /* windows-1257 */
GPPC_KOI8U = 34 /* KOI8-U */
} GppcEncoding;
* \brief Returns the database encoding.
GppcEncoding GppcGetDatabaseEncoding(void);
* \brief Returns maximum byte size of database encoding in a character.
int GppcDatabaseEncodingMaxLength(void);
* \brief Translates a ::GppcEncoding value to a human readable encoding name.
* If enc is not a valid GppcEncoding value, NULL is returned.
const char *GppcDatabaseEncodingName(GppcEncoding enc);
* @}
#endif /* GPPC_H */
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