greenplumn CJoinOrderDPv2 源码

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greenplumn CJoinOrderDPv2 代码


// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2019 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
//	@filename:
//		CJoinOrderDPv2.h
//	@doc:
//		Dynamic programming-based join order generation
#ifndef GPOPT_CJoinOrderDPv2_H
#define GPOPT_CJoinOrderDPv2_H

#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CBitSet.h"
#include "gpos/common/CHashMap.h"
#include "gpos/common/DbgPrintMixin.h"
#include "gpos/io/IOstream.h"

#include "gpopt/base/CKHeap.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CUtils.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CExpression.h"
#include "gpopt/xforms/CJoinOrder.h"

namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;

//	@class:
//		CJoinOrderDPv2
//	@doc:
//		Helper class for creating join orders using dynamic programming
//		Some terminology:
//		NIJ:	Non-inner join. This is sometimes used instead of left join,
//				since we anticipate to extend this code to semi-joins and other
//				types of joins.
//		Atom:	A child of the NAry join. This could be a table or some
//				other operator like a groupby or a full outer join.
//		Group:	A set of atoms (called a "component" in DPv1). Once we generate
//				a result expression, each of these sets will be associated
//				with a CGroup in MEMO.
class CJoinOrderDPv2 : public CJoinOrder,
					   public gpos::DbgPrintMixin<CJoinOrderDPv2>
	// Data structures for DPv2 join enumeration:
	// Each level l is the set of l-way joins we are considering.
	// Level 1 describes the "atoms" the leaves of the original NAry join we are transforming.
	// Each level consists of a set (an array) of "groups". A group represents what may eventually
	// become a group in the MEMO structure, if it is a part of one of the generated top k
	// expressions at the top level. It is a set of atoms to be joined (in any order).
	// The SGroupInfo struct contains the bitset representing the atoms, the cardinality from the
	// derived statistics and an array of SExpressionInfo structs.
	// Each SExpressionInfo struct describes an expression in a group. Besides a CExpression,
	// it also has the SGroupInfo and SExpressionInfo of the children. Each SExpressionInfo
	// also has a property. The SExpressionInfo entries in a group all have different properties.
	// We only keep expressions that are not dominated by another expression, meaning that there
	// is no other expression that can produce a superset of the properties for a less or equal
	// cost.
	//           SLevelInfo
	//           +---------------------+
	// Level n:  | SGroupInfo array ---+----> SGroupInfo
	//           | optional top k      |      +------------------+
	//           +---------------------+      | Atoms (bitset)   |
	//                                        | cardinality      |
	//                                        | SExpressionInfo  |
	//                                        |      array       |
	//                                        +--------+---------+
	//                                                 v
	//                                          SExpressionInfo
	//                                          +------------------------+
	//                                          | CExpression            |
	//                                          | child SExpressionInfos |
	//                                          | properties             |
	//                                          +------------------------+
	//                                          +------------------------+
	//                                          | CExpression            |
	//                                          | child SExpressionInfos |
	//                                          | properties             |
	//                                          +------------------------+
	//                                           ...
	//                                          +------------------------+
	//                                          | CExpression            |
	//                                          | child SExpressionInfos |
	//                                          | properties             |
	//                                          +------------------------+
	//           ...
	//           SLevelInfo
	//           +---------------------+
	// Level 1:  | SGroupInfo array ---+----> SGroupInfo                        SGroupInfo
	//           | optional top k      |      +------------------+              +------------------+
	//           +---------------------+      | Atoms (bitset)   |              | Atoms (bitset)   |
	//                                        | cardinality      +--------------+ cardinality      |
	//                                        | ExpressionInfo   |              | ExpressionInfo   |
	//                                        |      array       |              |      array       |
	//                                        +--------+---------+              +--------+---------+
	//                                                 v                                 v
	//                                          SExpressionInfo                   SExpressionInfo
	//                                          +------------------------+        +------------------------+
	//                                          | CExpression            |        | CExpression            |
	//                                          | child SExpressionInfos |        | child SExpressionInfos |
	//                                          | properties             |        | properties             |
	//                                          +------------------------+        +------------------------+

	// forward declarations, circular reference
	struct SGroupInfo;
	struct SExpressionInfo;

	// Join enumeration algorithm properties, these can be added if an expression satisfies more than one
	// consider these as constants, not as a true enum
	// note that the numbers (other than the first) must be powers of 2,
	// since we add them to make composite properties!!!
	// Note also that query, mincard and GreedyAvoidXProd are all greedy algorithms.
	// Sorry for the confusion with the term "greedy" used in the optimizer_join_order guc
	// and the CXformExpandNAryJoinGreedy classes, where they refer to one type of greedy
	// algorithm that avoids cross products.
	enum JoinOrderPropType
		EJoinOrderAny = 0,	// the overall best solution (used for exhaustive2)
		EJoinOrderQuery = 1,	// this expression uses the "query" join order
		EJoinOrderMincard = 2,	// this expression has the "mincard" property
		EJoinOrderGreedyAvoidXProd =
			4,	// best "greedy" expression with minimal cross products
		EJoinOrderHasPS =
			8,	// best expression with special consideration for DPE
		EJoinOrderDP = 16,	// best solution using DP
		EJoinOrderStats =
			32	// this expression is used to calculate the statistics
				// (row count) for the group

	// properties of an expression in the DP structure (also used as required properties)
	struct SExpressionProperties
		// the join order enumeration algorithm for which this is a solution
		// (exhaustive enumeration, can use any of these: EJoinOrderAny)
		ULONG m_join_order;

		SExpressionProperties(ULONG join_order_properties)
			: m_join_order(join_order_properties)

		Satisfies(ULONG pt) const
			return pt == (m_join_order & pt);
		Add(const SExpressionProperties &p)
			m_join_order |= p.m_join_order;
		IsGreedy() const
			return 0 != (m_join_order & (EJoinOrderQuery + EJoinOrderMincard +

	// a simple wrapper of an SGroupInfo * plus an index into its array of SExpressionInfos
	// this identifies a group and one expression belonging to that group
	struct SGroupAndExpression
		SGroupInfo *m_group_info{nullptr};
		ULONG m_expr_index{gpos::ulong_max};

		SGroupAndExpression() = default;
		SGroupAndExpression(SGroupInfo *g, ULONG ix)
			: m_group_info(g), m_expr_index(ix)
		SExpressionInfo *
		GetExprInfo() const
			return m_expr_index == gpos::ulong_max
					   ? nullptr
					   : (*m_group_info->m_best_expr_info_array)[m_expr_index];
		IsValid() const
			return nullptr != m_group_info && gpos::ulong_max != m_expr_index;
		operator==(const SGroupAndExpression &other) const
			return m_group_info == other.m_group_info &&
				   m_expr_index == other.m_expr_index;

	// description of an expression in the DP environment
	// left and right child of join expressions point to
	// child groups + expressions
	struct SExpressionInfo : public CRefCount
		// the expression
		CExpression *m_expr;

		// left/right child group/expr info (group for left/right child of m_expr),
		// we do not keep a refcount for these
		SGroupAndExpression m_left_child_expr;
		SGroupAndExpression m_right_child_expr;
		// derived properties of this expression
		SExpressionProperties m_properties;

		// in the future, we may add more properties relevant to the cost here,
		// like distribution spec, partition selectors

		// Stores part keys for atoms that are partitioned tables. NULL otherwise.
		CPartKeysArray *m_atom_part_keys_array;

		// cost of the expression
		CDouble m_cost;

		//cost adjustment for the effect of partition selectors, this is always <= 0.0
		CDouble m_cost_adj_PS;

		// base table rows, -1 if not atom or get/select
		CDouble m_atom_base_table_rows;

		// stores atom ids that are fufilled by a PS in this expression
		CBitSet *m_contain_PS;

		SExpressionInfo(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *expr,
						const SGroupAndExpression &left_child_expr_info,
						const SGroupAndExpression &right_child_expr_info,
						SExpressionProperties &properties)
			: m_expr(expr),

			m_contain_PS = GPOS_NEW(mp) CBitSet(mp);

		SExpressionInfo(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *expr,
						SExpressionProperties &properties)
			: m_expr(expr),
			m_contain_PS = GPOS_NEW(mp) CBitSet(mp);

		~SExpressionInfo() override

		// cost (use -1 for greedy solutions to ensure we keep all of them)
		GetCostForHeap() const
			return m_properties.IsGreedy() ? -1.0 : GetCost();

		GetCost() const
			return m_cost + m_cost_adj_PS;

		UnionPSProperties(SExpressionInfo *other) const
		ChildrenAreEqual(const SExpressionInfo &other) const
			return m_left_child_expr == other.m_left_child_expr &&
				   m_right_child_expr == other.m_right_child_expr;

	using SExpressionInfoArray =
		CDynamicPtrArray<SExpressionInfo, CleanupRelease<SExpressionInfo>>;

	//	@struct:
	//		SGroupInfo
	//	@doc:
	//		Struct containing a bitset, representing a group, its best expression, and cost
	struct SGroupInfo : public CRefCount
		// the set of atoms, this uniquely identifies the group
		CBitSet *m_atoms;
		// infos of the best (lowest cost) expressions (so far, if at the current level)
		// for each interesting property
		SExpressionInfoArray *m_best_expr_info_array;
		CDouble m_cardinality;
		CDouble m_lowest_expr_cost;

		SGroupInfo(CMemoryPool *mp, CBitSet *atoms)
			: m_atoms(atoms), m_cardinality(-1.0), m_lowest_expr_cost(-1.0)
			m_best_expr_info_array = GPOS_NEW(mp) SExpressionInfoArray(mp);

		~SGroupInfo() override

		IsAnAtom() const
			return 1 == m_atoms->Size();
		GetCostForHeap() const
			return m_lowest_expr_cost;

	// dynamic array of SGroupInfo, where each index represents an alternative group of a given level k
	using SGroupInfoArray =
		CDynamicPtrArray<SGroupInfo, CleanupRelease<SGroupInfo>>;

	// info for a join level, the set of all groups representing <m_level>-way joins
	struct SLevelInfo : public CRefCount
		ULONG m_level;
		SGroupInfoArray *m_groups;
		CKHeap<SGroupInfoArray, SGroupInfo> *m_top_k_groups;

		SLevelInfo(ULONG level, SGroupInfoArray *groups)
			: m_level(level), m_groups(groups), m_top_k_groups(nullptr)

		~SLevelInfo() override

	// hashing function
	static ULONG
	UlHashBitSet(const CBitSet *pbs)
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pbs);

		return pbs->HashValue();

	// equality function
	static BOOL
	FEqualBitSet(const CBitSet *pbsFst, const CBitSet *pbsSnd)
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pbsFst);
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pbsSnd);

		return pbsFst->Equals(pbsSnd);

	using ExpressionToEdgeMap =
		CHashMap<CExpression, SEdge, CExpression::HashValue, CUtils::Equals,
				 CleanupRelease<CExpression>, CleanupRelease<SEdge>>;

	// dynamic array of SGroupInfos
	using BitSetToGroupInfoMap =
		CHashMap<CBitSet, SGroupInfo, UlHashBitSet, FEqualBitSet,
				 CleanupRelease<CBitSet>, CleanupRelease<SGroupInfo>>;

	// iterator over group infos in a level
	using BitSetToGroupInfoMapIter =
		CHashMapIter<CBitSet, SGroupInfo, UlHashBitSet, FEqualBitSet,
					 CleanupRelease<CBitSet>, CleanupRelease<SGroupInfo>>;

	// dynamic array of SLevelInfos, where each index represents the level
	using DPv2Levels = CDynamicPtrArray<SLevelInfo, CleanupRelease<SLevelInfo>>;

	// an array of an array of groups, organized by level at the first array dimension,
	// main data structure for dynamic programming
	DPv2Levels *m_join_levels;

	// map to find the associated edge in the join graph from a join predicate
	ExpressionToEdgeMap *m_expression_to_edge_map;

	// map to check whether a DPv2 group already exists
	BitSetToGroupInfoMap *m_bitset_to_group_info_map;

	// ON predicates for NIJs (non-inner joins, e.g. LOJs)
	// currently NIJs are LOJs only, this may change in the future
	// if/when we add semijoins, anti-semijoins and relatives
	CExpressionArray *m_on_pred_conjuncts;

	// association between logical children and inner join/ON preds
	// (which of the logical children are right children of NIJs and what ON predicates are they using)
	ULongPtrArray *m_child_pred_indexes;

	// for each non-inner join (entry in m_on_pred_conjuncts), the required atoms on the left
	CBitSetArray *m_non_inner_join_dependencies;

	// top K expressions at the top level
	CKHeap<SExpressionInfoArray, SExpressionInfo> *m_top_k_expressions;

	// top K expressions at top level that contain promising dynamic partiion selectors
	// if there are no promising dynamic partition selectors, this will be empty
	CKHeap<SExpressionInfoArray, SExpressionInfo> *m_top_k_part_expressions;

	// current penalty for cross products (depends on enumeration algorithm)
	CDouble m_cross_prod_penalty;

	// outer references, if any
	CColRefSet *m_outer_refs;

	CMemoryPool *m_mp;

	SLevelInfo *
	Level(ULONG l)
		return (*m_join_levels)[l];

	// build expression linking given groups
	CExpression *PexprBuildInnerJoinPred(CBitSet *pbsFst, CBitSet *pbsSnd);

	// compute cost of a join expression in a group
	void ComputeCost(SExpressionInfo *expr_info, CDouble join_cardinality);

	// if we need to keep track of used edges, make a map that
	// speeds up this usage check
	void PopulateExpressionToEdgeMapIfNeeded();

	// add a select node with any remaining edges (predicates) that have
	// not been incorporated in the join tree
	CExpression *AddSelectNodeForRemainingEdges(CExpression *join_expr);

	// mark all the edges used in a join tree
	void RecursivelyMarkEdgesAsUsed(CExpression *expr);

	// enumerate all possible joins between left_level-way joins on the left side
	// and right_level-way joins on the right side, resulting in left_level + right_level-way joins
	void SearchJoinOrders(ULONG left_level, ULONG right_level);

	void GreedySearchJoinOrders(ULONG left_level, JoinOrderPropType algo);

	void DeriveStats(CExpression *pexpr) override;

	// create a CLogicalJoin and a CExpression to join two groups, for a required property
	SExpressionInfo *GetJoinExprForProperties(
		SGroupInfo *left_child, SGroupInfo *right_child,
		SExpressionProperties &required_properties);

	// get a join expression from two child groups with specified child expressions
	SExpressionInfo *GetJoinExpr(const SGroupAndExpression &left_child_expr,
								 const SGroupAndExpression &right_child_expr,
								 SExpressionProperties &result_properties);

	// does "prop" provide all the properties of "other_prop" plus maybe more?
	static BOOL IsASupersetOfProperties(SExpressionProperties &prop,
										SExpressionProperties &other_prop);

	// is one of the properties a subset of the other or are they disjoint?
	static BOOL ArePropertiesDisjoint(SExpressionProperties &prop,
									  SExpressionProperties &other_prop);

	// get best expression in a group for a given set of properties
	static SGroupAndExpression GetBestExprForProperties(
		SGroupInfo *group_info, SExpressionProperties &props);

	// add a new property to an existing predicate
	static void AddNewPropertyToExpr(SExpressionInfo *expr_info,
									 SExpressionProperties props);

	// enumerate bushy joins (joins where both children are also joins) of level "current_level"
	void SearchBushyJoinOrders(ULONG current_level);

	// look up an existing group or create a new one, with an expression to be used for stats
	SGroupInfo *LookupOrCreateGroupInfo(SLevelInfo *levelInfo, CBitSet *atoms,
										SExpressionInfo *stats_expr_info);
	// add a new expression to a group, unless there already is an existing expression that dominates it
	void AddExprToGroupIfNecessary(SGroupInfo *group_info,
								   SExpressionInfo *new_expr_info);

	void PopulateDPEInfo(SExpressionInfo *join_expr_info,
						 SGroupInfo *left_group_info,
						 SGroupInfo *right_group_info);

	void FinalizeDPLevel(ULONG level);

	SGroupInfoArray *
	GetGroupsForLevel(ULONG level) const
		return (*m_join_levels)[level]->m_groups;

	ULONG FindLogicalChildByNijId(ULONG nij_num);
	static ULONG NChooseK(ULONG n, ULONG k);
	BOOL LevelIsFull(ULONG level);

	void EnumerateDP();
	void EnumerateQuery();
	void FindLowestCardTwoWayJoin(JoinOrderPropType prop_type);
	void EnumerateMinCard();
	void EnumerateGreedyAvoidXProd();

	// ctor
	CJoinOrderDPv2(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprAtoms,
				   CExpressionArray *innerJoinConjuncts,
				   CExpressionArray *onPredConjuncts,
				   ULongPtrArray *childPredIndexes, CColRefSet *outerRefs);

	// dtor
	~CJoinOrderDPv2() override;

	// main handler
	virtual void PexprExpand();

	CExpression *GetNextOfTopK();

	// check for NIJs
	BOOL IsRightChildOfNIJ(SGroupInfo *groupInfo,
						   CExpression **onPredToUse = nullptr,
						   CBitSet **requiredBitsOnLeft = nullptr);

	// print function
	IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &) const;

	static IOstream &OsPrintProperty(IOstream &, SExpressionProperties &);

	EOriginXForm() const override
		return CXform::ExfExpandNAryJoinDPv2;

};	// class CJoinOrderDPv2

}  // namespace gpopt

#endif	// !GPOPT_CJoinOrderDPv2_H

// EOF


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn CDecorrelator 源码

greenplumn CJoinOrder 源码

greenplumn CJoinOrderDP 源码

greenplumn CJoinOrderGreedy 源码

greenplumn CJoinOrderMinCard 源码

greenplumn CSubqueryHandler 源码

greenplumn CXform 源码

greenplumn CXformAntiSemiJoinAntiSemiJoinNotInSwap 源码

greenplumn CXformAntiSemiJoinAntiSemiJoinSwap 源码

greenplumn CXformAntiSemiJoinInnerJoinSwap 源码

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