greenplumn CUtils 源码
greenplumn CUtils 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2009 Greenplum, Inc.
// @filename:
// CUtils.h
// @doc:
// Optimizer utility functions
#ifndef GPOPT_CUtils_H
#define GPOPT_CUtils_H
#include "gpos/common/CHashSet.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CColRef.h"
#include "gpopt/base/COrderSpec.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CWindowFrame.h"
#include "gpopt/metadata/CTableDescriptor.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CExpression.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CScalarAggFunc.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CScalarArrayCmp.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CScalarBoolOp.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CScalarConst.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CScalarProjectElement.h"
#include "gpopt/xforms/CXform.h"
// fwd declarations
namespace gpmd
class IMDId;
namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
// fwd declaration
class CMemo;
class CLogicalCTEConsumer;
class CLogicalCTEProducer;
class CDistributionSpec;
class IConstExprEvaluator;
class CLogical;
class CLogicalGbAgg;
// @class:
// CUtils
// @doc:
// General utility functions
class CUtils
// check if the expression is a scalar boolean const
static BOOL FScalarConstBool(CExpression *pexpr, BOOL value);
// check if two expressions have the same children in any order
static BOOL FMatchChildrenUnordered(const CExpression *pexprLeft,
const CExpression *pexprRight);
// check if two expressions have the same children in the same order
static BOOL FMatchChildrenOrdered(const CExpression *pexprLeft,
const CExpression *pexprRight);
// checks that the given type has all the comparisons: Eq, NEq, L, LEq, G, GEq
static BOOL FHasAllDefaultComparisons(const IMDType *pmdtype);
// append the expressions in the source array to destination array
static void AppendArrayExpr(CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprSrc,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprDest);
enum EExecLocalityType
// print given expression to debug trace
static void PrintExpression(CExpression *pexpr);
// print memo to debug trace
static void PrintMemo(CMemo *pmemo);
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG
static IOstream &OsPrintDrgPcoldesc(
IOstream &os, CColumnDescriptorArray *pdrgpcoldescIncludedCols,
ULONG length);
// Helpers for generating expressions
// recursively check for a plan with CTE, if both CTEProducer and CTEConsumer are executed on the same locality.
// raises an exception if CTE Producer and CTE Consumer does not have the same locality
static void ValidateCTEProducerConsumerLocality(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexpr,
EExecLocalityType edt,
UlongToUlongMap *phmulul);
// generate a comparison expression for two column references
static CExpression *PexprScalarCmp(CMemoryPool *mp, const CColRef *pcrLeft,
const CColRef *pcrRight,
CWStringConst strOp, IMDId *mdid_op);
// generate a comparison expression for a column reference and an expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarCmp(CMemoryPool *mp, const CColRef *pcrLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight,
CWStringConst strOp, IMDId *mdid_op);
// generate a comparison expression for an expression and a column reference
static CExpression *PexprScalarCmp(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
const CColRef *pcrRight,
CWStringConst strOp, IMDId *mdid_op);
// generate a comparison expression for two expressions
static CExpression *PexprScalarCmp(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight,
CWStringConst strOp, IMDId *mdid_op);
// generate a comparison expression for two expressions
static CExpression *PexprScalarCmp(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight,
IMDId *mdid_scop);
// generate a comparison expression for a column reference and an expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarCmp(CMemoryPool *mp, const CColRef *pcrLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight,
IMDType::ECmpType cmp_type);
// generate a comparison expression between two column references
static CExpression *PexprScalarCmp(CMemoryPool *mp, const CColRef *pcrLeft,
const CColRef *pcrRight,
IMDType::ECmpType cmp_type);
// generate a comparison expression between an expression and a column reference
static CExpression *PexprScalarCmp(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
const CColRef *pcrRight,
IMDType::ECmpType cmp_type);
// generate a comparison expression for two expressions
static CExpression *PexprScalarCmp(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight,
IMDType::ECmpType cmp_type);
// generate a comparison against Zero
static CExpression *PexprCmpWithZero(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprLeft,
IMDId *mdid_type_left,
IMDType::ECmpType ecmptype);
// generate an equality comparison expression for column references
static CExpression *PexprScalarEqCmp(CMemoryPool *mp,
const CColRef *pcrLeft,
const CColRef *pcrRight);
// generate an equality comparison expression for two expressions
static CExpression *PexprScalarEqCmp(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight);
// generate an equality comparison expression for a column reference and an expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarEqCmp(CMemoryPool *mp,
const CColRef *pcrLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight);
// generate an equality comparison expression for an expression and a column reference
static CExpression *PexprScalarEqCmp(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprLeft,
const CColRef *pcrRight);
// generate an array comparison expression for a column reference and an expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarArrayCmp(
CMemoryPool *mp, CScalarArrayCmp::EArrCmpType earrcmptype,
IMDType::ECmpType ecmptype, CExpressionArray *pexprScalarChildren,
const CColRef *colref);
// generate an Is Distinct From expression
static CExpression *PexprIDF(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight);
static CExpression *PexprIDF(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight, IMDId *mdid_scop);
// generate an Is NOT Distinct From expression for two column references
static CExpression *PexprINDF(CMemoryPool *mp, const CColRef *pcrLeft,
const CColRef *pcrRight);
// generate an Is NOT Distinct From expression for scalar expressions
static CExpression *PexprINDF(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight);
static CExpression *PexprINDF(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight, IMDId *mdid_scop);
// generate an Is NULL expression
static CExpression *PexprIsNull(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr);
// generate an Is NOT NULL expression
static CExpression *PexprIsNotNull(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr);
// generate an Is NOT FALSE expression
static CExpression *PexprIsNotFalse(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr);
// find if a scalar expression uses a nullable columns from the output of a logical expression
static BOOL FUsesNullableCol(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprScalar,
CExpression *pexprLogical);
// generate a scalar op expression for a column reference and an expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarOp(CMemoryPool *mp, const CColRef *pcrLeft,
CExpression *pexpr, CWStringConst strOp,
IMDId *mdid_op,
IMDId *return_type_mdid = nullptr);
// generate a scalar bool op expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarBoolOp(CMemoryPool *mp,
CScalarBoolOp::EBoolOperator eboolop,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr);
// negate the given expression
static CExpression *PexprNegate(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr);
// generate a scalar ident expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarIdent(CMemoryPool *mp,
const CColRef *colref);
// generate a scalar project element expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarProjectElement(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRef *colref,
CExpression *pexpr);
// generate an aggregate function operator
static CScalarAggFunc *PopAggFunc(
CMemoryPool *mp, IMDId *pmdidAggFunc, const CWStringConst *pstrAggFunc,
BOOL is_distinct, EAggfuncStage eaggfuncstage, BOOL fSplit,
pmdidResolvedReturnType, // return type to be used if original return type is ambiguous
EAggfuncKind aggkind, ULongPtrArray *argtypes);
// generate an aggregate function
static CExpression *PexprAggFunc(CMemoryPool *mp, IMDId *pmdidAggFunc,
const CWStringConst *pstrAggFunc,
const CColRef *colref, BOOL is_distinct,
EAggfuncStage eaggfuncstage, BOOL fSplit);
// generate a count(*) expression
static CExpression *PexprCountStar(CMemoryPool *mp);
// generate a GbAgg with count(*) function over the given expression
static CExpression *PexprCountStar(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprLogical);
// return True if passed expression is a Project Element defined on count(*)/count(any) agg
static BOOL FCountAggProjElem(CExpression *pexprPrjElem,
CColRef **ppcrCount);
// check if given expression has a count(*)/count(Any) agg
static BOOL FHasCountAgg(CExpression *pexpr, CColRef **ppcrCount);
// check if given expression has count matching the given column, returns the Logical GroupBy Agg above
static BOOL FHasCountAggMatchingColumn(const CExpression *pexpr,
const CColRef *colref,
const CLogicalGbAgg **ppgbAgg);
// generate a GbAgg with count(*) and sum(col) over the given expression
static CExpression *PexprCountStarAndSum(CMemoryPool *mp,
const CColRef *colref,
CExpression *pexprLogical);
// generate a sum(col) expression
static CExpression *PexprSum(CMemoryPool *mp, const CColRef *colref);
// generate a GbAgg with sum(col) expressions for all columns in the given array
static CExpression *PexprGbAggSum(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprLogical,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrSum);
// generate a count(col) expression
static CExpression *PexprCount(CMemoryPool *mp, const CColRef *colref,
BOOL is_distinct);
// generate a min(col) expression
static CExpression *PexprMin(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
const CColRef *colref);
// generate an aggregate expression
static CExpression *PexprAgg(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
IMDType::EAggType agg_type,
const CColRef *colref, BOOL is_distinct);
// generate a select expression
static CExpression *PexprLogicalSelect(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr,
CExpression *pexprPredicate);
// if predicate is True return logical expression, otherwise return a new select node
static CExpression *PexprSafeSelect(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprLogical,
CExpression *pexprPredicate);
// generate a select expression, if child is another Select expression collapse both Selects into one expression
static CExpression *PexprCollapseSelect(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr,
CExpression *pexprPredicate);
// generate a project expression
static CExpression *PexprLogicalProject(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr,
CExpression *pexprPrjList,
BOOL fNewComputedCol);
// generate a sequence project expression
static CExpression *PexprLogicalSequenceProject(CMemoryPool *mp,
CDistributionSpec *pds,
COrderSpecArray *pdrgpos,
CWindowFrameArray *pdrgpwf,
CExpression *pexpr,
CExpression *pexprPrjList);
// generate a projection of NULL constants
// to the map 'colref_mapping', and add the mappings to the colref_mapping map if not NULL
static CExpression *PexprLogicalProjectNulls(
CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefArray *colref_array, CExpression *pexpr,
UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping = nullptr);
// construct a project list using the given columns and datums
// store the mapping in the colref_mapping map if not NULL
static CExpression *PexprScalarProjListConst(
CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefArray *colref_array, IDatumArray *pdrgpdatum,
UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping);
// generate a project expression
static CExpression *PexprAddProjection(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr,
CExpression *pexprProjected);
// generate a project expression with one or more additional project elements
static CExpression *PexprAddProjection(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprProjected,
BOOL fNewComputedCol = true);
// generate an aggregate expression
static CExpression *PexprLogicalGbAggGlobal(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array,
CExpression *pexpr,
CExpression *pexprPrL);
// generate an aggregate expression
static CExpression *PexprLogicalGbAgg(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array,
CExpression *pexpr,
CExpression *pexprPrL,
COperator::EGbAggType egbaggtype);
// check if the aggregate is local or global
static BOOL FHasGlobalAggFunc(const CExpression *pexprProjList);
// generate a bool expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarConstBool(CMemoryPool *mp, BOOL value,
BOOL is_null = false);
// generate an int4 expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarConstInt4(CMemoryPool *mp, INT val);
// generate an int8 expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarConstInt8(CMemoryPool *mp, LINT val,
BOOL is_null = false);
// generate an oid constant expression
static CExpression *PexprScalarConstOid(CMemoryPool *mp, OID oid_val);
// generate a NULL constant of a given type
static CExpression *PexprScalarConstNull(CMemoryPool *mp,
const IMDType *typ,
INT type_modifier);
// comparison operator type
static IMDType::ECmpType ParseCmpType(IMDId *mdid);
// comparison operator type
static IMDType::ECmpType ParseCmpType(CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
IMDId *mdid);
// generate a binary join expression
template <class T>
static CExpression *PexprLogicalJoin(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft, CExpression *pexprRight,
CExpression *pexprPredicate,
CXform::EXformId origin_xform = CXform::ExfSentinel);
// generate an apply expression
template <class T>
static CExpression *PexprLogicalApply(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight,
CExpression *pexprPred = nullptr);
// generate an apply expression with a known inner column
template <class T>
static CExpression *PexprLogicalApply(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft, CExpression *pexprRight,
const CColRef *pcrInner, COperator::EOperatorId eopidOriginSubq,
CExpression *pexprPred = nullptr);
// generate an apply expression with a known array of inner columns
template <class T>
static CExpression *PexprLogicalApply(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft, CExpression *pexprRight,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrInner, COperator::EOperatorId eopidOriginSubq,
CExpression *pexprPred = nullptr);
// generate a correlated apply for quantified subquery with a known array of inner columns
template <class T>
static CExpression *PexprLogicalCorrelatedQuantifiedApply(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft, CExpression *pexprRight,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrInner, COperator::EOperatorId eopidOriginSubq,
CExpression *pexprPred = nullptr);
// Helpers for partitioning
// extract the nth partition key from the given array of partition keys
static CColRef *PcrExtractPartKey(CColRef2dArray *pdrgpdrgpcr,
ULONG ulLevel);
// Helpers for comparisons
// deduplicate array of expressions
static CExpressionArray *PdrgpexprDedup(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr);
// deep equality of expression trees
static BOOL Equals(const CExpression *pexprLeft,
const CExpression *pexprRight);
// compare expression against an array of expressions
static BOOL FEqualAny(const CExpression *pexpr,
const CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr);
// deep equality of expression arrays
static BOOL Equals(const CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprLeft,
const CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprRight);
// check if first expression array contains all expressions in second array
static BOOL Contains(const CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprFst,
const CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprSnd);
// return the number of occurrences of the given expression in the given
// array of expressions
static ULONG UlOccurrences(const CExpression *pexpr,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr);
// Helpers for datums
// check to see if the expression is a scalar const TRUE
static BOOL FScalarConstTrue(CExpression *pexpr);
// check to see if the expression is a scalar const FALSE
static BOOL FScalarConstFalse(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if the given expression is an INT, the template parameter is an INT type
template <class T>
static BOOL FScalarConstInt(CExpression *pexpr);
// Helpers for printing
// column reference array print helper
static IOstream &OsPrintDrgPcr(IOstream &os,
const CColRefArray *colref_array,
ULONG = gpos::ulong_max);
// Helpers for column reference sets
// create an array of output columns including a key for grouping
static CColRefArray *PdrgpcrGroupingKey(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr,
CColRefArray **ppdrgpcrKey);
// add an equivalence class (col ref set) to the array. If the new equiv
// class contains columns from existing equiv classes, then these are merged
static CColRefSetArray *AddEquivClassToArray(
CMemoryPool *mp, const CColRefSet *pcrsNew,
const CColRefSetArray *pdrgpcrs);
// merge 2 arrays of equivalence classes
static CColRefSetArray *PdrgpcrsMergeEquivClasses(
CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefSetArray *pdrgpcrsFst,
CColRefSetArray *pdrgpcrsSnd);
// intersect 2 arrays of equivalence classes
static CColRefSetArray *PdrgpcrsIntersectEquivClasses(
CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefSetArray *pdrgpcrsFst,
CColRefSetArray *pdrgpcrsSnd);
// return a copy of equivalence classes from all children
static CColRefSetArray *PdrgpcrsCopyChildEquivClasses(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpressionHandle &exprhdl);
// return a copy of the given array of columns, excluding the columns
// in the given colrefset
static CColRefArray *PdrgpcrExcludeColumns(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOriginal,
CColRefSet *pcrsExcluded);
// General helpers
// append elements from input array to output array, starting from given index, after add-refing them
template <class T, void (*CleanupFn)(T *)>
static void AddRefAppend(CDynamicPtrArray<T, CleanupFn> *pdrgptOutput,
CDynamicPtrArray<T, CleanupFn> *pdrgptInput,
ULONG ulStart = 0);
// check for existence of subqueries
static BOOL FHasSubquery(CExpression *pexpr);
// check existence of subqueries or Apply operators in deep expression tree
static BOOL FHasSubqueryOrApply(CExpression *pexpr, BOOL fCheckRoot = true);
// check existence of correlated apply operators in deep expression tree
static BOOL FHasCorrelatedApply(CExpression *pexpr, BOOL fCheckRoot = true);
// check for existence of CTE anchor
static BOOL FHasCTEAnchor(CExpression *pexpr);
// check for existence of outer references
static BOOL HasOuterRefs(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if a given operator is a logical join
static BOOL FLogicalJoin(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is a logical set operation
static BOOL FLogicalSetOp(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is a logical unary operator
static BOOL FLogicalUnary(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is a physical join
static BOOL FPhysicalJoin(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is a physical left outer join
static BOOL FPhysicalLeftOuterJoin(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is a physical scan
static BOOL FPhysicalScan(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is a physical agg
static BOOL FPhysicalAgg(COperator *pop);
// check if given expression has any one stage agg nodes
static BOOL FHasOneStagePhysicalAgg(const CExpression *pexpr);
// check if a given operator is a physical motion
static BOOL FPhysicalMotion(COperator *pop);
// check if duplicate values can be generated by the given distribution spec
static BOOL FDuplicateHazardDistributionSpec(CDistributionSpec *pds);
// check if duplicate values can be generated by the given Motion expression
static BOOL FDuplicateHazardMotion(CExpression *pexprMotion);
// check if a given operator is an enforcer
static BOOL FEnforcer(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is a hash join
static BOOL FHashJoin(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is a correlated nested loops join
static BOOL FCorrelatedNLJoin(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is a nested loops join
static BOOL FNLJoin(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is an Apply
static BOOL FApply(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is a correlated Apply
static BOOL FCorrelatedApply(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is left semi apply
static BOOL FLeftSemiApply(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is left anti semi apply
static BOOL FLeftAntiSemiApply(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is a subquery
static BOOL FSubquery(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is existential subquery
static BOOL FExistentialSubquery(COperator *pop);
// check if a given operator is quantified subquery
static BOOL FQuantifiedSubquery(COperator *pop);
// check if given expression is a Project Element with scalar subquery
static BOOL FProjElemWithScalarSubq(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if given expression is a scalar subquery with a ConstTableGet as the only child
static BOOL FScalarSubqWithConstTblGet(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if given expression is a Project on ConstTable with one scalar subquery in Project List
static BOOL FProjectConstTableWithOneScalarSubq(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if an expression is a 0 offset
static BOOL FScalarConstIntZero(CExpression *pexprOffset);
// check if a limit expression has 0 offset
static BOOL FHasZeroOffset(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if expression is scalar comparison
static BOOL FScalarCmp(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if expression is scalar array comparison
static BOOL FScalarArrayCmp(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if given operator exists in the given list
static BOOL FOpExists(const COperator *pop,
const COperator::EOperatorId *peopid, ULONG ulOps);
// check if given expression has any operator in the given list
static BOOL FHasOp(const CExpression *pexpr,
const COperator::EOperatorId *peopid, ULONG ulOps);
// return number of inlinable CTEs in the given expression
static ULONG UlInlinableCTEs(CExpression *pexpr, ULONG ulDepth = 1);
// return number of joins in the given expression
static ULONG UlJoins(CExpression *pexpr);
// return number of subqueries in the given expression
static ULONG UlSubqueries(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if expression is scalar bool op
static BOOL FScalarBoolOp(CExpression *pexpr);
// is the given expression a scalar bool op of the passed type?
static BOOL FScalarBoolOp(CExpression *pexpr,
CScalarBoolOp::EBoolOperator eboolop);
// check if expression is scalar null test
static BOOL FScalarNullTest(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if given expression is a NOT NULL predicate
static BOOL FScalarNotNull(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if expression is scalar identifier
static BOOL FScalarIdent(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if expression is scalar identifier (with or without a cast)
static BOOL FScalarIdentIgnoreCast(CExpression *pexpr);
static BOOL FScalarConstAndScalarIdentArray(CExpression *pexprArray);
// check if expression is scalar identifier of boolean type
static BOOL FScalarIdentBoolType(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if expression is scalar array
static BOOL FScalarArray(CExpression *pexpr);
// returns number of children or constants of it is all constants
static ULONG UlScalarArrayArity(CExpression *pexpr);
// returns constant operator of a scalar array expression
static CScalarConst *PScalarArrayConstChildAt(CExpression *pexprArray,
ULONG ul);
// returns constant expression of a scalar array expression
static CExpression *PScalarArrayExprChildAt(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprArray,
ULONG ul);
// returns the scalar array expression child of CScalarArrayComp
static CExpression *PexprScalarArrayChild(CExpression *pexpr);
// returns if the scalar array has all constant elements or children
static BOOL FScalarConstArray(CExpression *pexpr);
// returns if the scalar constant is an array
static BOOL FIsConstArray(CExpression *pexpr);
// returns MDId for gp_percentile based on return type
static CMDIdGPDB *GetPercentileAggMDId(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprAggFn);
// returns if the scalar constant array has already been collapased
static BOOL FScalarArrayCollapsed(CExpression *pexprArray);
// returns true if the subquery is a ScalarSubqueryAny
static BOOL FAnySubquery(COperator *pop);
static CScalarProjectElement *PNthProjectElement(CExpression *pexpr,
ULONG ul);
// returns the expression under the Nth project element of a CLogicalProject
static CExpression *PNthProjectElementExpr(CExpression *pexpr, ULONG ul);
// check if the Project list has an inner reference assuming project list has one projecet element
static BOOL FInnerRefInProjectList(CExpression *pexpr);
// Check if expression tree has a col being referenced in the CColRefSet passed as input
static BOOL FExprHasAnyCrFromCrs(CExpression *pexpr, CColRefSet *pcrs);
// If it's a scalar array of all CScalarConst, collapse it into a single
// expression but keep the constants in the operator.
static CExpression *PexprCollapseConstArray(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprArray);
// check if expression is scalar array coerce
static BOOL FScalarArrayCoerce(CExpression *pexpr);
// is the given expression a scalar identifier with the given column reference
static BOOL FScalarIdent(CExpression *pexpr, CColRef *colref);
// check if expression is scalar const
static BOOL FScalarConst(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if this is a variable-free expression
static BOOL FVarFreeExpr(CExpression *pexpr);
// check if expression is a predicate
static BOOL FPredicate(CExpression *pexpr);
// is this type supported in contradiction detection using stats logic
static BOOL FIntType(IMDId *mdid_type);
// is this type supported in contradiction detection
static BOOL FConstrainableType(IMDId *mdid_type);
// check if a binary operator uses only columns produced by its children
static BOOL FUsesChildColsOnly(CExpressionHandle &exprhdl);
// check if inner child of a binary operator uses columns not produced by outer child
static BOOL FInnerUsesExternalCols(CExpressionHandle &exprhdl);
// check if inner child of a binary operator uses only columns not produced by outer child
static BOOL FInnerUsesExternalColsOnly(CExpressionHandle &exprhdl);
// check if comparison operators are available for the given columns
static BOOL FComparisonPossible(CColRefArray *colref_array,
IMDType::ECmpType cmp_type);
static ULONG UlCountOperator(const CExpression *pexpr,
COperator::EOperatorId op_id);
// return the max subset of redistributable columns for the given columns
static CColRefArray *PdrgpcrRedistributableSubset(
CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefArray *colref_array);
// check if hashing is possible for the given columns
static BOOL IsHashable(CColRefArray *colref_array);
// check if the given operator is a logical DML operator
static BOOL FLogicalDML(COperator *pop);
// return regular string from wide-character string
static CHAR *CreateMultiByteCharStringFromWCString(CMemoryPool *mp,
WCHAR *wsz);
// return column reference defined by project element
static CColRef *PcrFromProjElem(CExpression *pexprPrEl);
// construct an array of colids from the given array of column references
static ULongPtrArray *Pdrgpul(CMemoryPool *mp,
const CColRefArray *colref_array);
// generate a timestamp-based file name
static void GenerateFileName(CHAR *buf, const CHAR *szPrefix,
const CHAR *szExt, ULONG length,
ULONG ulSessionId, ULONG ulCmdId);
// return the mapping of the given colref based on the given hashmap
static CColRef *PcrRemap(const CColRef *colref,
UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping, BOOL must_exist);
// create a new colrefset corresponding to the given colrefset
// and based on the given mapping
static CColRefSet *PcrsRemap(CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefSet *pcrs,
UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping,
BOOL must_exist);
// create an array of column references corresponding to the given array
// and based on the given mapping
static CColRefArray *PdrgpcrRemap(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array,
UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping,
BOOL must_exist);
// create an array of column references corresponding to the given array
// and based on the given mapping and create new colrefs if necessary
static CColRefArray *PdrgpcrRemapAndCreate(
CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefArray *colref_array,
UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping);
// create an array of column arrays corresponding to the given array
// and based on the given mapping
static CColRef2dArray *PdrgpdrgpcrRemap(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRef2dArray *pdrgpdrgpcr,
UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping,
BOOL must_exist);
// remap given array of expressions with provided column mappings
static CExpressionArray *PdrgpexprRemap(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr,
UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping);
// create ColRef->ColRef mapping using the given ColRef arrays
static UlongToColRefMap *PhmulcrMapping(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrFrom,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrTo);
// add col ID->ColRef mappings to the given hashmap based on the
// given ColRef arrays
static void AddColumnMapping(CMemoryPool *mp,
UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrFrom,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrTo);
// create a copy of the array of column references
static CColRefArray *PdrgpcrExactCopy(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array);
// create an array of new column references with the same names and
// types as the given column references.
// if the passed map is not null, mappings from old to copied variables are added to it
static CColRefArray *PdrgpcrCopy(
CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefArray *colref_array, BOOL fAllComputed = false,
UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping = nullptr);
// equality check between two arrays of column refs. Inputs can be NULL
static BOOL Equals(CColRefArray *pdrgpcrFst, CColRefArray *pdrgpcrSnd);
// compute hash value for an array of column references
static ULONG UlHashColArray(const CColRefArray *colref_array,
const ULONG ulMaxCols = 5);
// return the set of column reference from the CTE Producer corresponding to the
// subset of input columns from the CTE Consumer
static CColRefSet *PcrsCTEProducerColumns(
CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefSet *pcrsInput,
CLogicalCTEConsumer *popCTEConsumer);
// construct the join condition (AND-tree of INDF operators)
// from the array of input columns reference arrays (aligned)
static CExpression *PexprConjINDFCond(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRef2dArray *pdrgpdrgpcrInput);
// check whether a colref array contains repeated items
static BOOL FHasDuplicates(const CColRefArray *colref_array);
// cast the input expression to the destination mdid
static CExpression *PexprCast(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
CExpression *pexpr, IMDId *mdid_dest);
// construct a logical join expression of the given type, with the given children
static CExpression *PexprLogicalJoin(CMemoryPool *mp,
EdxlJoinType edxljointype,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr);
// construct an array of scalar ident expressions from the given array
// of column references
static CExpressionArray *PdrgpexprScalarIdents(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array);
// return the columns from the scalar ident expressions in the given array
static CColRefSet *PcrsExtractColumns(CMemoryPool *mp,
const CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr);
// create a new bitset of the given length, where all the bits are set
static CBitSet *PbsAllSet(CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG size);
// return a new bitset, setting the bits in the given array
static CBitSet *Pbs(CMemoryPool *mp, ULongPtrArray *pdrgpul);
// helper to create a dummy constant table expression
static CExpression *PexprLogicalCTGDummy(CMemoryPool *mp);
// map a column from source array to destination array based on position
static CColRef *PcrMap(CColRef *pcrSource, CColRefArray *pdrgpcrSource,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrTarget);
// return index of the set containing given column
static ULONG UlPcrIndexContainingSet(CColRefSetArray *pdrgpcrs,
const CColRef *colref);
// collapse the top two project nodes, if unable return NULL
static CExpression *PexprCollapseProjects(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexpr);
// match function between index get/scan operators
template <class T>
static BOOL FMatchIndex(T *pop1, COperator *pop2);
// match function between dynamic index get/scan operators
template <class T>
static BOOL FMatchDynamicIndex(T *pop1, COperator *pop2);
// match function between dynamic get/scan operators
template <class T>
static BOOL FMatchDynamicScan(T *pop1, COperator *pop2);
// match function between dynamic bitmap get/scan operators
template <class T>
static BOOL FMatchDynamicBitmapScan(T *pop1, COperator *pop2);
// match function between bitmap get/scan operators
template <class T>
static BOOL FMatchBitmapScan(T *pop1, COperator *pop2);
// compares two Idatums, useful for sorting functions
static INT IDatumCmp(const void *val1, const void *val2);
// compares two CPoints, useful for sorting functions
static INT CPointCmp(const void *val1, const void *val2);
// check if the equivalance classes are disjoint
static BOOL FEquivalanceClassesDisjoint(CMemoryPool *mp,
const CColRefSetArray *pdrgpcrs);
// check if the equivalance classes are same
static BOOL FEquivalanceClassesEqual(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefSetArray *pdrgpcrsFst,
CColRefSetArray *pdrgpcrsSnd);
// get execution locality
static EExecLocalityType ExecLocalityType(CDistributionSpec *pds);
// generate a limit expression on top of the given relational child with the given offset and limit count
static CExpression *PexprLimit(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr,
ULONG ulOffSet, ULONG count);
// generate part oid
static BOOL FGeneratePartOid(IMDId *mdid);
// return true if given expression contains window aggregate function
static BOOL FHasAggWindowFunc(CExpression *pexpr);
// return true if given expression contains ordered aggregate function
static BOOL FHasOrderedAggToSplit(CExpression *pexpr);
// return true if the given expression is a cross join
static BOOL FCrossJoin(CExpression *pexpr);
// return true if can create hash join for the expression
static BOOL IsHashJoinPossible(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr);
// is this scalar expression an NDV-preserving function (used for join stats derivation)
static BOOL IsExprNDVPreserving(CExpression *pexpr,
const CColRef **underlying_colref);
// search the given array of predicates for predicates with equality or IS NOT
// DISTINCT FROM operators that has one side equal to the given expression
static CExpression *PexprMatchEqualityOrINDF(
CExpression *pexprToMatch,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr // array of predicates to inspect
static CExpression *MakeJoinWithoutInferredPreds(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *join_expr);
static BOOL Contains(const CExpressionArray *exprs,
CExpression *expr_to_match);
static BOOL Equals(const CExpressionArrays *exprs_arr,
const CExpressionArrays *other_exprs_arr);
static BOOL Equals(const IMdIdArray *mdids, const IMdIdArray *other_mdids);
static BOOL Equals(const IMDId *mdid, const IMDId *other_mdid);
static BOOL CanRemoveInferredPredicates(COperator::EOperatorId op_id);
static CExpressionArrays *GetCombinedExpressionArrays(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpressionArrays *exprs_array,
CExpressionArrays *exprs_array_other);
static void AddExprs(CExpressionArrays *results_exprs,
CExpressionArrays *input_exprs);
static BOOL FScalarConstBoolNull(CExpression *pexpr);
}; // class CUtils
// hash set from expressions
using ExprHashSet = CHashSet<CExpression, CExpression::UlHashDedup,
CUtils::Equals, CleanupRelease<CExpression>>;
// @function:
// CUtils::PexprLogicalJoin
// @doc:
// Generate a join expression from given expressions
template <class T>
CExpression *
CUtils::PexprLogicalJoin(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight, CExpression *pexprPredicate,
CXform::EXformId origin_xform)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexprLeft);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexprRight);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexprPredicate);
return GPOS_NEW(mp) CExpression(mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) T(mp, origin_xform),
pexprLeft, pexprRight, pexprPredicate);
// @function:
// CUtils::PexprLogicalApply
// @doc:
// Generate an apply expression from given expressions
template <class T>
CExpression *
CUtils::PexprLogicalApply(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight, CExpression *pexprPred)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexprLeft);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexprRight);
CExpression *pexprScalar = pexprPred;
if (nullptr == pexprPred)
pexprScalar = PexprScalarConstBool(mp, true /*value*/);
return GPOS_NEW(mp)
CExpression(mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) T(mp), pexprLeft, pexprRight, pexprScalar);
// @function:
// CUtils::PexprLogicalApply
// @doc:
// Generate an apply expression with a known inner column
template <class T>
CExpression *
CUtils::PexprLogicalApply(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight, const CColRef *pcrInner,
COperator::EOperatorId eopidOriginSubq,
CExpression *pexprPred)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexprLeft);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexprRight);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pcrInner);
CExpression *pexprScalar = pexprPred;
if (nullptr == pexprPred)
pexprScalar = PexprScalarConstBool(mp, true /*value*/);
CColRefArray *colref_array = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefArray(mp);
colref_array->Append(const_cast<CColRef *>(pcrInner));
return GPOS_NEW(mp)
CExpression(mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) T(mp, colref_array, eopidOriginSubq),
pexprLeft, pexprRight, pexprScalar);
// @function:
// CUtils::PexprLogicalApply
// @doc:
// Generate an apply expression with known array of inner columns
template <class T>
CExpression *
CUtils::PexprLogicalApply(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight, CColRefArray *pdrgpcrInner,
COperator::EOperatorId eopidOriginSubq,
CExpression *pexprPred)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexprLeft);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexprRight);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pdrgpcrInner);
GPOS_ASSERT(0 < pdrgpcrInner->Size());
CExpression *pexprScalar = pexprPred;
if (nullptr == pexprPred)
pexprScalar = PexprScalarConstBool(mp, true /*value*/);
return GPOS_NEW(mp)
CExpression(mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) T(mp, pdrgpcrInner, eopidOriginSubq),
pexprLeft, pexprRight, pexprScalar);
// @class:
// CUtils::PexprLogicalCorrelatedQuantifiedApply
// @doc:
// Helper to create a left semi correlated apply from left semi apply
template <class T>
CExpression *
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprLeft, CExpression *pexprRight,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrInner, COperator::EOperatorId eopidOriginSubq,
CExpression *pexprPred)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexprLeft);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexprRight);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pdrgpcrInner);
GPOS_ASSERT(0 < pdrgpcrInner->Size());
CExpression *pexprScalar = pexprPred;
if (nullptr == pexprPred)
pexprScalar = PexprScalarConstBool(mp, true /*value*/);
if (COperator::EopLogicalSelect != pexprRight->Pop()->Eopid())
// quantified comparison was pushed down, we create a dummy comparison here
!CUtils::HasOuterRefs(pexprRight) &&
"unexpected outer references in inner child of Semi Apply expression ");
pexprScalar = PexprScalarConstBool(mp, true /*value*/);
// quantified comparison is now on top of inner expression, skip to child
CExpression *pexprNewPredicate = (*pexprRight)[1];
pexprScalar = pexprNewPredicate;
CExpression *pexprChild = (*pexprRight)[0];
pexprRight = pexprChild;
return GPOS_NEW(mp)
CExpression(mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) T(mp, pdrgpcrInner, eopidOriginSubq),
pexprLeft, pexprRight, pexprScalar);
// @function:
// CUtils::AddRefAppend
// @doc:
// Append elements from input array to output array, starting from
// given index, after add-refing them
template <class T, void (*CleanupFn)(T *)>
CUtils::AddRefAppend(CDynamicPtrArray<T, CleanupFn> *pdrgptOutput,
CDynamicPtrArray<T, CleanupFn> *pdrgptInput, ULONG ulStart)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pdrgptOutput);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pdrgptInput);
const ULONG size = pdrgptInput->Size();
GPOS_ASSERT_IMP(0 < size, ulStart < size);
for (ULONG ul = ulStart; ul < size; ul++)
T *pt = (*pdrgptInput)[ul];
CRefCount *prc = dynamic_cast<CRefCount *>(pt);
// @function:
// CUtils::FScalarConstInt
// @doc:
// Check if the given expression is an INT,
// the template parameter is an INT type
template <class T>
CUtils::FScalarConstInt(CExpression *pexpr)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexpr);
IMDType::ETypeInfo type_info = T::GetTypeInfo();
GPOS_ASSERT(IMDType::EtiInt2 == type_info ||
IMDType::EtiInt4 == type_info || IMDType::EtiInt8 == type_info);
COperator *pop = pexpr->Pop();
if (COperator::EopScalarConst == pop->Eopid())
CScalarConst *popScalarConst = CScalarConst::PopConvert(pop);
if (type_info == popScalarConst->GetDatum()->GetDatumType())
return true;
return false;
// @function:
// CUtils::FMatchIndex
// @doc:
// Match function between index get/scan operators
template <class T>
CUtils::FMatchIndex(T *pop1, COperator *pop2)
if (pop1->Eopid() != pop2->Eopid())
return false;
T *popIndex = T::PopConvert(pop2);
return pop1->UlOriginOpId() == popIndex->UlOriginOpId() &&
pop1->Ptabdesc()->MDId()->Equals(popIndex->Ptabdesc()->MDId()) &&
pop1->Pindexdesc()->MDId()->Equals(popIndex->Pindexdesc()->MDId()) &&
// @function:
// CUtils::FMatchDynamicIndex
// @doc:
// Match function between dynamic index get/scan operators
template <class T>
CUtils::FMatchDynamicIndex(T *pop1, COperator *pop2)
if (pop1->Eopid() != pop2->Eopid())
return false;
T *popIndex2 = T::PopConvert(pop2);
// match if the index descriptors are identical
// we will compare MDIds, so both indexes should be partial or non-partial.
// Possible future improvement:
// For heterogeneous indexes, we use pointer comparison of part constraints.
// That was to avoid memory allocation because matching function was used while
// holding spin locks. This is no longer an issue, as we don't use spin locks
// anymore. Using a match function would mean improved matching for heterogeneous
// indexes.
return pop1->UlOriginOpId() == popIndex2->UlOriginOpId() &&
pop1->ScanId() == popIndex2->ScanId() &&
pop1->Ptabdesc()->MDId()->Equals(popIndex2->Ptabdesc()->MDId()) &&
popIndex2->Pindexdesc()->MDId()) &&
// @function:
// CUtils::FMatchDynamicScan
// @doc:
// Match function between dynamic get/scan operators
template <class T>
CUtils::FMatchDynamicScan(T *pop1, COperator *pop2)
if (pop1->Eopid() != pop2->Eopid())
return false;
T *popScan2 = T::PopConvert(pop2);
// match if the table descriptors are identical
// Possible improvement:
// For partial scans, we use pointer comparison of part constraints to avoid
// memory allocation because matching function was used while holding spin locks.
// Using a match function would mean improved matches for partial scans.
return pop1->ScanId() == popScan2->ScanId() &&
pop1->Ptabdesc()->MDId()->Equals(popScan2->Ptabdesc()->MDId()) &&
// @function:
// CUtils::FMatchDynamicBitmapScan
// @doc:
// Match function between dynamic bitmap get/scan operators
template <class T>
CUtils::FMatchDynamicBitmapScan(T *pop1, COperator *pop2)
if (pop1->Eopid() != pop2->Eopid())
return false;
T *popDynamicBitmapScan2 = T::PopConvert(pop2);
return pop1->UlOriginOpId() == popDynamicBitmapScan2->UlOriginOpId() &&
pop2); // call match dynamic scan to compare other member vars
// @function:
// CUtils::FMatchBitmapScan
// @doc:
// Match function between bitmap get/scan operators
template <class T>
CUtils::FMatchBitmapScan(T *pop1, COperator *pop2)
if (pop1->Eopid() != pop2->Eopid())
return false;
T *popScan2 = T::PopConvert(pop2);
return pop1->UlOriginOpId() == popScan2->UlOriginOpId() &&
pop1->Ptabdesc()->MDId()->Equals(popScan2->Ptabdesc()->MDId()) &&
} // namespace gpopt
// helper to print given expression
// outside of namespace to make sure gdb can resolve the symbol easily
void PrintExpr(void *pv);
// helper to print memo structure
void PrintMemo(void *pv);
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG
#endif // !GPOPT_CUtils_H
// EOF
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