greenplumn nodeDynamicBitmapIndexscan 源码
greenplumn nodeDynamicBitmapIndexscan 代码
* nodeDynamicBitmapIndexscan.c
* Support routines for bitmap-scanning a partition of a table, where
* the partition is determined at runtime.
* This is a thin wrapper around a regular non-dynamic Bitmap Index Scan
* executor node. The Begin function doesn't do much. But when
* MultiExecDynamicBitmapIndexScan() is called, to get the result,
* we initialize a BitmapIndexScanState executor node for the currently
* open partition, and call MultiExecBitmapIndexScan() on it. On rescan,
* the underlying BitmapIndexScanState is destroyed.
* This is somewhat different from a Dynamic Index Scan. While a Dynamic
* Index Scan needs to iterate through all the active partitions, a Dynamic
* Bitmap Index Scan works as a slave of a dynamic Bitmap Heap Scan node
* above it. It scans only one partition at a time, but the partition
* can change at a rescan.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2013 - present, EMC/Greenplum
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
* src/backend/executor/nodeDynamicBitmapIndexscan.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include "catalog/partition.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "executor/instrument.h"
#include "nodes/execnodes.h"
#include "executor/nodeBitmapIndexscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeDynamicIndexscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeDynamicBitmapIndexscan.h"
#include "access/table.h"
#include "access/tableam.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
* Initialize ScanState in DynamicBitmapIndexScan.
DynamicBitmapIndexScanState *
ExecInitDynamicBitmapIndexScan(DynamicBitmapIndexScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
DynamicBitmapIndexScanState *dynamicBitmapIndexScanState;
/* check for unsupported flags */
Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK)));
dynamicBitmapIndexScanState = makeNode(DynamicBitmapIndexScanState);
dynamicBitmapIndexScanState-> = (Plan *) node;
dynamicBitmapIndexScanState-> = estate;
dynamicBitmapIndexScanState-> = ExecDynamicIndexScan;
dynamicBitmapIndexScanState->eflags = eflags;
dynamicBitmapIndexScanState->scan_state = SCAN_INIT;
* Initialize child expressions
* These are not used for anything, we rely on the child IndexScan node
* to do all evaluation for us. But I think this is still needed to
* find and process any SubPlans. See comment in ExecInitIndexScan.
dynamicBitmapIndexScanState-> =
(PlanState *) dynamicBitmapIndexScanState);
* tuple table initialization
Relation scanRel = ExecOpenScanRelation(estate, node->biscan.scan.scanrelid, eflags);
ExecInitScanTupleSlot(estate, &dynamicBitmapIndexScanState->ss, RelationGetDescr(scanRel), table_slot_callbacks(scanRel));
* Initialize result tuple type and projection info.
* This context will be reset per-partition to free up per-partition
* copy of LogicalIndexInfo
dynamicBitmapIndexScanState->partitionMemoryContext = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
return dynamicBitmapIndexScanState;
static void
BitmapIndexScan_ReMapColumns(DynamicBitmapIndexScan *dbiScan, Oid oldOid, Oid newOid)
AttrNumber *attMap;
if (oldOid == newOid)
* If we have only one partition and we are rescanning
* then we can have this scenario.
attMap = IndexScan_GetColumnMapping(oldOid, newOid);
if (attMap)
/* A bitmap index scan has no target list or quals */
// FIXME: no quals remapping?
* Find the correct index in the given partition, and create a BitmapIndexScan executor
* node to scan it.
static void
beginCurrentBitmapIndexScan(DynamicBitmapIndexScanState *node, EState *estate,
Oid tableOid)
DynamicBitmapIndexScan *dbiScan = (DynamicBitmapIndexScan *) node->;
Relation currentRelation;
Oid indexOid;
MemoryContext oldCxt;
List *save_tupletable;
* open the base relation and acquire appropriate lock on it.
currentRelation = table_open(tableOid, AccessShareLock);
node->ss.ss_currentRelation = currentRelation;
save_tupletable = estate->es_tupleTable;
estate->es_tupleTable = NIL;
oldCxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(node->partitionMemoryContext);
* Re-map the index columns, per the new partition, and find the correct
* index.
if (!OidIsValid(node->columnLayoutOid))
/* Very first partition */
node->columnLayoutOid = get_partition_parent(tableOid);
BitmapIndexScan_ReMapColumns(dbiScan, node->columnLayoutOid, tableOid);
node->columnLayoutOid = tableOid;
* The is the oid of the partition of an *index*. Note: a partitioned table
* has a root and a set of partitions (may be multi-level). An index
* on a partitioned table also has a root and a set of index partitions.
* We started at table level, and now we are fetching the oid of an index
* partition.
Oid indexOidOld = dbiScan->biscan.indexid;
indexOid = index_get_partition(currentRelation, dbiScan->biscan.indexid);
if (!OidIsValid(indexOid))
elog(ERROR, "failed to find index for partition \"%s\" for \"%d\"in dynamic index scan",
RelationGetRelationName(currentRelation), dbiScan->biscan.indexid);
table_close(currentRelation, NoLock);
/* Modify the plan node with the index ID */
dbiScan->biscan.indexid = indexOid;
node->bitmapIndexScanState = ExecInitBitmapIndexScan(&dbiScan->biscan,
dbiScan->biscan.indexid = indexOidOld;
if (node->
/* Let the BitmapIndexScan share our Instrument node */
node->bitmapIndexScanState-> = node->;
node->tuptable = estate->es_tupleTable;
estate->es_tupleTable = save_tupletable;
if (node->outer_exprContext)
* End the currently open BitmapIndexScan executor node, if any.
static void
endCurrentBitmapIndexScan(DynamicBitmapIndexScanState *node)
if (node->bitmapIndexScanState)
node->bitmapIndexScanState = NULL;
ExecResetTupleTable(node->tuptable, true);
node->tuptable = NIL;
* Execution of DynamicBitmapIndexScan
Node *
MultiExecDynamicBitmapIndexScan(DynamicBitmapIndexScanState *node)
EState *estate = node->;
Oid tableOid;
/* close previously open scan, if any. */
* Fetch the OID of the current partition, and of the index on
* that partition to scan.
if (estate->partitionOid > 0) {
tableOid = estate->partitionOid;
} else {
return NULL;
* Create the underlying regular BitmapIndexScan executor node,
* for the current partition, and call it.
* Note: don't close the BitmapIndexScan executor node yet,
* because it might return a streaming bitmap, which still needs
* the underlying scan if more tuples are pulled from it after
* we return.
beginCurrentBitmapIndexScan(node, estate, tableOid);
return MultiExecBitmapIndexScan(node->bitmapIndexScanState);
* Release resources of DynamicBitmapIndexScan
ExecEndDynamicBitmapIndexScan(DynamicBitmapIndexScanState *node)
node->scan_state = SCAN_END;
* Allow rescanning an index.
* The current partition might've changed.
ExecReScanDynamicBitmapIndex(DynamicBitmapIndexScanState *node)
if (node->bitmapIndexScanState)
node->bitmapIndexScanState = NULL;
node->scan_state = SCAN_INIT;
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