greenplumn CDrvdPropCtxt 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (532)

greenplumn CDrvdPropCtxt 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2013 EMC Corp.
//	@filename:
//		CDrvdPropCtxt.h
//	@doc:
//		Base class for derived properties context;
#ifndef GPOPT_CDrvdPropCtxt_H
#define GPOPT_CDrvdPropCtxt_H

#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CDynamicPtrArray.h"
#include "gpos/common/CRefCount.h"

namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;

// fwd declarations
class CDrvdPropCtxt;
class CDrvdProp;

// dynamic array for properties
using CDrvdPropCtxtArray = CDynamicPtrArray<CDrvdPropCtxt, CleanupRelease>;

//	@class:
//		CDrvdPropCtxt
//	@doc:
//		Container of information passed among expression nodes during
//		property derivation
class CDrvdPropCtxt : public CRefCount
	// memory pool
	CMemoryPool *m_mp;

	// copy function
	virtual CDrvdPropCtxt *PdpctxtCopy(CMemoryPool *mp) const = 0;

	// add props to context
	virtual void AddProps(CDrvdProp *pdp) = 0;

	CDrvdPropCtxt(const CDrvdPropCtxt &) = delete;

	// ctor
	CDrvdPropCtxt(CMemoryPool *mp) : m_mp(mp)

	// dtor
	~CDrvdPropCtxt() override = default;


	// is it a relational property context?
	virtual BOOL
	FRelational() const
		return false;

	// is it a plan property context?
	virtual BOOL
	FPlan() const
		return false;

	// is it a scalar property context?
	virtual BOOL
	FScalar() const
		return false;

#endif	// GPOS_DEBUG

	// copy function
	static CDrvdPropCtxt *
	PdpctxtCopy(CMemoryPool *mp, CDrvdPropCtxt *pdpctxt)
		if (nullptr == pdpctxt)
			return nullptr;

		return pdpctxt->PdpctxtCopy(mp);

	// add derived props to context
	static void
	AddDerivedProps(CDrvdProp *pdp, CDrvdPropCtxt *pdpctxt)
		if (nullptr != pdpctxt)

};	// class CDrvdPropCtxt

}  // namespace gpopt

#endif	// !GPOPT_CDrvdPropCtxt_H

// EOF


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