greenplumn aomd 源码

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greenplumn aomd 代码


 * aomd.c
 *	  This code manages append only relations that reside on magnetic disk.
 *	  It serves the same general purpose as smgr/md.c however we introduce
 *    AO specific file access functions mainly because would like to bypass 
 *	  md.c's and bgwriter's fsyncing. AO relations also use a non constant
 *	  block number to file segment mapping unlike heap relations.
 *	  As of now we still let md.c create and unlink AO relations for us. This
 *	  may need to change if inconsistencies arise.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2008, Greenplum Inc.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	    src/backend/access/appendonly/aomd.c
#include "postgres.h"

#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/file.h>

#include "access/aomd.h"
#include "access/appendonlytid.h"
#include "access/appendonlywriter.h"
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "catalog/pg_appendonly.h"
#include "cdb/cdbappendonlystorage.h"
#include "cdb/cdbappendonlyxlog.h"
#include "common/relpath.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "storage/sync.h"
#include "utils/guc.h"


static void mdunlink_ao_base_relfile(void *ctx);
static bool mdunlink_ao_perFile(const int segno, void *ctx);
static bool copy_append_only_data_perFile(const int segno, void *ctx);
static bool truncate_ao_perFile(const int segno, void *ctx);

AOSegmentFilePathNameLen(Relation rel)
	char		*basepath;
	int 		len;
	/* Get base path for this relation file */
	basepath = relpathbackend(rel->rd_node, rel->rd_backend, MAIN_FORKNUM);

	 * The basepath will be the RelFileNode number.  Optional part is dot "." plus 
	 * 6 digit segment file number.
	len = strlen(basepath) + 8;	// Generous.

	return len;

 * Formats an Append Only relation file segment file name.
 * The filepathname parameter assume sufficient space.
FormatAOSegmentFileName(char *basepath,
						int segno,
						int col,
						int32 *fileSegNo,
						char *filepathname)
	int	pseudoSegNo;
	Assert(segno >= 0);
	Assert(segno <= AOTupleId_MaxSegmentFileNum);

	if (col < 0)
		 * Row oriented Append-Only.
		pseudoSegNo = segno;		
		 * Column oriented Append-only.
		pseudoSegNo = (col*AOTupleId_MultiplierSegmentFileNum) + segno;
	*fileSegNo = pseudoSegNo;

	if (pseudoSegNo > 0)
		sprintf(filepathname, "%s.%u", basepath, pseudoSegNo);
		strcpy(filepathname, basepath);

 * Make an Append Only relation file segment file name.
 * The filepathname parameter assume sufficient space.
MakeAOSegmentFileName(Relation rel,
					  int segno,
					  int col,
					  int32 *fileSegNo,
					  char *filepathname)
	char	*basepath;
	int32   fileSegNoLocal;
	/* Get base path for this relation file */
	basepath = relpathbackend(rel->rd_node, rel->rd_backend, MAIN_FORKNUM);

	FormatAOSegmentFileName(basepath, segno, col, &fileSegNoLocal, filepathname);
	*fileSegNo = fileSegNoLocal;

 * Open an Append Only relation file segment
 * The fd module's PathNameOpenFile() is used to open the file, so the
 * the File* routines can be used to read, write, close, etc, the file.
OpenAOSegmentFile(char *filepathname, int64	logicalEof)
	int			fileFlags = O_RDWR | PG_BINARY;
	File		fd;

	errno = 0;
	fd = PathNameOpenFile(filepathname, fileFlags);
	if (fd < 0)
		if (logicalEof == 0 && errno == ENOENT)
			return -1;

				 errmsg("could not open Append-Only segment file \"%s\": %m",
				 errdetail("logicalEof for open operation: %ld", logicalEof)));
	return fd;

 * Close an Append Only relation file segment
CloseAOSegmentFile(File fd)

 * Truncate all bytes from offset to end of file.
TruncateAOSegmentFile(File fd, Relation rel, int32 segFileNum, int64 offset)
	char *relname = RelationGetRelationName(rel);

	Assert(fd > 0);
	Assert(offset >= 0);

	 * Call the 'fd' module with a 64-bit length since AO segment files
	 * can be multi-gigabyte to the terabytes...
	if (FileTruncate(fd, offset, WAIT_EVENT_DATA_FILE_TRUNCATE) != 0)
				(errmsg("\"%s\": failed to truncate data after eof: %m",
	if (XLogIsNeeded() && RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
		xlog_ao_truncate(rel->rd_node, segFileNum, offset);

	if (file_truncate_hook)
		RelFileNodeBackend rnode;
		rnode.node = rel->rd_node;
		rnode.backend = rel->rd_backend;

struct mdunlink_ao_callback_ctx
	RelFileNode rnode; /* used to register forget request */
	char *segPath;
	char *segpathSuffixPosition;
	bool isRedo;

struct truncate_ao_callback_ctx
	char *segPath;
	char *segpathSuffixPosition;
	Relation rel;

mdunlink_ao(RelFileNodeBackend rnode, ForkNumber forkNumber, bool isRedo)
	const char *path = relpath(rnode, forkNumber);

	 * Unlogged AO tables have INIT_FORK, in addition to MAIN_FORK.  It is
	 * created once, regardless of the number of segment files (or the number
	 * of columns for column-oriented tables).  Sync requests for INIT_FORKs
	 * are not remembered, so they need not be forgotten.
	if (forkNumber == INIT_FORKNUM)
		path = relpath(rnode, forkNumber);
		if (unlink(path) < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
					 errmsg("could not remove file \"%s\": %m", path)));
	/* This storage manager is not concerned with forks other than MAIN_FORK */
	else if (forkNumber == MAIN_FORKNUM)
		int pathSize = strlen(path);
		char *segPath = (char *) palloc(pathSize + SEGNO_SUFFIX_LENGTH);
		char *segPathSuffixPosition = segPath + pathSize;
		struct mdunlink_ao_callback_ctx unlinkFiles;
		unlinkFiles.isRedo = isRedo;
		unlinkFiles.rnode = rnode.node;

		strncpy(segPath, path, pathSize);

		unlinkFiles.segPath = segPath;
		unlinkFiles.segpathSuffixPosition = segPathSuffixPosition;


		ao_foreach_extent_file(mdunlink_ao_perFile, &unlinkFiles);


	pfree((void *) path);

 * Delete or truncate segfile 0.  Note: There is no <relfilenode>.0 file.  The
 * segfile 0 is the same as base relfilenode for row-oriented AO.  For
 * column-oriented AO, the segno 0 for the first column corresponds to base
 * relfilenode.  See also: ao_foreach_extent_file.
static void
mdunlink_ao_base_relfile(void *ctx)
	FileTag tag;
	struct mdunlink_ao_callback_ctx *unlinkFiles =
		(struct mdunlink_ao_callback_ctx *)ctx;

	const char *baserel = unlinkFiles->segPath;

	*unlinkFiles->segpathSuffixPosition = '\0';
	if (unlinkFiles->isRedo)
		/* First, forget any pending sync requests for the first segment */
		INIT_FILETAG(tag, unlinkFiles->rnode, MAIN_FORKNUM, 0,
		RegisterSyncRequest(&tag, SYNC_FORGET_REQUEST, true);

		if (unlink(baserel) != 0)
			/* ENOENT is expected after the end of the extensions */
			if (errno != ENOENT)
						 errmsg("could not remove file \"%s\": %m",
		int			fd;
		int			ret;

		/* Register request to unlink first segment later */
		INIT_FILETAG(tag, unlinkFiles->rnode, MAIN_FORKNUM, 0,
		RegisterSyncRequest(&tag, SYNC_UNLINK_REQUEST, true /* retryOnError */ );

		fd = OpenTransientFile(baserel, O_RDWR | PG_BINARY);
		if (fd >= 0)
			int			save_errno;

			ret = ftruncate(fd, 0);
			save_errno = errno;
			errno = save_errno;
			ret = -1;

		if (ret < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
					 errmsg("could not truncate file \"%s\": %m", baserel)));


static bool
mdunlink_ao_perFile(const int segno, void *ctx)
	FileTag tag;
	const struct mdunlink_ao_callback_ctx *unlinkFiles = ctx;

	char *segPath = unlinkFiles->segPath;
	char *segPathSuffixPosition = unlinkFiles->segpathSuffixPosition;

	Assert (segno > 0);
	sprintf(segPathSuffixPosition, ".%u", segno);

	/* First, forget any pending sync requests for the first segment */
	INIT_FILETAG(tag, unlinkFiles->rnode, MAIN_FORKNUM, segno,
	RegisterSyncRequest(&tag, SYNC_FORGET_REQUEST, true);

	/* Next unlink the file */
	if (unlink(segPath) != 0)
		/* ENOENT is expected after the end of the extensions */
		if (errno != ENOENT)
					 errmsg("could not remove file \"%s\": %m", segPath)));
			return false;
	return true;

static void
copy_file(char *srcsegpath, char *dstsegpath,
		  RelFileNode dst, int segfilenum, bool use_wal)
	File		srcFile;
	File		dstFile;
	int64		left;
	off_t		offset;
	char       *buffer = palloc(BLCKSZ);
	int dstflags;

	srcFile = PathNameOpenFile(srcsegpath, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY);
	if (srcFile < 0)
				 (errmsg("could not open file %s: %m", srcsegpath))));

	dstflags = O_WRONLY | O_EXCL | PG_BINARY;
	 * .0 relfilenode is expected to exist before calling this
	 * function. Caller calls RelationCreateStorage() which creates the base
	 * file for the relation. Hence use different flag for the same.
	if (segfilenum)
		dstflags |= O_CREAT;

	dstFile = PathNameOpenFile(dstsegpath, dstflags);
	if (dstFile < 0)
				 (errmsg("could not create destination file %s: %m", dstsegpath))));

	left = FileDiskSize(srcFile);
	if (left < 0)
				 (errmsg("could not seek to end of file %s: %m", srcsegpath))));

	offset = 0;
	while(left > 0)
		int			len;


		len = Min(left, BLCKSZ);
		if (FileRead(srcFile, buffer, len, offset, WAIT_EVENT_DATA_FILE_READ) != len)
					 errmsg("could not read %d bytes from file \"%s\": %m",
							len, srcsegpath)));

		if (FileWrite(dstFile, buffer, len, offset, WAIT_EVENT_DATA_FILE_WRITE) != len)
					 errmsg("could not write %d bytes to file \"%s\": %m",
							len, dstsegpath)));

		if (use_wal)
			xlog_ao_insert(dst, segfilenum, offset, buffer, len);

		offset += len;
		left -= len;

				 errmsg("could not fsync file \"%s\": %m",

struct copy_append_only_data_callback_ctx {
	char *srcPath;
	char *dstPath;
	RelFileNode dst;
	bool useWal;

 * Like copy_relation_data(), but for AO tables.
copy_append_only_data(RelFileNode src, RelFileNode dst,
        BackendId backendid, char relpersistence)
	char *srcPath;
	char *dstPath;
	bool useWal;
	struct copy_append_only_data_callback_ctx copyFiles = { 0 };
	 * We need to log the copied data in WAL iff WAL archiving/streaming is
	 * enabled AND it's a permanent relation.
	useWal = XLogIsNeeded() && relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT;

	srcPath = relpathbackend(src, backendid, MAIN_FORKNUM);
	dstPath = relpathbackend(dst, backendid, MAIN_FORKNUM);

	copy_file(srcPath, dstPath, dst, 0, useWal);

	copyFiles.srcPath = srcPath;
	copyFiles.dstPath = dstPath;
	copyFiles.dst = dst;
	copyFiles.useWal = useWal;

    ao_foreach_extent_file(copy_append_only_data_perFile, &copyFiles);

	if (file_extend_hook)
		RelFileNodeBackend rnode;
		rnode.node = dst;
		rnode.backend = backendid;

static bool
copy_append_only_data_perFile(const int segno, void *ctx)
	const struct copy_append_only_data_callback_ctx *copyFiles = ctx;

	char srcSegPath[MAXPGPATH + 12];
	char dstSegPath[MAXPGPATH + 12];

	sprintf(srcSegPath, "%s.%u", copyFiles->srcPath, segno);
	if (access(srcSegPath, F_OK) != 0)
		/* ENOENT is expected after the end of the extensions */
		if (errno != ENOENT)
							errmsg("access failed for file \"%s\": %m", srcSegPath)));
		return false;
	sprintf(dstSegPath, "%s.%u", copyFiles->dstPath, segno);
	copy_file(srcSegPath, dstSegPath, copyFiles->dst, segno, copyFiles->useWal);

	return true;

 * ao_truncate_one_rel
 * This routine deletes all data within the specified ao relation.
ao_truncate_one_rel(Relation rel)
	char *basepath;
	char *segPath;
	char *segPathSuffixPosition;
	struct truncate_ao_callback_ctx truncateFiles = { 0 };
	int pathSize;

	/* Get base path for this relation file */
	basepath = relpathbackend(rel->rd_node, rel->rd_backend, MAIN_FORKNUM);

	pathSize = strlen(basepath);
	segPath = (char *) palloc(pathSize + SEGNO_SUFFIX_LENGTH);
	segPathSuffixPosition = segPath + pathSize;
	strncpy(segPath, basepath, pathSize);

	truncateFiles.segPath = segPath;
	truncateFiles.segpathSuffixPosition = segPathSuffixPosition;
	truncateFiles.rel = rel;

	 * Truncate the actual file.
	 * Segfile 0 first, ao_foreach_extent_file() doesn't invoke the
	 * callback for it.
	truncate_ao_perFile(0, &truncateFiles);
	ao_foreach_extent_file(truncate_ao_perFile, &truncateFiles);


 * Truncate a specific segment file of ao relation.
static bool
truncate_ao_perFile(const int segno, void *ctx)
	File		fd;
	Relation aorel;

	const struct truncate_ao_callback_ctx *truncateFiles = ctx;

	char *segPath = truncateFiles->segPath;
	char *segPathSuffixPosition = truncateFiles->segpathSuffixPosition;
	aorel = truncateFiles->rel;

	if (segno > 0)
		sprintf(segPathSuffixPosition, ".%u", segno);
		*segPathSuffixPosition = '\0';

	fd = OpenAOSegmentFile(segPath, 0);

	if (fd >= 0)
		TruncateAOSegmentFile(fd, aorel, segno, 0);
		 * we traverse possible segment files of AO/AOCS tables and call
		 * truncate_ao_perFile to truncate them. It is ok that some files do not exist
		return false;

	return true;


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn aomd_filehandler 源码

greenplumn aosegfiles 源码

greenplumn appendonly_blkdir_udf 源码

greenplumn appendonly_compaction 源码

greenplumn appendonly_visimap 源码

greenplumn appendonly_visimap_entry 源码

greenplumn appendonly_visimap_store 源码

greenplumn appendonly_visimap_udf 源码

greenplumn appendonlyam 源码

greenplumn appendonlyam_handler 源码

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