开源鸿蒙 CMSIS Support

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (912)

CMSIS Support

Basic Concepts

The Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) is a vendor-independent hardware abstraction layer for microcontrollers based on Arm Cortex processors. Of the CMSIS components, the Real Time Operating System (RTOS) defines a set of universal and standardized APIs to reduce the dependency of application developers on specific RTOS and facilitate software porting and reuse. The CMSIS provides CMSIS-RTOS v1 and CMSIS-RTOS v2. The OpenHarmony LiteOS-M supports only the implementation of CMSIS-RTOS v2.

Development Guidelines

Available APIs

The following table describes CMSIS-RTOS v2 APIs. For more details about the APIs, see the API reference.

Table 1 CMSIS-RTOS v2 APIs

Category API Description
Kernel information and control osKernelGetInfo Obtains RTOS kernel information.
osKernelGetState Obtains the current RTOS kernel status.
osKernelGetSysTimerCount Obtains the RTOS kernel system timer count.
osKernelGetSysTimerFreq Obtains the RTOS kernel system timer frequency.
osKernelInitialize Initializes the RTOS kernel.
osKernelLock Locks the RTOS kernel scheduler.
osKernelUnlock Unlocks the RTOS kernel scheduler.
osKernelRestoreLock Restores the RTOS kernel scheduler to the locked state.
osKernelResume Restores the RTOS kernel scheduler (not implemented yet).
osKernelStart Starts the RTOS kernel scheduler.
osKernelSuspend Suspends the RTOS kernel scheduler (not implemented yet).
osKernelGetTickCount Obtains the RTOS kernel tick count.
osKernelGetTickFreq Obtains the RTOS kernel tick frequency.
Thread management osThreadDetach Detaches a thread (to reclaim the thread storage when the thread terminates).
osThreadEnumerate Enumerates active threads (not been implemented yet).
osThreadExit Terminates a running thread.
osThreadGetCount Obtains the number of active threads.
osThreadGetId Obtains the ID of the running thread.
osThreadGetName Obtains the thread name.
osThreadGetPriority Obtains the current thread priority.
osThreadGetStackSize Obtains the thread stack size.
osThreadGetStackSpace Obtains the available stack space for a thread based on the stack waterline record during execution.
osThreadGetState Obtains the current thread status.
osThreadJoin Waits for the specified thread to terminate.
osThreadNew Creates a thread and adds it to active threads.
osThreadResume Resumes the execution of a thread.
osThreadSetPriority Changes the priority of a thread.
osThreadSuspend Suspends a thread.
osThreadTerminate Terminates a thread.
osThreadYield Passes control to the next thread in the ready state.
Thread flag osThreadFlagsSet Sets flags for a thread.
osThreadFlagsClear Clears the specified flags for the running thread.
osThreadFlagsGet Obtains the current flags of the running thread.
osThreadFlagsWait Waits for one or more thread flags of the running thread to signal.
Event flag osEventFlagsGetName Obtains the names of the event flags (not implemented yet).
osEventFlagsNew Creates and initializes event flags.
osEventFlagsDelete Deletes event flags.
osEventFlagsSet Sets event flags.
osEventFlagsClear Clears event flags.
osEventFlagsGet Obtains the current event flags.
osEventFlagsWait Waits for one or more event flags to be signaled.
General waiting functions osDelay Waits for timeout (time delay).
osDelayUntil Waits until the specified time.
Timer management osTimerDelete Deletes a timer.
osTimerGetName Obtains the timer name (not implemented yet).
osTimerIsRunning Checks whether a timer is running.
osTimerNew Creates and initializes a timer.
osTimerStart Starts or restarts a timer.
osTimerStop Stops a timer.
Mutex management osMutexAcquire Acquires a mutex or times out (if locked).
osMutexDelete Deletes a mutex.
osMutexGetName Obtains the mutex name (not implemented yet).
osMutexGetOwner Obtains the thread that acquires the mutex.
osMutexNew Creates and initializes a mutex.
osMutexRelease Releases the mutex obtained using osMutexAcquire.
Semaphore osSemaphoreAcquire Obtains the semaphore token or times out if no token is available.
osSemaphoreDelete Deletes a semaphore.
osSemaphoreGetCount Obtains the token count of the current semaphore.
osSemaphoreGetName Obtains the name of a semaphore (not implemented yet).
osSemaphoreNew Creates and initializes a semaphore.
osSemaphoreRelease Releases semaphore tokens till the initial maximum count.
Memory pool osMemoryPoolAlloc Allocates a memory block from the memory pool.
osMemoryPoolDelete Deletes a memory pool object.
osMemoryPoolFree Releases the allocated memory block to the memory pool.
osMemoryPoolGetBlockSize Obtains the memory block size in the memory pool.
osMemoryPoolGetCapacity Obtains the maximum number of memory blocks in the memory pool.
osMemoryPoolGetCount Obtains the number of used memory blocks in the memory pool.
osMemoryPoolGetName Obtains the memory pool name.
osMemoryPoolGetSpace Obtains the number of available memory blocks in the memory pool.
osMemoryPoolNew Creates and initializes a memory pool.
Message queue osMessageQueueDelete Deletes a message queue.
osMessageQueueGet Obtain a message from the queue or times out if the queue is empty.
osMessageQueueGetCapacity Obtains the maximum number of messages in the message queue.
osMessageQueueGetCount Obtains the number of queued messages in the message queue.
osMessageQueueGetMsgSize Obtains the maximum message size in the memory pool.
osMessageQueueGetName Obtains the message queue name (not implemented yet).
osMessageQueueGetSpace Obtains the number of slots available for messages in the message queue.
osMessageQueueNew Creates and initializes a message queue.
osMessageQueuePut Puts the message into the queue or times out if the queue is full.
osMessageQueueReset Initialized the message queue to the empty state (not implemented yet).

How to Develop

The CMSIS-RTOS v2 component can be provided as a library (shown in the figure) or source code. By adding the CMSIS-RTOS v2 component (typically configuration files), you can implement RTOS capabilities on CMSIS-based applications. You only need to include the cmsis_os2.h header file. RTOS APIs can then be called to process RTOS kernel-related events. You do not need to recompile the source code when the kernel is replaced.

The RTOS object control block definition needs to be called for static object allocation. The implementation-specific header file (os_xx.h in the following figure) provides access to such control block definitions. In the OpenHarmony LiteOS-M kernel, the header files whose names start with los_ provide the definitions of the kernel.

Development Example

#include ...
#include "cmsis_os2.h"

 * Application main thread
void app_main (void *argument) {
  // ...
  for (;;) {}

int main (void) {
 // Initialize the system.
  // ...

  osKernelInitialize();                // Initialize CMSIS-RTOS.
  osThreadNew(app_main, NULL, NULL);    // Create the main thread of the application.
  osKernelStart();                     // Start to execute the thread.
  for (;;) {}


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