greenplumn nodeModifyTable 源码

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greenplumn nodeModifyTable 代码


 * nodeModifyTable.c
 *	  routines to handle ModifyTable nodes.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/executor/nodeModifyTable.c
 *		ExecInitModifyTable - initialize the ModifyTable node
 *		ExecModifyTable		- retrieve the next tuple from the node
 *		ExecEndModifyTable	- shut down the ModifyTable node
 *		ExecReScanModifyTable - rescan the ModifyTable node
 *		Each ModifyTable node contains a list of one or more subplans,
 *		much like an Append node.  There is one subplan per result relation.
 *		The key reason for this is that in an inherited UPDATE command, each
 *		result relation could have a different schema (more or different
 *		columns) requiring a different plan tree to produce it.  In an
 *		inherited DELETE, all the subplans should produce the same output
 *		rowtype, but we might still find that different plans are appropriate
 *		for different child relations.
 *		If the query specifies RETURNING, then the ModifyTable returns a
 *		RETURNING tuple after completing each row insert, update, or delete.
 *		It must be called again to continue the operation.  Without RETURNING,
 *		we just loop within the node until all the work is done, then
 *		return NULL.  This avoids useless call/return overhead.

#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "access/tableam.h"
#include "access/tupconvert.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "commands/trigger.h"
#include "executor/execPartition.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "executor/nodeModifyTable.h"
#include "foreign/fdwapi.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteHandler.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/datum.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"

#include "access/transam.h"
#include "cdb/cdbaocsam.h"
#include "cdb/cdbappendonlyam.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"

static bool ExecOnConflictUpdate(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
								 ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
								 ItemPointer conflictTid,
								 TupleTableSlot *planSlot,
								 TupleTableSlot *excludedSlot,
								 EState *estate,
								 bool canSetTag,
								 TupleTableSlot **returning);
static TupleTableSlot *ExecPrepareTupleRouting(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
											   EState *estate,
											   PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
											   ResultRelInfo *targetRelInfo,
											   TupleTableSlot *slot);
static ResultRelInfo *getTargetResultRelInfo(ModifyTableState *node);
static void ExecSetupChildParentMapForSubplan(ModifyTableState *mtstate);
static TupleConversionMap *tupconv_map_for_subplan(ModifyTableState *node,
												   int whichplan);

 * Verify that the tuples to be produced by INSERT or UPDATE match the
 * target relation's rowtype
 * We do this to guard against stale plans.  If plan invalidation is
 * functioning properly then we should never get a failure here, but better
 * safe than sorry.  Note that this is called after we have obtained lock
 * on the target rel, so the rowtype can't change underneath us.
 * The plan output is represented by its targetlist, because that makes
 * handling the dropped-column case easier.
static void
ExecCheckPlanOutput(Relation resultRel, List *targetList)
	TupleDesc	resultDesc = RelationGetDescr(resultRel);
	int			attno = 0;
	ListCell   *lc;

	foreach(lc, targetList)
		TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);
		Form_pg_attribute attr;

		if (tle->resjunk)
			continue;			/* ignore junk tlist items */

		if (attno >= resultDesc->natts)
					 errmsg("table row type and query-specified row type do not match"),
					 errdetail("Query has too many columns.")));
		attr = TupleDescAttr(resultDesc, attno);

		if (!attr->attisdropped)
			/* Normal case: demand type match */
			if (exprType((Node *) tle->expr) != attr->atttypid)
						 errmsg("table row type and query-specified row type do not match"),
						 errdetail("Table has type %s at ordinal position %d, but query expects %s.",
								   format_type_be(exprType((Node *) tle->expr)))));
			 * For a dropped column, we can't check atttypid (it's likely 0).
			 * In any case the planner has most likely inserted an INT4 null.
			 * What we insist on is just *some* NULL constant.
			/* GPDB_96_MERGE_FIXME: the subplan can be a Motion, so that the NULLs
			 * are transferred through the Motion node.
#if 0
			if (!IsA(tle->expr, Const) ||
				!((Const *) tle->expr)->constisnull)
						 errmsg("table row type and query-specified row type do not match"),
						 errdetail("Query provides a value for a dropped column at ordinal position %d.",
	if (attno != resultDesc->natts)
				 errmsg("table row type and query-specified row type do not match"),
				 errdetail("Query has too few columns.")));

 * ExecProcessReturning --- evaluate a RETURNING list
 * resultRelInfo: current result rel
 * tupleSlot: slot holding tuple actually inserted/updated/deleted
 * planSlot: slot holding tuple returned by top subplan node
 * Note: If tupleSlot is NULL, the FDW should have already provided econtext's
 * scan tuple.
 * Returns a slot holding the result tuple
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecProcessReturning(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
					 TupleTableSlot *tupleSlot,
					 TupleTableSlot *planSlot)
	ProjectionInfo *projectReturning = resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning;
	ExprContext *econtext = projectReturning->pi_exprContext;

	/* Make tuple and any needed join variables available to ExecProject */
	if (tupleSlot)
		econtext->ecxt_scantuple = tupleSlot;
	econtext->ecxt_outertuple = planSlot;

	 * RETURNING expressions might reference the tableoid column, so
	 * reinitialize tts_tableOid before evaluating them.
	econtext->ecxt_scantuple->tts_tableOid =

	/* Compute the RETURNING expressions */
	return ExecProject(projectReturning);

 * ExecCheckTupleVisible -- verify tuple is visible
 * It would not be consistent with guarantees of the higher isolation levels to
 * proceed with avoiding insertion (taking speculative insertion's alternative
 * path) on the basis of another tuple that is not visible to MVCC snapshot.
 * Check for the need to raise a serialization failure, and do so as necessary.
static void
ExecCheckTupleVisible(EState *estate,
					  Relation rel,
					  TupleTableSlot *slot)
	if (!IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())

	if (!table_tuple_satisfies_snapshot(rel, slot, estate->es_snapshot))
		Datum		xminDatum;
		TransactionId xmin;
		bool		isnull;

		xminDatum = slot_getsysattr(slot, MinTransactionIdAttributeNumber, &isnull);
		xmin = DatumGetTransactionId(xminDatum);

		 * We should not raise a serialization failure if the conflict is
		 * against a tuple inserted by our own transaction, even if it's not
		 * visible to our snapshot.  (This would happen, for example, if
		 * conflicting keys are proposed for insertion in a single command.)
		if (!TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(xmin))
					 errmsg("could not serialize access due to concurrent update")));

 * ExecCheckTIDVisible -- convenience variant of ExecCheckTupleVisible()
static void
ExecCheckTIDVisible(EState *estate,
					ResultRelInfo *relinfo,
					ItemPointer tid,
					TupleTableSlot *tempSlot)
	Relation	rel = relinfo->ri_RelationDesc;

	/* Redundantly check isolation level */
	if (!IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())

	if (!table_tuple_fetch_row_version(rel, tid, SnapshotAny, tempSlot))
		elog(ERROR, "failed to fetch conflicting tuple for ON CONFLICT");
	ExecCheckTupleVisible(estate, rel, tempSlot);

 * Compute stored generated columns for a tuple
ExecComputeStoredGenerated(EState *estate, TupleTableSlot *slot)
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
	Relation	rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
	TupleDesc	tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
	int			natts = tupdesc->natts;
	MemoryContext oldContext;
	Datum	   *values;
	bool	   *nulls;

	Assert(tupdesc->constr && tupdesc->constr->has_generated_stored);

	 * If first time through for this result relation, build expression
	 * nodetrees for rel's stored generation expressions.  Keep them in the
	 * per-query memory context so they'll survive throughout the query.
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_GeneratedExprs == NULL)
		oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);

		resultRelInfo->ri_GeneratedExprs =
			(ExprState **) palloc(natts * sizeof(ExprState *));

		for (int i = 0; i < natts; i++)
			if (TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->attgenerated == ATTRIBUTE_GENERATED_STORED)
				Expr	   *expr;

				expr = (Expr *) build_column_default(rel, i + 1);
				if (expr == NULL)
					elog(ERROR, "no generation expression found for column number %d of table \"%s\"",
						 i + 1, RelationGetRelationName(rel));

				resultRelInfo->ri_GeneratedExprs[i] = ExecPrepareExpr(expr, estate);


	oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(GetPerTupleMemoryContext(estate));

	values = palloc(sizeof(*values) * natts);
	nulls = palloc(sizeof(*nulls) * natts);

	memcpy(nulls, slot->tts_isnull, sizeof(*nulls) * natts);

	for (int i = 0; i < natts; i++)
		Form_pg_attribute attr = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i);

		if (attr->attgenerated == ATTRIBUTE_GENERATED_STORED)
			ExprContext *econtext;
			Datum		val;
			bool		isnull;

			econtext = GetPerTupleExprContext(estate);
			econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;

			val = ExecEvalExpr(resultRelInfo->ri_GeneratedExprs[i], econtext, &isnull);

			values[i] = val;
			nulls[i] = isnull;
			if (!nulls[i])
				values[i] = datumCopy(slot->tts_values[i], attr->attbyval, attr->attlen);

	memcpy(slot->tts_values, values, sizeof(*values) * natts);
	memcpy(slot->tts_isnull, nulls, sizeof(*nulls) * natts);


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInsert
 *		For INSERT, we have to insert the tuple into the target relation
 *		and insert appropriate tuples into the index relations.
 *		Returns RETURNING result if any, otherwise NULL.
 * If the target table is partitioned, the input tuple in 'parentslot'
 * is in the shape required for the parent table. This function will
 * look up the ResultRelInfo of the target partition, and form a
 * tuple suitable for the target partition. (It can be different, if
 * there are dropped columns in the parent, but not the partition,
 * for example.)
 * In GPDB, the INSERT can be part of an update operation when
 * there is a preceding SplitUpdate node. 'splitUpdate' is true in
 * that case.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecInsert(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
		   TupleTableSlot *slot,
		   TupleTableSlot *planSlot,
		   EState *estate,
		   bool canSetTag,
		   bool splitUpdate)
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
	Relation	resultRelationDesc;
	List	   *recheckIndexes = NIL;
	TupleTableSlot *result = NULL;
	TransitionCaptureState *ar_insert_trig_tcs;
	ModifyTable *node = (ModifyTable *) mtstate->ps.plan;
	OnConflictAction onconflict = node->onConflictAction;


	 * get information on the (current) result relation
	resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
	resultRelationDesc = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;

	 * Note: We fire BEFORE ROW TRIGGERS for every attempted insertion in an
	 * INSERT ... ON CONFLICT statement.  We cannot check for constraint
	 * violations before firing these triggers, because they can change the
	 * values to insert.  Also, they can run arbitrary user-defined code with
	 * side-effects that we can't cancel by just not inserting the tuple.
	 * GPDB_12_MERGE_FIXME: PostgreSQL *does* fire INSERT and DELETE
	 * triggers on an UPDATE that moves tuples from one partition to another.
	 * Should we follow that example with cross-segment UPDATEs too?
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
		resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_before_row &&
		if (!ExecBRInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, slot))
			return NULL;		/* "do nothing" */

	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
		if (!ExecIRInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, slot))
			return NULL;		/* "do nothing" */
	else if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine)
		 * Compute stored generated columns
		if (resultRelationDesc->rd_att->constr &&
			ExecComputeStoredGenerated(estate, slot);

		 * insert into foreign table: let the FDW do it
		slot = resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->ExecForeignInsert(estate,

		if (slot == NULL)		/* "do nothing" */
			return NULL;

		 * AFTER ROW Triggers or RETURNING expressions might reference the
		 * tableoid column, so (re-)initialize tts_tableOid before evaluating
		 * them.
		slot->tts_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);

		WCOKind		wco_kind;

		 * Constraints might reference the tableoid column, so (re-)initialize
		 * tts_tableOid before evaluating them.
		slot->tts_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelationDesc);

		 * Compute stored generated columns
		if (resultRelationDesc->rd_att->constr &&
			ExecComputeStoredGenerated(estate, slot);

		 * Check any RLS WITH CHECK policies.
		 * Normally we should check INSERT policies. But if the insert is the
		 * result of a partition key update that moved the tuple to a new
		 * partition, we should instead check UPDATE policies, because we are
		 * executing policies defined on the target table, and not those
		 * defined on the child partitions.
		wco_kind = (mtstate->operation == CMD_UPDATE) ?

		 * ExecWithCheckOptions() will skip any WCOs which are not of the kind
		 * we are looking for at this point.
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptions != NIL)
			ExecWithCheckOptions(wco_kind, resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

		 * Check the constraints of the tuple.
		if (resultRelationDesc->rd_att->constr)
			ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

		 * Also check the tuple against the partition constraint, if there is
		 * one; except that if we got here via tuple-routing, we don't need to
		 * if there's no BR trigger defined on the partition.
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheck &&
			(resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot == NULL ||
			 (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
			ExecPartitionCheck(resultRelInfo, slot, estate, true);

		if (onconflict != ONCONFLICT_NONE && resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
			/* Perform a speculative insertion. */
			uint32		specToken;
			ItemPointerData conflictTid;
			bool		specConflict;
			List	   *arbiterIndexes;

			arbiterIndexes = resultRelInfo->ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes;

			 * Do a non-conclusive check for conflicts first.
			 * We're not holding any locks yet, so this doesn't guarantee that
			 * the later insert won't conflict.  But it avoids leaving behind
			 * a lot of canceled speculative insertions, if you run a lot of
			 * INSERT ON CONFLICT statements that do conflict.
			 * We loop back here if we find a conflict below, either during
			 * the pre-check, or when we re-check after inserting the tuple
			 * speculatively.
			specConflict = false;
			if (!ExecCheckIndexConstraints(slot, estate, &conflictTid,
				/* committed conflict tuple found */
				if (onconflict == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE)
					 * In case of ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE, execute the UPDATE
					 * part.  Be prepared to retry if the UPDATE fails because
					 * of another concurrent UPDATE/DELETE to the conflict
					 * tuple.
					TupleTableSlot *returning = NULL;

					if (ExecOnConflictUpdate(mtstate, resultRelInfo,
											 &conflictTid, planSlot, slot,
											 estate, canSetTag, &returning))
						InstrCountTuples2(&mtstate->ps, 1);
						return returning;
						goto vlock;
					 * In case of ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING, do nothing. However,
					 * verify that the tuple is visible to the executor's MVCC
					 * snapshot at higher isolation levels.
					 * Using ExecGetReturningSlot() to store the tuple for the
					 * recheck isn't that pretty, but we can't trivially use
					 * the input slot, because it might not be of a compatible
					 * type. As there's no conflicting usage of
					 * ExecGetReturningSlot() in the DO NOTHING case...
					Assert(onconflict == ONCONFLICT_NOTHING);
					ExecCheckTIDVisible(estate, resultRelInfo, &conflictTid,
										ExecGetReturningSlot(estate, resultRelInfo));
					InstrCountTuples2(&mtstate->ps, 1);
					return NULL;

			 * Before we start insertion proper, acquire our "speculative
			 * insertion lock".  Others can use that to wait for us to decide
			 * if we're going to go ahead with the insertion, instead of
			 * waiting for the whole transaction to complete.
			specToken = SpeculativeInsertionLockAcquire(GetCurrentTransactionId());

			/* insert the tuple, with the speculative token */
			table_tuple_insert_speculative(resultRelationDesc, slot,

			/* insert index entries for tuple */
			recheckIndexes = ExecInsertIndexTuples(slot, estate, true,

			/* adjust the tuple's state accordingly */
			table_tuple_complete_speculative(resultRelationDesc, slot,
											 specToken, !specConflict);

			 * Wake up anyone waiting for our decision.  They will re-check
			 * the tuple, see that it's no longer speculative, and wait on our
			 * XID as if this was a regularly inserted tuple all along.  Or if
			 * we killed the tuple, they will see it's dead, and proceed as if
			 * the tuple never existed.

			 * If there was a conflict, start from the beginning.  We'll do
			 * the pre-check again, which will now find the conflicting tuple
			 * (unless it aborts before we get there).
			if (specConflict)
				goto vlock;

			/* Since there was no insertion conflict, we're done */
			/* insert the tuple normally */
			table_tuple_insert(resultRelationDesc, slot,
							   0, NULL);

			/* insert index entries for tuple */
			if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
				recheckIndexes = ExecInsertIndexTuples(slot, estate, false, NULL,
	if (canSetTag)

	 * If this insert is the result of a partition key update that moved the
	 * tuple to a new partition, put this row into the transition NEW TABLE,
	 * if there is one. We need to do this separately for DELETE and INSERT
	 * because they happen on different tables.
	ar_insert_trig_tcs = mtstate->mt_transition_capture;
	if (mtstate->operation == CMD_UPDATE && mtstate->mt_transition_capture
		&& mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_update_new_table)
		ExecARUpdateTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, NULL,

		 * We've already captured the NEW TABLE row, so make sure any AR
		 * INSERT trigger fired below doesn't capture it again.
		ar_insert_trig_tcs = NULL;

	slot->tts_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelationDesc);

	/* AFTER ROW INSERT Triggers */
	 * GPDB: Don't fire DELETE triggers on a split UPDATE.
	 * GPDB_12_MERGE_FIXME: PostgreSQL *does* fire INSERT and DELETE
	 * triggers on an UPDATE that moves tuples from one partition to another.
	 * Should we follow that example with cross-segment UPDATEs too?
	if (!splitUpdate)
		ExecARInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, slot, recheckIndexes,


	 * Check any WITH CHECK OPTION constraints from parent views.  We are
	 * required to do this after testing all constraints and uniqueness
	 * violations per the SQL spec, so we do it after actually inserting the
	 * record into the heap and all indexes.
	 * ExecWithCheckOptions will elog(ERROR) if a violation is found, so the
	 * tuple will never be seen, if it violates the WITH CHECK OPTION.
	 * ExecWithCheckOptions() will skip any WCOs which are not of the kind we
	 * are looking for at this point.
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptions != NIL)
		ExecWithCheckOptions(WCO_VIEW_CHECK, resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

	/* Process RETURNING if present */
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning)
		result = ExecProcessReturning(resultRelInfo, slot, planSlot);

	return result;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecDelete
 *		DELETE is like UPDATE, except that we delete the tuple and no
 *		index modifications are needed.
 *		When deleting from a table, tupleid identifies the tuple to
 *		delete and oldtuple is NULL.  When deleting from a view,
 *		oldtuple is passed to the INSTEAD OF triggers and identifies
 *		what to delete, and tupleid is invalid.  When deleting from a
 *		foreign table, tupleid is invalid; the FDW has to figure out
 *		which row to delete using data from the planSlot.  oldtuple is
 *		passed to foreign table triggers; it is NULL when the foreign
 *		table has no relevant triggers.  We use tupleDeleted to indicate
 *		whether the tuple is actually deleted, callers can use it to
 *		decide whether to continue the operation.  When this DELETE is a
 *		part of an UPDATE of partition-key, then the slot returned by
 *		EvalPlanQual() is passed back using output parameter epqslot.
 *		In GPDB, DELETE can be part of an update operation when
 *		there is a preceding SplitUpdate node.
 *		Returns RETURNING result if any, otherwise NULL.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecDelete(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
		   ItemPointer tupleid,
		   int32 segid,
		   HeapTuple oldtuple,
		   TupleTableSlot *planSlot,
		   EPQState *epqstate,
		   EState *estate,
		   bool processReturning,
		   bool canSetTag,
		   bool changingPart,
		   bool splitUpdate,
		   bool *tupleDeleted,
		   TupleTableSlot **epqreturnslot)
	/* PlanGenerator planGen = estate->es_plannedstmt->planGen; */
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
	Relation	resultRelationDesc;
	TM_Result	result;
	TM_FailureData tmfd;
	TupleTableSlot *slot = NULL;
	TransitionCaptureState *ar_delete_trig_tcs;

	if (tupleDeleted)
		*tupleDeleted = false;

	 * Sanity check the distribution of the tuple to prevent
	 * potential data corruption in case users manipulate data
	 * incorrectly (e.g. insert data on incorrect segment through
	 * utility mode) or there is bug in code, etc.
	if (segid != GpIdentity.segindex)
			 "distribution key of the tuple (%u, %u) doesn't belong to "
			 "current segment (actually from seg%d)",

	 * get information on the (current) result relation
	// GPDB_12_MERGE_FIXME: How to do this in new partitioning implementation?
	// Can we change the way ORCA deletion plans work?
#if 0
	if (estate->es_result_partitions && planGen == PLANGEN_OPTIMIZER)

		Oid parent = estate->es_result_partitions->part->parrelid;

		/* Obtain part for current tuple. */
		resultRelInfo = slot_get_partition(planSlot, estate, true);
		estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;

		Oid part = RelationGetRelid(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);

		Assert(parent != part);
		resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
	resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
	resultRelationDesc = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;

	/* BEFORE ROW DELETE Triggers */
	 * GPDB_12_MERGE_FIXME: PostgreSQL *does* fire INSERT and DELETE
	 * triggers on an UPDATE that moves tuples from one partition to another.
	 * Should we follow that example with cross-segment UPDATEs too?
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
		resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_delete_before_row &&
		bool		dodelete;

		dodelete = ExecBRDeleteTriggers(estate, epqstate, resultRelInfo,
										tupleid, oldtuple, epqreturnslot);

		if (!dodelete)			/* "do nothing" */
			return NULL;

	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
		bool		dodelete;

		Assert(oldtuple != NULL);

		dodelete = ExecIRDeleteTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, oldtuple);

		if (!dodelete)			/* "do nothing" */
			return NULL;
	else if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine)
		 * delete from foreign table: let the FDW do it
		 * We offer the returning slot as a place to store RETURNING data,
		 * although the FDW can return some other slot if it wants.
		slot = ExecGetReturningSlot(estate, resultRelInfo);
		slot = resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->ExecForeignDelete(estate,

		if (slot == NULL)		/* "do nothing" */
			return NULL;

		 * RETURNING expressions might reference the tableoid column, so
		 * (re)initialize tts_tableOid before evaluating them.
		if (TTS_EMPTY(slot))

		slot->tts_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelationDesc);
		 * delete the tuple
		 * Note: if es_crosscheck_snapshot isn't InvalidSnapshot, we check
		 * that the row to be deleted is visible to that snapshot, and throw a
		 * can't-serialize error if not. This is a special-case behavior
		 * needed for referential integrity updates in transaction-snapshot
		 * mode transactions.
		result = table_tuple_delete(resultRelationDesc, tupleid,
									true /* wait for commit */ ,
									changingPart || splitUpdate);

		switch (result)
			case TM_SelfModified:

				 * The target tuple was already updated or deleted by the
				 * current command, or by a later command in the current
				 * transaction.  The former case is possible in a join DELETE
				 * where multiple tuples join to the same target tuple. This
				 * is somewhat questionable, but Postgres has always allowed
				 * it: we just ignore additional deletion attempts.
				 * The latter case arises if the tuple is modified by a
				 * command in a BEFORE trigger, or perhaps by a command in a
				 * volatile function used in the query.  In such situations we
				 * should not ignore the deletion, but it is equally unsafe to
				 * proceed.  We don't want to discard the original DELETE
				 * while keeping the triggered actions based on its deletion;
				 * and it would be no better to allow the original DELETE
				 * while discarding updates that it triggered.  The row update
				 * carries some information that might be important according
				 * to business rules; so throwing an error is the only safe
				 * course.
				 * If a trigger actually intends this type of interaction, it
				 * can re-execute the DELETE and then return NULL to cancel
				 * the outer delete.
				if (tmfd.cmax != estate->es_output_cid)
							 errmsg("tuple to be deleted was already modified by an operation triggered by the current command"),
							 errhint("Consider using an AFTER trigger instead of a BEFORE trigger to propagate changes to other rows.")));

				/* Else, already deleted by self; nothing to do */

				 * In an scenario in which R(a,b) and S(a,b) have
				 *        R               S
				 *    ________         ________
				 *     (1, 1)           (1, 2)
				 *                      (1, 7)
				 *  An update query such as:
				 *   UPDATE R SET a = S.b  FROM S WHERE R.b = S.a;
				 *  will have an non-deterministic output. The tuple in R
				 * can be updated to (2,1) or (7,1).
				 * Since the introduction of SplitUpdate, these queries will
				 * send multiple requests to delete the same tuple. One of them
				 * will pass, but others will not. But there will also be
				 * multiple requests to insert a new version of the tuple, and
				 * we cannot cancel out those if the Delete cannot be
				 * performed. An error is reported in such scenario; otherwise
				 * you end up with multiple copies of the same row.
				if (splitUpdate)
							 errmsg("multiple updates to a row by the same query is not allowed")));
				return NULL;

			case TM_Ok:

			case TM_Updated:
					TupleTableSlot *inputslot;
					TupleTableSlot *epqslot;

					if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
								 errmsg("could not serialize access due to concurrent update")));

					 * Already know that we're going to need to do EPQ, so
					 * fetch tuple directly into the right slot.
					EvalPlanQualBegin(epqstate, estate);
					inputslot = EvalPlanQualSlot(epqstate, resultRelationDesc,

					result = table_tuple_lock(resultRelationDesc, tupleid,
											  inputslot, estate->es_output_cid,
											  LockTupleExclusive, LockWaitBlock,

					switch (result)
						case TM_Ok:
							epqslot = EvalPlanQual(estate,
							if (TupIsNull(epqslot))
								/* Tuple not passing quals anymore, exiting... */
								return NULL;

							 * If requested, skip delete and pass back the
							 * updated row.
							if (epqreturnslot)
								*epqreturnslot = epqslot;
								return NULL;
								goto ldelete;

						case TM_SelfModified:

							 * This can be reached when following an update
							 * chain from a tuple updated by another session,
							 * reaching a tuple that was already updated in
							 * this transaction. If previously updated by this
							 * command, ignore the delete, otherwise error
							 * out.
							 * See also TM_SelfModified response to
							 * table_tuple_delete() above.
							if (tmfd.cmax != estate->es_output_cid)
										 errmsg("tuple to be deleted was already modified by an operation triggered by the current command"),
										 errhint("Consider using an AFTER trigger instead of a BEFORE trigger to propagate changes to other rows.")));
							return NULL;

						case TM_Deleted:
							/* tuple already deleted; nothing to do */
							return NULL;


							 * TM_Invisible should be impossible because we're
							 * waiting for updated row versions, and would
							 * already have errored out if the first version
							 * is invisible.
							 * TM_Updated should be impossible, because we're
							 * locking the latest version via
							elog(ERROR, "unexpected table_tuple_lock status: %u",
							return NULL;


			case TM_Deleted:
				if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
							 errmsg("could not serialize access due to concurrent delete")));
				/* tuple already deleted; nothing to do */
				return NULL;

				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized table_tuple_delete status: %u",
				return NULL;

		 * Note: Normally one would think that we have to delete index tuples
		 * associated with the heap tuple now...
		 * ... but in POSTGRES, we have no need to do this because VACUUM will
		 * take care of it later.  We can't delete index tuples immediately
		 * anyway, since the tuple is still visible to other transactions.

	if (canSetTag)

	/* Tell caller that the delete actually happened. */
	if (tupleDeleted)
		*tupleDeleted = true;

	 * If this delete is the result of a partition key update that moved the
	 * tuple to a new partition, put this row into the transition OLD TABLE,
	 * if there is one. We need to do this separately for DELETE and INSERT
	 * because they happen on different tables.
	ar_delete_trig_tcs = mtstate->mt_transition_capture;
	if (mtstate->operation == CMD_UPDATE && mtstate->mt_transition_capture
		&& mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_update_old_table)
		ExecARUpdateTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo,

		 * We've already captured the NEW TABLE row, so make sure any AR
		 * DELETE trigger fired below doesn't capture it again.
		ar_delete_trig_tcs = NULL;

	/* AFTER ROW DELETE Triggers */
	 * GPDB_12_MERGE_FIXME: PostgreSQL *does* fire INSERT and DELETE
	 * triggers on an UPDATE that moves tuples from one partition to another.
	 * Should we follow that example with cross-segment UPDATEs too?
	if (!RelationIsAppendOptimized(resultRelationDesc) && !splitUpdate)
		ExecARDeleteTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, tupleid, oldtuple,

	/* Process RETURNING if present and if requested */
	 * In a split update, the processed rows are returned by the INSERT
	 * of the new row, not the DELETE of the old one.
	if (processReturning && resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning)
		 * We have to put the target tuple into a slot, which means first we
		 * gotta fetch it.  We can use the trigger tuple slot.
		TupleTableSlot *rslot;

		if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine)
			/* FDW must have provided a slot containing the deleted row */
			slot = ExecGetReturningSlot(estate, resultRelInfo);
			if (oldtuple != NULL)
				ExecForceStoreHeapTuple(oldtuple, slot, false);
				if (!table_tuple_fetch_row_version(resultRelationDesc, tupleid,
												   SnapshotAny, slot))
					elog(ERROR, "failed to fetch deleted tuple for DELETE RETURNING");

		rslot = ExecProcessReturning(resultRelInfo, slot, planSlot);

		 * Before releasing the target tuple again, make sure rslot has a
		 * local copy of any pass-by-reference values.


		return rslot;

	return NULL;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecUpdate
 *		note: we can't run UPDATE queries with transactions
 *		off because UPDATEs are actually INSERTs and our
 *		scan will mistakenly loop forever, updating the tuple
 *		it just inserted..  This should be fixed but until it
 *		is, we don't want to get stuck in an infinite loop
 *		which corrupts your database..
 *		When updating a table, tupleid identifies the tuple to
 *		update and oldtuple is NULL.  When updating a view, oldtuple
 *		is passed to the INSTEAD OF triggers and identifies what to
 *		update, and tupleid is invalid.  When updating a foreign table,
 *		tupleid is invalid; the FDW has to figure out which row to
 *		update using data from the planSlot.  oldtuple is passed to
 *		foreign table triggers; it is NULL when the foreign table has
 *		no relevant triggers.
 *		Returns RETURNING result if any, otherwise NULL.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecUpdate(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
		   ItemPointer tupleid,
		   HeapTuple oldtuple,
		   TupleTableSlot *slot,
		   TupleTableSlot *planSlot,
		   int32 segid, /* gpdb specific parameter, check if tuple to update is from local */
		   EPQState *epqstate,
		   EState *estate,
		   bool canSetTag)
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
	Relation	resultRelationDesc;
	TM_Result	result;
	TM_FailureData tmfd;
	List	   *recheckIndexes = NIL;
	TupleConversionMap *saved_tcs_map = NULL;

	 * abort the operation if not running transactions
	if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
		elog(ERROR, "cannot UPDATE during bootstrap");

	 * Sanity check the distribution of the tuple to prevent
	 * potential data corruption in case users manipulate data
	 * incorrectly (e.g. insert data on incorrect segment through
	 * utility mode) or there is bug in code, etc.
	if (segid != GpIdentity.segindex)
			 "distribution key of the tuple (%u, %u) doesn't belong to "
			 "current segment (actually from seg%d)",


	 * get information on the (current) result relation
	resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
	resultRelationDesc = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;

	/* BEFORE ROW UPDATE Triggers */
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
		if (!ExecBRUpdateTriggers(estate, epqstate, resultRelInfo,
								  tupleid, oldtuple, slot))
			return NULL;		/* "do nothing" */

	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
		if (!ExecIRUpdateTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo,
								  oldtuple, slot))
			return NULL;		/* "do nothing" */
	else if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine)
		 * Compute stored generated columns
		if (resultRelationDesc->rd_att->constr &&
			ExecComputeStoredGenerated(estate, slot);

		 * update in foreign table: let the FDW do it
		slot = resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->ExecForeignUpdate(estate,

		if (slot == NULL)		/* "do nothing" */
			return NULL;

		 * AFTER ROW Triggers or RETURNING expressions might reference the
		 * tableoid column, so (re-)initialize tts_tableOid before evaluating
		 * them.
		slot->tts_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelationDesc);
		LockTupleMode lockmode;
		bool		partition_constraint_failed;
		bool		update_indexes;

		 * Constraints might reference the tableoid column, so (re-)initialize
		 * tts_tableOid before evaluating them.
		slot->tts_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelationDesc);

		 * Compute stored generated columns
		if (resultRelationDesc->rd_att->constr &&
			ExecComputeStoredGenerated(estate, slot);

		 * Check any RLS UPDATE WITH CHECK policies
		 * If we generate a new candidate tuple after EvalPlanQual testing, we
		 * must loop back here and recheck any RLS policies and constraints.
		 * (We don't need to redo triggers, however.  If there are any BEFORE
		 * triggers then trigger.c will have done table_tuple_lock to lock the
		 * correct tuple, so there's no need to do them again.)

		/* ensure slot is independent, consider e.g. EPQ */

		 * If partition constraint fails, this row might get moved to another
		 * partition, in which case we should check the RLS CHECK policy just
		 * before inserting into the new partition, rather than doing it here.
		 * This is because a trigger on that partition might again change the
		 * row.  So skip the WCO checks if the partition constraint fails.
		partition_constraint_failed =
			resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheck &&
			!ExecPartitionCheck(resultRelInfo, slot, estate, false);

		if (!partition_constraint_failed &&
			resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptions != NIL)
			 * ExecWithCheckOptions() will skip any WCOs which are not of the
			 * kind we are looking for at this point.
								 resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

		 * If a partition check failed, try to move the row into the right
		 * partition.
		if (partition_constraint_failed)
			bool		tuple_deleted;
			TupleTableSlot *ret_slot;
			TupleTableSlot *epqslot = NULL;
			PartitionTupleRouting *proute = mtstate->mt_partition_tuple_routing;
			int			map_index;
			TupleConversionMap *tupconv_map;

			 * Disallow an INSERT ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE that causes the
			 * original row to migrate to a different partition.  Maybe this
			 * can be implemented some day, but it seems a fringe feature with
			 * little redeeming value.
			if (((ModifyTable *) mtstate->ps.plan)->onConflictAction == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE)
						 errmsg("invalid ON UPDATE specification"),
						 errdetail("The result tuple would appear in a different partition than the original tuple.")));

			 * When an UPDATE is run on a leaf partition, we will not have
			 * partition tuple routing set up. In that case, fail with
			 * partition constraint violation error.
			if (proute == NULL)
				ExecPartitionCheckEmitError(resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

			 * Row movement, part 1.  Delete the tuple, but skip RETURNING
			 * processing. We want to return rows from INSERT.
			ExecDelete(mtstate, tupleid, segid, oldtuple, planSlot, epqstate,
					   estate, false, false /* canSetTag */ ,
					   true /* changingPart */ ,
					   false /* splitUpdate */ ,
					   &tuple_deleted, &epqslot);

			 * For some reason if DELETE didn't happen (e.g. trigger prevented
			 * it, or it was already deleted by self, or it was concurrently
			 * deleted by another transaction), then we should skip the insert
			 * as well; otherwise, an UPDATE could cause an increase in the
			 * total number of rows across all partitions, which is clearly
			 * wrong.
			 * For a normal UPDATE, the case where the tuple has been the
			 * subject of a concurrent UPDATE or DELETE would be handled by
			 * the EvalPlanQual machinery, but for an UPDATE that we've
			 * translated into a DELETE from this partition and an INSERT into
			 * some other partition, that's not available, because CTID chains
			 * can't span relation boundaries.  We mimic the semantics to a
			 * limited extent by skipping the INSERT if the DELETE fails to
			 * find a tuple. This ensures that two concurrent attempts to
			 * UPDATE the same tuple at the same time can't turn one tuple
			 * into two, and that an UPDATE of a just-deleted tuple can't
			 * resurrect it.
			if (!tuple_deleted)
				 * epqslot will be typically NULL.  But when ExecDelete()
				 * finds that another transaction has concurrently updated the
				 * same row, it re-fetches the row, skips the delete, and
				 * epqslot is set to the re-fetched tuple slot. In that case,
				 * we need to do all the checks again.
				if (TupIsNull(epqslot))
					return NULL;
					slot = ExecFilterJunk(resultRelInfo->ri_junkFilter, epqslot);
					goto lreplace;

			 * Updates set the transition capture map only when a new subplan
			 * is chosen.  But for inserts, it is set for each row. So after
			 * INSERT, we need to revert back to the map created for UPDATE;
			 * otherwise the next UPDATE will incorrectly use the one created
			 * for INSERT.  So first save the one created for UPDATE.
			if (mtstate->mt_transition_capture)
				saved_tcs_map = mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map;

			 * resultRelInfo is one of the per-subplan resultRelInfos.  So we
			 * should convert the tuple into root's tuple descriptor, since
			 * ExecInsert() starts the search from root.  The tuple conversion
			 * map list is in the order of mtstate->resultRelInfo[], so to
			 * retrieve the one for this resultRel, we need to know the
			 * position of the resultRel in mtstate->resultRelInfo[].
			map_index = resultRelInfo - mtstate->resultRelInfo;
			Assert(map_index >= 0 && map_index < mtstate->mt_nplans);
			tupconv_map = tupconv_map_for_subplan(mtstate, map_index);
			if (tupconv_map != NULL)
				slot = execute_attr_map_slot(tupconv_map->attrMap,

			 * Prepare for tuple routing, making it look like we're inserting
			 * into the root.
			Assert(mtstate->rootResultRelInfo != NULL);
			slot = ExecPrepareTupleRouting(mtstate, estate, proute,
										   mtstate->rootResultRelInfo, slot);

			ret_slot = ExecInsert(mtstate, slot, planSlot,
								  estate, canSetTag, false /* splitUpdate */);

			/* Revert ExecPrepareTupleRouting's node change. */
			estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;
			if (mtstate->mt_transition_capture)
				mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = NULL;
				mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map = saved_tcs_map;

			return ret_slot;

		 * Check the constraints of the tuple.  We've already checked the
		 * partition constraint above; however, we must still ensure the tuple
		 * passes all other constraints, so we will call ExecConstraints() and
		 * have it validate all remaining checks.
		if (resultRelationDesc->rd_att->constr)
			ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

		 * replace the heap tuple
		 * Note: if es_crosscheck_snapshot isn't InvalidSnapshot, we check
		 * that the row to be updated is visible to that snapshot, and throw a
		 * can't-serialize error if not. This is a special-case behavior
		 * needed for referential integrity updates in transaction-snapshot
		 * mode transactions.
		result = table_tuple_update(resultRelationDesc, tupleid, slot,
									true /* wait for commit */ ,
									&tmfd, &lockmode, &update_indexes);

		switch (result)
			case TM_SelfModified:

				 * The target tuple was already updated or deleted by the
				 * current command, or by a later command in the current
				 * transaction.  The former case is possible in a join UPDATE
				 * where multiple tuples join to the same target tuple. This
				 * is pretty questionable, but Postgres has always allowed it:
				 * we just execute the first update action and ignore
				 * additional update attempts.
				 * The latter case arises if the tuple is modified by a
				 * command in a BEFORE trigger, or perhaps by a command in a
				 * volatile function used in the query.  In such situations we
				 * should not ignore the update, but it is equally unsafe to
				 * proceed.  We don't want to discard the original UPDATE
				 * while keeping the triggered actions based on it; and we
				 * have no principled way to merge this update with the
				 * previous ones.  So throwing an error is the only safe
				 * course.
				 * If a trigger actually intends this type of interaction, it
				 * can re-execute the UPDATE (assuming it can figure out how)
				 * and then return NULL to cancel the outer update.
				 * In GPDB, for AO tables TM_SelfModified is returned only
				 * in case of same command tuple update based on visimap dirty
				 * list checking. Also, tmfd is not initialized and can't be for
				 * AO case, as visimap update within same command happens at end
				 * of command.
				if (!RelationIsAppendOptimized(resultRelationDesc) &&
					tmfd.cmax != estate->es_output_cid)
									errmsg("tuple to be updated was already modified by an operation triggered by the current command"),
									errhint("Consider using an AFTER trigger instead of a BEFORE trigger to propagate changes to other rows.")));

				/* Else, already updated by self; nothing to do */
				return NULL;

			case TM_Ok:

			case TM_Updated:
					TupleTableSlot *inputslot;
					TupleTableSlot *epqslot;

					if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
								 errmsg("could not serialize access due to concurrent update")));

					 * Already know that we're going to need to do EPQ, so
					 * fetch tuple directly into the right slot.
					EvalPlanQualBegin(epqstate, estate);
					inputslot = EvalPlanQualSlot(epqstate, resultRelationDesc,

					result = table_tuple_lock(resultRelationDesc, tupleid,
											  inputslot, estate->es_output_cid,
											  lockmode, LockWaitBlock,

					switch (result)
						case TM_Ok:

							epqslot = EvalPlanQual(estate,
							if (TupIsNull(epqslot))
								/* Tuple not passing quals anymore, exiting... */
								return NULL;

							slot = ExecFilterJunk(resultRelInfo->ri_junkFilter, epqslot);
							goto lreplace;

						case TM_Deleted:
							/* tuple already deleted; nothing to do */
							return NULL;

						case TM_SelfModified:

							 * This can be reached when following an update
							 * chain from a tuple updated by another session,
							 * reaching a tuple that was already updated in
							 * this transaction. If previously modified by
							 * this command, ignore the redundant update,
							 * otherwise error out.
							 * See also TM_SelfModified response to
							 * table_tuple_update() above.
							if (tmfd.cmax != estate->es_output_cid)
										 errmsg("tuple to be updated was already modified by an operation triggered by the current command"),
										 errhint("Consider using an AFTER trigger instead of a BEFORE trigger to propagate changes to other rows.")));
							return NULL;

							/* see table_tuple_lock call in ExecDelete() */
							elog(ERROR, "unexpected table_tuple_lock status: %u",
							return NULL;


			case TM_Deleted:
				if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
							 errmsg("could not serialize access due to concurrent delete")));
				/* tuple already deleted; nothing to do */
				return NULL;

				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized table_tuple_update status: %u",
				return NULL;

		/* insert index entries for tuple if necessary */
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0 && update_indexes)
			recheckIndexes = ExecInsertIndexTuples(slot, estate, false, NULL, NIL);
	if (canSetTag)

	/* AFTER ROW UPDATE Triggers */
	/* GPDB: AO and AOCO tables don't support triggers */
	if (!RelationIsAppendOptimized(resultRelationDesc))
		ExecARUpdateTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, tupleid, oldtuple, slot,
						 mtstate->operation == CMD_INSERT ?
						 mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture :


	 * Check any WITH CHECK OPTION constraints from parent views.  We are
	 * required to do this after testing all constraints and uniqueness
	 * violations per the SQL spec, so we do it after actually updating the
	 * record in the heap and all indexes.
	 * ExecWithCheckOptions() will skip any WCOs which are not of the kind we
	 * are looking for at this point.
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptions != NIL)
		ExecWithCheckOptions(WCO_VIEW_CHECK, resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

	/* Process RETURNING if present */
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning)
		return ExecProcessReturning(resultRelInfo, slot, planSlot);

	return NULL;

 * Insert the new tuple version of a Split Update
 * We have to check if this UPDATE also moves the row to
 * a different partition, much like ExecUpdate() does.
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecSplitUpdate_Insert(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
					   TupleTableSlot *slot,
					   TupleTableSlot *planSlot,
					   EState *estate,
					   bool canSetTag)
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
	Relation	resultRelationDesc;
	bool		partition_constraint_failed;
	TupleConversionMap *saved_tcs_map = NULL;
	PartitionTupleRouting *proute = mtstate->mt_partition_tuple_routing;
	int			map_index;
	TupleConversionMap *tupconv_map;

	 * get information on the (current) result relation
	resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
	resultRelationDesc = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;

	/* ensure slot is independent, consider e.g. EPQ */

	 * If partition constraint fails, this row might get moved to another
	 * partition, in which case we should check the RLS CHECK policy just
	 * before inserting into the new partition, rather than doing it here.
	 * This is because a trigger on that partition might again change the
	 * row.  So skip the WCO checks if the partition constraint fails.
	partition_constraint_failed =
		resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheck &&
		!ExecPartitionCheck(resultRelInfo, slot, estate, false);

	if (!partition_constraint_failed &&
		resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptions != NIL)
		 * ExecWithCheckOptions() will skip any WCOs which are not of the
		 * kind we are looking for at this point.
							 resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

	 * Updates set the transition capture map only when a new subplan
	 * is chosen.  But for inserts, it is set for each row. So after
	 * INSERT, we need to revert back to the map created for UPDATE;
	 * otherwise the next UPDATE will incorrectly use the one created
	 * for INSERT.  So first save the one created for UPDATE.
	if (mtstate->mt_transition_capture)
		saved_tcs_map = mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map;

	if (partition_constraint_failed)
		 * When an UPDATE is run on a leaf partition, we will not have
		 * partition tuple routing set up. In that case, fail with
		 * partition constraint violation error.
		if (proute == NULL)
			ExecPartitionCheckEmitError(resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

		 * resultRelInfo is one of the per-subplan resultRelInfos.  So we
		 * should convert the tuple into root's tuple descriptor, since
		 * ExecInsert() starts the search from root.  The tuple conversion
		 * map list is in the order of mtstate->resultRelInfo[], so to
		 * retrieve the one for this resultRel, we need to know the
		 * position of the resultRel in mtstate->resultRelInfo[].
		map_index = resultRelInfo - mtstate->resultRelInfo;
		Assert(map_index >= 0 && map_index < mtstate->mt_nplans);
		tupconv_map = tupconv_map_for_subplan(mtstate, map_index);
		if (tupconv_map != NULL)
			slot = execute_attr_map_slot(tupconv_map->attrMap,

		 * Prepare for tuple routing, making it look like we're inserting
		 * into the root.
		Assert(mtstate->rootResultRelInfo != NULL);
		slot = ExecPrepareTupleRouting(mtstate, estate, proute,
									   mtstate->rootResultRelInfo, slot);

		slot = ExecInsert(mtstate, slot, planSlot,
						  estate, mtstate->canSetTag,
						  true /* splitUpdate */);

		/* Revert ExecPrepareTupleRouting's node change. */
		estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;
		if (mtstate->mt_transition_capture)
			mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = NULL;
			mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map = saved_tcs_map;
		slot = ExecInsert(mtstate, slot, planSlot,
						  estate, mtstate->canSetTag,
						  true /* splitUpdate */);

	return slot;

 * ExecOnConflictUpdate --- execute UPDATE of INSERT ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE
 * Try to lock tuple for update as part of speculative insertion.  If
 * a qual originating from ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE is satisfied, update
 * (but still lock row, even though it may not satisfy estate's
 * snapshot).
 * Returns true if we're done (with or without an update), or false if
 * the caller must retry the INSERT from scratch.
static bool
ExecOnConflictUpdate(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
					 ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
					 ItemPointer conflictTid,
					 TupleTableSlot *planSlot,
					 TupleTableSlot *excludedSlot,
					 EState *estate,
					 bool canSetTag,
					 TupleTableSlot **returning)
	ExprContext *econtext = mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext;
	Relation	relation = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
	ExprState  *onConflictSetWhere = resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict->oc_WhereClause;
	TupleTableSlot *existing = resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict->oc_Existing;
	TM_FailureData tmfd;
	LockTupleMode lockmode;
	TM_Result	test;
	Datum		xminDatum;
	TransactionId xmin;
	bool		isnull;

	/* Determine lock mode to use */
	lockmode = ExecUpdateLockMode(estate, resultRelInfo);

	 * Lock tuple for update.  Don't follow updates when tuple cannot be
	 * locked without doing so.  A row locking conflict here means our
	 * previous conclusion that the tuple is conclusively committed is not
	 * true anymore.
	test = table_tuple_lock(relation, conflictTid,
							existing, estate->es_output_cid,
							lockmode, LockWaitBlock, 0,
	switch (test)
		case TM_Ok:
			/* success! */

		case TM_Invisible:

			 * This can occur when a just inserted tuple is updated again in
			 * the same command. E.g. because multiple rows with the same
			 * conflicting key values are inserted.
			 * This is somewhat similar to the ExecUpdate() TM_SelfModified
			 * case.  We do not want to proceed because it would lead to the
			 * same row being updated a second time in some unspecified order,
			 * and in contrast to plain UPDATEs there's no historical behavior
			 * to break.
			 * It is the user's responsibility to prevent this situation from
			 * occurring.  These problems are why SQL-2003 similarly specifies
			 * that for SQL MERGE, an exception must be raised in the event of
			 * an attempt to update the same row twice.
			xminDatum = slot_getsysattr(existing,
			xmin = DatumGetTransactionId(xminDatum);

			if (TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(xmin))
						 errmsg("ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time"),
						 errhint("Ensure that no rows proposed for insertion within the same command have duplicate constrained values.")));

			/* This shouldn't happen */
			elog(ERROR, "attempted to lock invisible tuple");

		case TM_SelfModified:

			 * This state should never be reached. As a dirty snapshot is used
			 * to find conflicting tuples, speculative insertion wouldn't have
			 * seen this row to conflict with.
			elog(ERROR, "unexpected self-updated tuple");

		case TM_Updated:
			if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
						 errmsg("could not serialize access due to concurrent update")));

			 * As long as we don't support an UPDATE of INSERT ON CONFLICT for
			 * a partitioned table we shouldn't reach to a case where tuple to
			 * be lock is moved to another partition due to concurrent update
			 * of the partition key.

			 * Tell caller to try again from the very start.
			 * It does not make sense to use the usual EvalPlanQual() style
			 * loop here, as the new version of the row might not conflict
			 * anymore, or the conflicting tuple has actually been deleted.
			return false;

		case TM_Deleted:
			if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
						 errmsg("could not serialize access due to concurrent delete")));

			/* see TM_Updated case */
			return false;

			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized table_tuple_lock status: %u", test);

	/* Success, the tuple is locked. */

	 * Verify that the tuple is visible to our MVCC snapshot if the current
	 * isolation level mandates that.
	 * It's not sufficient to rely on the check within ExecUpdate() as e.g.
	 * CONFLICT ... WHERE clause may prevent us from reaching that.
	 * This means we only ever continue when a new command in the current
	 * transaction could see the row, even though in READ COMMITTED mode the
	 * tuple will not be visible according to the current statement's
	 * snapshot.  This is in line with the way UPDATE deals with newer tuple
	 * versions.
	ExecCheckTupleVisible(estate, relation, existing);

	 * Make tuple and any needed join variables available to ExecQual and
	 * ExecProject.  The EXCLUDED tuple is installed in ecxt_innertuple, while
	 * the target's existing tuple is installed in the scantuple.  EXCLUDED
	 * has been made to reference INNER_VAR in setrefs.c, but there is no
	 * other redirection.
	econtext->ecxt_scantuple = existing;
	econtext->ecxt_innertuple = excludedSlot;
	econtext->ecxt_outertuple = NULL;

	if (!ExecQual(onConflictSetWhere, econtext))
		ExecClearTuple(existing);	/* see return below */
		InstrCountFiltered1(&mtstate->ps, 1);
		return true;			/* done with the tuple */

	if (resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptions != NIL)
		 * Check target's existing tuple against UPDATE-applicable USING
		 * security barrier quals (if any), enforced here as RLS checks/WCOs.
		 * The rewriter creates UPDATE RLS checks/WCOs for UPDATE security
		 * quals, and stores them as WCOs of "kind" WCO_RLS_CONFLICT_CHECK,
		 * but that's almost the extent of its special handling for ON
		 * The rewriter will also have associated UPDATE applicable straight
		 * RLS checks/WCOs for the benefit of the ExecUpdate() call that
		 * follows.  INSERTs and UPDATEs naturally have mutually exclusive WCO
		 * kinds, so there is no danger of spurious over-enforcement in the
		 * INSERT or UPDATE path.
		ExecWithCheckOptions(WCO_RLS_CONFLICT_CHECK, resultRelInfo,

	/* Project the new tuple version */

	 * Note that it is possible that the target tuple has been modified in
	 * this session, after the above table_tuple_lock. We choose to not error
	 * out in that case, in line with ExecUpdate's treatment of similar cases.
	 * This can happen if an UPDATE is triggered from within ExecQual(),
	 * ExecWithCheckOptions() or ExecProject() above, e.g. by selecting from a
	 * wCTE in the ON CONFLICT's SET.

	/* Execute UPDATE with projection */
	*returning = ExecUpdate(mtstate, conflictTid, NULL,
							&mtstate->mt_epqstate, mtstate->ps.state,

	 * Clear out existing tuple, as there might not be another conflict among
	 * the next input rows. Don't want to hold resources till the end of the
	 * query.
	return true;

 * Process BEFORE EACH STATEMENT triggers
static void
fireBSTriggers(ModifyTableState *node)
	ModifyTable *plan = (ModifyTable *) node->ps.plan;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = node->resultRelInfo;

	 * If the node modifies a partitioned table, we must fire its triggers.
	 * Note that in that case, node->resultRelInfo points to the first leaf
	 * partition, not the root table.
	if (node->rootResultRelInfo != NULL)
		resultRelInfo = node->rootResultRelInfo;

	switch (node->operation)
		case CMD_INSERT:
			ExecBSInsertTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo);
			if (plan->onConflictAction == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE)
		case CMD_UPDATE:
			ExecBSUpdateTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo);
		case CMD_DELETE:
			ExecBSDeleteTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo);
			elog(ERROR, "unknown operation");

 * Return the target rel ResultRelInfo.
 * This relation is the same as :
 * - the relation for which we will fire AFTER STATEMENT triggers.
 * - the relation into whose tuple format all captured transition tuples must
 *   be converted.
 * - the root partitioned table.
static ResultRelInfo *
getTargetResultRelInfo(ModifyTableState *node)
	 * Note that if the node modifies a partitioned table, node->resultRelInfo
	 * points to the first leaf partition, not the root table.
	if (node->rootResultRelInfo != NULL)
		return node->rootResultRelInfo;
		return node->resultRelInfo;

 * Process AFTER EACH STATEMENT triggers
static void
fireASTriggers(ModifyTableState *node)
	ModifyTable *plan = (ModifyTable *) node->ps.plan;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = getTargetResultRelInfo(node);

	switch (node->operation)
		case CMD_INSERT:
			if (plan->onConflictAction == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE)
			ExecASInsertTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo,
		case CMD_UPDATE:
			ExecASUpdateTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo,
		case CMD_DELETE:
			ExecASDeleteTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo,
			elog(ERROR, "unknown operation");

 * Set up the state needed for collecting transition tuples for AFTER
 * triggers.
static void
ExecSetupTransitionCaptureState(ModifyTableState *mtstate, EState *estate)
	ModifyTable *plan = (ModifyTable *) mtstate->ps.plan;
	ResultRelInfo *targetRelInfo = getTargetResultRelInfo(mtstate);

	/* Check for transition tables on the directly targeted relation. */
	mtstate->mt_transition_capture =
	if (plan->operation == CMD_INSERT &&
		plan->onConflictAction == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE)
		mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture =

	 * If we found that we need to collect transition tuples then we may also
	 * need tuple conversion maps for any children that have TupleDescs that
	 * aren't compatible with the tuplestores.  (We can share these maps
	 * between the regular and ON CONFLICT cases.)
	if (mtstate->mt_transition_capture != NULL ||
		mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture != NULL)

		 * Install the conversion map for the first plan for UPDATE and DELETE
		 * operations.  It will be advanced each time we switch to the next
		 * plan.  (INSERT operations set it every time, so we need not update
		 * mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture here.)
		if (mtstate->mt_transition_capture && mtstate->operation != CMD_INSERT)
			mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map =
				tupconv_map_for_subplan(mtstate, 0);

 * ExecPrepareTupleRouting --- prepare for routing one tuple
 * Determine the partition in which the tuple in slot is to be inserted,
 * and modify mtstate and estate to prepare for it.
 * Caller must revert the estate changes after executing the insertion!
 * In mtstate, transition capture changes may also need to be reverted.
 * Returns a slot holding the tuple of the partition rowtype.
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecPrepareTupleRouting(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
						EState *estate,
						PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
						ResultRelInfo *targetRelInfo,
						TupleTableSlot *slot)
	ResultRelInfo *partrel;
	PartitionRoutingInfo *partrouteinfo;
	TupleConversionMap *map;

	 * Lookup the target partition's ResultRelInfo.  If ExecFindPartition does
	 * not find a valid partition for the tuple in 'slot' then an error is
	 * raised.  An error may also be raised if the found partition is not a
	 * valid target for INSERTs.  This is required since a partitioned table
	 * UPDATE to another partition becomes a DELETE+INSERT.
	partrel = ExecFindPartition(mtstate, targetRelInfo, proute, slot, estate);
	partrouteinfo = partrel->ri_PartitionInfo;
	Assert(partrouteinfo != NULL);

	 * Make it look like we are inserting into the partition.
	estate->es_result_relation_info = partrel;

	 * If we're capturing transition tuples, we might need to convert from the
	 * partition rowtype to root partitioned table's rowtype.
	if (mtstate->mt_transition_capture != NULL)
		if (partrel->ri_TrigDesc &&
			 * If there are any BEFORE triggers on the partition, we'll have
			 * to be ready to convert their result back to tuplestore format.
			mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = NULL;
			mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map =
			 * Otherwise, just remember the original unconverted tuple, to
			 * avoid a needless round trip conversion.
			mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = slot;
			mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map = NULL;
	if (mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture != NULL)
		mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture->tcs_map =

	 * Convert the tuple, if necessary.
	map = partrouteinfo->pi_RootToPartitionMap;
	if (map != NULL)
		TupleTableSlot *new_slot = partrouteinfo->pi_PartitionTupleSlot;

		slot = execute_attr_map_slot(map->attrMap, slot, new_slot);

	return slot;

 * Initialize the child-to-root tuple conversion map array for UPDATE subplans.
 * This map array is required to convert the tuple from the subplan result rel
 * to the target table descriptor. This requirement arises for two independent
 * scenarios:
 * 1. For update-tuple-routing.
 * 2. For capturing tuples in transition tables.
static void
ExecSetupChildParentMapForSubplan(ModifyTableState *mtstate)
	ResultRelInfo *targetRelInfo = getTargetResultRelInfo(mtstate);
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfos = mtstate->resultRelInfo;
	TupleDesc	outdesc;
	int			numResultRelInfos = mtstate->mt_nplans;
	int			i;

	 * Build array of conversion maps from each child's TupleDesc to the one
	 * used in the target relation.  The map pointers may be NULL when no
	 * conversion is necessary, which is hopefully a common case.

	/* Get tuple descriptor of the target rel. */
	outdesc = RelationGetDescr(targetRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);

	mtstate->mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps = (TupleConversionMap **)
		palloc(sizeof(TupleConversionMap *) * numResultRelInfos);

	for (i = 0; i < numResultRelInfos; ++i)
		mtstate->mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps[i] =
								   gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));

 * For a given subplan index, get the tuple conversion map.
static TupleConversionMap *
tupconv_map_for_subplan(ModifyTableState *mtstate, int whichplan)
	/* If nobody else set the per-subplan array of maps, do so ourselves. */
	if (mtstate->mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps == NULL)

	Assert(whichplan >= 0 && whichplan < mtstate->mt_nplans);
	return mtstate->mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps[whichplan];

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *	   ExecModifyTable
 *		Perform table modifications as required, and return RETURNING results
 *		if needed.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecModifyTable(PlanState *pstate)
	ModifyTableState *node = castNode(ModifyTableState, pstate);
	PartitionTupleRouting *proute = node->mt_partition_tuple_routing;
	EState	   *estate = node->ps.state;
	CmdType		operation = node->operation;
	ResultRelInfo *saved_resultRelInfo;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
	PlanState  *subplanstate;
	JunkFilter *junkfilter;
	AttrNumber  action_attno;
	AttrNumber  segid_attno;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	TupleTableSlot *planSlot;
	ItemPointer tupleid;
	ItemPointerData tuple_ctid;
	HeapTupleData oldtupdata;
	HeapTuple	oldtuple;


	 * This should NOT get called during EvalPlanQual; we should have passed a
	 * subplan tree to EvalPlanQual, instead.  Use a runtime test not just
	 * Assert because this condition is easy to miss in testing.  (Note:
	 * although ModifyTable should not get executed within an EvalPlanQual
	 * operation, we do have to allow it to be initialized and shut down in
	 * case it is within a CTE subplan.  Hence this test must be here, not in
	 * ExecInitModifyTable.)
	if (estate->es_epqTupleSlot != NULL)
		elog(ERROR, "ModifyTable should not be called during EvalPlanQual");

	 * If we've already completed processing, don't try to do more.  We need
	 * this test because ExecPostprocessPlan might call us an extra time, and
	 * our subplan's nodes aren't necessarily robust against being called
	 * extra times.
	if (node->mt_done)
		return NULL;

	if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE && !Gp_is_writer)
		 * Current Greenplum MPP architecture only support one writer gang, and
		 * only writer gang can execute DML nodes. There is no code path to reach
		 * here. For writable CTE case as below:
		 *   create table t(a int);
		 *   with wcte as (delete from t returning a)
		 *     insert into t select * from wcte;
		 * The above query will error out during parse-analyze so not reach here.
		 * If reaching here, some bugs must happen.
		elog(ERROR, "Reader Gang execute ModifyTable node, some bugs must happen");

	 * On first call, fire BEFORE STATEMENT triggers before proceeding.
	if (node->fireBSTriggers)
		node->fireBSTriggers = false;

	/* Preload local variables */
	resultRelInfo = node->resultRelInfo + node->mt_whichplan;
	subplanstate = node->mt_plans[node->mt_whichplan];
	junkfilter = resultRelInfo->ri_junkFilter;
	action_attno = resultRelInfo->ri_action_attno;
	segid_attno = resultRelInfo->ri_segid_attno;

	 * es_result_relation_info must point to the currently active result
	 * relation while we are within this ModifyTable node.  Even though
	 * ModifyTable nodes can't be nested statically, they can be nested
	 * dynamically (since our subplan could include a reference to a modifying
	 * CTE).  So we have to save and restore the caller's value.
	saved_resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;

	estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;

	 * Fetch rows from subplan(s), and execute the required table modification
	 * for each row.
	for (;;)
		 * Reset the per-output-tuple exprcontext.  This is needed because
		 * triggers expect to use that context as workspace.  It's a bit ugly
		 * to do this below the top level of the plan, however.  We might need
		 * to rethink this later.

		 * Reset per-tuple memory context used for processing on conflict and
		 * returning clauses, to free any expression evaluation storage
		 * allocated in the previous cycle.
		if (pstate->ps_ExprContext)

		planSlot = ExecProcNode(subplanstate);

		if (TupIsNull(planSlot))
			/* advance to next subplan if any */
			if (node->mt_whichplan < node->mt_nplans)
				estate->es_result_relation_info = estate->es_result_relations + node->mt_whichplan;
				resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
				subplanstate = node->mt_plans[node->mt_whichplan];
				junkfilter = estate->es_result_relation_info->ri_junkFilter;
				action_attno = estate->es_result_relation_info->ri_action_attno;
				segid_attno = estate->es_result_relation_info->ri_segid_attno;
				EvalPlanQualSetPlan(&node->mt_epqstate, subplanstate->plan,
				/* Prepare to convert transition tuples from this child. */
				if (node->mt_transition_capture != NULL)
					node->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map =
						tupconv_map_for_subplan(node, node->mt_whichplan);
				if (node->mt_oc_transition_capture != NULL)
					node->mt_oc_transition_capture->tcs_map =
						tupconv_map_for_subplan(node, node->mt_whichplan);

		 * Ensure input tuple is the right format for the target relation.
		if (node->mt_scans[node->mt_whichplan]->tts_ops != planSlot->tts_ops)
			ExecCopySlot(node->mt_scans[node->mt_whichplan], planSlot);
			planSlot = node->mt_scans[node->mt_whichplan];

		 * If resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify is true, all we need to do
		 * here is compute the RETURNING expressions.
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify)

			 * A scan slot containing the data that was actually inserted,
			 * updated or deleted has already been made available to
			 * ExecProcessReturning by IterateDirectModify, so no need to
			 * provide it here.
			slot = ExecProcessReturning(resultRelInfo, NULL, planSlot);

			estate->es_result_relation_info = saved_resultRelInfo;
			return slot;

		EvalPlanQualSetSlot(&node->mt_epqstate, planSlot);
		slot = planSlot;

		int32 segid = GpIdentity.segindex;
		int action = -1;

		tupleid = NULL;
		oldtuple = NULL;
		if (junkfilter != NULL)
			 * extract the 'ctid' or 'wholerow' junk attribute.
			if (operation == CMD_UPDATE || operation == CMD_DELETE)
				char		relkind;
				Datum		datum;
				bool		isNull;

				relkind = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relkind;
				if (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION || relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW)
					datum = ExecGetJunkAttribute(slot,
					/* shouldn't ever get a null result... */
					if (isNull)
						elog(ERROR, "ctid is NULL");

					tupleid = (ItemPointer) DatumGetPointer(datum);
					tuple_ctid = *tupleid;	/* be sure we don't free ctid!! */
					tupleid = &tuple_ctid;

				 * Use the wholerow attribute, when available, to reconstruct
				 * the old relation tuple.
				 * Foreign table updates have a wholerow attribute when the
				 * relation has a row-level trigger.  Note that the wholerow
				 * attribute does not carry system columns.  Foreign table
				 * triggers miss seeing those, except that we know enough here
				 * to set t_tableOid.  Quite separately from this, the FDW may
				 * fetch its own junk attrs to identify the row.
				 * Other relevant relkinds, currently limited to views, always
				 * have a wholerow attribute.
				else if (AttributeNumberIsValid(junkfilter->jf_junkAttNo))
					datum = ExecGetJunkAttribute(slot,
					/* shouldn't ever get a null result... */
					if (isNull)
						elog(ERROR, "wholerow is NULL");

					oldtupdata.t_data = DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(datum);
					oldtupdata.t_len =
					/* Historically, view triggers see invalid t_tableOid. */
					oldtupdata.t_tableOid =
						(relkind == RELKIND_VIEW) ? InvalidOid :
					oldtuple = &oldtupdata;
					Assert(relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE);

				 * Extract GPDB-specific junk attributes.
				if (AttributeNumberIsValid(segid_attno))
					datum = ExecGetJunkAttribute(slot,
					/* shouldn't ever get a null result... */
					if (isNull)
						elog(ERROR, "gp_segment_id is NULL");

					segid = DatumGetInt32(datum);
				if (AttributeNumberIsValid(action_attno))
					datum = ExecGetJunkAttribute(slot,
					/* shouldn't ever get a null result... */
					if (isNull)
						elog(ERROR, "action is NULL");

					action = DatumGetInt32(datum);

			 * apply the junkfilter if needed.
			if (operation != CMD_DELETE)
				slot = ExecFilterJunk(junkfilter, slot);

		switch (operation)
			case CMD_INSERT:
				/* Prepare for tuple routing if needed. */
				if (proute)
					slot = ExecPrepareTupleRouting(node, estate, proute,
												   resultRelInfo, slot);
				slot = ExecInsert(node, slot, planSlot,
								  estate, node->canSetTag, false /* splitUpdate */);
				/* Revert ExecPrepareTupleRouting's state change. */
				if (proute)
					estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;
			case CMD_UPDATE:
				if (!AttributeNumberIsValid(action_attno))
					/* normal non-split UPDATE */
					slot = ExecUpdate(node, tupleid, oldtuple, slot, planSlot,
									  &node->mt_epqstate, estate, node->canSetTag);
				else if (DML_INSERT == action)
					slot = ExecSplitUpdate_Insert(node, slot, planSlot,
												  estate, node->canSetTag);
				else /* DML_DELETE */
					slot = ExecDelete(node, tupleid, segid, oldtuple, planSlot,
									  &node->mt_epqstate, estate,
									  false /* canSetTag */,
									  true /* changingPart */ ,
									  true /* splitUpdate */ ,
									  NULL, NULL);
			case CMD_DELETE:
				slot = ExecDelete(node, tupleid, segid, oldtuple, planSlot,
								  &node->mt_epqstate, estate,
								  true, node->canSetTag,
								  false /* changingPart */ ,
								  false /* splitUpdate */ ,
								  NULL, NULL);
				elog(ERROR, "unknown operation");

		 * If the target is a partitioned table, ExecInsert / ExecUpdate /
		 * ExecDelete might have changed es_result_relation_info to point to
		 * a partition, instead of the top-level table. Reset it. (It would
		 * be more tidy if those functions cleaned up after themselves, but
		 * it's more robust to do it here just once.)
		estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;

		 * If we got a RETURNING result, return it to caller.  We'll continue
		 * the work on next call.
		if (slot)
			estate->es_result_relation_info = saved_resultRelInfo;
			return slot;

	/* Restore es_result_relation_info before exiting */
	estate->es_result_relation_info = saved_resultRelInfo;

	 * We're done, but fire AFTER STATEMENT triggers before exiting.
	/* In GPDB, don't fire statement triggers in reader processes */
	if (Gp_role != GP_ROLE_EXECUTE || Gp_is_writer)

	node->mt_done = true;

	return NULL;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitModifyTable
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ModifyTableState *
ExecInitModifyTable(ModifyTable *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	ModifyTableState *mtstate;
	CmdType		operation = node->operation;
	int			nplans = list_length(node->plans);
	ResultRelInfo *saved_resultRelInfo;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
	Plan	   *subplan;
	ListCell   *l;
	int			i;
	Relation	rel;
	bool		update_tuple_routing_needed = node->partColsUpdated;

	/* check for unsupported flags */
	Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK)));

	 * create state structure
	mtstate = makeNode(ModifyTableState);
	mtstate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
	mtstate->ps.state = estate;
	mtstate->ps.ExecProcNode = ExecModifyTable;

	mtstate->operation = operation;
	mtstate->canSetTag = node->canSetTag;
	mtstate->mt_done = false;

	mtstate->mt_plans = (PlanState **) palloc0(sizeof(PlanState *) * nplans);
	mtstate->resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relations + node->resultRelIndex;
	mtstate->mt_scans = (TupleTableSlot **) palloc0(sizeof(TupleTableSlot *) * nplans);

	/* If modifying a partitioned table, initialize the root table info */
	if (node->rootResultRelIndex >= 0)
		mtstate->rootResultRelInfo = estate->es_root_result_relations +

	mtstate->mt_arowmarks = (List **) palloc0(sizeof(List *) * nplans);
	mtstate->mt_nplans = nplans;

	/* set up epqstate with dummy subplan data for the moment */
	EvalPlanQualInit(&mtstate->mt_epqstate, estate, NULL, NIL, node->epqParam);

	if (CMD_UPDATE == operation)
		mtstate->mt_isSplitUpdates = (bool *) palloc0(nplans * sizeof(bool));
		if (node->isSplitUpdates)
			if (list_length(node->isSplitUpdates) != nplans)
				elog(ERROR, "ModifyTable node is missing is-split-update information");

			i = 0;
			foreach(l, node->isSplitUpdates)
				mtstate->mt_isSplitUpdates[i++] = (bool) lfirst_int(l);

	/* GPDB: Don't fire statement-triggers in QE reader processes */
	if (Gp_role != GP_ROLE_EXECUTE || Gp_is_writer)
		mtstate->fireBSTriggers = true;

	 * call ExecInitNode on each of the plans to be executed and save the
	 * results into the array "mt_plans".  This is also a convenient place to
	 * verify that the proposed target relations are valid and open their
	 * indexes for insertion of new index entries.  Note we *must* set
	 * estate->es_result_relation_info correctly while we initialize each
	 * sub-plan; external modules such as FDWs may depend on that (see
	 * contrib/postgres_fdw/postgres_fdw.c: postgresBeginDirectModify() as one
	 * example).
	saved_resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;

	resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;
	i = 0;
	foreach(l, node->plans)
		subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(l);

		/* Initialize the usesFdwDirectModify flag */
		resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify = bms_is_member(i,

		 * Verify result relation is a valid target for the current operation
		CheckValidResultRel(resultRelInfo, operation);

		 * If there are indices on the result relation, open them and save
		 * descriptors in the result relation info, so that we can add new
		 * index entries for the tuples we add/update.  We need not do this
		 * for a DELETE, however, since deletion doesn't affect indexes. Also,
		 * inside an EvalPlanQual operation, the indexes might be open
		 * already, since we share the resultrel state with the original
		 * query.
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relhasindex &&
			operation != CMD_DELETE &&
			resultRelInfo->ri_IndexRelationDescs == NULL)
							node->onConflictAction != ONCONFLICT_NONE);

		 * If this is an UPDATE and a BEFORE UPDATE trigger is present, the
		 * trigger itself might modify the partition-key values. So arrange
		 * for tuple routing.
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
			resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_update_before_row &&
			operation == CMD_UPDATE)
			update_tuple_routing_needed = true;

		/* Now init the plan for this result rel */
		estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;
		mtstate->mt_plans[i] = ExecInitNode(subplan, estate, eflags);
		mtstate->mt_scans[i] =
			ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(mtstate->ps.state, ExecGetResultType(mtstate->mt_plans[i]),

		if (RelationIsAoRows(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc))
			appendonly_dml_init(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, operation);
		else if (RelationIsAoCols(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc))
			aoco_dml_init(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, operation);

		/* Also let FDWs init themselves for foreign-table result rels */
		if (!resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify &&
			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignModify != NULL)
			List	   *fdw_private = (List *) list_nth(node->fdwPrivLists, i);



	estate->es_result_relation_info = saved_resultRelInfo;

	/* Get the target relation */
	rel = (getTargetResultRelInfo(mtstate))->ri_RelationDesc;

	 * If it's not a partitioned table after all, UPDATE tuple routing should
	 * not be attempted.
	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
		update_tuple_routing_needed = false;

	 * Build state for tuple routing if it's an INSERT or if it's an UPDATE of
	 * partition key.
	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE &&
		(operation == CMD_INSERT || update_tuple_routing_needed))
		mtstate->mt_partition_tuple_routing =
			ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting(estate, mtstate, rel);

	 * Build state for collecting transition tuples.  This requires having a
	 * valid trigger query context, so skip it in explain-only mode.
	if (!(eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY))
		ExecSetupTransitionCaptureState(mtstate, estate);

	 * Construct mapping from each of the per-subplan partition attnos to the
	 * root attno.  This is required when during update row movement the tuple
	 * descriptor of a source partition does not match the root partitioned
	 * table descriptor.  In such a case we need to convert tuples to the root
	 * tuple descriptor, because the search for destination partition starts
	 * from the root.  We'll also need a slot to store these converted tuples.
	 * We can skip this setup if it's not a partition key update.
	if (update_tuple_routing_needed)
		mtstate->mt_root_tuple_slot = table_slot_create(rel, NULL);

	 * Initialize any WITH CHECK OPTION constraints if needed.
	resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;
	i = 0;
	foreach(l, node->withCheckOptionLists)
		List	   *wcoList = (List *) lfirst(l);
		List	   *wcoExprs = NIL;
		ListCell   *ll;

		foreach(ll, wcoList)
			WithCheckOption *wco = (WithCheckOption *) lfirst(ll);
			ExprState  *wcoExpr = ExecInitQual((List *) wco->qual,

			wcoExprs = lappend(wcoExprs, wcoExpr);

		resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptions = wcoList;
		resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptionExprs = wcoExprs;

	 * Initialize RETURNING projections if needed.
	if (node->returningLists)
		TupleTableSlot *slot;
		ExprContext *econtext;

		 * Initialize result tuple slot and assign its rowtype using the first
		 * RETURNING list.  We assume the rest will look the same.
		mtstate->ps.plan->targetlist = (List *) linitial(node->returningLists);

		/* Set up a slot for the output of the RETURNING projection(s) */
		ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL(&mtstate->ps, &TTSOpsVirtual);
		slot = mtstate->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot;

		/* Need an econtext too */
		if (mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext == NULL)
			ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &mtstate->ps);
		econtext = mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext;

		 * Build a projection for each result rel.
		resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;
		foreach(l, node->returningLists)
			List	   *rlist = (List *) lfirst(l);

			resultRelInfo->ri_returningList = rlist;
			resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning =
				ExecBuildProjectionInfo(rlist, econtext, slot, &mtstate->ps,
		 * We still must construct a dummy result tuple type, because InitPlan
		 * expects one (maybe should change that?).
		mtstate->ps.plan->targetlist = NIL;

		mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext = NULL;

	/* Set the list of arbiter indexes if needed for ON CONFLICT */
	resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;
	if (node->onConflictAction != ONCONFLICT_NONE)
		resultRelInfo->ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes = node->arbiterIndexes;

	 * If needed, Initialize target list, projection and qual for ON CONFLICT
	if (node->onConflictAction == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE)
		ExprContext *econtext;
		TupleDesc	relationDesc;
		TupleDesc	tupDesc;

		/* insert may only have one plan, inheritance is not expanded */
		Assert(nplans == 1);

		/* already exists if created by RETURNING processing above */
		if (mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext == NULL)
			ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &mtstate->ps);

		econtext = mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext;
		relationDesc = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_att;

		/* carried forward solely for the benefit of explain */
		mtstate->mt_excludedtlist = node->exclRelTlist;

		/* create state for DO UPDATE SET operation */
		resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict = makeNode(OnConflictSetState);

		/* initialize slot for the existing tuple */
		resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict->oc_Existing =

		/* create the tuple slot for the UPDATE SET projection */
		tupDesc = ExecTypeFromTL((List *) node->onConflictSet);
		resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict->oc_ProjSlot =
			ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(mtstate->ps.state, tupDesc,

		/* build UPDATE SET projection state */
		resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict->oc_ProjInfo =
			ExecBuildProjectionInfo(node->onConflictSet, econtext,

		/* initialize state to evaluate the WHERE clause, if any */
		if (node->onConflictWhere)
			ExprState  *qualexpr;

			qualexpr = ExecInitQual((List *) node->onConflictWhere,
			resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict->oc_WhereClause = qualexpr;

	 * If we have any secondary relations in an UPDATE or DELETE, they need to
	 * be treated like non-locked relations in SELECT FOR UPDATE, ie, the
	 * EvalPlanQual mechanism needs to be told about them.  Locate the
	 * relevant ExecRowMarks.
	foreach(l, node->rowMarks)
		PlanRowMark *rc = lfirst_node(PlanRowMark, l);
		ExecRowMark *erm;
		bool		isdistributed = false;

		/* ignore "parent" rowmarks; they are irrelevant at runtime */
		if (rc->isParent)

		 * Like in preprocess_targetlist, ignore distributed tables.
		 * GPDB_91_MERGE_FIXME: we are largely just ignoring locking altogether.
		 * Perhaps that's OK as long as we take a full table lock on any UPDATEs
		 * or DELETEs. But sure doesn't seem right. Can we do better?
			RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(rc->rti, estate->es_plannedstmt->rtable);

			if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
				Relation relation = heap_open(rte->relid, NoLock);
				if (GpPolicyIsPartitioned(relation->rd_cdbpolicy))
					isdistributed = true;
				heap_close(relation, NoLock);
				if (isdistributed)
		if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE)
			 * In the executor, we don't have information on which tables are
			 * distributed. Assume that everything is; we wouldn't be running this
			 * slice on an entry table otherwise.

		/* find ExecRowMark (same for all subplans) */
		erm = ExecFindRowMark(estate, rc->rti, false);

		/* build ExecAuxRowMark for each subplan */
		for (i = 0; i < nplans; i++)
			ExecAuxRowMark *aerm;

			subplan = mtstate->mt_plans[i]->plan;
			aerm = ExecBuildAuxRowMark(erm, subplan->targetlist);
			mtstate->mt_arowmarks[i] = lappend(mtstate->mt_arowmarks[i], aerm);

	/* select first subplan */
	mtstate->mt_whichplan = 0;
	subplan = (Plan *) linitial(node->plans);
	EvalPlanQualSetPlan(&mtstate->mt_epqstate, subplan,

	 * Initialize the junk filter(s) if needed.  INSERT queries need a filter
	 * if there are any junk attrs in the tlist.  UPDATE and DELETE always
	 * need a filter, since there's always at least one junk attribute present
	 * --- no need to look first.  Typically, this will be a 'ctid' or
	 * 'wholerow' attribute, but in the case of a foreign data wrapper it
	 * might be a set of junk attributes sufficient to identify the remote
	 * row.
	 * If there are multiple result relations, each one needs its own junk
	 * filter.  Note multiple rels are only possible for UPDATE/DELETE, so we
	 * can't be fooled by some needing a filter and some not.
	 * This section of code is also a convenient place to verify that the
	 * output of an INSERT or UPDATE matches the target table(s).
		bool		junk_filter_needed = false;

		switch (operation)
			case CMD_INSERT:
				foreach(l, subplan->targetlist)
					TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(l);

					if (tle->resjunk)
						junk_filter_needed = true;
			case CMD_UPDATE:
			case CMD_DELETE:
				junk_filter_needed = true;
				elog(ERROR, "unknown operation");

		if (junk_filter_needed)
			resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;
			for (i = 0; i < nplans; i++)
				JunkFilter *j;
				TupleTableSlot *junkresslot;

				subplan = mtstate->mt_plans[i]->plan;
				if (operation == CMD_INSERT || operation == CMD_UPDATE)

				junkresslot =
					ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate, NULL,
				j = ExecInitJunkFilter(subplan->targetlist,

				if (operation == CMD_UPDATE || operation == CMD_DELETE)
					/* For UPDATE/DELETE, find the appropriate junk attr now */
					char		relkind;

					relkind = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relkind;
					if (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
						relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW ||
						j->jf_junkAttNo = ExecFindJunkAttribute(j, "ctid");
						if (!AttributeNumberIsValid(j->jf_junkAttNo))
							elog(ERROR, "could not find junk ctid column");

						/* Extra GPDB junk columns */
						resultRelInfo->ri_segid_attno = ExecFindJunkAttribute(j, "gp_segment_id");
						if (!AttributeNumberIsValid(resultRelInfo->ri_segid_attno))
							elog(ERROR, "could not find junk gp_segment_id column");

						if (operation == CMD_UPDATE && mtstate->mt_isSplitUpdates[i])
							resultRelInfo->ri_action_attno = ExecFindJunkAttribute(j, "DMLAction");
							if (!AttributeNumberIsValid(resultRelInfo->ri_action_attno))
								elog(ERROR, "could not find junk action column");
					else if (relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
						 * When there is a row-level trigger, there should be
						 * a wholerow attribute.
						j->jf_junkAttNo = ExecFindJunkAttribute(j, "wholerow");
						j->jf_junkAttNo = ExecFindJunkAttribute(j, "wholerow");
						if (!AttributeNumberIsValid(j->jf_junkAttNo))
							elog(ERROR, "could not find junk wholerow column");

				resultRelInfo->ri_junkFilter = j;
			if (operation == CMD_INSERT)

	 * Lastly, if this is not the primary (canSetTag) ModifyTable node, add it
	 * to estate->es_auxmodifytables so that it will be run to completion by
	 * ExecPostprocessPlan.  (It'd actually work fine to add the primary
	 * ModifyTable node too, but there's no need.)  Note the use of lcons not
	 * lappend: we need later-initialized ModifyTable nodes to be shut down
	 * before earlier ones.  This ensures that we don't throw away RETURNING
	 * rows that need to be seen by a later CTE subplan.
	if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE || Gp_role == GP_ROLE_UTILITY)
		 * We do not need this unless in executor or with utility role. Note
		 * This was added for the data modifying CTE feature but there are other
		 * cases could run into this also.
		if (!mtstate->canSetTag)
			estate->es_auxmodifytables = lcons(mtstate,

	return mtstate;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecEndModifyTable
 *		Shuts down the plan.
 *		Returns nothing of interest.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecEndModifyTable(ModifyTableState *node)
	int			i;

	 * Allow any FDWs to shut down
	for (i = 0; i < node->mt_nplans; i++)
		ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = node->resultRelInfo + i;

		if (!resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify &&
			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->EndForeignModify != NULL)
		if (RelationIsAoRows(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc))
		else if(RelationIsAoCols(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc))
			aoco_dml_finish(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, node->operation);

	 * Close all the partitioned tables, leaf partitions, and their indices
	 * and release the slot used for tuple routing, if set.
	if (node->mt_partition_tuple_routing)
		ExecCleanupTupleRouting(node, node->mt_partition_tuple_routing);

		if (node->mt_root_tuple_slot)

	 * Free the exprcontext

	 * clean out the tuple table
	if (node->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot)

	 * Terminate EPQ execution if active

	 * shut down subplans
	for (i = 0; i < node->mt_nplans; i++)

ExecReScanModifyTable(ModifyTableState *node)
	 * Currently, we don't need to support rescan on ModifyTable nodes. The
	 * semantics of that would be a bit debatable anyway.
	elog(ERROR, "ExecReScanModifyTable is not implemented");

ExecSquelchModifyTable(ModifyTableState *node)
	 * ModifyTable nodes must run to completion when asked to Squelch so
	 * that we don't risk losing modifications which should be performed
	 * regardless of any LIMIT's or other forms for projections which could
	 * end up causing a squelch to happen.
	for (;;)
		TupleTableSlot *result;

		result = ExecModifyTable(&node->ps);
		if (!result)


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn execAmi 源码

greenplumn execCurrent 源码

greenplumn execExpr 源码

greenplumn execExprInterp 源码

greenplumn execGrouping 源码

greenplumn execIndexing 源码

greenplumn execJunk 源码

greenplumn execMain 源码

greenplumn execParallel 源码

greenplumn execPartition 源码

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