greenplumn instrument 源码
greenplumn instrument 代码
* instrument.h
* definitions for run-time statistics collection
* Portions Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* src/include/executor/instrument.h
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
#include "portability/instr_time.h"
#include "utils/resowner.h"
#include "storage/s_lock.h"
struct CdbExplain_NodeSummary; /* private def in cdb/cdbexplain.c */
typedef struct BufferUsage
long shared_blks_hit; /* # of shared buffer hits */
long shared_blks_read; /* # of shared disk blocks read */
long shared_blks_dirtied; /* # of shared blocks dirtied */
long shared_blks_written; /* # of shared disk blocks written */
long local_blks_hit; /* # of local buffer hits */
long local_blks_read; /* # of local disk blocks read */
long local_blks_dirtied; /* # of shared blocks dirtied */
long local_blks_written; /* # of local disk blocks written */
long temp_blks_read; /* # of temp blocks read */
long temp_blks_written; /* # of temp blocks written */
instr_time blk_read_time; /* time spent reading */
instr_time blk_write_time; /* time spent writing */
} BufferUsage;
/* Flag bits included in InstrAlloc's instrument_options bitmask */
typedef enum InstrumentOption
INSTRUMENT_TIMER = 1 << 0, /* needs timer (and row counts) */
INSTRUMENT_BUFFERS = 1 << 1, /* needs buffer usage (not implemented yet) */
INSTRUMENT_ROWS = 1 << 2, /* needs row count */
INSTRUMENT_MEMORY_DETAIL = 0x20000000, /* needs detailed memory accounting */
INSTRUMENT_CDB = 0x40000000, /* needs cdb statistics */
} InstrumentOption;
typedef struct Instrumentation
/* Parameters set at node creation: */
bool need_timer; /* true if we need timer data */
bool need_cdb; /* true if we need cdb statistics */
bool need_bufusage; /* true if we need buffer usage data */
/* Info about current plan cycle: */
bool running; /* true if we've completed first tuple */
instr_time starttime; /* Start time of current iteration of node */
instr_time counter; /* Accumulated runtime for this node */
double firsttuple; /* Time for first tuple of this cycle */
uint64 tuplecount; /* Tuples emitted so far this cycle */
BufferUsage bufusage_start; /* Buffer usage at start */
/* Accumulated statistics across all completed cycles: */
double startup; /* Total startup time (in seconds) */
double total; /* Total total time (in seconds) */
uint64 ntuples; /* Total tuples produced */
double ntuples2; /* Secondary node-specific tuple counter */
uint64 nloops; /* # of run cycles for this node */
double nfiltered1; /* # tuples removed by scanqual or joinqual */
double nfiltered2; /* # tuples removed by "other" quals */
BufferUsage bufusage; /* Total buffer usage */
double execmemused; /* CDB: executor memory used (bytes) */
double workmemused; /* CDB: work_mem actually used (bytes) */
double workmemwanted; /* CDB: work_mem to avoid scratch i/o (bytes) */
instr_time firststart; /* CDB: Start time of first iteration of node */
bool workfileCreated; /* TRUE if workfiles are created in this
* node */
int numPartScanned; /* Number of part tables scanned */
const char *sortMethod; /* CDB: Type of sort */
const char *sortSpaceType; /* CDB: Sort space type (Memory / Disk) */
long sortSpaceUsed; /* CDB: Memory / Disk used by sort(KBytes) */
struct CdbExplain_NodeSummary *cdbNodeSummary; /* stats from all qExecs */
} Instrumentation;
typedef struct WorkerInstrumentation
int num_workers; /* # of structures that follow */
Instrumentation instrument[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
} WorkerInstrumentation;
extern PGDLLIMPORT BufferUsage pgBufferUsage;
extern Instrumentation *InstrAlloc(int n, int instrument_options);
extern void InstrInit(Instrumentation *instr, int instrument_options);
extern void InstrStartNode(Instrumentation *instr);
extern void InstrStopNode(Instrumentation *instr, uint64 nTuples);
extern void InstrEndLoop(Instrumentation *instr);
extern void InstrAggNode(Instrumentation *dst, Instrumentation *add);
extern void InstrStartParallelQuery(void);
extern void InstrEndParallelQuery(BufferUsage *result);
extern void InstrAccumParallelQuery(BufferUsage *result);
#define GP_INSTRUMENT_OPTS (gp_enable_query_metrics ? INSTRUMENT_ROWS : INSTRUMENT_NONE)
/* Greenplum query metrics */
typedef struct InstrumentationHeader
void *head;
int free;
slock_t lock;
} InstrumentationHeader;
typedef struct InstrumentationSlot
Instrumentation data;
int32 pid; /* process id */
int32 tmid; /* transaction time */
int32 ssid; /* session id */
int32 ccnt; /* command count */
int16 segid; /* segment id */
int16 nid; /* node id */
} InstrumentationSlot;
* To guarantee the slot recycled properly,
* record the slot with its resource owner when picked
typedef struct InstrumentationResownerSet
InstrumentationSlot *slot;
ResourceOwner owner;
struct InstrumentationResownerSet *next;
} InstrumentationResownerSet;
extern InstrumentationHeader *InstrumentGlobal;
extern Size InstrShmemNumSlots(void);
extern Size InstrShmemSize(void);
extern void InstrShmemInit(void);
extern Instrumentation *GpInstrAlloc(const Plan *node, int instrument_options);
* For each free slot in shmem, fill it with specific pattern
* Use this pattern to detect the slot has been recycled.
* Also protect writes outside the allocated shmem buffer.
#define PATTERN 0xd5
#define LONG_PATTERN 0xd5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5
* Empty if first 8 bytes of slot filled with pattern.
#define SlotIsEmpty(slot) ((*((int64 *)(slot)) ^ LONG_PATTERN) == 0)
* The last 8 bytes of slot points to next free slot.
#define GetInstrumentNext(slot) (*((InstrumentationSlot **)((slot) + 1) - 1))
* Limit the maximum scan node's instr per query in shmem
#define MAX_SCAN_ON_SHMEM 300
#endif /* INSTRUMENT_H */
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