greenplumn CEngine 源码
greenplumn CEngine 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2009 - 2011 EMC Corp.
// @filename:
// CEngine.h
// @doc:
// Optimization engine
#ifndef GPOPT_CEngine_H
#define GPOPT_CEngine_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpopt/search/CMemo.h"
#include "gpopt/search/CSearchStage.h"
#include "gpopt/xforms/CXform.h"
namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
// forward declarations
class CGroup;
class CExpression;
class CJob;
class CJobFactory;
class CPhysical;
class CQueryContext;
class COptimizationContext;
class CReqdPropPlan;
class CReqdPropRelational;
class CEnumeratorConfig;
// @class:
// CEngine
// @doc:
// Optimization engine; owns entire optimization workflow
class CEngine : public DbgPrintMixin<CEngine>
// memory pool
CMemoryPool *m_mp;
// query context
CQueryContext *m_pqc;
// search strategy
CSearchStageArray *m_search_stage_array;
// index of current search stage
ULONG m_ulCurrSearchStage;
// memo table
CMemo *m_pmemo;
// pattern used for adding enforcers
CExpression *m_pexprEnforcerPattern;
// the following variables are used for maintaining optimization statistics
// set of activated xforms
CXformSet *m_xforms;
// number of calls to each xform
UlongPtrArray *m_pdrgpulpXformCalls;
// time consumed by each xform
UlongPtrArray *m_pdrgpulpXformTimes;
// number of bindings for each xform
UlongPtrArray *m_pdrgpulpXformBindings;
// number of alternatives generated by each xform
UlongPtrArray *m_pdrgpulpXformResults;
// a set of internal debugging function used for recursive
// memo construction
// apply xforms to group expression and insert results to memo
void ApplyTransformations(CMemoryPool *pmpLocal, CXformSet *xform_set,
CGroupExpression *pgexpr);
// transition a given group to a target state
void TransitionGroup(CMemoryPool *pmpLocal, CGroup *pgroup,
CGroup::EState estTarget);
// transition a given group expression to a target state
void TransitionGroupExpression(CMemoryPool *pmpLocal,
CGroupExpression *pgexpr,
CGroupExpression::EState estTarget);
// create optimization context for child group
COptimizationContext *PocChild(
CGroupExpression *pgexpr, // parent expression
*pocOrigin, // optimization context of parent operator
&exprhdlPlan, // handle to compute required plan properties
&exprhdlRel, // handle to compute required relational properties
*pdrgpdpChildren, // derived plan properties of optimized children
IStatisticsArray *pdrgpstatCurrentCtxt, ULONG child_index,
ULONG ulOptReq);
// optimize child group and return best cost context satisfying required properties
CCostContext *PccOptimizeChild(CExpressionHandle &exprhdl,
CExpressionHandle &exprhdlRel,
COptimizationContext *pocOrigin,
CDrvdPropArray *pdrgpdp,
IStatisticsArray *pdrgpstatCurrentCtxt,
ULONG child_index, ULONG ulOptReq);
// optimize child groups of a given group expression
COptimizationContextArray *PdrgpocOptimizeChildren(
CExpressionHandle &exprhdl, COptimizationContext *pocOrigin,
ULONG ulOptReq);
// optimize group expression under a given context
void OptimizeGroupExpression(CGroupExpression *pgexpr,
COptimizationContext *poc);
// optimize group under a given context
CGroupExpression *PgexprOptimize(CGroup *pgroup, COptimizationContext *poc,
CGroupExpression *pgexprOrigin);
void DbgPrintExpr(int group_no, int context_no);
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG
// initialize query logical expression
void InitLogicalExpression(CExpression *pexpr);
// insert children of the given expression to memo, and
// copy the resulting groups to the given group array
void InsertExpressionChildren(CExpression *pexpr,
CGroupArray *pdrgpgroupChildren,
CXform::EXformId exfidOrigin,
CGroupExpression *pgexprOrigin);
// create and schedule the main optimization job
void ScheduleMainJob(CSchedulerContext *psc,
COptimizationContext *poc) const;
// print activated xform
void PrintActivatedXforms(IOstream &os) const;
// process trace flags after optimization is complete
void ProcessTraceFlags();
// check if search has terminated
FSearchTerminated() const
// at least one stage has completed and achieved required cost
return (nullptr != PssPrevious() && PssPrevious()->FAchievedReqdCost());
// generate random plan id
ULLONG UllRandomPlanId(ULONG *seed);
// extract a plan sample and handle exceptions according to enumerator configurations
BOOL FValidPlanSample(CEnumeratorConfig *pec, ULLONG plan_id,
CExpression **ppexpr);
// sample possible plans uniformly
void SamplePlans();
// check if all children were successfully optimized
static BOOL FChildrenOptimized(COptimizationContextArray *pdrgpoc);
// check if ayn of the given property enforcing types prohibits enforcement
static BOOL FProhibited(CEnfdProp::EPropEnforcingType epetOrder,
CEnfdProp::EPropEnforcingType epetDistribution,
CEnfdProp::EPropEnforcingType epetRewindability,
CEnfdProp::EPropEnforcingType epetPropagation);
// check whether the given memo groups can be marked as duplicates. This is
// true only if they have the same logical properties
static BOOL FPossibleDuplicateGroups(CGroup *pgroupFst, CGroup *pgroupSnd);
// check if optimization is possible under the given property enforcing types
static BOOL FOptimize(CEnfdProp::EPropEnforcingType epetOrder,
CEnfdProp::EPropEnforcingType epetDistribution,
CEnfdProp::EPropEnforcingType epetRewindability,
CEnfdProp::EPropEnforcingType epetPropagation);
// check if partition propagation resolver is passed an empty part
// propagation spec
static BOOL FCheckReqdPartPropagation(CPhysical *pop,
CEnfdPartitionPropagation *pepp);
// unrank the plan with the given 'plan_id' from the memo
CExpression *PexprUnrank(ULLONG plan_id);
// determine if a plan, rooted by given group expression, can be safely pruned based on cost bounds
// when stats for Dynamic Partition Elimination are derived
BOOL FSafeToPruneWithDPEStats(CGroupExpression *pgexpr, CReqdPropPlan *prpp,
CCostContext *pccChild, ULONG child_index);
// print current memory consumption
IOstream &OsPrintMemoryConsumption(IOstream &os,
const CHAR *szHeader) const;
CEngine(const CEngine &) = delete;
// ctor
explicit CEngine(CMemoryPool *mp);
// dtor
// initialize engine with a query context and search strategy
void Init(CQueryContext *pqc, CSearchStageArray *search_stage_array);
// accessor of memo's root group
CGroup *
PgroupRoot() const
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != m_pmemo);
return m_pmemo->PgroupRoot();
// check if a group is the root one
FRoot(CGroup *pgroup) const
return (PgroupRoot() == pgroup);
// insert expression tree to memo
CGroup *PgroupInsert(CGroup *pgroupTarget, CExpression *pexpr,
CXform::EXformId exfidOrigin,
CGroupExpression *pgexprOrigin, BOOL fIntermediate);
// insert a set of xform results into the memo
void InsertXformResult(CGroup *pgroupOrigin, CXformResult *pxfres,
CXform::EXformId exfidOrigin,
CGroupExpression *pgexprOrigin, ULONG ulXformTime,
ULONG ulNumberOfBindings);
// add enforcers to the memo
void AddEnforcers(CGroupExpression *pgexprChild,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprEnforcers);
// extract a physical plan from the memo
CExpression *PexprExtractPlan();
// check required properties;
// return false if it's impossible for the operator to satisfy one or more
BOOL FCheckReqdProps(CExpressionHandle &exprhdl, CReqdPropPlan *prpp,
ULONG ulOptReq);
// check enforceable properties;
// return false if it's impossible for the operator to satisfy one or more
BOOL FCheckEnfdProps(CMemoryPool *mp, CGroupExpression *pgexpr,
COptimizationContext *poc, ULONG ulOptReq,
COptimizationContextArray *pdrgpoc);
// apply all exploration xforms
void Explore();
// apply all implementation xforms
void Implement();
// build memo by recursive construction (used for debugging)
void RecursiveOptimize();
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG
// derive statistics
void DeriveStats(CMemoryPool *mp);
// execute operations after exploration completes
void FinalizeExploration();
// execute operations after implementation completes
void FinalizeImplementation();
// execute operations after search stage completes
void FinalizeSearchStage();
// main driver of optimization engine
void Optimize();
// print memo to output logger
// merge duplicate groups
// query context accessor
const CQueryContext *
Pqc() const
return m_pqc;
// return current search stage
CSearchStage *
PssCurrent() const
return (*m_search_stage_array)[m_ulCurrSearchStage];
// current search stage index accessor
UlCurrSearchStage() const
return m_ulCurrSearchStage;
// return previous search stage
CSearchStage *
PssPrevious() const
if (0 == m_ulCurrSearchStage)
return nullptr;
return (*m_search_stage_array)[m_ulCurrSearchStage - 1];
// number of search stages accessor
UlSearchStages() const
return m_search_stage_array->Size();
// set of xforms of current stage
CXformSet *
PxfsCurrentStage() const
return (*m_search_stage_array)[m_ulCurrSearchStage]->GetXformSet();
// return array of child optimization contexts corresponding to handle requirements
COptimizationContextArray *PdrgpocChildren(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpressionHandle &exprhdl);
// build tree map on memo
MemoTreeMap *Pmemotmap();
// reset tree map
// check if parent group expression can optimize child group expression
BOOL FOptimizeChild(CGroupExpression *pgexprParent,
CGroupExpression *pgexprChild,
COptimizationContext *pocChild, EOptimizationLevel eol);
// determine if a plan, rooted by given group expression, can be safely pruned based on cost bounds
BOOL FSafeToPrune(CGroupExpression *pgexpr, CReqdPropPlan *prpp,
CCostContext *pccChild, ULONG child_index,
CCost *pcostLowerBound);
// print
IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &) const;
// print root group
void PrintRoot();
// print main optimization context and optimal cost context
void PrintOptCtxts();
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG
// damp optimization level to process group expressions
// in the next lower optimization level
static EOptimizationLevel EolDamp(EOptimizationLevel eol);
// derive statistics
static void DeriveStats(CMemoryPool *pmpLocal, CMemoryPool *pmpGlobal,
CGroup *pgroup, CReqdPropRelational *prprel);
// return the first group expression in a given group
static CGroupExpression *PgexprFirst(CGroup *pgroup);
UlongPtrArray *GetNumberOfBindings();
}; // class CEngine
// shorthand for printing
inline IOstream &
operator<<(IOstream &os, const CEngine &eng)
return eng.OsPrint(os);
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOPT_CEngine_H
// EOF
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