spring PropertyDescriptorUtils 源码

  • 2022-08-08
  • 浏览 (615)

spring PropertyDescriptorUtils 代码


 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.beans;

import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Enumeration;

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;

 * Common delegate methods for Spring's internal {@link PropertyDescriptor} implementations.
 * @author Chris Beams
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
abstract class PropertyDescriptorUtils {

	 * See {@link java.beans.FeatureDescriptor}.
	public static void copyNonMethodProperties(PropertyDescriptor source, PropertyDescriptor target) {

		// Copy all attributes (emulating behavior of private FeatureDescriptor#addTable)
		Enumeration<String> keys = source.attributeNames();
		while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
			String key = keys.nextElement();
			target.setValue(key, source.getValue(key));

		// See java.beans.PropertyDescriptor#PropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor)

	 * See {@link java.beans.PropertyDescriptor#findPropertyType}.
	public static Class<?> findPropertyType(@Nullable Method readMethod, @Nullable Method writeMethod)
			throws IntrospectionException {

		Class<?> propertyType = null;

		if (readMethod != null) {
			if (readMethod.getParameterCount() != 0) {
				throw new IntrospectionException("Bad read method arg count: " + readMethod);
			propertyType = readMethod.getReturnType();
			if (propertyType == Void.TYPE) {
				throw new IntrospectionException("Read method returns void: " + readMethod);

		if (writeMethod != null) {
			Class<?>[] params = writeMethod.getParameterTypes();
			if (params.length != 1) {
				throw new IntrospectionException("Bad write method arg count: " + writeMethod);
			if (propertyType != null) {
				if (propertyType.isAssignableFrom(params[0])) {
					// Write method's property type potentially more specific
					propertyType = params[0];
				else if (params[0].isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) {
					// Proceed with read method's property type
				else {
					throw new IntrospectionException(
							"Type mismatch between read and write methods: " + readMethod + " - " + writeMethod);
			else {
				propertyType = params[0];

		return propertyType;

	 * See {@link java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor#findIndexedPropertyType}.
	public static Class<?> findIndexedPropertyType(String name, @Nullable Class<?> propertyType,
			@Nullable Method indexedReadMethod, @Nullable Method indexedWriteMethod) throws IntrospectionException {

		Class<?> indexedPropertyType = null;

		if (indexedReadMethod != null) {
			Class<?>[] params = indexedReadMethod.getParameterTypes();
			if (params.length != 1) {
				throw new IntrospectionException("Bad indexed read method arg count: " + indexedReadMethod);
			if (params[0] != Integer.TYPE) {
				throw new IntrospectionException("Non int index to indexed read method: " + indexedReadMethod);
			indexedPropertyType = indexedReadMethod.getReturnType();
			if (indexedPropertyType == Void.TYPE) {
				throw new IntrospectionException("Indexed read method returns void: " + indexedReadMethod);

		if (indexedWriteMethod != null) {
			Class<?>[] params = indexedWriteMethod.getParameterTypes();
			if (params.length != 2) {
				throw new IntrospectionException("Bad indexed write method arg count: " + indexedWriteMethod);
			if (params[0] != Integer.TYPE) {
				throw new IntrospectionException("Non int index to indexed write method: " + indexedWriteMethod);
			if (indexedPropertyType != null) {
				if (indexedPropertyType.isAssignableFrom(params[1])) {
					// Write method's property type potentially more specific
					indexedPropertyType = params[1];
				else if (params[1].isAssignableFrom(indexedPropertyType)) {
					// Proceed with read method's property type
				else {
					throw new IntrospectionException("Type mismatch between indexed read and write methods: " +
							indexedReadMethod + " - " + indexedWriteMethod);
			else {
				indexedPropertyType = params[1];

		if (propertyType != null && (!propertyType.isArray() ||
				propertyType.getComponentType() != indexedPropertyType)) {
			throw new IntrospectionException("Type mismatch between indexed and non-indexed methods: " +
					indexedReadMethod + " - " + indexedWriteMethod);

		return indexedPropertyType;

	 * Compare the given {@code PropertyDescriptors} and return {@code true} if
	 * they are equivalent, i.e. their read method, write method, property type,
	 * property editor and flags are equivalent.
	 * @see java.beans.PropertyDescriptor#equals(Object)
	public static boolean equals(PropertyDescriptor pd, PropertyDescriptor otherPd) {
		return (ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(pd.getReadMethod(), otherPd.getReadMethod()) &&
				ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(pd.getWriteMethod(), otherPd.getWriteMethod()) &&
				ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(pd.getPropertyType(), otherPd.getPropertyType()) &&
				ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(pd.getPropertyEditorClass(), otherPd.getPropertyEditorClass()) &&
				pd.isBound() == otherPd.isBound() && pd.isConstrained() == otherPd.isConstrained());



spring 源码目录


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