greenplumn explain_gp 源码
greenplumn explain_gp 代码
* explain_gp.c
* Functions supporting the Greenplum extensions to EXPLAIN ANALYZE
* Portions Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
* src/backend/commands/explain_gp.c
#include <math.h>
#include "portability/instr_time.h"
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#include "libpq-int.h"
#include "cdb/cdbconn.h" /* SegmentDatabaseDescriptor */
#include "cdb/cdbdisp.h" /* CheckDispatchResult() */
#include "cdb/cdbdispatchresult.h" /* CdbDispatchResults */
#include "cdb/cdbexplain.h" /* me */
#include "cdb/cdbpathlocus.h"
#include "cdb/cdbutil.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h" /* GpIdentity.segindex */
#include "cdb/cdbendpoint.h"
#include "cdb/memquota.h"
#include "libpq/pqformat.h" /* pq_beginmessage() etc. */
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "utils/resscheduler.h"
#include "utils/tuplesort.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h" /* MemoryContextGetPeakSpace() */
#include "utils/vmem_tracker.h"
#include "cdb/cdbexplain.h" /* cdbexplain_recvExecStats */
/* Convert bytes into kilobytes */
#define kb(x) (floor((x + 1023.0) / 1024.0))
/* EXPLAIN ANALYZE statistics for one plan node of a slice */
typedef struct CdbExplain_StatInst
NodeTag pstype; /* PlanState node type */
/* fields from Instrumentation struct */
instr_time starttime; /* Start time of current iteration of node */
instr_time counter; /* Accumulated runtime for this node */
double firsttuple; /* Time for first tuple of this cycle */
double startup; /* Total startup time (in seconds) */
double total; /* Total total time (in seconds) */
double ntuples; /* Total tuples produced */
double ntuples2;
double nloops; /* # of run cycles for this node */
double nfiltered1;
double nfiltered2;
double execmemused; /* executor memory used (bytes) */
double workmemused; /* work_mem actually used (bytes) */
double workmemwanted; /* work_mem to avoid workfile i/o (bytes) */
bool workfileCreated; /* workfile created in this node */
instr_time firststart; /* Start time of first iteration of node */
int numPartScanned; /* Number of part tables scanned */
TuplesortInstrumentation sortstats; /* Sort stats, if this is a Sort node */
HashInstrumentation hashstats; /* Hash stats, if this is a Hash node */
int bnotes; /* Offset to beginning of node's extra text */
int enotes; /* Offset to end of node's extra text */
} CdbExplain_StatInst;
/* EXPLAIN ANALYZE statistics for one process working on one slice */
typedef struct CdbExplain_SliceWorker
double peakmemused; /* bytes alloc in per-query mem context tree */
double vmem_reserved; /* vmem reserved by a QE */
} CdbExplain_SliceWorker;
/* Header of EXPLAIN ANALYZE statistics message sent from qExec to qDisp */
typedef struct CdbExplain_StatHdr
NodeTag type; /* T_CdbExplain_StatHdr */
int segindex; /* segment id */
int nInst; /* num of StatInst entries following StatHdr */
int bnotes; /* offset to extra text area */
int enotes; /* offset to end of extra text area */
CdbExplain_SliceWorker worker; /* qExec's overall stats for slice */
* During serialization, we use this as a temporary StatInst and save
* "one-at-a-time" StatInst into this variable. We then write this
* variable into buffer (serialize it) and then "recycle" the same inst
* for next plan node's StatInst. During deserialization, an Array
* [0..nInst-1] of StatInst entries is appended starting here.
CdbExplain_StatInst inst[1];
/* extra text is appended after that */
} CdbExplain_StatHdr;
/* Dispatch status summarized over workers in a slice */
typedef struct CdbExplain_DispatchSummary
int nResult;
int nOk;
int nError;
int nCanceled;
int nNotDispatched;
int nIgnorableError;
} CdbExplain_DispatchSummary;
/* One node's EXPLAIN ANALYZE statistics for all the workers of its segworker group */
typedef struct CdbExplain_NodeSummary
/* Summary over all the node's workers */
CdbExplain_Agg ntuples;
CdbExplain_Agg execmemused;
CdbExplain_Agg workmemused;
CdbExplain_Agg workmemwanted;
CdbExplain_Agg totalWorkfileCreated;
/* Used for DynamicSeqScan, DynamicIndexScan and DynamicBitmapHeapScan */
CdbExplain_Agg totalPartTableScanned;
/* Summary of space used by sort */
/* insts array info */
int segindex0; /* segment id of insts[0] */
int ninst; /* num of StatInst entries in inst array */
/* Array [0..ninst-1] of StatInst entries is appended starting here */
CdbExplain_StatInst insts[1]; /* variable size - must be last */
} CdbExplain_NodeSummary;
/* One slice's statistics for all the workers of its segworker group */
typedef struct CdbExplain_SliceSummary
ExecSlice *slice;
/* worker array */
int nworker; /* num of SliceWorker slots in worker array */
int segindex0; /* segment id of workers[0] */
CdbExplain_SliceWorker *workers; /* -> array [0..nworker-1] of
* SliceWorker */
CdbExplain_Agg peakmemused; /* Summary of SliceWorker stats over all of
* the slice's workers */
CdbExplain_Agg vmem_reserved; /* vmem reserved by QEs */
/* Rollup of per-node stats over all of the slice's workers and nodes */
double workmemused_max;
double workmemwanted_max;
/* How many workers were dispatched and returned results? (0 if local) */
CdbExplain_DispatchSummary dispatchSummary;
} CdbExplain_SliceSummary;
/* State for cdbexplain_showExecStats() */
typedef struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx
StringInfoData extratextbuf;
instr_time querystarttime;
/* Rollup of per-node stats over the entire query plan */
double workmemused_max;
double workmemwanted_max;
bool stats_gathered;
/* Per-slice statistics are deposited in this SliceSummary array */
int nslice; /* num of slots in slices array */
CdbExplain_SliceSummary *slices; /* -> array[0..nslice-1] of
* SliceSummary */
} CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx;
/* State for cdbexplain_sendStatWalker() and cdbexplain_collectStatsFromNode() */
typedef struct CdbExplain_SendStatCtx
StringInfoData *notebuf;
StringInfoData buf;
CdbExplain_StatHdr hdr;
} CdbExplain_SendStatCtx;
/* State for cdbexplain_recvStatWalker() and cdbexplain_depositStatsToNode() */
typedef struct CdbExplain_RecvStatCtx
* iStatInst is the current StatInst serial during the depositing process
* for a slice. We walk the plan tree, and for each node we deposit stat
* from all the QEs of the segworker group for current slice. After we
* finish one node, we increase iStatInst, which means we are done with
* one plan node's stat across all segments and now moving forward to the
* next one. Once we are done processing all the plan node of a PARTICULAR
* slice, then we switch to the next slice, read the messages from all the
* QEs of the next slice (another segworker group) store them in the
* msgptrs, reset the iStatInst and then start parsing these messages and
* depositing them in the nodes of the new slice.
int iStatInst;
* nStatInst is the total number of StatInst for current slice. Typically
* this is the number of plan nodes in the current slice.
int nStatInst;
* segIndexMin is the min of segment index from which we collected message
* (i.e., saved msgptrs)
int segindexMin;
* segIndexMax is the max of segment index from which we collected message
* (i.e., saved msgptrs)
int segindexMax;
* We deposit stat for one slice at a time. sliceIndex saves the current
* slice
int sliceIndex;
* The number of msgptrs that we have saved for current slice. This is
* typically the number of QE processes
int nmsgptr;
/* The actual messages. Contains an array of StatInst too */
CdbExplain_StatHdr **msgptrs;
CdbDispatchResults *dispatchResults;
StringInfoData *extratextbuf;
CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *showstatctx;
/* Rollup of per-node stats over all of the slice's workers and nodes */
double workmemused_max;
double workmemwanted_max;
} CdbExplain_RecvStatCtx;
/* State for cdbexplain_localStatWalker() */
typedef struct CdbExplain_LocalStatCtx
CdbExplain_SendStatCtx send;
CdbExplain_RecvStatCtx recv;
CdbExplain_StatHdr *msgptrs[1];
} CdbExplain_LocalStatCtx;
static void
cdbexplain_showExecStatsEnd(struct PlannedStmt *stmt,
struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *showstatctx,
struct EState *estate,
ExplainState *es);
static void cdbexplain_showExecStats(struct PlanState *planstate,
ExplainState *es);
static CdbVisitOpt cdbexplain_localStatWalker(PlanState *planstate,
void *context);
static CdbVisitOpt cdbexplain_sendStatWalker(PlanState *planstate,
void *context);
static CdbVisitOpt cdbexplain_recvStatWalker(PlanState *planstate,
void *context);
static void cdbexplain_collectSliceStats(PlanState *planstate,
CdbExplain_SliceWorker *out_worker);
static void cdbexplain_depositSliceStats(CdbExplain_StatHdr *hdr,
CdbExplain_RecvStatCtx *recvstatctx);
static void cdbexplain_collectStatsFromNode(PlanState *planstate,
CdbExplain_SendStatCtx *ctx);
static void cdbexplain_depositStatsToNode(PlanState *planstate,
CdbExplain_RecvStatCtx *ctx);
static int cdbexplain_collectExtraText(PlanState *planstate,
StringInfo notebuf);
static void show_motion_keys(PlanState *planstate, List *hashExpr, int nkeys,
AttrNumber *keycols, const char *qlabel,
List *ancestors, ExplainState *es);
static void
gpexplain_formatSlicesOutput(struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *showstatctx,
struct EState *estate,
ExplainState *es);
* cdbexplain_localExecStats
* Called by qDisp to build NodeSummary and SliceSummary blocks
* containing EXPLAIN ANALYZE statistics for a root slice that
* has been executed locally in the qDisp process. Attaches these
* structures to the PlanState nodes' Instrumentation objects for
* later use by cdbexplain_showExecStats().
* 'planstate' is the top PlanState node of the slice.
* 'showstatctx' is a CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx object which was created by
* calling cdbexplain_showExecStatsBegin().
cdbexplain_localExecStats(struct PlanState *planstate,
struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *showstatctx)
CdbExplain_LocalStatCtx ctx;
Assert(Gp_role != GP_ROLE_EXECUTE);
Assert(planstate && planstate->instrument && showstatctx);
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
/* Set up send context area. */
ctx.send.notebuf = &showstatctx->extratextbuf;
/* Set up a temporary StatHdr for both collecting and depositing stats. */
ctx.msgptrs[0] = &ctx.send.hdr;
ctx.send.hdr.segindex = GpIdentity.segindex;
ctx.send.hdr.nInst = 1;
/* Set up receive context area referencing our temp StatHdr. */
ctx.recv.nStatInst = ctx.send.hdr.nInst;
ctx.recv.segindexMin = ctx.recv.segindexMax = ctx.send.hdr.segindex;
ctx.recv.sliceIndex = LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(planstate->state);
ctx.recv.msgptrs = ctx.msgptrs;
ctx.recv.nmsgptr = 1;
ctx.recv.dispatchResults = NULL;
ctx.recv.extratextbuf = NULL;
ctx.recv.showstatctx = showstatctx;
* Collect and redeposit statistics from each PlanState node in this
* slice. Any extra message text will be appended directly to
* extratextbuf.
planstate_walk_node(planstate, cdbexplain_localStatWalker, &ctx);
/* Obtain per-slice stats and put them in SliceSummary. */
cdbexplain_collectSliceStats(planstate, &ctx.send.hdr.worker);
cdbexplain_depositSliceStats(&ctx.send.hdr, &ctx.recv);
} /* cdbexplain_localExecStats */
* cdbexplain_localStatWalker
static CdbVisitOpt
cdbexplain_localStatWalker(PlanState *planstate, void *context)
CdbExplain_LocalStatCtx *ctx = (CdbExplain_LocalStatCtx *) context;
/* Collect stats into our temporary StatInst and caller's extratextbuf. */
cdbexplain_collectStatsFromNode(planstate, &ctx->send);
/* Redeposit stats back into Instrumentation, and attach a NodeSummary. */
cdbexplain_depositStatsToNode(planstate, &ctx->recv);
/* Don't descend across a slice boundary. */
if (IsA(planstate, MotionState))
return CdbVisit_Skip;
return CdbVisit_Walk;
} /* cdbexplain_localStatWalker */
* cdbexplain_sendExecStats
* Called by qExec process to send EXPLAIN ANALYZE statistics to qDisp.
* On the qDisp, libpq will recognize our special message type ('Y') and
* attach the message to the current command's PGresult object.
cdbexplain_sendExecStats(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
EState *estate;
PlanState *planstate;
CdbExplain_SendStatCtx ctx;
StringInfoData notebuf;
/* Header offset (where header begins in the message buffer) */
int hoff;
Assert(Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE);
if (!queryDesc ||
/* If executing a root slice (UPD/DEL/INS), start at top of plan tree. */
estate = queryDesc->estate;
if (LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(estate) == RootSliceIndex(estate))
planstate = queryDesc->planstate;
/* Non-root slice: Start at child of our sending Motion node. */
planstate = &(getMotionState(queryDesc->planstate, LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(estate))->ps);
Assert(planstate &&
IsA(planstate, MotionState) &&
planstate = planstate->lefttree;
if (planstate == NULL)
/* Start building the message header in our context area. */
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
ctx.hdr.type = T_CdbExplain_StatHdr;
ctx.hdr.segindex = GpIdentity.segindex;
ctx.hdr.nInst = 0;
/* Allocate a separate buffer where nodes can append extra message text. */
ctx.notebuf = ¬ebuf;
/* Reserve buffer space for the message header (excluding 'inst' array). */
pq_beginmessage(&ctx.buf, 'Y');
/* Where the actual StatHdr begins */
hoff = ctx.buf.len;
* Write everything until inst member including "CdbExplain_SliceWorker
* worker"
appendBinaryStringInfo(&ctx.buf, (char *) &ctx.hdr, sizeof(ctx.hdr) - sizeof(ctx.hdr.inst));
/* Append statistics from each PlanState node in this slice. */
planstate_walk_node(planstate, cdbexplain_sendStatWalker, &ctx);
/* Obtain per-slice stats and put them in StatHdr. */
cdbexplain_collectSliceStats(planstate, &ctx.hdr.worker);
/* Append the extra message text. */
ctx.hdr.bnotes = ctx.buf.len - hoff;
appendBinaryStringInfo(&ctx.buf,, notebuf.len);
ctx.hdr.enotes = ctx.buf.len - hoff;
* Move the message header into the buffer. Rewrite the updated header
* (with bnotes, enotes, nInst etc.) Note: this is the second time we are
* writing the header. The first write merely reserves space for the
* header
memcpy( + hoff, (char *) &ctx.hdr, sizeof(ctx.hdr) - sizeof(ctx.hdr.inst));
/* Inject a fault before sending a message to qDisp process */
#endif /* FAULT_INJECTOR */
/* Send message to qDisp process. */
} /* cdbexplain_sendExecStats */
* cdbexplain_sendStatWalker
static CdbVisitOpt
cdbexplain_sendStatWalker(PlanState *planstate, void *context)
CdbExplain_SendStatCtx *ctx = (CdbExplain_SendStatCtx *) context;
CdbExplain_StatInst *si = &ctx->hdr.inst[0];
/* Stuff stats into our temporary StatInst. Add extra text to notebuf. */
cdbexplain_collectStatsFromNode(planstate, ctx);
/* Append StatInst instance to message. */
appendBinaryStringInfo(&ctx->buf, (char *) si, sizeof(*si));
/* Don't descend across a slice boundary. */
if (IsA(planstate, MotionState))
return CdbVisit_Skip;
return CdbVisit_Walk;
} /* cdbexplain_sendStatWalker */
* cdbexplain_recvExecStats
* Called by qDisp to transfer a slice's EXPLAIN ANALYZE statistics
* from the CdbDispatchResults structures to the PlanState tree.
* Recursively does the same for slices that are descendants of the
* one specified.
* 'showstatctx' is a CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx object which was created by
* calling cdbexplain_showExecStatsBegin().
cdbexplain_recvExecStats(struct PlanState *planstate,
struct CdbDispatchResults *dispatchResults,
int sliceIndex,
struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *showstatctx)
CdbDispatchResult *dispatchResultBeg;
CdbDispatchResult *dispatchResultEnd;
CdbExplain_RecvStatCtx ctx;
CdbExplain_DispatchSummary ds;
int gpsegmentCount = getgpsegmentCount();
int iDispatch;
int nDispatch;
int imsgptr;
if (!planstate ||
!planstate->instrument ||
* Note that the caller may free the CdbDispatchResults upon return, maybe
* before EXPLAIN ANALYZE examines the PlanState tree. Consequently we
* must not return ptrs into the dispatch result buffers, but must copy
* any needed information into a sufficiently long-lived memory context.
/* Initialize treewalk context. */
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
ctx.dispatchResults = dispatchResults;
ctx.extratextbuf = &showstatctx->extratextbuf;
ctx.showstatctx = showstatctx;
ctx.sliceIndex = sliceIndex;
/* Find the slice's CdbDispatchResult objects. */
dispatchResultBeg = cdbdisp_resultBegin(dispatchResults, sliceIndex);
dispatchResultEnd = cdbdisp_resultEnd(dispatchResults, sliceIndex);
nDispatch = dispatchResultEnd - dispatchResultBeg;
/* Initialize worker counts. */
memset(&ds, 0, sizeof(ds));
ds.nResult = nDispatch;
/* Find and validate the statistics returned from each qExec. */
if (nDispatch > 0)
ctx.msgptrs = (CdbExplain_StatHdr **) palloc0(nDispatch * sizeof(ctx.msgptrs[0]));
for (iDispatch = 0; iDispatch < nDispatch; iDispatch++)
CdbDispatchResult *dispatchResult = &dispatchResultBeg[iDispatch];
PGresult *pgresult;
CdbExplain_StatHdr *hdr;
pgCdbStatCell *statcell;
/* Update worker counts. */
if (!dispatchResult->hasDispatched)
else if (dispatchResult->wasCanceled)
else if (dispatchResult->errcode)
else if (dispatchResult->okindex >= 0)
ds.nOk++; /* qExec returned successful completion */
ds.nIgnorableError++; /* qExec returned an error that's likely a
* side-effect of another qExec's failure,
* e.g. an interconnect error */
/* Find this qExec's last PGresult. If none, skip to next qExec. */
pgresult = cdbdisp_getPGresult(dispatchResult, -1);
if (!pgresult)
/* Find our statistics in list of response messages. If none, skip. */
for (statcell = pgresult->cdbstats; statcell; statcell = statcell->next)
if (IsA((Node *) statcell->data, CdbExplain_StatHdr))
if (!statcell)
/* Validate the message header. */
hdr = (CdbExplain_StatHdr *) statcell->data;
if ((size_t) statcell->len < sizeof(*hdr) ||
(size_t) statcell->len != (sizeof(*hdr) - sizeof(hdr->inst) +
hdr->nInst * sizeof(hdr->inst) +
hdr->enotes - hdr->bnotes) ||
statcell->len != hdr->enotes ||
hdr->segindex < -1 ||
hdr->segindex >= gpsegmentCount)
errmsg_internal("Invalid execution statistics "
"response returned from seg%d. "
errhint("Please verify that all instances are using "
"the correct %s software version.",
/* Slice should have same number of plan nodes on every qExec. */
if (iDispatch == 0)
ctx.nStatInst = hdr->nInst;
/* Check for stats corruption */
if (ctx.nStatInst != hdr->nInst)
errmsg("Invalid execution statistics "
"received stats node-count mismatch: cdbexplain_recvExecStats() ctx.nStatInst %d hdr->nInst %d", ctx.nStatInst, hdr->nInst),
errhint("Please verify that all instances are using "
"the correct %s software version.",
Assert(ctx.nStatInst == hdr->nInst);
/* Save lowest and highest segment id for which we have stats. */
if (iDispatch == 0)
ctx.segindexMin = ctx.segindexMax = hdr->segindex;
else if (ctx.segindexMax < hdr->segindex)
ctx.segindexMax = hdr->segindex;
else if (ctx.segindexMin > hdr->segindex)
ctx.segindexMin = hdr->segindex;
/* Save message ptr for easy reference. */
ctx.msgptrs[ctx.nmsgptr] = hdr;
/* Attach NodeSummary to each PlanState node's Instrumentation node. */
planstate_walk_node(planstate, cdbexplain_recvStatWalker, &ctx);
/* Make sure we visited the right number of PlanState nodes. */
Assert(ctx.iStatInst == ctx.nStatInst);
/* Transfer per-slice stats from message headers to the SliceSummary. */
for (imsgptr = 0; imsgptr < ctx.nmsgptr; imsgptr++)
cdbexplain_depositSliceStats(ctx.msgptrs[imsgptr], &ctx);
/* Transfer worker counts to SliceSummary. */
showstatctx->slices[sliceIndex].dispatchSummary = ds;
/* Signal that we've gathered all the statistics
* For some query, which has initplan on top of the plan,
* its `ANALYZE EXPLAIN` invoke `cdbexplain_recvExecStats`
* multi-times in different recursive routine to collect
* metrics on both initplan and plan. Thus, this variable
* should only assign on slice 0 after gather result done
* to promise all slices information have been collected.
if (sliceIndex == 0)
showstatctx->stats_gathered = true;
/* Clean up. */
if (ctx.msgptrs)
} /* cdbexplain_recvExecStats */
* cdbexplain_recvStatWalker
* Update the given PlanState node's Instrument node with statistics
* received from qExecs. Attach a CdbExplain_NodeSummary block to
* the Instrument node. At a MotionState node, descend to child slice.
static CdbVisitOpt
cdbexplain_recvStatWalker(PlanState *planstate, void *context)
CdbExplain_RecvStatCtx *ctx = (CdbExplain_RecvStatCtx *) context;
/* If slice was dispatched to qExecs, and stats came back, grab 'em. */
if (ctx->nmsgptr > 0)
/* Transfer received stats to Instrumentation, NodeSummary, etc. */
cdbexplain_depositStatsToNode(planstate, ctx);
/* Advance to next node's entry in all of the StatInst arrays. */
/* Motion operator? Descend to next slice. */
if (IsA(planstate, MotionState))
((Motion *) planstate->plan)->motionID,
return CdbVisit_Skip;
return CdbVisit_Walk;
} /* cdbexplain_recvStatWalker */
* cdbexplain_collectSliceStats
* Obtain per-slice statistical observations from the current slice
* (which has just completed execution in the current process) and
* store the information in the given SliceWorker struct.
* 'planstate' is the top PlanState node of the current slice.
static void
cdbexplain_collectSliceStats(PlanState *planstate,
CdbExplain_SliceWorker *out_worker)
EState *estate = planstate->state;
/* Max bytes malloc'ed under executor's per-query memory context. */
out_worker->peakmemused =
(double) MemoryContextGetPeakSpace(estate->es_query_cxt);
out_worker->vmem_reserved = (double) VmemTracker_GetMaxReservedVmemBytes();
} /* cdbexplain_collectSliceStats */
* cdbexplain_depositSliceStats
* Transfer a worker's per-slice stats contribution from StatHdr into the
* SliceSummary array in the ShowStatCtx. Transfer the rollup of per-node
* stats from the RecvStatCtx into the SliceSummary.
* Kludge: In a non-parallel plan, slice numbers haven't been assigned, so we
* may be called more than once with sliceIndex == 0: once for the outermost
* query and once for each InitPlan subquery. In this case we dynamically
* expand the SliceSummary array. CDB TODO: Always assign proper root slice
* ids (in qDispSliceId field of SubPlan node); then remove this kludge.
static void
cdbexplain_depositSliceStats(CdbExplain_StatHdr *hdr,
CdbExplain_RecvStatCtx *recvstatctx)
int sliceIndex = recvstatctx->sliceIndex;
CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *showstatctx = recvstatctx->showstatctx;
CdbExplain_SliceSummary *ss = &showstatctx->slices[sliceIndex];
CdbExplain_SliceWorker *ssw;
int iworker;
Assert(sliceIndex >= 0 &&
sliceIndex < showstatctx->nslice);
/* Kludge: QD can have more than one 'Slice 0' if plan is non-parallel. */
if (sliceIndex == 0 &&
recvstatctx->dispatchResults == NULL &&
Assert(ss->nworker == 1 &&
recvstatctx->segindexMin == hdr->segindex &&
recvstatctx->segindexMax == hdr->segindex);
/* Expand the SliceSummary array to make room for InitPlan subquery. */
sliceIndex = showstatctx->nslice++;
showstatctx->slices = (CdbExplain_SliceSummary *)
repalloc(showstatctx->slices, showstatctx->nslice * sizeof(showstatctx->slices[0]));
ss = &showstatctx->slices[sliceIndex];
memset(ss, 0, sizeof(*ss));
/* Slice's first worker? */
if (!ss->workers)
/* Allocate SliceWorker array and attach it to the SliceSummary. */
ss->segindex0 = recvstatctx->segindexMin;
ss->nworker = recvstatctx->segindexMax + 1 - ss->segindex0;
ss->workers = (CdbExplain_SliceWorker *) palloc0(ss->nworker * sizeof(ss->workers[0]));
/* Save a copy of this SliceWorker instance in the worker array. */
iworker = hdr->segindex - ss->segindex0;
ssw = &ss->workers[iworker];
Assert(iworker >= 0 && iworker < ss->nworker);
Assert(ssw->peakmemused == 0); /* each worker should be seen just once */
*ssw = hdr->worker;
/* Rollup of per-worker stats into SliceSummary */
cdbexplain_agg_upd(&ss->peakmemused, hdr->worker.peakmemused, hdr->segindex);
cdbexplain_agg_upd(&ss->vmem_reserved, hdr->worker.vmem_reserved, hdr->segindex);
/* Rollup of per-node stats over all nodes of the slice into SliceSummary */
ss->workmemused_max = recvstatctx->workmemused_max;
ss->workmemwanted_max = recvstatctx->workmemwanted_max;
/* Rollup of per-node stats over the whole query into ShowStatCtx. */
showstatctx->workmemused_max = Max(showstatctx->workmemused_max, recvstatctx->workmemused_max);
showstatctx->workmemwanted_max = Max(showstatctx->workmemwanted_max, recvstatctx->workmemwanted_max);
} /* cdbexplain_depositSliceStats */
* cdbexplain_collectStatsFromNode
* Called by sendStatWalker and localStatWalker to obtain a node's statistics
* and transfer them into the temporary StatHdr and StatInst in the SendStatCtx.
* Also obtains the node's extra message text, which it appends to the caller's
* cxt->nodebuf.
static void
cdbexplain_collectStatsFromNode(PlanState *planstate, CdbExplain_SendStatCtx *ctx)
CdbExplain_StatInst *si = &ctx->hdr.inst[0];
Instrumentation *instr = planstate->instrument;
/* We have to finalize statistics, since ExecutorEnd hasn't been called. */
/* Initialize the StatInst slot in the temporary StatHdr. */
memset(si, 0, sizeof(*si));
si->pstype = planstate->type;
/* Add this node's extra message text to notebuf. Store final stats. */
si->bnotes = cdbexplain_collectExtraText(planstate, ctx->notebuf);
si->enotes = ctx->notebuf->len;
/* Make sure there is a '\0' between this node's message and the next. */
if (si->bnotes < si->enotes)
appendStringInfoChar(ctx->notebuf, '\0');
/* Use the instrument's memory record if exists, or query the memory context. */
if (instr->execmemused)
si->execmemused = instr->execmemused;
else if (planstate->node_context)
si->execmemused = (double) MemoryContextGetPeakSpace(planstate->node_context);
/* Transfer this node's statistics from Instrumentation into StatInst. */
si->starttime = instr->starttime;
si->counter = instr->counter;
si->firsttuple = instr->firsttuple;
si->startup = instr->startup;
si->total = instr->total;
si->ntuples = instr->ntuples;
si->ntuples2 = instr->ntuples2;
si->nloops = instr->nloops;
si->nfiltered1 = instr->nfiltered1;
si->nfiltered2 = instr->nfiltered2;
si->workmemused = instr->workmemused;
si->workmemwanted = instr->workmemwanted;
si->workfileCreated = instr->workfileCreated;
si->firststart = instr->firststart;
si->numPartScanned = instr->numPartScanned;
if (IsA(planstate, SortState))
SortState *sortstate = (SortState *) planstate;
si->sortstats = sortstate->sortstats;
if (IsA(planstate, HashState))
HashState *hashstate = (HashState *) planstate;
if (hashstate->hashtable)
ExecHashGetInstrumentation(&si->hashstats, hashstate->hashtable);
} /* cdbexplain_collectStatsFromNode */
* CdbExplain_DepStatAcc
* Segment statistic accumulator used by cdbexplain_depositStatsToNode().
typedef struct CdbExplain_DepStatAcc
/* vmax, vsum, vcnt, segmax */
CdbExplain_Agg agg;
/* max's received StatHdr */
CdbExplain_StatHdr *rshmax;
/* max's received inst in StatHdr */
CdbExplain_StatInst *rsimax;
/* max's inst in NodeSummary */
CdbExplain_StatInst *nsimax;
/* max run-time of all the segments */
double max_total;
/* start time of the first iteration for node with maximum runtime */
instr_time firststart_of_max_total;
} CdbExplain_DepStatAcc;
static void
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_init0(CdbExplain_DepStatAcc *acc)
acc->rshmax = NULL;
acc->rsimax = NULL;
acc->nsimax = NULL;
acc->max_total = 0;
} /* cdbexplain_depStatAcc_init0 */
static inline void
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_upd(CdbExplain_DepStatAcc *acc,
double v,
CdbExplain_StatHdr *rsh,
CdbExplain_StatInst *rsi,
CdbExplain_StatInst *nsi)
if (cdbexplain_agg_upd(&acc->agg, v, rsh->segindex))
acc->rshmax = rsh;
acc->rsimax = rsi;
acc->nsimax = nsi;
if (acc->max_total < nsi->total)
acc->max_total = nsi->total;
INSTR_TIME_ASSIGN(acc->firststart_of_max_total, nsi->firststart);
} /* cdbexplain_depStatAcc_upd */
static void
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_saveText(CdbExplain_DepStatAcc *acc,
StringInfoData *extratextbuf,
bool *saved_inout)
CdbExplain_StatHdr *rsh = acc->rshmax;
CdbExplain_StatInst *rsi = acc->rsimax;
CdbExplain_StatInst *nsi = acc->nsimax;
if (acc->agg.vcnt > 0 &&
nsi->bnotes == nsi->enotes &&
rsi->bnotes < rsi->enotes)
/* Locate extra message text in dispatch result buffer. */
int notelen = rsi->enotes - rsi->bnotes;
const char *notes = (const char *) rsh + rsh->bnotes + rsi->bnotes;
Assert(rsh->bnotes + rsi->enotes < rsh->enotes &&
notes[notelen] == '\0');
/* Append to extratextbuf. */
nsi->bnotes = extratextbuf->len;
appendBinaryStringInfo(extratextbuf, notes, notelen);
nsi->enotes = extratextbuf->len;
/* Tell caller that some extra text has been saved. */
if (saved_inout)
*saved_inout = true;
} /* cdbexplain_depStatAcc_saveText */
* cdbexplain_depositStatsToNode
* Called by recvStatWalker and localStatWalker to update the given
* PlanState node's Instrument node with statistics received from
* workers or collected locally. Attaches a CdbExplain_NodeSummary
* block to the Instrument node. If top node of slice, per-slice
* statistics are transferred from the StatHdr to the SliceSummary.
static void
cdbexplain_depositStatsToNode(PlanState *planstate, CdbExplain_RecvStatCtx *ctx)
Instrumentation *instr = planstate->instrument;
CdbExplain_StatHdr *rsh; /* The header (which includes StatInst) */
CdbExplain_StatInst *rsi; /* The current StatInst */
* Points to the insts array of node summary (CdbExplain_NodeSummary).
* Used for saving every rsi in the node summary (in addition to saving
* the max/avg).
CdbExplain_StatInst *nsi;
* ns is the node summary across all QEs of the segworker group. It also
* contains detailed "unsummarized" raw stat for a node across all QEs in
* current segworker group (in the insts array)
CdbExplain_NodeSummary *ns;
CdbExplain_DepStatAcc ntuples;
CdbExplain_DepStatAcc execmemused;
CdbExplain_DepStatAcc workmemused;
CdbExplain_DepStatAcc workmemwanted;
CdbExplain_DepStatAcc totalWorkfileCreated;
CdbExplain_DepStatAcc peakmemused;
CdbExplain_DepStatAcc vmem_reserved;
CdbExplain_DepStatAcc totalPartTableScanned;
CdbExplain_DepStatAcc sortSpaceUsed[NUM_SORT_SPACE_TYPE][NUM_SORT_METHOD];
int imsgptr;
int nInst;
Assert(instr &&
ctx->iStatInst < ctx->nStatInst);
/* Allocate NodeSummary block. */
nInst = ctx->segindexMax + 1 - ctx->segindexMin;
ns = (CdbExplain_NodeSummary *) palloc0(sizeof(*ns) - sizeof(ns->insts) +
nInst * sizeof(ns->insts[0]));
ns->segindex0 = ctx->segindexMin;
ns->ninst = nInst;
/* Attach our new NodeSummary to the Instrumentation node. */
instr->cdbNodeSummary = ns;
/* Initialize per-node accumulators. */
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SORT_METHOD; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_SORT_SPACE_TYPE; j++)
/* Initialize per-slice accumulators. */
/* Examine the statistics from each qExec. */
for (imsgptr = 0; imsgptr < ctx->nmsgptr; imsgptr++)
/* Locate PlanState node's StatInst received from this qExec. */
rsh = ctx->msgptrs[imsgptr];
rsi = &rsh->inst[ctx->iStatInst];
Assert(rsi->pstype == planstate->type &&
ns->segindex0 <= rsh->segindex &&
rsh->segindex < ns->segindex0 + ns->ninst);
/* Locate this qExec's StatInst slot in node's NodeSummary block. */
nsi = &ns->insts[rsh->segindex - ns->segindex0];
/* Copy the StatInst to NodeSummary from dispatch result buffer. */
*nsi = *rsi;
* Drop qExec's extra text. We rescue it below if qExec is a winner.
* For local qDisp slice, ctx->extratextbuf is NULL, which tells us to
* leave the extra text undisturbed in its existing buffer.
if (ctx->extratextbuf)
nsi->bnotes = nsi->enotes = 0;
/* Update per-node accumulators. */
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_upd(&ntuples, rsi->ntuples, rsh, rsi, nsi);
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_upd(&execmemused, rsi->execmemused, rsh, rsi, nsi);
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_upd(&workmemused, rsi->workmemused, rsh, rsi, nsi);
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_upd(&workmemwanted, rsi->workmemwanted, rsh, rsi, nsi);
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_upd(&totalWorkfileCreated, (rsi->workfileCreated ? 1 : 0), rsh, rsi, nsi);
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_upd(&totalPartTableScanned, rsi->numPartScanned, rsh, rsi, nsi);
Assert(rsi->sortstats.sortMethod < NUM_SORT_METHOD);
Assert(rsi->sortstats.spaceType < NUM_SORT_SPACE_TYPE);
if (rsi->sortstats.sortMethod != SORT_TYPE_STILL_IN_PROGRESS)
(double) rsi->sortstats.spaceUsed, rsh, rsi, nsi);
/* Update per-slice accumulators. */
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_upd(&peakmemused, rsh->worker.peakmemused, rsh, rsi, nsi);
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_upd(&vmem_reserved, rsh->worker.vmem_reserved, rsh, rsi, nsi);
/* Save per-node accumulated stats in NodeSummary. */
ns->ntuples = ntuples.agg;
ns->execmemused = execmemused.agg;
ns->workmemused = workmemused.agg;
ns->workmemwanted = workmemwanted.agg;
ns->totalWorkfileCreated = totalWorkfileCreated.agg;
ns->totalPartTableScanned = totalPartTableScanned.agg;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SORT_METHOD; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_SORT_SPACE_TYPE; j++)
ns->sortSpaceUsed[j][i] = sortSpaceUsed[j][i].agg;
/* Roll up summary over all nodes of slice into RecvStatCtx. */
ctx->workmemused_max = Max(ctx->workmemused_max, workmemused.agg.vmax);
ctx->workmemwanted_max = Max(ctx->workmemwanted_max, workmemwanted.agg.vmax);
instr->total = ntuples.max_total;
INSTR_TIME_ASSIGN(instr->firststart, ntuples.firststart_of_max_total);
* Put winner's stats into qDisp PlanState's Instrument node.
if (ntuples.agg.vcnt > 0)
instr->starttime = ntuples.nsimax->starttime;
instr->counter = ntuples.nsimax->counter;
instr->firsttuple = ntuples.nsimax->firsttuple;
instr->startup = ntuples.nsimax->startup;
instr->total = ntuples.nsimax->total;
instr->ntuples = ntuples.nsimax->ntuples;
instr->ntuples2 = ntuples.nsimax->ntuples2;
instr->nloops = ntuples.nsimax->nloops;
instr->nfiltered1 = ntuples.nsimax->nfiltered1;
instr->nfiltered2 = ntuples.nsimax->nfiltered2;
instr->execmemused = ntuples.nsimax->execmemused;
instr->workmemused = ntuples.nsimax->workmemused;
instr->workmemwanted = ntuples.nsimax->workmemwanted;
instr->workfileCreated = ntuples.nsimax->workfileCreated;
instr->firststart = ntuples.nsimax->firststart;
/* Save extra message text for the most interesting winning qExecs. */
if (ctx->extratextbuf)
bool saved = false;
/* One worker which used or wanted the most work_mem */
if (workmemwanted.agg.vmax >= workmemused.agg.vmax)
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_saveText(&workmemwanted, ctx->extratextbuf, &saved);
else if (workmemused.agg.vmax > 1.05 * cdbexplain_agg_avg(&workmemused.agg))
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_saveText(&workmemused, ctx->extratextbuf, &saved);
/* Worker which used the most executor memory (this node's usage) */
if (execmemused.agg.vmax > 1.05 * cdbexplain_agg_avg(&execmemused.agg))
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_saveText(&execmemused, ctx->extratextbuf, &saved);
* For the worker which had the highest peak executor memory usage
* overall across the whole slice, we'll report the extra message text
* from all of the nodes in the slice. But only if that worker stands
* out more than 5% above the average.
if (peakmemused.agg.vmax > 1.05 * cdbexplain_agg_avg(&peakmemused.agg))
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_saveText(&peakmemused, ctx->extratextbuf, &saved);
* One worker which produced the greatest number of output rows.
* (Always give at least one node a chance to have its extra message
* text seen. In case no node stood out above the others, make a
* repeatable choice based on the number of output rows.)
if (!saved ||
ntuples.agg.vmax > 1.05 * cdbexplain_agg_avg(&ntuples.agg))
cdbexplain_depStatAcc_saveText(&ntuples, ctx->extratextbuf, &saved);
* If this is a HashState, construct a SharedHashInfo with the stats from
* all the QEs. In PostgreSQL, SharedHashInfo is used to show stats of all
* the worker processes, we use it to show stats from all the QEs instead.
* GPDB_12_MERGE_FIXME: Should we do the same for Sort stats nowadays?
if (IsA(planstate, HashState))
/* GPDB: Collect the results from all QE processes */
HashState *hashstate = (HashState *) planstate;
SharedHashInfo *shared_state;
size_t size;
size = offsetof(SharedHashInfo, hinstrument) +
ctx->nmsgptr * sizeof(HashInstrumentation);
shared_state = palloc0(size);
shared_state->num_workers = ctx->nmsgptr;
/* Examine the statistics from each qExec. */
for (imsgptr = 0; imsgptr < ctx->nmsgptr; imsgptr++)
/* Locate PlanState node's StatInst received from this qExec. */
rsh = ctx->msgptrs[imsgptr];
rsi = &rsh->inst[ctx->iStatInst];
memcpy(&shared_state->hinstrument[imsgptr], &rsi->hashstats, sizeof(HashInstrumentation));
hashstate->shared_info = shared_state;
} /* cdbexplain_depositStatsToNode */
* cdbexplain_collectExtraText
* Allow a node to supply additional text for its EXPLAIN ANALYZE report.
* Returns the starting offset of the extra message text from notebuf->data.
* The caller can compute the length as notebuf->len minus the starting offset.
* If the node did not provide any extra message text, the length will be 0.
static int
cdbexplain_collectExtraText(PlanState *planstate, StringInfo notebuf)
int bnotes = notebuf->len;
* Invoke node's callback. It may append to our notebuf and/or its own
* cdbexplainbuf; and store final statistics in its Instrumentation node.
if (planstate->cdbexplainfun)
planstate->cdbexplainfun(planstate, notebuf);
* Append contents of node's extra message buffer. This allows nodes to
* contribute EXPLAIN ANALYZE info without having to set up a callback.
if (planstate->cdbexplainbuf && planstate->cdbexplainbuf->len > 0)
/* If callback added to notebuf, make sure text ends with a newline. */
if (bnotes < notebuf->len &&
notebuf->data[notebuf->len - 1] != '\n')
appendStringInfoChar(notebuf, '\n');
appendBinaryStringInfo(notebuf, planstate->cdbexplainbuf->data,
return bnotes;
} /* cdbexplain_collectExtraText */
* cdbexplain_formatExtraText
* Format extra message text into the EXPLAIN output buffer.
static void
cdbexplain_formatExtraText(StringInfo str,
int indent,
int segindex,
const char *notes,
int notelen)
const char *cp = notes;
const char *ep = notes + notelen;
/* Could be more than one line... */
while (cp < ep)
const char *nlp = memchr(cp, '\n', ep - cp);
const char *dp = nlp ? nlp : ep;
/* Strip trailing whitespace. */
while (cp < dp &&
/* Add to output buffer. */
if (cp < dp)
appendStringInfoSpaces(str, indent * 2);
if (segindex >= 0)
appendStringInfo(str, "(seg%d) ", segindex);
if (segindex < 10)
appendStringInfoChar(str, ' ');
if (segindex < 100)
appendStringInfoChar(str, ' ');
appendBinaryStringInfo(str, cp, dp - cp);
if (nlp)
appendStringInfoChar(str, '\n');
if (!nlp)
cp = nlp + 1;
} /* cdbexplain_formatExtraText */
* cdbexplain_formatMemory
* Convert memory size to string from (double) bytes.
* outbuf: [output] pointer to a char buffer to be filled
* bufsize: [input] maximum number of characters to write to outbuf (must be set by the caller)
* bytes: [input] a value representing memory size in bytes to be written to outbuf
static void
cdbexplain_formatMemory(char *outbuf, int bufsize, double bytes)
Assert(outbuf != NULL && "CDBEXPLAIN: char buffer is null");
Assert(bufsize > 0 && "CDBEXPLAIN: size of char buffer is zero");
/* check if truncation occurs */
int nchars_written =
snprintf(outbuf, bufsize, "%.0fK bytes", kb(bytes));
Assert(nchars_written < bufsize &&
"CDBEXPLAIN: size of char buffer is smaller than the required number of chars");
} /* cdbexplain_formatMemory */
* cdbexplain_formatSeconds
* Convert time in seconds to readable string
* outbuf: [output] pointer to a char buffer to be filled
* bufsize: [input] maximum number of characters to write to outbuf (must be set by the caller)
* seconds: [input] a value representing no. of seconds to be written to outbuf
static void
cdbexplain_formatSeconds(char *outbuf, int bufsize, double seconds, bool unit)
Assert(outbuf != NULL && "CDBEXPLAIN: char buffer is null");
Assert(bufsize > 0 && "CDBEXPLAIN: size of char buffer is zero");
double ms = seconds * 1000.0;
/* check if truncation occurs */
int nchars_written =
snprintf(outbuf, bufsize, "%.*f%s",
(ms < 10.0 && ms != 0.0 && ms > -10.0) ? 3 : 0,
ms, (unit ? " ms" : ""));
Assert(nchars_written < bufsize &&
"CDBEXPLAIN: size of char buffer is smaller than the required number of chars");
} /* cdbexplain_formatSeconds */
* cdbexplain_formatSeg
* Convert segment id to string.
* outbuf: [output] pointer to a char buffer to be filled
* bufsize: [input] maximum number of characters to write to outbuf (must be set by the caller)
* segindex:[input] a value representing segment index to be written to outbuf
* nInst: [input] no. of stat instances
static void
cdbexplain_formatSeg(char *outbuf, int bufsize, int segindex, int nInst)
Assert(outbuf != NULL && "CDBEXPLAIN: char buffer is null");
Assert(bufsize > 0 && "CDBEXPLAIN: size of char buffer is zero");
if (nInst > 1 && segindex >= 0)
/* check if truncation occurs */
int nchars_written =
snprintf(outbuf, bufsize, " (seg%d)", segindex);
Assert(nchars_written < bufsize &&
"CDBEXPLAIN: size of char buffer is smaller than the required number of chars");
outbuf[0] = '\0';
} /* cdbexplain_formatSeg */
* cdbexplain_showExecStatsBegin
* Called by qDisp process to create a CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx structure
* in which to accumulate overall statistics for a query.
* 'querystarttime' is the timestamp of the start of the query, in a
* platform-dependent format.
* Note this function is called before ExecutorStart(), so there is no EState
* or SliceTable yet.
struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *
cdbexplain_showExecStatsBegin(struct QueryDesc *queryDesc,
instr_time querystarttime)
CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *ctx;
int nslice;
Assert(Gp_role != GP_ROLE_EXECUTE);
/* Allocate and zero the ShowStatCtx */
ctx = (CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *) palloc0(sizeof(*ctx));
ctx->querystarttime = querystarttime;
/* Determine number of slices. (SliceTable hasn't been built yet.) */
nslice = queryDesc->plannedstmt->numSlices;
/* Allocate and zero the SliceSummary array. */
ctx->nslice = nslice;
ctx->slices = (CdbExplain_SliceSummary *) palloc0(nslice * sizeof(ctx->slices[0]));
/* Allocate a buffer in which we can collect any extra message text. */
initStringInfoOfSize(&ctx->extratextbuf, 4000);
return ctx;
} /* cdbexplain_showExecStatsBegin */
* nodeSupportWorkfileCaching
* Return true if a given node supports workfile caching.
static bool
nodeSupportWorkfileCaching(PlanState *planstate)
return (IsA(planstate, SortState) ||
IsA(planstate, HashJoinState) ||
(IsA(planstate, AggState) &&((Agg *) planstate->plan)->aggstrategy == AGG_HASHED) ||
IsA(planstate, MaterialState));
* cdbexplain_showExecStats
* Called by qDisp process to format a node's EXPLAIN ANALYZE statistics.
* 'planstate' is the node whose statistics are to be displayed.
* 'str' is the output buffer.
* 'indent' is the root indentation for all the text generated for explain output
* 'ctx' is a CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx object which was created by a call to
* cdbexplain_showExecStatsBegin().
static void
cdbexplain_showExecStats(struct PlanState *planstate, ExplainState *es)
struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *ctx = es->showstatctx;
Instrumentation *instr = planstate->instrument;
CdbExplain_NodeSummary *ns = instr->cdbNodeSummary;
instr_time timediff;
int i;
char totalbuf[50];
char avgbuf[50];
char maxbuf[50];
char segbuf[50];
char startbuf[50];
/* Might not have received stats from qExecs if they hit errors. */
if (!ns)
Assert(instr != NULL);
* Executor memory used by this individual node, if it allocates from a
* memory context of its own instead of sharing the per-query context.
if (es->analyze && ns->execmemused.vcnt > 0)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
appendStringInfoSpaces(es->str, es->indent * 2);
appendStringInfo(es->str, "Executor Memory: %ldkB Segments: %d Max: %ldkB (segment %d)\n",
(long) kb(ns->execmemused.vsum),
(long) kb(ns->execmemused.vmax),
ExplainPropertyInteger("Executor Memory", "kB", kb(ns->execmemused.vsum), es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Executor Memory Segments", NULL, ns->execmemused.vcnt, es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Executor Max Memory", "kB", kb(ns->execmemused.vmax), es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Executor Max Memory Segment", NULL, ns->execmemused.imax, es);
* Actual work_mem used and wanted
if (es->analyze && es->verbose && ns->workmemused.vcnt > 0)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
appendStringInfoSpaces(es->str, es->indent * 2);
appendStringInfo(es->str, "work_mem: %ldkB Segments: %d Max: %ldkB (segment %d)",
(long) kb(ns->workmemused.vsum),
(long) kb(ns->workmemused.vmax),
* Total number of segments in which this node reuses cached or
* creates workfiles.
if (nodeSupportWorkfileCaching(planstate))
appendStringInfo(es->str, " Workfile: (%d spilling)",
appendStringInfo(es->str, "\n");
if (ns->workmemwanted.vcnt > 0)
appendStringInfoSpaces(es->str, es->indent * 2);
cdbexplain_formatMemory(maxbuf, sizeof(maxbuf), ns->workmemwanted.vmax);
if (ns->ninst == 1)
"Work_mem wanted: %s to lessen workfile I/O.",
cdbexplain_formatMemory(avgbuf, sizeof(avgbuf), cdbexplain_agg_avg(&ns->workmemwanted));
cdbexplain_formatSeg(segbuf, sizeof(segbuf), ns->workmemwanted.imax, ns->ninst);
"Work_mem wanted: %s avg, %s max%s"
" to lessen workfile I/O affecting %d workers.",
avgbuf, maxbuf, segbuf, ns->workmemwanted.vcnt);
appendStringInfo(es->str, "\n");
ExplainOpenGroup("work_mem", "work_mem", true, es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Used", "kB", kb(ns->workmemused.vsum), es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Segments", NULL, ns->workmemused.vcnt, es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Max Memory", "kB", kb(ns->workmemused.vmax), es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Max Memory Segment", NULL, ns->workmemused.imax, es);
* Total number of segments in which this node reuses cached or
* creates workfiles.
if (nodeSupportWorkfileCaching(planstate))
ExplainPropertyInteger("Workfile Spilling", NULL, ns->totalWorkfileCreated.vcnt, es);
if (ns->workmemwanted.vcnt > 0)
ExplainPropertyInteger("Max Memory Wanted", "kB", kb(ns->workmemwanted.vmax), es);
if (ns->ninst > 1)
ExplainPropertyInteger("Max Memory Wanted Segment", NULL, ns->workmemwanted.imax, es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Avg Memory Wanted", "kB", kb(cdbexplain_agg_avg(&ns->workmemwanted)), es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Segments Affected", NULL, ns->ninst, es);
ExplainCloseGroup("work_mem", "work_mem", true, es);
* Print number of partitioned tables scanned for dynamic scans.
if (0 <= ns->totalPartTableScanned.vcnt && (T_DynamicSeqScanState == planstate->type
|| T_DynamicIndexScanState == planstate->type
|| T_DynamicBitmapHeapScanState == planstate->type))
* FIXME: Only displayed in TEXT format
* [#159443692]
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
double nPartTableScanned_avg = cdbexplain_agg_avg(&ns->totalPartTableScanned);
if (0 == nPartTableScanned_avg)
if (T_DynamicBitmapHeapScanState == planstate->type)
appendStringInfoSpaces(es->str, es->indent * 2);
"Partitions scanned: 0 .\n");
cdbexplain_formatSeg(segbuf, sizeof(segbuf), ns->totalPartTableScanned.imax, ns->ninst);
appendStringInfoSpaces(es->str, es->indent * 2);
/* only 1 segment scans partitions */
if (1 == ns->totalPartTableScanned.vcnt)
/* rescan */
if (1 < instr->nloops)
double totalPartTableScannedPerRescan = ns->totalPartTableScanned.vmax / instr->nloops;
"Partitions scanned: %.0f %s of %ld scans.\n",
"Partitions scanned: %.0f %s.\n",
/* rescan */
if (1 < instr->nloops)
double totalPartTableScannedPerRescan = nPartTableScanned_avg / instr->nloops;
double maxPartTableScannedPerRescan = ns->totalPartTableScanned.vmax / instr->nloops;
"Partitions scanned: Avg %.1f x %d workers of %ld scans."
" Max %.0f parts%s.\n",
"Partitions scanned: Avg %.1f x %d workers."
" Max %.0f parts%s.\n",
bool haveExtraText = false;
StringInfoData extraData;
for (i = 0; i < ns->ninst; i++)
CdbExplain_StatInst *nsi = &ns->insts[i];
if (nsi->bnotes < nsi->enotes)
if (!haveExtraText)
ExplainOpenGroup("Extra Text", "Extra Text", false, es);
ExplainOpenGroup("Segment", NULL, true, es);
haveExtraText = true;
(ns->ninst == 1) ? -1
: ns->segindex0 + i,
ctx-> + nsi->bnotes,
nsi->enotes - nsi->bnotes);
ExplainPropertyStringInfo("Extra Text", es, "%s",;
if (haveExtraText)
ExplainCloseGroup("Segment", NULL, true, es);
ExplainCloseGroup("Extra Text", "Extra Text", false, es);
* Dump stats for all workers.
if (gp_enable_explain_allstat && ns->segindex0 >= 0 && ns->ninst > 0)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
* create a header for all stats: separate each individual stat by an
* underscore, separate the grouped stats for each node by a slash
appendStringInfoSpaces(es->str, es->indent * 2);
"allstat: seg_firststart_total_ntuples");
ExplainOpenGroup("Allstat", "Allstat", true, es);
for (i = 0; i < ns->ninst; i++)
CdbExplain_StatInst *nsi = &ns->insts[i];
if (INSTR_TIME_IS_ZERO(nsi->firststart))
/* Time from start of query on qDisp to worker's first result row */
INSTR_TIME_ACCUM_DIFF(timediff, nsi->firststart, ctx->querystarttime);
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
cdbexplain_formatSeconds(startbuf, sizeof(startbuf),
INSTR_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(timediff), true);
cdbexplain_formatSeconds(totalbuf, sizeof(totalbuf),
nsi->total, true);
ns->segindex0 + i,
cdbexplain_formatSeconds(startbuf, sizeof(startbuf),
INSTR_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(timediff), false);
cdbexplain_formatSeconds(totalbuf, sizeof(totalbuf),
nsi->total, false);
ExplainOpenGroup("Segment", NULL, false, es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Segment index", NULL, ns->segindex0 + i, es);
ExplainPropertyText("Time To First Result", startbuf, es);
ExplainPropertyText("Time To Total Result", totalbuf, es);
ExplainPropertyFloat("Tuples", NULL, nsi->ntuples, 1, es);
ExplainCloseGroup("Segment", NULL, false, es);
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
appendStringInfoString(es->str, "//end\n");
ExplainCloseGroup("Allstat", "Allstat", true, es);
} /* cdbexplain_showExecStats */
* ExplainPrintExecStatsEnd
* External API wrapper for cdbexplain_showExecStatsEnd
* This is an externally exposed wrapper for cdbexplain_showExecStatsEnd such
* that extensions, such as auto_explain, can leverage the Greenplum specific
* parts of the EXPLAIN machinery.
ExplainPrintExecStatsEnd(ExplainState *es, QueryDesc *queryDesc)
queryDesc->estate, es);
* cdbexplain_showExecStatsEnd
* Called by qDisp process to format the overall statistics for a query
* into the caller's buffer.
* 'ctx' is the CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx object which was created by a call to
* cdbexplain_showExecStatsBegin() and contains statistics which have
* been accumulated over a series of calls to cdbexplain_showExecStats().
* Invalid on return (it is freed).
* This doesn't free the CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx object or buffers, because
* they will be free'd shortly by the end of statement anyway.
static void
cdbexplain_showExecStatsEnd(struct PlannedStmt *stmt,
struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *showstatctx,
struct EState *estate,
ExplainState *es)
if (!es->summary)
gpexplain_formatSlicesOutput(showstatctx, estate, es);
if (!IsResManagerMemoryPolicyNone())
ExplainOpenGroup("Statement statistics", "Statement statistics", true, es);
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
appendStringInfo(es->str, "Memory used: %ldkB\n", (long) kb(stmt->query_mem));
ExplainPropertyInteger("Memory used", "kB", kb(stmt->query_mem), es);
if (showstatctx->workmemwanted_max > 0)
long mem_wanted;
mem_wanted = (long) PolicyAutoStatementMemForNoSpill(stmt,
(uint64) showstatctx->workmemwanted_max);
* Round up to a kilobyte in case we end up requiring less than
* that.
if (mem_wanted <= 1024L)
mem_wanted = 1L;
mem_wanted = mem_wanted / 1024L;
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
appendStringInfo(es->str, "Memory wanted: %ldkB\n", mem_wanted);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Memory wanted", "kB", mem_wanted, es);
ExplainCloseGroup("Statement statistics", "Statement statistics", true, es);
} /* cdbexplain_showExecStatsEnd */
* Given a statistics context search for all the slice statistics
* and format them to the correct layout
static void
gpexplain_formatSlicesOutput(struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *showstatctx,
struct EState *estate,
ExplainState *es)
ExecSlice *slice;
int sliceIndex;
int flag;
double total_memory_across_slices = 0;
char avgbuf[50];
char maxbuf[50];
char segbuf[50];
if (showstatctx->nslice > 0)
ExplainOpenGroup("Slice statistics", "Slice statistics", false, es);
for (sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < showstatctx->nslice; sliceIndex++)
CdbExplain_SliceSummary *ss = &showstatctx->slices[sliceIndex];
CdbExplain_DispatchSummary *ds = &ss->dispatchSummary;
flag = es->str->len;
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
appendStringInfo(es->str, " (slice%d) ", sliceIndex);
if (sliceIndex < 10)
appendStringInfoChar(es->str, ' ');
appendStringInfoString(es->str, " ");
ExplainOpenGroup("Slice", NULL, true, es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Slice", NULL, sliceIndex, es);
/* Worker counts */
slice = getCurrentSlice(estate, sliceIndex);
if (slice &&
list_length(slice->segments) > 0 &&
list_length(slice->segments) != ss->dispatchSummary.nOk)
int nNotDispatched;
StringInfoData workersInformationText;
nNotDispatched = list_length(slice->segments) - ds->nResult + ds->nNotDispatched;
es->str->data[flag] = (ss->dispatchSummary.nError > 0) ? 'X' : '_';
appendStringInfo(&workersInformationText, "Workers:");
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
if (ds->nError == 1)
" %d error;",
else if (ds->nError > 1)
" %d errors;",
ExplainOpenGroup("Workers", "Workers", true, es);
if (ds->nError > 0)
ExplainPropertyInteger("Errors", NULL, ds->nError, es);
if (ds->nCanceled > 0)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
" %d canceled;",
ExplainPropertyInteger("Canceled", NULL, ds->nCanceled, es);
if (nNotDispatched > 0)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
" %d not dispatched;",
ExplainPropertyInteger("Not Dispatched", NULL, nNotDispatched, es);
if (ds->nIgnorableError > 0)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
" %d aborted;",
ExplainPropertyInteger("Aborted", NULL, ds->nIgnorableError, es);
if (ds->nOk > 0)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
" %d ok;",
ExplainPropertyInteger("Ok", NULL, ds->nOk, es);
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
ExplainPropertyStringInfo("Workers", es, "%s. ",;
ExplainCloseGroup("Workers", "Workers", true, es);
/* Executor memory high-water mark */
cdbexplain_formatMemory(maxbuf, sizeof(maxbuf), ss->peakmemused.vmax);
if (ss->peakmemused.vcnt == 1)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
const char *seg = segbuf;
if (ss->peakmemused.imax >= 0)
cdbexplain_formatSeg(segbuf, sizeof(segbuf), ss->peakmemused.imax, 999);
else if (slice && list_length(slice->segments) > 0)
seg = " (entry db)";
seg = "";
"Executor memory: %s%s.",
ExplainPropertyInteger("Executor Memory", "kB", ss->peakmemused.vmax, es);
else if (ss->peakmemused.vcnt > 1)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
cdbexplain_formatMemory(avgbuf, sizeof(avgbuf), cdbexplain_agg_avg(&ss->peakmemused));
cdbexplain_formatSeg(segbuf, sizeof(segbuf), ss->peakmemused.imax, ss->nworker);
"Executor memory: %s avg x %d workers, %s max%s.",
ExplainOpenGroup("Executor Memory", "Executor Memory", true, es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Average", "kB", cdbexplain_agg_avg(&ss->peakmemused), es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Workers", NULL, ss->peakmemused.vcnt, es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Maximum Memory Used", "kB", ss->peakmemused.vmax, es);
ExplainCloseGroup("Executor Memory", "Executor Memory", true, es);
if (EXPLAIN_MEMORY_VERBOSITY_SUPPRESS < explain_memory_verbosity)
/* Vmem reserved by QEs */
cdbexplain_formatMemory(maxbuf, sizeof(maxbuf), ss->vmem_reserved.vmax);
if (ss->vmem_reserved.vcnt == 1)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
const char *seg = segbuf;
if (ss->vmem_reserved.imax >= 0)
cdbexplain_formatSeg(segbuf, sizeof(segbuf), ss->vmem_reserved.imax, 999);
else if (slice && list_length(slice->segments) > 0)
seg = " (entry db)";
seg = "";
" Vmem reserved: %s%s.",
ExplainPropertyInteger("Virtual Memory", "kB", ss->vmem_reserved.vmax, es);
else if (ss->vmem_reserved.vcnt > 1)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
cdbexplain_formatMemory(avgbuf, sizeof(avgbuf), cdbexplain_agg_avg(&ss->vmem_reserved));
cdbexplain_formatSeg(segbuf, sizeof(segbuf), ss->vmem_reserved.imax, ss->nworker);
" Vmem reserved: %s avg x %d workers, %s max%s.",
ExplainOpenGroup("Virtual Memory", "Virtual Memory", true, es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Average", "kB", cdbexplain_agg_avg(&ss->vmem_reserved), es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Workers", NULL, ss->vmem_reserved.vcnt, es);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Maximum Memory Used", "kB", ss->vmem_reserved.vmax, es);
ExplainCloseGroup("Virtual Memory", "Virtual Memory", true, es);
/* Work_mem used/wanted (max over all nodes and workers of slice) */
if (ss->workmemused_max + ss->workmemwanted_max > 0)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
cdbexplain_formatMemory(maxbuf, sizeof(maxbuf), ss->workmemused_max);
appendStringInfo(es->str, " Work_mem: %s max", maxbuf);
if (ss->workmemwanted_max > 0)
es->str->data[flag] = '*'; /* draw attention to this slice */
cdbexplain_formatMemory(maxbuf, sizeof(maxbuf), ss->workmemwanted_max);
appendStringInfo(es->str, ", %s wanted", maxbuf);
appendStringInfoChar(es->str, '.');
ExplainPropertyInteger("Work Maximum Memory", "kB", ss->workmemused_max, es);
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
appendStringInfoChar(es->str, '\n');
ExplainCloseGroup("Slice", NULL, true, es);
if (showstatctx->nslice > 0)
ExplainCloseGroup("Slice statistics", "Slice statistics", false, es);
if (total_memory_across_slices > 0)
if (es->format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT)
appendStringInfo(es->str, "Total memory used across slices: %.0fK bytes \n", total_memory_across_slices);
ExplainPropertyInteger("Total memory used across slices", "bytes", total_memory_across_slices, es);
* Show the hash and merge keys for a Motion node.
static void
show_motion_keys(PlanState *planstate, List *hashExpr, int nkeys, AttrNumber *keycols,
const char *qlabel, List *ancestors, ExplainState *es)
Plan *plan = planstate->plan;
List *context;
char *exprstr;
bool useprefix = list_length(es->rtable) > 1;
int keyno;
List *result = NIL;
if (!nkeys && !hashExpr)
/* Set up deparse context */
context = set_deparse_context_planstate(es->deparse_cxt,
(Node *) planstate,
/* Merge Receive ordering key */
for (keyno = 0; keyno < nkeys; keyno++)
/* find key expression in tlist */
AttrNumber keyresno = keycols[keyno];
TargetEntry *target = get_tle_by_resno(plan->targetlist, keyresno);
/* Deparse the expression, showing any top-level cast */
if (target)
exprstr = deparse_expression((Node *) target->expr, context,
useprefix, true);
elog(WARNING, "Gather Motion %s error: no tlist item %d",
qlabel, keyresno);
exprstr = "*BOGUS*";
result = lappend(result, exprstr);
if (list_length(result) > 0)
ExplainPropertyList(qlabel, result, es);
/* Hashed repartitioning key */
if (hashExpr)
/* Deparse the expression */
exprstr = deparse_expression((Node *)hashExpr, context, useprefix, true);
ExplainPropertyText("Hash Key", exprstr, es);
* Explain a parallel retrieve cursor,
* indicate the endpoints exist on entry DB, or on some segments,
* or on all segments.
void ExplainParallelRetrieveCursor(ExplainState *es, QueryDesc* queryDesc)
PlannedStmt *plan = queryDesc->plannedstmt;
SliceTable *sliceTable = queryDesc->estate->es_sliceTable;
StringInfoData endpointInfoStr;
enum EndPointExecPosition endPointExecPosition;
endPointExecPosition = GetParallelCursorEndpointPosition(plan);
ExplainOpenGroup("Cursor", "Cursor", true, es);
appendStringInfo(&endpointInfoStr, "\"on coordinator\"");
&endpointInfoStr, "\"on segment: contentid [%d]\"",
gp_session_id % plan->planTree->flow->numsegments);
ListCell * cell;
bool isFirst = true;
appendStringInfo(&endpointInfoStr, "on segments: contentid [");
ExecSlice *slice = &sliceTable->slices[0];
foreach(cell, slice->segments)
int contentid = lfirst_int(cell);
appendStringInfo(&endpointInfoStr, (isFirst)?"%d":", %d", contentid);
isFirst = false;
appendStringInfo(&endpointInfoStr, "]");
appendStringInfo(&endpointInfoStr, "on all %d segments", getgpsegmentCount());
elog(ERROR, "invalid endpoint position : %d", endPointExecPosition);
ExplainPropertyText("Endpoint",, es);
ExplainCloseGroup("Cursor", "Cursor", true, es);
2、 - 优质文章
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦