greenplumn executor 源码

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greenplumn executor 代码


 * executor.h
 *	  support for the POSTGRES executor module
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * src/include/executor/executor.h
#ifndef EXECUTOR_H
#define EXECUTOR_H

#include "executor/execdesc.h"
#include "nodes/lockoptions.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"

#include "cdb/cdbdef.h"                 /* CdbVisitOpt */

struct ChunkTransportState;             /* #include "cdb/cdbinterconnect.h" */

 * The "eflags" argument to ExecutorStart and the various ExecInitNode
 * routines is a bitwise OR of the following flag bits, which tell the
 * called plan node what to expect.  Note that the flags will get modified
 * as they are passed down the plan tree, since an upper node may require
 * functionality in its subnode not demanded of the plan as a whole
 * (example: MergeJoin requires mark/restore capability in its inner input),
 * or an upper node may shield its input from some functionality requirement
 * (example: Materialize shields its input from needing to do backward scan).
 * EXPLAIN_ONLY indicates that the plan tree is being initialized just so
 * EXPLAIN can print it out; it will not be run.  Hence, no side-effects
 * of startup should occur.  However, error checks (such as permission checks)
 * should be performed.
 * REWIND indicates that the plan node should expect to be rescanned. This
 * implies delaying freeing up resources when EagerFree is called. XXX
 * BACKWARD indicates that the plan node must respect the es_direction flag.
 * When this is not passed, the plan node will only be run forwards.
 * MARK indicates that the plan node must support Mark/Restore calls.
 * When this is not passed, no Mark/Restore will occur.
 * SKIP_TRIGGERS tells ExecutorStart/ExecutorFinish to skip calling
 * AfterTriggerBeginQuery/AfterTriggerEndQuery.  This does not necessarily
 * mean that the plan can't queue any AFTER triggers; just that the caller
 * is responsible for there being a trigger context for them to be queued in.
#define EXEC_FLAG_REWIND		0x0002	/* expect rescan */
#define EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD		0x0004	/* need backward scan */
#define EXEC_FLAG_MARK			0x0008	/* need mark/restore */
#define EXEC_FLAG_SKIP_TRIGGERS 0x0010	/* skip AfterTrigger calls */
#define EXEC_FLAG_WITH_NO_DATA	0x0020	/* rel scannability doesn't matter */

#define RelinfoGetStorage(relinfo) ((relinfo)->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relstorage)

 * Indicate whether an executor node is running in the slice
 * that a QE process is processing.
 * This is currently called inside ExecInitXXX for each executor
 * node.
 * If this is called in QD or utility mode, this will return true.

/* Hook for plugins to get control in ExecutorStart() */
typedef void (*ExecutorStart_hook_type) (QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags);
extern PGDLLIMPORT ExecutorStart_hook_type ExecutorStart_hook;

/* Hook for plugins to get control in ExecutorRun() */
typedef void (*ExecutorRun_hook_type) (QueryDesc *queryDesc,
									   ScanDirection direction,
									   uint64 count,
									   bool execute_once);
extern PGDLLIMPORT ExecutorRun_hook_type ExecutorRun_hook;

/* Hook for plugins to get control in ExecutorFinish() */
typedef void (*ExecutorFinish_hook_type) (QueryDesc *queryDesc);
extern PGDLLIMPORT ExecutorFinish_hook_type ExecutorFinish_hook;

/* Hook for plugins to get control in ExecutorEnd() */
typedef void (*ExecutorEnd_hook_type) (QueryDesc *queryDesc);
extern PGDLLIMPORT ExecutorEnd_hook_type ExecutorEnd_hook;

/* Hook for plugins to get control in ExecCheckRTPerms() */
typedef bool (*ExecutorCheckPerms_hook_type) (List *, bool);
extern PGDLLIMPORT ExecutorCheckPerms_hook_type ExecutorCheckPerms_hook;

 * prototypes from functions in execAmi.c
struct Path;					/* avoid including pathnodes.h here */

extern void ExecReScan(PlanState *node);
extern void ExecMarkPos(PlanState *node);
extern void ExecRestrPos(PlanState *node);
extern bool ExecSupportsMarkRestore(struct Path *pathnode);
extern bool ExecSupportsBackwardScan(Plan *node);
extern bool ExecMaterializesOutput(NodeTag plantype);

 * prototypes from functions in execCurrent.c
extern void getCurrentOf(CurrentOfExpr *cexpr,
			  ExprContext *econtext,
			  Oid table_oid,
			  ItemPointer current_tid,
			  int *current_gp_segment_id,
			  Oid *current_table_oid,
			  char **cursor_name_p);
extern bool execCurrentOf(CurrentOfExpr *cexpr,
						  ExprContext *econtext,
						  Oid table_oid,
						  ItemPointer current_tid);

 * prototypes from functions in execGrouping.c
extern ExprState *execTuplesMatchPrepare(TupleDesc desc,
										 int numCols,
										 const AttrNumber *keyColIdx,
										 const Oid *eqOperators,
										 const Oid *collations,
										 PlanState *parent);
extern void execTuplesHashPrepare(int numCols,
								  const Oid *eqOperators,
								  Oid **eqFuncOids,
								  FmgrInfo **hashFunctions);
extern TupleHashTable BuildTupleHashTable(PlanState *parent,
										  TupleDesc inputDesc,
										  int numCols, AttrNumber *keyColIdx,
										  const Oid *eqfuncoids,
										  FmgrInfo *hashfunctions,
										  Oid *collations,
										  long nbuckets, Size additionalsize,
										  MemoryContext tablecxt,
										  MemoryContext tempcxt, bool use_variable_hash_iv);
extern TupleHashTable BuildTupleHashTableExt(PlanState *parent,
											 TupleDesc inputDesc,
											 int numCols, AttrNumber *keyColIdx,
											 const Oid *eqfuncoids,
											 FmgrInfo *hashfunctions,
											 Oid *collations,
											 long nbuckets, Size additionalsize,
											 MemoryContext metacxt,
											 MemoryContext tablecxt,
											 MemoryContext tempcxt, bool use_variable_hash_iv);
extern TupleHashEntry LookupTupleHashEntry(TupleHashTable hashtable,
										   TupleTableSlot *slot,
										   bool *isnew);
extern uint32 TupleHashTableHash(TupleHashTable hashtable,
								 TupleTableSlot *slot);
extern TupleHashEntry LookupTupleHashEntryHash(TupleHashTable hashtable,
											   TupleTableSlot *slot,
											   bool *isnew, uint32 hash);
extern TupleHashEntry FindTupleHashEntry(TupleHashTable hashtable,
										 TupleTableSlot *slot,
										 ExprState *eqcomp,
										 FmgrInfo *hashfunctions);
extern void ResetTupleHashTable(TupleHashTable hashtable);

 * prototypes from functions in execJunk.c
extern JunkFilter *ExecInitJunkFilter(List *targetList,
									  TupleTableSlot *slot);
extern JunkFilter *ExecInitJunkFilterConversion(List *targetList,
												TupleDesc cleanTupType,
												TupleTableSlot *slot);
extern AttrNumber ExecFindJunkAttribute(JunkFilter *junkfilter,
										const char *attrName);
extern AttrNumber ExecFindJunkAttributeInTlist(List *targetlist,
											   const char *attrName);
extern Datum ExecGetJunkAttribute(TupleTableSlot *slot, AttrNumber attno,
								  bool *isNull);
extern TupleTableSlot *ExecFilterJunk(JunkFilter *junkfilter,
									  TupleTableSlot *slot);

 * prototypes from functions in execMain.c
extern void ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags);
extern void standard_ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags);
extern void ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc,
						ScanDirection direction, uint64 count, bool execute_once);
extern void standard_ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc,
								 ScanDirection direction, uint64 count, bool execute_once);
extern void ExecutorFinish(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
extern void standard_ExecutorFinish(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
extern void ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
extern void standard_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
extern void ExecutorRewind(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
extern bool ExecCheckRTPerms(List *rangeTable, bool ereport_on_violation);
extern void CheckValidResultRel(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, CmdType operation);
extern void InitResultRelInfo(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
							  Relation resultRelationDesc,
							  Index resultRelationIndex,
							  Relation partition_root,
							  int instrument_options);
extern ResultRelInfo *ExecGetTriggerResultRel(EState *estate, Oid relid);
extern void ExecCleanUpTriggerState(EState *estate);
extern void ExecConstraints(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
							TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate);
extern bool ExecPartitionCheck(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
							   TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate, bool emitError);
extern void ExecPartitionCheckEmitError(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
										TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate);
extern void ExecWithCheckOptions(WCOKind kind, ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
								 TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate);
extern LockTupleMode ExecUpdateLockMode(EState *estate, ResultRelInfo *relinfo);
extern ExecRowMark *ExecFindRowMark(EState *estate, Index rti, bool missing_ok);
extern ExecAuxRowMark *ExecBuildAuxRowMark(ExecRowMark *erm, List *targetlist);
extern TupleTableSlot *EvalPlanQual(EState *estate, EPQState *epqstate,
									Relation relation, Index rti, TupleTableSlot *testslot);
extern void EvalPlanQualInit(EPQState *epqstate, EState *estate,
							 Plan *subplan, List *auxrowmarks, int epqParam);
extern void EvalPlanQualSetPlan(EPQState *epqstate,
								Plan *subplan, List *auxrowmarks);
extern TupleTableSlot *EvalPlanQualSlot(EPQState *epqstate,
										Relation relation, Index rti);

#define EvalPlanQualSetSlot(epqstate, slot)  ((epqstate)->origslot = (slot))
extern void EvalPlanQualFetchRowMarks(EPQState *epqstate);
extern TupleTableSlot *EvalPlanQualNext(EPQState *epqstate);
extern void EvalPlanQualBegin(EPQState *epqstate, EState *parentestate);
extern void EvalPlanQualEnd(EPQState *epqstate);

extern Oid GetIntoRelOid(QueryDesc *queryDesc);

extern Node *attrMapExpr(TupleConversionMap *map, Node *expr);

 * functions in execProcnode.c
extern PlanState *ExecInitNode(Plan *node, EState *estate, int eflags);
extern void ExecSetExecProcNode(PlanState *node, ExecProcNodeMtd function);
extern Node *MultiExecProcNode(PlanState *node);
extern void ExecEndNode(PlanState *node);
extern bool ExecShutdownNode(PlanState *node);
extern void ExecSetTupleBound(int64 tuples_needed, PlanState *child_node);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecProcNode
 *		Execute the given node to return a(nother) tuple.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef FRONTEND
static inline TupleTableSlot *
ExecProcNode(PlanState *node)
	if (node->chgParam != NULL) /* something changed? */
		ExecReScan(node);		/* let ReScan handle this */

	return node->ExecProcNode(node);

extern void ExecSquelchNode(PlanState *node);

typedef enum
} GpExecIdentity;

/* PlanState tree walking functions in execProcnode.c */
planstate_walk_node(PlanState      *planstate,
			        CdbVisitOpt   (*walker)(PlanState *planstate, void *context),
			        void           *context);

 * prototypes from functions in execExpr.c
extern ExprState *ExecInitExpr(Expr *node, PlanState *parent);
extern ExprState *ExecInitExprWithParams(Expr *node, ParamListInfo ext_params);
extern ExprState *ExecInitQual(List *qual, PlanState *parent);
extern ExprState *ExecInitCheck(List *qual, PlanState *parent);
extern List *ExecInitExprList(List *nodes, PlanState *parent);
extern ExprState *ExecBuildAggTrans(AggState *aggstate, struct AggStatePerPhaseData *phase,
									bool doSort, bool doHash, bool nullcheck);
extern ExprState *ExecBuildGroupingEqual(TupleDesc ldesc, TupleDesc rdesc,
										 const TupleTableSlotOps *lops, const TupleTableSlotOps *rops,
										 int numCols,
										 const AttrNumber *keyColIdx,
										 const Oid *eqfunctions,
										 const Oid *collations,
										 PlanState *parent);
extern ProjectionInfo *ExecBuildProjectionInfo(List *targetList,
											   ExprContext *econtext,
											   TupleTableSlot *slot,
											   PlanState *parent,
											   TupleDesc inputDesc);
extern ExprState *ExecPrepareExpr(Expr *node, EState *estate);
extern ExprState *ExecPrepareQual(List *qual, EState *estate);
extern ExprState *ExecPrepareCheck(List *qual, EState *estate);
extern List *ExecPrepareExprList(List *nodes, EState *estate);
extern Datum ExecEvalFunctionArgToConst(FuncExpr *fexpr, int argno, bool *isnull);
extern bool isJoinExprNull(List *joinExpr, ExprContext *econtext);

 * ExecEvalExpr
 * Evaluate expression identified by "state" in the execution context
 * given by "econtext".  *isNull is set to the is-null flag for the result,
 * and the Datum value is the function result.
 * The caller should already have switched into the temporary memory
 * context econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory.  The convenience entry point
 * ExecEvalExprSwitchContext() is provided for callers who don't prefer to
 * do the switch in an outer loop.
#ifndef FRONTEND
static inline Datum
ExecEvalExpr(ExprState *state,
			 ExprContext *econtext,
			 bool *isNull)
	return state->evalfunc(state, econtext, isNull);

 * ExecEvalExprSwitchContext
 * Same as ExecEvalExpr, but get into the right allocation context explicitly.
#ifndef FRONTEND
static inline Datum
ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(ExprState *state,
						  ExprContext *econtext,
						  bool *isNull)
	Datum		retDatum;
	MemoryContext oldContext;

	oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);
	retDatum = state->evalfunc(state, econtext, isNull);
	return retDatum;

 * ExecProject
 * Projects a tuple based on projection info and stores it in the slot passed
 * to ExecBuildProjectInfo().
 * Note: the result is always a virtual tuple; therefore it may reference
 * the contents of the exprContext's scan tuples and/or temporary results
 * constructed in the exprContext.  If the caller wishes the result to be
 * valid longer than that data will be valid, he must call ExecMaterializeSlot
 * on the result slot.
#ifndef FRONTEND
static inline TupleTableSlot *
ExecProject(ProjectionInfo *projInfo)
	ExprContext *econtext = projInfo->pi_exprContext;
	ExprState  *state = &projInfo->pi_state;
	TupleTableSlot *slot = state->resultslot;
	bool		isnull;

	 * Clear any former contents of the result slot.  This makes it safe for
	 * us to use the slot's Datum/isnull arrays as workspace.

	/* Run the expression, discarding scalar result from the last column. */
	(void) ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(state, econtext, &isnull);

	 * Successfully formed a result row.  Mark the result slot as containing a
	 * valid virtual tuple (inlined version of ExecStoreVirtualTuple()).
	slot->tts_flags &= ~TTS_FLAG_EMPTY;
	slot->tts_nvalid = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts;

	return slot;

 * ExecQual - evaluate a qual prepared with ExecInitQual (possibly via
 * ExecPrepareQual).  Returns true if qual is satisfied, else false.
 * Note: ExecQual used to have a third argument "resultForNull".  The
 * behavior of this function now corresponds to resultForNull == false.
 * If you want the resultForNull == true behavior, see ExecCheck.
#ifndef FRONTEND
static inline bool
ExecQual(ExprState *state, ExprContext *econtext)
	Datum		ret;
	bool		isnull;

	/* short-circuit (here and in ExecInitQual) for empty restriction list */
	if (state == NULL)
		return true;

	/* verify that expression was compiled using ExecInitQual */
	Assert(state->flags & EEO_FLAG_IS_QUAL);

	ret = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(state, econtext, &isnull);

	/* EEOP_QUAL should never return NULL */

	return DatumGetBool(ret);

 * ExecQualAndReset() - evaluate qual with ExecQual() and reset expression
 * context.
#ifndef FRONTEND
static inline bool
ExecQualAndReset(ExprState *state, ExprContext *econtext)
	bool		ret = ExecQual(state, econtext);

	/* inline ResetExprContext, to avoid ordering issue in this file */
	return ret;

extern bool ExecCheck(ExprState *state, ExprContext *context);

 * prototypes from functions in execSRF.c
extern SetExprState *ExecInitTableFunctionResult(Expr *expr,
												 ExprContext *econtext, PlanState *parent);
extern Tuplestorestate *ExecMakeTableFunctionResult(SetExprState *setexpr,
													ExprContext *econtext,
													MemoryContext argContext,
													TupleDesc expectedDesc,
													bool randomAccess,
													uint64 operatorMemKB);
extern SetExprState *ExecInitFunctionResultSet(Expr *expr,
											   ExprContext *econtext, PlanState *parent);
extern Datum ExecMakeFunctionResultSet(SetExprState *fcache,
									   ExprContext *econtext,
									   MemoryContext argContext,
									   bool *isNull,
									   ExprDoneCond *isDone);

 * prototypes from functions in execScan.c
typedef TupleTableSlot *(*ExecScanAccessMtd) (ScanState *node);
typedef bool (*ExecScanRecheckMtd) (ScanState *node, TupleTableSlot *slot);

extern TupleTableSlot *ExecScan(ScanState *node, ExecScanAccessMtd accessMtd,
								ExecScanRecheckMtd recheckMtd);
extern void ExecAssignScanProjectionInfo(ScanState *node);
extern void ExecAssignScanProjectionInfoWithVarno(ScanState *node, Index varno);
extern void ExecScanReScan(ScanState *node);

 * prototypes from functions in execTuples.c
extern void ExecInitResultTypeTL(PlanState *planstate);
extern void ExecInitResultSlot(PlanState *planstate,
							   const TupleTableSlotOps *tts_ops);
extern void ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL(PlanState *planstate,
									  const TupleTableSlotOps *tts_ops);
extern void ExecInitScanTupleSlot(EState *estate, ScanState *scanstate,
								  TupleDesc tupleDesc,
								  const TupleTableSlotOps *tts_ops);
extern TupleTableSlot *ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(EState *estate,
											  TupleDesc tupledesc,
											  const TupleTableSlotOps *tts_ops);
extern TupleTableSlot *ExecInitNullTupleSlot(EState *estate, TupleDesc tupType,
											 const TupleTableSlotOps *tts_ops);
extern TupleDesc ExecTypeFromTL(List *targetList);
extern TupleDesc ExecCleanTypeFromTL(List *targetList);
extern TupleDesc ExecTypeFromExprList(List *exprList);
extern void ExecTypeSetColNames(TupleDesc typeInfo, List *namesList);
extern void UpdateChangedParamSet(PlanState *node, Bitmapset *newchg);

typedef struct TupOutputState
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	DestReceiver *dest;
} TupOutputState;

extern TupOutputState *begin_tup_output_tupdesc(DestReceiver *dest,
												TupleDesc tupdesc,
												const TupleTableSlotOps *tts_ops);
extern void do_tup_output(TupOutputState *tstate, Datum *values, bool *isnull);
extern void do_text_output_multiline(TupOutputState *tstate, const char *txt);
extern void end_tup_output(TupOutputState *tstate);

 * Write a single line of text given as a C string.
 * Should only be used with a single-TEXT-attribute tupdesc.
#define do_text_output_oneline(tstate, str_to_emit) \
	do { \
		Datum	values_[1]; \
		bool	isnull_[1]; \
		values_[0] = PointerGetDatum(cstring_to_text(str_to_emit)); \
		isnull_[0] = false; \
		do_tup_output(tstate, values_, isnull_); \
		pfree(DatumGetPointer(values_[0])); \
	} while (0)

 * prototypes from functions in execUtils.c
extern EState *CreateExecutorState(void);
extern void FreeExecutorState(EState *estate);
extern void CloseResultRelInfo(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo);
extern ExprContext *CreateExprContext(EState *estate);
extern ExprContext *CreateWorkExprContext(EState *estate);
extern ExprContext *CreateStandaloneExprContext(void);
extern void FreeExprContext(ExprContext *econtext, bool isCommit);
extern void ReScanExprContext(ExprContext *econtext);

#define ResetExprContext(econtext) \

extern ExprContext *MakePerTupleExprContext(EState *estate);

/* Get an EState's per-output-tuple exprcontext, making it if first use */
#define GetPerTupleExprContext(estate) \
	((estate)->es_per_tuple_exprcontext ? \
	 (estate)->es_per_tuple_exprcontext : \

#define GetPerTupleMemoryContext(estate) \

/* Reset an EState's per-output-tuple exprcontext, if one's been created */
#define ResetPerTupleExprContext(estate) \
	do { \
		if ((estate)->es_per_tuple_exprcontext) \
			ResetExprContext((estate)->es_per_tuple_exprcontext); \
	} while (0)

extern void ExecAssignExprContext(EState *estate, PlanState *planstate);
extern TupleDesc ExecGetResultType(PlanState *planstate);
extern const TupleTableSlotOps *ExecGetResultSlotOps(PlanState *planstate,
													 bool *isfixed);
extern void ExecAssignProjectionInfo(PlanState *planstate,
									 TupleDesc inputDesc);
extern void ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo(PlanState *planstate,
												TupleDesc inputDesc, Index varno);
extern void ExecFreeExprContext(PlanState *planstate);
extern void ExecAssignScanType(ScanState *scanstate, TupleDesc tupDesc);
extern void ExecCreateScanSlotFromOuterPlan(EState *estate,
											ScanState *scanstate,
											const TupleTableSlotOps *tts_ops);

extern bool ExecRelationIsTargetRelation(EState *estate, Index scanrelid);

extern Relation ExecOpenScanRelation(EState *estate, Index scanrelid, int eflags);
extern Relation ExecOpenScanExternalRelation(EState *estate, Index scanrelid);

extern void ExecInitRangeTable(EState *estate, List *rangeTable);

static inline RangeTblEntry *
exec_rt_fetch(Index rti, EState *estate)
	Assert(rti > 0 && rti <= estate->es_range_table_size);
	return estate->es_range_table_array[rti - 1];

extern Relation ExecGetRangeTableRelation(EState *estate, Index rti);

extern void executor_errposition(EState *estate, int location);

extern void RegisterExprContextCallback(ExprContext *econtext,
										ExprContextCallbackFunction function,
										Datum arg);
extern void UnregisterExprContextCallback(ExprContext *econtext,
										  ExprContextCallbackFunction function,
										  Datum arg);

extern Datum GetAttributeByName(HeapTupleHeader tuple, const char *attname,
								bool *isNull);
extern Datum GetAttributeByNum(HeapTupleHeader tuple, AttrNumber attrno,
							   bool *isNull);

extern int	ExecTargetListLength(List *targetlist);
extern int	ExecCleanTargetListLength(List *targetlist);

extern TupleTableSlot *ExecGetTriggerOldSlot(EState *estate, ResultRelInfo *relInfo);
extern TupleTableSlot *ExecGetTriggerNewSlot(EState *estate, ResultRelInfo *relInfo);
extern TupleTableSlot *ExecGetReturningSlot(EState *estate, ResultRelInfo *relInfo);

 * prototypes from functions in execIndexing.c
extern void ExecOpenIndices(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, bool speculative);
extern void ExecCloseIndices(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo);
extern List *ExecInsertIndexTuples(TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate, bool noDupErr,
								   bool *specConflict, List *arbiterIndexes);
extern bool ExecCheckIndexConstraints(TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate,
									  ItemPointer conflictTid, List *arbiterIndexes);
extern void check_exclusion_constraint(Relation heap, Relation index,
									   IndexInfo *indexInfo,
									   ItemPointer tupleid,
									   Datum *values, bool *isnull,
									   EState *estate, bool newIndex);

 * prototypes from functions in execReplication.c
extern bool RelationFindReplTupleByIndex(Relation rel, Oid idxoid,
										 LockTupleMode lockmode,
										 TupleTableSlot *searchslot,
										 TupleTableSlot *outslot);
extern bool RelationFindReplTupleSeq(Relation rel, LockTupleMode lockmode,
									 TupleTableSlot *searchslot, TupleTableSlot *outslot);
extern void ExecSimpleRelationInsert(EState *estate, TupleTableSlot *slot);
extern void ExecSimpleRelationUpdate(EState *estate, EPQState *epqstate,
									 TupleTableSlot *searchslot, TupleTableSlot *slot);
extern void ExecSimpleRelationDelete(EState *estate, EPQState *epqstate,
									 TupleTableSlot *searchslot);
extern void CheckCmdReplicaIdentity(Relation rel, CmdType cmd);

extern void CheckSubscriptionRelkind(char relkind, const char *nspname,
									 const char *relname);

extern void fake_outer_params(JoinState *node);
extern void ExecPrefetchQual(JoinState *node, bool isJoinQual);

/* Additions for MPP Slice table utilities defined in execUtils.c */
extern GpExecIdentity getGpExecIdentity(QueryDesc *queryDesc,
										  ScanDirection direction,
										  EState	   *estate);
extern void mppExecutorFinishup(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
extern void mppExecutorCleanup(QueryDesc *queryDesc);

extern ResultRelInfo *targetid_get_partition(Oid targetid, EState *estate, bool openIndices);
extern ResultRelInfo *slot_get_partition(TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate, bool openIndices);

extern void
change_varattnos_of_a_varno(Node *node, const AttrNumber *newattno, Index varno);
#endif							/* EXECUTOR_H  */


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn execExpr 源码

greenplumn execParallel 源码

greenplumn execPartition 源码

greenplumn execUtils 源码

greenplumn execdebug 源码

greenplumn execdesc 源码

greenplumn functions 源码

greenplumn hashjoin 源码

greenplumn instrument 源码

greenplumn nodeAgg 源码

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