greenplumn cluster 源码

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greenplumn cluster 代码


 * cluster.c
 *	  CLUSTER a table on an index.  This is now also used for VACUUM FULL.
 * There is hardly anything left of Paul Brown's original implementation...
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994-5, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/commands/cluster.c
#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/amapi.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/multixact.h"
#include "access/reloptions.h"
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/tableam.h"
#include "access/transam.h"
#include "access/tuptoaster.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "access/xlog.h"
#include "catalog/pg_am.h"
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "catalog/dependency.h"
#include "catalog/heap.h"
#include "catalog/index.h"
#include "catalog/namespace.h"
#include "catalog/objectaccess.h"
#include "catalog/pg_appendonly.h"
#include "catalog/pg_attribute_encoding.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "catalog/pg_namespace.h"
#include "catalog/pg_tablespace.h"
#include "catalog/toasting.h"
#include "commands/cluster.h"
#include "commands/progress.h"
#include "commands/tablecmds.h"
#include "commands/vacuum.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "storage/predicate.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "utils/faultinjector.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "utils/inval.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/pg_rusage.h"
#include "utils/relmapper.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "utils/tuplesort.h"

#include "catalog/aocatalog.h"
#include "catalog/oid_dispatch.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "cdb/cdbdisp_query.h"
#include "cdb/cdboidsync.h"
#include "libpq/pqformat.h"

 * This struct is used to pass around the information on tables to be
 * clustered. We need this so we can make a list of them when invoked without
 * a specific table/index pair.
typedef struct
	Oid			tableOid;
	Oid			indexOid;
} RelToCluster;

static void rebuild_relation(Relation OldHeap, Oid indexOid, bool verbose);
static void copy_table_data(Oid OIDNewHeap, Oid OIDOldHeap, Oid OIDOldIndex,
							bool verbose, bool *pSwapToastByContent,
							TransactionId *pFreezeXid, MultiXactId *pCutoffMulti);
static List *get_tables_to_cluster(MemoryContext cluster_context);

 * This cluster code allows for clustering multiple tables at once. Because
 * of this, we cannot just run everything on a single transaction, or we
 * would be forced to acquire exclusive locks on all the tables being
 * clustered, simultaneously --- very likely leading to deadlock.
 * To solve this we follow a similar strategy to VACUUM code,
 * clustering each relation in a separate transaction. For this to work,
 * we need to:
 *	- provide a separate memory context so that we can pass information in
 *	  a way that survives across transactions
 *	- start a new transaction every time a new relation is clustered
 *	- check for validity of the information on to-be-clustered relations,
 *	  as someone might have deleted a relation behind our back, or
 *	  clustered one on a different index
 *	- end the transaction
 * The single-relation case does not have any such overhead.
 * We also allow a relation to be specified without index.  In that case,
 * the indisclustered bit will be looked up, and an ERROR will be thrown
 * if there is no index with the bit set.
cluster(ClusterStmt *stmt, bool isTopLevel)
	if (stmt->relation != NULL)
		/* This is the single-relation case. */
		Oid			tableOid,
					indexOid = InvalidOid;
		Relation	rel;

		/* Find, lock, and check permissions on the table */
		tableOid = RangeVarGetRelidExtended(stmt->relation,
											RangeVarCallbackOwnsTable, NULL);
		rel = table_open(tableOid, NoLock);

		 * Reject clustering a remote temp table ... their local buffer
		 * manager is not going to cope.
					 errmsg("cannot cluster temporary tables of other sessions")));

		 * Reject clustering a partitioned table.
		if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
					 errmsg("cannot cluster a partitioned table")));

		if (stmt->indexname == NULL)
			ListCell   *index;

			/* We need to find the index that has indisclustered set. */
			foreach(index, RelationGetIndexList(rel))
				HeapTuple	idxtuple;
				Form_pg_index indexForm;

				indexOid = lfirst_oid(index);
				idxtuple = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID,
				if (!HeapTupleIsValid(idxtuple))
					elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", indexOid);
				indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(idxtuple);
				if (indexForm->indisclustered)
				indexOid = InvalidOid;

			if (!OidIsValid(indexOid))
						 errmsg("there is no previously clustered index for table \"%s\"",
			 * The index is expected to be in the same namespace as the
			 * relation.
			indexOid = get_relname_relid(stmt->indexname,
			if (!OidIsValid(indexOid))
						 errmsg("index \"%s\" for table \"%s\" does not exist",
								stmt->indexname, stmt->relation->relname)));

		/* close relation, keep lock till commit */
		table_close(rel, NoLock);

		/* Do the job. */
		cluster_rel(tableOid, indexOid, stmt->options, true /* printError */);

		if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)
			CdbDispatchUtilityStatement((Node *) stmt,
		 * This is the "multi relation" case. We need to cluster all tables
		 * that have some index with indisclustered set.
		MemoryContext cluster_context;
		List	   *rvs;
		ListCell   *rv;

		 * We cannot run this form of CLUSTER inside a user transaction block;
		 * we'd be holding locks way too long.
		PreventInTransactionBlock(isTopLevel, "CLUSTER");

		 * Create special memory context for cross-transaction storage.
		 * Since it is a child of PortalContext, it will go away even in case
		 * of error.
		cluster_context = AllocSetContextCreate(PortalContext,

		 * Build the list of relations to cluster.  Note that this lives in
		 * cluster_context.
		rvs = get_tables_to_cluster(cluster_context);

		/* Commit to get out of starting transaction */

		/* Ok, now that we've got them all, cluster them one by one */
		foreach(rv, rvs)
			RelToCluster *rvtc = (RelToCluster *) lfirst(rv);
			bool		dispatch;

			/* Start a new transaction for each relation. */
			/* functions in indexes may want a snapshot set */
			/* Do the job. */
			dispatch = cluster_rel(rvtc->tableOid, rvtc->indexOid,
								   stmt->options | CLUOPT_RECHECK,
								   false /* printError */);

			if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH && dispatch)
				stmt->relation = makeNode(RangeVar);
				stmt->relation->schemaname = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(rvtc->tableOid));
				stmt->relation->relname = get_rel_name(rvtc->tableOid);
				CdbDispatchUtilityStatement((Node *) stmt,


		/* Start a new transaction for the cleanup work. */

		/* Clean up working storage */

 * cluster_rel
 * This clusters the table by creating a new, clustered table and
 * swapping the relfilenodes of the new table and the old table, so
 * the OID of the original table is preserved.  Thus we do not lose
 * GRANT, inheritance nor references to this table (this was a bug
 * in releases through 7.3).
 * Indexes are rebuilt too, via REINDEX. Since we are effectively bulk-loading
 * the new table, it's better to create the indexes afterwards than to fill
 * them incrementally while we load the table.
 * If indexOid is InvalidOid, the table will be rewritten in physical order
 * instead of index order.  This is the new implementation of VACUUM FULL,
 * and error messages should refer to the operation as VACUUM not CLUSTER.
 * Note that we don't support clustering on an AO table. If printError is true,
 * this function errors out when the relation is an AO table. Otherwise, this
 * functions prints out a warning message when the relation is an AO table.
cluster_rel(Oid tableOid, Oid indexOid, int options, bool printError)
	Relation	OldHeap;
	bool		verbose = ((options & CLUOPT_VERBOSE) != 0);
	bool		recheck = ((options & CLUOPT_RECHECK) != 0);

	/* Check for user-requested abort. */

	pgstat_progress_start_command(PROGRESS_COMMAND_CLUSTER, tableOid);
	if (OidIsValid(indexOid))

	 * We grab exclusive access to the target rel and index for the duration
	 * of the transaction.  (This is redundant for the single-transaction
	 * case, since cluster() already did it.)  The index lock is taken inside
	 * check_index_is_clusterable.
	OldHeap = try_relation_open(tableOid, AccessExclusiveLock, false);

	/* If the table has gone away, we can skip processing it */
	if (!OldHeap)
		return false;

	 * Since we may open a new transaction for each relation, we have to check
	 * that the relation still is what we think it is.
	 * If this is a single-transaction CLUSTER, we can skip these tests. We
	 * *must* skip the one on indisclustered since it would reject an attempt
	 * to cluster a not-previously-clustered index.
	if (recheck)
		HeapTuple	tuple;
		Form_pg_index indexForm;

		/* Check that the user still owns the relation */
		if (!pg_class_ownercheck(tableOid, GetUserId()))
			relation_close(OldHeap, AccessExclusiveLock);
			return false;

		 * Silently skip a temp table for a remote session.  Only doing this
		 * check in the "recheck" case is appropriate (which currently means
		 * somebody is executing a database-wide CLUSTER), because there is
		 * another check in cluster() which will stop any attempt to cluster
		 * remote temp tables by name.  There is another check in cluster_rel
		 * which is redundant, but we leave it for extra safety.
			relation_close(OldHeap, AccessExclusiveLock);
			return false;

		if (OidIsValid(indexOid))
			 * Check that the index still exists
			if (!SearchSysCacheExists1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexOid)))
				relation_close(OldHeap, AccessExclusiveLock);
				return false;

			 * Check that the index is still the one with indisclustered set.
			tuple = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexOid));
			if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))	/* probably can't happen */
				relation_close(OldHeap, AccessExclusiveLock);
				return false;
			indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
			if (!indexForm->indisclustered)
				relation_close(OldHeap, AccessExclusiveLock);
				return false;

	 * We allow VACUUM FULL, but not CLUSTER, on shared catalogs.  CLUSTER
	 * would work in most respects, but the index would only get marked as
	 * indisclustered in the current database, leading to unexpected behavior
	 * if CLUSTER were later invoked in another database.
	if (OidIsValid(indexOid) && OldHeap->rd_rel->relisshared)
				 errmsg("cannot cluster a shared catalog")));

	 * Don't process temp tables of other backends ... their local buffer
	 * manager is not going to cope.
		if (OidIsValid(indexOid))
					 errmsg("cannot cluster temporary tables of other sessions")));
					 errmsg("cannot vacuum temporary tables of other sessions")));

	 * Also check for active uses of the relation in the current transaction,
	 * including open scans and pending AFTER trigger events.
	CheckTableNotInUse(OldHeap, OidIsValid(indexOid) ? "CLUSTER" : "VACUUM");

	/* Check heap and index are valid to cluster on */
	if (OidIsValid(indexOid))
		check_index_is_clusterable(OldHeap, indexOid, recheck, AccessExclusiveLock);

	 * Quietly ignore the request if this is a materialized view which has not
	 * been populated from its query. No harm is done because there is no data
	 * to deal with, and we don't want to throw an error if this is part of a
	 * multi-relation request -- for example, CLUSTER was run on the entire
	 * database.
	if (OldHeap->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW &&
		relation_close(OldHeap, AccessExclusiveLock);
		return false;

	 * All predicate locks on the tuples or pages are about to be made
	 * invalid, because we move tuples around.  Promote them to relation
	 * locks.  Predicate locks on indexes will be promoted when they are
	 * reindexed.

	/* rebuild_relation does all the dirty work */
	rebuild_relation(OldHeap, indexOid, verbose);

	/* NB: rebuild_relation does table_close() on OldHeap */

	return true;

 * Verify that the specified heap and index are valid to cluster on
 * Side effect: obtains lock on the index.  The caller may
 * in some cases already have AccessExclusiveLock on the table, but
 * not in all cases so we can't rely on the table-level lock for
 * protection here.
check_index_is_clusterable(Relation OldHeap, Oid indexOid, bool recheck, LOCKMODE lockmode)
	Relation	OldIndex;

	OldIndex = index_open(indexOid, lockmode);

	 * Check that index is in fact an index on the given relation
	if (OldIndex->rd_index == NULL ||
		OldIndex->rd_index->indrelid != RelationGetRelid(OldHeap))
				 errmsg("\"%s\" is not an index for table \"%s\"",

	/* Index AM must allow clustering */
	if (!OldIndex->rd_indam->amclusterable)
				 errmsg("cannot cluster on index \"%s\" because access method does not support clustering",

	 * Disallow clustering on incomplete indexes (those that might not index
	 * every row of the relation).  We could relax this by making a separate
	 * seqscan pass over the table to copy the missing rows, but that seems
	 * expensive and tedious.
	if (!heap_attisnull(OldIndex->rd_indextuple, Anum_pg_index_indpred, NULL))
				 errmsg("cannot cluster on partial index \"%s\"",

	 * Disallow if index is left over from a failed CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY;
	 * it might well not contain entries for every heap row, or might not even
	 * be internally consistent.  (But note that we don't check indcheckxmin;
	 * the worst consequence of following broken HOT chains would be that we
	 * might put recently-dead tuples out-of-order in the new table, and there
	 * is little harm in that.)
	if (!OldIndex->rd_index->indisvalid)
				 errmsg("cannot cluster on invalid index \"%s\"",

	/* Drop relcache refcnt on OldIndex, but keep lock */
	index_close(OldIndex, NoLock);

 * mark_index_clustered: mark the specified index as the one clustered on
 * With indexOid == InvalidOid, will mark all indexes of rel not-clustered.
mark_index_clustered(Relation rel, Oid indexOid, bool is_internal)
	HeapTuple	indexTuple;
	Form_pg_index indexForm;
	Relation	pg_index;
	ListCell   *index;

	/* Disallow applying to a partitioned table */
	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
				 errmsg("cannot mark index clustered in partitioned table")));

	 * If the index is already marked clustered, no need to do anything.
	if (OidIsValid(indexOid))
		indexTuple = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexOid));
		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple))
			elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", indexOid);
		indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);

		if (indexForm->indisclustered)


	 * Check each index of the relation and set/clear the bit as needed.
	pg_index = table_open(IndexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

	foreach(index, RelationGetIndexList(rel))
		Oid			thisIndexOid = lfirst_oid(index);

		indexTuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(INDEXRELID,
		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple))
			elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", thisIndexOid);
		indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);

		 * Unset the bit if set.  We know it's wrong because we checked this
		 * earlier.
		if (indexForm->indisclustered)
			indexForm->indisclustered = false;
			CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_index, &indexTuple->t_self, indexTuple);
		else if (thisIndexOid == indexOid)
			/* this was checked earlier, but let's be real sure */
			if (!indexForm->indisvalid)
				elog(ERROR, "cannot cluster on invalid index %u", indexOid);
			indexForm->indisclustered = true;
			CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_index, &indexTuple->t_self, indexTuple);

		InvokeObjectPostAlterHookArg(IndexRelationId, thisIndexOid, 0,
									 InvalidOid, is_internal);


	table_close(pg_index, RowExclusiveLock);

 * rebuild_relation: rebuild an existing relation in index or physical order
 * OldHeap: table to rebuild --- must be opened and exclusive-locked!
 * indexOid: index to cluster by, or InvalidOid to rewrite in physical order.
 * NB: this routine closes OldHeap at the right time; caller should not.
static void
rebuild_relation(Relation OldHeap, Oid indexOid, bool verbose)
	Oid			tableOid = RelationGetRelid(OldHeap);
	Oid			accessMethod = OldHeap->rd_rel->relam;
	Oid			tableSpace = OldHeap->rd_rel->reltablespace;
	Oid			OIDNewHeap;
	char		relpersistence;
	bool		is_system_catalog;
	bool		swap_toast_by_content;
	TransactionId frozenXid;
	MultiXactId cutoffMulti;
	 * GPDB_12_MERGE_FIXME: We use specific bool in abstract code. This should
	 * be somehow hidden by table am api or necessity of this switch should be
	 * revisited.
	bool		is_ao = RelationIsAppendOptimized(OldHeap);

	/* Mark the correct index as clustered */
	if (OidIsValid(indexOid))
		mark_index_clustered(OldHeap, indexOid, true);

	/* Remember info about rel before closing OldHeap */
	relpersistence = OldHeap->rd_rel->relpersistence;
	is_system_catalog = IsSystemRelation(OldHeap);

	/* Close relcache entry, but keep lock until transaction commit */
	table_close(OldHeap, NoLock);

	/* Create the transient table that will receive the re-ordered data */
	OIDNewHeap = make_new_heap(tableOid, tableSpace,
							   true /* createAoBlockDirectory */,

	/* Copy the heap data into the new table in the desired order */
	copy_table_data(OIDNewHeap, tableOid, indexOid, verbose,
					&swap_toast_by_content, &frozenXid, &cutoffMulti);

	 * Swap the physical files of the target and transient tables, then
	 * rebuild the target's indexes and throw away the transient table.
	finish_heap_swap(tableOid, OIDNewHeap, is_system_catalog,
					 !is_ao /* swap_stats */,
					 false, true,
					 frozenXid, cutoffMulti,

 * Create the transient table that will be filled with new data during
 * CLUSTER, ALTER TABLE, and similar operations.  The transient table
 * duplicates the logical structure of the OldHeap; but will have the
 * specified physical storage properties NewTableSpace, NewAccessMethod, and
 * relpersistence.
 * After this, the caller should load the new heap with transferred/modified
 * data, then call finish_heap_swap to complete the operation.
make_new_heap(Oid OIDOldHeap, Oid NewTableSpace, Oid NewAccessMethod,
			  char relpersistence,
			  LOCKMODE lockmode,
			  bool createAoBlockDirectory,
			  bool makeCdbPolicy)
	TupleDesc	OldHeapDesc;
	char		NewHeapName[NAMEDATALEN];
	Oid			OIDNewHeap;
	Oid			toastid;
	Relation	OldHeap;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	Datum		reloptions;
	bool		isNull;
	Oid			namespaceid;

	OldHeap = table_open(OIDOldHeap, lockmode);
	OldHeapDesc = RelationGetDescr(OldHeap);

	 * Note that the NewHeap will not receive any of the defaults or
	 * constraints associated with the OldHeap; we don't need 'em, and there's
	 * no reason to spend cycles inserting them into the catalogs only to
	 * delete them.

	 * But we do want to use reloptions of the old heap for new heap.
	tuple = SearchSysCache1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(OIDOldHeap));
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
		elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", OIDOldHeap);
	reloptions = SysCacheGetAttr(RELOID, tuple, Anum_pg_class_reloptions,
	if (isNull)
		reloptions = (Datum) 0;

	 * Unless we are changing access method between heap and AO/CO, look further.
	 * GPDB: some considerations when AM is going to change between heap and AO/CO:
	 * If user has also requested setting new reloptions, the new reloptions should have
	 * replaced the old ones at this point. We just need to reuse those on the new table.
	 * If user does NOT request new reloptions, we should discard the existing reloptions.
	 * And one more consideration if we are changing the table from heap to AO: we should
	 * also pick up options from gp_default_storage_options, just like CREATE TABLE does.
	if (RelationIsHeap(OldHeap) && IsAccessMethodAO(NewAccessMethod))
		 * Heap to AO/CO: filter out any reloptions that belong to heap, 
		 * and pick up from gp_default_storage_options.
		int 		numoptions;
		relopt_value 	*options;

		 * Process the reloptions as for AO tables. And validate=false will silently 
		 * filter out any reloptions that belong to heap.
		StdRdOptions *stdRdOptions = (StdRdOptions *)default_reloptions(reloptions,
																	false, /* validate */

		/* Pick up from gp_default_storage_options. */
		options = parseRelOptions(reloptions, false, RELOPT_KIND_APPENDOPTIMIZED, &numoptions);
		validate_and_refill_options(stdRdOptions, options, numoptions, RELOPT_KIND_APPENDOPTIMIZED, true);

		/* Update the reloptions string. */
		reloptions = transformAOStdRdOptions(stdRdOptions, reloptions);
	else if (RelationIsAppendOptimized(OldHeap) && NewAccessMethod == HEAP_TABLE_AM_OID)
		 * AO/CO to Heap: unfortunately we don't have a convenient routine to transform
		 * heap StdRdOptions back to reloption string. So we take a slightly different
		 * approach than the case of heap to AO/CO: we check if there is any AO reloptions:
		 * (1) If there is, just discard them (AO options do not apply to heap). 
		 * (2) If there is none, that means we either have replaced it with heap reloptions
		 * or the reloptions field is just empty, and either way we will pass the existing
		 * reloptions on to the new table.
		 * This is possible because at this point we only have either AO/AOCO reloptions or
		 * heap reloptions, but we cannot have both (see ATExecSetRelOptions).
		Datum 	aoreloptions = (Datum) 0;
		StdRdOptions *stdRdOptions = (StdRdOptions *)default_reloptions(reloptions,
																	false, /* validate */

		 * Transform the stdRdOptions to get a reloptions string, from which we will 
		 * know if there is any AO reloptions.
		aoreloptions = transformAOStdRdOptions(stdRdOptions, aoreloptions);
		if (aoreloptions != (Datum) 0)
			reloptions = (Datum) 0;

	if (relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP)
		namespaceid = LookupCreationNamespace("pg_temp");
		namespaceid = RelationGetNamespace(OldHeap);

	 * Create the new heap, using a temporary name in the same namespace as
	 * the existing table.  NOTE: there is some risk of collision with user
	 * relnames.  Working around this seems more trouble than it's worth; in
	 * particular, we can't create the new heap in a different namespace from
	 * the old, or we will have problems with the TEMP status of temp tables.
	 * Note: the new heap is not a shared relation, even if we are rebuilding
	 * a shared rel.  However, we do make the new heap mapped if the source is
	 * mapped.  This simplifies swap_relation_files, and is absolutely
	 * necessary for rebuilding pg_class, for reasons explained there.
	snprintf(NewHeapName, sizeof(NewHeapName), "pg_temp_%u", OIDOldHeap);

	OIDNewHeap = heap_create_with_catalog(NewHeapName,
										  makeCdbPolicy? OldHeap->rd_cdbpolicy: NULL,/*CDB*/
	Assert(OIDNewHeap != InvalidOid);


	 * Advance command counter so that the newly-created relation's catalog
	 * tuples will be visible to table_open.

	 * If necessary, create a TOAST table for the new relation, or an Append
	 * Only segment table.
	 * If the relation doesn't have a TOAST table already, we can't need one
	 * for the new relation.  The other way around is possible though: if some
	 * wide columns have been dropped, NewHeapCreateToastTable can decide that
	 * no TOAST table is needed for the new table.
	 * Note that NewHeapCreateToastTable ends with CommandCounterIncrement, so
	 * that the TOAST table will be visible for insertion.
	toastid = OldHeap->rd_rel->reltoastrelid;
	if (OidIsValid(toastid))
		/* keep the existing toast table's reloptions, if any */
		tuple = SearchSysCache1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(toastid));
		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
			elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", toastid);
		reloptions = SysCacheGetAttr(RELOID, tuple, Anum_pg_class_reloptions,
		if (isNull)
			reloptions = (Datum) 0;
		NewHeapCreateToastTable(OIDNewHeap, reloptions, lockmode);


	if (RelationIsAppendOptimized(OldHeap) || NewAccessMethod == AO_ROW_TABLE_AM_OID)
		NewRelationCreateAOAuxTables(OIDNewHeap, createAoBlockDirectory);


	 * Copy the pg_attribute_encoding entries over if new table needs them.
	 * Note that in the case of AM change from heap/ao to aoco, we still need 
	 * to do this since we created those entries for the heap/ao table at the 
	 * phase 2 of ATSETAM (see ATExecCmd).
	if (NewAccessMethod == AO_COLUMN_TABLE_AM_OID)

	table_close(OldHeap, NoLock);

	return OIDNewHeap;

 * Do the physical copying of table data.
 * There are three output parameters:
 * *pSwapToastByContent is set true if toast tables must be swapped by content.
 * *pFreezeXid receives the TransactionId used as freeze cutoff point.
 * *pCutoffMulti receives the MultiXactId used as a cutoff point.
static void
copy_table_data(Oid OIDNewHeap, Oid OIDOldHeap, Oid OIDOldIndex, bool verbose,
				bool *pSwapToastByContent, TransactionId *pFreezeXid,
				MultiXactId *pCutoffMulti)
	Relation	NewHeap,
	Relation	relRelation;
	HeapTuple	reltup;
	Form_pg_class relform;
	TransactionId OldestXmin;
	TransactionId FreezeXid;
	MultiXactId MultiXactCutoff;
	bool		use_sort;
	double		num_tuples = 0,
				tups_vacuumed = 0,
				tups_recently_dead = 0;
	BlockNumber num_pages;
	int			elevel = verbose ? INFO : DEBUG2;
	PGRUsage	ru0;


	 * Open the relations we need.
	NewHeap = table_open(OIDNewHeap, AccessExclusiveLock);
	OldHeap = table_open(OIDOldHeap, AccessExclusiveLock);
	if (OidIsValid(OIDOldIndex))
		OldIndex = index_open(OIDOldIndex, AccessExclusiveLock);
		OldIndex = NULL;

	 * Their tuple descriptors should be exactly alike, but here we only need
	 * assume that they have the same number of columns.
	oldTupDesc = RelationGetDescr(OldHeap);
	newTupDesc = RelationGetDescr(NewHeap);
	Assert(newTupDesc->natts == oldTupDesc->natts);

	 * If the OldHeap has a toast table, get lock on the toast table to keep
	 * it from being vacuumed.  This is needed because autovacuum processes
	 * toast tables independently of their main tables, with no lock on the
	 * latter.  If an autovacuum were to start on the toast table after we
	 * compute our OldestXmin below, it would use a later OldestXmin, and then
	 * possibly remove as DEAD toast tuples belonging to main tuples we think
	 * are only RECENTLY_DEAD.  Then we'd fail while trying to copy those
	 * tuples.
	 * We don't need to open the toast relation here, just lock it.  The lock
	 * will be held till end of transaction.
	if (OldHeap->rd_rel->reltoastrelid)
		LockRelationOid(OldHeap->rd_rel->reltoastrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);

	 * If both tables have TOAST tables, perform toast swap by content.  It is
	 * possible that the old table has a toast table but the new one doesn't,
	 * if toastable columns have been dropped.  In that case we have to do
	 * swap by links.  This is okay because swap by content is only essential
	 * for system catalogs, and we don't support schema changes for them.
	if (OldHeap->rd_rel->reltoastrelid && NewHeap->rd_rel->reltoastrelid)
		*pSwapToastByContent = true;

		 * When doing swap by content, any toast pointers written into NewHeap
		 * must use the old toast table's OID, because that's where the toast
		 * data will eventually be found.  Set this up by setting rd_toastoid.
		 * This also tells toast_save_datum() to preserve the toast value
		 * OIDs, which we want so as not to invalidate toast pointers in
		 * system catalog caches, and to avoid making multiple copies of a
		 * single toast value.
		 * Note that we must hold NewHeap open until we are done writing data,
		 * since the relcache will not guarantee to remember this setting once
		 * the relation is closed.  Also, this technique depends on the fact
		 * that no one will try to read from the NewHeap until after we've
		 * finished writing it and swapping the rels --- otherwise they could
		 * follow the toast pointers to the wrong place.  (It would actually
		 * work for values copied over from the old toast table, but not for
		 * any values that we toast which were previously not toasted.)
		NewHeap->rd_toastoid = OldHeap->rd_rel->reltoastrelid;
		*pSwapToastByContent = false;

	 * Compute xids used to freeze and weed out dead tuples and multixacts.
	 * Since we're going to rewrite the whole table anyway, there's no reason
	 * not to be aggressive about this.
	vacuum_set_xid_limits(OldHeap, 0, 0, 0, 0,
						  &OldestXmin, &FreezeXid, NULL, &MultiXactCutoff,

	 * FreezeXid will become the table's new relfrozenxid, and that mustn't go
	 * backwards, so take the max.
	if (TransactionIdIsValid(OldHeap->rd_rel->relfrozenxid) &&
		TransactionIdPrecedes(FreezeXid, OldHeap->rd_rel->relfrozenxid))
		FreezeXid = OldHeap->rd_rel->relfrozenxid;

	 * MultiXactCutoff, similarly, shouldn't go backwards either.
	if (MultiXactIdIsValid(OldHeap->rd_rel->relminmxid) &&
		MultiXactIdPrecedes(MultiXactCutoff, OldHeap->rd_rel->relminmxid))
		MultiXactCutoff = OldHeap->rd_rel->relminmxid;

	 * Decide whether to use an indexscan or seqscan-and-optional-sort to scan
	 * the OldHeap.  We know how to use a sort to duplicate the ordering of a
	 * btree index, and will use seqscan-and-sort for that case if the planner
	 * tells us it's cheaper.  Otherwise, always indexscan if an index is
	 * provided, else plain seqscan.
	if (OldIndex != NULL && OldIndex->rd_rel->relam == BTREE_AM_OID)
		use_sort = plan_cluster_use_sort(OIDOldHeap, OIDOldIndex);
		use_sort = false;

	/* Log what we're doing */
	if (OldIndex != NULL && !use_sort)
				(errmsg("clustering \"%s.%s\" using index scan on \"%s\"",
	else if (use_sort)
				(errmsg("clustering \"%s.%s\" using sequential scan and sort",
				(errmsg("vacuuming \"%s.%s\"",

	 * Hand of the actual copying to AM specific function, the generic code
	 * cannot know how to deal with visibility across AMs. Note that this
	 * routine is allowed to set FreezeXid / MultiXactCutoff to different
	 * values (e.g. because the AM doesn't use freezing).
	table_relation_copy_for_cluster(OldHeap, NewHeap, OldIndex, use_sort,
									OldestXmin, &FreezeXid, &MultiXactCutoff,
									&num_tuples, &tups_vacuumed,

	/* return selected values to caller, get set as relfrozenxid/minmxid */
	*pFreezeXid = FreezeXid;
	*pCutoffMulti = MultiXactCutoff;

	/* Reset rd_toastoid just to be tidy --- it shouldn't be looked at again */
	NewHeap->rd_toastoid = InvalidOid;

	num_pages = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(NewHeap);

	/* Log what we did */
			(errmsg("\"%s\": found %.0f removable, %.0f nonremovable row versions in %u pages",
					tups_vacuumed, num_tuples,
			 errdetail("%.0f dead row versions cannot be removed yet.\n"

	if (OldIndex != NULL)
		index_close(OldIndex, NoLock);
	table_close(OldHeap, NoLock);
	table_close(NewHeap, NoLock);

	/* Update pg_class to reflect the correct values of pages and tuples. */
	relRelation = table_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

	reltup = SearchSysCacheCopy1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(OIDNewHeap));
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(reltup))
		elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", OIDNewHeap);
	relform = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup);

	relform->relpages = num_pages;
	relform->reltuples = num_tuples;

	/* Don't update the stats for pg_class.  See swap_relation_files. */
	if (OIDOldHeap != RelationRelationId)
		CatalogTupleUpdate(relRelation, &reltup->t_self, reltup);

	/* Clean up. */
	table_close(relRelation, RowExclusiveLock);

	/* Make the update visible */

 * Change dependency links for objects that are being swapped.
 * 'tabletype' can be "TOAST table", "aoseg", "aoblkdir".
 * It is used for printing error messages.
static void
changeDependencyLinks(Oid baseOid1, Oid baseOid2, Oid oid1, Oid oid2,
					  const char *tabletype)
	ObjectAddress baseobject, newobject;
	long		count;

	/* Delete old dependencies */
	if (oid1)
		count = deleteDependencyRecordsFor(RelationRelationId, oid1, false);
		if (count != 1)
			elog(ERROR, "expected one dependency record for %s table, found %ld",
				 tabletype, count);
	if (oid2)
		count = deleteDependencyRecordsFor(RelationRelationId, oid2, false);
		if (count != 1)
			elog(ERROR, "expected one dependency record for %s table, found %ld",
				 tabletype, count);

	/* Register new dependencies */
	baseobject.classId = RelationRelationId;
	baseobject.objectSubId = 0;
	newobject.classId = RelationRelationId;
	newobject.objectSubId = 0;
	if (oid1)
		baseobject.objectId = baseOid1;
		newobject.objectId = oid1;
		recordDependencyOn(&newobject, &baseobject, DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL);
	if (oid2)
		baseobject.objectId = baseOid2;
		newobject.objectId = oid2;
		recordDependencyOn(&newobject, &baseobject, DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL);

 * Swap the physical files of two given relations.
 * We swap the physical identity (reltablespace, relfilenode) while keeping the
 * same logical identities of the two relations.  relpersistence is also
 * swapped, which is critical since it determines where buffers live for each
 * relation.
 * We can swap associated TOAST data in either of two ways: recursively swap
 * the physical content of the toast tables (and their indexes), or swap the
 * TOAST links in the given relations' pg_class entries.  The former is needed
 * to manage rewrites of shared catalogs (where we cannot change the pg_class
 * links) while the latter is the only way to handle cases in which a toast
 * table is added or removed altogether.
 * Additionally, the first relation is marked with relfrozenxid set to
 * frozenXid.  It seems a bit ugly to have this here, but the caller would
 * have to do it anyway, so having it here saves a heap_update.  Note: in
 * the swap-toast-links case, we assume we don't need to change the toast
 * table's relfrozenxid: the new version of the toast table should already
 * have relfrozenxid set to RecentXmin, which is good enough.
 * Lastly, if r2 and its toast table and toast index (if any) are mapped,
 * their OIDs are emitted into mapped_tables[].  This is hacky but beats
 * having to look the information up again later in finish_heap_swap.
 * GPDB: also swap aoseg, aoblkdir links.
swap_relation_files(Oid r1, Oid r2, bool target_is_pg_class,
					bool swap_toast_by_content,
					bool swap_stats,
					bool is_internal,
					TransactionId frozenXid,
					MultiXactId cutoffMulti,
					Oid *mapped_tables)
	Relation	relRelation,
	HeapTuple	reltup1,
	Form_pg_class relform1,
	Oid			relfilenode1,
	Oid			swaptemp;
	char		swptmpchr;

	/* We need writable copies of both pg_class tuples. */
	relRelation = table_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

	reltup1 = SearchSysCacheCopy1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(r1));
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(reltup1))
		elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", r1);
	relform1 = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup1);

	reltup2 = SearchSysCacheCopy1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(r2));
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(reltup2))
		elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", r2);
	relform2 = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup2);

	if (relform1->relam == AO_ROW_TABLE_AM_OID || relform1->relam == AO_COLUMN_TABLE_AM_OID ||
		relform2->relam == AO_ROW_TABLE_AM_OID || relform2->relam == AO_COLUMN_TABLE_AM_OID)
		ATAOEntries(relform1, relform2);

	/* Also swap reloptions if we are swaping between heap and AO/AOCO tables. */
	if ((relform1->relam == HEAP_TABLE_AM_OID && IsAccessMethodAO(relform2->relam)) ||
		(relform2->relam == HEAP_TABLE_AM_OID && IsAccessMethodAO(relform1->relam)))
		Datum		val[Natts_pg_class] = {0};
		bool		null[Natts_pg_class] = {0};
		bool		repl[Natts_pg_class] = {0};
		bool 		isNull;

		val[Anum_pg_class_reloptions - 1] = SysCacheGetAttr(RELOID, reltup2, Anum_pg_class_reloptions, &isNull);
		null[Anum_pg_class_reloptions - 1] = isNull;
		repl[Anum_pg_class_reloptions - 1] = true;

		reltup1 = heap_modify_tuple(reltup1, RelationGetDescr(relRelation),
									val, null, repl);
		relform1 = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup1);

	relfilenode1 = relform1->relfilenode;
	relfilenode2 = relform2->relfilenode;

	if (OidIsValid(relfilenode1) && OidIsValid(relfilenode2))
		 * Normal non-mapped relations: swap relfilenodes, reltablespaces,
		 * relpersistence

		swaptemp = relform1->relfilenode;
		relform1->relfilenode = relform2->relfilenode;
		relform2->relfilenode = swaptemp;

		swaptemp = relform1->reltablespace;
		relform1->reltablespace = relform2->reltablespace;
		relform2->reltablespace = swaptemp;

		swaptemp = relform1->relam;
		relform1->relam = relform2->relam;
		relform2->relam = swaptemp;

		swptmpchr = relform1->relpersistence;
		relform1->relpersistence = relform2->relpersistence;
		relform2->relpersistence = swptmpchr;

		/* Also swap toast links, if we're swapping by links */
		if (!swap_toast_by_content)
			swaptemp = relform1->reltoastrelid;
			relform1->reltoastrelid = relform2->reltoastrelid;
			relform2->reltoastrelid = swaptemp;
		 * Mapped-relation case.  Here we have to swap the relation mappings
		 * instead of modifying the pg_class columns.  Both must be mapped.
		if (OidIsValid(relfilenode1) || OidIsValid(relfilenode2))
			elog(ERROR, "cannot swap mapped relation \"%s\" with non-mapped relation",

		 * We can't change the tablespace nor persistence of a mapped rel, and
		 * we can't handle toast link swapping for one either, because we must
		 * not apply any critical changes to its pg_class row.  These cases
		 * should be prevented by upstream permissions tests, so these checks
		 * are non-user-facing emergency backstop.
		if (relform1->reltablespace != relform2->reltablespace)
			elog(ERROR, "cannot change tablespace of mapped relation \"%s\"",
		if (relform1->relpersistence != relform2->relpersistence)
			elog(ERROR, "cannot change persistence of mapped relation \"%s\"",
		if (relform1->relam != relform2->relam)
			elog(ERROR, "cannot change access method of mapped relation \"%s\"",
		if (!swap_toast_by_content &&
			(relform1->reltoastrelid || relform2->reltoastrelid))
			elog(ERROR, "cannot swap toast by links for mapped relation \"%s\"",

		 * Fetch the mappings --- shouldn't fail, but be paranoid
		relfilenode1 = RelationMapOidToFilenode(r1, relform1->relisshared);
		if (!OidIsValid(relfilenode1))
			elog(ERROR, "could not find relation mapping for relation \"%s\", OID %u",
				 NameStr(relform1->relname), r1);
		relfilenode2 = RelationMapOidToFilenode(r2, relform2->relisshared);
		if (!OidIsValid(relfilenode2))
			elog(ERROR, "could not find relation mapping for relation \"%s\", OID %u",
				 NameStr(relform2->relname), r2);

		 * Send replacement mappings to relmapper.  Note these won't actually
		 * take effect until CommandCounterIncrement.
		RelationMapUpdateMap(r1, relfilenode2, relform1->relisshared, false);
		RelationMapUpdateMap(r2, relfilenode1, relform2->relisshared, false);

		/* Pass OIDs of mapped r2 tables back to caller */
		*mapped_tables++ = r2;

	 * In the case of a shared catalog, these next few steps will only affect
	 * our own database's pg_class row; but that's okay, because they are all
	 * noncritical updates.  That's also an important fact for the case of a
	 * mapped catalog, because it's possible that we'll commit the map change
	 * and then fail to commit the pg_class update.

	/* set rel1's frozen Xid and minimum MultiXid */
	if (relform1->relkind != RELKIND_INDEX)
		Assert(!TransactionIdIsValid(frozenXid) ||
		relform1->relfrozenxid = frozenXid;
		relform1->relminmxid = cutoffMulti;
	 * Greenplum: append-optimized tables do not have a valid relfrozenxid.
	 * Overwrite the entry for both relations.
	if (relform1->relkind != RELKIND_INDEX && IsAccessMethodAO(relform1->relam))
		relform1->relfrozenxid = InvalidTransactionId;
	if (relform2->relkind != RELKIND_INDEX && IsAccessMethodAO(relform2->relam))
		relform2->relfrozenxid = InvalidTransactionId;

	/* swap size statistics too, since new rel has freshly-updated stats */
	if (swap_stats)
		int32		swap_pages;
		float4		swap_tuples;
		int32		swap_allvisible;

		swap_pages = relform1->relpages;
		relform1->relpages = relform2->relpages;
		relform2->relpages = swap_pages;

		swap_tuples = relform1->reltuples;
		relform1->reltuples = relform2->reltuples;
		relform2->reltuples = swap_tuples;

		swap_allvisible = relform1->relallvisible;
		relform1->relallvisible = relform2->relallvisible;
		relform2->relallvisible = swap_allvisible;

	 * Update the tuples in pg_class --- unless the target relation of the
	 * swap is pg_class itself.  In that case, there is zero point in making
	 * changes because we'd be updating the old data that we're about to throw
	 * away.  Because the real work being done here for a mapped relation is
	 * just to change the relation map settings, it's all right to not update
	 * the pg_class rows in this case. The most important changes will instead
	 * performed later, in finish_heap_swap() itself.
	if (!target_is_pg_class)
		CatalogIndexState indstate;

		indstate = CatalogOpenIndexes(relRelation);
		CatalogTupleUpdateWithInfo(relRelation, &reltup1->t_self, reltup1,
		CatalogTupleUpdateWithInfo(relRelation, &reltup2->t_self, reltup2,
		/* no update ... but we do still need relcache inval */

	 * Post alter hook for modified relations. The change to r2 is always
	 * internal, but r1 depends on the invocation context.
	InvokeObjectPostAlterHookArg(RelationRelationId, r1, 0,
								 InvalidOid, is_internal);
	InvokeObjectPostAlterHookArg(RelationRelationId, r2, 0,
								 InvalidOid, true);

	 * If we have toast tables associated with the relations being swapped,
	 * deal with them too.
	if (relform1->reltoastrelid || relform2->reltoastrelid)
		if (swap_toast_by_content)
			if (relform1->reltoastrelid && relform2->reltoastrelid)
				/* Recursively swap the contents of the toast tables */
				 * CLUSTER operation on append-optimized tables does not
				 * compute freeze limit (frozenXid) because AO tables do not
				 * have relfrozenxid.  The toast tables need to keep existing
				 * relfrozenxid value unchanged in this case.
				 * GPDB_12_MERGE_FIXME: If the above argument is correct,
				 * figure out a way check it with an assert.
				/* caller messed up */
				elog(ERROR, "cannot swap toast files by content when there's only one");
			 * We swapped the ownership links, so we need to change dependency
			 * data to match.
			 * NOTE: it is possible that only one table has a toast table.
			 * NOTE: at present, a TOAST table's only dependency is the one on
			 * its owning table.  If more are ever created, we'd need to use
			 * something more selective than deleteDependencyRecordsFor() to
			 * get rid of just the link we want.

			 * We disallow this case for system catalogs, to avoid the
			 * possibility that the catalog we're rebuilding is one of the
			 * ones the dependency changes would change.  It's too late to be
			 * making any data changes to the target catalog.
			if (IsSystemClass(r1, relform1))
				elog(ERROR, "cannot swap toast files by links for system catalogs");

			/* Delete old dependencies */
			changeDependencyLinks(r1, r2,
								  relform1->reltoastrelid, relform2->reltoastrelid,

	 * If we're swapping two toast tables by content, do the same for their
	 * valid index. The swap can actually be safely done only if the relations
	 * have indexes.
	if (swap_toast_by_content &&
		relform1->relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE &&
		relform2->relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE)
		Oid			toastIndex1,

		/* Get valid index for each relation */
		toastIndex1 = toast_get_valid_index(r1,
		toastIndex2 = toast_get_valid_index(r2,


	/* Send statistics from QE to QD */
	if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE && swap_stats && !IsSystemClass(r1, relform1))
		rel = relation_open(r1, AccessShareLock);


		relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
	/* Clean up. */

	table_close(relRelation, RowExclusiveLock);

	 * Close both relcache entries' smgr links.  We need this kluge because
	 * both links will be invalidated during upcoming CommandCounterIncrement.
	 * Whichever of the rels is the second to be cleared will have a dangling
	 * reference to the other's smgr entry.  Rather than trying to avoid this
	 * by ordering operations just so, it's easiest to close the links first.
	 * (Fortunately, since one of the entries is local in our transaction,
	 * it's sufficient to clear out our own relcache this way; the problem
	 * cannot arise for other backends when they see our update on the
	 * non-transient relation.)
	 * Caution: the placement of this step interacts with the decision to
	 * handle toast rels by recursion.  When we are trying to rebuild pg_class
	 * itself, the smgr close on pg_class must happen after all accesses in
	 * this function.

 * Remove the transient table that was built by make_new_heap, and finish
 * cleaning up (including rebuilding all indexes on the old heap).
finish_heap_swap(Oid OIDOldHeap, Oid OIDNewHeap,
				 bool is_system_catalog,
				 bool swap_toast_by_content,
				 bool swap_stats,
				 bool check_constraints,
				 bool is_internal,
				 TransactionId frozenXid,
				 MultiXactId cutoffMulti,
				 char newrelpersistence)
	ObjectAddress object;
	Oid			mapped_tables[4];
	int			reindex_flags;
	int			i;

	/* Report that we are now swapping relation files */

	/* Zero out possible results from swapped_relation_files */
	memset(mapped_tables, 0, sizeof(mapped_tables));

	 * Swap the contents of the heap relations (including any toast tables).
	 * Also set old heap's relfrozenxid to frozenXid.
	swap_relation_files(OIDOldHeap, OIDNewHeap,
						(OIDOldHeap == RelationRelationId),
						frozenXid, cutoffMulti, mapped_tables);


	 * If it's a system catalog, queue a sinval message to flush all catcaches
	 * on the catalog when we reach CommandCounterIncrement.
	if (is_system_catalog)

	 * Rebuild each index on the relation (but not the toast table, which is
	 * all-new at this point).  It is important to do this before the DROP
	 * step because if we are processing a system catalog that will be used
	 * during DROP, we want to have its indexes available.  There is no
	 * advantage to the other order anyway because this is all transactional,
	 * so no chance to reclaim disk space before commit.  We do not need a
	 * final CommandCounterIncrement() because reindex_relation does it.
	 * Note: because index_build is called via reindex_relation, it will never
	 * set indcheckxmin true for the indexes.  This is OK even though in some
	 * sense we are building new indexes rather than rebuilding existing ones,
	 * because the new heap won't contain any HOT chains at all, let alone
	 * broken ones, so it can't be necessary to set indcheckxmin.
	if (check_constraints)

	 * Ensure that the indexes have the same persistence as the parent
	 * relation.
	if (newrelpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED)
	else if (newrelpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT)

	/* Report that we are now reindexing relations */

	reindex_relation(OIDOldHeap, reindex_flags, 0);

	/* Report that we are now doing clean up */

	 * If the relation being rebuild is pg_class, swap_relation_files()
	 * couldn't update pg_class's own pg_class entry (check comments in
	 * swap_relation_files()), thus relfrozenxid was not updated. That's
	 * annoying because a potential reason for doing a VACUUM FULL is a
	 * imminent or actual anti-wraparound shutdown.  So, now that we can
	 * access the new relation using its indices, update relfrozenxid.
	 * pg_class doesn't have a toast relation, so we don't need to update the
	 * corresponding toast relation. Not that there's little point moving all
	 * relfrozenxid updates here since swap_relation_files() needs to write to
	 * pg_class for non-mapped relations anyway.
	if (OIDOldHeap == RelationRelationId)
		Relation	relRelation;
		HeapTuple	reltup;
		Form_pg_class relform;

		relRelation = table_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

		reltup = SearchSysCacheCopy1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(OIDOldHeap));
		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(reltup))
			elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", OIDOldHeap);
		relform = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup);

		relform->relfrozenxid = frozenXid;
		relform->relminmxid = cutoffMulti;

		CatalogTupleUpdate(relRelation, &reltup->t_self, reltup);

		table_close(relRelation, RowExclusiveLock);

	/* Destroy new heap with old filenode */
	object.classId = RelationRelationId;
	object.objectId = OIDNewHeap;
	object.objectSubId = 0;

	 * The new relation is local to our transaction and we know nothing
	 * depends on it, so DROP_RESTRICT should be OK.

	/* performDeletion does CommandCounterIncrement at end */

	 * Now we must remove any relation mapping entries that we set up for the
	 * transient table, as well as its toast table and toast index if any. If
	 * we fail to do this before commit, the relmapper will complain about new
	 * permanent map entries being added post-bootstrap.
	for (i = 0; OidIsValid(mapped_tables[i]); i++)

	 * At this point, everything is kosher except that, if we did toast swap
	 * by links, the toast table's name corresponds to the transient table.
	 * The name is irrelevant to the backend because it's referenced by OID,
	 * but users looking at the catalogs could be confused.  Rename it to
	 * prevent this problem.
	 * Note no lock required on the relation, because we already hold an
	 * exclusive lock on it.
	if (!swap_toast_by_content)
		Relation	newrel;

		newrel = table_open(OIDOldHeap, NoLock);
		if (OidIsValid(newrel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid))
			Oid			toastidx;
			char		NewToastName[NAMEDATALEN];

			/* Get the associated valid index to be renamed */
			toastidx = toast_get_valid_index(newrel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid,

			/* rename the toast table ... */
			snprintf(NewToastName, NAMEDATALEN, "pg_toast_%u",
								   NewToastName, true, false);

			/* ... and its valid index too. */
			snprintf(NewToastName, NAMEDATALEN, "pg_toast_%u_index",

								   NewToastName, true, true);
		relation_close(newrel, NoLock);

	/* if it's not a catalog table, clear any missing attribute settings */
	if (!is_system_catalog)
		Relation	newrel;

		newrel = table_open(OIDOldHeap, NoLock);
		relation_close(newrel, NoLock);

 * Get a list of tables that the current user owns and
 * have indisclustered set.  Return the list in a List * of rvsToCluster
 * with the tableOid and the indexOid on which the table is already
 * clustered.
static List *
get_tables_to_cluster(MemoryContext cluster_context)
	Relation	indRelation;
	TableScanDesc scan;
	ScanKeyData entry;
	HeapTuple	indexTuple;
	Form_pg_index index;
	MemoryContext old_context;
	RelToCluster *rvtc;
	List	   *rvs = NIL;

	 * Get all indexes that have indisclustered set and are owned by
	 * appropriate user. System relations or nailed-in relations cannot ever
	 * have indisclustered set, because CLUSTER will refuse to set it when
	 * called with one of them as argument.
	indRelation = table_open(IndexRelationId, AccessShareLock);
				BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_BOOLEQ,
	scan = table_beginscan_catalog(indRelation, 1, &entry);
	while ((indexTuple = heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
		index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);

		if (!pg_class_ownercheck(index->indrelid, GetUserId()))

		 * We have to build the list in a different memory context so it will
		 * survive the cross-transaction processing
		old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(cluster_context);

		rvtc = (RelToCluster *) palloc(sizeof(RelToCluster));
		rvtc->tableOid = index->indrelid;
		rvtc->indexOid = index->indexrelid;
		rvs = lcons(rvtc, rvs);


	relation_close(indRelation, AccessShareLock);

	return rvs;


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn aggregatecmds 源码

greenplumn alter 源码

greenplumn amcmds 源码

greenplumn analyze 源码

greenplumn analyzefuncs 源码

greenplumn analyzeutils 源码

greenplumn async 源码

greenplumn collationcmds 源码

greenplumn comment 源码

greenplumn constraint 源码

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