greenplumn spgscan 源码

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greenplumn spgscan 代码


 * spgscan.c
 *	  routines for scanning SP-GiST indexes
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *			src/backend/access/spgist/spgscan.c

#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/spgist_private.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "utils/datum.h"
#include "utils/float.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"

typedef void (*storeRes_func) (SpGistScanOpaque so, ItemPointer heapPtr,
							   Datum leafValue, bool isNull, bool recheck,
							   bool recheckDistances, double *distances);

 * Pairing heap comparison function for the SpGistSearchItem queue.
 * KNN-searches currently only support NULLS LAST.  So, preserve this logic
 * here.
static int
pairingheap_SpGistSearchItem_cmp(const pairingheap_node *a,
								 const pairingheap_node *b, void *arg)
	const SpGistSearchItem *sa = (const SpGistSearchItem *) a;
	const SpGistSearchItem *sb = (const SpGistSearchItem *) b;
	SpGistScanOpaque so = (SpGistScanOpaque) arg;
	int			i;

	if (sa->isNull)
		if (!sb->isNull)
			return -1;
	else if (sb->isNull)
		return 1;
		/* Order according to distance comparison */
		for (i = 0; i < so->numberOfOrderBys; i++)
			if (isnan(sa->distances[i]) && isnan(sb->distances[i]))
				continue;		/* NaN == NaN */
			if (isnan(sa->distances[i]))
				return -1;		/* NaN > number */
			if (isnan(sb->distances[i]))
				return 1;		/* number < NaN */
			if (sa->distances[i] != sb->distances[i])
				return (sa->distances[i] < sb->distances[i]) ? 1 : -1;

	/* Leaf items go before inner pages, to ensure a depth-first search */
	if (sa->isLeaf && !sb->isLeaf)
		return 1;
	if (!sa->isLeaf && sb->isLeaf)
		return -1;

	return 0;

static void
spgFreeSearchItem(SpGistScanOpaque so, SpGistSearchItem *item)
	if (!so->state.attLeafType.attbyval &&
		DatumGetPointer(item->value) != NULL)

	if (item->traversalValue)


 * Add SpGistSearchItem to queue
 * Called in queue context
static void
spgAddSearchItemToQueue(SpGistScanOpaque so, SpGistSearchItem *item)
	pairingheap_add(so->scanQueue, &item->phNode);

static SpGistSearchItem *
spgAllocSearchItem(SpGistScanOpaque so, bool isnull, double *distances)
	/* allocate distance array only for non-NULL items */
	SpGistSearchItem *item =
	palloc(SizeOfSpGistSearchItem(isnull ? 0 : so->numberOfOrderBys));

	item->isNull = isnull;

	if (!isnull && so->numberOfOrderBys > 0)
		memcpy(item->distances, distances,
			   so->numberOfOrderBys * sizeof(double));

	return item;

static void
spgAddStartItem(SpGistScanOpaque so, bool isnull)
	SpGistSearchItem *startEntry =
	spgAllocSearchItem(so, isnull, so->zeroDistances);

	startEntry->isLeaf = false;
	startEntry->level = 0;
	startEntry->value = (Datum) 0;
	startEntry->traversalValue = NULL;
	startEntry->recheck = false;
	startEntry->recheckDistances = false;

	spgAddSearchItemToQueue(so, startEntry);

 * Initialize queue to search the root page, resetting
 * any previously active scan
static void
resetSpGistScanOpaque(SpGistScanOpaque so)
	MemoryContext oldCtx;

	 * clear traversal context before proceeding to the next scan; this must
	 * not happen before the freeScanStack above, else we get double-free
	 * crashes.

	oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->traversalCxt);

	/* initialize queue only for distance-ordered scans */
	so->scanQueue = pairingheap_allocate(pairingheap_SpGistSearchItem_cmp, so);

	if (so->searchNulls)
		/* Add a work item to scan the null index entries */
		spgAddStartItem(so, true);

	if (so->searchNonNulls)
		/* Add a work item to scan the non-null index entries */
		spgAddStartItem(so, false);


	if (so->numberOfOrderBys > 0)
		/* Must pfree distances to avoid memory leak */
		int			i;

		for (i = 0; i < so->nPtrs; i++)
			if (so->distances[i])

	if (so->want_itup)
		/* Must pfree reconstructed tuples to avoid memory leak */
		int			i;

		for (i = 0; i < so->nPtrs; i++)
	so->iPtr = so->nPtrs = 0;

 * Prepare scan keys in SpGistScanOpaque from caller-given scan keys
 * Sets searchNulls, searchNonNulls, numberOfKeys, keyData fields of *so.
 * The point here is to eliminate null-related considerations from what the
 * opclass consistent functions need to deal with.  We assume all SPGiST-
 * indexable operators are strict, so any null RHS value makes the scan
 * condition unsatisfiable.  We also pull out any IS NULL/IS NOT NULL
 * conditions; their effect is reflected into searchNulls/searchNonNulls.
static void
spgPrepareScanKeys(IndexScanDesc scan)
	SpGistScanOpaque so = (SpGistScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
	bool		qual_ok;
	bool		haveIsNull;
	bool		haveNotNull;
	int			nkeys;
	int			i;

	so->numberOfOrderBys = scan->numberOfOrderBys;
	so->orderByData = scan->orderByData;

	if (scan->numberOfKeys <= 0)
		/* If no quals, whole-index scan is required */
		so->searchNulls = true;
		so->searchNonNulls = true;
		so->numberOfKeys = 0;

	/* Examine the given quals */
	qual_ok = true;
	haveIsNull = haveNotNull = false;
	nkeys = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfKeys; i++)
		ScanKey		skey = &scan->keyData[i];

		if (skey->sk_flags & SK_SEARCHNULL)
			haveIsNull = true;
		else if (skey->sk_flags & SK_SEARCHNOTNULL)
			haveNotNull = true;
		else if (skey->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL)
			/* ordinary qual with null argument - unsatisfiable */
			qual_ok = false;
			/* ordinary qual, propagate into so->keyData */
			so->keyData[nkeys++] = *skey;
			/* this effectively creates a not-null requirement */
			haveNotNull = true;

	/* IS NULL in combination with something else is unsatisfiable */
	if (haveIsNull && haveNotNull)
		qual_ok = false;

	/* Emit results */
	if (qual_ok)
		so->searchNulls = haveIsNull;
		so->searchNonNulls = haveNotNull;
		so->numberOfKeys = nkeys;
		so->searchNulls = false;
		so->searchNonNulls = false;
		so->numberOfKeys = 0;

spgbeginscan(Relation rel, int keysz, int orderbysz)
	IndexScanDesc scan;
	SpGistScanOpaque so;
	int			i;

	scan = RelationGetIndexScan(rel, keysz, orderbysz);

	so = (SpGistScanOpaque) palloc0(sizeof(SpGistScanOpaqueData));
	if (keysz > 0)
		so->keyData = (ScanKey) palloc(sizeof(ScanKeyData) * keysz);
		so->keyData = NULL;
	initSpGistState(&so->state, scan->indexRelation);

	so->tempCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
										"SP-GiST search temporary context",
	so->traversalCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
											 "SP-GiST traversal-value context",

	/* Set up indexTupDesc and xs_hitupdesc in case it's an index-only scan */
	so->indexTupDesc = scan->xs_hitupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);

	/* Allocate various arrays needed for order-by scans */
	if (scan->numberOfOrderBys > 0)
		/* This will be filled in spgrescan, but allocate the space here */
		so->orderByTypes = (Oid *)
			palloc(sizeof(Oid) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);

		/* These arrays have constant contents, so we can fill them now */
		so->zeroDistances = (double *)
			palloc(sizeof(double) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);
		so->infDistances = (double *)
			palloc(sizeof(double) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);

		for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfOrderBys; i++)
			so->zeroDistances[i] = 0.0;
			so->infDistances[i] = get_float8_infinity();

		scan->xs_orderbyvals = (Datum *)
			palloc0(sizeof(Datum) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);
		scan->xs_orderbynulls = (bool *)
			palloc(sizeof(bool) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);
		memset(scan->xs_orderbynulls, true,
			   sizeof(bool) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);

				   index_getprocinfo(rel, 1, SPGIST_INNER_CONSISTENT_PROC),

				   index_getprocinfo(rel, 1, SPGIST_LEAF_CONSISTENT_PROC),

	so->indexCollation = rel->rd_indcollation[0];

	scan->opaque = so;

	return scan;

spgrescan(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanKey scankey, int nscankeys,
		  ScanKey orderbys, int norderbys)
	SpGistScanOpaque so = (SpGistScanOpaque) scan->opaque;

	/* copy scankeys into local storage */
	if (scankey && scan->numberOfKeys > 0)
		memmove(scan->keyData, scankey,
				scan->numberOfKeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData));

	/* initialize order-by data if needed */
	if (orderbys && scan->numberOfOrderBys > 0)
		int			i;

		memmove(scan->orderByData, orderbys,
				scan->numberOfOrderBys * sizeof(ScanKeyData));

		for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfOrderBys; i++)
			ScanKey		skey = &scan->orderByData[i];

			 * Look up the datatype returned by the original ordering
			 * operator. SP-GiST always uses a float8 for the distance
			 * function, but the ordering operator could be anything else.
			 * XXX: The distance function is only allowed to be lossy if the
			 * ordering operator's result type is float4 or float8.  Otherwise
			 * we don't know how to return the distance to the executor.  But
			 * we cannot check that here, as we won't know if the distance
			 * function is lossy until it returns *recheck = true for the
			 * first time.
			so->orderByTypes[i] = get_func_rettype(skey->sk_func.fn_oid);

	/* preprocess scankeys, set up the representation in *so */

	/* set up starting queue entries */

spgendscan(IndexScanDesc scan)
	SpGistScanOpaque so = (SpGistScanOpaque) scan->opaque;


	if (so->keyData)

	if (so->state.deadTupleStorage)

	if (scan->numberOfOrderBys > 0)


 * Leaf SpGistSearchItem constructor, called in queue context
static SpGistSearchItem *
spgNewHeapItem(SpGistScanOpaque so, int level, ItemPointer heapPtr,
			   Datum leafValue, bool recheck, bool recheckDistances,
			   bool isnull, double *distances)
	SpGistSearchItem *item = spgAllocSearchItem(so, isnull, distances);

	item->level = level;
	item->heapPtr = *heapPtr;
	/* copy value to queue cxt out of tmp cxt */
	item->value = isnull ? (Datum) 0 :
		datumCopy(leafValue, so->state.attLeafType.attbyval,
	item->traversalValue = NULL;
	item->isLeaf = true;
	item->recheck = recheck;
	item->recheckDistances = recheckDistances;

	return item;

 * Test whether a leaf tuple satisfies all the scan keys
 * *reportedSome is set to true if:
 *		the scan is not ordered AND the item satisfies the scankeys
static bool
spgLeafTest(SpGistScanOpaque so, SpGistSearchItem *item,
			SpGistLeafTuple leafTuple, bool isnull,
			bool *reportedSome, storeRes_func storeRes)
	Datum		leafValue;
	double	   *distances;
	bool		result;
	bool		recheck;
	bool		recheckDistances;

	if (isnull)
		/* Should not have arrived on a nulls page unless nulls are wanted */
		leafValue = (Datum) 0;
		distances = NULL;
		recheck = false;
		recheckDistances = false;
		result = true;
		spgLeafConsistentIn in;
		spgLeafConsistentOut out;

		/* use temp context for calling leaf_consistent */
		MemoryContext oldCxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->tempCxt);

		in.scankeys = so->keyData;
		in.nkeys = so->numberOfKeys;
		in.orderbys = so->orderByData;
		in.norderbys = so->numberOfOrderBys;
		in.reconstructedValue = item->value;
		in.traversalValue = item->traversalValue;
		in.level = item->level;
		in.returnData = so->want_itup;
		in.leafDatum = SGLTDATUM(leafTuple, &so->state);

		out.leafValue = (Datum) 0;
		out.recheck = false;
		out.distances = NULL;
		out.recheckDistances = false;

		result = DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2Coll(&so->leafConsistentFn,
		recheck = out.recheck;
		recheckDistances = out.recheckDistances;
		leafValue = out.leafValue;
		distances = out.distances;


	if (result)
		/* item passes the scankeys */
		if (so->numberOfOrderBys > 0)
			/* the scan is ordered -> add the item to the queue */
			MemoryContext oldCxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->traversalCxt);
			SpGistSearchItem *heapItem = spgNewHeapItem(so, item->level,

			spgAddSearchItemToQueue(so, heapItem);

			/* non-ordered scan, so report the item right away */
			storeRes(so, &leafTuple->heapPtr, leafValue, isnull,
					 recheck, false, NULL);
			*reportedSome = true;

	return result;

/* A bundle initializer for inner_consistent methods */
static void
spgInitInnerConsistentIn(spgInnerConsistentIn *in,
						 SpGistScanOpaque so,
						 SpGistSearchItem *item,
						 SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple)
	in->scankeys = so->keyData;
	in->orderbys = so->orderByData;
	in->nkeys = so->numberOfKeys;
	in->norderbys = so->numberOfOrderBys;
	in->reconstructedValue = item->value;
	in->traversalMemoryContext = so->traversalCxt;
	in->traversalValue = item->traversalValue;
	in->level = item->level;
	in->returnData = so->want_itup;
	in->allTheSame = innerTuple->allTheSame;
	in->hasPrefix = (innerTuple->prefixSize > 0);
	in->prefixDatum = SGITDATUM(innerTuple, &so->state);
	in->nNodes = innerTuple->nNodes;
	in->nodeLabels = spgExtractNodeLabels(&so->state, innerTuple);

static SpGistSearchItem *
spgMakeInnerItem(SpGistScanOpaque so,
				 SpGistSearchItem *parentItem,
				 SpGistNodeTuple tuple,
				 spgInnerConsistentOut *out, int i, bool isnull,
				 double *distances)
	SpGistSearchItem *item = spgAllocSearchItem(so, isnull, distances);

	item->heapPtr = tuple->t_tid;
	item->level = out->levelAdds ? parentItem->level + out->levelAdds[i]
		: parentItem->level;

	/* Must copy value out of temp context */
	item->value = out->reconstructedValues
		? datumCopy(out->reconstructedValues[i],
		: (Datum) 0;

	 * Elements of out.traversalValues should be allocated in
	 * in.traversalMemoryContext, which is actually a long lived context of
	 * index scan.
	item->traversalValue =
		out->traversalValues ? out->traversalValues[i] : NULL;

	item->isLeaf = false;
	item->recheck = false;
	item->recheckDistances = false;

	return item;

static void
spgInnerTest(SpGistScanOpaque so, SpGistSearchItem *item,
			 SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple, bool isnull)
	MemoryContext oldCxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->tempCxt);
	spgInnerConsistentOut out;
	int			nNodes = innerTuple->nNodes;
	int			i;

	memset(&out, 0, sizeof(out));

	if (!isnull)
		spgInnerConsistentIn in;

		spgInitInnerConsistentIn(&in, so, item, innerTuple);

		/* use user-defined inner consistent method */
		/* force all children to be visited */
		out.nNodes = nNodes;
		out.nodeNumbers = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * nNodes);
		for (i = 0; i < nNodes; i++)
			out.nodeNumbers[i] = i;

	/* If allTheSame, they should all or none of them match */
	if (innerTuple->allTheSame && out.nNodes != 0 && out.nNodes != nNodes)
		elog(ERROR, "inconsistent inner_consistent results for allTheSame inner tuple");

	if (out.nNodes)
		/* collect node pointers */
		SpGistNodeTuple node;
		SpGistNodeTuple *nodes = (SpGistNodeTuple *) palloc(
															sizeof(SpGistNodeTuple) * nNodes);

		SGITITERATE(innerTuple, i, node)
			nodes[i] = node;


		for (i = 0; i < out.nNodes; i++)
			int			nodeN = out.nodeNumbers[i];
			SpGistSearchItem *innerItem;
			double	   *distances;

			Assert(nodeN >= 0 && nodeN < nNodes);

			node = nodes[nodeN];

			if (!ItemPointerIsValid(&node->t_tid))

			 * Use infinity distances if innerConsistent() failed to return
			 * them or if is a NULL item (their distances are really unused).
			distances = out.distances ? out.distances[i] : so->infDistances;

			innerItem = spgMakeInnerItem(so, item, node, &out, i, isnull,

			spgAddSearchItemToQueue(so, innerItem);


/* Returns a next item in an (ordered) scan or null if the index is exhausted */
static SpGistSearchItem *
spgGetNextQueueItem(SpGistScanOpaque so)
	if (pairingheap_is_empty(so->scanQueue))
		return NULL;			/* Done when both heaps are empty */

	/* Return item; caller is responsible to pfree it */
	return (SpGistSearchItem *) pairingheap_remove_first(so->scanQueue);

enum SpGistSpecialOffsetNumbers
	SpGistBreakOffsetNumber = InvalidOffsetNumber,
	SpGistRedirectOffsetNumber = MaxOffsetNumber + 1,
	SpGistErrorOffsetNumber = MaxOffsetNumber + 2

static OffsetNumber
spgTestLeafTuple(SpGistScanOpaque so,
				 SpGistSearchItem *item,
				 Page page, OffsetNumber offset,
				 bool isnull, bool isroot,
				 bool *reportedSome,
				 storeRes_func storeRes)
	SpGistLeafTuple leafTuple = (SpGistLeafTuple)
	PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offset));

	if (leafTuple->tupstate != SPGIST_LIVE)
		if (!isroot)			/* all tuples on root should be live */
			if (leafTuple->tupstate == SPGIST_REDIRECT)
				/* redirection tuple should be first in chain */
				Assert(offset == ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&item->heapPtr));
				/* transfer attention to redirect point */
				item->heapPtr = ((SpGistDeadTuple) leafTuple)->pointer;
				Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&item->heapPtr) != SPGIST_METAPAGE_BLKNO);
				return SpGistRedirectOffsetNumber;

			if (leafTuple->tupstate == SPGIST_DEAD)
				/* dead tuple should be first in chain */
				Assert(offset == ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&item->heapPtr));
				/* No live entries on this page */
				Assert(leafTuple->nextOffset == InvalidOffsetNumber);
				return SpGistBreakOffsetNumber;

		/* We should not arrive at a placeholder */
		elog(ERROR, "unexpected SPGiST tuple state: %d", leafTuple->tupstate);
		return SpGistErrorOffsetNumber;


	spgLeafTest(so, item, leafTuple, isnull, reportedSome, storeRes);

	return leafTuple->nextOffset;

 * Walk the tree and report all tuples passing the scan quals to the storeRes
 * subroutine.
 * If scanWholeIndex is true, we'll do just that.  If not, we'll stop at the
 * next page boundary once we have reported at least one tuple.
static void
spgWalk(Relation index, SpGistScanOpaque so, bool scanWholeIndex,
		storeRes_func storeRes, Snapshot snapshot)
	Buffer		buffer = InvalidBuffer;
	bool		reportedSome = false;

	while (scanWholeIndex || !reportedSome)
		SpGistSearchItem *item = spgGetNextQueueItem(so);

		if (item == NULL)
			break;				/* No more items in queue -> done */

		/* Check for interrupts, just in case of infinite loop */

		if (item->isLeaf)
			/* We store heap items in the queue only in case of ordered search */
			Assert(so->numberOfOrderBys > 0);
			storeRes(so, &item->heapPtr, item->value, item->isNull,
					 item->recheck, item->recheckDistances, item->distances);
			reportedSome = true;
			BlockNumber blkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&item->heapPtr);
			OffsetNumber offset = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&item->heapPtr);
			Page		page;
			bool		isnull;

			if (buffer == InvalidBuffer)
				buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno);
				LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
			else if (blkno != BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer))
				buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno);
				LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);

			/* else new pointer points to the same page, no work needed */

			page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
			TestForOldSnapshot(snapshot, index, page);

			isnull = SpGistPageStoresNulls(page) ? true : false;

			if (SpGistPageIsLeaf(page))
				/* Page is a leaf - that is, all it's tuples are heap items */
				OffsetNumber max = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);

				if (SpGistBlockIsRoot(blkno))
					/* When root is a leaf, examine all its tuples */
					for (offset = FirstOffsetNumber; offset <= max; offset++)
						(void) spgTestLeafTuple(so, item, page, offset,
												isnull, true,
												&reportedSome, storeRes);
					/* Normal case: just examine the chain we arrived at */
					while (offset != InvalidOffsetNumber)
						Assert(offset >= FirstOffsetNumber && offset <= max);
						offset = spgTestLeafTuple(so, item, page, offset,
												  isnull, false,
												  &reportedSome, storeRes);
						if (offset == SpGistRedirectOffsetNumber)
							goto redirect;
			else				/* page is inner */
				SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple = (SpGistInnerTuple)
				PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offset));

				if (innerTuple->tupstate != SPGIST_LIVE)
					if (innerTuple->tupstate == SPGIST_REDIRECT)
						/* transfer attention to redirect point */
						item->heapPtr = ((SpGistDeadTuple) innerTuple)->pointer;
						Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&item->heapPtr) !=
						goto redirect;
					elog(ERROR, "unexpected SPGiST tuple state: %d",

				spgInnerTest(so, item, innerTuple, isnull);

		/* done with this scan item */
		spgFreeSearchItem(so, item);
		/* clear temp context before proceeding to the next one */

	if (buffer != InvalidBuffer)

/* storeRes subroutine for getbitmap case */
static void
storeBitmap(SpGistScanOpaque so, ItemPointer heapPtr,
			Datum leafValue, bool isnull, bool recheck, bool recheckDistances,
			double *distances)
	Assert(!recheckDistances && !distances);
	tbm_add_tuples(so->tbm, heapPtr, 1, recheck);

spggetbitmap(IndexScanDesc scan, Node **bmNodeP)
	TIDBitmap *tbm;

	SpGistScanOpaque so = (SpGistScanOpaque) scan->opaque;

	 * GPDB specific code. Since GPDB also support StreamBitmap
	 * in bitmap index. So normally we need to create specific bitmap
	 * node in the amgetbitmap AM.
	if (*bmNodeP == NULL)
		/* XXX should we use less than work_mem for this? */
		tbm = tbm_create(work_mem * 1024L, NULL);
		*bmNodeP = (Node *) tbm;
	else if (!IsA(*bmNodeP, TIDBitmap))
		elog(ERROR, "non spgist bitmap");
		tbm = (TIDBitmap *)*bmNodeP;

	/* Copy want_itup to *so so we don't need to pass it around separately */
	so->want_itup = false;

	so->tbm = tbm;
	so->ntids = 0;

	spgWalk(scan->indexRelation, so, true, storeBitmap, scan->xs_snapshot);

	return so->ntids;

/* storeRes subroutine for gettuple case */
static void
storeGettuple(SpGistScanOpaque so, ItemPointer heapPtr,
			  Datum leafValue, bool isnull, bool recheck, bool recheckDistances,
			  double *distances)
	Assert(so->nPtrs < MaxIndexTuplesPerPage);
	so->heapPtrs[so->nPtrs] = *heapPtr;
	so->recheck[so->nPtrs] = recheck;
	so->recheckDistances[so->nPtrs] = recheckDistances;

	if (so->numberOfOrderBys > 0)
		if (isnull)
			so->distances[so->nPtrs] = NULL;
			Size		size = sizeof(double) * so->numberOfOrderBys;

			so->distances[so->nPtrs] = memcpy(palloc(size), distances, size);

	if (so->want_itup)
		 * Reconstruct index data.  We have to copy the datum out of the temp
		 * context anyway, so we may as well create the tuple here.
		so->reconTups[so->nPtrs] = heap_form_tuple(so->indexTupDesc,

spggettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
	SpGistScanOpaque so = (SpGistScanOpaque) scan->opaque;

	if (dir != ForwardScanDirection)
		elog(ERROR, "SP-GiST only supports forward scan direction");

	/* Copy want_itup to *so so we don't need to pass it around separately */
	so->want_itup = scan->xs_want_itup;

	for (;;)
		if (so->iPtr < so->nPtrs)
			/* continuing to return reported tuples */
			scan->xs_heaptid = so->heapPtrs[so->iPtr];
			scan->xs_recheck = so->recheck[so->iPtr];
			scan->xs_hitup = so->reconTups[so->iPtr];

			if (so->numberOfOrderBys > 0)
				index_store_float8_orderby_distances(scan, so->orderByTypes,
			return true;

		if (so->numberOfOrderBys > 0)
			/* Must pfree distances to avoid memory leak */
			int			i;

			for (i = 0; i < so->nPtrs; i++)
				if (so->distances[i])

		if (so->want_itup)
			/* Must pfree reconstructed tuples to avoid memory leak */
			int			i;

			for (i = 0; i < so->nPtrs; i++)
		so->iPtr = so->nPtrs = 0;

		spgWalk(scan->indexRelation, so, false, storeGettuple,

		if (so->nPtrs == 0)
			break;				/* must have completed scan */

	return false;

spgcanreturn(Relation index, int attno)
	SpGistCache *cache;

	/* We can do it if the opclass config function says so */
	cache = spgGetCache(index);

	return cache->config.canReturnData;


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn spgdoinsert 源码

greenplumn spginsert 源码

greenplumn spgkdtreeproc 源码

greenplumn spgproc 源码

greenplumn spgquadtreeproc 源码

greenplumn spgtextproc 源码

greenplumn spgutils 源码

greenplumn spgvacuum 源码

greenplumn spgvalidate 源码

greenplumn spgxlog 源码

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