spring-loaded TypeDescriptorExtractor 源码
spring-loaded TypeDescriptorExtractor 代码
* Copyright 2010-2012 VMware and contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springsource.loaded;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.objectweb.asm.AnnotationVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Attribute;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.FieldVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
* A type descriptor describes the type, methods, fields, etc - two type descriptors are comparable to discover what has
* changed between versions.
* @author Andy Clement
* @since 0.5.0
public class TypeDescriptorExtractor {
private final static boolean DEBUG_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_EXTRACTOR = false;
private TypeRegistry registry;
public TypeDescriptorExtractor(TypeRegistry registry) {
this.registry = registry;
public TypeDescriptor extract(byte[] bytes, boolean isReloadableType) {
ClassReader fileReader = new ClassReader(bytes);
ExtractionVisitor extractionVisitor = new ExtractionVisitor(isReloadableType);
fileReader.accept(extractionVisitor, 0);
return extractionVisitor.getTypeDescriptor();
* Visit a class and accumulate sufficient information to build a TypeDescriptor.
class ExtractionVisitor extends ClassVisitor implements Opcodes {
private boolean isReloadableType;
private int flags;
private String typename;
private String superclassName;
private String[] interfaceNames;
private boolean isGroovy = false;
private boolean isEnum = false;
private boolean hasClinit = false;
// TODO [perf - reduce garbage] make these collections lazily initialize
private List<MethodMember> constructors = new ArrayList<MethodMember>();
private List<MethodMember> methods = new ArrayList<MethodMember>();
private List<FieldMember> fieldsRequiringAccessors = new ArrayList<FieldMember>();
private List<FieldMember> fields = new ArrayList<FieldMember>();
private List<String> finalInHierarchy = new ArrayList<String>();
public ExtractionVisitor(boolean isReloadableType) {
this.isReloadableType = isReloadableType;
public TypeDescriptor getTypeDescriptor() {
if (isReloadableType) {
TypeDescriptor td = new TypeDescriptor(typename, superclassName, interfaceNames, flags, constructors,
methods, fields,
fieldsRequiringAccessors, isReloadableType, registry, hasClinit, finalInHierarchy);
if (isGroovy) {
return td;
* Determine if there are clashes. A clash is where a static method takes the reloadable type as its first
* parameter but in all other ways is the same as an existing instance method. For example this instance method
* A.foo(String) clashes with this static method A.foo(A, String). 'clashing' means the executor will have to do
* something to avoid a duplicate method problem and we'll have to differentiate between the two.
private void computeClashes() {
String clashDescriptorPrefix = "(L" + typename + ";";
for (MethodMember member : methods) {
if (member.isStatic()) {
String desc = member.descriptor;
if (desc.startsWith(clashDescriptorPrefix)) {
// might be a clash, need to check the instance methods
for (MethodMember member2 : methods) {
if (member2.name.equals(member.name)) {
// really might be a clash
String instanceParams = member2.descriptor;
instanceParams = instanceParams.substring(1, instanceParams.indexOf(')') + 1);
String staticParams = desc.substring(clashDescriptorPrefix.length(),
desc.indexOf(')') + 1);
if (instanceParams.equals(staticParams)) {
member.bits |= MethodMember.BIT_CLASH;
private TypeDescriptor getTypeDescriptorFor(String slashedname) {
return registry.getDescriptorFor(slashedname);
// TODO [refactor] extract the type registry relationship code into a central helper class
private TypeDescriptor findTypeDescriptor(TypeRegistry registry, String typename) {
// follow the pattern for a classloader: recurse up trying to find it, then recurse down trying to load it
TypeRegistry regToTry = registry;
TypeDescriptor td = regToTry.getDescriptorForReloadableType(typename);
while (td == null) {
regToTry = regToTry.getParentRegistry();
if (regToTry == null) {
td = regToTry.getDescriptorForReloadableType(typename);
if (td == null) {
td = getTypeDescriptorFor(typename);
return td;
* Algorithm: Go up the superclass hierarchy for a type and determine what should be caught in this type (see
* 'catchers' in notes.md). Methods that are private, static or final do *not* get a catcher. This method also
* computes superdispatchers - see 'superdispatchers' in notes.md
private void walkHierarchyForCatchersAndSuperDispatchers(String superclass, List<String> superDispatchers,
List<String> finalInHierarchy) {
TypeDescriptor supertypeDescriptor = superclass == null ? null : findTypeDescriptor(registry, superclass);
System.out.println("Computing catchers on " + this.typename + " from superclass " + superclass);
boolean isReloadable = supertypeDescriptor.isReloadable();
for (MethodMember method : supertypeDescriptor.getMethods()) {
if (shouldCreateSuperDispatcherFor(method) && !superDispatchers.contains(method.nameAndDescriptor)) {
// need a public super dispatcher - so that we can reach that super method
// from a reloaded instance of this type
MethodMember superdispatcher = method.superDispatcherFor();
if (shouldCatchMethod(method) && !finalInHierarchy.contains(method.getNameAndDescriptor())) {
// don't need the catcher if method is already defined since when the existing method is rewritten
// it will be kind of morphed into a catcher
// TODO what about a private method that is overridden by a static method (same name/descriptor but not
// an overrides relationship)
if (!isReloadable && Modifier.isFinal(method.getModifiers())) {
// Do not create a catcher, the supertype is not reloadable and so an implementation cannot be
// added lower in the type hierarchy
MethodMember found = null;
for (MethodMember existingMethod : methods) {
if (existingMethod.equalsApartFromModifiers(method)) {
found = existingMethod;
if (found != null) {
MethodMember catcherCopy = method.catcherCopyOf();
System.out.println("Adding catcher for " + method.nameAndDescriptor);
else {
if (method.isFinal()) {
if (supertypeDescriptor.supertypeName != null) {
walkHierarchyForCatchersAndSuperDispatchers(supertypeDescriptor.supertypeName, superDispatchers,
if (Modifier.isAbstract(this.flags) && !this.isEnum/* && !Modifier.isInterface(this.flags)*/) {
// abstract class may be missing methods that it can implement from the interfaces
for (String interfaceName : supertypeDescriptor.superinterfaceNames) {
addCatchersForNonImplementedMethodsFrom(interfaceName, finalInHierarchy);
* Compute and add the catch methods and super dispatch methods that apply to this type.
private void computeCatchersAndSuperdispatchers() {
if (Modifier.isInterface(this.flags)) { // Don't need catchers in interfaces
// TODO [review design] review the need to create catchers for methods where the supertype is reloadable.
// Can we just add them to the topmost reloadable type?
List<String> doNotCatch = new ArrayList<String>();
walkHierarchyForCatchersAndSuperDispatchers(superclassName, new ArrayList<String>(), doNotCatch);
// ought to look in interfaces if we are an abstract class
if (Modifier.isAbstract(this.flags) && !this.isEnum/* && !Modifier.isInterface(this.flags)*/) {
// abstract class may be missing methods that it can implement from the interfaces
for (String interfaceName : interfaceNames) {
addCatchersForNonImplementedMethodsFrom(interfaceName, doNotCatch);
System.out.println("For " + this.typename + " setting finalsInHierarchy to " + doNotCatch);
// TODO should clone and finalize be in here?
private boolean shouldCreateSuperDispatcherFor(MethodMember method) {
return method.isProtected() && !(
(method.getName().equals("finalize") && method.getDescriptor().equals("()V")) ||
(method.getName().equals("clone") && method.getDescriptor().equals("()Ljava/lang/Object;")));
private void addCatchersForNonImplementedMethodsFrom(String interfacename, List<String> finalInNonReloadableType) {
TypeDescriptor interfaceDescriptor = findTypeDescriptor(registry, interfacename);
for (MethodMember method : interfaceDescriptor.getMethods()) {
// If this class doesn't implement this interface method, add it
boolean found = false;
for (MethodMember existingMethod : methods) {
if (existingMethod.equalsApartFromModifiers(method)) {
found = true;
if (!found && !finalInNonReloadableType.contains(method.getNameAndDescriptor())) {
Log.log("adding catcher for [" + method + "] from [" + interfacename + "] to [" + this.typename
+ "]");
for (String interfaceName : interfaceDescriptor.superinterfaceNames) {
addCatchersForNonImplementedMethodsFrom(interfaceName, finalInNonReloadableType);
* Protected fields in reloadable parents of a class need an accessor adding to the reloadable type so that the
* fields can be reached from the executor.
private void computeFieldsRequiringAccessors() {
String type = superclassName;
while (type != null) {
TypeDescriptor supertypeDescriptor = findTypeDescriptor(registry, type);
if (!supertypeDescriptor.isReloadable()) {
for (FieldMember field : supertypeDescriptor.getFields()) {
if (field.isProtected()) {
boolean found = false;
for (FieldMember existingField : fields) {
if (existingField.getName().equals(field.getName())) {
// no need for accessor... this type defines a field that overrides it
found = true;
if (!found) {
type = supertypeDescriptor.supertypeName;
* Determine if a method gets a catcher. Deliberately not catching final methods, static methods, private
* methods or finalize()V.
* @return true if it should be caught
private boolean shouldCatchMethod(MethodMember method) {
return !(method.isPrivateOrStaticOrFinal()
|| method.getName().endsWith(Constants.methodSuffixSuperDispatcher) || (method.getName().equals(
"finalize") && method.getDescriptor().equals("()V")));
public void visit(int version, int flags, String name, String signature, String superclassName,
String[] interfaceNames) {
this.flags = flags;
this.superclassName = superclassName;
this.interfaceNames = interfaceNames;
if (superclassName != null && superclassName.equals("java/lang/Enum")) {
this.isEnum = true;
this.typename = name;
public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String classDesc, boolean isRuntime) {
return null;
public void visitAttribute(Attribute attribute) {
public void visitInnerClass(String name, String outername, String innerName, int access) {
if (name.equals(typename)) {
this.flags = access;
public FieldVisitor visitField(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, Object value) {
fields.add(new FieldMember(typename, access, name, desc, signature));
if (name.equals("$callSiteArray")) {
isGroovy = true;
return null;
* Visit a method in the class and build an appropriate representation for it to include in the extracted
* output.
public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int flags, String name, String descriptor, String genericSignature,
String[] exceptions) {
if (name.charAt(0) != '<') {
methods.add(new MethodMember(flags, name, descriptor, genericSignature, exceptions));
else {
if (name.equals("<init>")) {
//Even though constructors are not reloadable at present, we need to add them to type descriptors to know
//about their original modifiers (these are promoted to public to allow executors access to them).
constructors.add(new MethodMember(flags, name, descriptor, genericSignature, exceptions));
else if (name.equals("<clinit>")) {
hasClinit = true;
return null;
public void visitOuterClass(String owner, String name, String desc) {
public void visitSource(String source, String debug) {
public void visitEnd() {
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