greenplumn spgkdtreeproc 源码

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greenplumn spgkdtreeproc 代码


 * spgkdtreeproc.c
 *	  implementation of k-d tree over points for SP-GiST
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *			src/backend/access/spgist/spgkdtreeproc.c

#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/spgist.h"
#include "access/spgist_private.h"
#include "access/stratnum.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/float.h"
#include "utils/geo_decls.h"

	/* spgConfigIn *cfgin = (spgConfigIn *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); */
	spgConfigOut *cfg = (spgConfigOut *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);

	cfg->prefixType = FLOAT8OID;
	cfg->labelType = VOIDOID;	/* we don't need node labels */
	cfg->canReturnData = true;
	cfg->longValuesOK = false;

static int
getSide(double coord, bool isX, Point *tst)
	double		tstcoord = (isX) ? tst->x : tst->y;

	if (coord == tstcoord)
		return 0;
	else if (coord > tstcoord)
		return 1;
		return -1;

	spgChooseIn *in = (spgChooseIn *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
	spgChooseOut *out = (spgChooseOut *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
	Point	   *inPoint = DatumGetPointP(in->datum);
	double		coord;

	if (in->allTheSame)
		elog(ERROR, "allTheSame should not occur for k-d trees");

	coord = DatumGetFloat8(in->prefixDatum);

	Assert(in->nNodes == 2);

	out->resultType = spgMatchNode;
	out->result.matchNode.nodeN =
		(getSide(coord, in->level % 2, inPoint) > 0) ? 0 : 1;
	out->result.matchNode.levelAdd = 1;
	out->result.matchNode.restDatum = PointPGetDatum(inPoint);


typedef struct SortedPoint
	Point	   *p;
	int			i;
} SortedPoint;

static int
x_cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
	SortedPoint *pa = (SortedPoint *) a;
	SortedPoint *pb = (SortedPoint *) b;

	if (pa->p->x == pb->p->x)
		return 0;
	return (pa->p->x > pb->p->x) ? 1 : -1;

static int
y_cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
	SortedPoint *pa = (SortedPoint *) a;
	SortedPoint *pb = (SortedPoint *) b;

	if (pa->p->y == pb->p->y)
		return 0;
	return (pa->p->y > pb->p->y) ? 1 : -1;

	spgPickSplitIn *in = (spgPickSplitIn *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
	spgPickSplitOut *out = (spgPickSplitOut *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
	int			i;
	int			middle;
	SortedPoint *sorted;
	double		coord;

	sorted = palloc(sizeof(*sorted) * in->nTuples);
	for (i = 0; i < in->nTuples; i++)
		sorted[i].p = DatumGetPointP(in->datums[i]);
		sorted[i].i = i;

	qsort(sorted, in->nTuples, sizeof(*sorted),
		  (in->level % 2) ? x_cmp : y_cmp);
	middle = in->nTuples >> 1;
	coord = (in->level % 2) ? sorted[middle].p->x : sorted[middle].p->y;

	out->hasPrefix = true;
	out->prefixDatum = Float8GetDatum(coord);

	out->nNodes = 2;
	out->nodeLabels = NULL;		/* we don't need node labels */

	out->mapTuplesToNodes = palloc(sizeof(int) * in->nTuples);
	out->leafTupleDatums = palloc(sizeof(Datum) * in->nTuples);

	 * Note: points that have coordinates exactly equal to coord may get
	 * classified into either node, depending on where they happen to fall in
	 * the sorted list.  This is okay as long as the inner_consistent function
	 * descends into both sides for such cases.  This is better than the
	 * alternative of trying to have an exact boundary, because it keeps the
	 * tree balanced even when we have many instances of the same point value.
	 * So we should never trigger the allTheSame logic.
	for (i = 0; i < in->nTuples; i++)
		Point	   *p = sorted[i].p;
		int			n = sorted[i].i;

		out->mapTuplesToNodes[n] = (i < middle) ? 0 : 1;
		out->leafTupleDatums[n] = PointPGetDatum(p);


	spgInnerConsistentIn *in = (spgInnerConsistentIn *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
	spgInnerConsistentOut *out = (spgInnerConsistentOut *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
	double		coord;
	int			which;
	int			i;
	BOX			bboxes[2];

	coord = DatumGetFloat8(in->prefixDatum);

	if (in->allTheSame)
		elog(ERROR, "allTheSame should not occur for k-d trees");

	Assert(in->nNodes == 2);

	/* "which" is a bitmask of children that satisfy all constraints */
	which = (1 << 1) | (1 << 2);

	for (i = 0; i < in->nkeys; i++)
		Point	   *query = DatumGetPointP(in->scankeys[i].sk_argument);
		BOX		   *boxQuery;

		switch (in->scankeys[i].sk_strategy)
			case RTLeftStrategyNumber:
				if ((in->level % 2) != 0 && FPlt(query->x, coord))
					which &= (1 << 1);
			case RTRightStrategyNumber:
				if ((in->level % 2) != 0 && FPgt(query->x, coord))
					which &= (1 << 2);
			case RTSameStrategyNumber:
				if ((in->level % 2) != 0)
					if (FPlt(query->x, coord))
						which &= (1 << 1);
					else if (FPgt(query->x, coord))
						which &= (1 << 2);
					if (FPlt(query->y, coord))
						which &= (1 << 1);
					else if (FPgt(query->y, coord))
						which &= (1 << 2);
			case RTBelowStrategyNumber:
				if ((in->level % 2) == 0 && FPlt(query->y, coord))
					which &= (1 << 1);
			case RTAboveStrategyNumber:
				if ((in->level % 2) == 0 && FPgt(query->y, coord))
					which &= (1 << 2);
			case RTContainedByStrategyNumber:

				 * For this operator, the query is a box not a point.  We
				 * cheat to the extent of assuming that DatumGetPointP won't
				 * do anything that would be bad for a pointer-to-box.
				boxQuery = DatumGetBoxP(in->scankeys[i].sk_argument);

				if ((in->level % 2) != 0)
					if (FPlt(boxQuery->high.x, coord))
						which &= (1 << 1);
					else if (FPgt(boxQuery->low.x, coord))
						which &= (1 << 2);
					if (FPlt(boxQuery->high.y, coord))
						which &= (1 << 1);
					else if (FPgt(boxQuery->low.y, coord))
						which &= (1 << 2);
				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d",

		if (which == 0)
			break;				/* no need to consider remaining conditions */

	/* We must descend into the children identified by which */
	out->nNodes = 0;

	/* Fast-path for no matching children */
	if (!which)

	out->nodeNumbers = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * 2);

	 * When ordering scan keys are specified, we've to calculate distance for
	 * them.  In order to do that, we need calculate bounding boxes for both
	 * children nodes.  Calculation of those bounding boxes on non-zero level
	 * require knowledge of bounding box of upper node.  So, we save bounding
	 * boxes to traversalValues.
	if (in->norderbys > 0)
		BOX			infArea;
		BOX		   *area;

		out->distances = (double **) palloc(sizeof(double *) * in->nNodes);
		out->traversalValues = (void **) palloc(sizeof(void *) * in->nNodes);

		if (in->level == 0)
			float8		inf = get_float8_infinity();

			infArea.high.x = inf;
			infArea.high.y = inf;
			infArea.low.x = -inf;
			infArea.low.y = -inf;
			area = &infArea;
			area = (BOX *) in->traversalValue;

		bboxes[0].low = area->low;
		bboxes[1].high = area->high;

		if (in->level % 2)
			/* split box by x */
			bboxes[0].high.x = bboxes[1].low.x = coord;
			bboxes[0].high.y = area->high.y;
			bboxes[1].low.y = area->low.y;
			/* split box by y */
			bboxes[0].high.y = bboxes[1].low.y = coord;
			bboxes[0].high.x = area->high.x;
			bboxes[1].low.x = area->low.x;

	for (i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
		if (which & (1 << i))
			out->nodeNumbers[out->nNodes] = i - 1;

			if (in->norderbys > 0)
				MemoryContext oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(in->traversalMemoryContext);
				BOX		   *box = box_copy(&bboxes[i - 1]);


				out->traversalValues[out->nNodes] = box;

				out->distances[out->nNodes] = spg_key_orderbys_distances(BoxPGetDatum(box), false,
																		 in->orderbys, in->norderbys);


	/* Set up level increments, too */
	out->levelAdds = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * 2);
	out->levelAdds[0] = 1;
	out->levelAdds[1] = 1;


 * spg_kd_leaf_consistent() is the same as spg_quad_leaf_consistent(),
 * since we support the same operators and the same leaf data type.
 * So we just borrow that function.


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