greenplumn execdebug 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn execdebug 代码


 * execdebug.h
 *	  #defines governing debugging behaviour in the executor
 * XXX this is all pretty old and crufty.  Newer code tends to use elog()
 * for debug printouts, because that's more flexible than printf().
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * src/include/executor/execdebug.h

#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "nodes/print.h"

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		debugging defines.
 *		If you want certain debugging behaviour, then #define
 *		the variable to 1. No need to explicitly #undef by default,
 *		since we can use -D compiler options to enable features.
 *		- thomas 1999-02-20
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------

/* ----------------
 *		EXEC_NESTLOOPDEBUG is a flag which turns on debugging of the
 *		nest loop node by NL_printf() and ENL_printf() in nodeNestloop.c
 * ----------------

/* ----------------
 *		EXEC_SORTDEBUG is a flag which turns on debugging of
 *		the ExecSort() stuff by SO_printf() in nodeSort.c
 * ----------------

/* ----------------
 *		EXEC_MERGEJOINDEBUG is a flag which turns on debugging of
 *		the ExecMergeJoin() stuff by MJ_printf() in nodeMergejoin.c
 * ----------------

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		#defines controlled by above definitions
 *		Note: most of these are "incomplete" because I didn't
 *			  need the ones not defined.  More should be added
 *			  only as necessary -cim 10/26/89
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
#define T_OR_F(b)				((b) ? "true" : "false")
#define NULL_OR_TUPLE(slot)		(TupIsNull(slot) ? "null" : "a tuple")

/* ----------------
 *		nest loop debugging defines
 * ----------------
#define NL_nodeDisplay(l)				nodeDisplay(l)
#define NL_printf(s)					printf(s)
#define NL1_printf(s, a)				printf(s, a)
#define ENL1_printf(message)			printf("ExecNestLoop: %s\n", message)
#define NL_nodeDisplay(l)
#define NL_printf(s)
#define NL1_printf(s, a)
#define ENL1_printf(message)
#endif							/* EXEC_NESTLOOPDEBUG */

/* ----------------
 *		sort node debugging defines
 * ----------------
#define SO_nodeDisplay(l)				nodeDisplay(l)
#define SO_printf(s)					printf(s)
#define SO1_printf(s, p)				printf(s, p)
#define SO_nodeDisplay(l)
#define SO_printf(s)
#define SO1_printf(s, p)
#endif							/* EXEC_SORTDEBUG */

/* ----------------
 *		merge join debugging defines
 * ----------------

#define MJ_nodeDisplay(l)				nodeDisplay(l)
#define MJ_printf(s)					printf(s)
#define MJ1_printf(s, p)				printf(s, p)
#define MJ2_printf(s, p1, p2)			printf(s, p1, p2)
#define MJ_debugtup(slot)				debugtup(slot, NULL)
#define MJ_dump(state)					ExecMergeTupleDump(state)
#define MJ_DEBUG_COMPARE(res) \
  MJ1_printf("  MJCompare() returns %d\n", (res))
#define MJ_DEBUG_QUAL(clause, res) \
  MJ2_printf("  ExecQual(%s, econtext) returns %s\n", \
			 CppAsString(clause), T_OR_F(res))
#define MJ_DEBUG_PROC_NODE(slot) \
  MJ2_printf("  %s = ExecProcNode(...) returns %s\n", \
			 CppAsString(slot), NULL_OR_TUPLE(slot))

#define MJ_nodeDisplay(l)
#define MJ_printf(s)
#define MJ1_printf(s, p)
#define MJ2_printf(s, p1, p2)
#define MJ_debugtup(slot)
#define MJ_dump(state)
#define MJ_DEBUG_COMPARE(res)
#define MJ_DEBUG_QUAL(clause, res)
#define MJ_DEBUG_PROC_NODE(slot)
#endif							/* EXEC_MERGEJOINDEBUG */

#endif							/* EXECDEBUG_H */


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