spring-data-redis RedisTemplate 源码
spring-data-redis RedisTemplate 代码
* Copyright 2011-2022 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.data.redis.core;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanClassLoaderAware;
import org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException;
import org.springframework.data.redis.RedisSystemException;
import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.DataType;
import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisConnection;
import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisConnectionFactory;
import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisKeyCommands;
import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisServerCommands;
import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisTxCommands;
import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.SortParameters;
import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.zset.Tuple;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.ZSetOperations.TypedTuple;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.query.QueryUtils;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.query.SortQuery;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.script.DefaultScriptExecutor;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.script.RedisScript;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.script.ScriptExecutor;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.types.RedisClientInfo;
import org.springframework.data.redis.hash.HashMapper;
import org.springframework.data.redis.hash.ObjectHashMapper;
import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.JdkSerializationRedisSerializer;
import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.RedisSerializer;
import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.SerializationUtils;
import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.StringRedisSerializer;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionSynchronizationManager;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;
* Helper class that simplifies Redis data access code.
* <p>
* Performs automatic serialization/deserialization between the given objects and the underlying binary data in the
* Redis store. By default, it uses Java serialization for its objects (through {@link JdkSerializationRedisSerializer}
* ). For String intensive operations consider the dedicated {@link StringRedisTemplate}.
* <p>
* The central method is execute, supporting Redis access code implementing the {@link RedisCallback} interface. It
* provides {@link RedisConnection} handling such that neither the {@link RedisCallback} implementation nor the calling
* code needs to explicitly care about retrieving/closing Redis connections, or handling Connection lifecycle
* exceptions. For typical single step actions, there are various convenience methods.
* <p>
* Once configured, this class is thread-safe.
* <p>
* Note that while the template is generified, it is up to the serializers/deserializers to properly convert the given
* Objects to and from binary data.
* <p>
* <b>This is the central class in Redis support</b>.
* @author Costin Leau
* @author Christoph Strobl
* @author Ninad Divadkar
* @author Anqing Shao
* @author Mark Paluch
* @author Denis Zavedeev
* @author ihaohong
* @author Chen Li
* @author Vedran Pavic
* @param <K> the Redis key type against which the template works (usually a String)
* @param <V> the Redis value type against which the template works
* @see StringRedisTemplate
public class RedisTemplate<K, V> extends RedisAccessor implements RedisOperations<K, V>, BeanClassLoaderAware {
private boolean enableTransactionSupport = false;
private boolean exposeConnection = false;
private boolean initialized = false;
private boolean enableDefaultSerializer = true;
private @Nullable RedisSerializer<?> defaultSerializer;
private @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader;
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private @Nullable RedisSerializer keySerializer = null;
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private @Nullable RedisSerializer valueSerializer = null;
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private @Nullable RedisSerializer hashKeySerializer = null;
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private @Nullable RedisSerializer hashValueSerializer = null;
private RedisSerializer<String> stringSerializer = RedisSerializer.string();
private @Nullable ScriptExecutor<K> scriptExecutor;
private final BoundOperationsProxyFactory boundOperations = new BoundOperationsProxyFactory();
private final ValueOperations<K, V> valueOps = new DefaultValueOperations<>(this);
private final ListOperations<K, V> listOps = new DefaultListOperations<>(this);
private final SetOperations<K, V> setOps = new DefaultSetOperations<>(this);
private final StreamOperations<K, ?, ?> streamOps = new DefaultStreamOperations<>(this,
private final ZSetOperations<K, V> zSetOps = new DefaultZSetOperations<>(this);
private final GeoOperations<K, V> geoOps = new DefaultGeoOperations<>(this);
private final HyperLogLogOperations<K, V> hllOps = new DefaultHyperLogLogOperations<>(this);
private final ClusterOperations<K, V> clusterOps = new DefaultClusterOperations<>(this);
* Constructs a new <code>RedisTemplate</code> instance.
public RedisTemplate() {}
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
boolean defaultUsed = false;
if (defaultSerializer == null) {
defaultSerializer = new JdkSerializationRedisSerializer(
classLoader != null ? classLoader : this.getClass().getClassLoader());
if (enableDefaultSerializer) {
if (keySerializer == null) {
keySerializer = defaultSerializer;
defaultUsed = true;
if (valueSerializer == null) {
valueSerializer = defaultSerializer;
defaultUsed = true;
if (hashKeySerializer == null) {
hashKeySerializer = defaultSerializer;
defaultUsed = true;
if (hashValueSerializer == null) {
hashValueSerializer = defaultSerializer;
defaultUsed = true;
if (enableDefaultSerializer && defaultUsed) {
Assert.notNull(defaultSerializer, "default serializer null and not all serializers initialized");
if (scriptExecutor == null) {
this.scriptExecutor = new DefaultScriptExecutor<>(this);
initialized = true;
* Returns whether to expose the native Redis connection to RedisCallback code, or rather a connection proxy (the
* default).
* @return whether to expose the native Redis connection or not
public boolean isExposeConnection() {
return exposeConnection;
* Sets whether to expose the Redis connection to {@link RedisCallback} code. Default is "false": a proxy will be
* returned, suppressing {@code quit} and {@code disconnect} calls.
* @param exposeConnection
public void setExposeConnection(boolean exposeConnection) {
this.exposeConnection = exposeConnection;
* @return Whether or not the default serializer should be used. If not, any serializers not explicitly set will
* remain null and values will not be serialized or deserialized.
public boolean isEnableDefaultSerializer() {
return enableDefaultSerializer;
* @param enableDefaultSerializer Whether or not the default serializer should be used. If not, any serializers not
* explicitly set will remain null and values will not be serialized or deserialized.
public void setEnableDefaultSerializer(boolean enableDefaultSerializer) {
this.enableDefaultSerializer = enableDefaultSerializer;
* If set to {@code true} {@link RedisTemplate} will participate in ongoing transactions using
* {@literal MULTI...EXEC|DISCARD} to keep track of operations.
* @param enableTransactionSupport whether to participate in ongoing transactions.
* @since 1.3
* @see RedisConnectionUtils#getConnection(RedisConnectionFactory, boolean)
* @see TransactionSynchronizationManager#isActualTransactionActive()
public void setEnableTransactionSupport(boolean enableTransactionSupport) {
this.enableTransactionSupport = enableTransactionSupport;
* Set the {@link ClassLoader} to be used for the default {@link JdkSerializationRedisSerializer} in case no other
* {@link RedisSerializer} is explicitly set as the default one.
* @param classLoader can be {@literal null}.
* @see org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanClassLoaderAware#setBeanClassLoader
* @since 1.8
public void setBeanClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {
this.classLoader = classLoader;
* Returns the default serializer used by this template.
* @return template default serializer
public RedisSerializer<?> getDefaultSerializer() {
return defaultSerializer;
* Sets the default serializer to use for this template. All serializers (except the
* {@link #setStringSerializer(RedisSerializer)}) are initialized to this value unless explicitly set. Defaults to
* {@link JdkSerializationRedisSerializer}.
* @param serializer default serializer to use
public void setDefaultSerializer(RedisSerializer<?> serializer) {
this.defaultSerializer = serializer;
* Sets the key serializer to be used by this template. Defaults to {@link #getDefaultSerializer()}.
* @param serializer the key serializer to be used by this template.
public void setKeySerializer(RedisSerializer<?> serializer) {
this.keySerializer = serializer;
* Returns the key serializer used by this template.
* @return the key serializer used by this template.
public RedisSerializer<?> getKeySerializer() {
return keySerializer;
* Sets the value serializer to be used by this template. Defaults to {@link #getDefaultSerializer()}.
* @param serializer the value serializer to be used by this template.
public void setValueSerializer(RedisSerializer<?> serializer) {
this.valueSerializer = serializer;
* Returns the value serializer used by this template.
* @return the value serializer used by this template.
public RedisSerializer<?> getValueSerializer() {
return valueSerializer;
* Returns the hashKeySerializer.
* @return Returns the hashKeySerializer
public RedisSerializer<?> getHashKeySerializer() {
return hashKeySerializer;
* Sets the hash key (or field) serializer to be used by this template. Defaults to {@link #getDefaultSerializer()}.
* @param hashKeySerializer The hashKeySerializer to set.
public void setHashKeySerializer(RedisSerializer<?> hashKeySerializer) {
this.hashKeySerializer = hashKeySerializer;
* Returns the hashValueSerializer.
* @return Returns the hashValueSerializer
public RedisSerializer<?> getHashValueSerializer() {
return hashValueSerializer;
* Sets the hash value serializer to be used by this template. Defaults to {@link #getDefaultSerializer()}.
* @param hashValueSerializer The hashValueSerializer to set.
public void setHashValueSerializer(RedisSerializer<?> hashValueSerializer) {
this.hashValueSerializer = hashValueSerializer;
* Returns the stringSerializer.
* @return Returns the stringSerializer
public RedisSerializer<String> getStringSerializer() {
return stringSerializer;
* Sets the string value serializer to be used by this template (when the arguments or return types are always
* strings). Defaults to {@link StringRedisSerializer}.
* @see ValueOperations#get(Object, long, long)
* @param stringSerializer The stringValueSerializer to set.
public void setStringSerializer(RedisSerializer<String> stringSerializer) {
this.stringSerializer = stringSerializer;
* @param scriptExecutor The {@link ScriptExecutor} to use for executing Redis scripts
public void setScriptExecutor(ScriptExecutor<K> scriptExecutor) {
this.scriptExecutor = scriptExecutor;
public <T> T execute(RedisCallback<T> action) {
return execute(action, isExposeConnection());
* Executes the given action object within a connection, which can be exposed or not.
* @param <T> return type
* @param action callback object that specifies the Redis action
* @param exposeConnection whether to enforce exposure of the native Redis Connection to callback code
* @return object returned by the action
public <T> T execute(RedisCallback<T> action, boolean exposeConnection) {
return execute(action, exposeConnection, false);
* Executes the given action object within a connection that can be exposed or not. Additionally, the connection can
* be pipelined. Note the results of the pipeline are discarded (making it suitable for write-only scenarios).
* @param <T> return type
* @param action callback object to execute
* @param exposeConnection whether to enforce exposure of the native Redis Connection to callback code
* @param pipeline whether to pipeline or not the connection for the execution
* @return object returned by the action
public <T> T execute(RedisCallback<T> action, boolean exposeConnection, boolean pipeline) {
Assert.isTrue(initialized, "template not initialized; call afterPropertiesSet() before using it");
Assert.notNull(action, "Callback object must not be null");
RedisConnectionFactory factory = getRequiredConnectionFactory();
RedisConnection conn = RedisConnectionUtils.getConnection(factory, enableTransactionSupport);
try {
boolean existingConnection = TransactionSynchronizationManager.hasResource(factory);
RedisConnection connToUse = preProcessConnection(conn, existingConnection);
boolean pipelineStatus = connToUse.isPipelined();
if (pipeline && !pipelineStatus) {
RedisConnection connToExpose = (exposeConnection ? connToUse : createRedisConnectionProxy(connToUse));
T result = action.doInRedis(connToExpose);
// close pipeline
if (pipeline && !pipelineStatus) {
return postProcessResult(result, connToUse, existingConnection);
} finally {
RedisConnectionUtils.releaseConnection(conn, factory);
public <T> T execute(SessionCallback<T> session) {
Assert.isTrue(initialized, "template not initialized; call afterPropertiesSet() before using it");
Assert.notNull(session, "Callback object must not be null");
RedisConnectionFactory factory = getRequiredConnectionFactory();
// bind connection
RedisConnectionUtils.bindConnection(factory, enableTransactionSupport);
try {
return session.execute(this);
} finally {
public List<Object> executePipelined(SessionCallback<?> session) {
return executePipelined(session, valueSerializer);
public List<Object> executePipelined(SessionCallback<?> session, @Nullable RedisSerializer<?> resultSerializer) {
Assert.isTrue(initialized, "template not initialized; call afterPropertiesSet() before using it");
Assert.notNull(session, "Callback object must not be null");
RedisConnectionFactory factory = getRequiredConnectionFactory();
// bind connection
RedisConnectionUtils.bindConnection(factory, enableTransactionSupport);
try {
return execute((RedisCallback<List<Object>>) connection -> {
boolean pipelinedClosed = false;
try {
Object result = executeSession(session);
if (result != null) {
throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException(
"Callback cannot return a non-null value as it gets overwritten by the pipeline");
List<Object> closePipeline = connection.closePipeline();
pipelinedClosed = true;
return deserializeMixedResults(closePipeline, resultSerializer, hashKeySerializer, hashValueSerializer);
} finally {
if (!pipelinedClosed) {
} finally {
public List<Object> executePipelined(RedisCallback<?> action) {
return executePipelined(action, valueSerializer);
public List<Object> executePipelined(RedisCallback<?> action, @Nullable RedisSerializer<?> resultSerializer) {
return execute((RedisCallback<List<Object>>) connection -> {
boolean pipelinedClosed = false;
try {
Object result = action.doInRedis(connection);
if (result != null) {
throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException(
"Callback cannot return a non-null value as it gets overwritten by the pipeline");
List<Object> closePipeline = connection.closePipeline();
pipelinedClosed = true;
return deserializeMixedResults(closePipeline, resultSerializer, hashKeySerializer, hashValueSerializer);
} finally {
if (!pipelinedClosed) {
public <T> T execute(RedisScript<T> script, List<K> keys, Object... args) {
return scriptExecutor.execute(script, keys, args);
public <T> T execute(RedisScript<T> script, RedisSerializer<?> argsSerializer, RedisSerializer<T> resultSerializer,
List<K> keys, Object... args) {
return scriptExecutor.execute(script, argsSerializer, resultSerializer, keys, args);
public <T extends Closeable> T executeWithStickyConnection(RedisCallback<T> callback) {
Assert.isTrue(initialized, "template not initialized; call afterPropertiesSet() before using it");
Assert.notNull(callback, "Callback object must not be null");
RedisConnectionFactory factory = getRequiredConnectionFactory();
RedisConnection connection = preProcessConnection(RedisConnectionUtils.doGetConnection(factory, true, false, false),
return callback.doInRedis(connection);
private Object executeSession(SessionCallback<?> session) {
return session.execute(this);
protected RedisConnection createRedisConnectionProxy(RedisConnection connection) {
Class<?>[] ifcs = ClassUtils.getAllInterfacesForClass(connection.getClass(), getClass().getClassLoader());
return (RedisConnection) Proxy.newProxyInstance(connection.getClass().getClassLoader(), ifcs,
new CloseSuppressingInvocationHandler(connection));
* Processes the connection (before any settings are executed on it). Default implementation returns the connection as
* is.
* @param connection redis connection
protected RedisConnection preProcessConnection(RedisConnection connection, boolean existingConnection) {
return connection;
protected <T> T postProcessResult(@Nullable T result, RedisConnection conn, boolean existingConnection) {
return result;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods dealing with Redis Keys
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Boolean copy(K source, K target, boolean replace) {
byte[] sourceKey = rawKey(source);
byte[] targetKey = rawKey(target);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.copy(sourceKey, targetKey, replace));
public Boolean hasKey(K key) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.exists(rawKey));
public Long countExistingKeys(Collection<K> keys) {
Assert.notNull(keys, "Keys must not be null");
byte[][] rawKeys = rawKeys(keys);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.exists(rawKeys));
public Boolean delete(K key) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
Long result = doWithKeys(connection -> connection.del(rawKey));
return result != null && result.intValue() == 1;
public Long delete(Collection<K> keys) {
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(keys)) {
return 0L;
byte[][] rawKeys = rawKeys(keys);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.del(rawKeys));
public Boolean unlink(K key) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
Long result = doWithKeys(connection -> connection.unlink(rawKey));
return result != null && result.intValue() == 1;
public Long unlink(Collection<K> keys) {
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(keys)) {
return 0L;
byte[][] rawKeys = rawKeys(keys);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.unlink(rawKeys));
public DataType type(K key) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.type(rawKey));
public Set<K> keys(K pattern) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(pattern);
Set<byte[]> rawKeys = doWithKeys(connection -> connection.keys(rawKey));
return keySerializer != null ? SerializationUtils.deserialize(rawKeys, keySerializer) : (Set<K>) rawKeys;
public Cursor<K> scan(ScanOptions options) {
Assert.notNull(options, "ScanOptions must not be null");
return executeWithStickyConnection(
(RedisCallback<Cursor<K>>) connection -> new ConvertingCursor<>(connection.scan(options),
public K randomKey() {
byte[] rawKey = doWithKeys(RedisKeyCommands::randomKey);
return deserializeKey(rawKey);
public void rename(K oldKey, K newKey) {
byte[] rawOldKey = rawKey(oldKey);
byte[] rawNewKey = rawKey(newKey);
doWithKeys(connection -> {
connection.rename(rawOldKey, rawNewKey);
return null;
public Boolean renameIfAbsent(K oldKey, K newKey) {
byte[] rawOldKey = rawKey(oldKey);
byte[] rawNewKey = rawKey(newKey);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.renameNX(rawOldKey, rawNewKey));
public Boolean expire(K key, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
long rawTimeout = TimeoutUtils.toMillis(timeout, unit);
return doWithKeys(connection -> {
try {
return connection.pExpire(rawKey, rawTimeout);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Driver may not support pExpire or we may be running on Redis 2.4
return connection.expire(rawKey, TimeoutUtils.toSeconds(timeout, unit));
public Boolean expireAt(K key, final Date date) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
return doWithKeys(connection -> {
try {
return connection.pExpireAt(rawKey, date.getTime());
} catch (Exception e) {
return connection.expireAt(rawKey, date.getTime() / 1000);
public Boolean persist(K key) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.persist(rawKey));
public Long getExpire(K key) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.ttl(rawKey));
public Long getExpire(K key, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
return doWithKeys(connection -> {
try {
return connection.pTtl(rawKey, timeUnit);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Driver may not support pTtl or we may be running on Redis 2.4
return connection.ttl(rawKey, timeUnit);
public Boolean move(K key, final int dbIndex) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.move(rawKey, dbIndex));
* Executes the Redis dump command and returns the results. Redis uses a non-standard serialization mechanism and
* includes checksum information, thus the raw bytes are returned as opposed to deserializing with valueSerializer.
* Use the return value of dump as the value argument to restore
* @param key The key to dump
* @return results The results of the dump operation
public byte[] dump(K key) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.dump(rawKey));
* Executes the Redis restore command. The value passed in should be the exact serialized data returned from
* {@link #dump(Object)}, since Redis uses a non-standard serialization mechanism.
* @param key The key to restore
* @param value The value to restore, as returned by {@link #dump(Object)}
* @param timeToLive An expiration for the restored key, or 0 for no expiration
* @param unit The time unit for timeToLive
* @param replace use {@literal true} to replace a potentially existing value instead of erroring.
* @throws RedisSystemException if the key you are attempting to restore already exists and {@code replace} is set to
* {@literal false}.
public void restore(K key, byte[] value, long timeToLive, TimeUnit unit, boolean replace) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
long rawTimeout = TimeoutUtils.toMillis(timeToLive, unit);
doWithKeys(connection -> {
connection.restore(rawKey, rawTimeout, value, replace);
return null;
private <T> T doWithKeys(Function<RedisKeyCommands, T> action) {
return execute((RedisCallback<? extends T>) connection -> action.apply(connection.keyCommands()), true);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods dealing with sorting
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
public List<V> sort(SortQuery<K> query) {
return sort(query, valueSerializer);
public <T> List<T> sort(SortQuery<K> query, @Nullable RedisSerializer<T> resultSerializer) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(query.getKey());
SortParameters params = QueryUtils.convertQuery(query, stringSerializer);
List<byte[]> vals = doWithKeys(connection -> connection.sort(rawKey, params));
return SerializationUtils.deserialize(vals, resultSerializer);
public <T> List<T> sort(SortQuery<K> query, BulkMapper<T, V> bulkMapper) {
return sort(query, bulkMapper, valueSerializer);
public <T, S> List<T> sort(SortQuery<K> query, BulkMapper<T, S> bulkMapper,
@Nullable RedisSerializer<S> resultSerializer) {
List<S> values = sort(query, resultSerializer);
if (values == null || values.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
int bulkSize = query.getGetPattern().size();
List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(values.size() / bulkSize + 1);
List<S> bulk = new ArrayList<>(bulkSize);
for (S s : values) {
if (bulk.size() == bulkSize) {
// create a new list (we could reuse the old one but the client might hang on to it for some reason)
bulk = new ArrayList<>(bulkSize);
return result;
public Long sort(SortQuery<K> query, K storeKey) {
byte[] rawStoreKey = rawKey(storeKey);
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(query.getKey());
SortParameters params = QueryUtils.convertQuery(query, stringSerializer);
return doWithKeys(connection -> connection.sort(rawKey, params, rawStoreKey));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods dealing with Transactions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void watch(K key) {
byte[] rawKey = rawKey(key);
executeWithoutResult(connection -> connection.watch(rawKey));
public void watch(Collection<K> keys) {
byte[][] rawKeys = rawKeys(keys);
executeWithoutResult(connection -> connection.watch(rawKeys));
public void unwatch() {
public void multi() {
public void discard() {
* Execute a transaction, using the default {@link RedisSerializer}s to deserialize any results that are byte[]s or
* Collections or Maps of byte[]s or Tuples. Other result types (Long, Boolean, etc) are left as-is in the converted
* results. If conversion of tx results has been disabled in the {@link RedisConnectionFactory}, the results of exec
* will be returned without deserialization. This check is mostly for backwards compatibility with 1.0.
* @return The (possibly deserialized) results of transaction exec
public List<Object> exec() {
List<Object> results = execRaw();
if (getRequiredConnectionFactory().getConvertPipelineAndTxResults()) {
return deserializeMixedResults(results, valueSerializer, hashKeySerializer, hashValueSerializer);
} else {
return results;
public List<Object> exec(RedisSerializer<?> valueSerializer) {
return deserializeMixedResults(execRaw(), valueSerializer, valueSerializer, valueSerializer);
protected List<Object> execRaw() {
List<Object> raw = execute(RedisTxCommands::exec);
return raw == null ? Collections.emptyList() : raw;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods dealing with Redis Server Commands
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
public List<RedisClientInfo> getClientList() {
return execute(RedisServerCommands::getClientList);
public void killClient(String host, int port) {
executeWithoutResult(connection -> connection.killClient(host, port));
* @see org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisOperations#replicaOf(java.lang.String, int)
public void replicaOf(String host, int port) {
executeWithoutResult(connection -> connection.replicaOf(host, port));
public void replicaOfNoOne() {
public Long convertAndSend(String channel, Object message) {
Assert.hasText(channel, "a non-empty channel is required");
byte[] rawChannel = rawString(channel);
byte[] rawMessage = rawValue(message);
return execute(connection -> connection.publish(rawChannel, rawMessage), true);
private void executeWithoutResult(Consumer<RedisConnection> action) {
execute(it -> {
return null;
}, true);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods to obtain specific operations interface objects.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
public ClusterOperations<K, V> opsForCluster() {
return clusterOps;
public GeoOperations<K, V> opsForGeo() {
return geoOps;
public BoundGeoOperations<K, V> boundGeoOps(K key) {
return boundOperations.createProxy(BoundGeoOperations.class, key, DataType.ZSET, this, RedisOperations::opsForGeo);
public <HK, HV> BoundHashOperations<K, HK, HV> boundHashOps(K key) {
return boundOperations.createProxy(BoundHashOperations.class, key, DataType.HASH, this, it -> it.opsForHash());
public <HK, HV> HashOperations<K, HK, HV> opsForHash() {
return new DefaultHashOperations<>(this);
public HyperLogLogOperations<K, V> opsForHyperLogLog() {
return hllOps;
public ListOperations<K, V> opsForList() {
return listOps;
public BoundListOperations<K, V> boundListOps(K key) {
return boundOperations.createProxy(BoundListOperations.class, key, DataType.LIST, this,
public BoundSetOperations<K, V> boundSetOps(K key) {
return boundOperations.createProxy(BoundSetOperations.class, key, DataType.SET, this, RedisOperations::opsForSet);
public SetOperations<K, V> opsForSet() {
return setOps;
public <HK, HV> StreamOperations<K, HK, HV> opsForStream() {
return (StreamOperations<K, HK, HV>) streamOps;
public <HK, HV> StreamOperations<K, HK, HV> opsForStream(HashMapper<? super K, ? super HK, ? super HV> hashMapper) {
return new DefaultStreamOperations<>(this, hashMapper);
public <HK, HV> BoundStreamOperations<K, HK, HV> boundStreamOps(K key) {
return boundOperations.createProxy(BoundStreamOperations.class, key, DataType.STREAM, this, it -> opsForStream());
public BoundValueOperations<K, V> boundValueOps(K key) {
return boundOperations.createProxy(BoundValueOperations.class, key, DataType.STRING, this,
public ValueOperations<K, V> opsForValue() {
return valueOps;
public BoundZSetOperations<K, V> boundZSetOps(K key) {
return boundOperations.createProxy(BoundZSetOperations.class, key, DataType.ZSET, this,
public ZSetOperations<K, V> opsForZSet() {
return zSetOps;
private byte[] rawKey(Object key) {
Assert.notNull(key, "non null key required");
if (keySerializer == null && key instanceof byte[]) {
return (byte[]) key;
return keySerializer.serialize(key);
private byte[] rawString(String key) {
return stringSerializer.serialize(key);
private byte[] rawValue(Object value) {
if (valueSerializer == null && value instanceof byte[]) {
return (byte[]) value;
return valueSerializer.serialize(value);
private byte[][] rawKeys(Collection<K> keys) {
final byte[][] rawKeys = new byte[keys.size()][];
int i = 0;
for (K key : keys) {
rawKeys[i++] = rawKey(key);
return rawKeys;
private K deserializeKey(byte[] value) {
return keySerializer != null ? (K) keySerializer.deserialize(value) : (K) value;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private List<Object> deserializeMixedResults(@Nullable List<Object> rawValues,
@Nullable RedisSerializer valueSerializer, @Nullable RedisSerializer hashKeySerializer,
@Nullable RedisSerializer hashValueSerializer) {
if (rawValues == null) {
return null;
List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object rawValue : rawValues) {
if (rawValue instanceof byte[] && valueSerializer != null) {
values.add(valueSerializer.deserialize((byte[]) rawValue));
} else if (rawValue instanceof List) {
// Lists are the only potential Collections of mixed values....
values.add(deserializeMixedResults((List) rawValue, valueSerializer, hashKeySerializer, hashValueSerializer));
} else if (rawValue instanceof Set && !(((Set) rawValue).isEmpty())) {
values.add(deserializeSet((Set) rawValue, valueSerializer));
} else if (rawValue instanceof Map && !(((Map) rawValue).isEmpty())
&& ((Map) rawValue).values().iterator().next() instanceof byte[]) {
values.add(SerializationUtils.deserialize((Map) rawValue, hashKeySerializer, hashValueSerializer));
} else {
return values;
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private Set<?> deserializeSet(Set rawSet, @Nullable RedisSerializer valueSerializer) {
if (rawSet.isEmpty()) {
return rawSet;
Object setValue = rawSet.iterator().next();
if (setValue instanceof byte[] && valueSerializer != null) {
return (SerializationUtils.deserialize(rawSet, valueSerializer));
} else if (setValue instanceof Tuple) {
return convertTupleValues(rawSet, valueSerializer);
} else {
return rawSet;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private Set<TypedTuple<V>> convertTupleValues(Set<Tuple> rawValues, @Nullable RedisSerializer valueSerializer) {
Set<TypedTuple<V>> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(rawValues.size());
for (Tuple rawValue : rawValues) {
Object value = rawValue.getValue();
if (valueSerializer != null) {
value = valueSerializer.deserialize(rawValue.getValue());
set.add(new DefaultTypedTuple(value, rawValue.getScore()));
return set;
spring-data-redis AbstractOperations 源码
spring-data-redis BoundGeoOperations 源码
spring-data-redis BoundHashOperations 源码
spring-data-redis BoundKeyOperations 源码
spring-data-redis BoundListOperations 源码
spring-data-redis BoundOperationsProxyFactory 源码
spring-data-redis BoundSetOperations 源码
spring-data-redis BoundStreamOperations 源码
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