greenplumn CLogicalNAryJoin 源码
greenplumn CLogicalNAryJoin 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2011 EMC Corp.
// @filename:
// CLogicalNAryJoin.h
// @doc:
// N-ary inner join operator
#ifndef GPOS_CLogicalNAryJoin_H
#define GPOS_CLogicalNAryJoin_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalJoin.h"
namespace gpopt
// @class:
// CLogicalNAryJoin
// @doc:
// N-ary inner join operator
class CLogicalNAryJoin : public CLogicalJoin
// Indexes that help to find ON predicates for LOJs.
// If all joins in this NAry join are inner joins, this pointer is NULL and
// the scalar child of this NAry join contains all join predicates directly.
// Otherwise, the scalar child is a CScalarNaryJoinPredList and this ULongPtr
// array has as many entries as there are logical children of the NAry
// join. For each logical child i, if that child i is part of an inner join
// or the outer table of an LOJ, then the corresponding entry
// (*m_lojChildPredIndexes)[i] in this array is 0
// (GPOPT_ZERO_INNER_JOIN_PRED_INDEX). If the logical child is the right table
// of an LOJ, the corresponding index indicates the child index of the
// CScalarNAryJoinPredList expression that contains the ON predicate for the
// LOJ.
ULongPtrArray *m_lojChildPredIndexes;
CLogicalNAryJoin(const CLogicalNAryJoin &) = delete;
// ctor
explicit CLogicalNAryJoin(CMemoryPool *mp);
CLogicalNAryJoin(CMemoryPool *mp, ULongPtrArray *lojChildIndexes);
// dtor
~CLogicalNAryJoin() override
// ident accessors
Eopid() const override
return EopLogicalNAryJoin;
// return a string for operator name
const CHAR *
SzId() const override
return "CLogicalNAryJoin";
// Derived Relational Properties
// derive not nullable columns
CColRefSet *DeriveNotNullColumns(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpressionHandle &exprhdl) const override;
// derive max card
CMaxCard DeriveMaxCard(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpressionHandle &exprhdl) const override;
// derive constraint property
CPropConstraint *DerivePropertyConstraint(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpressionHandle &exprhdl) const override;
// Derived Stats
// promise level for stat derivation
Esp(CExpressionHandle & // exprhdl
) const override
// we should use the expanded join order for stat derivation
return EspLow;
// Transformations
// candidate set of xforms
CXformSet *PxfsCandidates(CMemoryPool *mp) const override;
// conversion function
static CLogicalNAryJoin *
PopConvert(COperator *pop)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pop);
return dynamic_cast<CLogicalNAryJoin *>(pop);
// conversion function, only if the NAryJoin has LOJ children
static CLogicalNAryJoin *PopConvertNAryLOJ(COperator *pop);
HasOuterJoinChildren() const
return (nullptr != m_lojChildPredIndexes);
IsInnerJoinChild(ULONG child_num) const
return (nullptr == m_lojChildPredIndexes ||
*((*m_lojChildPredIndexes)[child_num]) == 0);
ULongPtrArray *
GetLojChildPredIndexes() const
return m_lojChildPredIndexes;
CExpression *
GetInnerJoinPreds(CExpression *nary_join_expr) const
GPOS_ASSERT(nary_join_expr->Pop() == this);
if (HasOuterJoinChildren())
// return the first child of CScalarNAryJoinPredList
return (*((*nary_join_expr)[nary_join_expr->Arity() - 1]))[0];
return (*nary_join_expr)[nary_join_expr->Arity() - 1];
CExpression *
GetOnPredicateForLOJChild(CExpression *nary_join_expr,
ULONG child_num) const
GPOS_ASSERT(nary_join_expr->Pop() == this);
GPOS_ASSERT(0 < *(*m_lojChildPredIndexes)[child_num]);
// m_lojChildPredIndexes stores the index in the child of the scalar argument
// (a CScalarNAryJoinPredList) that has our ON predicate
// |------ the scalar child of the NAry join ------| |- grandchild corresponding to LOJ-|
return (*((*nary_join_expr)[nary_join_expr->Arity() - 1]))[*(
// get the true inner join predicates, excluding predicates that use ColRefs
// coming from non-inner joins
CExpression *GetTrueInnerJoinPreds(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpressionHandle &exprhdl) const;
// given an existing scalar child of an NAry join, make a new copy, replacing
// only the inner join predicates and leaving the LOJ ON predicates the same
CExpression *ReplaceInnerJoinPredicates(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *old_nary_join_scalar_expr,
CExpression *new_inner_join_preds);
IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &os) const override;
}; // class CLogicalNAryJoin
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOS_CLogicalNAryJoin_H
// EOF
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