greenplumn COrderSpec 源码
greenplumn COrderSpec 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2011 EMC Corp.
// @filename:
// COrderSpec.h
// @doc:
// Description of sort order;
// Can be used as required or derived property;
#ifndef GPOPT_COrderSpec_H
#define GPOPT_COrderSpec_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/DbgPrintMixin.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CColRef.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CPropSpec.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDId.h"
namespace gpopt
// type definition of corresponding dynamic pointer array
class COrderSpec;
using COrderSpecArray = CDynamicPtrArray<COrderSpec, CleanupRelease>;
using namespace gpos;
// fwd declaration
class CColRefSet;
// @class:
// COrderSpec
// @doc:
// Array of Order Expressions
class COrderSpec : public CPropSpec
enum ENullTreatment
EntAuto, // default behavior, as implemented by operator
// @class:
// COrderExpression
// @doc:
// Spec of sort order component consisting of
// 1. sort operator's mdid
// 2. column reference
// 3. definition of NULL treatment
class COrderExpression : public gpos::DbgPrintMixin<COrderExpression>
// MD id of sort operator
gpmd::IMDId *m_mdid;
// sort column
const CColRef *m_pcr;
// null treatment
ENullTreatment m_ent;
COrderExpression(const COrderExpression &) = delete;
// ctor
COrderExpression(gpmd::IMDId *mdid, const CColRef *colref,
ENullTreatment ent);
// dtor
virtual ~COrderExpression();
// accessor of sort operator midid
gpmd::IMDId *
GetMdIdSortOp() const
return m_mdid;
// accessor of sort column
const CColRef *
Pcr() const
return m_pcr;
// accessor of null treatment
Ent() const
return m_ent;
// check if order specs match
BOOL Matches(const COrderExpression *poe) const;
// print
IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &os) const;
}; // class COrderExpression
// array of order expressions
using COrderExpressionArray =
CDynamicPtrArray<COrderExpression, CleanupDelete>;
// memory pool
CMemoryPool *m_mp;
// components of order spec
COrderExpressionArray *m_pdrgpoe;
// extract columns from order spec into the given column set
void ExtractCols(CColRefSet *pcrs) const;
COrderSpec(const COrderSpec &) = delete;
// ctor
explicit COrderSpec(CMemoryPool *mp);
// dtor
~COrderSpec() override;
// number of sort expressions
UlSortColumns() const
return m_pdrgpoe->Size();
// accessor of sort operator of the n-th component
GetMdIdSortOp(ULONG ul) const
COrderExpression *poe = (*m_pdrgpoe)[ul];
return poe->GetMdIdSortOp();
// accessor of sort column of the n-th component
const CColRef *
Pcr(ULONG ul) const
COrderExpression *poe = (*m_pdrgpoe)[ul];
return poe->Pcr();
// accessor of null treatment of the n-th component
Ent(ULONG ul) const
COrderExpression *poe = (*m_pdrgpoe)[ul];
return poe->Ent();
// check if order spec has no columns
IsEmpty() const
return UlSortColumns() == 0;
// append new component
void Append(gpmd::IMDId *mdid, const CColRef *colref, ENullTreatment ent);
// extract colref set of order columns
CColRefSet *PcrsUsed(CMemoryPool *mp) const override;
// property type
Epst() const override
return EpstOrder;
// check if order specs match
BOOL Matches(const COrderSpec *pos) const;
// check if order specs satisfies req'd spec
BOOL FSatisfies(const COrderSpec *pos) const;
// append enforcers to dynamic array for the given plan properties
void AppendEnforcers(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpressionHandle &exprhdl,
CReqdPropPlan *prpp, CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr,
CExpression *pexpr) override;
// hash function
ULONG HashValue() const override;
// return a copy of the order spec with remapped columns
virtual COrderSpec *PosCopyWithRemappedColumns(
CMemoryPool *mp, UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping, BOOL must_exist);
// return a copy of the order spec after excluding the given columns
virtual COrderSpec *PosExcludeColumns(CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefSet *pcrs);
// print
IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &os) const override;
// matching function over order spec arrays
static BOOL Equals(const COrderSpecArray *pdrgposFirst,
const COrderSpecArray *pdrgposSecond);
// combine hash values of a maximum number of entries
static ULONG HashValue(const COrderSpecArray *pdrgpos, ULONG ulMaxSize);
// print array of order spec objects
static IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &os, const COrderSpecArray *pdrgpos);
// extract colref set of order columns used by elements of order spec array
static CColRefSet *GetColRefSet(CMemoryPool *mp, COrderSpecArray *pdrgpos);
// filter out array of order specs from order expressions using the passed columns
static COrderSpecArray *PdrgposExclude(CMemoryPool *mp,
COrderSpecArray *pdrgpos,
CColRefSet *pcrsToExclude);
}; // class COrderSpec
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOPT_COrderSpec_H
// EOF
greenplumn CColConstraintsArrayMapper 源码
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