greenplumn nodeBitmapIndexscan 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn nodeBitmapIndexscan 代码


 * nodeBitmapIndexscan.c
 *	  Routines to support bitmapped index scans of relations
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/executor/nodeBitmapIndexscan.c
 *		MultiExecBitmapIndexScan	scans a relation using index.
 *		ExecInitBitmapIndexScan		creates and initializes state info.
 *		ExecReScanBitmapIndexScan	prepares to rescan the plan.
 *		ExecEndBitmapIndexScan		releases all storage.
#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/genam.h"
#include "executor/execdebug.h"
#include "executor/nodeBitmapIndexscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeIndexscan.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "nodes/tidbitmap.h"

#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecBitmapIndexScan
 *		stub for pro forma compliance
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecBitmapIndexScan(PlanState *pstate)
	elog(ERROR, "BitmapIndexScan node does not support ExecProcNode call convention");
	return NULL;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		MultiExecBitmapIndexScan(node)
 *		If IndexScanState's iss_NumArrayKeys = 0, then BitmapIndexScan
 *		node returns a StreamBitmap that stores all the interesting rows.
 *		The returning StreamBitmap will point to an IndexStream that contains
 *		pointers to functions for handling the output.
 *		If IndexScanState's iss_NumArrayKeys > 0 (e.g., WHERE clause contains
 *		`d in (0,1)` condition and a bitmap index has been created on column d),
 *		then iss_NumArrayKeys StreamBitmaps will be created, where every bitmap
 *		points to an individual IndexStream. BitmapIndexScan node
 *		returns a StreamBitmap that ORs all the above StreamBitmaps. Also, the
 *		returning StreamBitmap will point to an OpStream of type BMS_OR whose input
 *		streams are the IndexStreams created for every array key.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
Node *
MultiExecBitmapIndexScan(BitmapIndexScanState *node)
	Node	   *bitmap = NULL;
	IndexScanDesc scandesc;
	double		nTuples = 0;
	bool		doscan;

	/* Make sure we are not leaking a previous bitmap */
	Assert(NULL == node->biss_result);

	/* must provide our own instrumentation support */
	if (node->

	 * extract necessary information from index scan node
	scandesc = node->biss_ScanDesc;

	 * If we have runtime keys and they've not already been set up, do it now.
	 * Array keys are also treated as runtime keys; note that if ExecReScan
	 * returns with biss_RuntimeKeysReady still false, then there is an empty
	 * array key so we should do nothing.
	if (!node->biss_RuntimeKeysReady &&
		(node->biss_NumRuntimeKeys != 0 || node->biss_NumArrayKeys != 0))
		ExecReScan((PlanState *) node);
		doscan = node->biss_RuntimeKeysReady;
		doscan = true;

	/* Get bitmap from index */
	while (doscan)
		nTuples += (double) index_getbitmap(scandesc, &bitmap);

		if ((NULL != bitmap) &&
			!(IsA(bitmap, TIDBitmap) || IsA(bitmap, StreamBitmap)))
			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized result from bitmap index scan");


		if (QueryFinishPending)

		/* CDB: If EXPLAIN ANALYZE, let bitmap share our Instrumentation. */
		if (node-> && (node->>need_cdb)
			tbm_generic_set_instrument(bitmap, node->;

		doscan = ExecIndexAdvanceArrayKeys(node->biss_ArrayKeys,
		if (doscan)				/* reset index scan */
						 node->biss_ScanKeys, node->biss_NumScanKeys,
						 NULL, 0);

	/* must provide our own instrumentation support */
	if (node->
		InstrStopNode(node->, nTuples);

	return (Node *) bitmap;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecReScanBitmapIndexScan(node)
 *		Recalculates the values of any scan keys whose value depends on
 *		information known at runtime, then rescans the indexed relation.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecReScanBitmapIndexScan(BitmapIndexScanState *node)
	ExprContext *econtext = node->biss_RuntimeContext;

	 * Reset the runtime-key context so we don't leak memory as each outer
	 * tuple is scanned.  Note this assumes that we will recalculate *all*
	 * runtime keys on each call.
	if (econtext)

	 * If we are doing runtime key calculations (ie, any of the index key
	 * values weren't simple Consts), compute the new key values.
	 * Array keys are also treated as runtime keys; note that if we return
	 * with biss_RuntimeKeysReady still false, then there is an empty array
	 * key so no index scan is needed.
	if (node->biss_NumRuntimeKeys != 0)
	if (node->biss_NumArrayKeys != 0)
		node->biss_RuntimeKeysReady =
		node->biss_RuntimeKeysReady = true;

	/* reset index scan */
	if (node->biss_RuntimeKeysReady)
					 node->biss_ScanKeys, node->biss_NumScanKeys,
					 NULL, 0);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecEndBitmapIndexScan
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecEndBitmapIndexScan(BitmapIndexScanState *node)
	Relation	indexRelationDesc;
	IndexScanDesc indexScanDesc;

	 * extract information from the node
	indexRelationDesc = node->biss_RelationDesc;
	indexScanDesc = node->biss_ScanDesc;

	 * Free the exprcontext ... now dead code, see ExecFreeExprContext
#ifdef NOT_USED
	if (node->biss_RuntimeContext)
		FreeExprContext(node->biss_RuntimeContext, true);

	 * close the index relation (no-op if we didn't open it)
	if (indexScanDesc)
	if (indexRelationDesc)
		index_close(indexRelationDesc, NoLock);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitBitmapIndexScan
 *		Initializes the index scan's state information.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
BitmapIndexScanState *
ExecInitBitmapIndexScan(BitmapIndexScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	BitmapIndexScanState *indexstate;
	LOCKMODE	lockmode;

	/* check for unsupported flags */
	Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK)));

	 * create state structure
	indexstate = makeNode(BitmapIndexScanState);
	indexstate-> = (Plan *) node;
	indexstate-> = estate;
	indexstate-> = ExecBitmapIndexScan;

	/* normally we don't make the result bitmap till runtime */
	indexstate->biss_result = NULL;

	 * We do not open or lock the base relation here.  We assume that an
	 * ancestor BitmapHeapScan node is holding AccessShareLock (or better) on
	 * the heap relation throughout the execution of the plan tree.

	indexstate->ss.ss_currentRelation = NULL;
	indexstate->ss.ss_currentScanDesc = NULL;

	 * Miscellaneous initialization
	 * We do not need a standard exprcontext for this node, though we may
	 * decide below to create a runtime-key exprcontext

	 * initialize child expressions
	 * We don't need to initialize targetlist or qual since neither are used.
	 * Note: we don't initialize all of the indexqual expression, only the
	 * sub-parts corresponding to runtime keys (see below).

	 * If we are just doing EXPLAIN (ie, aren't going to run the plan), stop
	 * here.  This allows an index-advisor plugin to EXPLAIN a plan containing
	 * references to nonexistent indexes.
		return indexstate;

	/* Open the index relation. */
	lockmode = exec_rt_fetch(node->scan.scanrelid, estate)->rellockmode;
	indexstate->biss_RelationDesc = index_open(node->indexid, lockmode);

	 * Initialize index-specific scan state
	indexstate->biss_RuntimeKeysReady = false;
	indexstate->biss_RuntimeKeys = NULL;
	indexstate->biss_NumRuntimeKeys = 0;

	 * build the index scan keys from the index qualification
	ExecIndexBuildScanKeys((PlanState *) indexstate,

	 * If we have runtime keys or array keys, we need an ExprContext to
	 * evaluate them. We could just create a "standard" plan node exprcontext,
	 * but to keep the code looking similar to nodeIndexscan.c, it seems
	 * better to stick with the approach of using a separate ExprContext.
	if (indexstate->biss_NumRuntimeKeys != 0 ||
		indexstate->biss_NumArrayKeys != 0)
		ExprContext *stdecontext = indexstate->;

		ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &indexstate->;
		indexstate->biss_RuntimeContext = indexstate->;
		indexstate-> = stdecontext;
		indexstate->biss_RuntimeContext = NULL;

	 * Initialize scan descriptor.
	indexstate->biss_ScanDesc =

	 * If no run-time keys to calculate, go ahead and pass the scankeys to the
	 * index AM.
	if (indexstate->biss_NumRuntimeKeys == 0 &&
		indexstate->biss_NumArrayKeys == 0)
					 indexstate->biss_ScanKeys, indexstate->biss_NumScanKeys,
					 NULL, 0);

	 * all done.
	return indexstate;


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